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新概念Lesson1-6 练习题


钢笔 __________ 铅笔 __________ 小汽车 __________ 这里 __________ 原谅__________ 书__________

连衣裙 __________ 房子__________ 手提包__________

衣帽存放处 __________ 老师 __________ 手表__________

裙子 __________ 伞__________ 票__________

再说一遍 __________ 儿子__________ 法国人__________

上衣__________ 衬衣__________ 请__________

一套衣服__________ 女儿 __________ 学生_________

遇见_________ 学校__________ 号码___________

对不起________ 我的________ 早晨___________

中国人___________ 日本人___________ 德国人___________


1、_______am a student , and _______ sister is a nurse .


B Me/my

C I/my

D My/I

2、Carol and I ________ students ,and ______parents are doctors .

A are /we

B are /our

C am /my

D is / her

3、—Is this your pencil ?


A Yes , this is

B Yes , it is

C No , it isn’t my

D Yes , it is my

4、This is a ________.

A umbrella

B apple

C banana

D orange


—Yes , please . I want a bag .a black bag .

A Hello!

B Good morning

C Can I help you

D Hi

6、His name is Yang Lee .His first name is _________

A Yang

B Lee

C Yang Lee

D Lee Yang

7、—Thank you for your help .


A That’s right

B I thank so

C Not at all



—I am a student .

A What are you doing ?

B What do you do ?

C How are you ?

D How do do ?

9、Look , here __________ my hat and my key .

A is

B are

C am

D do

10、—Is the boy tall or short ?

—_________ .

A Yes , he is

B No , he isn’t

C He’s short

D Yes , he does

11、Jim doesn’t know Japanese , and his brother doesn’t know Japanese ________.

A also

B too

C either

D to

12、In the zoo ,we saw ______elephant . ______elephant was from Africa .

A a/The

B the /An

C an/ The

D the/ A

13、—How is your mother ?

—She is ________ ,

A very well

B over there

C a doctor

D fifty

14、My parents gave ______ a nice toy dog for my birthday


B me

C my

D mine

15、Kate is nice . I like to work with ______very much .

A she

B her

C hers

D she’s

16、Excuse ___! Is this your handbag?

A: you B: me C: it D: I

17、-Is this your umbrella? –No, it___.

A: is B: not is C: isn’t D: my

18、Sophie___ a new student.

A: be B: my C: your D: is
