云南省第二次高中毕业生复习统一检测 英语

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2 017年云南省第二次高中毕业生复习统一检测




条形码上的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号及科目,在规定的位置贴好条形码。 2.回答第I卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。










Offieials in northem Japan are trying to reach out to foreign visitors by using comieal(滑稽

的)signs to infonn them about loeal eustoms and food.It’5 hoped that the signs will make 11化

easier for visitorS.

The signs are in use in the eity of Morioka,where offieials hoPe they will make visitors who

don’t sPeak JaPanese feel more weleome,Thetlc沪an Times rePorts.

Twenty一six signs are available for busixiesses to download online:one shows a cheerful little

Pig inside a bowl to inform diners that the dish eontains Pork.Another tells PeoPle to dry off

before entering the changing room at hot sPrings,and shows a driPPing一wet man in a puddle(水坑)

50 large that a rubber duck has aPPeared in it.Short English Phrases beneath eaeh sign exPlain the



Takefumi Shimomukai,who heads the Morioka Regional DeveloPment Bureau,says they want to do something simPle but fun to attraet PeoPle’5 interest.The area 15 less of a draw for

foreigners than cities like Tokyo and Kyoto,and eo们n们以unieation troubles have made some loeals

reluetant(不情愿的)to roaeh out to visitors.“Until recently some owners believed their profits

from serving only loeals were enough,and due to the language barrier,they may have left foreign

visitors with a feeling that they w.re not weleome,”he says.

More hi一teeh apProaehes to dealing with communication Problems have been rolled out

。lsewhere in JaPan,as the number of foreign visitors grows.Last year,a new aPP was trialed that

translates rail announcements into a visitor’5 own language,and some regions offer 24一hour

multilingual(多语言的)hotlines for advice on eve卿thing from finding a doetor to sending

luggage home.

1 .What has been done in JaPan to helP foreign visitors?

A .Comieal signs have been Put uP everywhere.

B .Multilingual hotlines have been set uP to give advice.

C .Hi一tech apProaches have been adoPted to tell the way.

D .A new aPP has been develoPedto announce timetables.

2 .The comieal sign with a driPPing一wet man_.

A .leads PeoPle to a male changing room

B .informs PeoPle about loeal eustoms and food

C .wams PeoPle of the sliPPery floors at hot sPrings

D .tells PeoPle to dry off before using the ehanging room

3 .Some loeal owners in Morioka used to

A .be willing to serve both loeals and visitors

B .find it hard to PrePare food of foreign flavors

C .comPlain about the deereasing number of visitors

D .feel satisfied with earnings from serving locals only



Half of Primary sehools will adoPt the traditional Chinese method of maths teaehing ina

Govemment drive to stoP British youngsters from falling behind土h旦irA丛旦ng 皿n鱼其坦过5.

Youngsters in the UK arew盯behind those in China,Sing即ore andJ叩an in numeraey(计


15一year一olds,Shanghai eame toP in maths while the UK came 26th.

The sehool will giveuP“ehild一centred,’styles and instead retum to rePetition,drills and

“ehalk and talk,,whole一elass leaming.Primary school ehildren will be taught “Shanghai maths,’as

British sehools eoPy Chinese teaching methods to imProve standards.50 far 140 teaehers have

been trained in the aPProaeh.

Currently,classes are often divided into grouPs based on ability.Crities blame the British
