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考核课程:大学英语2第一套试题 考核方式: 闭 卷

Directions: There are 30 in complete senten ces in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the senten ce.

1. Many difficulties have ____ as a result of the cha nge over to a new type of fuel.

2. There is an undesirable _____ n o wadays to make films show ing viole nee.

A. direct ion

B. traditi on

C. phe nomenon

D. trend

3. Mrs. King is an ____ housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.

A. econo mic

B. economy

C. econo mical

D. econo mized

4. Mr. Fox has a good temper. It is _____ t o see him fly into rage like this.

A. seldom

B. least

C. rare

D. scarce

5. The early morning delivery didn't ____ t o the traffic jam of the busy city.

A. aid

B. amount

C. lead

D. add

6. She kept ____ by dieti ng and by exercis ing dilige ntly.

A. thin

B. lean

C. slim

D. get by

7. The busy manager ___ a doctor about his headache a week ago.

A. ought to see

B. ought to have see n

C. should see

D. should have see n

8. Could you find someone ____ ?

A. for me to play tennis with

B. for me to play tennis

C. play tennis with

D. playi ng tennis with

9. He obta ined a positi on in a gover nment office through the ___ of frie nds.

A. help

B. age ncy

C. i nflue nee

D. assista nee

10. Across the river ___ .

11. ____ , if he does no t lear n he knows nothing.

A. Be a man ever so clever

B. A man is ever so clever

C. So clever as a man ever

D. Not matter how clever he

12. Although he had got the scholarship, he decided to ____ his efforts on his study.

A. hold up

B. hold on

C. keep on

D. keep up

A. risen

B. raised

C. aroused

D. arise n A. lies a new built bridge C. a new built bridge lies B. lies a n ewly built

bridge D. a n ewly built bridge lies

13. More than 30 applicants __ for the post of sales manager but only one will be

the lucky winner.

A. compete

B. challenge

C. intend

D. ruin

14. T he Hope Project is aimed to help those who are too poor to go to school. Until now,

many girls _________ the project.

A. benefit of

B. benefit from

C. benefit at

D. benefit in

15. The young wife was so ___ that she forgot to turn off the gas and went out.

A. careless

B. careful

C. care

D. carefully

16. Learning that John had found a girlfriend online, I was ___ with surprise.

A. speech

B. speechful

C. speechify



17. The excited children _____ loudly when their mother asked them to go to bed


A. objected

B. opposed

C. protested

D. proposed

18. The latest development of the manned spaceship was ________ to the media

yesterday and made all of us excited.

A. released

B. relieved

C. removed

D. relaxed

19. During the vacation, business at the snack bars near the school ___ to almost


A. shrank

B. faded

C. contracted

D. downsized

20. Developed countries had a responsibility to ____ global economic growth to

help new democracies.

A. influence

B. affect

C. urge

D. foster

21. From this Chinese cross-talk, we can see that humor is an effective way to ___


A. make up

B. set up

C. grow up

D. patch up

22. The businessman was too busy, ___ he had no time to read and reply all the

emails he had received.

A. for

B. so

C. as well as

D. but

23. The young computer wizard was arrested by the police __________ held for


A. therefore

B. and

C. for

D. yet

24. Nathan Hale would rather die ______ live without television, telephone and


A. nor

B. than

C. yet

D. then

25. Various forms of social pathology(病态,变态), ____ , the abandonment of

children, robbery ____ murder, frequently occur in crowded areas.

A. for example; and

B. both; and

C. so; and

D. namely; aswell

26. Jack'sfriends all know that if he makes a promise, he will ____ it and this is

why he is so popular among his friends.

A. insist on

B. stick to

C. keep on

D. focus on
