2010年南京大学专转本(计算机应用基础)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 填空题 2. 单选题 3. 多选题 4. 判断题填空题每空2分,共20分。
正确答案:存取时间5.在Windows XP中,用作虚拟内存的页面文件的文件名是_______,它位于系统盘根目录下。
8 4
14 10
好,CPU访问Cache的 命中率就越高。但出于 成本考虑,一般容量不 大,一级缓存几kB~(几 十)kB,二级缓存128 kB~1 MB。
电路的高电平状态或低电平状态(CPU) 电容的充电状态或放电状态(RAM) 两种不同的磁化状态(磁盘) 光盘面上的凹凸状态(光盘)
磁头,用 于写入和 读出信息 磁性材 料粒子 磁 盘 片
“0” “1”
光盘上的 螺旋形光道
凹坑的边缘 用来表示 “1”,而 凹坑内外的 平坦部分表 示“0”
155 150 147 168 225 225 240 233
A: 0110 B: ∨ 1010 F: 1110
A: 0110 B: ∧ 1010 F: 0010
01001101 ∨ 00101011 01101111
7*64+4*8+4 =(1+2+4)*26+22*23+22 =(20+21+22)* 26+25+22
2010年普通高校专转本统一考试计算机基础 试题
在每小题给出的4 个选项中.只有一项是符合题目要求的.请将其字母标号填在答卷纸相应题号的空格中。
A. 120.111B.157、157 c.170、146 D. 170.157 , 5.内存容量是影响PC机性能的要素之一,通常容量越大越好,但其容量受到多种)因素的制约。
A.CPU数据线的宽度B.主板芯片组的型号C.主板存储器插座类型与数目 D.CPU地址线的宽度6.下列存储器按读写速度由高到低排列,正确的是。
A. RAM、cache、硬盘、光盘 B.ctiche、RAM、硬盘、光盘C.RAM、硬盘、cache、光盘 D. caChe、RAM、光盘、硬盘7.下列因素中,对微型计算机工作影响最小的是。
《计算机基础》2010年试题解析(01-ITO)1.下列关于比特的叙述,错误的是_____ .A.存储(记忆)1个比特需要使用具有两种稳定状态的器件B.比特的取值只有“0”和“1”C. 比特既可以表示数值、文字,也可以表示图像、声音D. 比特既没有颜色也没有重量,但有大小【参考答案】D【试题解析】比特(bit)中文翻译为“二进制位”(简称为“位”),是组成数字信息的最小单位。
比特只有 2 种取值:0和1,一般无大小之分。
【考眼归纳】信息单位--比特,二进位2.下列关于信息系统的叙述,错误的是 _____。
A.电话是一种双向的、点对点的、以信息交互为主要目的的系统B.网络聊天是一种双向的、以信息交互为目的的系统C. 广播是一种点到面的、双向信息交互系统D. 因特网是一种跨越全球的多功能信息系统【参考答案】C【试题解析】用于辅助人们进行信息获取、传递、存储、加工处理、控制及显示的综合使用各种信息技术的系统,可以通称为信息(处理)系统。
A.正确 B.错误
47.[2013-25]在8位计算机系统中,用补码表示的整数(10101100)2对应的十进制数是( )
50.[2005-4]用浮点数表示任意一个数据时,可通过改变浮点数的( )部分的大小,能使小数位置产生移动。
2005-2012年江苏专转本计算机基础历年真题 附答案 2006、2007、2008、2009、2010、2011年
2005-2012年江苏专转本计算机基础历年真题目录2005年“专转本”计算机应用基础统一考试试题 (2)2006年“专转本”计算机应用基础统一考试试题 (9)2007年“专转本”计算机应用基础统一考试试题 (15)2008年“专转本”计算机应用基础统一考试试题 (23)2009年“专转本”计算机应用基础统一考试试题 (32)2010年“专转本”计算机应用基础统一考试试题 (40)2011年“专转本”计算机应用基础统一考试试题 (49)2012年普通高校专转本选拔考试计算机基础(二年级) (57)2012年普通高校专转本选拔考试计算机基础(三年级) (64)2005年“专转本”计算机应用基础统一考试试题(考试时间90分钟,满分100分)一、单项选择题1.基于冯·诺依曼提出的存储程序控制原理的计算机系统,其硬件基本结构包括:、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备。
A. 显示器B. 运算器C. 磁盘驱动器D. 键盘2.在下列字符中,其ASCⅡ码值最大的一个是。
A. 5B. 6C. XD. Y3. 能将高级语言源程序转换成目标程序。
A.解释程序B. 编辑程序C. 编译程序D. 调试程序4. 用浮点数表示任意一个数据时,可通过改变浮点数的部分的大小,能使小数位置产生移动。
A. 基数B. 阶码C. 尾数D. 有效数字5. 二进制数01011010扩大成2倍是。
A. 10110100B. 10101100C. 10011100D. 100110106. 微型计算机系统的CPU、存储器和外部设备之间采用总线连接。
A. 地址总线、数据总线和系统总线B. 系统总线、数据总线和控制总线C. 地址总线、数据总线和控制总线D. 地址总线、系统总线和控制总线7. 在下列一组数中,其最大的一个数是。
A. (10101000)BB. (A9)HC. (78)OD. (75)D8. 3.5英寸的软盘的总容量为。
[单选题] *A.用高级语言编写的程序称为源程序(正确答案)B.计算机能直接识别.执行用汇编语言编写的程序C.机器语言编写的程序执行效率最低D.不同型号的CPU具有相同的机器语言2、虚拟专用网VPN 采用的类似点对点通信的安全技术是()。
中[单选题] *A.加密技术B.身份认证技术C.隧道技术(正确答案)D.密钥管理技术3、在OSI/RM 中,完成路径选择功能的是()。
中[单选题] *A.物理层B.应用层C.会话层D.网络层(正确答案)4、在数据帧中,当所传输的数据中出现控制字符时,必须采取适当的措施,使接收方不至于将数据误认为是控制信息,这样才能保证数据链路层传输是()的。
中[单选题] *A. 透明(正确答案)B. 面向连接C. 冗余D. 无连接5、计算机网络中,为了使计算机或终端之间能够正确传送信息,必须按照()来相互通信。
易[单选题] *A. 信息交换方式B. 网卡C. 传输装置D. 网络协议(正确答案)6、C:Windows是PC机唯一的操作系统D:操作系统的五大功能是:启动、打印、显示、文件存取和关机字长是CPU的主要技术性能指标之一,它表示的是______。
[单选题] *A:CPU的计算结果的有效数字长度B:CPU一次能处理二进制数据的位数(正确答案)7、D:打印机,绘图仪,显示器(正确答案)把内存中数据传送到计算机的硬盘上去的操作称为______。
[单选题] *A:显示B:写盘(正确答案)C:输入8、在TCP/IP 网络上,主机采用()标识中[单选题] *A. 端口号B.MAC 地址C. IP 地址(正确答案)D. 以上都不是9、79.早期的计算机语言中,所有的指令.数据都用一串二进制数0和1表示,这种语言称为()[单选题] *A.Basic语言B.机器语言(正确答案)C.汇编语言D.java语言10、16.在Internet.上浏览时,浏览器和Www服务器之间传输网页使用的协议是()。
16.SQL查询语句形式为“Select A from R where F”,其中F对应于基本表或视图。
(填入一个数字)B 3.0接口使用__________线接线器。
