商务英语 unit 5 employment 词汇讲解

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Conscientious adj.认真的,勤勤恳恳的 • a conscientious worker 一个认真负责的员工 Corrupt a.堕落的,腐败的 vt.腐蚀,使堕落 • a currupt judge 贪污受贿的法官 • He has been corrupted by power. • 他由于权力在手而变得败坏。 • Corruption n. 贪污,贿赂,腐败 • Corruption and crime go hand in hand. • 腐败与犯罪携手并行。
Dismiss v. 解雇,开除;解散 • If you’re late again you’ll be dismissed. • 如果你再迟到,就要被开除。 • The teacher dismisses the class early. • 老师提早下课了。 • Dismissal n. 免职,解雇 • I've only just heard about his dismissal. • 我刚听到他遭解雇的事。
Dynamic adj. 有活力的 • energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的 Esteem n.&v. 尊重,敬重 • We all have great esteem for you. • 我们都非常敬重您。 Introvert n. 性格内向者 • Introverted adj. 内向的
Astute adj. 精明的,狡猾的 • an astute merchant 精明的商人 • cunning n.狡诈,灵巧 adj. 狡猾的,诡诈的 • The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning. • 狐狸的机敏和狡猾是人所共知的。 • calculating 精明的,深谋远虑的
Follow up 追究,追查,穷追 • I want to follow up this subject. • 我想继续研究这个问题。 • Follow-up adj.后续的,跟进的 • Make a follow-up survey / investigation • 作跟踪调查
Get down to 开始,着手 • That's enough fun and games! Let's get down to work. • 别再玩儿了! 咱们安下心来工作吧。 Groom v. 培养,使做好准备 • He’s being groomed for the star role. • 他正在为当明星做准备。 • Groom n. 新郎(bridegroom) • Bride n. 新娘
Butt v. 顶撞,冲撞 • butt in 插嘴,插手,干涉 • I'm sorry to butt in, but I have to disagree with you.
• 对不起,我打断你了,可是我不得 不与你持相反的意思。
Conform v. 遵守,一致,符合 • conform to 遵从, 符合,与……相 一致 • All students must corform to the rules. • 所有学生必须遵守规则。 • The building does not conform to safety regulations. • 这座建筑物不符合安全条例。
Sue v. 控告,起诉 • Mr. James sued him for abuse. • 詹姆斯先生控告他诽谤。 • sue sb. for sth. • accuse sb. of sth. • charge sb. with sth.
Байду номын сангаас
Probationary adj. 见习的,试用的 • probation n. 试用期 Recruit n. 新手,新职员 • Freshman n. 新生,新手 Sack n. 麻袋 v.解雇 • The poor old man got the sack yesterday. • 那个可怜的家伙昨天给辞退了。
Unit 5 Employment
Absent adj. 缺席的,缺乏的 • be absent from 缺席 • You should not be absent from class. • 你不应当旷课。 Aptitude n. 资质,才能,天资 • He shows a great aptitude in painting. • 他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。 • Ability, capability