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高山为城市挡住了北面的寒风, 高山为城市挡住了北面的寒风, 大海给城市带来温暖的气候
Becoming a "blue coast" in people's mind,Provence is now one of the world's most well-known tourist destinations. 普罗旺斯(Provence) 现在 是世界上最知名的观光胜地 之一,成为人们向往的“蔚 一 成为人们向往的“ 蓝海岸”。 ”
• So come and join me, • let's take a travel to Provence
We can take a bird-view of the small house from the high
在丘陵之间错落有致的小房子, 在丘陵之间错落有致的小房子,融入到周围的景色中
淡紫的山岭、晴朗湛蓝 的天空、如火焰般绚丽 的向日葵、阳光下银子 般闪亮的橄榄树......
City of warm climate
Mountains north of the city have helped block the wind,and the sea has brought about warm climate to the city
We can misscross picture-like alleys
To enjoy the smell of nature
鲜花和绿叶拥抱着普罗旺斯 (Provence) 的城市
to listen to the sound of ice melting
面对普罗旺斯清澈蔚蓝的海 面对普罗旺斯清澈蔚蓝的海 所有的愁绪都将远去
City of fragrance
When it comes to Provence, it just can't be avoided to talk about the lavender熏衣草 熏衣草
Every summer season, the whole of Provence seems to wear a purple jacket, with lavender fragrance in the breeze.
I wish that one day you could appreciate this city's beauty with your own eyes,and walk through it with the happiest mood you can have.
Thank you !
by 未名
City of history
In some terms, Provence is a forever silence,with ancient history precipitated in every ruin of a castle and every drop of wine
普罗旺斯(Provence) 也是永远的 普罗旺斯 沉寂: 沉寂:古老的历史沉淀在每一个 废墟,每一座城堡 每一滴葡萄酒中 每一座城堡,每一滴葡萄酒 废墟 每一座城堡 每一滴葡萄酒中
普罗旺斯(Provence) 永远不是一个地理名词,正如左岸永远不是真 正的左岸一样。
Sometimes it represents a mood, an attitude, or a harmonious color mixture on a yellow background .
有的时候它代表一种心情,一种态度,或者说一种色彩——一种在 明黄的底色上任意渲染的色彩!
普罗旺斯 (Provence) 是法国 东南部的一条美丽得让人窒息 的海岸线,里面点缀着如一颗 颗明珠般的城市,我们熟悉的 戛纳就是其中之一。
City of color
It (Provence) is never only a geographical name, just as the left bank is never the real left bank.
Where do you want to travel most ?
And my answer is Provence.(普罗旺斯)
• Provence is a beautiful breathtaking coastline in southeastern France, which is dotted with pearl-like cities, • such as Cannes(戛纳). •
当暑期来临, 当暑期来临,整个普罗旺斯 好象穿上了紫色的外套 ,风 中满是扑鼻的薰衣草香味。 中满是扑鼻的薰衣草香味。
通常每年的5月至 月是薰 通常每年的 月至10月是薰 月至 衣草开放的时分, 衣草开放的时分,而当中 更有“薰衣草节” 更有“薰衣草节”及嘉年 华,售卖关于薰衣草的产 品如香水 香薰油, 香水, 品如香水, 香薰油, 干花 等 Usually the annual May to October is the opening hours of lavender, during this time , folks there will hold Lavender Festival and Lavender Carnival selling products such as perfume,fragrance oils, dried flowers and so on.
and to admire the harmonious mixture of colors
街道上的色彩同样令人心醉,人们的生活安闲自在, 街道上的色彩同样令人心醉,人们的生活安闲自在,在这里时 间好像慢了下来
There is no need to worry about your stomach
每个城市里的历史建筑都 每个城市里的历史建筑都将告诉你普罗旺斯 (Provence) 曾经走过的
Buildings there will show you the long story Provence , as a province of ancient Rome,and part of France today, once got through.
• With mountains light purple , sky blue and sunny ,sunflower beautiful as the flame, and olive trees shining like silver under the sun , • Provence dose have all the wonderful sceneries you can and can't imagine.
普罗旺斯 (Provence) 出产优质葡萄,也酿造 性格鲜明的美酒
农产品丰富的普罗旺斯 (Provence) 是食客们的天堂
no worry about the gifts either
• Whether you are interested in beautiful places, ancient history, good food and wine, or delecate perfume, Provence always has something to off