四川省成都市2019届高三第二次诊断性检测 英语

四川成都 2019 高三第二次诊疗性检测- 英语英语本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分·第I 卷( 选择题 )1 至 9 页,第 II卷(非选择题)10 至12 页,共12 页; 满分150 分,考试时间120 分钟·注意事项:1.答题前,务势必自己旳姓名、考籍号填写在答题卡规定旳地点上·2. 答选择题时,一定使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目旳答案标号涂黑,如需变动,用橡皮擦擦洁净后,再选涂其余答案标号·3.答非选择题时 , 一定使用 0.5 毫米黑色署名笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定旳地点上·4.全部题目一定在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效·5.考试结束后,只将答题卡交回·第 I 卷(选择题,共 90分)第一部分英语知识运用( 共两节,满分40 分)第一节语法和词汇知识( 共 10 小题 ; 每题 l 分,满分10 分)从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出能够填人空白处旳最正确选项,并在答题卡大将该项涂黑·1. — Can I have an apple, Uncle Pal?— ______. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A. It doesn ’t matterB. It ’s a dealC. Y ou’re welcomeD. Help yourself2. As the road to the airport is under reconstruction, we ’d better ______early to avoidthe traffic jam,A, pay off B. set off C. put off D. take off3. On seeing ______gift they wanted , the kids screamed with ______delight.A. /; aB. a ; theC. the ; /D. the ; a4. Up to now, thousands of red phone boxes, the old image of Britain, ______ duetomobile phones.A. removedB. have removedC. were removedD. have been removed5 ______all the homework assigned by the school the students have to work at ittill midnightA. CompletingB. To completeC. Having completedD. To have completed6 The Charles Dickens Museum in Doughty Street is the only one of his Londonhomes to survive , ______he wrote Oliver Twist.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. what7. When I ______home, I caught a thief stealing from a passer-by.A. headedB. was headingC. has headedD. had headed8. — What are you two whispering about over there?— Oh, ______. Just small talk.A. noB. nobodyC. noneD. nothing9. — Where did you get this book?— I picked it up from a second-hand bookshop if you ______know.A. mustB. willC. canD. shall10.I couldn't imagine ______difficult it was for these badly injured victims to makeit to the hospital.A. whenB. howC. whatD. where第二节完形填空( 共 20 小题;每题 1. 5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下边短文,从短文后各题所给旳四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出能够填入空白处旳最正确选项,并在答题卡大将该选项涂黑·Being on the road at 3:15 a. m. to drive 450 kms wasn’t in my plans for the weekend.I had been looking forward to a couple of 11 ______ days to prepare myself for thefollowing busy 12 ______ .My son, Simon, and his good friends were heading for the 13 ______ . Due to the last- minute issue with transportation, I 14 ______my car to ensure that everyone could getto the 15 ______ point so that they could get togethe r and enjoy their week’s 16 ______ by snowboarding and skiing.The only thing that 17 ______ to me on my journey was that no sooner had I 18 ______ and said goodbye than I would make the trip 19 ______ , in total, a round trip of 900kms in just 10 hours. Such a long drive in one day was frightening, 20 ______ as I waslooking forward to relaxationSimon and I 21 ______ , on our way , a little about his break and a whole lot of hisschool subjects. It was great to have this time with him as we 22 ______ spent fivecontinuous hours together , other than when we played Saturday cricket ( 板球 ).On my return trip, I 23 ______a strange sense of loneliness in some heavy morning24 ______. Within an hour it 25 ______ . I spent the next four hours listening to some CDs and enjoying the scenery. Surprisingly, after my long trip home I was 26 refreshed and energized even though I was physically exhausted. And I knew that I would have a(n)27 ______ sleep that evening.A change 28 ______ your environment, no matter how great, can provide you with theopportunity to 29 ______something from different angles, as well as to be refreshedand energizedNow I’m looking forward to my next 30 event and many more opportunities to spendquality time with those who are important to me and make my life more rewarding.11. A, surprising B. exciting C. moving D. relaxing12. A. hour B. day C. week D. month13. A. snowfield B. beach C. hotel D. school14. A, fueled B. parked C. offered D. lent15. A. kick-off B. drop-off C. get-off D. take-off16. A, freedom B. excitement C. adventure D. break17. A. appealed B. happened C. appeared D. occurred18. A. rested B. started C. arrived D. left19. A. back B. forward C. out D. away20. A. even B. just C. particularly D. mostly21. A. quarreled B. talked C_ complained D. argued22. A. constantly B. usually C. frequently D. rarely23. A developed B. showed C. lost D. kept24. A. smoke B. dust C. fog D. snow25. A turned B. cleared C. froze D. shone26. A. greatly B. completely C. immediately D, mentally27. A. uncomfortable B. uneasy C. sound D. light28. A. about B. from C. in D. for29. A. give up B. look at C. find out D. carry on30. A planned B. discussed C. unexpected D. prepared第二部分阅读理解( 共两节,满分50 分)第一节阅读以下短文,从每题所给旳四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡大将该项涂黑·(共20 小题 ; 每题 2 分,满分40 分)AI moved from Chicago to Brooklyn in July of 2010,just in time to watch my motherdie. Our parents were both gone now; I took with me as many things they had left behind as I could.I was out walking one Saturday later that summer when something caught my eye - apale green dress. Laid out on the pavement was stuff like earrings,glass candle-holders, books. Hanging on the fence behind were a few pairs of jeans and a green cotton dress.The woman, the host o£the stoop (门廊)sale, looked like she was getting rid ofa past she didn’t need or want. A dress that was too big for her. A chest of drawersthat took up too much space, space she needed, maybe, to heal,recover, or grow.I wasn ’t planning on buying anything really, b ut now I needed to show her that I appreciated her things and I would give them a safe home. Then I had my first stoopsale — I paid her 20 dollars for her green cotton dress and her blue candle-holder,From that day on, I became interested in stoop sales. Some of my favorite thingsare from someone else’s life. I find no joy in shopping at regular stores any more.I love trying to sniff out a memory from a bud vase or a drawer. It is comforting toknow that someone has breathed and laughed inside a sweater before me.A few weeks ago, I carried my mother’s dresses to a friend’s stoop. These wereher best items , which were once worn by the most important person in my life. For many hours, I watched from across the path people advancing the stoop, some leaving with1MomS dress. I used tothink that her stuff was as forever sacred ( 神圣旳) as my memory of her, I know now that once I love a scarf or shirt too dearly , it needs to find anew home. Even that green dress is long gone by now.31.The author took her mother*s dresses after her death because ______A.she valued the things used by her momB.she didn ’t want to throw them, awayC.she could sell them laterD.they were her mom ’s best items32. From the passage, we know that ______.A. the things the author bought from the woman are too bigB. the author is fond of imagining others’life experiencesC. the author will never shop at regular stores any moreD. the author still keeps most of her mom’s things33. In the last paragraph,the author tries to tell us that ______.A her mom is the number one person in her lifeB. she didn ’t really want to sell her mom’s dressesC. she still thinks of her mother quite oftenD. l ove doesn ’t mean holding on to something tightly34. It can be inferred that the author will ______.A.not sell her own things at stoop salesB. keep her mom in her mind in another wayC.be sad about all the memory of her momD.move to another city for a new lifeBWelcome to The English Garden Shop.These garden tools are chosen for us by our partners at Quality Garden Tools. Allitems are discounted Quality Garden Tools aims to deliver from stock in 48 hours. Allitems are covered by manufacturer’s(制造商)guarantees. Postage and packing is just£ 3. 