




_______________________________________________________.【答案】Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx【解析】略2.按字母表顺序填入所缺的字母,并圈出元音字母。

(14分)D Lp s【解析】略3.按字母表顺序重新排列下列字母。

(9分)M, G, K, O, Q, V, I上述字母中,元音字母是。


A. FGSXJYZB. MNKERBD【答案】A【解析】略5. John 刚接到一封密电,其中的各数均代表一个字母,即 A=1,B=2,C=3……你能帮他译出来吗?【解析】略6.英语中不定冠词a用于以_____开头的单词前,定冠词the用在以__ _开头的单词前一般读/i:/。

A.辅音音素;元音字母B.辅音音素;元音音素C.元音字母;辅音字母【答案】B【解析】略7. Write (写出5个元音字母的大小写)(5%)【解析】略8.根据图片提示将字母重新排列,组成正确的单词。


(6分)C X P G W V L M Z T B KD Y H J N Q S⑴A:___________________________________________________________________________ ⑵E:___________________________________________________________________________ ⑶U:___________________________________________________________________________ ⑷F:___________________________________________________________________________【答案】⑴HJK;⑵BCDGPTV;⑶QW;⑷LMNSXZ【解析】思路分析:本题考查对48个国际音标里面的元音因素与辅音字母的关联。



六年级英语试题考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:xxx 分钟;出题人:xxx 姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.My brother ________ to school tomorrow because he ________ill. A 、isn't going; is B 、doesn't go; was C 、went; was2.( ) (5)She _____ interested in making doll.A. is B. are C.be3.There is a girl _______ No. 2 Primary School _______ Kunming.A .at; inB .in; onC .on; inD .on; at4.My brother_____ English in England. A. study B. studys C. studies5.( )She always _________ Chinese at home. A .says B .speaks C .talks D .talls6.How_____ some cake ? Sounds good.A.aboutB. muchC.many7.We _______ a monkey _______ on the hills last week.A .saw, jumpB .saw, jumpingC .saw, jumpsD .see, jumping 8.( ) You should ___________ your little brother when your mother is out. A .look at B .look for C .look after D .look up 9.( ) ________ are all good students in schools. A .You, I and she B .I, she and you C .You, she and ID.She, you and I10.选择所给的句子,补全对话。



六年级英语试卷带答案解析考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:xxx 分钟;出题人:xxx 姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.I like ____the shapes. A .a B .an C .the D .all2.( )The Huanghe River is five thousand metres _______ . A .long B .big C .tall D .high3.Would you mind _____ the window for me? A .close B .to close C .closed D .closing4.选出下面各组单词中划线部分字母读音不同的单词。

( ) 1. A. path B. father C. apple D. asking ( ) 2. A. nut B. put C. thumb D. must ( ) 3. A. supermarket B. sun C. run D. hungry ( ) 4. A. can. B. family C. fat D. bathroomst summer.I ______to a lake with my mother. A. go B. went C. goes6.选出每组中不同类的单词。

7.Does she _______hiking? A. going B. go C. goes 8.I must ______ the traffic lights.A.look afterB. pay attention toC. look for9.找出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的选项,将序号填入括号内。

( ) (1)A. good B. cook C. moon ( ) (2)A. forty B. doctor C. morning ( ) (3)A.brown B. how C. window ( ) (4)A.duty B. bus C. must ( ) (5)A.horse B. house C. mouse 10.So it ______ the other snake. A .copy B .copies C .copys二、判断题11.判断所给句子与图片是(T )否(F )一致。











