木业术语中英文对照木业术语中英文对照木材识别wood identification 又称“木材鉴别”。
横切面cross section transverse section 又称“横截面”。
弦切面tangential section 径切面radial section 树皮bark 韧皮部phloem bast 韧皮纤维phloem fiber bast fiber 形成层cambium 木质部xylem 髓心pith 髓斑pith fleck 节子knot 树胶道gum duct gum canal 树脂道resin duct resin canal 树脂囊pitch pocket 树脂条纹pitch streak 创伤树脂道traumatic resin duct traumatic resin canal 生长轮growth ring 年轮annual ring 散孔材diffuse porous wood 半散孔材semi-diffuse porous wood 环孔材ring-porous wood 半环孔材semi-ring-porous wood 木材的各向异性anisotropy of wood 管孔pore 管胞tracheid 木射线wood ray xylem ray 射线管胞ray tracheid 导管分子vessel member vessel element 导管vessel 薄壁组织parenchyma 薄壁组织细胞parenchyma cell 虫眼pinhole wormhole 分泌细胞epithelial cell 细结构fine texture 粗结构coarse texture 松散纹理loosened grain 斜纹理cross grain 交错纹理interlocked grain 螺旋纹理spiral grain 木材花纹wood figure 细胞腔cell lumen cell cavity 细胞壁cell wall 胞间层middle lamella 纹孔pit 单纹孔对simple pit pair 具缘纹孔对bordered pit pair 半具缘纹孔对half bordered pit pair 纹孔环pit annulus 纹孔口pit aperture orifice 纹孔缘pit border 纹孔道pit canal 纹孔腔pit cavity 纹孔室pit chamber 纹孔闭塞pit aspiration 纹孔塞torus pit torus 自由水free water 吸着水bound water 又称“结合水”。
扶手:arm 扶板:wing层板:plywood 填料:padding转角:wedge,底座:arm panel 后挡板:tailgate扶手垫:armcap,头枕:headrest坐垫:cushion拉练:zipper搁脚ttoman茶几:end table 摇椅:recliner塑料膜:plastic film/bubble film海绵:foam泡沫板:EPSblock2纸板:corrugate 后下outside back 扶手内侧inside arm 面板front arm panel 扶手外侧outside arm 扶手前front arm 扶手后侧the rear arm. 扶手top arm / arm 接缝seam 靠背正面inside back 缝针、针脚stitch靠背后面outside back 双针two-needle stitch 靠背back rest 双针机double needle machine 屏耳the wing on both sides of the back 回针returned-stitch 防护绵: poly (top back rail) (STAPLED) 缝止the width of the seam 喷胶棉(树脂棉)Glued Fiber / Rolled Fiber 针距stitch size spacing松棉)Loosed Fiber 刀眼notch 编织带Webbing 针眼stitch mark封口胶Tape for sealing the carton 浮线float stitch抓钉T-Nuts 线头Odd pieces of thread 枪钉staple露线exposed stitches 垫圈ring / bezel/washer 贴边/嵌条Welt三人沙发Sofa 效影(阴阳色)two-tone effect搁脚30, Ottoman 瑕疵flaw 转椅49 色差off shade头层皮top grain 结点knot 二层皮split 深色纱线斑点mottled yarns 仿皮vinyl 橡皮膏stress tape (cloth tape) for C&S 天鹅绒kin velvet 杀真菌剂fungicide 无纺布non-woven fabric/dustcover 里布denim 毡毯felt 中垫Center / Central cushion 倒顺毛the direction of pile 上垫Upper layer cushion S簧/蛇簧no-sag spring 拉布/拉条Puller 塔簧long coil spring防霉:mildew-proof 蜡变革wax finish, wax effect 靠垫:back pillow 油变革oily pull-up leather [抛枕:throwpillow 磨砂革buffed leather, nubuck, sanded 夹板ply wood 雌雄扣Velcro 缝制工艺图Sewing diagram 家具固定带, 无弹性Puckering 纸板Paper pattern松紧带Elastic 样套Sample C&S T隔布partition (PCS.) 钉饰nail trim五金压条metal tacking strip 弯度curve board海棉--密度-density 弹性-hysteresis loss支撑系数-support factor阻燃测试-Flammability test 2KG黄芯-yellow core皮料- 英文对照Aalligator 鳄鱼皮也称为crocodile皮antelope leather 羚羊皮革bbuckskin 鹿绒皮buffalo hides 水牛皮buffalo hides, salted,wet 盐湿水牛皮bullhide 公牛皮butt-branded steers 臀部有烙印阉牛皮butt leather 臀皮ccabreta 卡利大皮calf leather 小牛皮calfskin, with the hair on, dyed 染色小牛皮camel leather 骆驼皮革cape skin 开普皮carpincho 河马皮cattle hide 大牛皮cattle leather, dyed 染色牛皮cattle leather,metallized 烫金属牛皮cattle leather, patent 漆牛皮chamois-dressed leather 油鞣皮(雪米皮) chicago wet-salted hides 芝加哥湿盐皮colorado steerhide 科罗拉多阉牛皮cordovan 马臀皮covers, file leather 公文夹用皮革cowhide 母牛皮cowhides, salted, wet 盐湿黄牛皮crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮ddeer leather 鹿皮革deerskin 鹿皮deerskin, chamois-dressed 鹿皮doeskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣牡鹿皮dried 皮干fflesher 羊榔皮fox fur skin, dressed 硝制狐皮fox fur skin, dyed 染色狐皮fur skins, tanned or dressed 鞣制或硝制毛皮ggoat leather 山羊皮goat leather, dyed 染色山羊皮goat leather, metallized 烫金属山羊皮goatskin 山羊皮goatskin, dyed 染色山羊皮hhairsheep 直毛羊皮---绵羊的毛呈直条波浪型头发一样heavy cows 重量母牛皮heavy native cows 重量无烙印母牛皮heavy native heifers 重量无烙印小母牛皮heavy native steers 重量无烙印阎牛皮heifer 母童牛皮hide 大件皮hide, buffalo, dehaired, tanned 水牛皮hide, cattle or cow, dehaired, tanned 牛皮(黄牛皮) hide, ox, dehaired, tanned 牡牛皮hide, steer, dehaired, tanned 牡犊皮hide, zebra, dehaired, tanned 班玛皮holster, pistol, leather 手枪皮套horsehide 马皮horse leather, dyed 烫金属马皮horse leather, patent 漆马皮iinner hide, cow and buffalo dried 黄牛, 水牛内皮kkangaroo 袋鼠皮kidskin skin 小羊皮llambskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣仔羊皮leather of sheep and lambskins 绵羊及仔绵羊皮leather auxiliaries 皮革助剂leather of goat and kidskins 山羊及仔山羊皮leather sole 皮底leather upper 皮面leather, buffalo 水牛革leather, calf, chrome-tanned colored and polished 铬鞣染色打光小牛皮leather, cattle or cow 牛革leather, crust, calf 硬小牛皮leather, curried, calf 鞣制小牛皮leather, kid skin 仔山羊皮leather, ox 牡牛革leather, sole, calf 制鞋底用小牛皮leather, vamp, calf 制鞋面小牛皮leather, horse or equine 马革leather, mule 骡革leather, steer 牡犊革leather, zebra 斑马革leopard fur skin, dressed 硝制豹皮leopard fur skin, dyed 染色豹皮light cows 轻量母牛皮light native cows 轻量无烙印母牛/阉牛皮lizard leather 蜥蜴皮lizard skin 蜥蜴皮=蜥蜴类动物的皮mmarten fur skin, dressed 硝制貂皮marten fur skin, dyed 染色貂皮macha 摩卡皮muntafac fur skin, dressed 硝制羌皮muntafac fur skin, dyed 染色羌皮oostrich 鸵鸟皮pparchment-dressed leather 羊皮纸型熟皮patent and metallized leather 漆皮及硬化剂peccary 野猪皮pelt 生毛皮pheasant 鳗鱼皮pickled hides 浸酸牛皮pickled lamb pelts, run 浸酸羔羊皮pigskin lining leather 猪里皮pigskin upper leather 猪面皮。
