
• From the home in foster care aunts harry potter, haunted by the family of discrimination and aunts bullying, however, in 11 years old birthday that day, harry potter learned that his life, his life was evolved earth-shaking changes. Originally, harry's parents are two kind of wizard, with bad guys in the fight to be killing each other.
Emma Watson (艾玛沃特森)
Harry’s good friend,a smart and beautiful girl but was Mud bloods(泥巴种),whose parents are muggle(麻瓜) .Be good at study, called as Mrs.KnowAll.(万事通).Helpful、enthusiasm,but sometimes has Perfect socialist tendency.Married to Ron Billius Weasley when in the end.
Some other roles:
James Potter 詹姆· 波特哈利父亲 Lily Potter 莉莉· 波特哈利母亲 Aunt Petunia 佩妮姨妈(佩妮· 德思礼) Uncle Vernon 弗农姨夫(弗农· 德思礼) Dudley Dursley 达力· 德思礼

Rupert Grint (鲁伯特格林特)
Come from a wizard family, Harry’s best friend.A gentle boy who has red hair, humor、 lovely and understanding very much. Sincere but indecisive sometimes. Married to Hermione Jean Granger at last.
Seven steps of 《Harry Potter》
1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
《哈利· 波特与魔法石》
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
《哈利· 波特与密室》
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
《哈利· 波特与混血王子》
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
《哈利· 波特与死亡圣器》
• • • 2002年第74届奥斯卡金像奖,《哈利· 波特与魔法石》获最佳配乐提名,最佳 艺术指导提名,最佳服装设计提名 2004年金预告片奖,《哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》获得最佳家庭动画 类大奖 2005年第77届奥斯卡金像奖,《哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》获最佳配 乐提名 2005年第77届奥斯卡金像奖,《哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》获最佳视 觉效果奖提名 2005年视觉效果工会奖,《哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》获最佳视觉效 果奖 2005年土星奖,《哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》获最佳特效奖提名 2005年英国电影学院奖,《哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》获最佳视觉效 果奖提名 2006年第78届奥斯卡金像奖,《哈利· 波特与火焰杯》获最佳艺术指导提 名 2006年苏格兰儿童书刊奖,《哈利· 波特与混血王子》夺得8-12岁最佳儿 童读物第一 2008年土星奖,《哈利波特与凤凰社》获最佳特效奖提名 2008年英国电影学院奖,《哈利波特与凤凰社》获最佳视觉效果奖提名 2008年视觉效果工会奖,《哈利波特与凤凰社》获最佳环境设计奖提名 2010年第82届奥斯卡金像奖,《哈利· 波特与混血王子》获最佳摄影奖提 名奖

