
1、Generator protection. 发电机保护The generators are protected against the various faults by protection devices whichare located in their respective generator panels and on the generator’s ACB itself.发电机的保护由相应发电机屏内保护设备与发电机主开关实现。
1.1.MICROLOGIC5.0A control module MICROLOGIC5.0A 控制模块This device which is located on the individual generator ACB providesgenerator protection against the following:该装置在发电机主开关上,为发电机提供以下保护:♦Over-current (Long Time)过电流(长延时):When the prevailing load current of the generator exceed 125% of the protectiondevice’s setting and maintain for a duration of 15~30s, it will cause the respectivegenerator ACB to trip.当发电机电流超过额定电流150%时, 延时15~30s 发电机主开关跳闸。
♦Short-circuit current (Short Time) 过电流(短延时)When short-circuit current exceed 2.5 times of the protection device setting andmaintain for duration of 400 msec, it will cause the respective generator’s ACB totrip.当发电机电流超过额定电流250%时, 延时400 ms, 发电机主开关跳闸。
ET 200eco PN M12-L 系统手册说明书

警告提示系统 为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。人身安全的提示用一个警告三角表示,仅与财产 损失有关的提示不带警告三角。警告提示根据危险等级由高到低如下表示。
说明 说明中包含与以下内容有关的重要信息: • 文档中所述的产品 • 产品操作 • 文档中需要特别注意的内容,若不遵守这些内容,则可能会造成损坏。
• 有关技术支持的信息,请参见“Siemens 工业在线支持 (页 6)”部分。 • 有关各种 SIMATIC 产品和系统的技术文档信息,请访问 Internet
基本知识.......................................................................................................................... 21
无安装导轨的安装............................................................................................................. 22
本文档适用于 SIMATIC ET 200eco PN M12‑L 分布式 I/O 设备。

PMS系统详细说明书PMS System Specification建立日期:2013-03-31修改日期:版本: V1.0项目需求部门:IT、财务、采购项目开发部门:IT项目开发成员:Simon & Derek文档控制:更改记录Modification History:日期更改人版本号备注2013-03-31 Derek V1.0 首次建立目录ContentsPMS系统详细说明书 (1)PMS System Specification (1)目录Contents (3)项目简介Introduction (4)需求描述Requirement (5)系统流程图System Graph: (5)数据流程图Date Flow Graph: (6)流程处理细节Process Detail (7)业务流程图Workflow Graph (7)步骤1 Step1 (8)步骤... Step.. (8)系统后台数据库设计System DB Design (9)系统前台设计System Front-End Design (11)模块1 Module1 (11)模块2 Module2 (11)系统维护要点System Maintenance (11)系统修改历史System Change Log (12)项目简介Introduction此项目计划开发新的PMS系统用于替换旧的PMS系统,改进邮件提醒,增加与四班结合等功能需求描述Requirement 系统流程图System Graph:图:描述:数据流程图Date Flow Graph:图:描述:流程处理细节Process Detail 业务流程图Workflow Graph图:描述:步骤1发起人发起申请(Initiator)描述:内容:先选择商品种类;然后填写描述、单位、数量、价格、供应商、Accounts Code、付款日期、Division、CostCenter、币种、优先级、备注、ARNO、附件备注、上传附件步骤2大类经理审批(Category Manager)描述:内容:无操作:同意、拒绝、退回发起人重填步骤3财务总账会计审批(Finance Accountant)描述:内容:改Accounts Code操作:同意、拒绝、退回发起人重填步骤4 Cost Center经理审批(Cost Center Manager)描述:内容:无操作:同意、拒绝、退回发起人重填步骤5总经理审批(GM Manager)描述:条件:据金额判断内容:无操作:同意、拒绝、退回发起人重填步骤6财务经理审批(Finance Director)描述:内容:无操作:同意、拒绝、退回发起人重填步骤7采购处理(Procurement Buyer)描述:内容:填写实际价格、税率、供应商操作:结束(生成订单)、结束(不生成订单)步骤8结束(End)系统后台数据库设计System DB Design 图:描述:表:Page 11 of 13视图:View_CCACView_CR_AccountCodeView_PMS_CostCenter_Approve View_PMS_CostCenter_Children View_PMS_CostCenter_ParentView_PMS_CostCenter_Parent_Union View_PMS_Division View_POlist 存储过程: PMSPOCodepp系统前台设计System Front -End Design模块1 Module1程序文件和模块对应关系…… 接口、类等主要方法…… 对应截图……(可选)模块2 Module2…………系统维护要点 System Maintenance序号 No要点 Point要点描述 Description1 PR 号 年份变更后需要到流程中调整流程的流水号2权限组3 数据库连接EXEC sp_addlinkedserver'Data44','','SQLOLEDB',',1433'EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'Data44', 'false',null,'fsadmin', 'fsadm1n!'exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1reconfigureexec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc DistributedQueries',1reconfigure4 数据库计划任务(同步PO状态)update a set PO_Status = (case when b.POStatus = 4 then 'D' else 'C' end)from PMS_PO_Header as a, View_FS_PO_Status as bwhere (a.PO_NO = b.Expr1)update a set PO_Status = (case when b.POStatus = 'D' then 'Purchasing' else 'Close' end) from PMS_PR_Header as a, PMS_PO_Header as b where (a.PO_NO = b.PO_NO)系统修改历史System Change Log序号No 修改时间Change Date修改原因Change Requirement修改描述Description12Page 12of 1334Page 13of 13。

PM-200型颗粒物在线监测系统技术方案聚光科技(杭州)股份有限公司二○一六年七月目录1 项目介绍PM-200型颗粒物在线监测系统(以下简称PM-200系统)是聚光科技(杭州)股份有限公司旗下子公司荷兰Synspec公司新推出的一款抽取式低浓度粉尘测量仪表,主要用于高湿度和含有粘性粉尘的烟气的连续在线监测。
图1PM-200现场应用场景2 项目执行标准本系统的设计、制造、验收规范主要按下列标准和技术规范进行:⏹HJ/T48-1999《烟气采样器技术条件》⏹HJ/T75-2007《火电厂烟气排放连续监测技术规范》⏹HJ/T76-2007《固定污染源排放烟气连续监测系统技术要求及检测方法》⏹GB16297-1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》⏹GB/T16157-1996《固体污染源排气中颗粒物测定与气态污染物采样方法》⏹GB18484-2001《危险废物焚烧污染控制标准》⏹DB11503-2007《危险废物焚烧大气污染物排放标准》⏹GB9078-1996《工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准》⏹DB《冶金、建材行业及其它工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准》⏹GB12519-1990《分析仪器通用技术条件》⏹USEPAMETHOD5-DETERMINATIONOFPARTICULATEMATTEREMISSIONSFROMSTATIONARYSOURCES3 项目方案3.1 测量项目➢烟气中的颗粒物浓度3.2 测量方法➢采样方法:基于等速采样的抽取式采样,等比稀释采样;➢测量方法:β射线方法检测3.3 系统组成PM-200监测系统组成如图2所示,系统主要由烟气采样系统、β射线分析模块、走纸运动机构、电控系统和气源预处理箱等组成。