江苏省专转本计算机真题一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. 下列选项中,不属于计算机硬件的是:A. 显卡B. 鼠标C. 操作系统D. 主板2. 在Java中,下列选项中与循环结构有关的是:A. if-else语句B. switch语句C. for循环D. try-catch语句3. 在计算机网络中,用于将一个局域网扩展到另一个局域网的设备是:A. 路由器B. 集线器C. 交换机D. 网关4. 在数据库中,下列选项中用于查询数据的语句是:A. SELECTB. INSERTC. UPDATED. DELETE5. 在计算机安全中,下列选项中用于保护用户账号安全的措施是:A. 强密码策略B. 防火墙设置C. 数据备份D. 反病毒软件6. 下列选项中,不属于计算机软件的是:A. 操作系统B. 浏览器C. 内存D. 文字处理软件7. 在C语言中,下列选项中用于判断条件是否成立的语句是:A. ifB. forC. switchD. while8. 在计算机图形学中,下列选项中用于处理三维图像的技术是:A. 光栅化B. 平移C. 旋转D. 裁剪9. 在数据库中,下列选项中用于建立表格的语句是:A. SELECTB. INSERTC. CREATED. DELETE10. 在计算机网络中,下列选项中用于将一个IP地址转换为域名的服务是:A. DNSB. DHCPC. FTPD. HTTP11. 在Java中,下列选项中用于定义一个类的关键字是:A. classB. interfaceC. extendsD. implements12. 在计算机安全中,下列选项中用于防止恶意软件攻击的措施是:A. 防火墙设置B. 数据加密C. 数据备份D. 强密码策略13. 在C语言中,下列选项中用于循环迭代的语句是:A. ifB. forC. switchD. while14. 在计算机图形学中,下列选项中用于处理二维图像的技术是:A. 光栅化B. 平移C. 旋转D. 裁剪15. 在数据库中,下列选项中用于从表格中删除数据的语句是:A. SELECTB. INSERTC. DELETED. UPDATE二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. Java是一种_________(编程语言)。
2010年第一场一、基础知识必做题(共45题)[1]. 在运行C__操作系统的PC机上第一次使用优盘时必须人工安装优盘驱动程序。
A.Windows meB.Windows XP C.Windows98D.Windows2000 [2]. 一个完整的算法必须有输出。
正确[3]. CRT彩色显示器采用的颜色模型为__ B____。
A.HSB B.RGB C.YUV D.CMYK[4]. 下列有关我国汉字编码标准的叙述中,错误的是C__。
A.GB18030汉字编码标准与GBK、GB2312标准兼容B.GBK汉字编码标准不仅与GB2312标准兼容,还收录了包括繁体字在内的大量汉字C.GB18030汉字编码标准中收录的汉字在GB2312标准中一定能找到D.GB2312所有汉字的机内码都用两个字节来表示[5]. 关于定点数与浮点数的叙述中,错误的是_B___ 。
A.同一个数的浮点数表示形式并不惟一B.长度相同时,浮点数的表示范围通常比定点数大C.整数在计算机中用定点数表示,不能用浮点数表示D.计算机中实数是用浮点数来表示的[6]. 使用计算机制作的数字文本,若根据它们是否具有排版格式来分,可分为简单文本和丰富格式文本两大类。
丰富格式[7]. Windows系统中,可以象删除子目录一样删除根目录。
错误[8]. 从PC机的物理结构来看,芯片组是PC机主板上各组成部分的枢纽,它连接着_ CPU _、内存条、硬盘接口、网络接口、PCI插槽等,主板上的所有控制功能几乎都由它完成。
[9]. 将网络划分为广域网(W AN)、城域网(MAN)和局域网(LAN)主要是依据__ D。
A.接入计算机所使用的操作系统B.接入的计算机类型C.网络拓扑结构D.网络覆盖的地域范围[10]. IP数据报数据部分的长度是固定的。
错误[11]. 微波是直线传播的,遇到障碍物将影响正常通信。
1. 10ms 2.一半时间0.5倍3.平板4.内存5.兼容6.移动硬盘7.内存8.硬件9.光电转换10.输入/输出11. RAM 12.指令13.外部传输速率14.兼容_ 15.系统16.随机存取17.闪烁(Flash ROM) 18.二进制19.RAM 20. SATA 21. 32 22.格式化23.半导体24. USB 25. DRAM 26.寻道27. CPU 28.写一次29.光30.CMOS31.快32.BIOS33. 2 34.百万条定点指令35.嵌入式36.BIOS37.CMOS设置38.主频39.2 40. 5 41.光缆42.操作码43.MB44.CPU45.电池46.并行47.CD-R48.CMOS
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.D 21.D 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.C 26.A 27.A 28.D 29.D 30.B 31.C 32.C 33.C 34.B 35.C 36.A 37.D 38.A 39.A
第三章 软件
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B 21.C 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.D 27.B 28.B 29.D 30.D 31.C 32.A 33.D
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15. B 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.B 22.A 23.A 24.A 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.A
2010年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Sometimes you’ll hear people say that you can’t love others until you love yourself. Sometimes you’ll hear people say that you can’t expect someone else to love you un til you love yourself. Either way, you’ve got to love yourself first and this can be tricky. Sure we all know that we’re the people of our parents’ eyes, and that our Grandmas think we are great talents and our uncle Roberts think that we will go to the Olympics, but sometimes it’s a lot harder to think such nice thoughts about ourselves. If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge, it is time you built a positive self-image and learn to love yourself.Self-image is your own mind’s picture of yo urself. This image includes the way you look, the way you act, the way you talk and the way you think. Interestingly, our self-images are often quite different from the images others hold about us. Unfortunately, most of these images are more negative than they should be, thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your