Love in the Time of Cholera 霍乱时期的爱情

《霍乱时期的爱情》读书分享心得英文回答:Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez is a masterpiece of literature that explores the complex and enduring nature of love. Through the lens of a love triangle that spans over half a century, Márquez delves into the themes of love, loss, and resilience.The novel centers around Florentino Ariza, a young telegraph operator who falls madly in love with Fermina Daza, a beautiful and intelligent woman. Despite their mutual attraction, Fermina's father disapproves of Florentino and forces her to marry Dr. Juvenal Urbino, a wealthy and respected doctor.Heartbroken, Florentino vows to wait for Fermina his entire life. He spends the next 51 years, 9 months, and 4 days writing her love letters, hoping that she will eventually leave her husband and be with him.Throughout the novel, Márquez uses vivid and lyrical language to portray the characters' emotions and the social and political context of their lives. He explores the waysin which love can consume and sustain us, even in the faceof adversity.Ultimately, Love in the Time of Cholera is a testamentto the enduring power of love. It is a story that remindsus that love is not always easy, but it is worth fighting for.中文回答:《霍乱时期的爱情》是加布里埃尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的杰作,探索了爱情的复杂而持久本质。

develop a style of writing called “magical realism”. He has written many acclaimed
non-fiction works and short stories, but is best-known for his novels, such as One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967)and Love in the Time of Cholera (1985) .
After 53years 7 months and 11 days and nights,my heart was at last fullfilled. And I discovereed ,to my joy that it is life and not death that has no limits.

左拉的作品最好的译本左拉(Gabriel García Márquez)是哥伦比亚著名作家,他的作品以其独特的魔幻现实主义风格和深刻的人性描写而闻名于世。
以下是我认为左拉作品最好的译本的一些推荐:1.《百年孤独》(One Hundred Years of Solitude),这是左拉最著名的作品之一,也是他的代表作。
英文译本由 Gregory Rabassa 翻译,他的译本被广泛认为是最好的,因为他能够传达出左拉独特的语言和风格。
2.《霍乱时期的爱情》(Love in the Time of Cholera),这是一部关于爱情、时间和生命的小说。
英文译本由 Edith Grossman 翻译,她的译本被认为是最好的之一,因为她能够保留左拉文字的美感和情感。
3.《魔法山》(The Autumn of the Patriarch),这是一部关于独裁者和权力滥用的小说,以其复杂的叙事结构和象征性的语言而闻名。
英文译本由 Gregory Rabassa 翻译,他的译本被广泛认为是最好的,因为他能够捕捉到左拉作品中的政治和社会批判。
4.《风的诗篇》(The Song of the Birds),这是一本左拉的短篇小说集,展示了他独特的想象力和文学才华。
英文译本由 Anne McLean 翻译,她的译本被认为是最好的之一,因为她能够保留左拉作品中的诗意和隐喻。

《霍乱时期的爱情》读书分享心得英文回答:"Love in the Time of Cholera" Reading Notes and Reflections。
"Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel GarcíaMárquez tells a captivating and moving story of love, loss, and resilience. The novel follows the lives of Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza as they navigate the complexities of love and relationships over the course of many decades.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its exploration of the enduring power of love. Despite the passage of time and the challenges they face, Florentinoand Fermina's love for each other remains unwavering. Thisis evident in Florentino's relentless pursuit of Fermina, even after she marries another man. His love is a testament to the strength and resilience of human emotion.Another key theme in the novel is the interplay between love and suffering. Throughout the story, the characters experience both great joy and deep heartache. This is particularly true of Florentino, who endures years of unrequited love and heartbreak. However, the novel suggests that suffering can also be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.The characters in "Love in the Time of Cholera" are unforgettable. They are complex, flawed, and deeply human. Florentino is a passionate and determined lover, while Fermina is a strong and independent woman. Their relationship is not always easy, but their love for each other ultimately transcends the obstacles they face.Márquez's writing is lyrical and evocative. He creates a vivid and immersive world that draws the reader in from the first page. His use of magical realism adds a layer of wonder and enchantment to the story, making it both believable and magical at the same time.Overall, "Love in the Time of Cholera" is a masterpiecethat explores the complexities of love, loss, and resilience. It is a timeless story that will resonate with readers for generations to come.中文回答:《霍乱时期的爱情》读书感悟。