95 on orders under£l00 and free thereafter.HAWS 8.8 LITER PROFESSIONAL LONG REACH CAN GREENA fabulous professional British made watering can in traditional green. The Hawsgreen 8. 8 liter long reach watering can is given a powder coated painted finishfor maximum protection. This can is perfectly balanced and the long spout makeswatering the back of beds and borders very easy.Order code : HG88WC OURPRICE:£ 52. 95ARSIOOOLLIGHTWEIGHTHEDGESHEARSThese ARShedge shears are really difficultto find! Made in Japan, they are some of the very best available , especially for shaping work. These shears are lightweight and perfectly balanced for maximum comfort. The blades are very sharp and are made of hard carbon steel The handlesare made of aluminum for both strength and reducing weight. Length :650 mm. Order code : ARSHS-EG PRICE:£ 69.95BULLDOGSTRAPPEDDIGGINGSPADE& FORKSET A really set of garden tools (just like Granddad used to have!). Both the spade and fork are made in the UK and are strapped for extra strength.The handles aretraditional traditionallyall made of top quality wood and the spade has treads to save your boots. Ordercode : BSDTS-EG A GREAT SAVING on the £128. 89SPEAR & JACKSON— ^E 元百 BE^D STAINLESS STEEL TROWELThis traditional Spear &- Jackson stainless steel hand trowel is a real workhorseof the garden. Never bend range;perfect for lots of jobs around the garden. The mirror polished stainless steel head reduces soil adhesion and is rust resistantThe weatherproofed,hardwood handle gives greater durability.Order code ; SJSST-EG ENGLISH GARDEN SPECIAL PRICE:£ 13. 1535. How much will you pay for a pair of shears?A. £ 17. 1.B. £ 52. 95.C. £ 69. 95.D. £ 73. 9.36. If you buy a set of spade and fork, you should fill in the Order code “ ______”.A. BSDTS-EGB. SJSST-EGC. ARSHS-EG and HG88WCD. HG88W and BSDTS-EG37. You don’t have to pay for the postage if you buy ______ .A.HAWS LONG REACH CAN GREENB.LIGHTWEIGHT HEDGE SHEARSC DIGGING SPADE & FORK SETD.SPEAR & JACKSON TROWEL38. The underlined word workhorse is closest in meaning with ______.A. makerB. laborerC. speakerD. diggerCPeople think what I do is so wonderful because I interview stars. that when Ifirst started working at Sassy in 1987 I was excited about that part ofAnd I have to admitmy job for the first couple of months,anyway. Then I noticed how stars would fool mearound for months. I could never get enough time with a star to find out anythinginteresting,and some acted just simply rudely. I started hating the way I was treated, and I was really disappointed to see that these people I had worshipped (were pretty ordinary. So I decided I would just tell the truth instead of keeping up崇敬) beforetheir myths(神奇).If the star was a bad guy, I would say so. If I thought anyone wasstupid, I did not hold back that information.I thought readers would appreciate that kind of honesty. Surprisingly, many of themhated me for it. I have gotten so many attacks on my character. In their eyes famous is everything, even more desirable than being truly creative and talented Why do we need stars? In fact, the media created stars to satisfy our basic need,beingfor gossip (闲话).Over time, talking about people we have never met and we are neverlikely to meet has become what we are crazy about. Thus, some people are more interestedin the personal lives of the stars than in the lives of their own family and their ownfriends. That is why it is so ridiculous when a star wants to discuss only his or herwork in an interview -as we care. We want the dirt on their personal lives.There is another reason we worship stars. As a whole, our society is not as religious as it once was. It seems that people need something to fulfill them the way religiononce did. Star worship exists as an unfulfilling desire for true heroes.We make them stars, but then their reputation makes us feel unimportant,and we truly feel better about ourselves when they die. I am part of this whole process. No wonderI feel soiled at the end of workday.39.What are the stars like according to the author?A. They always treat others rudely.B. They always talk about something dull.C They are acutually ordinary people.D. They are usually honest and polite,40.We worship stars because ______.A, we need true mental heroes to support usB. we can learn something useful from famous starsC. we concern about the stars,family and friendsD. we like talking about the stars,dressing styles41. When the author is writing this article,his tone sounds ______.A, excited B. angry C. worried D. calm42.What is the main purpose of the author writing the passage?A. To show the disadvantages of working with stars.B. To remind us not to worship famous stars blindly.C.To laugh at the failures of stars he has interviewed. D.To talk about the reasons why we worship stars.DSome young Cambodians are learning a new sport—skateboarding.The country ’s first skateboard park is located on the grounds of a local charity group at the edge of Phnom Penh, the capital.Sports like Khmer boxing and soccer are wildly popular in Cambodia. But Chea ,who has been skating for 6 months,says skating has already become his favorite sport.The skaters are learning tricks like launching off a jump or half-pipe and flyingthrough the air on their narrow wooden boards.A non-governmental organization called Skateistan Cambodia organizes weeklyprograms at the park. Skateistan started its work in Afghanistan years ago. Rory Burkeis working with the group which expanded to Cambodia last year.Rory Burke points out, “ Yeah, it ’s definitely not a typical Cambodian pastime ( 消遣) .And I think the idea of ‘ why skateboarding ’ is that it ’s not been done before, this is here. We want to use skateboarding as something saying, ‘Hey, this isnewitself becomes a little bit of hook. People see something different. , And that kindof”it and they think and they say, ‘ Wow, what is that? , and they want to get involved. Skateistanpartners with local groups that work with young people. The park is on the grounds of the groupknown as PSE, where children attend school and learn a trade. There are almost one hundredtwenty participants. They all come from troubled lives.Seventeen-year- old Sang Rotha is a student at PSE. “Sometimes I don ’t do well on subjects like math , ” he says, “I feel bad when I find it hard to keep up with my lessons. So that is why I skateboard -to improve my bad feelings.’,He says he began skateboarding more than a year ago. Before he started training,it seemed very easy. But it was very difficult to learn tricks, and he got hurt a lotfrom falling off.Rory Burke says learning to deal with the difficulties is part of the lesson forthese young skateboarders.43. According to the passage, PSE is a group ______ .A.that works with Cambodian studentsB.for young Cambodians to learn a tradeC.for young Cambodians in troubled livesD.for young Cambodians taking skateboarding44.What is said about skateboarding in the passage?A. It is easy for young Cambodians to learn.B.It is a good sport to help regain good feeling.C.It originated in Afghanistan years ago.D.It is as popular as Khmer boxing in Cambodia.45. The underlined part a little bit of hook probably means ______.A. something strangeB. something quite newC. something differentD.something attractive46.It can be inferred from the passage that skateboarding is becoming ______.A. a sport liked by most young CambodiansB. an increasingly popular sport in