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ABOUT 68 percent of local1.________ (child)aged 5 suffer decayed tooth and the percentage is 32.9 among children 2.________(age)12, local health authorities said yesterday, the National Tooth Care Day. Though the prevalence has been reduced from one decade ago and is 3.________(low)than the national level, of 71.9 percent for children aged 5 and 38.5 for children aged 12, 4.________(much)local children still suffer from decayed teeth.

Oral health is 5.________(close)related 6________ cerebral and cardiovascular diseases and 7.________(diabete)as well as influences a person’s overall health and life quality. Theme of this year’s tooth care day is “dental health and overall health,”said 8.________(official)from Shanghai Commission of Health and Family Planning. Periodontal health among local elderly is poorer than the 9.________(nation)level, as only 7.4 percent of persons between 65 10.________ 74 years old have healthy periodontal condition, dropping by 8.8 percentage points than the previous decade.






6.________ 7 .________ 8.________

9.________ 10.________


SHANGHAI Children’s Medical Center has transplanted part of a

11-year-old boy’s small intestine into his thorax to replace 1.________(he)damaged esophagus, the center announced Tuesday. () This is the center’s fourth operation of 2.________(use) the jejunum, the part of the small intestine between the duodenum 3.________the ileum, to replace a child’s damaged esophagus.

The boy has now left the left the hospital and has resumed a 4.________(norm) diet.

The patient, nicknamed Dong Dong, drank some sulfuric acid stored in a soda bottle one year ago.

His esophagus was 5.________(bad) burned and fused together, 6.________(leave) only a very small gap, barely enough to allow a toothpick to pass.

Dong Dong found it 7________(possible) to swallow any solid food and has been living on only milk and supplements ever since.

In the past year, his family 8.________(take) the patient to several hospitals and medical 9.________(center) in various parts of the country seeking treatment but without any success.

Some inappropriate treatment even resulted 10.________ an esophageal perforation even landed poor Dong Dong in the ICU for a while.






6.________ 7 .________ 8.________

9.________ 10.________


The boy was malnourished and about 50 percent underweight.

1.________ July, Dong Dong’s desperate family

2.________(go)to the center for help.

His attendant doctor Chen Qimin and the general surgery department