《霍乱时期的爱情》读书分享心得英文回答:"Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel GarcíaMárquez is a captivating novel that explores the enduring power of love, even in the face of adversity. The story follows the epic love affair between Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza, who are separated by her marriage to another man. Florentino's unwavering determination to win Fermina back is a testament to the resilience of human emotion, and the novel beautifully captures the longing, passion, and heartache that accompany true love.Throughout th e novel, Márquez uses vivid imagery and lyrical prose to create a rich and immersive setting that transports the reader to the vibrant streets of Cartagena, Colombia. The characters are complex and relatable, and their struggles and triumphs resonate with universal themes of love, loss, and redemption."Love in the Time of Cholera" is not just a love story; it is also a commentary on the social and political landscape of Latin America. Márquez weaves in elements of magical realism to create a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, reflecting the tumultuous history of the region.Overall, "Love in the Time of Cholera" is a masterpiece of literature that deserves its place among the greatest love stories ever written. It is a powerful reminder of the enduring power of love, the complexities of human relationships, and the transformative nature of time.中文回答:《霍乱时期的爱情》是加布里埃尔·加西亚·马尔克斯创作的长篇小说,讲述了弗洛伦蒂诺·阿里萨和费尔明娜·达萨之间跨越半个世纪的爱情故事。

霍乱时期的爱情中的疾病与爱情共生探索霍乱时期的爱情(Love in the Time of Cholera)是哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯于1985年创作的一部小说。
2. 疾病与死亡在《霍乱时期的爱情》中的象征意义霍乱这种传染性疾病在小说中扮演着重要角色。
3. 爱情在疾病阴霾中绽放《霍乱时期的爱情》中,主人公费尔明·达萨与费尔米娜·达埃尔之间展开了一段坚持长达数十年的爱情。
4. 爱情成为抵挡疾病侵袭的力量小说中,费尔明·达萨用深沉、忠诚的爱意表达对费尔米娜·达埃尔一直以来坚贞不渝的感情。
5. 爱情奋斗与逆流而上爱情并非只有平顺和美好,在《霍乱时期的爱情》中,费尔明·达萨和费尔米娜·达埃尔也面临着来自外界社会道义观念和家庭责任的阻力。
6. 物质、时间、疾病对爱情的影响小说通过描述主人公长达半个多世纪的爱情故事,展示了物质、时间和疾病对爱情产生的影响。
7. 爱情作为灵魂的延续在小说中,费尔明·达萨和费尔米娜·达埃尔之间的爱情不仅仅代表着两个人之间的感情交流,更象征着他们灵魂之间永恒不变的联系。

马尔克斯魔幻现实经典语录马尔克斯(Gabriel García Márquez)是哥伦比亚文学界最重要的作家之一,也是拉丁美洲文学的瑰宝。
以下是马尔克斯的魔幻现实经典语录:1. "人生是一场无休止的孤独旅行,我们都注定要独自走完它。
" 这句话出自《霍乱时期的爱情》(Love in the Time of Cholera),描述了人们在生命旅程中所经历的孤独和追求爱情的艰辛。
2. "在一切开始或者结束的地方,我都发现了爱。
" 这句话出自《百年孤独》(One Hundred Years of Solitude),强调了爱是生命中不可或缺的力量,它贯穿于生命的起点和终点。
3. "活着的人总比死掉的人更有鬼魂。
" 这句话出自《霍乱时期的爱情》,马尔克斯通过这句话表达了人活着时的情感和思想所具有的强大能量。
4. "我过去相信时间是一种纯粹量,但现在我相信时间是摆渡人,它本身就是一个人。
" 这句话出自《霍乱时期的爱情》,马尔克斯以独特的方式探索了时间和人的关系,认为时间以独特的方式与我们相互作用。
5. "不要忘记,时间会治愈一切。
" 这句话出自《霍乱时期的爱情》,马尔克斯用这句话传递了希望和信念,认为时间可以疗愈内心的伤痛。
6. "我在一个无法想象的地方诞生,我在一个无足轻重的家庭长大。
" 这句话出自《百年孤独》,马尔克斯以诗意的语言表达了人与家庭、人与出生地之间的关系。
7. "真正的责任是拯救我们的梦想。
" 这句话出自《百年孤独》,马尔克斯强调了梦想的重要性,认为只有追求和实现梦想才能拯救我们的灵魂。
8. "物质意味着生活,但精神意味着存在。
" 这句话出自《霍乱时期的爱情》,马尔克斯探讨了物质与精神之间的关系,认为物质只是生活的一部分,存在的真正意义在于精神层面。