传感器各功能部分框图如图1所示图1 传感器功能框图甲醛监测功能采用电化学原理实现,加入数据处理算法,所获得的数据稳定、精确。
技术指标如表1所示表1 传感器技术指标输出结果主要输出为单位体积内各浓度颗粒物质量以及个数,其中颗粒物个数的单位体积为0.1升,质量浓度单位为:微克/立方米。
输出甲醛浓度,单位为:毫克/立方米数字接口定义PIN1图2 接口示意图型号定义尺寸结构单位:mm图3 外形尺寸图图4a 进风口及出风口 图4b 底部安装孔安装注意事项1.金属外壳与内部电源地导通,注意不要和其他外部板组电路或机箱外壳短接。
龙腾伟业PM2.5 PM10浓度二合一有线2变送器产品使用手册

1PM2.5/PM10浓度二合一有线变送器产品使用手册V1.2版1概述LT-CG-S/D-001-A7020-2-12PM2.5/PM10传感器采用符合国际标准的激光散射原理,内嵌式设计、开发,操作简单,使用方便,模块内部提供激光光源及光电接收装置,激光照射在空气悬浮物颗粒上产生散射,同时在某一角度接收散射光,得到散射光强随时间变化曲线,基于米氏理论算法,得出颗粒物的等效粒径及单位体积内不同粒径颗粒物的数量(PCS/0.1L )、重量(ug/L )两种测量结果,并通过串口分别输出PM1.0、PM2.5、PM10三档不同量程的颗粒物体积浓度或质量浓度数据。
采用DC 6~24V 电源供电,可选配液晶屏实时显示采集参数,还可选配1路继电器报警输出。
作为现场采集从站,标准MODBUS-RTU 通信协议RS485数字信号输出,适合远距离组网传输,完全兼容组态王等多种上位机组态软件,易与第三方设备配套。
2特点1、激光原理测量,信号无衰减,零错误报警率、计数更精确,产品寿命长2、传感器探头可准确测量0.3~10um 直径颗粒,测量范围宽、线性度好3、传感器通过串口分别输出0.3~1um、1~2.5um、2.5~10um 三档不同量程的颗粒物浓度信号,统计更精确、合理4、变送器可选配液晶屏、继电器报警输出等功能5、激光测量PM2.5比IRED 测量方式更专业,1um、2.5um、10um 三档量程更符合国内外权威机构认可3外形规格4产品资料规格型号:LT-CG-S/T-001-A7021-2-12-V1.2(包含液晶屏)LT-CG-S/T-001-A7020-2-12-V1.2(不含液晶屏)LT-CG-S/T-001-A7021-2-DO-12-V1.2(包含液晶屏、1路报警)PM2.5/PM10测量原理:激光散射法2PM2.5/PM10测量直径:0.3~1、1~2.5、2.5~10umPM2.5测量范围:0~999ug/m3,可选0~1999ug/m3(质量浓度)PM10测量范围:0~999ug/m3,可选0~1999ug/m3(质量浓度)体积颗粒物浓度:PCS/0.1L(每0.1升多少颗粒)最小颗粒直径:0.3um精度:<±10%分辨率:0.1ug/m3或1PCS/0.1L重复性:<10%输出信号:瞬时PM1.0、PM2.5、PM10浓度测量稳定时间:5秒响应时间:<10秒工作环境:-20~55度,5~95%RH(无凝结)存储环境:-25~70度供电电压:DC7~24V显示方式:LCD液晶屏(选项)液晶屏规格:08022行显示,每行8个字符报警、控制输出(选配):1路继电器,触点容量(阻性):3A/AC220V、DC24V通信接口:RS485通信速率:2400、4800、9600、19200、38400、115200。

EC-Declaration of Conformity EC-KonformitätserklärungEC-Déclaration de conformitéEC-Declaración de Conformidad EC-ConformiteitsverklaringEC-Dichiarazione di conformità_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ We , Wir, Nous, Nosotros, Wij, NoiMettler-Toledo (ChangZhou) Measurement Technology Ltd.No.111, West TaiHu Road, XinBei District, ChangZhou, JiangSu, 213125, P.R.Chinadeclare under our sole responsibility that the product,erklären, in alleiniger Verantwortung, daß dieses Produkt, déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que le produit,declaramos, bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad, que el producto,verklaren onder onze verantwoordelijkheid, dat het product,dichiariamo sotto nostra unica responsabilitá, che il prodotto,Model/Type: IND131 DIN, IND131 J-BOX, IND331 Panel, IND331 Harsh - Industrial Weighing Terminalsto which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s), auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mitder/den folgenden Norm(en) oder Richtlinie(n) übereinstimmt.Auquel se réfère cette déclaration est conforme à la (aux) norme(s) ou au(x) document(s) normatif(s). Al que se refiere esta declaración es conforme a la(s) norma(s) u otro(s) documento(s) normativo(s).Waarnaar deze verklaring verwijst, aan de volende norm(en) of richtlijn(en) beantwoordt.A cui si riferisce questa dichiarazione è conforme alla/e sequente/i norma/e o documento/i normativo/i.EC markingEC Directive: Applicable Standards: 2006/95/EC Low Voltage DirectiveEN60950-1:2006 2004/108/ECEMC DirectiveEN61000-6-2 EN61000-6-4 (Class A) 2002/95/ECRoHS DirectiveN/A 94/9/ECATEX(DC version only) EN 60079-0: 2006 EN 60079-15: 2005 EN 61241-0: 2006 EN 61241-1: 2004 KEMA 10ATEX0097 X 1) II 3G Ex nA nL [nL] IIC T5 II 3D Ex tD A22 IP 65 T 100℃For non-automatic weighing instrument used in an Article 1,2.(a) application ,additional metrologicalmarking according to Annex IV of Council Directive 2009/23/EC must be attached to the instrument2009/23/EC Non-automatic weighing instruments directiveEN 45501:1992/AC:1993 2) Certification No.:TC7600 1) Certificate issued by KEMA Quality B.V., Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem, The Netherlands, notified body no. 03442) Only valid for weighing terminal in connection with approved load cells.Issued on: 2009-6-18 Revised on: 2010-12-8Mettler-Toledo (ChangZhou) Measurement Technology Ltd.Zhu Dan Yang JiaWuGeneral Manager QA ManagerImportant notices concerning verified instruments see overleaf!The first step of the verification has been carried out at the manufacturing plant. It comprises all tests according to EN 45501-8.2.2.If national regulations in individual countries limit the period of validity of the certification, the operator of such a scale is himself responsible for its timely re-certification.Sofern gemäss den nationaten Verschriften in den einzelnen Staaten die Gültigkeitsdauer der Eichung beschränkt ist, ist der Betreiber einer solchen Waage für die rechtzeitige Nacheichung Selbst verantwortlich.Dans la mesure aù la durée de la vérification est limitée en fonction des prescriptions nationales dans les différents pays, I’ utilisateur ďune telle balance est lui-même responsable de la vérification ultérieure dans les délais.Si el plazo de validez de la verificación está limitado por las normas nacionales de cada estado, el usuario será responsable de las verificaciones posteriores reglamentarias de su balanza.La prima fase della verifica è stata eseguila dal produttore e comprende lutte le prove previste dalla norma EN 45501-8.2.2.Se la durota di validità della verifica è limitata in accordo con le prescrizioni nazionali vigenti nei singoli paesi, I’utilizzatore stesso di una bilancia di tale tipa sorà responsabile dell’esecuzione, entro le date di scadenza previsle, delle verifiche periodiche.。

