








What's best to read this year?

Secrets I Know (Random House Children's Books, ages 3﹣7)

This tale written by Kallie George and pictured by Paola Zakimi follows a young

girl and her little friend as they move from rain to sunshine, from pleasant loneliness to sweet friendship, and finally from adventures on earth to an exploration of the

sky above. The colors of Zakimi's pencil drawings are calming and George's poetic text tells her story with simple language.

Pandora (Clarion Books, ages 3﹣7)

The award﹣winning author Victoria Turnbull tells the story of a little fox Pandora. Pandora lives alone. She makes herself a handsome home, but no one ever comes to visit. Then one day something falls from the sky ﹣﹣ a bird with a broken wing. Little by little, the bird helps Pandora feel less lonely. Turnbull's watercolor and colored pencil drawings make this story of friendship and growth an atmospheric delight.

Prince and Pirate (G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Younger Readers, ages 5﹣8)

A different kind of friendship is described in this book, by Charlotte Gunnufson with pictures by Mike Lowery. Prince and Pirate are a pair of mismatched fish put into the same aquarium(水族馆). At first it seems that they'll never learn to be friends. It's only when both take pity on a frightened dogfish that they learn the benefits of cooperation, and soon all three fish become good friends.

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The Giant Jumperee (Dinal Books, ages 3﹣5)

The story was written by the award﹣winning British author Julia Donaldson. When Rabbit hears a loud voice bellowing(吼叫)threateningly from inside a cave, he gathers Cat, Bear and Elephant to help him decide what to do. But it's Mama Frog who fearlessly confronts(面对)the unknown creature. Helen Oxenbury's soft watercolors create a beautiful countryside and her characterizations of the animals are impressive.

1, Who pictured the book Pandora?

A. Kallie George B. Victoria Turnbull

C. Paola Zakimi D. Charlotte Gunnufson

2, Which book tells a story about courage?

A. Pandora B. Secrets I Know C. Prince and Pirate D. The Giant Jumperee

3, What do the four books have in common?

A. Their publishers are the same one. B. Their characters are all animals.

C. They all have pencil drawings. D. They are all for younger readers.


Binge﹣watching is when a person watches more than one episode of a show in quick succession(一连串,连续). With developments in the speed and connectivity of the internet, increases in technology and the rise of on﹣demand entertainment companies,people can now have their favorite shows streamed directly to their television at their convenience.

This behavior is nothing new. In fact, binge﹣watching has been officially

listed in dictionaries since 2015. The entertainment companies recognize this behavior and many take steps to encourage it. Often, instead of releasing each episode on a week﹣by﹣week basis, an entire series will become available concurrently. Once the episode finishes many platforms will display pop﹣ups with you might like suggestions,漠?楷汬愠瑵浯瑡捩污祬瀠慬?桴?敮瑸攠楰潳敤.

However, recent research suggests that out of the more than half of British adults - 2 -

who watch more than one episode of a show back﹣to﹣back, almost a third have admitted missing sleep or becoming tired as a result; and one quarter have neglected their household chores. Next we'll be missing work!

Bingeing has other connections﹣binge eating, binge drinking and binge smoking. All of them are often associated with a lack of control and a possible route to addiction. Lindsey Fussell, consumer group director, said: The days of waiting a week for the next episode are largely gone, with people finding it hard to resist watching multiple episodes around the house or on the move. If people find binge﹣watching hard to resist, coupled with the fact that it has shown to lead to negligence in many, are we witnessing the birth of a new type of addiction?

The countless of information and entertainment that television and online media can bring us is, many would say, a good thing. However, when the activity begins to bleed into other areas, causing us to stop functioning then it becomes a problem. So, what's the answer? Moderation! Neither a tiny amount, nor too much. After all, as the old proverb says, A little of what you fancy does you good.

4, How did the writer develop the first paragraph?

A. Listing some examples B. Telling a story.

C. Giving a definition D. Analyzing the cause and effect

5, Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word in paragraph

2 ?

A. similarly B. gradually C. naturally D. necessarily

6, What Lindsey said in Paragraph 4 implies that .