CambodiaC. a sport used to better young Cambodians ’ lifeD. a good way to train young Cambodians ’ learning skillsEYawning sends out certain messages - either “Oh ,this movie is so boring ” or “Ihelp your brain probably need to get some sleep ”. But did you know that a yawn can alsoto cool down when it is overheated?A new study, led by a research team at Princeton University, has indicated thatyawning could be the brain’s natural way of regulating temperatur e. People yawn more often when the temperature outdoors is lower than their body temperature but are lesslikely to yawn when it is hotter outdoors, according to Sciencedaily. com.The research team did an experiment on 160 people, 80 in summer and 80 in winter,to examine how often they yawned at different air temperatures. The study found thatpeople yawned more often in winter than in summer. Scientists say that when the airtemperature is lower outside the body, there is heat exchange between the overheatedbrain and the cool air. But when the air temperature is higher than or equal to thebody, people are less likely to yawn because the hot air they breathe in will make thebrain even hotter.When people yawn, their jaw is also stretched,which increases blood flow and may also help cool the brainThe study showed that the amount someone yawned could be related to the amount oftime they spent outside. The longer they spent outside in summer, the less they yawned.Nearly 40 percent of participants yawned within their first five minutes outside, but after that the percentage was reduced to less than 10 percent.However, the result was the opposite in winter. The number of people who yawnedincreased when they spent more than five minutes outdoors. But the change was only compared to summertime.According to Gallup, this is the first report to show that yawning frequencies depending on season. This could help us to understand better the way our brains work.It may also help us understand the reason why frequent yawning can sometimes be a signof brain disease. slight change47. The purpose of the experiment is ______ .A.to prove people yawn in winter and in summer equallyB.to indicate brain can regulate temperature naturallyC. to find the frequency of peo ple ’s yawningD. to show the real reason why people yawn48. The information we get from Paragraphs 5 and 6 is that ______.A. longer outdoor summertime results in more yawnsB. yawning frequency changes with outdoor timeC. yawning frequency increases with outdoor timeD. longer outdoor wintertime leads to fewer yawns49. _______________________________________________ Acorrding to the text ,people yawn more often ______.A, when the air temperature is lower outside the bodyB. when the hot air breathed in makes the brain hotterC. when the air temperature is higher than the bodyD. when the air temperature is equal to the body50. What could be the best title for the text?A. Yawning Is A Sign of Brain DiseaseB. Yawning Carries Some InformationC. Yawning Benefits Your BodyD. Yawning Cools Your Brain第二节依据对话内容,从对话后旳选项中选出能填人空白处旳最正确选项, 而后将答案写到答题卡相应旳地点上·选项中有两项剩余选项·(共 5 小题; 每题 2分,满分10分)A; Pacific Bell. May I help you?B: 51 ______A: May I ask why?B; Well,I ’m moving house*I ’ve just graduated, and I’m moving to Californiafor a new job there.A: 52 ______B: Thanks. And my phone number is 320-428-7859.A: Oh, I got it And the name on the account,please?B: Edward Ryefield. That is R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.A: 53 ______B: It ’sJune5, 1988.A: 54 ______B: August 9,by 5 pm.A: No problem.B: Oh, yes, one more thing. I have a monthly pre-paid home phone plan with yoa Can I have some of my money back?A: 55 ______B: That ’s too bad.A: Sorry about it, Mr. Ryefield, and the telephone will be disconnected at 5 pm,August 9.A. Sorry, you can’t.B. Congratulations!C. Absolutely you can.D. I ’d like to have my phone disconnecte dE.By the way, when are you moving to California?F.Then when would you like to have it disconnected?G. OK, for security purposes, may I have your date of birth,please?第三部分写作 ( 共三节 , 满分 60 分)第一节阅读表达 (共5小题;每题2分,满分10分)阅读下边短文并回答以下问题,而后将答案写到答题卡相应旳地点上( 请注意每题辞数要求) ·I ordered a new consumer product on New Year’s Day. The order was so exciting that I felt it was going to enable me to stay organized and stylish.Then I went to the store and made the purchase. They made it pretty difficult because of a new process that hadjust been put in place. I went to the store with my cash in hand hoping to just giveit to someone to get my new product, but I had to work pretty hard to get someone tolet me buy it.Two weeks later, a new accessory (附件)became available for my product. I decidedto go and procure this new accessory on my birthday. However, they didn ’t have anyand nobody could answer my questions, and they only had a number system before you could talk to anyone. So I spent an hour of my birthday sitting around waiting to be toldthat I couldn ’t be helped. I ’ma customer that just wanted to buy the product, andthen when 1 wanted to keep giving them money for my shiny new product, they stilllweren’t interestedThe only way 1 was told to get what I needed was to call someone and they could help.I knew it would be an experience that would require much patience, so I waited aweek and a half to make that call. Today was the day. I was also reminded today thatsometimes things would just be comically bad from beginning to end.After two specialists and one hour and twelve minutes, I got the information I needed.This terrible experience isn ’t quite over yet, but it ’s definitely reached the comical stage. So I ’ m laughing and thinking about what lesson I should learn from this situation.56.Why did the purchase become hard for the writer? (Within 8 words)____________57. What does the underlined word“procure ” mean? (1 word)______________58.What did the writer have to do to get the accessory? (Within 10 words)______________59.How did the writer find his experience? (1 word)______________60. What would you do if you were in the writer ’s situation? (Within 20 words)______________第二节短文改错 ( 共 10 小题; 每题1. 5 分,满分15 分 , 将答案写到答题卡相应旳地点上)下文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处·每处错误仅波及一个单词旳增添、删除或改正·增添 : 在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,并在其下边写出该加旳词·删除 : 把剩余旳词用斜线(\)划掉·改正 : 在错旳词下划一横线,并在该词下边写出改正后旳词·注意 :1. 每处错误及其改正均仅限一词;2.只同意改正 10 处,多者( 从第11 处起) 不计分·My neighbor ’s children love playing hide-and-seek as other children do,but everybodyhad imagined that the game they played themselves last week would be reported inthe localnewspaper. One afternoon,they are playing at the street comer. Paul, only five year old,hid and locked himself in a storage mailbox in accident His sister, Nancy, heardhis cries andrealized what had happened, so she immediately asked a mailman open the metal door. Paulwas free,but he had such bad a scare that he could not stop ay. The mailman toldhim thatnext time he wanted to hide in a mail box, he should remember to put the stamp onhimself.When he heard that,Paul burst into laughing.第三节书面表达 ( 满分 35 分,将答案写到答题卡相应旳地点上)假定你叫王平·为响应国家厉行节俭旳呼吁,请你以“厉行节俭——为资源、为环保”为题,向某英语报社编写写信,表达你对厉行节俭旳见解·该英文信应包含以下内容:1.节俭与资源旳关系;2.节俭与环保旳关系;3.举例说明中学生该怎样厉行节俭;4.倡议社会保持节俭旳优秀传统·注意 :1. 词数 :120 字左右;2.全文不得出现自己及学校旳真切名字·。