扶手:arm 扶板:wing层板:plywood 填料:padding转角:wedge,底座:arm panel 后挡板:tailgate扶手垫:armcap,头枕:headrest坐垫:cushion拉练:zipper搁脚ttoman茶几:end table 摇椅:recliner塑料膜:plastic film/bubble film海绵:foam泡沫板:EPSblock2纸板:corrugate 后下outside back 扶手内侧inside arm 面板front arm panel 扶手外侧outside arm 扶手前front arm 扶手后侧the rear arm. 扶手top arm / arm 接缝seam 靠背正面inside back 缝针、针脚stitch靠背后面outside back 双针two-needle stitch 靠背back rest 双针机double needle machine 屏耳the wing on both sides of the back 回针returned-stitch 防护绵: poly (top back rail) (STAPLED) 缝止the width of the seam 喷胶棉(树脂棉)Glued Fiber / Rolled Fiber 针距stitch size spacing松棉)Loosed Fiber 刀眼notch 编织带Webbing 针眼stitch mark封口胶Tape for sealing the carton 浮线float stitch抓钉T-Nuts 线头Odd pieces of thread 枪钉staple露线exposed stitches 垫圈ring / bezel/washer 贴边/嵌条Welt三人沙发Sofa 效影(阴阳色)two-tone effect搁脚30, Ottoman 瑕疵flaw 转椅49 色差off shade头层皮top grain 结点knot 二层皮split 深色纱线斑点mottled yarns 仿皮vinyl 橡皮膏stress tape (cloth tape) for C&S 天鹅绒kin velvet 杀真菌剂fungicide 无纺布non-woven fabric/dustcover 里布denim 毡毯felt 中垫Center / Central cushion 倒顺毛the direction of pile 上垫Upper layer cushion S簧/蛇簧no-sag spring 拉布/拉条Puller 塔簧long coil spring防霉:mildew-proof 蜡变革wax finish, wax effect 靠垫:back pillow 油变革oily pull-up leather [抛枕:throwpillow 磨砂革buffed leather, nubuck, sanded 夹板ply wood 雌雄扣V elcro 缝制工艺图Sewing diagram 家具固定带, 无弹性Puckering 纸板Paper pattern松紧带Elastic 样套Sample C&S T隔布partition (PCS.) 钉饰nail trim五金压条metal tacking strip 弯度curve board海棉--密度-density 弹性-hysteresis loss支撑系数-support factor阻燃测试-Flammability test 2KG黄芯-yellow core皮料- 英文对照Aalligator 鳄鱼皮也称为crocodile皮antelope leather 羚羊皮革bbuckskin 鹿绒皮buffalo hides 水牛皮buffalo hides, salted,wet 盐湿水牛皮bullhide 公牛皮butt-branded steers 臀部有烙印阉牛皮butt leather 臀皮ccabreta 卡利大皮calf leather 小牛皮calfskin, with the hair on, dyed 染色小牛皮camel leather 骆驼皮革cape skin 开普皮carpincho 河马皮cattle hide 大牛皮cattle leather, dyed 染色牛皮cattle leather,metallized 烫金属牛皮cattle leather, patent 漆牛皮chamois-dressed leather 油鞣皮(雪米皮) chicago wet-salted hides 芝加哥湿盐皮colorado steerhide 科罗拉多阉牛皮cordovan 马臀皮covers, file leather 公文夹用皮革cowhide 母牛皮cowhides, salted, wet 盐湿黄牛皮crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮ddeer leather 鹿皮革deerskin 鹿皮deerskin, chamois-dressed 鹿皮doeskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣牡鹿皮dried 皮干fflesher 羊榔皮fox fur skin, dressed 硝制狐皮fox fur skin, dyed 染色狐皮fur skins, tanned or dressed 鞣制或硝制毛皮ggoat leather 山羊皮goat leather, dyed 染色山羊皮goat leather, metallized 烫金属山羊皮goatskin 山羊皮goatskin, dyed 染色山羊皮hhairsheep 直毛羊皮---绵羊的毛呈直条波浪型头发一样heavy cows 重量母牛皮heavy native cows 重量无烙印母牛皮heavy native heifers 重量无烙印小母牛皮heavy native steers 重量无烙印阎牛皮heifer 母童牛皮hide 大件皮hide, buffalo, dehaired, tanned 水牛皮hide, cattle or cow, dehaired, tanned 牛皮(黄牛皮) hide, ox, dehaired, tanned 牡牛皮hide, steer, dehaired, tanned 牡犊皮hide, zebra, dehaired, tanned 班玛皮holster, pistol, leather 手枪皮套horsehide 马皮horse leather, dyed 烫金属马皮horse leather, patent 漆马皮iinner hide, cow and buffalo dried 黄牛, 水牛内皮kkangaroo 袋鼠皮kidskin skin 小羊皮llambskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣仔羊皮leather of sheep and lambskins 绵羊及仔绵羊皮leather auxiliaries 皮革助剂leather of goat and kidskins 山羊及仔山羊皮leather sole 皮底leather upper 皮面leather, buffalo 水牛革leather, calf, chrome-tanned colored and polished 铬鞣染色打光小牛皮leather, cattle or cow 牛革leather, crust, calf 硬小牛皮leather, curried, calf 鞣制小牛皮leather, kid skin 仔山羊皮leather, ox 牡牛革leather, sole, calf 制鞋底用小牛皮leather, vamp, calf 制鞋面小牛皮leather, horse or equine 马革leather, mule 骡革leather, steer 牡犊革leather, zebra 斑马革leopard fur skin, dressed 硝制豹皮leopard fur skin, dyed 染色豹皮light cows 轻量母牛皮light native cows 轻量无烙印母牛/阉牛皮lizard leather 蜥蜴皮lizard skin 蜥蜴皮=蜥蜴类动物的皮mmarten fur skin, dressed 硝制貂皮marten fur skin, dyed 染色貂皮macha 摩卡皮muntafac fur skin, dressed 硝制羌皮muntafac fur skin, dyed 染色羌皮oostrich 鸵鸟皮pparchment-dressed leather 羊皮纸型熟皮patent and metallized leather 漆皮及硬化剂peccary 野猪皮pelt 生毛皮pheasant 鳗鱼皮pickled hides 浸酸牛皮pickled lamb pelts, run 浸酸羔羊皮pigskin lining leather 猪里皮pigskin upper leather 猪面皮pigskin split leather 猪榔皮pigskin 原料盐皮pigskin nubuck upper leather 猪磨面皮pigskins leather, tanned 加工猪皮pony skin 小马皮pony skin, dyed 染色小马皮qqueensland hides 昆士兰皮rreconstituted and artificial leather containing leather or leather fibre 再生&人造皮革release paper 离型纸sshark leather 鲨鱼皮sharkskin 鲨鱼皮shearling 毛羊皮sheep and lambskins with the wool带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮sheep and lambskins without the wool 不带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮sheep leather 绵羊皮sheep leather, dyed 染色绵羊皮sheep leather, metallized 烫金属绵羊皮sheep leather, patent 漆绵羊皮sheepskin 硝制绵羊皮sheepskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣羊皮sheepskin. with hair on, dyed 染色绵羊皮skin 小件皮skin, bird, with feathers removed, ranned 去毛加工之鸟皮skin, rhinceros 犀牛皮skiver 薄羊面皮snakeskins, dried 干蛇皮snakeskins, tanned 加工蛇皮split leather 榔皮, 二层皮steerhide 阉牛皮suede 反毛皮swine leather, dyed 染色猪皮swine leather, enamelled 上釉猪皮swine leather, metallized 烫金猪皮ttanning auxiliaries 鞣革助剂tanning extracts 鞣革剂tassels, leather 皮革饰缝tiger fur skin, dressed 硝制虎皮titanium 钛白粉trimmings, leather 皮制饰品uupper leather of cattle and calf 牛及小牛之面皮upper leather of goat 山羊面皮upper leather of kid 仔山羊教你如何用WORD文档(2012-06-27 192246)转载▼标签:杂谈1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。
[ 家具木材]Abele 银白杨Abnormal wood 异常(木)材Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板Adjustable template 可调节的样板Adult wood 成年材African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀African ebony 非洲乌木African mabogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀Aging 老化,陈化Air drying 大气干燥Air seasoning 天然干燥Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木Alder 赤杨类American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木American tulipwood 美国鹅掌揪Annual ring 年轮Apron 望板Armor-plywood 金属贴面板Arris 棱Artificial slabs 人造板Artificial timber 人造木材Ash 白蜡木Aspen 白杨类Babool 阿拉伯胶树Back 背板Back board 背板Back veneer 衬板Bald cypress 落羽杉Bamboo 竹子Basswood 椴木,美国椴木Batten board 条板心细木工板Beech 山毛榉木Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood (弯)曲木Birch 白桦,Birdseye maple 雀眼枫木板Block 塞角Block floor 拼花地板Blockboard 细工木板Board 板材Bottom 底板Bowing 顺弯Branch wood 枝条材Brazilian mahogany 巴西桃花心木Bright sap 净面边材,无皮边材Broad leaf wood 阔叶材,硬材Brown ash 美国深色白蜡木Burl 树疤,树瘤Caul 垫板,衬板Cedar 雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony 乌木Cherry 樱桃木Chile pine 智利松Chinese chi (中国)漆树Chip 木屑# 1 common 普一级#2 common 普二级compreg 胶压木compressed wood 压缩木coniferous species 针叶树种continuous layer board 多层板cork 软木cottonwood 三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)crook 弯曲木cross rail 拉档crotch 丫权cupping 翘弯curly birch 皱纹桦木板curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材curved plywood 曲型合板cypress针叶树Dado 护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel 防潮镶板Decay 初腐Deciduous species 阔叶树种。
家具英译(3)——家具木材AAbele银白杨Abnormal wood 异常(木)材Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板Adjustable template 可调节的样板Adult wood 成年材African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀African ebony 非洲乌木African mabogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀Aging 老化,陈化Air drying 大气干燥Air seasoning 天然干燥Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木Alder 赤杨类American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Annual ring 年轮Apron 望板Armor-plywood 金属贴面板Arris 棱Artificial slabs人造板Artificial timber 人造木材Ash 白蜡木Aspen 白杨类BBabool 阿拉伯胶树Back 背板Back board背板Back veneer 衬板Bald cypress 落羽杉Bamboo 竹子Basswood 椴木,美国椴木Batten board 条板心细木工板Beech 山毛榉木Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood (弯)曲木Birch 白桦,Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板Block 塞角Block floor 拼花地板Blockboard 细工木板Board 板材Bottom 底板Bowing 顺弯Branch wood 枝条材Brazilian mahogany 巴西桃花心木Bright sap 净面边材,无皮边材Broad leaf wood 阔叶材,硬材Brown ash 美国深色白蜡木Burl 树疤,树瘤CCaul 垫板,衬板Cedar 雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry 樱桃木Chile pine 智利松Chinese chi (中国)漆树Chip 木屑# 1 common 普一级#2 common 普二级compreg 胶压木compressed wood 压缩木coniferous species 针叶树种continuous layer board 多层板cork 软木cottonwood 三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)crook 弯曲木cross rail 拉档crotch 丫权cupping 翘弯curly birch 皱纹桦木板curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材curved plywood曲型合板cypress针叶树DDado 护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel 防潮镶板Decay 初腐Deciduous species 阔叶树种Décor panel镶板,装饰板Delta wood 多层木Densified wood 强化木材Density of wood 木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut 切削量(深度)Diffuse porous wood 散孔材Dimension 规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar 波纹Door frame 鸡翅木Door lining 门框Dovetail 门衬板Dowel 燕尾榫Drawer front 圆榫Drawer side 屉旁板Dressed timber净材EEastern cottonwood (美国)东部杨木Eastern hemlock (加拿大)铁杉Eastern larch 落叶松Eastern white pine (美国)白松Ebony 乌木Edge cutting 封边Elm 榆木Elm burl 榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting 截头English plane 英国悬铃木Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树(类)Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板Europe cherry 欧洲樱桃木板Eropean ash 欧洲白蜡木European beech 欧洲桦木European birch 欧洲桦木European chestnut 欧洲栗木European hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆European horse-chestnut 欧洲七叶树European