self-image and your whole world.The best way to defeat a passive self-image is to step back and decide to stress your successes. That is, make a list if you need to, but write down all of the great things you do everyday. Don’t allow doubts to occur in it.It very well might be that you are experiencing a negative self-image because you can’t move past one flaw or weakness that you see about yourself. Well, roll up your sleeves and make a change of it as your primary task. If you think you are silly because you aren’t good at math. Find a tutor. If you think you are weak because you can’t run a mile, get to the track and practice. If you think you are dull because yo u don’t wear the latest trends, buy a few new clothes.The best way to get rid of a negative self-image is to realize that your image is far from objective and to actively convince yourself of your positive qualities. Changing the way you think and working on those you need to improve will go a long way towards promoting a positive self-image. When you can pat your self on the back, you’ll know you’re well on your way.1. You need to build a positive self-image when you _______.A.dare to challenge yourself B. feel it hard to change yourselfC. are unconfident about yourselfD. have a high opinion of yourself2. According to the passage, our self-images________.A. have positive effectsB. are probably untrueC. are often changeableD. have different functions3. How should you change your self-image according to the passage?A. Keep a different image of others.B. Make your life successfulC. Understand your own worldD. Change the way you think4. What is the passage mainly about?A. How to prepare for your successB. How to face challenges in your lifeC. How to build a positive self-imageD. How to develop your good qualities5. Who are the intended readers of the passage?A. parentsB. AdolescentsC. educatorsD. people in general Passage 2Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self-respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as “honor” helps you create this life of good feelings.Here’s an example to show how honorable actions create happiness.Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If we keep silent and profit from the clerk’s mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement. La ter we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. On the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quite sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.Then, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?In the first case, where we don’t tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We damage our own reputations by telling others. In contrast, bringing the error to the clerk’s attention causes different things to happen. Immediately, the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions. Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier experience. And it is easy to think and act honorably again when we are happy. While the positive cycle can be difficult to start, o nce it’s started, it’s easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind which is important for our happiness.6. According to the passage, the positive action in the example contributes to our ___________.A. self-respectB. financial rewardsC. advertising abilityD. friendly relationship7. The author thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is equal to _____.A. lyingB. stealingC. cheatingD. advertising8. The phrase “bringing the error to the clerk’s attention” means_______.A. telling the truth to the clerkB. offering advice to the clerkC. asking the clerk to be more attentiveD. reminding the clerk of the charged item9. How will we feel if we let the clerk know the mistake?A. We’ll be very excitedB. We’ll feel unfortunateC. We’ll have a sense of humorD. We’ll feel sorry for the clerk10. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A. How to live truthfullyB. Importance of peacefulnessC. Ways of gaining self-respectD. Happiness through honorablePassage 3Sesame Street has been called “the longest street in the world”. That is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts of the world. That program became one of Ame rica’s exports soon after it went on the air in New York in 1969.In the United States more than 6 million children watch the program regularly. The viewers include more than half of the nation’s pre-school children. Although some educators object to certain elements in the program, parents praise it highly. Many teachers also consider it a great help, though some teachers find that problems arise when first graders who have learned from “Sesame Street” are in the same class with children who have not watched the program.The program uses songs, stories, jokes and pictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers, letters and human relationships. Tests have shown that children have benefited from watching “Sesame Street”. Those who watch five times a week learn more than the occasional viewers. In the United States the program is shown at different times during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watch it regularly.Why has “Sesame Street” been so much more successful than other children’s shows? Many reasons have been suggested. People mention the educational theories of its creators, the support by the government and private businesses, and the skillful use of a variety of TV tricks. Perhaps an equally important reason is that mothers watch “Sesame Street” along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars often appear on “Sesame Street”. But the best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching it feel able to learn. The child finds himself learning, and he wants to learn more.11. Why has Sesame Street been called “the longest street in the world”?A. the program has been shown ever since 1969.B. the program became one of America’s major exports soon after it app eared on TVC. the program is now being watched in most parts of the world.D. the program is made in the longest street in New York.12. Some educators are critical of the program because________.A. they don’t think it fit for children in every respectB. it takes the children too much time to watch itC. it causes problems between children who watched it and those who have notD. some parents attach too much importance to it13. So many children in the United States watch the program because______.A. it uses songs, stories and jokes to give them basic knowledgeB. it is arranged for most children to watch it regularlyC. tests have shown that it is beneficial to themD. both A and B14. Mothers often watch the program along with their children because______A. they enjoy the program as much as their childrenB. they find their children have benefited from watching the programC. they are attracted by some famous adult stars on the showD. they can learn some educational theories from the program15. What