1. --- I haven’t seen the new film X-Men: Days of Future Past yet.---_____! It’s about saving the future of mankind. Well worth watching.A. CongratulationsB. Well doneC. You miss the pointD. What a shame2. LeBron James described the difficulty he had making himself______ as a professional NBA basketball player.A . to be accepted B. accepted C. accept D. accepting3.Football, _______ has a major effect on Brazilian culture, was introduced to Brazil in 1894.A . where B. when C. which D. that4. – I went to the Australia Embassy yesterday to apply for a visa.--Oh, you _____ that because you can apply on line.A. don’t need to doB. mustn’t doC. can’t have doneD. needn’t have done5. Charging drivers more money to park will probably work because the traffic jams ______ many cities recently.A . have been troubling B. troubled C. had troubled D. was troubling6. Poachers kill antelopes for huge profits, ___ the extinction of the endangered species.A. speeding upB. to speed upC. having sped upD. speed up7. The final event of the Olympics is ______ we call marathon, a sport from Ancient Greece.A .that B. what C. which D. why8. Although I had been told about all these exciting activities, I still felt upset as I experienced ____ of them.A. nothingB. neitherC. no oneD. none9. ______ his career as a painter began at the age of 13, Picasso had received formal art training from his father.After B. Unless C. Before D. While10. They had a spare room, so they agreed to ___ the two travelers for a night.A. put upB. take upC. call upD. pick up第二节完形填空(共20个小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

高三英语 二诊 考试参考答案㊀第1㊀页(共2页)成都市2016级高中毕业班第二次诊断性检测英语参考答案及评分意见第一部分听力(满分30分)1~5A B C B B ㊀㊀㊀㊀6~10C B B A C ㊀㊀㊀11~15A B A B C ㊀㊀16~20C C A C A评分标准:1-20小题,每小题1.5分.第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)第一节(满分30分)21~25B B C C D 26~30A B A A D 31~35C C B D D评分标准:21-35小题,每小题2分.第二节(满分10分)㊀36~40A E G F D 评分标准:36-40小题,每小题2分.第三部分㊀语言知识应用(满分45分)第一节㊀完形填空(满分30分)41~45C B D A C 46~50A B D C C 51~55B D B D A 56~60B A C A D 评分标准:41~60小题,每小题1.5分.第二节(满分15分)61.f r o m 62.w a s p u b l i s h e d ㊀㊀63.t om o v e㊀㊀64.f l o w i n g ㊀65.b a s i c a l l y 66.c r e a t i v e 67.t w e n t i e t h 68.g r o w t h 69.t h e 70.w h a t 评分标准:61-70小题,每小题1.5分.有任何错误,包括用词错误㊁单词拼写错误(含大小写)或语法形式错误,均不给分.第四部分㊀写作(满分35分)第一节㊀短文改错(满分10分)L a s t y e a r ,m y f r i e n da n dI w e n tt ov i s i tt h e Y e l l o w M o u n t a i n .W ec a r r i e dt w o b a c k p a c k s ,t h a t w h i c h t u r n e do u t t ob e p r e t t y h e a v i e r h e a v y f o r t h eh i k e .I a m n o t a ne x p e r i e n c i n g e x p e r i e n c e d h i k e r a n d t h o s e e n d l e s s s t e p sm a k e m a d e m ew a n t t o r e t u r n t o t h e s a f e a n d c o m f o r t a b l e g r o u n d .B u tm y f r i e n d e n c o u r a g e dm e g r e a t g r e a t l y . L o o k ,t h e t o p i s c o m i n g c l o s e r a n d c l o s e r .W e a r e a l m o s t t h e r e . I p u l l e d m e m y s e l f t o g e t h e r a n d k e p t g o i n g .A f t e rɡa t h r e e Gh o u r e x h a u s t i n g h i k e t o t h e t o p ,b u tw i t h w o n d e r f u l s c e n e r i e s s c e n e r y o nt h ew a y ,w e g o t t ot h e t o p f i n a l l y .F o r T o o u r p l e a s u r e ,w e a l s o f o u n dah o t e l t h a t l o o k e dv e r y m u c h \i n v i t i n g .评分标准:有任何错误,包括用词错误㊁单词拼写错误(含大小写)或语法形式错误,均不给分.。

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' ) (,0# ! 的制度 细节理解题 根据第一 二以及最后一段 加州发矿是在 年大量的人们涌向 里淘金驿马快信的制度是在 年才开始的美国发生在 加州和密苏里州之 那 间铁路的铁路于 年完成 故选 细节理解题 第二段 美国加州和密 信息可 E1F;6B;6C4245Q>966;5<1@90 知 苏里州之$TB;Z35@[J2C;99=3>?<间的通讯 天之内可以完 成 推理判断题 根据第三段 信 止运送 由此E3L457 AB4?;6B;B3C9;915< )息可知即使在$TB;E14?5;L;C96322;<马匹和骑手休息C4<;C9C;96;<0 手在休息站将 另一个骑手 % % % %作者意图题 全文作者主要介绍了美国加州和密邮件交给了 邮件在这两个地区之间来回送达 因此 为最佳答案 文章大意本书属于记叙文 说明文 介绍将)%#)2! " \ ! " " !(-0% ! ) !]( % ! ^3BE19F" ) % % % % 6B;@ $ ') (G0$! ) 了东京一家咖啡馆雇用残疾人当服务员 但是 他们并不帮顾客点餐也不擦桌子 而是在家里面遥控机器人做这些工作 词义指代题 前文谈到这些机器人高 米有看像日本的能面 的白色 庞 他们将视频和音频发送回控制人本句后面谈到家里用智能手机 平板电脑指导机 器人操作 在根据第一段谈到的 是残疾人服务员在家里管理咖啡馆的机器人 由此推知这里脸 或 的 指的是 残疾人 推理判断题 根据第三段 $ [L;52;32?;A46BL;C@?4E46;< 可知即使是行动非常不便的人 信息 作者还举了E3D4?46@1C;1D?;63=3EE>54=16;A46B15<=356C3?R*_90'%%%%RC4M4E;S*))'0#!)6B;<;L;?32E;563:RC4M4EX'%N39B4:>Q4RC4M4E;S*%!'U!+%%)"也能与 机器人进行 RC4M4E;S* 机器人很好使用 交流并能指导它们工作推理判断题根据最后一段 信 $H6A196B;@;1C9B;92;56E4994573>6359=B33?6B16?;<63息可知 正是 因为生病没有去上学的那几年 他研 发了 机器人而他候研发 没去上学是 在% 岁 岁期间由此推知他在年龄很小的时 了这种机器人 英语试题答案第 页共 页 !$)!0* ! ) ( RC4M4E;S* % % % ( % ) * ) 3 ! " ! ! " # $ ! )(0# ! ) * *主旨大意题本文有三个关键信息一个是是咖啡馆串联起来就是咖啡馆雇佣残疾人当理咖啡馆这三个信息均包括的只有项其余选项信息不完整或信息有偏差)机器人一个是残疾人服务员一个服务员残疾人服务员在家里遥控机器人打文章大意本文属于议论文主要论述了礼物经济真正内涵并举例说明礼物经济# $ " # $对公司和对员工所起的作用同时作者还谈到了礼物经济在互联网时代的发展推理判断题第一段作者谈到了人性的真正意义我们通过家庭友谊专业协会和地社区建立的社会联系这些联系产生了一种共同标和价值观在这种价值观中人们努力寻求并共同享受有利于共同利益的事物良的教育愉快的生活环境健康的人口当) % % ( * *) ))0* ! ) % % % $ '% $ '% )+0%! ) % )"0$! 1?E396;L;C@6B457XTB;74:6;=353E@49734576BC3>7B1D33E45764E;0' % % % % 由此推知礼物经济的核心就是共享社会利益 细节理解题 根据第二段XAB3<4<5366B45F3:6B;4C9;CL4=;919D;457 $司提供了更高的工资更短的工作时升-0' 可知与日本雇主相比美国公 息 但这些传统上对日本员工并不重要 他们不认为自己为公司服务是可以 买来的 他公司成为 互惠互利的 工作关系 因此选 细节理解题 根据第三段 $/3C6B;4C21C6信息可知公司%6B;E14574:674L;5D@度假 换来员工为公司努力工作 =3E215@496B;4CB1C<A3CFX 故选 推理判断题 根据最后一段 ) ) 联网对几乎一切的知识和建议都可以分享从核反应堆如何工作到如何规 划你的假期礼物 经济正在经历一段繁荣时期 由此可推知礼物经济得益于互联网的发展)&0* ! % !' % %% !' ) * ( % ) % * % *) ),0.! ) ),% ) . ( 第二节 七选五 本篇大意 本文是一篇说明文 介绍了美国大学生活和高中生活的几点不同 ! ! " " ! 考查主题句 空后面两句的意思是高中时 你每午 点钟不得不上美国历史课 ) 具体时间和日期而言你可种选择 选项 的意思是 比起高中的课程 大学的课程有更灵活性 可见 选项 的意思正好 是本段的主题句所以选 考查语境理解 空后一句的意思是比如说 你将择一个你将要进行专业学习的课 选项 的意思 关于大学的教学安排你将会有更多选择去发现你的兴趣 这里的上 大学后你可能))&也需要上历史课不过就上课的 程 是456;C;969=?199;9@3>A4??92;=41?4a;45 % . ) )-0$ ! ( % ( % ) * % ) $ ( ) %$) )G0%! )))G% 和 是同一个意思 因此 为正确理解 空前一句的意思是在高中你上的一系课程涵盖 学更多的普通课程 到了大四普通课 相应的减少 选项 的意思是 把你的大学课程当作是个金字塔 符合此处的大学普通课程考查语境 了所有科目 ) )- 程会空 后面的意思是在))-大一和大二期间你要 的描述 故答案选 考查过渡句 这段谈论的是高中和大学的另一个是在校时间的不同 空前面讲 是高中生现在的在校时间是从星期一到星期五每是早上 到校下 空后面几句的大意是 在大学 你可能星期一和星五的上午 至 点上自然课 也 可能星期四的下午 至 点上中文课 选项 的意思是大 是这种情况符 的 午 放学(()' ) )G ( % !' !! % ) ) % ( ) +'0/! )+' * * )"学将(!'不会 合语境故答案为 !(!" % %)考查主题句空后面描述的是大学校园学生生活学校的各种学术和社交俱乐部等英语试题答案 第 页共 页!%/(% %!"!+!0$! !")%%% $ ' ) ) % ) B3>9; ' ) +)0* ! ) %选项 的意思是 大学的氛围和社交生活也和高中不同 是全段的主题句 故答案为 /)第三部分 英语知识运用 第一节 完形填空 文章大意 本文属于记叙文 一场暴风雪将作者家里几百只火鸡冻死了 作者父亲准备 ! ! " ! " 免费送人作为圣诞食物 结果大大出乎作者一家的预料考查动词 词组 前文交代说暴风雨比预报的要糟得多 所以 作者父亲对母亲说 准 起床去看看家里养的火鸡 备考查名词 前句谈到父亲起床 说明父亲应该在家后文有$1C3>5<3>C?466?;AB46; 了答案 查副词 前文说 糟糕的天气夹着雪的强风在使劲 +(0#! 也暗示 考 暴风雪很大 母亲很担心父亲到不了养火鸡的农场 本空进一步在描 述地吹着作者一家的小屋, % % ) +"0% !)$ ' % % ) +&0* ! ) % % , % %96C> ?;<%$ ' ) 77 +,0%考查形容词 早上 点了看见父亲还没回来 母准备打电话求助 父亲开的卡车滑行到了作者屋外的车道上有父亲冲进屋里 的信 $ ' 亲开车回来了 ++0$!考查动词 息 也暗示了父 考查动词 前文谈到了暴风雪很大 母亲很担心 早上 点才回来 下文谈到父亲很 丧所以本空 表示父亲很吃力地说 暗示 父亲告诉家人给新邻打电话 叫他通 X633>C/3A?;C:1CE 沮 选 话 考查名词 下文有 知' ) % $ ' ) +G0* ! ) , % %"''% $ ') "'0$ ! ) C;?1@ $ ! "'% % $ * '% % $3369 ) )朋友到农场去免费拿火鸡)考查形容词第一段谈到了暴风雪特别大所以这指作者家里的火鸡被冻死了本空前面谈到了父母有个孩子要抚养一大笔费用这次暴风雪至火鸡这个经济损失令人绝望词本意是接力赛在这里是将者一家的遭遇告诉了邻居和朋友本空查动词给他原来的邻居和朋友打电话催+-0#!考查形容词少冻死了只属于熟词生义表示转述转播根据后文考查动正作他们到作者家的农场去拿火鸡' ) %$ "(0$ )$X7;61:C;;6>CF;@:3C#BC496E19<455;C0' % ")0% ) ' % % ) "+0# ! ) ( % ) $ ' ) ""0*!) %)%%$' )信息暗考"!0%!考查名词)$3369前文第三段最后一句有 示!了答案 ) 考查形容词 本文开头有 的火鸡被冻死 以及第二段 信息 加上那么 $TB;953A@A45<' % 多 ! 说明天气寒冷$A456;C963CE路面结冰了考查介词短语 本句前一句谈到 每一只火鸡人们认领了 后文又谈到人们付现金买 鸡 说明人们非常同情作者一家的遭遇 火 考查动词 人们看到火鸡被冻死的现场 心情肯定沉重 后文谈到了人们自发用现金买认领的火鸡作者一家的损失得到了补偿所以现气氛开始有 变化了 本空较难购"&0$ ! ) % % $ ' ) ",0* ! ) % % $ ' ) ) % $ ' ) "G0# ) ) &'0#! ) % )"考查名词 前句谈到了人们用现金购买火鸡 没有拿走 所以人们 意识到 作者一家 到的灾难在大家的帮助下正在消失 考查副词 人们共同努力 帮助作者一家度过了灾人们当初沉重的心情开始复苏 % 至谈笑风生了 受 甚 考查动词 为了进一步帮助作者一家 有人还在作父亲的卡车上 放了一个捐款箱 人们付给作者一家的一只火鸡的钱比在商一只火鸡 的钱要多得多表 % 者一家的帮助 考查动词 当作者父母数着几百美元和几百个朋时候 感动得热泪盈眶 本题中的"-0%!考查动词 花 示 ! 了人们对作 英语试题答案 第 页共 页!&$ =3>56;<B>5<C;<93::C4;5<9 '% % $3369 % ) ) !!"!!""" ! " ! &!01 ! '% ) % ) )表示作者父母在数钱的时候也在记住了花钱买火鸡的这百个人这些人虽然是新邻居喊来的但都成为母的朋友该题较难第二节语法填空章大意本文属于记叙文作者和孩子们在纽约中园遇见一只浣熊在找食物令她到惊讶的是浣熊找到食物后先洗手和整理了胡须后始享受自己的美餐作者动的语言描述了浣熊这一行为令人捧腹考查冠词歇口气几文们感用生属于固定短语作者和孩子们走累了坐在公园的凳子上歇口气)61F;1DC;16B$考查现在分词孩子们在喊大家看浣熊的同时手指向浣熊状语浣熊找到食物后很满意从圾桶上跳下来走向路边悠地走到路边用副词修饰动词% )不到一米所以与&(023456457!考查形容词作&)081649:4;<!考查副词浣熊慢悠% $ ' ) ) % ) % )&"0AB;C;!) % % AB;C;) &&0D;66;C ) $ ' % % % ) ) % ) % )垃&+0=19>1??@!考查宾语从句浣熊离我们坐的地方地点有关应用引导从句考查比较级根据本句后面后被浣熊深深地吸引住了因为浣信息可知这里应用比较级句意括我提供了比任何博物馆都好的孩子们!