扬子江药业集团有限公司洁净室颗粒及微生物监测系统技术标美国粒子监测系统有限公司(无锡旭野科技有限公司)目录1. 概述2. 公司简介3. 方案描述系统描述颗粒传感器技术说明3.3 报警系统技术说明制药专用软件说明4. 项目管理及服务范围5. 质量保证及售后服务6. 部分国内外业绩表7. 设备清单8. 技术偏离表1. 概述本方案是Particle Measuring System (美国粒子监测系统公司)针对扬子江药业集团有限公司洁净室项目所制定。
PMS公司所提供的技术方案是根据CGMP的相关标准所制定的,符合FDA 和EU对于CGMP的要求和规范。
该方案主要包括以下几部分:•Rnet 510 颗粒传感器•真空系统(含双泵并互为补充)•警报系统•制药专用监控软件,实时记录•项目管理,安装调试,系统测试服务•认证文件该方案是包括整个系统的设计,施工,调试,认证的交钥匙工程。
2. PMS公司简介美国粒子监测系统公司,简称PMS公司,是由Bobert Knollenberg 博士于1972年成立于美国的科罗拉多州宝德市,到今天为止,已有36年的历史。
【迈金科技】Gemini 200 传感器安装及使用说明

Gemini 200传感器安装及使用说明一、Gemini 200实车安装指导无论使用何种配套设备或者APP,都必须先把Gemini 200安装在爱车之上,速度/踏频不同的测试则需要安装在爱车不同的部位,下面将逐步详细图解两种模式如何进行实际安装。
Gemini 200做速度传感器使用安装图解:1.如图1.1,拆箱之后Gemini 200 做速度传感器使用时会使用到以下配件。
图1.1 速度传感器组件总图2.如图1.2,将图1.1中的电池盖背面凹槽对准传感器背面开锁logo,确保电池盖与传感器主体齐平,然后拨动电池盖背面小柄锁紧。
图1.2 已拼装完成的传感器与厚垫片3.如图1.3侧面图所示,将厚垫片沿传感器背部凹槽嵌入,当传感器正面显示绿灯亮起则为速度传感器模式,如红灯亮起则重新安装一次电池。
4.如图1.4 实车安装图所示,先用橡皮圈卡住传感器一侧的卡槽,然后将传感器固定在自行车花鼓上(前后轮皆可,前轮信号更强一些),再将橡皮圈绕过花鼓卡住传感器另一侧的卡槽。
图1.4 实车安装完成示意图Gemini 200做踏频传感器使用安装图解:1.如图2.1,拆箱之后Gemini 200 做踏频传感器使用时会使用到以下配件。
图2.1 踏频传感器组件总图2.如图2.2,将图2.1中的电池盖背面凹槽对准传感器开锁LOGO,确保电池盖与传感器主体齐平,然后旋转电池盖背面小柄锁紧。
图2.2 已拼装完成的传感器与薄垫片3.如图2.3侧面图所示,将薄垫片沿传感器背部凹槽嵌入,传感器正面红灯亮起则为踏频模式,如绿灯亮起则重新安装一次电池。
图2.3 已拼装垫片的传感器侧面图4.如图2.4 实车安装图所示,先用橡皮圈卡住传感器一侧的卡槽,然后将传感器固定在自行车左曲柄内侧,再将橡皮圈绕过曲柄卡住传感器另一侧的卡槽。
图2.4 实车安装完成示意图二、Gemini 200配合安卓手机下各类骑行APP的使用方式1.行者APP(版本号2.6.7)图3.1 行者APP引导页图3.2 主页面,点击“我的”菜单栏图3.3 用户界面,点击“智能设备”图3.4 点击“速度踏频”图3.5 若没开启蓝牙则系统会主动提醒开启蓝牙。

传感器各功能部分框图如图1所示图1 传感器功能框图技术指标如表1所示表1 传感器技术指标注1:最大量程指本传感器确保PM2.5标准值最高输出数值不小于1000微克/立方米。
Series PMT2 粒子传感器规格与安装运行说明书