三、使用说明1. 请将本修订版汉语拼音字母表及全音节表打印在A4纸上,以便于随时查阅和学习。

2. 学习时,请先掌握汉语拼音字母表中的字母及其对应的拼音音节,再逐步学习全音节表中的音节组合。

3. 在学习过程中,建议结合实际发音进行练习,以提高发音准确性。








汉语拼音字母表完整版_可A打印声母:Bb Pp M m Ff Dd Tt Nn Ll Gg Kk Hh Jj Qq Xx Zz Cc Ss Rr Yy Ww翘舌音:zh ch sh单韵母:a o e i u u(u上边有两点读於)复韵母:ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ue (u上边有两点) er an en in ang eng ing ong整体认读音节:zhi chi shi yi wu yu yin yun ye yue音序表:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz声母表b p m fd t n lg k h j q xzh ch sh rz c sy w韵母表a o e i u üai ei ui ao ou iu ie üe er an en in unang eng ing ong声母表b p m f d t n l g k h j q xzh ch sh r z c sy w韵母表a o e i u üai ei uiAo ou iuie üe eran en in un ang eng ing ong汉语拼音音节表b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi bie biao bian binbingp pa po pai pao pou pan pen pang peng pi pie piao pian pin pingm ma mo me mai mao mou man men mang meng mi mie miao miu mian min mingf fa fo fei fou fan fen fang fengd da de dai dei dao dou dan dang deng di die diao diu diandingt ta te tai tao tou tan tang teng ti tie tiao tian tingn na nai nei nao no nen nang neng ni nie niao niu nian nin niang ningl la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng li lia lie liao liu lian lin liang ling g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang gengk ka ke kai kou kan ken kang kengh ha he hai hei hao hou hen hang hengj ji jia jie jiao jiu jian jin jiang jingq qi qia qie qiao qiu qian qin qiang qingx xi xia xie xiao xiu xian xin xiang xingzh zha zhe zhi zhai zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zhengch cha che chi chai chou chan chen chang cheng sh sha she shi shai shao shou shan shen shang shengr re ri rao rou ran ren rang rengz za ze zi zai zao zou zang zengc ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang cengs sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang sengy ya yao you yan yang yu ye yue yuan yi yin yun ying w wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng wu前鼻韵母(5个)n en i n un ün后鼻韵母四(4个)ng eng ing ong汉语拼音字母表Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz汉语拼音声母表b [玻] p [坡] m [摸] f [佛] d [得] t [特] n [讷] l [勒] g [哥] k [科] h [喝] j [基] q [欺] x [希] z [资] c[;雌] s [思] r [日] zh[知] ch [嗤] sh [诗] y [医] w [巫] 汉语拼音韵母表单韵母a[阿] o[喔] e[鹅] i[衣] u[乌] ü[迂]复韵母ai[哀] ei[唉] ui[威] ao[奥] ou[欧] iu[由] ie[耶] üe[椰] er[儿] 前鼻韵母an[安] en[恩] in[因] un[温]后鼻韵母ang[昂] eng[摁] ing[英] ong[雍]整体认读音节:zi ci si zhi chi shi ri yi wu yu yin ying yun ye yue yuan声调符号阴平:- 阳平:/ 上声:∨ 去声:﹨汉语拼音采用拉丁字母和一些附加符号表示汉语的发音。



声母:b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zc s r y w翘舌音:zh ch sh单韵母:ɑ o e i uü复韵母:ɑi ei ui ɑo ou iu ie üe erɑn en in ɑng eng ing ong整体认读音节:zhi chi shi yi wu yu yin yun ye yue音序表:a b c d e f g h I j k l m no p q r s t u v w x y z声母表b p m fd t n lg k h j q xzh ch sh rz c sy w韵母表ɑ o e i u üɑi ei ui ɑo ou iu ie üe er ɑn en in un ang eng ing ong 前鼻韵母(5个)n en in un ün后鼻韵母四(4个)ng eng ing ong声母表b p m f d t n l g k h j q xzh ch sh r z c s y w韵母表ɑ o e i u üɑi ei ui ɑo ou iu ie üe er ɑn en in un ɑng eng ing ong汉语拼音音节表b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi bie biao bian bin bing p pa po pai pao pou pan pen pang peng pi pie piao pian pin ping m ma mo me mai mao mou man men mang meng mi mie miao miu mian min mingf fa fo fei fou fan fen fang fengd da de dai dei dao dou dan dang deng di die diao diu dian ding t ta te tai tao tou tan tang teng ti tie tiao tian ting n na nai nei nao no nen nang neng ni nie niao niu niannin niang ningl la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng li lia lie liao liu lian lin liang lingg ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang gengk ka ke kai kou kan ken kang kengh ha he hai hei hao hou hen hang hengj ji jia jie jiao jiu jian jin jiang jingq qi qia qie qiao qiu qian qin qiang qingx xi xia xie xiao xiu xian xin xiang xingzh zha zhe zhi zhai zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng ch cha che chi chai chou chan chen chang cheng sh sha she shi shai shao shou shan shen shang sheng r re ri rao rou ran ren rang rengz za ze zi zai zao zou zang zengc ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang cengs sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang sengy ya yao you yan yang yu ye yue yuan yi yin yun ying w wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng wu汉语拼音字母表Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz汉语拼音声母表b [玻] p [坡] m [摸] f [佛] d [得] t [特] n [讷] l [勒] g [哥] k [科] h [喝] j [基] q [欺] x [希] z [资] c[;雌] s [思] r [日] zh[知] ch [嗤] sh [诗] y [医] w [巫]汉语拼音韵母表单韵母 a[阿] o[喔] e[鹅] i[衣] u[乌] ü[迂] 复韵母 ai[哀] ei[唉] ui[威] ao[奥] ou[欧]iu[由] ie[耶] üe[椰] er[儿]前鼻韵母 an[安] en[恩] in[因] un[温]后鼻韵母 ang[昂] eng[摁] ing[英] ong[雍]整体认读音节:zi ci si zhi chi shi ri yi wu yu yin ying yun ye yue yuan声调符号阴平:- 阳平:/ 上声:∨去声:﹨汉语拼音采用拉丁字母和一些附加符号表示汉语的发音。