娱乐熊给他们当然也包6B1515@E>9;>E考查不定式作目的状语浣熊朝我们看了一眼目的就是确信我们不拿他的食物爪子不止一只应用复)述的是几年前在公园中看见浣熊一会儿句意浣熊带着优雅的神态身开始像绅士一样享用他的午餐&,063E1F;!考查名词单复数浣熊的数&-0:457;C9!考查时态作者描的一幕应用一般过去时在水下洗了一会浣熊可爱的一面展示&G0<422;<!)%),'0:3C!$'%(%%%%))!! ,!0<35I6$<4<5I6 ! ) % ));J2?14596B0639D0 ..%($考 查介词 儿手 然后 得淋漓尽致 第四部分 写作 第一节 擦了擦胡须)/3C1E3E;56在那之后他转 短文改错 考查时态 本文谈的是作者过去的一次经历 所以应用一般过去时 查介词 向某人解释 句意 爸爸你能解 考 释一下,(0A46B$63!这个词的意 思吗 去掉 考查比较级 根据句意 这里没有比较意义意 我爸爸 像他下班后经常做 的那样 在看他最喜欢的节目 ) % ) ($ %396;594D?@&',)0E3C;!%)',+0A3CF9)1:6;CA3CF%A3CF)A3CF457),"04EE;<416; 4EE;<416;?@!(,&0?33F$!%),,0E@)%$' )35 15< !) % 正 下班后 在这里是不可数名词 也 可接受$A3C F 考查形容词和副词 形容词不能修饰词 应用副词修饰动词 句 ) % % $ 马 意父亲立 回答我 考查动名词 ) 是介词 其后应该用动名词 句意他甚至没有看我的 脸继 续 ?33F457 欣赏他 喜爱的节目 )A 46B3>6 % ) ( 考查代词指代 根据上下文 这里指的是父亲在观看他的喜爱节目 查连词 作者走回自己的房间就看见桌上的字典 因此这里 在介 $ ,-0 用 表 词B49!前面加 考 示并列关 考查非 定冠词 特指父亲教给我系)!)-'01$6B;!))"限制性定语从句 在定语从句中做宾语 AB4=B 人生经验 ) ,G0AB16$AB4=B 考查 的 英语试题答案 第 页共 页 !'4'56# P(M;??3%T3E&HB1L;12C3D?;E45:45<4576B;[635^>C9;C@8=B33?0HB1L;Q>962199;<6B; M4?635M36;?0 K(N3>1C;1?E3966B;C;0O>96F;;27345708?3A<3A5AB;5@3>9;;1719961643515<6>C5?;:6 6B;C;0 4'56! 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学霸养成.2020高考数学热点难点必杀技系列—导数用导数研究曲线的切线,是高考的一个热点,内容主要涉及求曲线的斜率与方程、曲线的条数、公切线问题,由切线满足条件求参数或参数范围等,高考中既有基础客观题,也有压轴客观题,时而也会以解答题形式考查.1.【2019全国卷Ⅲ】已知曲线e ln x y a x x =+在点1e a (,)处的切线方程为y =2x +b ,则 A .e 1a b ==-, B .a=e,b =1C .1e 1a b -==,D .1e a -= ,1b =-【答案】D【解析】e ln xy a x x =+的导数为'e ln 1xy a x =++,又函数e ln xy a x x =+在点(1,e)a 处的切线方程为2y x b =+,可得e 012a ++=,解得1e a -=,又切点为(1,1),可得12b =+,即1b =-.故选D .2.【2018全国卷Ⅰ】设函数32()(1)f x x a x ax =+-+,若()f x 为奇函数,则曲线()y f x =在点(0,0)处的切线方程为 A .2y x =- B .y x =-C .2y x =D .y x =【答案】D【解析】通解 因为函数32()(1)f x x a x ax =+-+为奇函数,所以()()f x f x -=-, 所以3232()(1)()()[(1)]x a x a x x a x ax -+--+-=-+-+,所以22(1)0a x -=,因为x ∈R ,所以1a =,所以3()f x x x =+,所以2()31f x x '=+,所以(0)1f '=,所以曲线()y f x =在点(0,0)处的切线方程为y x =.故选D .优解 因为函数32()(1)f x x a x ax =+-+为奇函数,所以(1)(1)0f f -+=,所以11(11)0a a a a -+--++-+=,解得1a =,所以3()=+f x x x ,所以2()31'=+f x x ,所以(0)1f '=,所以曲线()y f x =在点(0,0)处的切线方程为y x =.故选D .3.【2016年全国卷Ⅱ】若直线y kx b =+是曲线ln 2y x =+的切线,也是曲线ln(1)y x =+的 切线,则b = . 【答案】1ln2-【解析】设y kx b =+与ln 2y x =+和ln(1)y x =+的切点分别为11(,ln 2)x x + 和22(,ln(1))x x +.则切线分别为1111ln 2()y x x x x --=-, 2221ln(1)()1y x x x x -+=-+,化简得111ln 1y x x x =⋅++,()22221ln 111xy x x x x =++-++依题意,()122122111ln 1ln 11x x x x x x ⎧=⎪+⎪⎨⎪+=+-⎪+⎩,解得112x =,从而1ln 11ln 2b x =+=-.4.【2019全国卷Ⅱ】已知函数()11ln x f x x x -=-+.(1)讨论f (x )的单调性,并证明f (x )有且仅有两个零点;(2)设x 0是f (x )的一个零点,证明曲线y =ln x 在点A (x 0,ln x 0)处的切线也是曲线e xy =的切线.【解析】(1)f (x )的定义域为(0,1)(1,+∞).因为212()0(1)f 'x x x =+>-,所以()f x 在(0,1),(1,+∞)单调递增. 因为f (e )=e 110e 1+-<-,22222e 1e 3(e )20e 1e 1f +-=-=>--,所以f (x )在(1,+∞)有唯一零点x 1,即f (x 1)=0.又1101x <<,1111111()ln ()01x f x f x x x +=-+=-=-,故f (x )在(0,1)有唯一零点11x . 综上,f (x )有且仅有两个零点.(2)因为0ln 01e x x -=,故点B (–ln x 0,01x )在曲线y =e x 上.由题设知0()0f x =,即0001ln 1x x x +=-,故直线AB 的斜率0000000000111ln 111ln 1x x x x x k x x x x x x +---===+-----. 曲线y =e x 在点001(ln ,)B x x -处切线的斜率是01x ,曲线ln y x =在点00(,ln )A x x 处切线的斜率也是01x , 所以曲线ln y x =在点00(,ln )A x x 处的切线也是曲线y =e x 的切线.一、利用导数研究曲线的斜率或倾斜角导数的几何意义是研究曲线的切线的基石,函数y =f (x )在点x 0处的导数的几何意义,就是曲线y =f (x )在点P (x 0,f (x 0))处的切线的斜率.也就是说,曲线y =f (x )在点P (x 0,f (x 0))处的切线的斜率是()0f x '.【例1】已知f ′(x )是函数f (x )的导函数,如果f ′(x )是二次函数,f ′(x )的图象开口向上,顶点坐标为(1,3),那么曲线y =f (x )上任一点处的切线的倾斜角α的取值范围是( ) A.⎝⎛⎦⎤0,π3 B.⎣⎡⎭⎫π3,π2 C.⎝⎛⎦⎤π2,2π3 D.⎣⎡⎭⎫π3,π 【答案】B【分析】把倾斜角范围转化为求斜率范围【解析】依题意得f ′(x )≥3,即曲线y =f (x )在任意一点处的切线斜率不小于3,故其倾斜角的取值范围是⎣⎡⎭⎫π3,π2.故选B . 【点评】无论是求斜率或倾斜角,最终都可转化为导数值问题.【对点训练】【安徽省淮南市2019届高三第一次模拟】已知函数()ln f x x x =,若直线l 过点()0,e -,且与曲线()y f x =相切,则直线l 的斜率为( ) A .2- B .2C .e -D .e【答案】B【解析】函数()ln f x x x =的导数为()'ln 1f x x =+,设切点为(),m n ,则n mlnm =, 可得切线的斜率为1ln k m =+,所以ln 1ln n e m m em m m+++==,解得m e =,1ln 2k e =+=,故选B . 二、求曲线在某点处的切线求以曲线上的点(x 0,f (x 0))为切点的切线方程的求解步骤:①求出函数f (x )的导数f ′(x ); ②求切线的斜率f ′(x 0);③写出切线方程y -f (x 0)=f ′(x 0)(x -x 0),并化简. 【例2】【云南师范大学附属中学2019届高三月考】设()f x 是(,0)(0,)-∞+∞上的偶函数,当0x >时,()ln f x x x =,则()f x 在(1,(1))f --处的切线方程为( ) A .01=--y x B .10x y +-= C .10x y -+= D .10x y ++=【答案】D【分析】求得()f x 在0x >时的导函数,根据偶函数的定义可求得在1x =-处的导函数;根据点斜式即可求得切线方程.【解析】当0x >时,()ln f x x x =,则'()ln 1f x x =+,由()f x 是偶函数可得(1)(1)0f f -==,结合图象特征可知'(1)'(1)1f f -=-=-,所以()f x 在(1,(1))f --处的切线方程为0(1)y x -=-+,即10x y ++=,故选D.【点评】求曲线在某点的切线关键是确定切点坐标及切线斜率.【对点训练】【江西省新八校2019届高三第二次联考】若3()3()21f x f x x x +-=++对x R ∈恒成立,则曲线()y f x =在点()()1,1f 处的切线方程为( ) A .5250x y +-= B .10450x y +-= C .540x y += D .204150x y --=【答案】B 【解析】()()3321f x f x x x +-=++……①()()3321f x f x x x ∴-+=--+……②联立①②,解得:()31124f x x x =--+,则()2312f x x '=-- ()11511244f ∴=--+=-,()351122f '=--=-∴切线方程为:()55142y x +=--,即10450x y +-=,故选B三、求曲线过某点的切线求曲线过某点的切线,一般是设出切点(x 0,y 0),解方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y 0=f (x 0),y 1-y 0x 1-x 0=f ′(x 0),得切点(x 0,y 0),进而确定切线方程.【例3】已知函数f (x )=x 3+x -16.直线l 为曲线y =f (x )的切线,且经过原点,求直线l 的方程及切点坐标. 【分析】设切点为(x 0,y 0),整理出关于0x 的方程,解方程求出切点(x 0,y 0),再用点斜式写出方程.【解析】法一:设切点为(x 0,y 0),则直线l 的斜率为f ′(x 0)=320x +1,∴直线l 的方程为y =(320x +1)(x -x 0)+3x +x 0-16,又∵直线l 过点(0,0),∴0=(320x +1)(-x 0)+30x +x 0-16,整理得, 30x =-8,∴x 0=-2,∴y 0=(-2)3+(-2)-16=-26,k =3×(-2)2+1=13. ∴直线l 的方程为y =13x ,切点坐标为(-2,-26). 法二:设直线l 的方程为y =kx ,切点为(x 0,y 0), 则k =y 0-0x 0-0=300016x x x +-,又∵k =f ′(x 0)=320x +1,∴300016x x x +-=320x +1,解之得x 0=-2,∴y 0=(-2)3+(-2)-16=-26,k =3×(-2)2+1=13. ∴直线l 的方程为y =13x ,切点坐标为(-2,-26). 【点评】求解本题的关键是利用切线斜率()10010y y k f x x x -'==-建立方程(其中()11,x y 为切线经过的点).【对点训练】曲线y =14x 2过点⎝⎛⎭⎫4,74 的切线方程为________. 【答案】14x -4y -49=0或2x -4y -1=0.【解析】设所求切线与曲线相切于点P ⎝⎛⎭⎫x 0,14x 20.易知y ′=12x ,则y ′|x =x 0=12x 0.故74-14x 204-x 0= 12x 0,整理得x 20-8x 0 + 7 = 0,解得x 0=7或x 0=1,所以点P ⎝⎛⎭⎫7,494或P ⎝⎛⎭⎫1,14,由两点式 切线方程为14x -4y -49=0或2x -4y -1=0.故填14x -4y -49=0或2x -4y -1=0.四、求曲线的切线条数求曲线切线的条数一般是设出切点()(),t f t ,由已知条件整理出关于t 的方程,把切线条数问题转化为关于t 的方程的实根个数问题.【例4】【江西省吉安市2019届高三下学期第一次模拟】已知过点(1,1)P 且与曲线3y x =相切的直线的条数有( ). A .0 B .1 C .2 D .3【答案】C【分析】设切点为()00x ,y ,则300y x =,由于直线l l 经过点(2,1),可得切线的斜率,再根据导数的几何意义求出曲线在点0x 处的切线斜率,建立关于0x 的方程,通过解方程确定切点个数.【解析】若直线与曲线切于点()()000x ,y x 0≠,则32000000y 1x 1k x x 1x 1x 1--===++--, 又∵2y'3x =,∴200y'x x 3x ==,∴2002x x 10--=,解得0x 1=,01x 2=-, ∴过点()P 1,1与曲线3C :y x =相切的直线方程为3x y 20--=或3x 4y 10-+=, 故选C .【点评】求解此类问题的关键是把切线条数转化为切点个数,进一步转化为方程实根个数.五、曲线的公切线研究曲线的公切线,一般是分别设出两切点,写出两切线方程,然后再使这两个方程表示同一条直线.【例5】【四川省成都市2019届高三毕业班第二次诊断性检测】已知直线l 即是曲线1:xC y e =的切线,又是曲线2221:4C y e x =的切线,则直线l 在x 轴上的截距为 A .2 B .1C .2eD .2e -.【答案】B【分析】设出直线l 与两曲线的切点,分别求出两曲线在切点处的切线方程,由斜率与截距相等列式求得切点的横坐标,代入切线方程,则答案可求.【解析】设直线l 与曲线C 1:y =e x 的切点为(11xx e ,),与曲线C 2:y 14=e 2x 2的切点为(222214x e x ,),由y =e x ,得11'|xx x y e ==,由y 14=e 2x 2,得2221'|2x x y e x ==,∴直线l 的方程为()111x xy e e x x -=-,或()2222221142y e x e x x x -=-,则111222222122121142x x x e e x e x e e x e x ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪-=-⎪⎩,解得x 1=x 2=2. ∴直线l 的方程为:y ﹣e 2=e 2(x ﹣2),取y =0,可得x =1. ∴直线l 在x 轴上的截距为1.故选B .【点评】写出两方程后一般利用斜率与截距分别相等求解,若其中一条曲线为二次函数图象也可利用判别式. 【对点训练】若存在过点(1,0)的直线与曲线y =x 3和y =ax 2+154x -9都相切,则a 等于( )A . -1或-2564B .-1或214C .-74或-2564D .-74或7【答案】A【解析】设过点(1,0)的直线与曲线y =x 3相切于点(x 0,x 30),所以切线方程为y -x 30=3x 20(x -x 0),即y =3x 20x -2x 30,又点(1,0)在切线上,则x 0=0或x 0=32.当x 0=0时,由y =0与y =ax 2+154x -9相切可得a =-2564;当x 0=32时,由y =274x -274与y =ax 2+154x -9相切可得a =-1.故选A1.【江西省临川一中2019届高三年级考前模拟】已知曲线ln y x x =+在点()1,1处的切线与抛物线()221y ax a x =+++相切,则a 的值为( )A .0B .0或8C .8D .1【答案】C 【解析】11y x'=+,当1x =时,切线的斜率2k =, 切线方程为()21121y x x =-+=-,因为它与抛物线相切,()22121ax a x x +++=-有唯一解即220ax ax ++=故280a a a ≠⎧⎨-=⎩,解得8a =,故选C. 2.【山西省2019届高三高考考前适应性训练】函数()f x 为偶函数,当BC AP λ=时,()e xf x x =,则曲线()y f x =在1x =-处的切线方程为( )A .20ex y e ++=B .20ex y e --=C .230ex y e +-=D .230ex y e -+=【答案】A【解析】当BC AP λ=时,()()1x f x x e '=+,故()()12,1f e f e '==.,由函数()f x 为偶函数,所以()y f x =的图像关于y 轴对称,故()()12,1f e f e '-=--=,所求切线方程为:()21y e e x -=-+,即20ex y e ++=.故选A.3.