The Series PMT2 Particulate Transmitter is designed to measure particulate emission levels from dust collector discharge. Using DC coupled electrostatic induction sensing technology, the transmitter monitors a pA current that is generated as particulate passes near the probe; a 4-20 mA signal will vary based on the particulate level. The PMT2 offers 6 sensitivity ranges allowing the user to choose the range that will best fit the application. The range and test selector switch can also be set to output a 4 mA or 20 mA signal to assist with set up or trouble shooting. Averaging time setting can be used to dampen the signal if desired.FEATURES/BENEFITS• Simple 2-wire installation for PLC and control panels• Non-stick PTFE coated probe to prevent false readings from moist and conductive dusts, condensate, and dust buildup• Remote zero calibration helps to decrease maintenance timeOPERATING PRINCIPLETechnologyThe PMT2 utilizes a highly reliable DC coupled electrostatic induction sensing technology. The sensor probe is mounted in an airflow stream such as a pipe, duct or stack. The inductive effect takes place when particulate passes near the probe transferring a charge from the particulate to the probe. A microprocessor filters and processes the signal into a output that is linear to the mass concentration of particulate. The PTFE coated probe ensures reliable operation with all types of particulate including moist powders and highly conductive dusts. The PTFE coated probe eliminates the need for an air purge and keeps maintenance to a minimum.Particulate MonitoringThe PMT2 is specifically designed to continuously monitor the particulate levels in air flow from stacks or other emission points being passed through a filter within an air filtration system. The transmitter should be installed in the exhaust ductwork and can be used in conjunction with various types of bag, ceramic, cartridge or cyclone filters. When the PMT2 is first installed a baseline reading must be measured and noted. This baseline reading is application dependent and should be measured independently for each installation. From this baseline the operator will monitor output signal from the PMT2. The increase in mA output indicates a rising level of particulate in the air stream which indicates that filters are either wearing out or broken.The PMT2 is designed to give a proportional output based on the particulate levels in a duct or pipe, it is not designed to output a signal based on the particulate volumetric flow. Different types of particulate carry different charges, meaning that two particulates flowing at the same volumetric flow rate could have different output response. The PMT2 is designed to find a baseline under ideal operating conditions and allow an operator to watch the output signal for increases that would signify the bags or filters are starting to wear or break. The six sensitivity ranges allow the PMT2 to monitor particulates with low charge properties or high charge properties. As a reference, Table 1 lists particulate charge properties and the suggested range.INSTALLATIONUnpackingRemove the PMT2 from the shipping carton and inspect for damage. If damage is found, notify the carrier immediately.LocationThe following factors should be considered when determining the installation location for the PMT2:• Make sure the transmitter is rated for the area classification it will be mounted in. • Mount the transmitter in a location that will not exceed the temperature and pressure ratings listed in the specifications. The process pressure should not exceed 30 psi (2 bar).• Make sure the 4-20 mA signal wires are not sharing the same conduit with high voltage power wires.• Make sure the location the transmitter is mounted in meets the NEMA or IP rating for the enclosure.• Locate the transmitter in a location were it can be accessed in case service isrequired.The PMT2 should be mounted in a grounded metal stack, pipe or duct. It should not be mounted in fiberglass or plastic stacks, pipes or ducts. The sensing probe should reach 1/2 to 2/3 the way across the stack, pipe or duct to ensure accurate readings. For the most stable and accurate readings it is recommended to mount the PMT2 in a location where the air flow is as laminar as possible. Avoid mounting the transmitter close to blowers and dampers that cause turbulence. It is ideal to mount the PMT2 in an area with two upstream duct diameters and one down stream duct diameter that are free of turbulent causing objects. The sensing probe is coated in a non-stick PTFE preventing material from coating the probe reducing the need for cleaning or an air purge.Table 1: Suggested rangesCONTROL DRAWING UL LISTED INTRINSIC SAFETY (SUFFIX U2):UL Listed Intrinsically Safe for use in Class I Div. 1 Groups C and D; Class II Div. 1Groups E, F and G; Class III Div. 1; Class I Zone 0 AEx ia IIB T4 Ga; Class I Zone 0 Ex ia IIB T4 Ga; T4@63°C when installed in accordance with Control Drawing 001744-48on page 6 of this document.ATEX COMPLIANT (SUFFIX A2)II 1 G Ex ia IIB T4 Ga (-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 63°C) (-40°C ≤ T Process ≤ 120°C) / II 1 D Ex iaIIIC T120°C Da (-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 63°C) (-40°C ≤ T Process≤ 120°C) when installed inaccordance with Control Drawing 001744-81 on page 7 of this document.IECEx COMPLIANT (SUFFIX A2)Ex ia IIB T4 Ga (-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 63°C) (-40°C ≤ T Process ≤ 120°C) / Ex ia IIIC T120°CDa (-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 63°C) (-40°C ≤ T Process ≤ 120°C) when installed in accordancewith Control Drawing 001744-81 on page 7 of this document.INTRINSIC SAFETY INPUT PARAMETERS:4-20 mA Signal, Vmax (Ui) = 28 V; Imax (li) = 93 mA; Ci = .022 μF; Li = 0.373 mH;Pmax (Pi) = 651 mWRemote Zero, Vmax (Ui) = 28 V; Imax (li) = 93 mA; Ci = Negligible; Li = 0 mH; Pmax(Pi) = 651 mWPOWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS The maximum DC power supply is 28 VDC. The minimum required DC power supply is based upon the following:1. Minimum DC voltage requirement of the Model PMT2.2. Total load resistance.3. Total leadwire resistance.4. Zener barrier voltage drop (Model PMT2-XX-X-X2 only).The formula for calculating the DC Power Supply is:VDC = VPMT2 + VLOAD + VLEADWIRE + VBARRIER Where VPMT2 = 9.5 V VLOAD = Total load resistance X 20 mA VLEADWIRE = Total leadwire resistance X 20 mA VBARRIER = 8.1 V (Typical zener barrier voltage drop for this application)Example 1: Calculate minimum DC power supply for intrinsically safe models Step 1 VPMT2 = 9.5 V Step 2 Calculate VLOAD. Using the industry standard 250 Ω conversion resistor, VLOAD = 250 X 20 mA = 5 V.Step 3 Calculate VLEADWIRE. For this example assume a leadwire resistance of 10 Ω, VLEADWIRE = 10 X 20 mA = 0.2 V Step 4 VBARRIER = 8.1 V Step 5 VDC = VPMT2 + VLOAD + VLEADWIRE + VBARRIER = 9.5 + 5 + 0.2 + 8.1 = 22.8 V CONTROLS Zero Switch (see Figure 2)Press and hold the switch for 3 seconds and the PMT2 will digitally re-zero. It is recommended to re-zero after a filter failure or filter changes. Re-zeroing should only be done when there is no air flow in the duct.Averaging Time Selection Switch The PMT2 will average the output for the selected amount of time. This will dampen output spikes caused during normal filter cleaning cycles. Range and Test Selection Switch There are 6 sensitivity ranges that can be selected based on the material the PMT2 will be sensing (see Table 1). There is also an option to output a 4 mA or 20 mA signal, these options can assist in the installation of the transmitter or trouble shooting. is neededINTRINSIC SAFETY SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF USETo maintain Intrinsic Safety the following cautions should betaken:• 4-20 mA signal and remote zero must be treated as separate circuits• Enclosure parts are constructed of aluminum. Enclosure must be protected fromignition hazard due to impact or friction• All openings to enclosure must be sealed using suitable glands and/or plug main-taining a minimum IP rating of IP66 for UL Listed models and IP65 for ATEX/IECExcompliant models• Substitution of parts may impair Intrinsic Safety.LIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Live maintenance of Zero, Averaging Time, Range and Test controls cannot be performed when a flammable or combustible atmosphere is present.Figure 1: General installation wiring (non-IS)REMOTE ZERO SWITCH (IF USED)4321REMOTE ZERO 4-20 mA Figure 2Zero switch Range and test Averaging time Grounding screwSET UPMountingMake sure the PMT2 is securely mounted to the stack, pipe or duct to prevent vibrationduring operation. Make sure the transmitter is grounded properly.Control Signal Set UpCheck the power supply wiring to make sure the polarity is correct before poweringthe PMT2. Turn the power on to the transmitter and turn the Range and Test selectorswitch to 4 mA (position 2). The PMT should output 4 mA, check the output with amulti-meter or at the device (PLC, Display, etc.) receiving the output signal. Once it isverified the 4 mA signal is being received, switch the Range and Test selector switch to20 mA (position 1) and repeat the process. If the output is 0 mA, make sure the powersupply is on and check for loose wires.Range and Test SelectionWhen selecting one of the 6 available ranges, the baseline and maximum peak signalsthat take place during filter cleaning must be taken into account. The selected rangesshould have enough resolution to monitor the baseline and capture the maximumpeaks during a cleaning cycle. The four linear ranges output 4 mA at 5 pA and 20 mAat maximum range. The two logarithmic ranges have finer resolution at the low end ofthe ranges and less at the high end.LOGARITHMIC RANGE The logarithmic ranges offer a prolonged low-end of the scale while the high-end of the range is compressed. This offers better resolution for the baseline monitoring and still allows the operator to see the particulate spikes during cleaning cycles. Logarithmic ranges are recommended for filter bags since they have a greater tendency for particulate spikes during cleaning cycles.LOGARITHMIC RANGE EQUATIONS pA = Measured (pA) Picoamps M = Measured (mA) Milliamps from the PMT2R = 2 (for Logarithmic Range 5 to 500 pA)R = 3 (for Logarithmic Range 5 to 5000 pA)Example 1: Logarithmic Range 5 to 500 pA with current output of 12 mA:Example 2: Logarithmic Range 5 to 5000 pA with current output of 14 mA:SETTING EMISSION LEVEL ALARMS The PMT2 will provide a 4-20 mA signal based on the range selected at set up. Alarms can be programmed in the PLC or control system based on the 4-20 mA signal from the particulate transmitter. It is suggested to set two alarm set points. One alarm set point to monitor the emission spikes and the second alarm to detect an increase in the baseline. The alarm monitoring the emission spikes should be set to identify changes in the spikes caused by the cleaning cycles. As filters become worn, the spike’s height and duration will increase. The emission spike frequency will also increase because the filters will require more frequent cleaning as they wear out. If there is a continuous output above the emission spike alarm, it is more than likely a filter has torn and should be changed right away. The baseline alarm should detect an increase in the baseline reading. The type of dust collector and facility regulations will dictate where the baseline alarm has to be set. Typically the baseline alarm should be set 4 to 5 times over the initial baseline reading measurement when filters are first installed. So, if the baseline is 10 pA the base line alarm should be set between 40 pA and 50 pA. It is recommended to set a time delay in the PLC or control panel alarm to prevent false alarms during cleaning cycles. When the output signal from the PMT2 is continuously above baseline alarm it is time to replace the filters. If the emission spikes have increased yet the baseline remains unchanged, it’s an early indication that the filters are starting to wear out andwill need to be changed soon.Table 2: Range and test switchFigure 3: Typical filter emissionsTIMEpA = 10 x R + 0.699(M-4)16()pA = 10 x 2 + 0.699pA = 50(12-4)16()pA = 10 x 3 + 0.699pA = 375(14-4)16()AVERAGING SELECTION The PMT2 offers a digital averaging function because of the irregular flow of particulatesand the spikes during cleaning cycles. There are ten options for averaging rangingfrom 1 to 360 seconds. The digital averaging takes a running average of the readingsfor the selected amount of time. This will dampen output spikes from particulatefluctuations that could trip alarm settings. It is important to select an averaging settingthat will allow the operator to see the cleaning cycles. It is recommended to monitor the baseline trend and peak to peak trend between cleaning cycles.ZERO CALIBRATION Even though the PMT2 will come zeroed from the factory it is recommended to zerothe transmitter after installation to ensure the best accuracy. When zeroing the PMT2, make sure the dust collector is shut down and there is no air flow in the duct, stack orpipe the transmitter is monitoring. It is recommended to re-zero the PMT2 once every12 months for optimal performance. Please check your local laws and regulations asclean air standards may require zero calibration on a certain time schedule basedon application. There are two ways the PMT2 can be zeroed. The first method iswith the zero button on the front of the transmitter. Press and hold the button for 3seconds and the transmitter will begin zeroing. The second method is the remote zero.Supply DC voltage as shown in Figure 4 across the zero terminals on the back ofthe transmitter for at least 3 seconds for the transmitter to start zeroing. While thetransmitter is zeroing, the PMT2 will output about 3.5 mA. The zero function will takeapproximately 3 minutes. When zeroing is complete the output will return to a normaloutput signal and the transmitter is ready for operation.Figure 4: Remote zero and zero switchNote: Do not zero the PMT2 while the dust collector is in operation.Remote zero10-28 V -+MAINTENANCE/REPAIR Upon final installation of the Series PMT2, no routine maintenance is required. The Series PMT2 is not field serviceable and should be returned if repair is needed. Field repair should not be attempted and may void warranty.WARRANTY/RETURN Refer to “Terms and Conditions of Sales” in our catalog and on our website. Contact customer service to receive a Return Goods Authorization number before shipping the product back for repair. Be sure to include a brief description of the problem plus anyadditional application notes.NOTES__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________©Copyright 2021 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.Printed in U.S.A. 8/21FR# 444122-00 Rev. 3。