larch 欧洲落叶松European lime 欧洲椴木European spruce 欧洲云杉European yew 欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board 木丝板Exotics 外来木Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板HFace veneer 表面单板FAS 一级和二级FAX 1F 单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背(板)Fiddle butt 乐器用材Figured 影木Figured sycomore 梧桐影木Fine wood board 纤维板Flakeboard 碎料板Flakes 薄片刨花Flame-retardant fibre building board 耐火纤维板Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材Flooring 地板Flush panel 平(光)镶板Formed plywood 模压(成型)胶合板Frame core flush panel 中空合板From sustainable forests 来自可持续发展的森林Furniture dimension stock 家具规格材Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片GGap 离缝Giant cedar (美国)侧柏Gloss 光泽度Grade 等级Grade of lumber 成材等级Graded分等级Grain 纹理HHackberry 朴树Band selected 手工挑选Hard board 硬质纤维板Hard maple 硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa (美国)梓树Heat board 心板Hickory 山核桃木High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板High gloss 超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR) 高强度抗湿Hipboard 细木工板Hole drilling 打眼Honey-comb core plywood 蜂窝心胶合板Huanghauli wood 黄花梨木IIdentification of timbers 木材识别Imitation wood 仿制材Imported timber 进口材Impregnated wood (合成树脂)浸渍木Indian camphor 印度樟木Indian chestnut 印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian ebony 印度乌木Indian “laurel” 印度“月桂树”Insect attack虫眼Inserting panel 装板Install wood strip flooring 安装地板条JJapanese beech 日本山毛榉Japanese larch 日本落叶松Japanese(red)pine 日本赤松Japanese thuja 罗汉柏Japanese white pine 日本五须松Joint flooring 企口地板Jointless flooring 无缝地板KKarelian birch克若利安桦木板Kerf width 锯路宽度Khaya 非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine 窑干松木Kiln drying 人工窑干燥Kind of timber 材种Kirl 紫花泡桐Knob 节子Knock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架Knot 木节,节疤LLaminate 层压Laminated wood 层积材,多层胶合木Leg 腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood 木材水力切割Log 原木Log grade 原木等级。
Arabaian acacia;badul; babul marblewood;marble wattle cutch;khair churqui apiesdoreng;South African camel fhorn brigalow spearwood;walkying mayallwood;mayall wattle koa pilang;tanaung;reru;panha rya; Australian blackwood; black wattle;wattle myall Arabic gum tree;hashab tamat talha visco sen Japanese maple Japanese maple;hornbeam Japanese maple Russian maple Rocky Mountains maple Balkans maple Japanese maple Italian maple broad-leaved maple;Oregon Manchurian maple Japanese maple manitoba maple;boxelder; Black maple;rock maple; Japanese maple Italian maple Japanese maple Pennsylvanian maple; Norway maple;Bosnian maple sycamore;great maple;sycamore Red maple;scarlet maple;soft Japanese maple silver maple;soft maple;water Sugar maple;hard maple;
拉丁名 Abarema; Abies alba Abies Abies Abies Abies bracteata Abies cephalonica Abies cephalonica Abies cilicia Abies concolor Abies firma Abies frasri Abies grandis Abies homolepis Abies koreana Abies lasiocapa Abies lasiocarpa Abies lowiana Abies magnifica Abies magnifica Abies mariesii Abies nephrolepis Abies Abies numidica Abies pindrow Abies pinsapo Abies pinsapo var. Abies pinsapo var. Abies procra Abies religiosa Abies Abies Abies Abies Abies Acacia Acacia
scar 疤scratch 刮伤blood vein 血筋scabby 疥brand 烙印loose grain 松面whip damage 鞭印two-tone 双色mill 摔软leather 皮革kid 小山羊sheep 绵羊goat 山羊butter ball 混种羊cow 母牛calf 小牛shoe 鞋子dandal凉鞋boot靴子furniture 家具buffalo 水牛glazed 光亮的softina 打蜡皮kid suede 羊绒nubuck 磨面pear lized 珠光的crust 皮胚vegetable 树羔皮thickness 厚度grade 级别size 张幅finish 处理;完成shoulder 肩部bend 背部belly 腹部brush off 擦色Full-grain 全粒面semi-grain 半粒面Chrom tanning 铬鞣vegetble tanning 植鞣cutting value 利用率scar 疤scratch 刮伤blood vein 血筋fair leathe r集市皮革fancy leather 美术革, 装饰用革finished leather 成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather 足球革football-helmet leather 橄榄球头盔革furniture leather 家具革garment leather 衣服革gas meter leather 气表革glace leather 白鞣革glove leather 手套皮hair-on leather 带毛革half leather 半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather 马具革hat leather 制帽革hat sweatband leather 帽圈革heavy leather 厚革heel leather (鞋)后跟皮hunting leather 粗绒面革hydraulic leather 水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather 充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather 工业用革iron tanned leather 铁鞣革japanned leather 漆皮kangaroo leather 袋鼠革kaspine leather 开斯宾革levant leather 皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather 轻革line leather 马具革lining leather 衬里革luggage leather 箱包革mountain leather 石棉napped leather 绒毛皮革oar leather 桨革oil seal leather 油封革oiled leather 涂油革oil-tanned leather 油鞣革organ-pipe leather 风琴管革packing leather 皮碗paper based artificial leather 纸基人造革patent leather 漆皮patent leather 漆革piano leather 钢琴革piston packing leather 活塞填密皮scabby 疥brand 烙印loose grain 松面whip damage 鞭印two-tone 双色mill 摔软wax 打蜡lining 