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Passage 1

(2016·浙江五校联盟模拟)Space invaders

A normal conversation between strangers involves more than talk.It also involves the dynamics of space interaction.If one person gets too close,the other person will back up.If the first person invades the other's space again,the other person will back up again.The person who finds himself backing up is trying to increase the distance of the comfort zone.The person closing in is trying to decrease that distance.Most likely neither person is fully aware of what is going on.

In the 1960s,American anthropologist Edward T.Hall was a pioneer in the study of human behavioral use of space.His field of study became known as proxemics(空间关系学).Hall said that personal space for people in the United States can be defined as having four distinct zones:the intimate zone within 18 inches of your body,for whispering and embracing;the personal zone of 18 inches to four feet,for talking with close friends;the social zone of four to 10 feet,for conversing with acquaintance;and the public zone of 10 to 25 feet,for interaction with strangers or talking to a group.

Historians say that our standards of personal space began with the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.In cities such as London and New York,people of different social and economic classes were suddenly crammed together,so they unconsciously developed a commonly understood code of politeness to restrict the space around them.

People exhibit nonverbal messages of discomfort when their zones are violated.Invaded people might tap their toes,pull at their hair,and they might become completely rigid,or even become angry.As Hall noted in his landmark work,a comfortable conversation needs to include the parameters(规范)of human personal space.

1.This passage is mostly about________.

A.what nonverbal communication

B.human conversation

C.the life of Edward T.Hall

D.human behavioral use of space


答案 D

2.Edward T.Hall defined________.

A.interactions between strangers

B.angry people

C.four zones of personal space

D.the Industrial Revolution


答案 C

3.If you and a close friend began talking when you were eight feet apart,you would probably soon________.

A.move closer together

B.move farther apart

C.begin talking more softly

D.ask another friend to join in the conversation

解析细节理解题。根据第二段“the personal zone of 18 inches to four feet,for talking with close friends”可知好朋友之间交谈时的空间距离是18英寸到4英尺,因此在离8英尺远时应走近一些。故选A项。

答案 A

4.The third paragraph provides________.

A.a historical perspective on personal space

B.an economic reason for personal space

C.an overview of Edward T.Hall's field of study

D.a definition of personal space


答案 A

5.The word “dynamics”means “________”.


B.forces or influences that cause change


D.explosions so large that they are beyond belief


答案 B

Passage 2

(2016·山东高考命题研究专家原创卷)Foxes have become a part of life in Britain's urban areas.They are striking creatures but they are also dangerous.Three years ago,twin baby girls Isabella and Lola Koupparis were left with arm and face injuries after they were attacked by a fox while they were sleeping at their st week,four-week-old baby boy Denny Dolan was bitten by a fox which entered his home.After gaining access to the home through the front door,the fox pulled the baby down from the sofa and tried to drag him outside,biting him and almost severing(割断)his finger.

Although fox attacks on humans are still very rare,they will become more common if we don't change our behaviour towards these increasingly fearless animals.It is humans rather than foxes that are responsible for rising fox attacks on humans.

On the one hand,people who love foxes treat these wild animals like pets,leaving food out for foxes,feeding them from their hands,and even inviting foxes into their home.The result is that the fox is more brazen(厚颜无耻的)and less inclined to avoid us.It is those people who feed foxes that cause foxes to lose their fear of humans.However,as long as they have a healthy fear of humans,they won't bother humans.

On the other hand,foxes have moved into cities for lack of resources in rural areas.We take away their natural habitat to build more houses and factories.Foxes have no choice but to live and search for food in the city.If they live in the forest,no fox attack will happen.

We have to learn to share the earth with animals and let foxes return to their natural habitat.We also have to learn to look upon foxes as wild animals.We have to remember that they
