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e.g. Can you clarify that statement? 你能把那句话的意思再澄清一下吗? clarify the issue 澄清问题
2)使(液体等)澄清:clarify butter 使黄油纯净
5. 令某人高兴/ 惊讶/惊恐/失望/震惊的是…… to one’s joy/delight /surprise /horror /disappointment
(金戈铁骑 整理制作)
Unit 2 The United Kingdom
Period 1
Warming up Pre-reading Reading comprehending
Describe briefly the UK according to the map.
1.England can be divided into three main areas. Do you know what they are?
2. What do you know about any cities or towns in the UK?
Fast reading
1.When were the industrial cities built in Midlands and North England?
In the 19th century.
2.What happened in 1st century AD and 1060s?
The oldest port was built by Romans & the oldest building was begun by the Anglo-Saxons. 3..Which group of invaders did not influence London?
e.g. 1) Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you . 2) It was not convenient for him to come here now. 3) Will the 3:50 train be convenient for you ?
Wales, it is usually assumed to be part of England
Union Jack
5. What three countries does British Airways represent?
1 _E_n_g_l_a_nd___
skim para1、2 、3 and 4
Tower of London
Trafalgar Square
skim and answer
1. When did Wales link to England? In the 13th century AD.
2. What happened in 1603? Great Britain was the name given when England and Wales were joined to Scotland.
Write a short summary of the passage.
Period 2
Language points Discovering useful words and expressions.
Using words and expressions (WB)
Read your summary, please.
How to form the UK?
Wales England
In the 13th century AD
Wales is usually assumed (被认为是) to be part of England
In 1603
GetIreland connected to form the United Kingdom
Pick out those important words and expressions that you think are useful and explain them.
Language points (15min)
1.consist of : include; be made of 由…组成
break into 强行闯入 break out 突然爆发 break up 分解,解散,终止,结束 break through 突围/破 break in 插嘴 7. convenience n. [c, u] [u] 方便,便利,合宜
e.g.1) He thinks only of his own convenience. 2) a library planned for the user’s convenience 3) at your convenience 在你方便的时候 [c] 便利设施;方便的用具
commercial port home of the Beatles
textile industry centre home of Manchester United
second largest city iron and steel industry centre
6. break away (from ) 挣脱,从……摆脱,打破(陈套等) e.g. The prisoner broke away from the guard.
break away from conventions 打破常规
break down (机器、车辆)坏了
e.g. The telephone system has broken down.
Great Britain, the UK.
Part 2: para4-5 The geographical division of England into zones, their
similarities and differences.
Part3: para6 The cultural importance of London. The four groups of invaders The Romans--- towns and roads Anglo-Saxon--- language and government Vikings--- vocabulary and place-names of the North Normans--- castles and words for food
Cambridge University
Sports walking, swimming, football , tennis, bicycling, skating , hiking, boating, horse-riding … soccer
David Beckham
e.g. The world is divided into five continents. The grinding machine separates the grain from the husk . 碾谷机把米和糠分开。
3. debate : 1) [c, u] 讨论;争论;辩论会 e.g. hold a debate on a subject 就某一题目举行一次辩论
Cross of St. Andrew圣安 德鲁旗
Cross of St. Patrick's (Ireland)
「Union Jack」or 「Union Flag」
4. The Union Jack flag unites the flag of three countries in the United Kingdom, which country is left out? Why?
1.The UK is surrounded by w_a_t_e_r in all sides. 2. On the west of the Great Britain lies _th_e__Ir_i_s_h_S_e_a___. 3. On the south of England lies__th_e__E_n_g_l_is_h__C_h_a_n_n_e_l. 4. On the northeast lies _t_h_e_N_o__rt_h_S__e_a_. 5. On the north is _th__e_N_o_r_t_h_A__tl_a_n_ti_c_O__c_e_a_n__.
3. What are the names of the flags of England,
Scotland, Ireland and the UK?
National flag
Union Jack
National emblem
Flag of United Kingdom
Cross of St. George圣乔治 旗 (England)
8. attraction 1) [u] attracting or being attracted 吸引,吸引力 e.g. I can’t understand the attraction of fishing. 2) [c] something that attracts sb./sth. 有吸引力的事物
e.g. One of the attractions of the job is having a company car. 9. treasure 1) [u] 金银财宝,宝藏 e.g. to find buried treasure
The Vikings didn’tFra Baidu bibliotekinfluence London.
Careful reading
The passage can be divided into three parts, write down the main idea of each part.
Part1: para1-3 What England includes; about
e.g. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
consist in = lie in 存在与;在于(无被动形式) eg: The beauty of air travel consists in its speed
2.divide :划分;把整体分成若干部分; separate : 分隔;把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来。
e.g. The house has all the modern conveniences.
It is a convenience to live near the station. convenient adj. 方便 的,便利的,合宜的
be convenient to do … be convenient to/for sb. …
There has been little public debate on these issues. 对于这些问题还没有什么公开的讨论。
2)vi. / vt. 讨论/辩论 debate the question 辩论这个问题 debate about sth. 为……争论争辩
e.g. We debated about the project for a week. 4. clarify vt. 1)阐明;澄清,(使某事物)清楚易懂
2___S_c_ot_la_n_d_ 3___N_o_r_th_e_r_n_I_re_l_and
second reading
Read para5 &6 thoroughly
The North The Midlands
The South of England
major cities
harbor ship building center