is the most important reason for the success of the program according to the author?A. the creators have good educational theories in making the programB. the young viewers find they can learn something from it.C. famous adult stars often appear in the programD. It gets support from the government and private businessPassage 4You will have no difficulty in making contact with the agent. As you enter his office, you will be greeted immediately and politely asked what you are looking for. The Estate A gent’s negotiator-as he is called-will probably check that you really know your financial position. No harm in that, but you can always tell him that you have confirmed the position with the XYZ Building Society. He will accept that.He will show you the details of a whole range of properties; many of them are not really what you are looking for at all. That does not matter. Far better turn then down than risk missing the right one.The printed details he will give you are called “particulars”. Over t he years, a whole language has grown up, solely for use in Agent’s particulars. It is flowery, ornate and, providing you read it carefully and discount the adjectives, it can be very accurate and helpful.Since the passing of the Trades Description Act, any trader trying to sell something has had to be very careful as to what they say about it. Estate Agents have, by now, become very competent at going as far as they dare. For instance, it is quite acceptable to say “delightfully” situated. That is an ex pression of his opinion. You many not agree, but he might like the idea of living next to the gasworks. If, on the other hand, he says that the house has five bedrooms when, in fact, it has only two, that is a misstatement of fact and is an offence. This has made Estate Agents and others for that matter rather more careful.Basically, all that you need to know about a house is : how many bedrooms it has; an indication of their size; whether the house has a garage; whether there is a garden and whether it is at the back or the front of the house; whether its semi-detached of terraced.16. The Estate Agent’s negotiator will ________.A. want all details of your financial circumstancesB. want to satisfy himself that you understand the financial implications of buying a house.C. check your financial position with the XYZ Building SocietyD. accept any statement you make about your financial position17. The author believes ________.A. it is better to be given information about too many properties than too fewB. you should only look at details of properties of the kind you have decided to buy.C. the agent will only show you the details of properties you have in mind.D. it doesn’t matter if you miss a few properties you may be interested in.18. The adjecti ves in Agent’s particulars are ______.A. accurateB. helpfulC. both accurateD. safe to ignore19. The Trades Description Act applies to ___________.A. house agents onlyB. most estate agentsC. any traderD. buyer of houses20. The phrase “going as far as they dare” probably means______.A. covering as wide an area as possibleB. selling houses as far from the estate agent’s housesC. telling lies about properties if nobody is likely to find out about it.D. trying every possible means to make the description of houses sound attractive Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure21. Scientists will have to _____ new methods of increasing the world’s food supply in order to solve the problem of famine in some places.A. come up forB. come down withC. com down toD. come up with 22.I’d like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ______in a quiet and safe neighborhood.A. all in allB. above allC. after allD. over all23. In order to expose corruption, they have decided to set up a special team to ____the company’s accounts.A. search forB. work outC. look intoD. sum up24. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up a lot of wonderful _____ in the markets.A. batteriesB. basketsC. barrelsD. bargains25. The residents living in these apartments have free ____ to the swimming pool, the gym and other facilities.A. excessB. excursionC. accessD. recreation 26.Reporters and photographers alike took great _____at the rude way the actors behaved during the interview.A. annoyanceB. offenceC. resentmentD. irritation27. Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal of a child because of a ___ dislike.A. provedB. supposedC. consideredD. related28. I’d like to ____ this old car for a new model but I am afraid I cannot afford it.A. exchangeB. convertedC. replaceD. substitute29. She said she liked dancing but was not in the ______for it just then when it was so noisy in the hall.A. mannerB. intentionC. moodD. desire30. He was _____ admittance to the concert hall for not being properly dressed.A. rejectedB. deniedC. withheldD. deprived31. Most people tend to ______ a pounding heart and sweating palms with the experience of emotion.A. classifyB. identifyC. satisfyD. modify32. The company _____ many fine promises to the engineer in order to get him to work for them.A. held upB. held onC. held outD. held onto33. _____the tragic news about their president, they have cancelled the 4th of July celebration.A. In the course ofB. In spite ofC. In the event ofD. In the light of34. The worker’ demands are _______, they are asking for only a small increase in their wages.A. particularB. moderateC. intermediateD. numerous35. Our explanation seemed only to have _____ his confusion. He was totally at a loss as to what to say.A. brought upB. added toC. worked outD. directed at36. With a standard bulb, only 5% of the electricity is ______ to light-the rest is wasted away as heat.A. compressedB. conformedC. convertedD. confined37. Modern technology has placed ______ every kind of music, from virtually every period in history and every corner of the globe.A. at our requestB. at our disposalC. in our presenceD. in our sight38. Much has been written on the virtues of natural childbirth, but little research has been done to ___ these virtues.A. confirmB. consultC. confessD. convey39. Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food______their cleaness, toughness and low cost.A. by virtue ofB. at sight ofC. by means ofD. by way of40. I am trying to think of his mind, but my mind goes completely _____i must be slipping.A. bareB. blankC. hollowD. vacant41. _____ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.A. what is requiredB. what requiresC. It is requiredD. It requires42. It is generally believed that gardening is ______it is a science.A. an art much asB. much an art asC. as an art much asD. as much an art as43. The indoor swimming pool seems to be great more luxurious than ______.A. is necessaryB. being necessaryC. to be necessaryD. it is necessary44. He ______ English for 8 years by the time he graduates from the university next year.A. will learnB. will be learningC. will have learntD. will have been