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〔1〕writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to write Wright right. He said:" It is not right to write Wright as 'rite'-try to write Wright aright!

〔2〕Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.

〔3〕Canners can can what they can can but can not can things that can't be canned.

〔4〕Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies.

〔5〕Jenny and Jimmy went to Jamaica and Germany in January, but Joan and John went to Jordan and Japan in June and July.

〔6〕A cricket critically cricked at a critical cricket match, and so this cricket quitted the cricket match quickly.

〔7〕Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.

〔8〕There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrush's throat.

〔9〕A flea and a fly were trapped in a flue, and they tried to flee for their life. The flea said to the fly "let's flee!" and the fly said to the flea "Let's fly!. Finally both the flea and fly managed to flee through a flaw in the flue. 一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇飞进烟道里。跳蚤说:「让我们飞吧!」苍蝇说:「让我们逃跑吧!」就这样,它们就飞越了烟道里的一条裂纹。

〔10〕Peter Piper picked a peck of picket prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate.

〔11〕A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail

〔12〕Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly senior citizens.

〔13〕Ten tiny tortoises tried to talk to twenty timid toads.

〔14〕How many cuckoos could a good cook cook if a cook could cook cuckoos? 〔15〕Three thumping tigers are tickling trout.

〔16〕Sheep shouldn't sleep in shaky shacks, should they?

〔17〕A spoiled boy destroyed a toy for joy.

〔18〕Nick had a big pig with thick sticky skin.

〔19〕Cat, cat, catch that fat rat!

〔20〕Some say sweet-scented shaving soap soothes sore skin.

〔21〕Big blue balloons bounced by Billy's brown bike.

〔22〕Five fine funny frogs frowned on furry furniture.

〔23〕The nurses in skirts washed thirty dirty shirts.

〔24〕If a chow chews shoes, how does he choose which shoes to chew?

〔25〕Little Willie's wooden whistle wouldn't whistle.

〔26〕Better beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.

〔27〕Lots of little London Lamplighters light London's lots of little lamps.

〔28〕Shadows shade the sheltered shallows.

〔29〕His shirt soon shrank in the suds.

〔30〕As the roaring rocket rose, the restless roosters rollicked.

〔31〕The next number is neither nine nor nineteen.

〔32〕Sally Sue sat sadly saying sixty-six syllables to silly Sandy.

〔33〕The frozen fishermen threw their frozen fish back in again.

〔34〕An elevator on Everest is an Everest elevator.

〔35〕Swan, swim over the sea. Swim, Swan, swim! Swan, swim back again. Well swum, Swan!