声母:Bb Pp M m Ff Dd Tt Nn Ll Gg Kk Hh Jj Qq Xx Zz Cc Ss Rr Yy Ww翘舌音:zh ch sh单韵母:a o e i u u(u上边有两点读於)复韵母:ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ue (u上边有两点)er an en in ang eng ing ong整体认读音节:zhi chi shi yi wu yu yin yun ye yue音序表:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz声母表b p m fdt n lg kh j q xzhch sh rz csy w韵母表a o e i u üai ei uiao ou iu ie üe er an en in unang eng ing ong声母表b p m f d t n l g k hj q xzh ch sh r z c s y w韵母表a o e i u üai ei uiAo ou iuie üe eran en in unang eng ing ong汉语拼音音节表b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi bie biao bian bin bing p pa po pai pao pou pan pen pang peng pi pie piao pian pin ping m ma mo me mai mao mou man men mang meng mi mie miao miu mian min ming f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng d da de daidei dao dou dan dang deng di die diao diu dian dingt ta te tai tao tou tan tang teng ti tie tiao tian ting n na nai nei nao no nen nang neng ni nie niao niu nian nin niang ning l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng li lia lie liao liu lian lin liang ling g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng k ka ke kai kou kan ken kang keng h ha he hai hei hao hou hen hang heng j ji jia jie jiao jiu jian jin jiang jing q qi qia qie qiao qiu qian qin qiang qing x xi xia xie xiao xiu xian xin xiang xing zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng ch cha che chi chai chou chan chen chang cheng sh sha she shi shai shao shou shan shen shangsheng r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng z za ze zi zai zao zou zang zeng c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng y ya yao you yan yang yu ye yue yuan yi yin yun ying w wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng wu前鼻韵母(5个)n en in un ün后鼻韵母四(4个)ng eng ing ong汉语拼音字母表Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz汉语拼音声母表b [玻] p [坡] m [摸] f [佛] d [得] t [特] n [讷] l [勒] g [哥] k [科] h [喝] j [基] q [欺] x [希] z [资] c[;雌] s [思] r [日] zh[知] ch [嗤] sh [诗] y [医] w [巫]汉语拼音韵母表单韵母a[阿] o[喔] e[鹅] i[衣] u[乌] ü[迂]复韵母ai[哀] ei[唉] ui[威] ao[奥] ou[欧] iu[由]ie[耶] üe[椰] er[儿]前鼻韵母an[安] en[恩] in[因] un[温]后鼻韵母ang[昂] eng[摁] ing[英] ong[雍]整体认读音节:zi ci si zhi chi shi ri yi wu yu yin ying yun ye yue yuan声调符号阴平:- 阳平:/ 上声:∨ 去声:﹨汉语拼音采用拉丁字母和一些附加符号表示汉语的发音。



1、15个与拼音相似的字母发音:请用拼音朗读法读出下列字母的发音:b d f g h I k l m n p s t y z ch sh in ing;拼词练习:Big 大的adj. ; bid 出价n./v.; bin箱柜n. ; bit少量n.;Dig 挖v. ; dim暗淡的adj. ; din喧嚣n. ; ding 钟声n. ; dip沾v.;Fin鳍n. ; fit合适的adj. ; fish鱼、鱼肉n. ; fig无花果n. ; gig 旋转物n.; Him他(宾格)n.; his他的;hip臀n. ; hit打v.;Is是v. ; it 它n. ; in在里面;ink墨水n. ; if如果;imp顽童、小淘气; Kid孩子n. ; kin亲戚n.; king国王n. ; kink(绳,头发等的纽)结kip小牛皮n.; kit工具箱;lid 盖子n.; ling鳕鱼;lip嘴唇n.;mint 薄荷n.; mini迷你型\袖珍型n. ; mink 貂n. ; mix 使混合v.;nib 钢笔尖n.;nip捏,夹v.; nit (虱等)幼虫,卵;nix禁止,拒绝v.;pin 别针n. ; ping子弹飞过空中的声音n.; pink粉色的adj.;pinch 掐v. ; pip果仁,种子n.; pit深坑,陷阱n.; pig猪n. ;sin 罪过n. ; sink水槽水池n.; sing 唱v. ; sip吸吮v.;sit坐v.; six六;tin罐n.; ting 铃的响声n.; tint 色彩n. tip小费/ 顶n. ; tit山雀n.; zip拉上拉链v. ; zing子弹声n. ; zit 丘疹n.;fink乞丐/告密人;link 火把n.; 连结v.;fist 拳头n. ; list 清单/名单n. ; mist 薄雾;gift礼物n.; lift电梯/起重机/搭车n. ; sift评审v.;limit界限/限制n. ; limiting 限制的adj. ; limp跛行v.impish 顽童似的/顽皮的adj. ; kinship 血统关系n.;India 印度n. ; Indian 印度人;印第安人piggy小猪n.豆丁致力于构建全球领先的文档发布与销售平台,面向世界范围提供便捷、安全、专业、有效的文档营销服务。