learnt.45. It was not until the sub prime loan crisis ______ great damage to the American financial system that Americans ______the severity of the situation.A. caused; realizedB. had caused; realizedC. caused; had realizedD. was causing; had realized46. The police think you brother John stole the diamond in the museum yesterday evening.Oh? But he stayed with me at home the whole evening; he ___ the museum.A. must have been toB. needn’t have been toC. shoul d have been toD. couldn’t have been to47. _______ the meeting himself gave his supporters a great deal of encouragement.A. The president will attendB. The president to attendC. The president attendedD. The president’s attendin g48. Everything _____into consideration, the candidates ought to have another chance.A. is takenB. takenC. to be takenD. taking49. _______from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.A. SufferedB. SufferingC. Having sufferedD. Being suffered50. The concert will be broadcasted live to a worldwide television audience_____thousand millionA. estimatingB. estimatedC. estimatesD. having estimated51. About half of the students expected there ______more reviewing classes before the final exams.A. isB. beingC. to beD. have been52. _____ made the school proud was____more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.A. What; becauseB. What; thatC. That; whatD. That; because53. Information has been released ______ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities this year.A. whileB. thatC. whenD. as54. He is the only one of the students who ______ a winner of scholarship for three years.A. isB. areC. have beenD. has been55. What’s that newly-built building?_____ the students have out-of-class activities, such as drawing and singing.A. It is the building thatB. That’s whereC. It is in whichD. The building that56.With a large amount of work_____ the chief manager couldn’t spare time for a holiday.A. remained to be doneB. remaining to doC. remained to doD. remaining to be done57. Why! I have nothing to confess, ______you want me to say?A. What is it thatB. what it is thatC. How is it thatD. How is it that58. David has made great progress recently._____, and __________________.A. So he has, so you haveB. So he has; so have youC. So has he; so you haveD. So has he; so you have59. It is universally known that microscopes make small things appear larger than _.A. really areB. are reallyC. are they reallyD. they really are60. Tom, _______, but your TV is going too loud.Oh, I’m sorry. I will turn it down right now.A. I’d like to talk with youB. I’m really tire d of thisC. I hate to say thisD. I need your helpPart Ⅲ ClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passages. For each bank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You chose the ONE that best fits into the passage, the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.The eyes are the most important 61 of human body that is used to 62 information. Eye contact is crucial for establishing rapport 63 others. The way we look at other people can 64 them know we are paying attention to 65 they are saying. We can also look at a person and gave the 66 we are not hearing a word. Probably all of us have been 67 of looking directly at someone and 68 hearing a word while he or she was talking 69 we were thinking about something totally 70 to what was being said.Eye contact allows you to 71 up visual clues about the other person; 72, the other person can pick up clues