Welcome to the Harry Potter’s world.
• • • • • • •
Maybe only looking at the picture , you are not familiar with her.
must know Them.
• 自从经历了第五集中魔法部的
大战后,伏地魔回归的消息终 于被魔法部承认。魔法部迅速 改组,原本的魔法部部长福吉 被扫地出门。而食死徒们也不 再躲躲藏藏,而是开始明目张 胆地制造恐怖。悲剧正伺机接 近,霍格沃兹魔法学校的命运 可能从此改观。通过各种技巧 以及运气的帮忙,哈利和邓布 利多终于明确了伏地魔不死的 原因。可是此时,危机爆发了! 在马尔福的帮助下,食死徒冲 进了铜墙铁壁的霍格沃兹,而 此时邓布利多却失去了法力, 斯内普也开始倒戈........ • 这一部里,哈利最敬爱的校长 邓布利多在凤凰福布斯的挽歌 中离去 ,哈利陷入巨大的痛苦 中 。。。。
• Approaching(接近) his third year at
Hogwarts, Harry Potter has had enough of his muggle relatives. He runs away from them (finally) and enters his third term facing trouble from more than one side: for using magic outside the school and from the news that a notorious(声名狼 籍的)criminal(罪犯), serial killer Sirius Black, has escaped the wizard‘s prison at Azkaban and apparently(显然地)is headed for Harry. The school calls in supernatural help against Black in the form of Dementors, but unusual things continue to put Harry in peril (危险). He is thrown into a confusing(搞乱)panoply of shifting alliegences and shifting shapes where nobody is who or what they seem. Who is the real criminal(罪犯)? What is the real crime? Who is telling or knows the truth?
• • • • • • •
Maybe only looking at the picture , you are not familiar with her.
must know Them.
• 自从经历了第五集中魔法部的
大战后,伏地魔回归的消息终 于被魔法部承认。魔法部迅速 改组,原本的魔法部部长福吉 被扫地出门。而食死徒们也不 再躲躲藏藏,而是开始明目张 胆地制造恐怖。悲剧正伺机接 近,霍格沃兹魔法学校的命运 可能从此改观。通过各种技巧 以及运气的帮忙,哈利和邓布 利多终于明确了伏地魔不死的 原因。可是此时,危机爆发了! 在马尔福的帮助下,食死徒冲 进了铜墙铁壁的霍格沃兹,而 此时邓布利多却失去了法力, 斯内普也开始倒戈........ • 这一部里,哈利最敬爱的校长 邓布利多在凤凰福布斯的挽歌 中离去 ,哈利陷入巨大的痛苦 中 。。。。
• Approaching(接近) his third year at
Hogwarts, Harry Potter has had enough of his muggle relatives. He runs away from them (finally) and enters his third term facing trouble from more than one side: for using magic outside the school and from the news that a notorious(声名狼 籍的)criminal(罪犯), serial killer Sirius Black, has escaped the wizard‘s prison at Azkaban and apparently(显然地)is headed for Harry. The school calls in supernatural help against Black in the form of Dementors, but unusual things continue to put Harry in peril (危险). He is thrown into a confusing(搞乱)panoply of shifting alliegences and shifting shapes where nobody is who or what they seem. Who is the real criminal(罪犯)? What is the real crime? Who is telling or knows the truth?

Harry Potter
• Harry James Potter The books cover seven years in the life of the lonely orphan who, on his eleventh birthday, learns he is a wizard. He attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn magic. Under the guidance of the kind headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Harry discovers that he is already famous throughout the wizarding world, and that his fate is tied with that of Lord Voldemort, the universally feared Dark wizard who killed Harry's father and mother.
Sorting Hat
【格兰芬多】霍格沃茨用来为每年入学 的新生进行分院的分院帽说:“你也许 属于格兰芬多,那里有埋藏在心底的勇 敢,他们的胆识、气魄和豪爽,使格兰 芬多出类拔萃”。 学院标志:狮子 创办者:戈德里克· 格兰芬多 ( Godric Gryffindor )
【拉文克劳】霍格沃茨用来为每年入学的 新生进行分院的分院帽说:“如果你头脑 精明,或许会进智慧的老拉文克劳,那些 睿智博学的人,总会在那里遇见他们的同 道。” 英文:Ravenclaw 颜色: 蓝色和青铜色 幽灵:格雷女士,即灰 夫人(生前为海莲娜· 拉文克劳,为罗伊纳· 拉文克劳的女儿) 院长:菲利乌斯· 弗 在梦里,不要依赖梦想而忘记生活。 • Dumbledore: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live.