传感器各功能部分框图如图1所示图1 传感器功能框图技术指标如表1所示表1 传感器技术指标注:颗粒物浓度一致性数据为通讯协议中的数据2(见附录A)测量环境条件为20℃,湿度50%数字接口定义PIN1图2 接口示意图输出结果1.主要输出为单位体积内各浓度颗粒物质量以及个数,其中颗粒物个数的单位体积为0.1升,质量浓度单位为:微克/立方米。

PMS技术监督使用手册杭州意能软件有限公司2010年10月1 试验管理1.1电气设备性能试验1.1.1 电气设备性能试验报告添加操作方法:点击:电气设备性能试验T电气设备性能试验报告添加,进入试验报告的添加页面:输入新试验报告的定义上表中,加红色*号的字段,为必输项。
[舜江变]舜江变江北4Q66线避雷器A相交接试验报告(2010-10-11)基未詹息(编辑)试验项:油浸式电力变压器交接1.外施耐压试验(油覆式电力变压器)上一次Z铁蛋夹件绝缘电阻及接地电流〔油侵式电万变压器)丄次3.空载电流而空裁损耗〔油浸式电力变压器)± 一次4.嗣泄漏电狈(油覆式电力变压器)上一次5・喬管绝缘电阻、介损及电容量〔油浸式电万变压鞘亍V—块~6・变压器套議变变比、极性试验(油浸式电力变压器)上一次7.有载分接开駆验(油侵式电力变压器)上一&绕组介质损耗因数(油浸式电力变压器)上一茨~9,奪管中电流互感器的绝缘电祖、直流电阻(油浸疋甬切变佳器)上二决10.校核变压器组别〔极性丁(油浸式电力变压器)上一次其他*选择其他试验项3)、录入具体试验内容:在选中试验项后的弹出页面中录入具体试验数据,录入完毕保存数据铁芯、夾件绝缢电阻圧接地电證(油浸式电力变压器)―诸加二15 — I —标疽麻―I I—矗存数据「4)、上报校核:选择校核人员后点击上报按钮,进入流程中校核阶段。
Omega HX200 湿度传感器与温度传感器用户指南说明书