内里artificial leather 人造革baseball leather 棒球革basketball leather 篮球革bellow leather 风箱革belt leather 带皮belting leather 带革; 轮带book-binding leather 书面革bottom leather 底革boxing-glove leather 拳击手套革buck leather (雄)鹿革buckle leather 带用革buffed leather 磨面革butt leather 底革card leather 梳革case leather 箱皮charred leather 皮炭chamois leather 麂皮chrome leather 铬革chrome tanned leather 铬鞣革clothing leather 服装革combination tanned leather 结合鞣制的革combing leather 梳刷革cow leather 牛皮crown leather 上等皮革crup leather 马臀革crust leather 坯革; 半硝革cup leather 制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather 隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather 狗皮(制的)革dressing leather 饰革drum leather 鼓皮drycleanable leather 耐干洗革easy-care leather 易保养革embossed leather 压花革enamel leather 漆皮enamelled leather 漆皮plated leather 熨压皮革portmanteau leather 旅行皮包革rein leather 马具革rock leather 一种石棉rolled leather 轧制革roller leather 机轴革rough-tanned leather 粗鞣革rubbing leathers 【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather 俄罗斯革saddle leather 鞍皮[革]saffian leather 山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather 废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather 半苯胺革semi-chrome leather 混合铬鞣革sheep leather (绵)羊革shrink leather 皱纹革skirt leather 植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather 光面皮革soccerballleather 足球革softleather 软革soleleather 底革stirrup leather 镫革strop leather 磨刀皮革suede leather 起毛皮革sweat band leather (帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather 合成皮带textile machinery leather 纺织机用革tie and dye leather 扎染革two-tone leather 双色调革upholstery leather 装饰用皮革upper leather 面革valve leather 阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather 植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather 正绒面革zirconium tanned leather 锆鞣革volleyball leather 排球革wash leather 可洗皮革washable chamois leather 可洗麂皮welting leather 镶边革; 贴边革white leather 白革; 矾鞣革豹纹牛皮:leopard-grain cowhide Leather,老外很少说是什么皮的,而leather通常也是指的牛皮,简化成leopard-grain leather(压)豹纹牛皮海鳗皮:eel skin鳗鱼皮:river eel skin打光羊皮:是不是磨面羊皮?buffed sheepskin打蜡皮:burnished leather环保皮:eco-leather蜥蜴纹牛皮:lizard-print cowhide Leather/lizard grain cowhide Leather(前一个是印纹,后一个是压纹。
室内装修用木材大全柚木 Teak高级进口材,油性丰富,线条清晰,色泽稳定,装饰风格稳重。
It comes from Burma,which is famous for the teak.Teak is full of greasy,nevertheless, due to itsspecial quality and profoundcolor, it is applied for highlevel decoration in the woodindustry.黑檀 Ebony色泽油黑发亮,木质细腻坚实,为名贵木材,山纹有如幽谷,直纹疑似苍林。
It is from Indonesia,which is the place of plentyof wood. Ebony is very specialwood for its color andcharacter; its charm darknessalways expresses theconnotation and sedatenesscharacter. Ebony is alwaysthe best choice to make highvalue furniture in woodindustry.胡桃木 Walnut产于美国、加拿大之高级木材。
It comes from USA andCanada. The color and linespresent profound effect. Thehigh level furniture ofWalnut is always the bestselection in the high testchoice.白橡 White Oak色泽略浅,纹理淡雅。
家具木材中英互译Abele银白杨Abnormal wood 异常(木)材Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板Adjustable template 可调节的样板Adult wood 成年材African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀African ebony 非洲乌木African mabogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀Aging 老化,陈化Air drying 大气干燥Air seasoning 天然干燥Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木Alder 赤杨类American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Annual ring 年轮Apron 望板Armor-plywood 金属贴面板Arris 棱Artificial slabs人造板Artificial timber 人造木材Ash 白蜡木Aspen 白杨类Babool 阿拉伯胶树Back 背板Back board背板Back veneer 衬板Bald cypress 落羽杉Bamboo 竹子Basswood 椴木,美国椴木Batten board 条板心细木工板Beech 山毛榉木Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood (弯)曲木Birch白桦,Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板Block塞角Block floor拼花地板Blockboard细工木板Board板材Bottom底板Bowing顺弯Branch wood枝条材Broad leaf wood阔叶材,硬材Brazilian mahogany巴西桃花心木Bright sap净面边材,无皮边材Brown ash美国深色白蜡木Burl树疤,树瘤Caul 垫板,衬板Cedar雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry樱桃木Chile pine智利松Chinese chi(中国)漆树Chip木屑# 1 common普一级#2 common普二级Compreg 胶压木Compressed wood 压缩木Coniferous species针叶树种Continuous layer board多层板Cork 软木Crook弯曲木Cottonwood三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)Cross rail拉档Crotch丫权Cupping翘弯Curly birch皱纹桦木板Curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材Curved plywood曲型合板Cypress针叶树Dado护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel 防潮镶板Decay初腐Deciduous species阔叶树种Décor panel镶板,装饰板Delta wood多层木Densified wood强化木材Density of wood木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut切削量(深度)Diffuse porous wood 散孔材Dimension 规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar波纹Door frame 鸡翅木Door lining 门框Dovetail门衬板Dressed timber净材Dowel 燕尾榫Drawer front 圆榫Drawer side屉旁板Eastern cottonwood(美国)东部杨木Eastern