A. people have no patience to do work

B. people can't control their movements

C. people are addicted to watching television

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D. people can't resist the temptation

7, What advice did the writer give at last?

A. To watch episodes in a moderate way.

B. To draw life lessons from the episodes.

C. To enjoy entertainment as much as possible.

D. To keep online media from stopping functioning.


Plants are boring. They just sit there photosynthesizing (光合作用) while animals have all the fun. Right? Not so much. A new study has found that there is a long history of interactions between ants and plants. The ant and plant co﹣evolution (协同进化) started with ants feeding on plants and plants evolving ant﹣friendly features.

Plants make a number of different structures that are specific for ant use. Some plants have evolved features that persuade ants into defending them from attack from other insects and even mammal?.Тhе?е?ncludе hollow thorns that ant? will

live ?n??dе, or еxtra nеctar (琼浆)оn lеavе? or stems for the ants to eat. Some ants will just cheat and take the nectar and run, but some will stick around and attack anything that tries to hurt the plant. Other plants get ants to help them move their seeds around, by providing them with rich food packets attached to the seeds. The ant will pick up the seed and carry it away, eat the food packet,and leave the seed ﹣ often in a nutrient﹣rich area where it'll grow better, and since it's farther away from its parent, they won't have to compete for resources. But scientists weren't sure how the evolutionary relationship between ants and plants got started. If evolution is an arms race between species developing ways to make use of their neighbors, then scientists wanted to know whether plants or ants fired the first shot. It was a chicken﹣and﹣egg question, whether things started with ants developing behaviors to take advantage of plants, or plants evolving structures to take advantage of ants.

The history of ants and plants evolving together goes back to the time of the

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dinosaurs, and it's not easy to tell from fossils who fired the first shot. However,

it is a question of little significance. Scientists say their study maters because it provides a look at how these widespread and complex interactions evolved.

8, Some plants attach food packets to their seeds in order to .

A. reward the ants B. make a fool of ants

C. provide nutrition for the seeds D. get the seeds moved around

9, What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?

A. How plants and ants interact. B. What ants do to protect plants.

C. How plants and ants survive attacks. D. Why plants and ants need co﹣evolution.10, Which is true about the evolutionary relationship between ants and plants?

A. Ants depended more upon plants. B. It caused a race for better evolution.C. How it got started was uncertain. D. It was of little value for future studies.

11, What's the author's purpose of writing the passage?

A To introduce a science research method.

B. To inform readers of a latest research finding

C. To arouse readers' interest in science research.

D. To criticize people's traditional views about plants.


Creating Creativity

In Chinese education, “creativity” is the hot new buzzword (流行语). Policymakers are exploring ways to foster innovation, one goal being the empowerment of Chinese tech companies with home-grown talent to compete with foreign rivals.

Television has also come up with something in response to this trend. Since 2013,

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a reality TV show, Junior Edison (《少年爱迪生》), has been broadcasted on the Shanghai Media Group's show Super Parents Clu

b (《超级家长会》). It aims to find students and their most interesting creations, especially practical ones, to present on TV. Winners have enjoyed study tours to Australia, Finland, and other exoti

c locations to investigate topics like marine biology (海洋生物学), inspiring other young children to also be creative inventors.

But lionizing (狂热吹捧) a handful of successful young inventors is not enough

to create creativity. Some Chinese educators consider “creativity” as just a cherry on top of an ice-cream cone of learning. I have been asked to use my Western way of teaching to “make students more creative.” But it doesn't work like that.

Creativity can and must be both taught and encouraged from a very young age, through games, creative writing, or other methods.

I spent most of my childhood playing Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures,

The Way Things Work, and Pajama Sam, highly entertaining computer games focused on

observation, problem solving, and pattern identification. These inspired me to design and launch my own model rockets, and eventually initiate a project to reduce light pollution in my hometown.

Starting in kindergarten, I was given half a sentence and asked to finish it with

a short story, such as “It was another boring day at school until ...” In fourth grade, each week my teacher gave me a new question or prompt (提示), which I would then write about and discuss with my family. These included “What is your least favorite movie?” and “Your dream job.”