User’s Gui d eHX200 Dew point/RH Transmitter **************Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters: Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada o n l y)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only)Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only)Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700E-mail: **************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideAvailable Models: All models will display either dew point & temperature or RH & temperature. Outputs will vary depending on model.HX200HD Remote Dew Point/Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20mA onlyHX200HR Remote RH/Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20mA onlyHX200HD-RS Remote Dew Point/Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20mA or RS232HX200HR-RS Remote RH Point/Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20mA or RS232HX200HD-W Wall Mount Dew Point/Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20mA onlyHX200HR-W Wall Mount RH/Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20mA onlyHX200HD-W-RS Wall Mount Dew Point/Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20mA or RS232HX200HR-W-RS Wall Mount RH Point/Temperature Transmitter 4 to 20mA or RS232HX200HD-RSHX200HD-W-RSThe information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.HX200 SeriesQUICK STARTUP GUIDEInstalling the probe for compressed air and dryer applications.For the HX200HD/HX200HD-RSInstall fitting on to probe fitting threads facing the probe’s filter.Apply Teflon tape to the external threads of the fitting.Slide probe to desire depth. Note: be sure sinter filter is clear of the ferrule on the NPT fitting, hand tight and then use a wrench a do a quarter turn,Check for leaks, if leaks occur tightened down on fitting another 1/8” turn until leaks have beeneliminated, probe is rated to 750psi.Installing the probe for environmental applicationsFor the HX200HR/HX200HR-RSMount probe using a ½” (ID) mounting clamp (not provided) over probe and attached it to asurface where measuring. Avoid installation in direct line with water injection.For the mounting the HX200 series ElectronicsMount the electronics with two # 8 sheet metals screwsMounting centers are 3.1” from each other.Power 12 to 28Vdc, 24 Vdc (typical) 25mA maxHX200 Connections:Connect red wire (+) to the positive excitation source and the black wire (-) to a negativeexcitation. The output load if isolated from the excitation voltage can be in line with either the red or black wire. If the load shares a common connection to the negative excitation voltage, theHX200 (-) terminals must be connected to the (+) of the load device.HX200-RS Connections:Connect white wire (+) to the positive excitation source and the black wire (-) to a negative excitation.If using the unit as a loop powered device, the output load if isolated from the excitation voltage can be in line with either the white or black wire. If the load shares a common connection to the negative excitation voltage, the unit (-) terminals must be connected to the (+) of the load device. RS232connections: Receive is the gray conductor, transmit is the blue conductor, ground is the brown conductor.Verify that the received signal agrees with the display value.Things to avoid: submersion in liquids, condensing conditions and dew points above 95C (livesteam)Quick reminder: provide sufficient air flow to sensor (positioning of sensor is important because response time can be affected.HX200-RS wiringRXin Gray WireTXout Blue wireGND Brown Wire(+) 24VDC White Wire(-) RTN Black WireHX200- wiring(+) 24VDC Red Wire(-) RTN Black WireINTRODUCTION3.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe HX200 Series is a family of humidity probes and electronic modules that offer %RH and dew point measurements with NIST traceable calibration. All stainless-steel probe construction coupled with a high temperature cable allows up to 200c operations. For pressure applications the probe is capable of handling 750PSI.The HX200 series is offered in 8 versions, dew point/temperature-(HX200HD, HX200HD-RS, HX200HD-W, & HX200HD-W-RS), % RH/temperature- (HX200HR, HX200HR-RS, & HX200HR-W, & Hx200HR-W-RS)The HX200HD pressure version has an enhance calibration for measuring dew points down to -60C. The HX200HR -RH version has an accuracy of +/-1.0% at 25C. These two models provide a single two wire loop powered 4-20mA interface. The HX200-RS version has all the features of the prior models but has a RS232 signal that outputs RH, temperature and dew point. These units accept a voltage source from 12 to 28Vdc, 24Vdc is recommended. These units will display temperature along with RH or dew point depending on the version selected. The RS232 allows a user to scale their outputs ranges as well as displayed units. The unit and sensor are connected via a 1-meter high temperature cable. This unit has a single output, 4-20mA output wiring and can provide a signal up to 400 ft.3.2.1 HX200 SeriesOperating temperature: 0C to 200C, no- condensation condition, non-steam applications, max dew point 95C Electronics 0C to 85CAll units will come with a traceable NIST calibration certificate.For the HX200HR seriesHX200HR is ideal for environmental chamber, clean rooms and high temperature applicationsOne Analog Output: 4-20mA Loop Power corresponds 0-100% RH.Output signal resolution: 0.03%RHPower Supply: 12 to 28Vdc, 25 mA max. 24Vdcrecommended Display resolutions: 0.1% RHRH Accuracy: +/- 1% at 25CTemp. Accuracy: +/- 0.5°C from 0 to 100C, >100C +/-1CMounting: Cable Length: 1 meter (except wall units)SS Material: Probe, filter guard and fittingDimensions of Probe: Length: 6.5” (185mm), O.D.: 0.5” (13mm)For the HX200HD seriesHX200HD series are ideal unit for compressed air and dryer applications.One Analog Output: 4-20mA Loop Power corresponds -60 to 40C dew pointOutput signal resolution: 0.03CPower Supply: 12 to 28Vdc, 25 mA max.Display resolutions: 0.1CDew Point: Accuracy: +/- 1.0C from 40c to -20C, +/-3.0C <-20CTemp. Accuracy: +/- 0.5°C from 0 to 100C, >100C +/-1CMounting: Cable Length: 1 meter (except wall units)SS Material: Probe, filter guard and fittingFitting: ½” NPT stainless steel (included)Pressure rating: 750psiDimensions of Probe: Length: 6.5” (185mm), O.D.: 0.5” (13mm)For the HX200-RS seriesThe HX200-RS meets all the spec’s listed above for both the HX200HD and HX200HR.Digital Output: Bidirectional RS-232C outputs will display RH, dew point and temperature, inthe streaming command. The loop power will not function if using the RS232. Switches for DP or RH and Fahrenheit or CelsiusLocated on the circuit board there are two switches. The switch on the left will allow for the customer to switch between DP or RH and the switch on the right allows for the customer to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit.Communications from PC to the deviceYou can streamline your data via the RS232 that gives you all three measurement units.Using the terminal emulation program, i.e.: HyperTerminal, Tera term, etc. Rs232 SETTINGS19.2k Baud Rate Flow control: none 8 Bits No Parity1 Stop BitUpdate rate is 5 seconds for dew point, or RH and temperatureTo change the scalingConnect the HX200 series to the PC via the above settingsWhen finished connecting to the PC and the protocol is set:Hit the “escape” keyThe main menu will appear (upper case lettering is used to change the commands) (O)utput(R)s232E(X)itSelect output and follow the instruction.It will show the present scaling and if you want to change the scaling, select S for Set and enter the scaling change.Select ‘Y” to save settings and X for exit until live data streaming appears on your PC, the new scaling has been changedWARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, and strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number under which the productwas PURCHASED,2. Model and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Havethe following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COSTof the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2016 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the priorwritten consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process M easurement a nd C ontrol?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop o nlineat o SMTEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple,RTD&Thermistor Probes,Connectors,Panels&AssembliesM U Wire:Thermocouple,RTD&ThermistorM U Calibrators&Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders,Controllers&Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers&Strain GagesM U Load Cells&Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation&AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters,Gas Mass Flowmeters&Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers&Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes,Testers&AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers,Calibrators,Simulators&PumpsM U Industrial pH&Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Data Logging SystemsM U Wireless Sensors,Transmitters,&ReceiversM U Signal ConditionersM U Data Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge&Strip HeatersM U Immersion&Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering&Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps&TubingM U Air,Soil&Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water&Wastewater TreatmentM U pH,Conductivity&Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM5617/0321。

