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In 2000 he served as a teaching assistant at the University of Toronto. From 2004 to 2007 he was with the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. His research interests concentrate on the development of software.


如果是重要学会的会员,也要 在简介中提到。该项内容可以在文 中提到,亦可以简写形式用括号标 在当事人的简介开头的姓名之后, 后面的数字为被吸收为会员的时间。 例如:
W. Martin Snelgrove (S’75 – M’81) received the B. Eng. degree in chemical engineering and the M. Eng. and Ph. D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, in 1975, 1977, and 1982, respectively.

pattern 8: He has presented (published) … papers. pattern 9: He is (the) author (co-author / editor) of the book … pattern 10: He authored (co-authored) the text on …
pattern 4: He received (obtained/earned /was awarded) a (an/the/his) … degree in … (specialty) from …Department at … University, …(city, state or province, country).
英文个人简介 的写法
随着我国在政治、经济、文化、贸 易、科学技术等领域的对外交流的进 一步加强,我们与国际学术界的交流 与合作更加频繁,尤其是越来越多的 国内专业研究人员参加国际性的专业 会议或向国外的一些英文版的专业杂 志投稿。有时投稿人因为附带的个人 简介写得不规范而被返回要求重写。
下面将分步骤给出句型和实例: 一、出生年月及出生地
Sentence pattern: be born in … (place of birth) on … (month/date/year)
二、学历、学位情况 pattern 1: He attended … University from … to …, majoring (specializing) in … pattern 2: He specialized in … pattern 3: He is working toward the… degree in … (specialty) at … University, … (city, state or province).
五、目前工作的侧重点、科研方向 pattern 1: His research interests ( focus on / concentrate on / include / are in) the area(s) / field(s) of… pattern 2: He is actively (has been with) engaged in (research in the area(s) of) … pattern 3: He is active in (the area(s) of) … pattern 4: His career highlights include …
4: He successively held the posts of …, …, and …(注:将不同的职位罗列在省略 号的位置上) pattern 5: He taught at … University for … years. pattern 6: He has … years of experience in … (specialty).
以上七个方面的句型和例句基 本上给大家提供了书写英文个人简 介所包含的内容。有的方面包含的 句型很多,可以在一个简介中轮换 使用,使语体显得自然、得体,避 免生硬。
另外如果Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu及一些单位或学校 等专有名称,还需要仔细认真地查 询并确认其标准的拼写形式。

Translation practice David J. Minot从1994年至1998年在 加州伯克利分校(the University of California, Berkeley, CA.)学习,于 1998年获得植物学(botany)专业理学士 学位。2000年在加拿大安大略省(Ontario) 多伦多市(Toronto)的多伦多大学获得电 气工程硕士学位。自从2004年以来,他一 直在美国宾州费城的宾州大学(the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA)攻读计算机科 学的博士学位。

六、科研成果、获奖 pattern 1: He invented (has made contributions specifically in)… pattern 2: He received (won) the medal (award) of… / at provincial (ministerial) level. pattern 3: He was awarded …

三、工作经历 pattern
1: He works (acts / serves) as … at (in /for )… pattern 2: He is (was /has been) … with (at) …as … pattern 3: He is employed in the position of (holds the position of) … for (at) …
括号中的“S”代表 “Student Member”,“M” 代表“Member”,“75”和 “81”分别代表被吸收为会员的 年份。 (注:学术团体的会员级别由 低到高的次序是:S-- Student Member; M--Member; SM-Senior Member; F--Fellow)
注:在技术杂志上经常见到的主要学位名 称包括: B.S. / B.Sc. – 理学学士; B.A. – 文学学士; B.Eng. – 工学学士; M.S. – 理学硕士; M.A. – 文学硕士; M.Eng. – 工学硕士; Ph.D. – 博士; Doctor of Engineering – 工程博士

自大学起获得的学位名称、时 间、专业和学校及其地点(也有个 别人在开头一句写上出生年月日和 出生地) ● 工作经历(包括时间、职责以 及工作单位和地点) ● 技术职称

目前工作的侧重点或科研的兴 趣和方向 ● 突出的论文和著作、科研成果、 重点工程及获奖情况 ● 如果是著名学会的会员,也要 写上
四、技术职称 pattern 1: He is Professor of … (specialty) in (of) …Department at … University, (place). pattern 2: He was given the title of Professor in …(year). pattern 3: He is a licensed (registered) professional engineer(持证的 / 注册的具有专门 技能的工程师).
2000年他在多伦多大学担任 助教。2004年到2007年他在 宾州大学摩尔电工学院(the Moore School of Electrical Engineering)工作。他的科 研兴趣主要在软件开发方面。

David J. Minot attended the University of California, Berkeley, CA. from 1994 to 1998. He earned the BS degree in botany there in 1998, and the M. Eng. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2000. Since 2004 he has been working towards the Ph. D. degree in computer science at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
在递交毕业论文时要附上个人简介, 本科毕业生在外资或合资企业谋取 职位时,也要递上一份英文简介。 然而有很多学生自己不能独立完成, 他们往往打上一份草稿找别人修改 或者干脆提供一些个人信息让人代 写。
其实,英文个人简介的写法有一 些内容要求和常用表达句型。如果按 照要求并使用其常用的句型,写一篇 地道的英文个人简介并不困难。为了 帮助大家,本文将系统介绍英文简介 的写法。

pattern 4: He is the recipient of … Award. pattern 5: He was recognized for his research contributions with an award from … pattern 6: His paper won … Award. pattern 7: A (year) paper was the winner of … Award.