magic ... ...
• Harry escaped the death curse(诅咒) of Voldemort, he was given a mark on his forehead – a lightning bolt(雷电). On his 11th birthday, Harry receives an invitation to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft(巫术,魔 法) .
Rupert. Grint Rupert Grint, English name: on August 24, 1988 was born in England hertfordshire near London. For the first time in "harry potter and the sorcerer's stone, won the global critic and fans, who won the praise and British critic of the best new artist association nomination.
Professor Minerva McGonagall 米勒娃·麦格
Remus John Lupin 莱姆斯·约翰·卢平
Albus Dumbledore 阿不思·邓布利多
艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman 饰演:Severus Snape 西弗勒 斯·斯内普
加里·莱昂那德·奥德曼 Gary Oldman
Rupert Grint (鲁伯特格林特)
Wasley, Harry’s best friend, comes from a wizard family. He is very funny but insensitive and immature. Married to Hermione Granger at last.
• Harry escaped the death curse(诅咒) of Voldemort, he was given a mark on his forehead – a lightning bolt(雷电). On his 11th birthday, Harry receives an invitation to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft(巫术,魔 法) .
Rupert. Grint Rupert Grint, English name: on August 24, 1988 was born in England hertfordshire near London. For the first time in "harry potter and the sorcerer's stone, won the global critic and fans, who won the praise and British critic of the best new artist association nomination.
Professor Minerva McGonagall 米勒娃·麦格
Remus John Lupin 莱姆斯·约翰·卢平
Albus Dumbledore 阿不思·邓布利多
艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman 饰演:Severus Snape 西弗勒 斯·斯内普
加里·莱昂那德·奥德曼 Gary Oldman
Rupert Grint (鲁伯特格林特)
Wasley, Harry’s best friend, comes from a wizard family. He is very funny but insensitive and immature. Married to Hermione Granger at last.

Harry’s good friend,a smart and beautiful girl.She is good at study, called as Mrs.Know-All.(万事通). She married to Ron when in the end.
Ron Weasley
Comes from a wizard family, Harry’s best friend. A gentle boy who has red hair, a geat sence humor、lovely and understanding very much.
Lord Voldemort 伏地魔 即(Tom Riddle) (汤姆里 德尔) Harry’s perfect enemy The most ferocious wizard in the World of Wizardry .killed Harry’s Parents when Harry was still a little baby. followed by a crowd of Death Eaters (食死徒). plan to kill Harry delibrately, but die of his own Curse carelessly at last.
2.哈利受到小精灵多比的阻止后仍回到学校,学校发生了一系列“恐怖”事件—学生莫名其妙被石化,墙上出现了恐怖的血字...人们怀疑是蛇怪所为,但偏偏哈利 会蛇语。原来是伏地魔把自己年轻时的灵魂碎片保存与日记中,利用日记控制了罗恩的小妹妹金妮。哈利通过赫敏的指引进入密室,在邓不利多凤凰的帮助下用 格兰芬多剑杀死了蛇怪,毁灭了日记本,解救了金妮。

wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron
Weasley and Hermione Granger, his
friends from the Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry. The central story
are concerns Harry's struggle against the
• 邦妮·凯瑟琳·赖特Bonnie Kathleen Wright
• 饰演:Ginny Weasley 金妮·韦斯莱
肖恩·比格斯塔夫Sean Biggerstaff an Biggerstaff
饰演:Oliver Wood 奥利弗·伍德
• 奥利弗伍德
伊文娜·林奇 Evanna Lynch
when he was a child. A Gryffindor student in hogwarts.
Emma Watson (艾玛沃特森)
Harry’s good friend,a smart and beautiful girl but was
Mud bloods(泥巴种),whose parents are muggle(麻
but indecisive sometimes. Married to Hermione
Jean Granger at last.
Severus Snape
Professor Severus Snape,
Hogwarts’s potions teacher. Harry thought he was the bravest man he ever know.