1. 产品概述CSA200-G050T01是一种能在原边、副边完全隔离条件下测量直流、交流、脉冲以及各种不规则波形的电流传感器,它主要用于要求准确度高的计量检定和计量校准领域,以及要求高灵敏度、高稳定性和高可靠性的电能质量分析、功率分析仪、医疗、航空航天、导弹、舰艇等领域。
2. 技术特点⚫极高的准确度⚫极好的线性度⚫极高的稳定性⚫极高的灵敏度⚫极高的分辨率⚫极低的温度漂移⚫极低的失调电流⚫极低的插入损耗⚫抗干扰能力强⚫响应速度快⚫极低的噪声⚫极小的角差⚫宽频带⚫模拟量输出3. 应用场合⚫计量检定与校准⚫实验室电流测量⚫仪器仪表(如功率分析仪)⚫医疗设备(如核磁共振MRI)⚫电池组检测⚫电力控制⚫电源⚫舰船⚫新能源⚫轨道交通⚫航空航天⚫工业测量4. 电气性能项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大原边额定电流I PN-- -- ±20 -- Adc 测量范围I PM1分钟/小时-- -- ±24 Adc 工作电压V c全范围±12 -- ±15 Vdc 电流消耗I c I PM范围内±10 ±50 ±80 mA 电流变比K N输入:输出500:1 -- 额定输出电流I SN原边额定电流--±40--mA测量电阻R M Vc:±12,I PN:±20 Adc 0 -- 150 ΩVc:±12,I PM:±24 Adc 0 -- 120 ΩVc:±15,I PN:±20 Adc 0 -- 200 ΩVc:±15,I PM:±24 Adc 0 -- 150 Ω5. 精度-动态参数项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大精度X e输入直流,@25±20℃-- -- 0.04 % 线性度εL-- -- -- 20 ppm 零点失调电流I o25±10℃-- -- 15 uA 零点失调电流I oT全工作温度范围内-- -- 30 uA 响应时间t r-- -- -- 1 us 电流跟随速度di/dt -- 200 -- -- A/us 频带宽度(- 3 dB) F -- 0 -- 100 kHz6. 一般特性项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大工作温度范围T A-- -40 -- +85 ℃存储温度范围T S-- -55 -- +95 ℃质量m 58±5 g 7. 安全特性项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大耐受电压原、副边之间副边与外壳之间V d50Hz,1min 5 kV瞬态隔离耐压原、副边之间V w50us 10 kV 相比漏电起痕指数CTI IEC-60112 275 V8. 外形尺寸及端口定义8.1、外形尺寸(单位:mm)图1 外形图外形图说明:外形尺寸、安装定位尺寸公差按照GB/T1804-2000 C级标准执行。
高精度激光 PM2.5 10、PM100 传感器 使用说明书

高精度激光PM2.5/10、PM100传感器使用说明书适用产品系列/型号:ZZ-SDS011,SDS198历史版本修订日期修订记录版本号修订人2022/03/01版式修订,错误修改V2.2李世涛目录1.产品介绍 (2)2.规格参数 (2)3.产品尺寸 (4)4.上位机的使用 (4)5.调试流程 (9)6.通信协议与报文解析 (11)6.1.通信协议说明 (11)6.2.注意事项 (11)6.3.示例报文解析 (12)6.3.1.查询上报 (12)6.3.2.主动上报 (15)7.安装方式 (16)7.1.基本结构 (16)7.2.基本尺寸 (16)7.3.推荐安装方向 (17)7.4.其他事项 (17)8.产品维护保养 (18)8.1.设备使用环境 (18)9.售后服务 (18)9.1.售后服务承诺 (18)9.2.免责声明 (18)9.3.联系方式 (19)用户须知使用前请详细阅读本说明书,并保存以供参考。
HomeSeer HSM200 多功能传感器说明(英文)说明书