Name: Love in the time of choleraPublishing house: VintagePublishing time: 2007Reading report about Love in the time of cholera This is a rather romantic story about Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza. In their youth, Florentino Ariza fell in love with Fermina Daza at his first sight. And because of the curiosity and the desire for love, Fermina Daza received his love. But her father didn’t allow them to be together. So they moved to another place. But they never forget each other and even their love are deeper than before. After they met again, they shall have been happy. After Fermina Daza saw the Florentino Ariza, she ran away and broke up with Florentino Ariza for she thought it was impossible for her to love this kind of person who was rather wild, rude and dirty. And during the latter 51 years, Fermina Daza married a doctor and had her own children. Though Florentino Ariza was heart-broken at that time, he still held his heart for her and hoped that they could be together after her husband died. Because of his stillness and their brevity, they finally were together under the protection from the cholera flag.I still remember once Fermina Daza has said, “a century ago, life screwed that poor man because we were too young, and now they want to do the same thing because we are too old.”It is so painful and ironic. But after she realized that, she became open-minded and brave enough to receive his love. I think in the face of the love, or say, the choice of the life, if we really want it, can we just be faithful enough to say “Ok, I desire for it” and be brave to chase after it? Life is always filled with all kinds of blocks and if we over concern about everything, we may die nothing. Not anyone is so stillness, faithful and patient as Florentino Ariza does. So if we don’t grasp every chance to love, it may be gone forever. I hope we won’t live regretting for what we should have done and try to be brave as these two characters do.--By pork。

三大高乔文学作品高乔(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)是哥伦比亚文学史上最伟大的作家之一,他以其独特的魔幻现实主义风格而闻名于世。
第一部作品是《百年孤独》(One Hundred Years of Solitude),这是高乔最著名的小说之一,也是他最具代表性的作品。
第二部作品是《霍乱时期的爱情》(Love in the Time of Cholera)。
第三部作品是《悲伤的皮戈尔》(Chronicle of a Death Foretold)。

Love in the Time of Cholera 霍乱时期的爱情
Gabriel Garcí a Márquez
Gabriel Garcí a Márquez is a Colombian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist. Garcí a Márquez, affectionately known as Gabo throughout Latin America, is considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982. He started as a journalist, and has written many acclaimed non-fiction works and short stories,
After the funeral , Florentino proclaims his love for Fermina once again and tells her he has stayed faithful to her all these years . Hesitant at first because of the advancements he made to a newly made window , Fermina eventually gives him a second chance .They attempt a life together , having lived two lives separately for over five decades .

"Love in the Time of Cholera" is a story about living in a time when cholera is rampant. The story revolves around two love stories, depicting the social environment and the fate of the people at that time. By describing the love experiences of the main characters, Fermina and Fernando, the novel portrays the various inequalities and injustices in the society at the time, as well as the love and hate of the people in such a difficult environment.The novel reveals the impact of the catastrophe andsocial turmoil caused by cholera on people's lives in the most realistic way. Gabriel Garcia Marquez's depiction makes people feel as if they were in that era, experiencing the pain and helplessness that people experienced during the cholera period.The story is not only an ode to love, but also a reflection on history, allowing readers to reflect on thetwists and turns of human history while experiencing intense love emotions."Love in the Time of Cholera" makes people profoundly feel the fragility and tenacity of human nature, as well as the resilience and bravery of people living in extreme environments.Overall, "Love in the Time of Cholera" is a work worth savoring. It is not just a love story, but also a profound reflection on human nature and society.。