hemlock(加拿大)铁杉Eastern larch落叶松Eastern white pine(美国)白松Ebony 乌木Edge cutting封边Elm榆木Elm burl榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting 截头English plane 英国悬铃木Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树(类)Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板European birch 欧洲桦木Europe cherry 欧洲樱桃木板Eropean ash 欧洲白蜡木European beech 欧洲桦木European chestnut 欧洲栗木European hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆European horse-chestnut 欧洲七叶树European larch 欧洲落叶松European lime 欧洲椴木European spruce 欧洲云杉European yew 欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board 木丝板Exotics 外来木Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板Face veneer 表面单板FAS 一级和二级FAX 1F 单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背(板)Fiddle butt 乐器用材Figured 影木Figured sycomore 梧桐影木Fine wood board 纤维板Flakeboard 碎料板Flakes 薄片刨花Flush panel 平(光)镶板Flame-retardant fibre building board 耐火纤维板Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材Flooring地板Formed plywood模压(成型)胶合板Frame core flush panel中空合板From sustainable forests 来自可持续发展的森林Furniture dimension stock 家具规格材Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片Gap 离缝Giant cedar (美国)侧柏Gloss 光泽度Grade 等级Grade of lumber 成材等级Graded分等级Grain 纹理Hackberry 朴树Band selected 手工挑选Hard board 硬质纤维板Hard maple 硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa (美国)梓树Heat board 心板Hickory 山核桃木High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板High gloss 超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR) 高强度抗湿Hipboard 细木工板Hole drilling 打眼Honey-comb core plywood 蜂窝心胶合板Huanghauli wood 黄花梨木Identification of timbers 木材识别Imitation wood 仿制材Imported timber 进口材Impregnated wood (合成树脂)浸渍木Insect attack虫眼Indian chestnut 印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian ebony 印度乌木Indian “laurel” 印度“月桂树”Indian camphor 印度樟木Inserting panel 装板Install wood strip flooring 安装地板条Japanese beech 日本山毛榉Japanese larch 日本落叶松Japanese(red)pine 日本赤松Japanese thuja 罗汉柏Japanese white pine 日本五须松Joint flooring 企口地板Jointless flooring 无缝地板Karelian birch克若利安桦木板Kerf width 锯路宽度Khaya 非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine 窑干松木Kiln drying 人工窑干燥Kind of timber 材种Kirl 紫花泡桐Knob 节子Knot 木节,节疤Knock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架Laminate 层压Laminated wood 层积材,多层胶合木Leg 腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood 木材水力切割Log 原木Log grade 原木等级。
扶手:arm 扶板:wing层板:plywood 填料:padding转角:wedge,底座:arm panel 后挡板:tailgate扶手垫:armcap,头枕:headrest坐垫:cushion拉练:zipper搁脚ttoman茶几:end table 摇椅:recliner塑料膜:plastic film/bubble film海绵:foam泡沫板:EPSblock2纸板:corrugate 后下outside back 扶手内侧inside arm 面板front arm panel 扶手外侧outside arm 扶手前front arm 扶手后侧the rear arm. 扶手top arm / arm 接缝seam 靠背正面inside back 缝针、针脚stitchFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use靠背后面outside back 双针two-needle stitch 靠背back rest 双针机double needle machine 屏耳the wing on both sides of the back 回针returned-stitch 防护绵: poly (top back rail) (STAPLED) 缝止the width of the seam 喷胶棉(树脂棉)Glued Fiber / Rolled Fiber 针距stitch size spacing松棉)Loosed Fiber 刀眼notch 编织带Webbing 针眼stitch mark封口胶Tape for sealing the carton 浮线float stitch抓钉T-Nuts 线头Odd pieces of thread 枪钉staple露线exposed stitches 垫圈ring / bezel/washer 贴边/嵌条Welt三人沙发Sofa 效影(阴阳色)two-tone effect搁脚30, Ottoman 瑕疵flaw 转椅49 色差off shade头层皮top grain 结点knot 二层皮split 深色纱线斑点mottled yarns 仿皮vinyl 橡皮膏stress tape (cloth tape) for C&S 天鹅绒kin velvet 杀真菌剂fungicide 无纺布non-woven fabric/dustcover 里布denim 毡毯felt 中垫Center / Central cushion 倒顺毛the direction of pile 上垫Upper layer cushion S簧/蛇簧no-sag spring 拉布/拉条Puller 塔簧long coil spring防霉:mildew-proof 蜡变革wax finish, wax effect 靠垫:back pillow 油变革oily pull-up leather [抛枕:throw pillow 磨砂革buffed leather, nubuck, sanded 夹板ply wood 雌雄扣Velcro 缝制工艺图Sewing diagram 家具固定带, 无弹性Puckering 纸板Paper pattern松紧带Elastic 样套Sample C&S T隔布partition (PCS.) 钉饰nail trim五金压条metal tacking strip 弯度curve board海棉--密度-density 弹性-hysteresis loss支撑系数-support factor阻燃测试-Flammability test 2KG黄芯-yellow core皮料- 英文对照Aalligator 鳄鱼皮也称为crocodile皮antelope leather 羚羊皮革bbuckskin 鹿绒皮buffalo hides 水牛皮buffalo hides, salted,wet 盐湿水牛皮bullhide 公牛皮butt-branded steers 臀部有烙印阉牛皮butt leather 臀皮ccabreta 卡利大皮calf leather 小牛皮calfskin 小牛皮calfskin, with the hair on, dyed 染色小牛皮camel leather 骆驼皮革cape skin 开普皮carpincho 河马皮cattle hide 大牛皮cattle leather, dyed 染色牛皮cattle leather,metallized 烫金属牛皮cattle leather, patent 漆牛皮chamois-dressed leather 油鞣皮(雪米皮) chicago wet-salted hides 芝加哥湿盐皮colorado steerhide 科罗拉多阉牛皮cordovan 马臀皮covers, file leather 公文夹用皮革cowhide 母牛皮cowhides, salted, wet 盐湿黄牛皮crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮ddeer leather 鹿皮革deerskin 鹿皮deerskin, chamois-dressed 鹿皮doeskin 羊绒皮doeskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣牡鹿皮dried 皮干fflesher 羊榔皮fox