HomeSeer HSM200 GuideThis guide contains instructions for setting up your HomeSeer HSM200multisensor! The HSM200 is designed to sense motion, temperature andlight levels and will work with most Z-Wave certified controllers or smarthubs. HomeSeer HS3 system users can also program the unit to displayup to 7 different colors when things happen in the home. Since theHSM200 is line powered, it can function as a Z-Wave network repeaterand there are no batteries to replace!Adding the HSM200 to your Z-Wave Network (for HomeSeer HS3 System Users)The HSM200 can be added directly through HS3 or can be added via your Z-Wave controller and then imported. (see below if you are not using HS3)a)Navigate to Plug-ins->Z-Wave->Controller Management. Expand your Z-Wave controller.b)Open the Actions menu and select Add / Include Z-wave Device.c)Click Start to initiate the Add process and press the button once on the side of the HSM200 to put it intoInclusion mode. The process will take some time to complete.Adding the HSM200 to your Z-Wave Network (for non-HomeSeer systems)The HSM200 is Z-Wave certified multi-sensor that should work with any Z-Wave certified system controller. Please follow the procedure required by your controller manufacturer for adding (“pairing”) the HSM200 with your Z-Wave network. Note: The Color Control will only work if your control system support the Z-Wave Color Command Class. Please check with the manufacturer of your system to verify compatibility.Removing the HSM200 from your Z-Wave Network (for HomeSeer HS3 System Users)Should you need to remove or reset your HSM200 to its factory configuration, please follow this procedure:a)Navigate to Plug-ins->Z-Wave->Controller Management. Expand your Z-Wave controller.b)Open the Actions menu and select Remove / Exclude Z-wave Device.c)Click Start to initiate the Remove process and press the button once on the side of the HSM200 to put it intoExclusion mode. The process should take very little time to complete.Configuring Device SettingsThe HSM200 has some Device Settings that can be configured.a)Go to your Device Management page (or click Home) and click on the Root device for your HSM200.b)Click on the Z-Wave tab at the top to go to the Z-Wave Device control page.c)On this page the HSM200 can be rescanned, optimized, removed, and other functions. Expand the Settingssection.d)In the settings section the Name and Location of the Node can be configured internally on the HSM200. Creating Events to Utilize Color ControlThe HSM200 includes a system-controllablemulti-colored LED that may be programmedwith ‘events’ to change color when thingshappen in the home. HomeSeer HS3 systemusers can do this by following these steps:a)Go to View->Events and create a newevent.b)After selection your trigger select theControl a Device action.c)Select HSM200 Z-Wave Color Controloption.d)You can now select which color youwould like the LED to change based onyour trigger.Updating the Device FirmwareFrom time to time, HomeSeer will update the firmware. Here the HSM200 firmware can be updated without having to send the device back and forth with HomeSeer support.a)Go to your Device Management page (or click Home) and click on the Root device for your HSM200.b)Click on the Z-Wave tab at the top to go to the Z-Wave Device control page.c)In the Firmware Update section, click Select File and select the HSM200 Firmware upgrade file.d)Let the upgrade procedure finish before leaving the page.Setting Up Device Associationsa)Go to your Device Management page (or click Home) and click on the Root node for your HSM200.b)Click on the Z-Wave tab at the top to go to the Z-Wave Device control page.c)Expand the Associations section.d)The device should automatically associated with HomeSeer but it can be associated with other devices as well.。
pms悬浮粒子5100 说明书

pms悬浮粒子5100 说明书概述:PMS悬浮粒子5100是一种高性能的颗粒物测量设备,用于监测空气中的颗粒物浓度。
1. 设备特点PMS悬浮粒子5100具有以下突出特点:1.1 高精度测量:采用先进的粒子传感技术,能够快速准确地测量空气中的颗粒物浓度,并提供精准的数据输出。
1.2 广泛适用性:PMS悬浮粒子5100适用于室内空气质量监测、工业污染物排放监测、环境监测等多个领域。
1.3 用户友好操作界面:设备配备了直观易懂的操作界面,使用户能够轻松掌握测量过程,并方便快捷地导出数据。
2. 使用方法在使用PMS悬浮粒子5100之前,请仔细阅读以下使用指南,以确保正确操作设备并获得可靠的测量结果。
2.1 设备准备:将PMS悬浮粒子5100放置在水平、稳定的表面上,并确保设备与电源正常连接。
2.2 参数设置:通过设备上的操作界面,设置所需的测量参数,包括采样时间间隔、测量单位等。
2.3 校准操作:在初次使用或长时间未使用后,建议进行设备的校准操作,以确保测量结果的准确性。
2.4 开始测量:完成参数设置和校准操作后,即可开始正式的测量。
3. 数据解读通过PMS悬浮粒子5100测量得到的数据,可以帮助用户了解空气中的颗粒物状况,并做出相应的应对措施。
3.1 数据解析:设备将测量得到的颗粒物浓度数据以数值和图表形式显示,用户可根据实际需求选择查看。
3.2 数据分析:通过对多个时间点的颗粒物浓度进行对比分析,用户可以了解不同时间段空气质量的变化趋势,从而采取相应的改善措施。
3.3 报告生成:PMS悬浮粒子5100提供数据导出功能,用户可以将测量结果导出为电子表格或报告形式,以便进一步分析和分享。
4. 注意事项在使用PMS悬浮粒子5100的过程中,请注意以下事项以确保设备的正常运行和测量的准确性。

3.仪器工作原理自动换膜颗粒物采样器系统由PM10 切割头、PM2.5 切割器、大气温度检测单元、滤膜自动更换单元、流量控制系统和温控系统等组成。
通过抽气泵将环境空气抽入仪器,流量控制在16.67 L/min,气流经PM10 和PM2.5 切割器后,空气动力学直径大于2.5 μm的颗粒物被留在切割器中,小于等于2.5 μm的颗粒物则被截留在滤膜上。
4.仪器技术指标4.1 PM10切割器:冲击式切割器4.2 PM2.5切割器:冲击式和旋风式可选4.3 滤膜:最多可容纳16个滤膜夹,滤膜直径47mm,玻璃纤维滤膜、石英纤维滤膜或PTFE滤膜可选4.4数据保存:可保存至少1年采样数据(每5min平均值)4.5重量:约45kg(不包含附件)4.6尺寸:800mm*780mm*420mm4.7总功耗:约1000w4.8环境压力:80-106kPB5.仪器操作步骤5.1滤膜安装5.1.1逆时针旋转滤膜筒,取下滤膜筒;5.1.2取出滤膜夹,将滤膜夹放入滤膜开启工具中,从前往后推,打开滤膜夹;5.1.3确保滤膜夹不锈钢支撑网上没有纸屑残留,若有残留,请用棉签和酒精擦洗干净;5.1.4用镊子取出一片滤膜,放入滤膜夹中,贴好标签,并盖好合紧;5.1.5将滤膜夹放入到滤膜筒中;5.1.6将空白滤膜筒的卡槽对准圆圈处,往上顶到底,然后顺时针旋转,安装好空白滤膜筒。
5.2开启采样5.2.1进行系统检漏和流量校准,确保仪器气密性良好,流量准确5.2.2 设置采样模式5.2.3回到主界面,按RUN/STOP键开启采样,此时仪器显示“采样等待中”,到达采样开启时间后,仪器即启动采样5.3 滤膜取出5.3.1从仪器上取下滤膜筒,找工具气囊,并进行组装5.3.2组装完毕后,用手慢慢挤压气囊,将滤膜夹升至最顶层,用手捏住滤膜夹边缘从缺口处侧向滑出5.4滤膜保存5.4.1采样结束后,逆时针旋转滤膜筒,取下滤膜筒;5.4.2取出滤膜夹,并用滤膜开启工装将滤膜夹打开;5.4.3用镊子将滤膜取出,放入滤膜存放盒中,并盖好,放入恒温恒湿环境存放。
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图1 PMS200系列颗粒物传感器工作原理示意图
图2 PMS200颗粒物传感器的接口管脚定义
图3 PMS200颗粒物传感器外形尺寸示意图
默认波特率:9600bps 校验位:无停止位:1位
默认波特率:9600bps 校验位:无停止位:1位。