• 艾玛· 沃特森凭借《哈利波 特》系列红遍全球;拥有 古典优雅气质与现代时尚 美感;年仅十九岁便成为 二十一世纪最卖座女星; 深受时尚巨头老佛爷与女 魔头的宠爱;却在事业顶 峰期以straight A的成绩踏 入美国常春藤盟校布朗的 校园;同时致力于平等, 热衷环保与公益。美貌与 智慧并存的艾玛· 沃特森于 2011年12月被评为全球最 美脸蛋第一名。
Emma Watson (艾玛沃特森)
Harry’s good friend,a smart and beautiful girl but was Mud bloods(泥巴种),whose parents are muggle(麻 瓜) .Be good at study, called as Mrs.Know-All.(万事 通).Helpful、enthusiasm,but sometimes has Perfect socialist tendency.Married to Ron Billius Weasley when in the end.
《哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
《哈利· 波特与火焰杯》
5.Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
《哈利· 波特与凤凰社》
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Main Roles
Actor:Daniel Radcliffe (丹尼尔· 雷德克里夫 ) The character of the story;a brave,strong and smart boy,loved by lots of people; Parents were killed by Lord Voldemort ,a evil wizard who scares everybody in the world of wizardry .Lived with his aunt’s family when he was a child. A Gryffindor student in hogwarts.
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Harry potter and the philosopher's ses with his uncle Mr. Dursley, aunt Mrs. Dursley and their son Dudley. They don’t like Harry and always bully him. Harry thought he’s an ordinary boy, until his ten-year-old birthday. An owl brought him a letter. It invited him to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This means, Harry Potter is a wizard! In Hogwarts, everything is full of magic. The people in the pictures can talk and move. And there is a very exciting sports Quidditch in the magic world. Harry can play it very well and he is the youngist player in the history .In the school, Harry finds some good friends, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Rubeus Hagrid and even the headmaster Professor Dumbledore. Harry thinks he is very happy. But there is a philosopher’s stone in Hogwarts, and somebody want s to steal it. Harry Ron, Hermione must stop them to steal it. At last, of course, Harry wins. And Gryffindor wins the house cup.
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Approaching his third year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter has had enough of his muggle relatives. He runs away from them finally and enters his third term facing trouble from more than one side: for using magic outside the school and from the news that a notorious criminal, serial killer Sirius Black, has escaped the wizard's prison at Azkaban and apparently is headed for Harry. The school calls in supernatural help against Black in the form of Dementors, but unusual things continue to put Harry in peril. He is thrown into a confusing panoply of shifting alliegences and shifting shapes where nobody is who or what they seem. Who is the real criminal? What is the real crime? Who is telling or knows the truth?
After returning to Hogwarts to begin his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter discovers that much of the wizarding world, including the Ministry of Magic, is in denial about Lord Voldemort's return. The Order of the Phoenix, a group sworn against Voldemort, is using its vast array of wizards and witches magical abilities to sustain Voldemort. Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, suspects that Dumbledore is using these claims of The Dark Lord's return as a means to over-throw Fudge as Minister. In retaliation, a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is appointed by the Ministry in order to keep an eye on Hogwarts. This new teacher, Professor Umbridge, implies strict new teachings and rules, forcing a group of students, under the tutelage of Harry, to form a club, by the name of Dumbledore's Army...
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire takes us deeper into the characters' minds and the darkness of the Wizarding World. At the Quidditch World Cup, Voldemort's followers gather and wreak havoc. Then, at Hogwarts, a legendary event takes place. The Triwizard Tournament! The Goblet of Fire judges who gets in and who doesn't. On the fateful night, three champions are selected. But then the Goblet spits out one other. Harry's. These two major events point to the return of Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore and the other teachers sense it, but it is inevitable. And Harry is no longer safe at Hogwarts. This fourth installment is the most dramatic, and also the scariest. Let me just say that all does not necessarily end well...
Harry Potter. A boy who has magic . The leading actor of the story Ron Weasley He is Harry’s best friend. Hermione Grange She is Harry’s best friend, too. She is very clever.
Harry Potter is in his second year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is visited by a house-elf named Dobby and warned not to go back to Hogwarts. Harry ignores his warning, and returns. He is still famous, although still disliked by Snape, Malfoy, and the rest of the Slytherins. But then, strange things start to happen. People are becoming petrified, and noone knows what is doing it. Harry keeps hearing a voice.. a voice which seems to be coming from within the walls. They are told the story of the Chamber of Secrets. It is said that only Salazar Slytherin's true descendent will be able to open it. Harry, it turns out, is a Parsel-tongue. This means that he is able to speak/understand snakes. Everyone thinks that it's him that has opened the Chamber .