fur skin, dressed 硝制狐皮fox fur skin, dyed 染色狐皮fur skins, tanned or dressed 鞣制或硝制毛皮ggoat leather 山羊皮goat leather, dyed 染色山羊皮goat leather, metallized 烫金属山羊皮goatskin 山羊皮goatskin, dyed 染色山羊皮hhairsheep 直毛羊皮---绵羊的毛呈直条波浪型头发一样heavy cows 重量母牛皮heavy native cows 重量无烙印母牛皮heavy native heifers 重量无烙印小母牛皮heavy native steers 重量无烙印阎牛皮heifer 母童牛皮hide 大件皮hide, buffalo, dehaired, tanned 水牛皮hide, cattle or cow, dehaired, tanned 牛皮(黄牛皮) hide, ox, dehaired, tanned 牡牛皮hide, steer, dehaired, tanned 牡犊皮hide, zebra, dehaired, tanned 班玛皮holster, pistol, leather 手枪皮套horsehide 马皮horse leather, dyed 烫金属马皮horse leather, patent 漆马皮iinner hide, cow and buffalo dried 黄牛, 水牛内皮kkangaroo 袋鼠皮kidskin skin 小羊皮llambskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣仔羊皮leather of sheep and lambskins 绵羊及仔绵羊皮leather auxiliaries 皮革助剂leather of goat and kidskins 山羊及仔山羊皮leather sole 皮底leather upper 皮面leather, buffalo 水牛革leather, calf, chrome-tanned colored and polished 铬鞣染色打光小牛皮leather, cattle or cow 牛革leather, crust, calf 硬小牛皮leather, curried, calf 鞣制小牛皮leather, kid skin 仔山羊皮leather, ox 牡牛革leather, sole, calf 制鞋底用小牛皮leather, vamp, calf 制鞋面小牛皮leather, horse or equine 马革leather, mule 骡革leather, steer 牡犊革leather, zebra 斑马革leopard fur skin, dressed 硝制豹皮leopard fur skin, dyed 染色豹皮light cows 轻量母牛皮light native cows 轻量无烙印母牛/阉牛皮lizard leather 蜥蜴皮lizard skin 蜥蜴皮=蜥蜴类动物的皮mmarten fur skin, dressed 硝制貂皮marten fur skin, dyed 染色貂皮macha 摩卡皮muntafac fur skin, dressed 硝制羌皮muntafac fur skin, dyed 染色羌皮oostrich 鸵鸟皮pparchment-dressed leather 羊皮纸型熟皮patent and metallized leather 漆皮及硬化剂peccary 野猪皮pelt 生毛皮pheasant 鳗鱼皮pickled hides 浸酸牛皮pickled lamb pelts, run 浸酸羔羊皮pigskin lining leather 猪里皮pigskin upper leather 猪面皮pigskin split leather 猪榔皮pigskin 原料盐皮pigskin nubuck upper leather 猪磨面皮pigskins leather, tanned 加工猪皮pony skin 小马皮pony skin, dyed 染色小马皮qqueensland hides 昆士兰皮rreconstituted and artificial leather containing leather or leather fibre 再生&人造皮革release paper 离型纸sshark leather 鲨鱼皮sharkskin 鲨鱼皮shearling 毛羊皮sheep and lambskins with the wool 带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮sheep and lambskins without the wool 不带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮sheep leather 绵羊皮sheep leather, dyed 染色绵羊皮sheep leather, metallized 烫金属绵羊皮sheep leather, patent 漆绵羊皮sheepskin 硝制绵羊皮sheepskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣羊皮sheepskin. with hair on, dyed 染色绵羊皮skin 小件皮skin, bird, with feathers removed, ranned 去毛加工之鸟皮skin, rhinceros 犀牛皮skiver 薄羊面皮snakeskins, dried 干蛇皮snakeskins, tanned 加工蛇皮split leather 榔皮, 二层皮steerhide 阉牛皮suede 反毛皮swine leather, dyed 染色猪皮swine leather, enamelled 上釉猪皮swine leather, metallized 烫金猪皮ttanning auxiliaries 鞣革助剂tanning extracts 鞣革剂tassels, leather 皮革饰缝tiger fur skin, dressed 硝制虎皮titanium 钛白粉trimmings, leather 皮制饰品uupper leather of cattle and calf 牛及小牛之面皮upper leather of goat 山羊面皮upper leather of kid 仔山羊仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。
20 桃花心木
序号 中文名称
硬木类有:核桃木、黄菠萝、樟木、楸木、楠木、水曲 柳、荷木、槐木、色木槭、柚木、花梨、紫檀、柳桉、 橡木、美国白杨、西非樱红木、西非梨木、椴木、榉木
扶手:arm 扶板:wing层板:plywood 填料:padding转角:wedge,底座:arm panel 后挡板:tailgate扶手垫:armcap,头枕:headrest坐垫:cushion拉练:zipper搁脚ttoman茶几:end table 摇椅:recliner塑料膜:plastic film/bubble film海绵:foam泡沫板:EPSblock2纸板:corrugate 后下outside back 扶手内侧inside arm 面板front arm panel 扶手外侧outside arm 扶手前front arm 扶手后侧the rear arm. 扶手top arm / arm 接缝seam 靠背正面inside back 缝针、针脚stitchFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use靠背后面outside back 双针two-needle stitch 靠背back rest 双针机double needle machine 屏耳the wing on both sides of the back 回针returned-stitch 防护绵: poly (top back rail) (STAPLED) 缝止the width of the seam 喷胶棉(树脂棉)Glued Fiber / Rolled Fiber 针距stitch size spacing松棉)Loosed Fiber 刀眼notch 编织带Webbing 针眼stitch mark封口胶Tape for sealing the carton 浮线float stitch抓钉T-Nuts 线头Odd pieces of thread 枪钉staple露线exposed stitches 垫圈ring / bezel/washer 贴边/嵌条Welt三人沙发Sofa 效影(阴阳色)two-tone effect搁脚30, Ottoman 瑕疵flaw 转椅49 色差off shade头层皮top grain 结点knot 二层皮split 深色纱线斑点mottled yarns 仿皮vinyl 橡皮膏stress tape (cloth tape) for C&S 天鹅绒kin velvet 杀真菌剂fungicide 无纺布non-woven fabric/dustcover 里布denim 毡毯felt 中垫Center / Central cushion 倒顺毛the direction of pile 上垫Upper layer cushion S簧/蛇簧no-sag spring 拉布/拉条Puller 塔簧long coil spring防霉:mildew-proof 蜡变革wax finish, wax effect 靠垫:back pillow 油变革oily pull-up leather [抛枕:throw pillow 磨砂革buffed leather, nubuck, sanded 夹板ply wood 雌雄扣Velcro 缝制工艺图Sewing diagram 家具固定带, 无弹性Puckering 纸板Paper pattern松紧带Elastic 样套Sample C&S T隔布partition (PCS.) 