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一、鞋子种类(shoes variety) Athletic shoes /Sports shoes运动鞋Casual shoes便鞋Hiking shoes/Travelling shoes旅游鞋Slipper拖鞋Sandals凉鞋Boots马靴Work boots工作鞋Axido沙滩鞋Canvas帆布鞋Sport boots运动鞋Pumps高跟鞋Climbing shoes登山鞋Football shoes足球鞋Jogging shoes慢跑鞋Basketball shoes篮球鞋Canvas帆布鞋Casualshoes便鞋Pumps高跟鞋Leisure休闲鞋Tennis shoes网球鞋Baseball shoes棒球鞋Aerobic shoes舞蹈鞋

二.部位名称(Location name) upper vamp鞋面counter后套binding滚边last 楦头top line鞋口sole edge底边seams缝合处bows 饰片stain 染色adhered粘贴bumper包头片steel toe钢头eyelet and lace鞋眼带embroidery 电绣quarter 鞋腰(身) Tongue鞋舌Insole中底Weit 沿条Ornament饰物Toe box头套Siping切沟Soles 底台Zigzag万能Eye stay眼套Collar领口Top 面线Back strap后吊带Outsole大底Mid sole-EVA EVA中插Open toe鞋头开口Open back鞋后开口Lace loop穿环Reinforcements补强Hand sews手缝马克Reinforce tape补强带Inside corners内弯角Insole board中底纸板Textile lining布料衬里Plat forms包边中底台Wovens/weaves编织类Lining内里Heel 脚跟Foxing护条Eye let 鞋眼片Overlay饰片Socks 鞋垫Box toe鞋衬里Print印刷Perforation冲孔Toe cap鞋头Toe part鞋头部Bobbin底线Bar 加强线Heat sealed熔封鞋的一搬缺点:(Defect) Vamp wrinking鞋面皱纹Stitching not even车不平均Tricot shows up特丽可得露出来

Wrapping not even攀帮不均匀Shank too loose 铁心太松Heel not straight后套不正Sole come off底脱胶Wrong pattern 纸板错误Wrong material材料错误Wrong cutting裁断错误Toe broken down鞋头凹陷Color variation色差Wrong last 楦头错误Wrong colour颜色错误Damaged upper鞋面破损Not in pair不配双Crooked back stay 后套歪斜Crooked upper鞋面弯曲Crooked屈曲,不平顺Vamp length鞋头大小Lasting off center攀歪Sole laying not proper(centered)贴底不正确Back strap too high(low,long,short)后拉带太高Abrasion磨损Stitching not on the mark不照记号齿车Angle on insole中底发角Vamp open up鞋面掀开Wrapping not tight攀帮不紧Shank not straight 铁心不正Cementing comes off脱胶Outsole not smooth大底不平Gore too weak松紧带弹性不佳Cement on heel鞋眼沾胶Cementing no good接着力不佳Cleanness not enough清洁度不佳Vamp split off 鞋面爆开Color not matching色差Loose thread脱线Broken thread断线Trun yellow变黄Turn dark变黑Pinch in 缩进去Flatten变平Rough粗糙x-ray透痕smeary污染hairy 起毛gaping 缝隙sole adhesion大底欠胶chip碎屑dirty 脏的get mildew发霉back height 后跟高度over cemented溢胶bottom dirty大底不洁


编织woven 牛皮calf

拨丝钉pull last 大底车线outsole

拨楦pull out last 定型加硫箱neat setter

布扣ornament 鞋扣buckie

布料cloth material 灯心绒corduroy

裁刀cutting dies 裁断垫皮cutting pad

裁断组大底outsole 鞋垫sock tining

层皮跟leather stack heel 印刷跟printed.heel

长毛里boa 毛暄felt 布里backing 加温式贴合flame

成型组后踵heel curre 跟踵crown of last

弹性stretch 皱布micro fab

法兰绒flannel 不织布non woven 橡胶发泡Rubber pange

帆布canvas 反毛皮suede PU poly urethane

跟heel 中底insole 大底outsole

构型construction 材料material

后跟包皮heel cover 中底边insole binding

后上片mustache 处包片outside counter

后踵整型back part 大底压着outsole press

夹子lasting 攀鞋用手头钉Lasting tacks

金属PU semwtauic pu/met pu

金属PVC semwtauic pvc

拉菲草raffia 镜面ratent

拉链纹PU raffia pu 沙丁布satin

冷冻箱cooling chamber 放置铁心putting on shank 贴底outsole

里包片inside counter 鞋领collar

螺丝钉screw 前帮机lasting pincers

麻布linen 沙绸mesh

毛巾布terry cloth 泡棉foam 绸面mesh

毛孔蚊PVC regularpvc

模子底shell sole 模子底moulded sole

内腰inside 处腰outside

尼龙nylon 麻布flax 特立可得tricot 牛巴革nubuck 植毛绒velvet

牛皮leather 仿牛皮imitation leather

皮泉硬纸eather board 心纸底板shank board

柔软PVC casiling pvc

三角跟wedge 包头tip binding

砂纸型打粗机sand paper 砂轮式打粗stone roughing

蛇纹snake AR-18PU truekid wet pu D-3PU wet pu

生胶底plantation crepe 射出底injection crepe

双包探纹PU pulgup pu

泰国绸Thai silk 绸布mircofabric

烫金wash gold 透明PVC clear pvc

提花布tmaterial 山东绸gorsgrain

天皮top life 钉书针staple 钉子nail

填腹bottom filler 后跟垫片heel pad

透明跟clear heel 珍珠沙pearl

橡胶糊Rubber cement 药水糊Neoprene

小牛皮calfskin leather 小山羊皮kidskin leather

鞋垫sock lining 商标/布标logo label

鞋后密口closed back 鞋后密口open shank

鞋口topline 停留时间time dwell

鞋口滚边topline binding 反口领cuff