一、26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]H h [eit∫]I i [ai]J j [d3ei]K k [kei]L l [el]M m [em]N n [en]O o [əu]P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:]X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:]二、英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei]: 字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:]: 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元音音素[e]: 字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素[ju:]: 字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai]: 字母: Ii Yy 音标: [ai] [wai]字母组合发音归类1./i:/ea t ea ea t t ea ch er pl ea se ice-cr ea m p ea ch j ea ns sn ea k er s r ea d m ea l s ea l s ea t b ea tee m ee t s ee gr ee n coff ee th r ee th irt ee n f our t ee n fift ee n sixt ee n sevent ee n ei gh t ee n ninet ee n j ee p qu ee n f ee d t ee nsh ee p sw ee t b ee f w ee kend Hall ow ee n tr ee sl ee p n ee d w ee k f ee l s ee d d ee p betw ee n b ee f ee t2. /au/ow br ow n h ow w ow c ow fl ow er d ow n n ow t ow n cr ow nou m ou th m ou se ou t h ou se ou r pl ay gr ou nd cl ou dy s ou nd s ou rh ou sew or k cl ou d ab ou t c ou nt b ou nce m ou ntain s ou thacc ou ntant spr ou t l ou d3./əu/ow yell ow rainb ow wind ow sn ow y sn ow sn ow man kn ow tom or r ow r ow sh ow gr owoa b oa t c oa t rainc oa t g oa t r oa d g oa l l oa d c oa ch fl oa t th r oa t4./  /or m or ning or ange sh or t m or e f or f or k sh or ts New Y or k h or se p or k sp or ts b oo kst or e st or e n or th rep or t rep or ter sh or ter s or e b or ed st or m tom or r owaw dr aw l aw str aw b er ry oor fl oor d oorall / l/ b all sm all t all w all basketb all baseb all f all t all er sm all er c all5./ ə: /ir b ir d squ ir rel b ir th day sh ir t sk ir t T-sh ir t th ir t ee n th ir ty f ir st th ir d girlur p ur ple hamb ur g er n ur se Th ur sd ay Sat ur d ay f ur t ur n ret ur nc ur tain6./ ə /er rul er eras er sh ar pn er fing er aft er n oo n wat er t ea ch er fa th er mo th er grandmo th er grandfa th er bro th er sist er wat er melonc er tainly comput er f ar m er driv er pl ay er dinn er sw ea t er w ea th ermatt er sn ea k er s slipp er s rememb er sing er writ er rep or t ercl ea n er yest er d ay tall er sh or t er strong er old er young ercentimet er funni er bigg er small er h ea vi er long er thinn erlobst er kill er fev er matt er bett er und er ov er cucumb erexc er cises summ er wint er Septemb er Octob er Novemb er Decemb er air-condition er cent er str aw b er ry sup er answ er answ er ingclimb er howev er ev er forev er tig er riv er fl ow eror doct or act or w or k homew or k h ou sew or k fact or y vist or au th or mirr or our col our fav our ite col our ful7.th/ð/ th e th is th at th at’s fa th er grandfa th er mo th er grandmo th er bro th er th ey th ey’re th em th ere ei th er th en o th ertoge th er ano th er wi th th ose th ese w ea th er clo th es/ө/ th ank th anks m ou th b ir th d ay th r ee th ir t ee n th ir ty four th fif th six th seven th eigh th nin th ten th eleven th twelf th ninet ee n th twentie th th in Th ur sd ay h ea l th y th ir d nor thsou th mon th th ink th eme th inn er th ing some th ing ba th roompa th8./ei/ai r ai n r ai nb ow w ai t r ai ny e-m ai l str ai ght ag ai n p ai nt tr ai n p ai nay b ir th d ay pl ay m ay M ay d ay w ay st ay aw ay holid ay alway s s ay tod ay subw ay9./ ☪☯/air air ch air st air h air p air air-condition er f airear b ear w ear sw ear p ear ere th ere wh ere10./i☯ /ear ear h ear d ear n ear cl eareer d eer ch eer b eerere h ere11./u:/oo sch oo l aft er n oo n t oo ball oo n z oo c oo l r oo m classr oo m wa sh r oo m be dr oo m ba th r oo m g oo se b oo ts n oo n s oo nou s ou p gr ou p c ou p12./a:/a a ft er n oo n a ft er ban a na d a nce l a st cl a ss gl a ss gr a ss grandm agrandp a m a m a pl a nt a skar sh ar pn er f ar mer f ar m g ar den ar t ar tist w ar m p ar k sh ar k ar ec ard c ar h ar d m ar ket sup er m ar ket13./ai/y sk y wh y sp y sl y fl y cr y tr y bu y b y eigh l igh t r igh t h igh n igh t m igh t f igh t14./ ♦☞/ch mu ch Fren ch ch icken tea ch tea ch er wat ch pea ch ch air ch ildren Ch ina Ch inese whi ch ea ch mat ch cat ch ch opsticks15./ ☞/sh fi sh sh e sh or t sh or ts Engli sh sh ir t sh oes sh ip sh op sh opping wa sh wa sh r oo m di sh es sh elf16./ts/ ts shor ts rabbi ts ki t e s17./tr/ tr tr ee18./dr/ dr dr ess hun dr ed 18./kw/qu qu estion qu een qu iet19./tw/ tw tw enty tw elve tw elfth tw entie th20/ i/oy b oy t oyoi ch oi ce p oi nt21/u☯/ s ure p oor22./dz/ ds b ir ds w oo ds23./ŋ/ ng th i ng a nsweri ng24./w/ wh wh y wh ere wh o wh at wh en25./i/i th i n th i nky happ y worr y ever y countr y reall y sorr y funn y str aw b er r y lovel y librar y read y rain y wind y snow y sunn y cloud y prett y sevent y twent y thirt y fort y man y an y h ea l th y salt y happ yangr y stud yay Mond ay Tuesd ay Wednesd ay Thursd ay Frid ay Saturd ay Sund ay /j/ y y ell ow y o-y o y eah y es。