钉饰nail trim五金压条metal tacking strip 弯度curve board海棉--密度-density 弹性-hysteresis loss支撑系数-support factor阻燃测试-Flammability test 2KG黄芯-yellow core皮料- 英文对照Aalligator 鳄鱼皮也称为crocodile皮antelope leather 羚羊皮革bbuckskin 鹿绒皮buffalo hides 水牛皮buffalo hides, salted,wet 盐湿水牛皮bullhide 公牛皮butt-branded steers 臀部有烙印阉牛皮butt leather 臀皮ccabreta 卡利大皮calf leather 小牛皮calfskin 小牛皮calfskin, with the hair on, dyed 染色小牛皮camel leather 骆驼皮革cape skin 开普皮carpincho 河马皮cattle hide 大牛皮cattle leather, dyed 染色牛皮cattle leather,metallized 烫金属牛皮cattle leather, patent 漆牛皮chamois-dressed leather 油鞣皮(雪米皮) chicago wet-salted hides 芝加哥湿盐皮colorado steerhide 科罗拉多阉牛皮cordovan 马臀皮covers, file leather 公文夹用皮革cowhide 母牛皮cowhides, salted, wet 盐湿黄牛皮crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮ddeer leather 鹿皮革deerskin 鹿皮deerskin, chamois-dressed 鹿皮doeskin 羊绒皮doeskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣牡鹿皮dried 皮干fflesher 羊榔皮fox fur skin, dressed 硝制狐皮fox fur skin, dyed 染色狐皮fur skins, tanned or dressed 鞣制或硝制毛皮ggoat leather 山羊皮goat leather, dyed 染色山羊皮goat leather, metallized 烫金属山羊皮goatskin 山羊皮goatskin, dyed 染色山羊皮hhairsheep 直毛羊皮---绵羊的毛呈直条波浪型头发一样heavy cows 重量母牛皮heavy native cows 重量无烙印母牛皮heavy native heifers 重量无烙印小母牛皮heavy native steers 重量无烙印阎牛皮heifer 母童牛皮hide 大件皮hide, buffalo, dehaired, tanned 水牛皮hide, cattle or cow, dehaired, tanned 牛皮(黄牛皮) hide, ox, dehaired, tanned 牡牛皮hide, steer, dehaired, tanned 牡犊皮hide, zebra, dehaired, tanned 班玛皮holster, pistol, leather 手枪皮套horsehide 马皮horse leather, dyed 烫金属马皮horse leather, patent 漆马皮iinner hide, cow and buffalo dried 黄牛, 水牛内皮kkangaroo 袋鼠皮kidskin skin 小羊皮llambskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣仔羊皮leather of sheep and lambskins 绵羊及仔绵羊皮leather auxiliaries 皮革助剂leather of goat and kidskins 山羊及仔山羊皮leather sole 皮底leather upper 皮面leather, buffalo 水牛革leather, calf, chrome-tanned colored and polished 铬鞣染色打光小牛皮leather, cattle or cow 牛革leather, crust, calf 硬小牛皮leather, curried, calf 鞣制小牛皮leather, kid skin 仔山羊皮leather, ox 牡牛革leather, sole, calf 制鞋底用小牛皮leather, vamp, calf 制鞋面小牛皮leather, horse or equine 马革leather, mule 骡革leather, steer 牡犊革leather, zebra 斑马革leopard fur skin, dressed 硝制豹皮leopard fur skin, dyed 染色豹皮light cows 轻量母牛皮light native cows 轻量无烙印母牛/阉牛皮lizard leather 蜥蜴皮lizard skin 蜥蜴皮=蜥蜴类动物的皮mmarten fur skin, dressed 硝制貂皮marten fur skin, dyed 染色貂皮macha 摩卡皮muntafac fur skin, dressed 硝制羌皮muntafac fur skin, dyed 染色羌皮oostrich 鸵鸟皮pparchment-dressed leather 羊皮纸型熟皮patent and metallized leather 漆皮及硬化剂peccary 野猪皮pelt 生毛皮pheasant 鳗鱼皮pickled hides 浸酸牛皮pickled lamb pelts, run 浸酸羔羊皮pigskin lining leather 猪里皮pigskin upper leather 猪面皮pigskin split leather 猪榔皮pigskin 原料盐皮pigskin nubuck upper leather 猪磨面皮pigskins leather, tanned 加工猪皮pony skin 小马皮pony skin, dyed 染色小马皮qqueensland hides 昆士兰皮rreconstituted and artificial leather containing leather or leather fibre 再生&人造皮革release paper 离型纸sshark leather 鲨鱼皮sharkskin 鲨鱼皮shearling 毛羊皮sheep and lambskins with the wool 带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮sheep and lambskins without the wool 不带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮sheep leather 绵羊皮sheep leather, dyed 染色绵羊皮sheep leather, metallized 烫金属绵羊皮sheep leather, patent 漆绵羊皮sheepskin 硝制绵羊皮sheepskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣羊皮sheepskin. with hair on, dyed 染色绵羊皮skin 小件皮skin, bird, with feathers removed, ranned 去毛加工之鸟皮skin, rhinceros 犀牛皮skiver 薄羊面皮snakeskins, dried 干蛇皮snakeskins, tanned 加工蛇皮split leather 榔皮, 二层皮steerhide 阉牛皮suede 反毛皮swine leather, dyed 染色猪皮swine leather, enamelled 上釉猪皮swine leather, metallized 烫金猪皮ttanning auxiliaries 鞣革助剂tanning extracts 鞣革剂tassels, leather 皮革饰缝tiger fur skin, dressed 硝制虎皮titanium 钛白粉trimmings, leather 皮制饰品uupper leather of cattle and calf 牛及小牛之面皮upper leather of goat 山羊面皮upper leather of kid 仔山羊仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。
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Chinese ash 水曲柳
Chinese oak柞木
Chinese maple东北桦
Chinese cherry西南桦
Chinese walnut楸木
Golden teak金丝柚
Golden birch白木莲
Knotty Pine节松
Prima vera艳阳花
European Maple欧枫
Red figure红影
Red Oak红橡
Black walnut黑胡桃
Santos Rosewod酸枝
Keuring 克隆
Padauk 花梨
Rubber wood 橡胶木Steamed Beech 红榉Maghony crotch 桃花芯树杈Madrona Burl麦当娜树榴Lacewood 尼斯木Vanona红木
Gold chrysantemun Burl 金菊树榴
Birds eye maple 枫木雀眼
Padouk 紫檀木
Canthor 花樟
麦当娜树榴 枫木树榴 黑胡桃树榴 Dyed Madrona Burl
Maple Burl
Walnut Burl
红木树榴 尼斯木树榴 香桃木树榴 Vanona Burl
Lacewood Burl
Myrtlewood Burl
Olive Burl Mappa Burl Ash Burl
香桃木树榴红珍珠树榴金菊树榴Cypress Burl Red Pearl Burl Gold chrysantemun Burl
Maple pommele Sapeli pommele Bubinga pommele
印度玫瑰木金影枫木雀眼Indian rosewood Golden figured aniegre Birds eye maple
Swiss pear Lacewood Mader pearl
Wenge Ebony Padouk
White pine Figured movingui makore
Figured aniegre(stright Natural figured aniegre Natural figured sycamore
Figured sycomore(stright
Zebrano Figured makore shape)
樱桃木 黑胡桃 枫木 Cherry
黄猫眼 树根王 红橡 Yellow cats eyes
Root king
Red oak
泰柚 白榉 红榉 Teak White beech
Steamed beech
白橡牙花樟金丝柚White ivory Canthor Golden silk teak
花梨西南桦沙比利Bubinga Chinese cherry Sapeli