【福建省南平市2019届5月综合质量检查】若直线52y x =与曲线ln(21)y mx x =-+相切于点(0,0)O ,则m =( ).A .0B .52C .72D .92【答案】D【解析】由()ln 21y mx x =-+,得2'21y m x =-+ 因为直线52y x =与曲线()ln 21y mx x =-+相切于点()0,0O 所以522m =-,解得92m =,故选D.4.【山西省太原市2019届高三模拟试题(一)】已知函数()ln f x x x a =+在点(1,(1))f 处的切线经过原点,则实数a ( ) A .1 B .0 C .1eD .-1【答案】A【解析】()()1,11,f x lnx f ''=+∴=∴切线方程为y x 1a =-+,故0=0-1+a,解a=1 故选A5.【甘肃省白银市靖远县2019届高三第四次联考】若1x =是函数()321f x x x ax =+++的极值点,则曲线()y f x =在点()()00f ,处的切线的斜率为( )A .1-B .1C .5-D .5【答案】C【解析】由题意可知:()232f x x x a '=++,则()150f a '=+=,解得5a =-所以()05k f '==-,故选C6.【2019年甘肃省兰州市高考数学一诊】若点P 是函数y=2sinxsinx cosx+图象上任意一点,直线l 为点P 处的切线,则直线l 斜率的范围是( ) A .(),1∞- B .[]0,1C .[)1,∞+D .(]0,1 【答案】C 【解析】∵22sin 2cos (sin cos )2sin (cos sin ),sin cos (sin cos )x x x x x x x y y x x x x '+--=∴=++222cos 2sin 212sin cos 1sin 2x x x x x+==++.∵-1<sin2x≤1,∴0<1+sin2x≤2,∴111sin 22x ≥+,则211sin 2y x'=≥+.∴直线l 斜率的范围是[1,+∞).故选C .7.【湖北省武汉市2019届高三4月调研】设曲线432:3294C y x x x =--+,在曲线C 上一点()14M -,处的切线记为l ,则切线l 与曲线C 的公共点个数为 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4【答案】C 【解析】3212618y xx x '=-- 1261812k =--=-l ∴方程为:()4121y x +=--,即128y x =-+由4323294128y x x x y x ⎧=--+⎨=-+⎩得:4323291240x x x x --+-= 即:()()()212320x x x -+-=11x =,22x =-,323x =,∴曲线C 与l l 的公共点个数为:3个,故选C 。

高三英语 二诊 考试参考答案㊀第1㊀页(共2页)成都市2016级高中毕业班第二次诊断性检测英语参考答案及评分意见第一部分听力(满分30分)1~5A B C B B ㊀㊀㊀㊀6~10C B B A C ㊀㊀㊀11~15A B A B C ㊀㊀16~20C C A C A评分标准:1-20小题,每小题1.5分.第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)第一节(满分30分)21~25B B C C D 26~30A B A A D 31~35C C B D D 评分标准:21-35小题,每小题2分.第二节(满分10分)㊀36~40A E G F D 评分标准:36-40小题,每小题2分.第三部分㊀语言知识应用(满分45分)第一节㊀完形填空(满分30分)41~45C B D A C 46~50A B D C C 51~55B D B D A 56~60B A C A D 评分标准:41~60小题,每小题1.5分.第二节(满分15分)61.f r o m 62.w a s p u b l i s h e d ㊀㊀63.t om o v e㊀㊀64.f l o w i n g ㊀65.b a s i c a l l y 66.c r e a t i v e 67.t w e n t i e t h 68.g r o w t h 69.t h e 70.w h a t 评分标准:61-70小题,每小题1.5分.有任何错误,包括用词错误㊁单词拼写错误(含大小写)或语法形式错误,均不给分.第四部分㊀写作(满分35分)第一节㊀短文改错(满分10分)L a s t y e a r ,m y fr i e n da n dI w e n tt o v i s i tt h e Y e l l o w M o u n t a i n .W ec a r r i e dt w o b a c k p a c k s ,t h a t w h i c h t u r n e do u t t ob e p r e t t y h e a v i e r h e a v y f o r t h eh i k e .I a m n o t a ne x p e r i e n c i n g e x p e r i e n c e d h i k e r a n d t h o s e e n d l e s s s t e p sm a k e m a d e m ew a n t t o r e t u r n t o t h e s a f e a n d c o m f o r t a b l e g r o u n d .B u tm y f r i e n d e n c o u r a g e dm e g r e a t g r e a t l y . L o o k ,t h e t o p i s c o m i n g c l o s e r a n d c l o s e r .W e a r e a l m o s t t h e r e . I p u l l e d m e m y s e l f t o g e t h e r a n d k e p t g o i n g .A f t e rɡa t h r e e Gh o u r e x h a u s t i n g h i k e t o t h e t o p ,b u tw i t h w o n d e r f u l s c e n e r i e s s c e n e r y o nt h ew a y ,w e g o t t ot h e t o p f i n a l l y .F o r T o o u r p l e a s u r e ,w e a l s o f o u n dah o t e l t h a t l o o k e dv e r y m u c h \i n v i t i n g .评分标准:有任何错误,包括用词错误㊁单词拼写错误(含大小写)或语法形式错误,均不给分.第二节㊀书面表达(满分25分)一㊁各档次语言要点配分参考标准档㊀次要点数要点分语言要点表达情况划档依据第五档521~25语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达清楚第四档416~20语言有少量错误,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚第三档311~15语言有一些错误,尚能表达第二档26~10语言错误很多,影响表达第一档10~5只能写出与要求内容有关的一些单词二㊁内容要点认定及计分参考标准1.恰当的开头(问候㊁发出邀请;阐述清楚㊁表达正确,计5分);2.活动安排(出发及返回安排㊁活动内容;阐述清楚㊁表达正确,各5分,共10分);3.注意事项(阐述清楚㊁表达正确,计5分);4.盼回复参与意向(阐述清楚㊁表达正确,计3分);5.恰当的结尾(阐述清楚㊁表达正确,计2分).三㊁扣分参考依据1.其表达未能达成正确句意的,不给分,如:写出了主语或谓语等关键词,但未能达成符合要点要求㊁意义正确的句子;2.句子结构完整㊁但关键点出现错误或漏掉部分关键词,扣半个要点分,如:主谓一致错误,或关键词拼写错误(如主语,关键性名词等),或谓语动词时态/语态错误等;3.凡使用铅笔答题㊁或答题中使用了涂改液或不干胶条,一律不给分;4.凡多次出现非关键性单词拼写错误或其它同类错误,原则上每4处扣1分;5.文章内容要点全面,但写出了一些多余内容(连接或过渡词句不在此列),原则上不扣分;6.凡书写超出规定的答题区域,全卷不给分;7.书写潦草凌乱㊁但基本不影响阅卷的,酌情扣卷面分1~2分.四㊁O n e p o s s i b l e v e r s i o n(略)高三英语 二诊 考试参考答案㊀第2㊀页(共2页)。

四川省成都市2019届高三第三次诊断性检测(含听力)英语试题一、短对话(★) 1 . What does the man need?A.Coffee.B.Sprite.C.Orange juice.(★) 2 . How much will the woman pay?A.$15.B.$20.C.$25.(★) 3 . Which flight will the man take?A.10: 45.B.12: 00.C.14: 50.(★★) 4 . Where does this conversation probably take place?A.At a bus stop.B.On the street.C.At an information desk(★★) 5 . What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The woman's paper.B.The weekend plan.C.Outdoor activities.二、长对话(★)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6 . Where does this conversation probably take place?A.In the dormitory.B.At a rental agency.C.At the woman's house,7 . What do we know about Randall? A.He stays up late.B.He is quite helpfuL C.He is very outgoing.(★★)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8 . What kind of movies does the woman probably prefer?A.Horror movies.B.Musicals.C.Action films.9 . What will the man do right now?A.Rent a movie.B.Report to the class.C.Participate in the party(★★)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

βkitchen with breakfast room and a dining On the丘 Ⅱt n。 。 r there is a li碱 ng roo血 and the mas1er
bedroom with a shower room。 0n the top noor,there are two bedrooms and the family bathroom
23.Which house has an underground parking garage?
In1848 gold was found in Cahfo1叮
people l虫 ed lhing there。 (M0),where the nearest trains ran。
1.Where does the woman want to go?
A。 To a hotel。
To a gas9tation。
To a kindergarten。
2.Why did Mike fail to answer Mary’ s call?
He was busy。
H吒 phone battery died。
rea。 There is a b:彐 ilCony with views over the Ⅱ V0r。 There are two with dining,hving and kitchen ε

英语卷·四川省成都市2019届高中毕业班第三次诊断性检测(word)(2019.03)(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)第一卷注意事项:1 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。
1.-John,1 know nothing about playing tennis.1 wonder if you could teach me.—.Just name the day.A.1’m glad B.Go ahead C.If you want it D.With pleasure 2.China is planning for rnore space work after the successful launch of Shenzhou VII spaceship,including_ _building of space station around 2020.A.an;/B.an;the C.the;a D.the;the3.Henry has come in his raincoat and boots for raimA.prepared B.preparing C.to prepare D prepares4.-The old people each get a very nice present from our manager on their birthdays 一Great !It must be a big surprise to them.A.must B shall C.would D should5.For holidays,many people visit those islands the coast of Australia.A.in B.on C.off D.of6.The education program combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread throughout the country.A.to aim at B.aims atC.having aimed at D aimed at7.As a coach,you should know clearly about the direction your tearn shouid develop.A.to which B.in which C.on which D for which8.He just stared at me and there was an expression in his eyes that I couldn’t.A.tell B.watch C read D.speak9.How can you expect to get anything you are unwilling to do something for others?A whenB as C.unless D because10.Hello,you 84321999.I’m sorry,but I’m unab le to answer your question right now.A reachedB were reaching C.have reached D had reached11.一Have their living conditions improved?一No,than before,I’m afraid.A.no better B.a little better C.not worse D no worse 12.While traveling in Siehuan,you can’t miss people call“The National Freasure”一Giant Panda.A.that B it C.what D.which13.一Jim’s success lies in his courage,hard work and self-confidence.-Yes.What you said really him.A.asksfor B goes for C.calls for D heads for14.一I’m afraid that I can’t finish the task as soon as planned-A.Don’t be afraid B Don’t mention itC.I suppose so D Take your time15.一The fishermen should have been warned of the bad weather.一,but they didn’t listen to it.A So were they B.Yes.they wereC So should theyD Yes,they should16.-His parents try to do everything for him.—That’s they are mistaken,A.where B when C.how D.wherever17.--Excuse me,how can I get to the Bird’s Nest?一Walk along this road for a few minutes,and you’ll it.A.take B.get C meet D make18.We will settle this problem ,for it allows no delaY-A after onB at onceC sooner or laterD more or less19.一is it that is troubling Mary?一Working out the maths problem.A.What B How C.Why D Which20.How do you like the that children be sent abroad to study?A.idea B view C.opinion D.suggestion第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