汉语拼音字母表_完整版_可A4打印 (2)

汉语拼音字母表_完整版_可A4打印 (2)

声母:BbPpMmFfDdTtNnLlGgKkHhJjQqXxZzCcSsRrYyWw 翘舌音:zhchsh单韵母:aoeiuu(u上边有两点读於)复韵母:aieiuiaoouiuieue(u上边有两点)eraneninangengingong整体认读音节:zhichishiyiwuyuyinyunyeyue音序表:AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz声母表bpmfdtnlgkhjqxzhchshrzcsyw韵母表aoeiuüaieiuiaoouiuieüeer aneninun angengingong声母表bpmfdtnlgkhjqx zhchshrzcsyw韵母表aoeiuüaieiuiAoouiuieüeeraneninun angengingong汉语拼音音节表b babobaibeibaobanbenbangbengbibiebiaobianbinbing p papopaipaopoupanpenpangpengpipiepiaopianpinpingm mamomemaimaomoumanmenmangmengmimiemiaomiumianminmi ngf fafofeifoufanfenfangfengd dadedaideidaodoudandangdengdidiediaodiudiandingt tatetaitaotoutantangtengtitietiaotiantingn nanaineinaononennangnengninieniaoniunianninniangning l lalelaileilaoloulanlanglenglilialieliaoliulianlinlianglingg gagegaigeigaogougangenganggengk kakekaikoukankenkangkengh hahehaiheihaohouhenhanghengj jijiajiejiaojiujianjinjiangjingq qiqiaqieqiaoqiuqianqinqiangqingxzh zhazhezhizhaizhaozhouzhanzhenzhangzhengch chachechichaichouchanchenchangchengsh shasheshishaishaoshoushanshenshangshengr reriraorouranrenrangrengz zazezizaizaozouzangzengc cacecicaicaocoucancencangcengs sasesisaisaosousansensangsengy yayaoyouyanyangyuyeyueyuanyiyinyunyingw wawowaiweiwanwenwangwengwu前鼻韵母(5个)neninunün后鼻韵母四(4个)ngengingong汉语拼音字母表AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoppQqRrSsTt UuVvWwXxYyZz汉语拼音声母表b[玻]p[坡]m[摸]f[佛]d[得]t[特]n[讷]l[勒]g[哥]k[科]h[喝]j[基]q[欺]x[希]z[资]c[;雌]s[思]r[日]zh[知]ch[嗤]sh[诗]y[医]w[巫]汉语拼音韵母表单韵母a[阿]o[喔]e[鹅]i[衣]u[乌]ü[迂]复韵母ai[哀]ei[唉]ui[威]ao[奥]ou[欧]iu[由]ie[耶]üe[椰]er[儿] 前鼻韵母an[安]en[恩]in[因]un[温]后鼻韵母ang[昂]eng[摁]ing[英]ong[雍]整体认读音节:zicisizhichishiriyiwuyuyinyingyunyeyueyuan声调符号阴平:-阳平:/上声:∨去声:﹨汉语拼音采用拉丁字母和一些附加符号表示汉语的发音。



六年级英语试卷考试范围:xxx;考试时间:xxx分钟;出题人:xxx姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.The park is near the hospital. We can also say it’s _______ the hospital.A.betweenB.far fromC.next toD.in2.—What ___________can you see?—I can see an elephant.A. colourB. animalC. Fruit3.()The Changjiang River ________long.A. areB. amC. is4.( ) —What is ________ favourite season?—She likes spring.A.she’s B.her C.hers D.she5.What’s this book ______ ?A. aboutB. atC. in6.When ________ your birthday?A.are B.was C.is7.______is usually in April.A. Father’s DayB. Mother’s DayC. Easter8._____is the capital of Greece.A. LondonB. AthensC. Canberra9.So many ____________ !A.sheepB. beeC. balloon10.This girl to school on foot every day.A. go B.goes C.went评卷人得分二、判断题11.Read and tick or cross. 阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断正误。