But until recently, there was little room for fun or creative writing in China. Even though some students have interesting hobbies, most have to put their hobbies on hold under the pressure of examinations. Preparation continues to monopolize students' time and energy to think, effectively (事实上) stamping out all creativity. Students are prepared to take tests, but without a balance of activities, they

are not prepared to think about bigger, real-world problems. Learning can happen both in and out of school, but not unless we allow it.

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Junior Edison will have a chance to __________.

12, Winners of

A. be admitted into an elite university

B. visit a competitive Chinese tech company

C. attend lectures or classes in foreign countries

D. present their creations across the country

13, According to the author, creativity __________.

A. has been popular in China for a long time

B. is like a cherry on top of an ice-cream cone

C. can be learned through the Western teaching method

D. should be cultivated since childhood

14, Three computer games are mentioned in the article to show __________.

A. which computer games are entertaining

B. how computer games boost creativity

C. why children must play computer games

D. what problem was solved through computer games

15, The author's attitude towards creativity in China is __________.

A. indifferent D.

C. positive B. unclear



空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余 16-20的答题卷上。选项。把正确答案填涂在标号为waysdone in different , from clothing to posture,be a Leaving good impression can Below are several tips for you to begin .and from talking style to body language :with We're visual creatures after all.●Physical appearance matters. 16)( Physical

appearance is the first clue one relies on to judge who we dressing something means to us by properly. If a it is person means It also the

up here does A thumbs )( be aware of the dress rule or culturesetting,.17 ﹣research! Details from any little areas will

So the same elsewherenot mean .do the

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affect the impression on the whole.


A fake (假的) smile can potentially do more harm than good in our attempts to leave a good impression. It is understandable that sometimes it is hard to suddenly force a smile.(19) Remember being positive plays an important part in shaping

our first impression.

●Look into people's eyes until you see the colors of their iris (虹膜).

Keeping eye contact delivers a sense of friendship to the people we interact with. Consequently, they feel more connected to us and tend to be more positive toward the interaction.(20) Well, try to identify the color of the others' irises. Get it? That makes a good eye contact example.

Are these the impression we want to leave? Stop staring at the ground and look

at people in the eye then!

A. What makes a quality eye contact?

B. How does eye contact affect interaction?

C. The requirement varies from culture to culture.

D. Then at least try not to look discouraging and angry!

E. Don't fake a smile, or people will doubt your sincerity.

F. Always smile while interacting with others, especially with a new friend.

G. Besides, it is a way to show respect by choosing appropriate clothes for different settings.




Every year around this time kids perform in their holiday concert. For many schools

it is the most well﹣attended(21) of the year. In years past, my daughter

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has joined her classmates in singing. This year was(22) though. She had

a few(23)_____ parts.

My daughter was very(24) about earning these parts. Yet with her excitement

also came some nervousness. She(25) practiced her lines until she knew them (26).And, each day her class would prepare for what was going to be a special(27).

Each day she would tell us that she did well but that she was very(28). She

was worried that people would(29) her if she made a mistake.(30),

she was worried about speaking in front of over a thousand people.Then the(31)night came last week. We luckily got front row seats, which was great for


When the time had finally arrived for my daughter to recite her lines, she did

it(33).But she thought she had make a mistake, and I could see that she

was close to(34) when she had finished her first part. You can only imagine how(35)_____ it was for me not to run up on stage and(36) her and

tell how much I(37)____ her. What happened next was the reason she is now


She went back up to the microphone two more times and spoke her lines perfectly. The (39) it took to do that was something I will never forget. I will not(40)

_____ myself in any situation as long as I remember the night my daughter showed

me what real courage looked like.

(21)A. event B. ceremony C. course D. game

D.. attractive meaningful

B. different C. popular

(22)A 23()A. singing C. speaking D.B. dancing


D. cautious (24) A. concerned B. excited C. optimistic

CD . repeatedly . rigidly (25)A. occasionally B. abruptly

( 26.D at once

.C in turn

)A. on purpose B. by heart

B. test CA. night

. movement D. fair )(27D. ashamed

(28)A. disappointed B. hesitant C. nervous

B. misunderstand C )(29A. laugh at

D. punish

. pay attention to

C. Instead

(30)A. However B. Therefore D. Besides

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