about you. Studies of the use of eye contact 73 communication indicate that we seek eye contact with others 74 we want to communicate with them. When we like them, when we are 75 toward them (as when two angry people 76 at each other). And when we want feedback from them. 77, we avoid eye contact when we want to 78 communication, when we dislike them, when we are 79 to deceiving them, and when we are 80 in what they have to say.61A. unit B. part C. link D. section62A. transfer B. translate C. transmit D. transport63A. against B. with C. for D. to64A. forbid B. allow C. permit D. let65A. how B. which C. what D. that66A. impression B. expression C. suggestion D. attention 67A. ignorant B. careless C. guilty D. innocent68A. nor B. so C. not D. neither69A. or B. unless C. why D. because70A. related B. relevant C. unrelated D. indifferent71A. tear B. pick C. size D. take72A. likewise B. moreover C. otherwise D. therefore73A. in B. about C. with D. of74A. why B. where C. When D. what75A. friendly B. hostile C. respectful D. mistrustful76A. glance B. glare C. gaze D. stare77A. Exactly B. Generally C. Conversely D. Interestingly78A. hold B. establish C. avoid D. direct79A. wanting B. tending C. forcing D. trying80A. informed B. unconcerned C. uninterested D. unheard第Ⅱ卷(共50分)Part Ⅳ TranslationSection ADirections: Translate the following sentences into Chinese you may refer to the corresponding passages in Part ONE.81. The best way to get rid of a negative self-image is to realize that your image is far from objective and to actively convince yourself of your positive qualities.82. There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence.83. While the positive cycle ca n be difficult to start, once it’s started, it’s easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for your happiness.84. That is because television program by that name can not be seen in so many parts of the worl d. That program became one of American’s export soon after it went on the air in New York in 1969.85. For instance, it is quite acceptable to say “delightfully” situated. That is an expression of his opinion. You may not agree, but he might like the idea of living next to the gasworks.Section BDirections: translate the following sentences into English.86. 一个公司应该跟上市场的发展变化,这很重要。
A.不可见性 B. 脆弱性 C.磨损性D.有限责任性【参考答案】C【试题解析】在计算机系统中,软件和硬件是两种不同的产品。
软件具有如下特性:(1).不可见性(是无形的,不能被人们直接观察、欣赏和评价);(2).适用性(可以适应一类应用问题的需要) ;(3). 依附性(依附于特定的硬件、网络和其他软件) ;(4).复杂性(规模越来越大,开发人员越来越多,开发成本也越来越高) ;(5).无磨损性(功能和性能一般不会发生变化);(6).易复制性(可以非常容易且毫无失真地进行复制);(7).不断演变性(软件的生命周期) ;(8).有限责任(有限保证) (9).脆弱性(黑客攻击、病毒入侵、信息盗用……)。
【考眼归纳】软件基础—软件特性13.下列软件中不属于系统软件的是___ 。
A. Adobe Acrobat B.BIOS C.Java编译器 D.ORACLE【参考答案】A【试题解析】按照不同的原则和标准,可以将软件划分为不同的种类。
A. 显示器B. 运算器C. 磁盘驱动器D. 键盘2.在下列字符中,其ASCⅡ码值最大的一个是。
A. 5B. 6C. XD. Y3. 能将高级语言源程序转换成目标程序。
A.解释程序B. 编辑程序C. 编译程序D. 调试程序4. 用浮点数表示任意一个数据时,可通过改变浮点数的部分的大小,能使小数位置产生移动。
A. 基数B. 阶码C. 尾数D. 有效数字5. 二进制数01011010扩大成2倍是。
A. 10110100B. 10101100C. 10011100D. 100110106. 微型计算机系统的CPU、存储器和外部设备之间采用总线连接。
A. 地址总线、数据总线和系统总线B. 系统总线、数据总线和控制总线C. 地址总线、数据总线和控制总线D. 地址总线、系统总线和控制总线7. 在下列一组数中,其最大的一个数是。
A. (10101000)BB. (A9)HC. (78)OD. (75)D8. 3.5英寸的软盘的总容量为。
A. 80磁道ⅹ9扇区ⅹ1024字节/扇区ⅹ2B. 40磁道ⅹ18扇区ⅹ1024字节/扇区ⅹ2C. 40磁道ⅹ18扇区ⅹ512字节/扇区ⅹ2D. 80磁道ⅹ18扇区ⅹ512字节/扇区ⅹ29. 用8位补码表示整数—126的机器码,算术右移一位后的结果是。
A. 10000001B. 01000001C. 11000001D. 1100001010. 计算机系统配置高速缓冲存储器(Cache)是为了解决。
A. 内存与辅助存储器之间速度不匹配问题B. CPU与辅助存储器之间速度不匹配问题C. CPU与内存储器之间速度不匹配问题D. 主机与外设之间速度不匹配问题11. 在Windows操作系统下创建的某文件,其长文件名为“ABCD20050521.doc”,则在DOS环境下,该文件的文件名为。