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译林英语—重点知识点 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

2014年最新译林英语9A U ni t1—2 词组重点句型知识点归纳

9A Unit1知识点归纳

Welcome to the unit

1.It says 上面写着,上面显示

2.eat up 吃光,吃完(use up 用完,用尽)(代词的位置)

3.be well organized 很有条理的

4.keep …… in good order 使……保持井然有序(in order 按顺序)

5.show off炫耀 ,卖弄 (show sb around sp带领某人参观某地 show sb the way to 给某人


6.show no interest in 对……毫不感兴趣

7.repeat grammar rulers for us 为我们重复语法规则

e up with (= think of 想出,提出);追上,赶上

9.be curious about 对…感到好奇

10.get angry easily 容易生气(anger n.)

11.make a good accountant 成为一名优秀的会计

12.neither ……nor …… 既不……也不……(就近原则)Neither he nor I am well


either……or ……或者……或者……

both……and ……两者都连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式

13.He didn’t come here yesterday , neither / nor did I 他昨天没来这儿,我也是拓展:so,


14.work without speaking all day long 整天工作不说


15.be happy with = be satisfied with 对……感到满意

16.a born artist 一个天生的艺术家

17.impress the whole country with his creative work 他的富有创造力的作品给全国人民


18.win high praise from the art community 赢得艺术团的高度赞扬

19.praise sb for sth 因某事表扬某人

20.give up 放弃(代词放中间)give up doing sth = stop doing sth放弃做某事

21.work for the sales department in a big company 在一家大公司的销售部工作

22.day after day 日复一日

23.the general manager 总经理

24.take the lead 处于领先地位,带头

25.fall behind 落后 (fall in 生病)


26.be ready to do 准备做某事

27.take on new challenges 接受新的挑战

28.the chief engineer 首席工程师

29.connect……with/to …… 把……和……连接起来

30.be connected with 与……有联系

31.a miss is as good as a mile 差之毫厘,谬以千里(as good as与……几乎一样,简直


32.can’t afford to do 负担得起(费用、损失、后果)多用于否定句和疑问句中

33.make mistakes 犯错误

34.pay attention to every detail 注意每个细节(to 为介词 + doing sth )

35.work to high standards 工作高标准

36.easy to work with 容易一起工作

37.a pioneer heart surgeon 一位心脏外科手术的带头人

38.can’t be too careful = can never be too careful 再怎么细心也不为过

39.be willing to do sth 愿意做某事

40.perform/do an operation on sb给某人做手术

41.devote oneself/ one’s life / time to 把……奉献给……(to为介词,后接名词,代词,


42.respect sb = have / show respect for sb 尊重,尊敬某人

43.be suitable for 适合

Grammar and Integrated Skills and Study Skills

44.accept others’ advice 接受别人的建议

45.think twice (about sth )三思而行

46.be /get angry with sb 生某人的的气

47.be /get angry at/ about sth 因某事而生气

48.worry too much担心太多

49.be patient / impatient with 对……有/ 没有耐心

50.not only ……but (also )…… 不但……而且…… (就近原则)

51.do the dishes 洗碗,洗餐具

52.animal signs 生肖

53.appear in a fixed order 按照固定的顺序出现

54.make his lesson lively and interesting使他的课上得生动而有趣(lively活泼的,生气