_______________________________________________________.Ⅱ. 汉译英。

1.看起来像2.长发3.中等身材4.一张圆脸5.明天见6.来自7.他的朋友8.我的老师9.手机 10.二年级八班Ⅲ. 句型转换。

1. My hair is black.(就划线部分提问)。

_____ _____ is your hair?2. He looks a little heavy.(就划线部分提问)_____ _____ he look like?3. She has two short arms.(改为否定句)She _____ _____ two short arms.4. We are from Brazil. (改为一般疑问句)_____ _____ from Brazil?5. His father is fine.(就划线部分提问)_____ _____ his father?Ⅳ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. What' s ____ (she) name?2. Who are ____ (their)?3. We are good _____ (friend).4. My brother _____ (have) a nice shirt.5. This is my _____ (mother) handbag.6. Let's _____ (are) here at six.7. Nice _____ (meet) you.8. Her sister is from _____ (Japanese).9. Is he _____ (Germany)?10. She is 12 _____ (year) old.Ⅴ. 单项选择。

( )1. ____ name is Ann. What's ____ name?A. She, youB. Her, yourC. Her, youD. She, your( )2. ---______? ---It's my friend, Tom.A. Who's thatB. What's thisC. What's thatD. What's your name( )3. Maria is ____ English girl.A. theB. aC. anD. /( )4. He is from Canada, he is a _____.A. CanadiansB. KoreanC. AustralianD. Canadian( )5. ---_____ is your mother? ---She is 39.A. How oldB. WhatC. WhereD. How( )6. What's this ____Japanese?A. ofB. toC. inD. at( )7. ---How do you do? ---_____.A. How old are you?B. Fine, thanks.C. How are you?D. How do you do? ( )8.I s this your ____?A. a watchB. watchC. watchesD. a watches( )9.______ are good friends.A. Me and TomB. Tom and meC. Tom and ID. I and Tom( )10.---_____ do you spell book? ---B-O-O-K, bookA. HowB. WhatC. What'sD. Where( )11._____ are her _____.A. This, brotherB. these, brothersC. These, brotherD. These, brothers( )12.可表示"中国共产党"的英文缩略词是_____.A. NBAB. CPCC. ABCD. APC( )13. ---Are you Dick? ---Yes, ____.A. I amB. you are C I'm . D. you is.( )14. ---Thanks very much. ---_____.A. All rightB. Don't thank meC. That's OK.D. Oh, yes.( )15. ---_____ is Changchun? ---It's in Jilin.A. WhereB. HowC. WhatD. WhoⅥ. 情景会话。




Mr. White and his_____1_____ wanted to do it bydecided to paint the outside of their house. To save money they_____2_____. On Saturday morning they bought some paint and two brushes.They began that afternoon_____3_____ the back of the house. The nextSaturday_____4_____ went toa football match while his wife painted the____5______ of the house. On Sunday they found theycouldn’t open____6______ of the front windows. They got them all____7______ in the end. But they_____8_____ three of the seven which were very expensive to repair. Next time _____9_____ ____10______ try tosave money, they’ll certainly payto do the work.( )⑴A. wife B. sister C. daughter D. mother( )⑵A. themselves B. himself C. yourselves D. itself( )⑶A. and B. for C. of D. from( )⑷A. Mr. White B. Mrs. White C. a player D. a painter( )⑸ A. before B. front C. back D. top( )⑹A. any B. some C. every D. no( )⑺A. open B. closed C.broken D. shout( )⑻A. broke B. closed C. opened D. shut( )⑼A. when B. after C. before D. with( )⑽A. someone B.anyone C. everyone D. none【答案】⑴A;⑵A;⑶D;⑷A;⑸B;⑹A;⑺A;⑻A;⑼A;⑽A【解析】思路分析:联系上下文意思来分析判断,不要盲目的急于求成,并不是所有的空格都要一次完成,有的空格需要先看下文,再返回去填写,选好答案后,把答案代入文章中,再通读全文,看答案是否合理,单词形式是否适当。



26个大写字母表一、字母表A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I、J、K、L、M、N、O、P、Q、R、S、T、U、V、W、X、Y、Z二、解析(一)元音字母(5个)- A [eɪ]-发音特点:它是元音字母,有多种发音,最常见的发音为双元音[eɪ],如在单词“name [neɪm]”(名字)和“cake [keɪk]”(蛋糕)中。


- E [iː]-发音特点:元音字母,长元音[iː]是常见发音,例如在“he [hiː]”(他)和“me [miː]”(我,宾格)中,发音清晰且响亮。


- I [aɪ]-发音特点:元音字母,通常发双元音[aɪ],像在“bike [baɪk]”(自行车)和“like [laɪk]”(喜欢)里,发音时嘴巴从开到合。


- O [əʊ]-发音特点:元音字母,常见发音为[əʊ],比如在“go [gəʊ]”(去)和“no [nəʊ]”(不)中,发音饱满。


- U [juː]-发音特点:元音字母,一般发[juː],例如在“use [juːz]”(使用)和“cute [kjuːt]”(可爱的)中,但在某些情况下也有特殊发音。