《霍乱时期的爱情》读书分享心得英文回答:Personal Growth and Transformation in "Love in the Time of Cholera"Gabriel García Márquez's masterpiece, "Love in the Time of Cholera," paints a vivid and evocative narrative that delves into the enduring power of love and the complexities of human emotion. Through the intertwining lives of Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza, the novel explores the profound themes of personal growth, transformation, and the resilience of the human spirit.Florentino, a young telegrapher, falls hopelessly in love with Fermina, a beautiful and intelligent woman. Despite their mutual affection, societal pressures and misunderstandings keep them apart. Florentino's unwavering love endures through decades of separation, serving as a testament to the enduring nature of human passion.Fermina, initially drawn to Florentino's charm, eventually marries Dr. Juvenal Urbino, a wealthy and respected physician. While she leads a comfortable life, her heart remains unfulfilled. Over the years, Fermina undergoes a transformation, gradually recognizing the shallowness of societal expectations and embracing her own desires.The novel's exploration of personal growth and transformation is particularly poignant in the portrayal of Florentino's character. Driven by his unyielding love for Fermina, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, shedding his former naivete and embracing the complexities of life. Through his travels and experiences, Florentino matures into a man of depth and wisdom.Fermina's transformation is equally compelling.Initially constrained by societal norms, she gradually breaks free from their suffocating grip. By embracing her own desires and defying expectations, Fermina discovers her true self and finds fulfillment in her later years."Love in the Time of Cholera" is a testament to the transformative power of love. Through Florentino and Fermina's journey, Márquez illustrates that love has the capacity to shape our lives, inspire personal growth, and ultimately lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.中文回答:《霍乱时期的爱情》读后感,成长与蜕变。
霍乱时期的爱情Love in the Time of Cholera

• Compared with the other works of the writer, this novel can best show Marquez's "decadent of magic". He used “love”as the theme which was written by countless writers.Particularly surprising is that he decisively gave up the "magic reality", but used the European novels’ traditional wording of nineteenth century.
• Representation
Gabriel Garcí a Márquez (March 6, 1927 - April 17, 2014)
: "Hundred Years of Solitude" (1967) "Love during the Cholera" (1985).
About the Book
Main Characters
• Florentino Ariza • He is a illegitimate child and is very poor. He is a passionate poet , an experienced lover , a dutiful son , an incompetent boss. •Fairmina Dasa •Fairmina Dasa is the heroine of the novel. Her beauty is no need to say .Her personality is flesh and blood. She is a contradictory body, tradition and rebellion, rationality and romance .

