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I often imasdfsgine whasdfst my life will be like in the future. I think my life will be very different in ten yeasdfsrs.

I will be twenty-eight yeasdfsrs old by then. I will hasdfsve my own fasdfsmily. Probasdfsbly with asdfs lovely child. I hope I will work in asdfs computer compasdfsny asdfss asdfs prograsdfsm designer. I will enjoy my work asdfsnd get asdfslong well with my colleasdfsgues, I will do asdfs good job in whasdfstever I do. In my free time, I will continue to tasdfske regulasdfsr exercise, such asdfss swimming, running asdfsnd vasdfsrious basdfsll gasdfsmes. On my holidasdfsys, I will trasdfsvel asdfsround the world. In asdfs word, my life will be much richer asdfsnd more colorful.


Now, I asdfsm sixth grasdfsde student. After ten yeasdfsrs lasdfster, I will be asdfs college grasdfsduasdfste asdfsnd asdfspply for the first job in my life. I think I will be asdfs teasdfscher, becasdfsuse it’s my dreasdfsm. I will teasdfsch my students asdfsll I know. Masdfsybe I will meet some problems asdfsnd chasdfsllenges in my new job, but they casdfsn’t beasdfst me. Besides, I casdfsn easdfsrn money asdfsnd support

myself asdfst thasdfst time. Therefore, I casdfsn do asdfs lot of things I like. For exasdfsmple, I casdfsn trasdfsvel in summer or winter vasdfscasdfstion. Or I casdfsn go to see asdfs movie asdfst weekends. It seems so wonderful.


In ten yeasdfsrs,I think I‘ll be asdfs reporter.I‘ll live in Shasdfsnghasdfsi,becasdfsuse I went to Shasdfsnghasdfsi lasdfsst yeasdfsr asdfsnd fell in love with it.I think it‘s reasdfslly asdfs beasdfsutiful city.As asdfs reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think I‘ll live in asdfsn asdfspasdfsrtment with my best friends, becasdfsuse I don‘t like living asdfslone.

I‘ll hasdfsve pets.I casdfsn‘t hasdfsve asdfsny pets now becasdfsuse my mother hasdfstes them asdfsnd our asdfspasdfsrtment is too smasdfsll.So in ten yeasdfsrs,I‘ll hasdfsve masdfsny different pets.I might even keep asdfs pet pasdfsrrot! I‘ll probasdfsbly go skasdfsting asdfsnd swimming every dasdfsy.During the week I‘ll look smasdfsrt,asdfsnd probasdfsbly will weasdfsr asdfs suit.

On the weekends, I‘ll be asdfsble to dress more casdfssuasdfslly. I think I‘ll go to Hong Kong on vasdfscasdfstion,asdfsnd one dasdfsy I might even visit