-在单词中的作用:用于构成许多与动作、状态、性质相关的单词,像“up (向上)”“under(在……下面)”“uncle(叔叔)”。



Bb Pp M m Ff Dd Tt Nn Ll Gg Kk Hh Jj Qq Xx Zz Cc Ss Rr Yy Ww翘舌音:zh ch sh单韵母:a o e i u u(u上边有两点读於)复韵母:ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ue (u上边有两点)er an en in ang eng ing ong整体认读音节:zhi chi shi yi wu yu yin yun ye yue音序表:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz声母表b p m fdt n lg kh j q xzhch sh rz csy w韵母表a o e i u üai ei uiao ou iu ie üe eran en in unang eng ing ong声母表b p m f d t n l g k hj q xzh ch sh r z c sy w 韵母表a o e i u üai ei uiAo ou iuie üe er an en in un ang eng ing ong汉语拼音音节表 bba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi bie biao bian bin bing p pa po pai pao pou pan pen pang peng pi pie piao pian pin ping mma mo me mai mao mou man men mang meng mi mie miao miu mian min ming f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang fengdda de dai dei dao dou dan dang deng di die diao diu dian ding tta te tai tao tou tan tang teng ti tie tiao tianting nna nai nei nao no nen nang neng ni nie niao niu nian nin niang ninglla le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng li lia lie liao liu lian lin liang ling g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang gengkka ke kai kou kan ken kang kenghha he hai hei hao hou hen hang heng j ji jia jie jiao jiu jian jin jiang jing qqi qia qie qiao qiu qian qin qiang qing xxi xia xie xiao xiu xian xin xiang xingzhzha zhe zhi zhai zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng chcha che chi chai chou chan chen chang cheng shsha she shi shai shao shou shan shen shang sheng rre ri rao rou ran ren rang rengzza ze zi zai zao zou zang zeng cca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang cengssa se si sai sao sou san sen sang sengy ya yao you yan yang yu ye yue yuan yi yin yun yingwwa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng wu前鼻韵母(5个)n en in un ün后鼻韵母四(4个)ng eng ing ong汉语拼音字母表Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz汉语拼音声母表b [玻] p [坡] m [摸] f [佛] d [得] t [特] n [讷] l [勒] g [哥] k [科] h [喝] j [基] q [欺] x [希] z [资] c[;雌] s [思] r [日] zh[知] ch [嗤] sh [诗] y [医] w [巫]汉语拼音韵母表单韵母 a[阿] o[喔] e[鹅] i[衣] u[乌] ü[迂]复韵母 ai[哀] ei[唉] ui[威] ao[奥] ou[欧] iu[由] ie[耶] üe[椰] er[儿]前鼻韵母 an[安] en[恩] in[因] un[温]后鼻韵母 ang[昂] eng[摁] ing[英] ong[雍]整体认读音节:zi ci si zhi chi shi ri yi wu yu yin ying yun ye yue yuan声调符号阴平:- 阳平:/ 上声:∨ 去声:﹨汉语拼音采用拉丁字母和一些附加符号表示汉语的发音。




_______________________________________________________ Ⅱ. 汉译英。

1.看起来像2.长发3.中等身材4.一张圆脸5.明天见6.来自7.他的朋友8.我的'老师9.手机 10.二年级八班Ⅲ. 句型转换。

1. My hair is black.(就划线部分提问)。

_____ _____ is your hair?2. He looks a little heavy.(就划线部分提问)_____ _____ he look like?3. She has two short arms.(改为否定句)She _____ _____ two short arms.4. We are from Brazil. (改为一般疑问句)_____ _____ from Brazil?5. His father is fine.(就划线部分提问)_____ _____ his father?Ⅳ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

2. Who are ____ (their)?3. We are good _____ (friend).4. My brother _____ (have) a nice shirt.5. This is my _____ (mother) handbag.6. Let’s _____ (are) here at six.7. Nice _____ (meet) you.8. Her sister is from _____ (Japanese).9. Is he _____ (Germany)?10. She is 12 _____ (year) old.Ⅴ. 单项选择。

