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Words and Expressions (2)

Hydroelectric power generation 水力发电

Shipping 航运

Aquiculture 水产养殖

River dry‐up 河道断流

Lake shrinkage 湖泊萎缩

Traditional water resources 传统水资源: surface water and groundwater. Nontraditional water resources 非传统水资源: water resources that differ from traditional water resources, such as rainwater, seawater, reclaimed water etc.

Water storage project 蓄水工程

Water transfer project 引水工程

Water pumping project 提水工程

Gate dam 闸坝

Total reservoir/storage capacity 总库容: the amount of water the reservoir can hold upon the water level for check flood 校核洪水位.

Storage capacity for flood control 防洪库容: the total water storage between upper water level for flood control 防洪高水位 and flood control water level 汛限水位. Diversion irrigation 引水灌溉: irrigation engineering that diverts water from waterhead area to irrigation district.

Intra‐basin water transfer 流域内调水: water transfer within a river basin, e.g. from one tributary to another.

Inter‐basin water transfer 跨流域调水: water transfer between different drainage basins, e.g. from the Yangtze River to the Yellow River.

South‐to‐North Water Transfer Project 南水北调工程

Eastern/central/western route 东/中/西线

Pumping station 泵站: facilities including pumps and equipment for pumping water from one place to another.

Pumping well 机井: facilities including pumps and equipment for pumping groundwater from a well.

Exploitation rate of water resources 水资源开发利用率: the ratio of water supply to total amount of water resources.

Rainwater‐harvesting project 集雨工程: a project that accumulates and deposits rainwater for reuse on‐site, rather than allowing it to run off.

Reclaimed water 中水/再生水: former wastewater that is treated to remove solids and pollutants to a certain water‐quality standard for reuse purposes.

Brackish water 微咸水: water that has more salinity than fresh water, but not as much as seawater.

Seawater desalination 海水淡化: a process that removes minerals and salts from seawater.

Water‐saving irrigation 节水灌溉: way of irrigation that tries to achieve highest production/yields out of lowest water consumption.

Flood irrigation 大水漫灌: a type of irrigation that normally results in flooding or near flooding of the cultivated land.

Sprinkler irrigation 喷灌: a type of irrigation system in which water is piped to one or more central locations within the field and distributed by overhead high‐pressure sprinklers.

Drip irrigation 滴灌: a type of irrigation system in which water is delivered at or near the root zone of plants, drop by drop.

Industry restructuring 产业结构调整

Highly water‐consuming industries 高耗水产业

Water‐saving devices 节水器具

Water right exchange 水权交易: water right in water law refers to the right of a user to use water from a water source. Transactions can be made on water right in the trade market.
