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Text I

1resolution [7rezE5lju:FEn] n. a resolving to do something决心,决定:determined/ unshakable/ inflexible resolution坚定的决心;come to/ form/ make/ take a resolution下定决心

2bless [bles] vt. to confer well-being or prosperity on保佑,赐福:be blessed with 有幸拥有

3boundless [5baJndlIs] adj. having no boundaries or limits无限的,无边无际的:Stars are twinkling in the boundless sky.在辽阔无垠的天空上到处是繁星闪烁。

4tiptoe [5tiptEu] vi. to walk or move quietly on one’s toes踮起脚走:She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.她用脚尖悄悄地走到酣睡的孩子床前。tiptoe与pad,creep,sneak都表示“放轻脚步走”:tiptoe指用脚尖走。pad指光着脚或穿着柔软的鞋有规则地走,如:He pad about the house in his slippers.他穿着拖鞋在家中走来走去。creep指蹑手蹑脚,缓慢地、悄悄地走,creep还可指动物的爬行或植物的蔓延。sneak多用于鬼鬼祟祟的行为,如:I had to sneak around and hide my smoking from my parents.为了抽烟,我必须鬼鬼祟祟地躲开我的父母。

5spontaneous [spCn5teinjEs, -niEs] adj. arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from external incitement or constraint自发的,自然产生的。其名词形式为spontaneity [7spCntE5ni:iti] n.自发性

6affection [E5fekFEn] n. feeling of liking or love and caring喜爱:其形容词形式为affectionate [E5fekFEnit] adj.亲爱的,挚爱的;与之容易混淆的词为affectation [7Afek5teiFEn] n.假装,做作

7shriek [Fri:k] n. & v. a shrill, often frantic cry尖叫:与之意思相近的词有scream,screech,squeal,yelp,其中shriek经常是疯狂地尖叫;scream一般来讲表示一种延长的刺耳声音,暗示着经受了身体上或者情感上的痛苦;screech强调一种高声的、刺耳的、经常令人烦恼的声音;squeal尤指小孩突然发出的高声尖叫;yelp指因疼痛而发出的短暂叫喊。

8sneak [sni:k] v. to move, give, take, or put in a quiet, stealthy manner偷偷地做:He sneaked candy into his mouth.他偷偷地把糖塞进嘴巴。

9sincere [sin5siE] adj. being without hypocrisy or pretense; true真诚的,真实的:Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.请向你全家转达我真挚的问候。

10compliment [5kCmplimEnt] n. & v. an expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation恭维,赞美:A sincere compliment boosts one’s morale.由衷的称赞可鼓舞一个人的精神。【扩展】complimentary [7kCmpli5ment(E)ri] adj.问候的,称赞的;与之易混淆的词为complement( n. & vt.补足,使……完美)

11aspirin [5AspErin] n. a medicine that reduces pain, inflammation, and fever阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药)

12escapement [is5keipmEnt] n. a) the part of a clock or a watch which controls the moving parts inside(钟表的)摆轮;b) an escape脱逃

13wind [waind] vt. to coil the spring of (a mechanism) by turning a stem or cord给……上发条:wind a watch给表上发条:【搭配】wind up结束,最终;wind down(钟表等发条)松弛,渐减

14coronary [5kCrEnEri] adj. of, relating to, or being the coronary arteries or coronary veins冠状动脉或静脉

15jovially [5dVEuvjEli] adv. behave in a cheerful and happy manner愉快地,高兴地

16swarm [swC:m] v. to move or gather in large numbers蜂拥,云集:swarm with充满着,挤满着;swarm into涌入

17rap [rAp] v. a) to strike a quick, light blow轻敲:rap on the door敲门;

b) to utter sharply厉声说出:He rapped out a complaint.他尖锐地说出埋怨之词。

18pajamas [pE5dVB:mEz] n. soft pair of trousers and a top that you wear in bed睡衣,宽长裤

19ease [i:z] v. to alleviate; lessen减轻,缓和:The doctor prescribed a drug to ease his pain.医生拿药来减轻他的病痛。
