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矮子里面拔将军pick a giant from dwarfs/ choose the best from a mediocre bunch 爱国统一战线patriotic united front

把握大局see the whole picture

百年老店century-old shop

把花架子talk the talk

摆架子put on airs/ act arrogant and superior

板儿寸crew cut

半拉子工程never-to-be finished project

包车charter a bus

包揽a clean sweep

包子steamed bun

保留曲目top songs

本命年the year of one’s animal sign

闭门羹be given the cold shoulder

伯乐talent scout/ a good judge of talent

不成则败make or break

不打不成交No discord, no concord.


不拿原则换人情refrain from seeking personal favors at the expense of principle

不折腾avoid self-inflicted setbacks/ don’t get sidetracked

才疏学浅be wanting in skills and knowledge

插杠子poke one’s nose into sb. else’s business

拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul

长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一带强。The river surges forward wave upon wave. The new generation performs better than the old.

唱高调all talk and no action

扯皮shirk/ pass the buck

城管urban management officer

吃皇粮on the government payroll

吃老本live off one’s past gains or achievements/ rest on one’s laurels


出难题偏题set catchy or tricky questions

出气筒punching bag

处于同一起跑线on the same platform and at the same starting point

穿小鞋make life difficult for/ make it hot for


打白条pay with IOUs

打小报告squeal on sb.

大包大揽take on all things


大做文章make a fuss

挡箭牌excuse/ pretext

倒春寒unusually cold spell in early spring

吊胃口pique one’s interest

定心丸feel relieved/ set one’s mind at rest

断交信a Dear John letter

对口味to one’s taste


发飙have a cow

发射blast off

翻老账open old wounds

放某人鸽子stand sb. up

封口费hush money

各就各位!On your mark.

跟着感觉走follow one’s heart

国民素质the populace’s cultivation

黄昏恋twilight romance

黄金时段prime time

毁人不倦be tireless in leading young people astray

货到付款cash on delivery

借你吉言thank you for your blessings/ thanks to your kind words 开除公职be expelled from public office

开发票make out an invoice

开瓶费corkage fee

开小灶offer extra help (as a favor)

口碑word of mouth

口头禅pet phrase

扣帽子put a label on

快捷方式shortcut icon

宽限期grace period


拉选票seek a vote

滥发纸币excessive issue of bank notes


老大难问题long-standing problem

老调重弹beat a dead horse

老一套the same old trick



练摊be a street vendor

两者不可兼得can’t have it both ways

谅解备忘录memorandum of understanding

领土归属territorial entitlement

另起炉灶make a fresh start

溜须拍马fawn on



乱收费arbitrary charges