宜宾市 2019届高三第二次诊断测试题英语注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必在答题卡上将自己的学校、姓名、班级、准考证号用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔填写清楚,考生考试条码由监考老师粘贴在答题卡上的“条码粘贴处。
2.选择题使用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上对应题目标号的位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后再填涂其它答案;非选择题用 0.5 亳米黑色签字笔在答题卡的对应区域内作答,超出答题区域答题的答案无效;在草稿纸上、试卷上答题无效。
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
例: How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15. 答案是 C。
1. What will the woman do now?A. Switch to a different flight.B. Go to the airport earlier.C. Cash a larger check.2.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Waitress and diner.B. Wife and husband.C. Secretary and boss.3. What has the woman suggested?A. Cars should go through a tunnel.B. Forbidding cars to pass by the school.C. Building an underpass for school children.4. How many people are there in the room?A.10B.13C.125. What did the boy tell his mother to do?A. Be kind to her friends.B. Treat him as a big boy.C. Don't kiss him in front of her friends.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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1. What is the woman going to do this afternoon?A.Go shopping.B.Eat out. C See a doctor.2. What does the woman dislike?A. Baking.B.Cooking.C:Washing dishes.3. What does the man think of the book before reading it?A.Simple.B.Cool. C Hard.4. What are the two speakers talking about?A. The man's wife.B.The man's present.C.The woman,s taste.5. Where does this conversation most probably take place?A.At home.B.In the office.C.At a repair shop.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Where are the speakers?A At the ticket office. B. On the train C. At the train statiorL7. What time is it now?A 4: 35. B. 4: 40. C. 4: 45.8. What made the woman hesitate about the class reunion?A The activities.B The organizer. C. The time9. What will the man do next?A Wait for the call. B. Pick up the woman C. Contact the organizer.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10. What's the possible relationship between the speakers?A Colleagues. B. Friends. C. Teacher and student.i1. What troubles the man?A Loneliness. B. GetMg unwell with parents C. Academic pressure12. In the woman's opinion, why did the man choose Kryptos University at first?A To learn business. B. To become independent. C. To stay with friends.13. What does the man think of the wing-suits?A Cool but expensive. B. Wonderful and cheap. C. Cool and new.14. Whose invention can help people without access to clean water?A Students from Ukraine B. Gabriele Diamanti. C. James Cameron15. What makes deep-sea challenger submarine special?A Its price. B. Its function C. Its inventor16. Who will be the potential consumers of the "talk gloves"?A People who are teaching sign language.B. People with speech and hearing problems.C. People who don,t understand sign language.17. How many Welsh people speak Welsh now?A About 15%. B. About 18%. C. About 33%.18. What does the speaker advise people to do to have fun?A Visit local pubs. B. Participate in festivals. C. Do sports19. What are the Welsh like compared with the British?A More loyal and less fierce.B. More enthusiastic and fiercer.C. More loyal but less enthusiastic.20. How many items are mentioned to make a comparison with the British?A Three. B. Four. C. Five第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
ABIG BUS TOURS- THE PERFECT INTRODUCTION TO SYDNEYHop on open-top double-decker bus to experience the celebrated scenery. landmarks and attractions of Sydney and Bondi Beach Ir s the perfect way to see and explore the "Harbor City'.Top 5 reasons to tour with Big Bus Sydney hop-on and hop-off service:Hop-on, hop-off as much as you like;1 0r 2 Day Ticket valid for both Sydney and Bondi Beach tours; 360 Degree Views; Great Photo Opportunities; Entertaining and informative commentary in a choice of 8 languages (Earphones are available from your driver).Sydney tours depart and finish at stop lFirst tour starts at 8:30am. Frequency 15-20 minutes.Bondi tours depart and finish at stop 24/12First tour starts at 9:30am. Frequency 30 minutes.A1l services end at 7:30pm in peak season and 6:30pm in off-peak season.Prices and savingsSave l0% when you pre-book online.Where to buy ticketsFrom any uniformed Big Bus Staff; On the bus at any Big Bus stop; www. bigbustour.'com; The Big Bus Mobile App; Our information center.21. What makes the Big Bus Tours attractive for tourists?A Low price. B. Wonderful attractions.C. Experienced guides.D. Choices of different vehicles.22. How much should 2 adults with I child pay for the premium ticket online in advance?A $140. B. $167. 40.C. $186.D. $203.23. In which part of a newspaper can we most probably read this text?A. Geography. .B. What's onC. Wandering.D. Feature.BAuthor Walter Dean Myers died at the age of 76 after a brief illness. Walter Dean Myers was the author of more than 100 books for children and young adults and received many top awards.The prolific author was loved for his vivid description of the lives of African American children, and for writing books for young people that covered difficult subjects like war and violence. "Drugs, drive-by shootings, wasted lives - Myers has written about all these subjects with deep understanding and a hard-won, qualified sense of hope," said Leonard S. Marcus in 2008.He was born in 1937 and was adopted by Florence Dean and Herbert after his mother died when he was 18 months old They loved him very much and his mother read to him from a very young age Reading pushed him to discover worlds beyond his landscape.He began writing at an early age. He wrote well in high school and an English teacher recognized this and advised him to keep on writing no matter what happened to him. "It 's what you do, " she said.He dropped out of high school at 17 and joined the army. After finishing his service,he entered a dark period in his life. Myers began writing at night to pull himself through that miserable time.In a New York Times essay published earlier this year, Myers described how a short story by James Baldwin helped change the course of his life. "I didn't love the story, but I was lifted by it," he wrote, "for it took place in Harlem, and it was a story concerned with black people like those I knew. By humanizing the people who were like me.Baldwin's story also humanized me. The story gave me a permission that I didn't know I needed, the permission to write about my own landscape, my own map. ""I write books or the troubled boy I once was, " he wrote, "and for the boy who lives within mestill. "24. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?A. How popular Myers wasB. How Myers became successful.C. What makes Myers' works popular.D. What people think of Myers' works.25. Who discovered Myers' writing talent?A. James BaldwinB. His mother.C. Leonard S. Marcus.D. One of his teachers.26. What does the underlined word "pro ific" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A Productive. B. Unfortunate. C. Conservative. D. Humorous.27. Why was the short story by James Baldwin so important for Myers?A It helped him survive the dark period.B. It inspired him to pursue his writing career.C. He learned many writing techniques from it.D. The author of the story permitted him to write.CMaking beer on the moon might seem like a pipe dream to many. but for a group of students from the University of California at San Diego, there is a chance to take their research beyond Earth's surface.The Lab2Moon competition, held by Teamlndus, is offering students the chance to secure a spot on the Teamlndus rocket this year.Taking craft beer to the next level, the students want to test whether it's possible for yeast(酵母)to work and create beer on the moon However, they believe the experiment is not just a creative concept for astronauts, it's also important for the development of drugs and yeast-containing foods, like bread."The idea started out with a few laughs among a group of friends," said Neeki Ashari, a fifth-year bioengineering student at UC San Diego. "We all appreciate the craft of beer When we heard that there was an opportunity to design an experiment that would go up on India, s moonlander, we thought we could combine our hobby with the competition by focusing on the practicality o yeast in outer space. "The preparation.work for the beer-up to the stage of adding yeast-will all be done on Earth, and rather than separating the fermentation(发酵)and carbonation stages of making beer, the team plans to combine them.Thrs removes the need to release CO2 accumulated in the process, which may result in cleanliness and safety issues out in space.If selected, Team Original Gravity will be the first to make beer in outer space, and the fermentation will take place in a vessel no bigger than a soda canAll teams competing for the place will showcase their ideas in Bangalore, India, in March Sadly, you won't be enjoying moon beer in your local craft beer bar' anytime soon, as no samples will be brought back However, this small experiment could provide important data on just how practical it is for us to make and create our own resources on other planets and moons by learning how consumables behave in different environments.28. How did the students feel when they got the chance to design the experiment?A Excited. B. Nervous. C. Confident. D. Casual..29. What does the underlined word "This" in Paragraph 6 refer to?A. The mixing of two stages.B. Adding yeast on EarthC. The preparation work on EarthD. Fermentation and carbonation30. What can we learn about the experiment from the passage?A It has been designed based on similar experiments.B. It,s quite competitive compared with other designs.C. Its design has already been approved by Teamlndus.D. Its process was adapted to make it safer and greener.31. What does the author think of the students' idea?A It seems like a pipe dream. B. It's extremely complicated.C. It's meaningful and hopeful.D. It,s creative but impractical.DAbandoned around 900 years ago soon after its decoration started, Ta Keo has been revived by Chinese and Cambodian experts.The Angkor complex spreads over an area of 400 square kilometers. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1992. However, due to heavy rains, stealing and lack of protection for centuries, most temples of Angkor were seriously damaged.In order to better protect and conserve these pearls of human civilization, China joined ICC-Angkor, an international campaign launched by Cambodia and UNESCO in 1993. From Chausay Tevada to Ta Keo, the Chinese team has earned trust and established a good reputation."Its unfinished status shows the construction procedures of temples in Angkor. This gives Ta Keo irreplaceable value in the study of Angkor's architecture, " said Jin Zhaoyu, an engineer from the CACH(中国文化遗产研究院).Such uniqueness, however, presented greater challenges. Compared with Chausay Tevada, it covers a larger area and has more risks including unsteady stone structures, a poor drainage system and fallen key parts."Because the construction is unfinished, many fallen parts are not carved, leaving little information of its relations with other parts, " said Jin.Jin showed archives of those fallen parts, each with its ID file, picture and dimensions. "Every stone is unique lf one stone is in the wrong position, the gap will grow wider as you restore it and an accurate restoration will be impossible," said Jin "Simply speaking, our priorities are 'searching' and 'matching '. Finding the fallen parts and putting them back perfectly. "To better understand the temple's structure and precisely restore it, the team applied the most advanced technologies, including 3D laser scanning and mapping, structural research and drone recording, to build a complete digital model of Ta Keo.Jin demonstrated the 3D model system, with which they restored the temple hundreds of times. "I can measure the dimensions of every stone and every gap in computer, and search the right stone that can fit in the gap, " Jin said.This is much easier said than done. Dozens of Chinese experts from various fields worked together with Cambodian colleagues to overcome a string of obstacles. It took them eight years to restore Ta Keo32. What can we learn about the Angkor complex from the text?A. It was abandoned before it was finishedB. It has the largest size of its kind worldwide.C. It is in poor condition due to various reasonsD. Its significance has been ignored for a long time.33. Why is Ta Keo so important in the field of architecture?A It covers a very large area. B. It tells how the temple was built.C. It has a history of more than 900 yearsD. It was on the World Heritage List.34. What was the biggest challenge the Chinese team faced while restoring Ta Keo?A Serious damage it had sufferecL B. Building the 3D model system.C. Co-operation with Cambodian colleaguesD. Knowing little about its structure35 What is the best title for the text?A Hi-tech Applied to Restore Ta KeoB. Protecting Pearls of Human CivilizationC. International Co-operation and RestorationD. China's Role in Restoring Cambodian Heritage第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Twenty-five years of experience in the field have convinced me that many people who consider themselves to be highly intelligent are not necessarily good thinkers. 36 There are many aspects of this trap but I shall mention just two.A highly intelligent person can take a view on a subject and then use his or her intelligence to defend that view. 37 _ When a person has a better defence of the view, he or she is less likely to seek out alternatives or listen to anyone else 38 As a result, many highly intelligent minds are trapped in poor ideas because they can defend them so weILA second aspect of the intelligence trap is that a person, who has grown up with the notion that he or she is more intelligent than those around, wants to get the most satisfaction from that intelligence. 39 Such a strategy gives you an immediate result and also establishes your superiority. Being constructive is much less rewarding. It may take years to show that a new idea works. 40 So it is obvious that being critical anddestructive is a much more appealing use of intelligence. This is made even worse by the absurd Western notion that ' critical thinking' is enough.A They get caught in the intelligence trapB. But why are intelligent people not good thinkers?C. Intelligent people always enjoy arguing with others.D. You also have to depend on the listener liking your idea.E. A person with higher intelligence always defends one's view better.F. The quickest and most reliable way is to prove someone else wrong.G. If you know that you are right, why should you do either of those things?第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。