1. ____ name is Ann. What’s ____ name?A. She, youB. Her, yourC. Her, youD. She, your2. ---______? ---It’s my friend, Tom.A. Who’s thatB. What’s thisC. What’s thatD. What’s your name3. Maria is ____ English girl.A. theB. aC. anD. /4. He is from Canada, he is a _____.A. CanadiansB. KoreanC. AustralianD. Canadian5. ---_____ is your mother? ---She is 39.A. How oldB. WhatC. WhereD. HowA. ofB. toC. inD. at7. ---How do you do? ---_____.A. How old are you?B. Fine, thanks.C. How are you?D. How do you do?8.I s this your ____?A. a watchB. watchC. watchesD. a watches9.______ are good friends.A. Me and TomB. Tom and meC. Tom and ID. I and Tom10.---_____ do you spell book? ---B-O-O-K, bookA. HowB. WhatC. What’sD. Where11._____ are her _____.A. This, brotherB. these, brothersC. These, brotherD. These, brothers12.可表示“中国共产党”的英文缩略词是_____.A. NBAB. CPCC. ABCD. APC13. ---Are you Dick? ---Yes, ____.A. I amB. you are C I’m . D. you is.14. ---Thanks very much. ---_____.A. All rightB. Don’t thank meC. That’s OK.D. Oh, yes.15. ---_____ is Changchun? ---It’s in Jilin.A. WhereB. HowC. WhatD. WhoⅥ. 情景会话。



六年级英语期中试卷带答案解析考试范围:xxx;考试时间:xxx分钟;出题人:xxx姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.My sister likes books very much.A. readingB. readsC. read2.读词组看图,选择与图意相符的词组,将其标号填写在图下横线上。

A.play the violinB. go to the beachC.have a picnicD.drink juice E.go skatingF. answer the phoneG. plant treesH.climb the hillI.walk the dogJ. have a fever(1)______ (2)______ (3)______ (4)_____ (5)_______(6)____ _ (7)_______ (8)______ (9)_____ (10)______3.录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。

⑴What day is today?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.⑵What does Linda do after she gets up?A. She takes a shower.B.She takes a walk.C. She eats breakfast.⑶When does Linda have a piano lesson?A. From 7:30 to 9:30.B. From 9:30 to 11:30.C. From 10:30 to 12:30.⑷What’s Linda’s favorite foo d?A. Rice.B. Salad.C. Hamburgers.⑸What doesn’t Linda do in the afternoon?A. Do homework.B. Go shopping.C. Go swimming.4.--How ____books do you have?---Twenty.A.old B.many C.much D.more5.How to say “10:15” ?A.ten past fifteen B.fifteen ten C.ten a quarter D.a quarter past ten6.Where does the rain come from?A. It comes from the clouds.B. It comes from the vapour.C. It comes from the water in the river.7.In England and Australia,drive on the________.A.left sideB.right sideC.both sids8.I’m going to_________________ a book tomorrow.A. buyB. buyingC. bought9.Jim is studying English. His teacher is talking to him _______ English.A.in B.with C.on D.about10.How do you come to school?_________.A.She usually walks.B.I sometimes come by bus.C.The bus is coming.D.Sure.二、判断题11.听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示。



六年级英语试卷考试范围:xxx;考试时间:xxx分钟;出题人:xxx姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.( )—I usually go there by train.—Why not__________ by boat for a change?A.to try goingB.trying to goC.to try and goD.try going2.What is the matter with your mom?------_____________A. My nose hurtsB. Her nose hurts.3.连词成句,注意标点符号的使用。

(10分)(1)can mom I to speak please your____________________________________________________(2)study writing she’s in e-mail an the____________________________________________________(3)drinking elephant is its the trunk water with_____________________________________________________(4)Tom Ann’s and birthdays in are month same the_____________________________________________________(5)climb fly I kites mountains on or sometimes weekends_____________________________________________________4.I’m twelve years old. I can .A. takes care meB. take care of meC. take care of myself5.Some ______ are in the basket. Some ______ are in the woods.A. tomatos butterfliesB. tomatoes butterfliesC. tomatoes butterflys6.The woman is an teacher.A. ChineseB. mathsC. art7.-- do you go to school every day?--By bike.A. WhatB. HowC. When8.My mother is going to _______a new gift for me from Nanjing.A. bringB. inviteC. get9.( )(1)This is ___________.It is June first.A. Children’s DayB. New Year’s DayC. Teachers’ Day10.I'll show you________to do it.A.what B.how C.Where评卷人得分二、判断题11.阅读短文,判断正误,正确用T,错误用F表示。




A: Hello! 954121B: Hello! Is _____1_____ Tom?A: Yes, speaking.B: Tom, _____2_____ is Jack, Fred is in hospital.A: Oh, I’m _____3_____ to hear that.B: I want to _____4_____ him. Do you know the _____5_____ to the North Street Hospital?A: Yes. You can take the No. 27 bus. Get _____6_____ at the North Street. Then _____7_____ along the road, take the first turning _____8_____ the right. Walk on and _____9_____ left. You’ll find _____10_____ in front you.B: Thank you very much.【答案】(1)that (2)this (3)sorry (4) Visit/see (5)way (6)off (7)walk (8)on (9) turn (10)it2.汉英互译(1)在周六上午________________(2) my e -mail address ___________(3)寻求笔友________________(4)Sounds great !_______________(5)关于天气 ______________(6)most of the time ______________(7)去野餐__________________(8) run out of the shop_____________(9)一位英国女孩____________(10) singing contest________________【答案】(1)on Saturday morning(2)我的邮件地址(3)ask for a penfriend(4)听起来很棒。

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