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注 :1993年,上 高三的李健为了高 考加分,参加了清 华大学面向全国文 艺爱好者举办的冬 令营,在活动中他 以一首《说句心里 话》获得了全国第 一名,为高考加了 50分,最终被保送 进入清华大学电子 工程系。
In the 1990s, socalled “campus ballads”(校园乐队) were popular in China. Shuimu Nianhua, a group that Li formed with another Tsinghua student called Lu Gengxu, was one of the best groups of the type.
本片取材于希腊电影,于1989年在柏林电影节 上映。影片讲述着两个小主人公去德国寻找所 谓的父亲的旅行。一路上,经历人间冷暖。女 孩被她们搭车的卡车司机夺去了童贞。唯有男 孩给了他们亲人般的温暖,可是,雾中慢慢显 现轮廓的地方是他们的家园吗?
李健,以诗一般的声音为载体 春风化雨般地传播着好品味。 同时,他在做一种向上的引领, 用自己的品味激浊扬清, 悦己的同时悦人, 他用一己之力鼓励人群中沉默的螺旋不再沉默, 唤醒被神曲催眠的大脑,勇敢地对嚣张的坏品味说不。 窃以为对中国男性的最高评价是“谦谦君子,温润如玉”八个字, 但这样令人倾倒的特质通常无迹可寻或者无缘得见。 但当李健携带着那种温良俭恭让的中式儒雅, 在一个个春风沉醉的夜晚出现在那个万众瞩目的舞台上, 就昭示了一种可以视为典范的审美可能性, 为那些被诟病配不上中国女性的男同胞们扳回了一局, 通过他,我们看到男性特质并非得通过粗糙的蛮力来表达, 它可以通过对身体和心灵的修炼来达至更高境界。
• Question2:What are the features of Li Jian's songs?
heartfelt ,soft,warm and down-to-earth.
• Question3:Do you konw the reasons why Li was successful as a singer-songwriter ?

Music was the bridge that got him into Tsinghua University. A self-taught guitarist, Li won a number of singing competitions. In fact,he thanks to Tsinghua’s plan to recruit students with musical talent.
• Question1:Why did the pair go their separate ways in 2002?
Li was tired of doing commercial performances. Also, he didn’t agree with their decision to change their style from folk to rock.
Question2:What are the features of Li Jian's songs?
Question3:Do you konw the reasons why Li was successful as a singer-songwriter ?
LI Jian
Unlike some other musicians who release their songs quickly, Li took his time to write heartfelt music.This is his creation concept. Several albums he released were all in his own musical style:soft,warm and down-to-earth.
For nearly ten years, he did very few interviews or concerts. His low-key life may well have continued if Faye Wong hadn’t sung his song, Legend, at 2010’s CCTV Spring Festival Gala.
But the pair went their separate ways in 2002. Li was tired of doing commercial performances. Also, he didn’t agree with their decision to change their style from folk to rock.

Thank you for watching.
Li said the song brought him out of his “cave ” and back into spotlight: concerts and reality shows have been endless, including last year’s I Am a Singer.On TV, Li has not fitted the stereotype most people have of pop stars, mostly because of his academic background.And while studying electronic engineering at Tsinghua might not have helped Li’s musicalcareer, it certainly gave his songs and mindset a different touch.
During the last performance of the show “I’m a singer 3”,with Wu Xiubo,Li Jian sang a song named “Friend First”,which included many parts of different songs about friendship.And the song reminded a large number of people of their best friend. Finally ,he got a great grade because of Wu’s glamour,therefore, Li deeply appreciated Wu’s support and help. Half a month ago, Li wrote a beautiful song for Wu’s new movie named “Book of love”.
On the reality show “I Am a Singer 3”, the 41-year-old singer-songwriter has been praised for his singing ability.
Li was born in September 23, 1974.And he come from Haerbin. He has a clear and smooth voice, which he inherited from his Peking opera songer father. And his shy nature and poetic lyrics have also given him the nickname “Poetic Musician”.
education,hard work,ability talent,zeal,others'support ……
“Writing songs is like collecting water in a cup. When the cup is full, the water comes out naturally,” he said. With an unchangable heart,I can expect that a good beginning makes a wonderful ending. I am very much looking forward to his new song as a fan.
Li Jian's wife named Meng Xiaobei is a postdoctoral of sociology in Tsinghua University. With the support and understanding from his lover can he better devote himself to his careers. Therefore,the partnership has certainly helped Li Jian be more comfortable in being the wonderful,happy and unique man he is!