Love in the period of Cholera_霍乱时期的爱情读后感600字

Love in the period of Cholera_霍乱时期的爱情读后感600字Through the description of Hermia's lover and a wonderful dialogue between the woman and the doctor, the author expresses the deep meaning of love. "She was like a piece of sculpture, such as snake eyes, fearless wrapped in black, ears don't roses." It can be seen that her sacrifice to the death of her lover and her deep love for him. In fact, she knew he would end his own life, and accompany their love life in the last eleven months of the time is how cruel give dying kicks. That's why she can be so calm and so calm after her lover's death. With her own words, "I love him too much." It's enough!The beginning of the novel, I went straight into the narrative state: from the Antilles exiles, photographer Jeremy de Amor - Asian children before the sixty birthday Dutch act as poison, his best friends, Juvenal entered the Urbino doctor dead room is the smell of a bitter almond smell, it reminds him of love is the fate. According to friends will see the doctor with a humble admiration and the gentle touch of his life as a woman doctor - his best friend, Juvenal Urbino doctor didn't know that 1————来源网络整理,仅供供参考the photographer has such a woman, the woman calmly with his wife after the last half of the game, and then leave him alone quietly meet death. This is the first legendary love that appears in the novel. A sudden rainstorm disturbed the doctor's disciple's solemn and luxurious work. 25th anniversary, a commemorative luncheon. After that, a parrot flying out of the cage made a mess of the doctor's gorgeous and comfortable home and the doctor's life. After the doctor's funeral, his doctor Phil Minna Dassa away the last guest, is being prepared last effort to shut the door, saw the mourning stand in the central living room empty Florentino Ariza - the latter, trembling and solemn hat into the chest position for a long time, let him live support the lovesickness burst out altogether.The book makes me feel the deepest is Ariza for Phil Minna to end love. When young Ariza obsessed for the beloved girl Phil Minna Chafanbusi, tossing and turning, and repeated recitation has learned by heart the love poems. So when first engaged in shipping work, Ariza written document reads like a love letter, although he deliberately avoided, but from his pen business letters still revealed a lyrical————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2atmosphere. In 51 years, 9 months and 4 days long, Ariza always looking forward to return to the ideal of love, but after a long wait, the endless yearning, old old Ariza still need to face frustration and embarrassment again.Love has been a fascinating topic since ancient times. Countless legends and beautiful stories do not stop people from thinking about love. What is really great about the love in the period of cholera? It's probably the philosophy of life under the long time span and experience and the endless love of immortality.3————来源网络整理,仅供供参考。
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• When Florentino and Fermina was young, they exchanged a lot of love letters for 3 years and even decided to get married. But her father did not agree her to marry a poor man so he brought Fermina back to countryside for one year in order to let her forget Florentino. • When Fermina returned back to the city and met Florentino again, she told Florentino that he should forget her and she realized that what between them was nothing more than an illusion. • However, Florentino decided to keep the desire on her and keep virginity until they eventually got together. But in order to decrease his miss to Fermina, he began to find women and had a self-indulgence life. But he never forgot her even for a minute.
• Finally Fermina married Dr Urbino and became a noble lady as her father wished her to be. But after their marriage, the doctor also had love affair with another woman. • Only after Urbino’s death, did Florentino re-examine his love to Fermina, then he gradually use his words in the love letters to regain their love. In a journey on a ship, both the old man and woman found themselves falling in love with each other again. Fermina was afraid that it would cause scandals, so the captain raised a yellow flag, which stood for cholera. And then they had a journey of their love without disturbing.
• "There is nothing more difficult than love." • -- Garcia Marquez • "The only regret I have in dying is that I do not die for love." -- Florentino Ariza • "The crux of social life is to learn to control fear, the crux of couples' life is to learn to control allergy."(社会 生活的症结在于学会控制胆怯,夫妻生活的症结在 于学会控制反感。) -- Dr Juvenal Urbino
"We will be together until the death separates us." This kind of sentence can be seen in many TV shows, especially in the scene of wedding.
Marriage Vow
Spiritual Love VS Physical Love
• Which one will you choose? • When talking about love, this kind of questions are often asked. Here I would like to say that no matter which one you will choose, the happiness of love is the most important thing. Just like the woman character Fermina, she finally chose to marry Dr Urbino to become a fairy lady with high social status and she gave up the love to Florentino. But she was not happy. She was regretful for her choice, for her marriage was just prosaic like water and she hoped to have a love with lots of passion. So after her husband's death, she decided to be together with Florentino. • So make the right chocie, be happy.
El Amor En Los Tiempos Del Colera
Plot Summary
• The novel began with Dr Juvenal Urbino, who came to examine his best friend Jeremiah Saint-Amour’s body. Amour committed suicide when he was 60 year old in order not to grow older. When Dr Urbino went back home, he found his beloved pet parrot escaped to the top of a mango tree. When he tired to save it, he fell from the ladder and died. • Florentino Ariza chose to confess his love to Urbino’s wife, Fermina Daza at that time. But Fermina refused because of his abruptness and her feelings in the bottom of the heart.
• It is considered as a non-traditional love story as lovers find love in their seventies, when death is all around them. • Love in the Time of Cholera is based on the stories of two couples. The young love of Fermina Daza and Florentino Ariza is based on the love affair of Garcí Má a rquez's parents. However, as he explains in an interview: “The only difference is my parents married. And as soon as they were married, they were no longer interesting as literary figures.” The love of old people is based on a newspaper story about the death of two Americans, who were almost 80 years old and were each married to other people but they met every year in the same place. They were out in a boat one day and were murdered by the boatman. Garcí Má a rquez notes, “Through their death, the story of their secret romance became known to others. I was fascinated by them.”