
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Unit Three
Lesson 12
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
When a shell-and-tube heat exchanger is used for cooling, the material to be cooled may be either on the tubeside or the shellside, with the cooling medium the other side. 2 If one of the two liquids is more corrosive than the others (brine, for example, can be corrosive) it is usually on the tubeside. 当用管壳式换热器来冷却时,需要 冷却的物料或者走管内或者走管外,而 冷却介质走另一测。如果两者之一比另 一种腐蚀性强(如盐水是腐蚀性的)则 走管程。
Unit Three
Lesson 12
If a material is to be cooled, a shell-and-tube heat exchanger can also be used. The cooling medium is normally water, chilled water, or cold brine. Brine (a solution of salt in water) is used because it freezes at a lower temperature than pure water. Sometimes liquids are cooled by circulating them through pipes exposed the atmosphere; this is called an air-cooled heat exchanger.1 The cooling process is speeded if a fan is used to blow cool air rapidly over the tubes. 如果物料需要冷却,也可使用管壳式 换热器。冷却介质通常用水,冷却水或者 冷的盐水。用盐水(盐的水溶液)是因为 盐水的冻结温度比水低。液体在暴露在空 气里的管路里循环冷却,叫做空气冷却器。 如果用风机对管路快速吹冷风,冷却过程 就会加快。

Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Fluid Level Measurement Measuring Rate of Fluid Flow What Is Humidity
Unit Two
Lesson 8 What Is Humidity
Unit Two
Lesson 8
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
As stated before, the warmer the air, the more moisture it can hold. Air in a home heated to 70ºF can hold about 8 grains of moisture per ft3.4 that is 100%relative humidity. If there are only 2 grains/ft3 in the home, this is one quarter of the capacity of the air to hold moisture. Therefore, the relative humidity is also one quarter or 25%. The air can hold four times as much water. 按规定,气温越高,含湿能力越大。室 温达到70华氏温度,每立方英尺空气中湿量 可达8格令。这时相对湿度为100%。如果每 立方英尺空气中湿量仅为2格令,这是空气 含湿能力的四分之一。因此,相对湿度为四 分之一或25%。实际上空气的含湿量可达四 倍之多。
因为暖空气的含湿量比冷空气多, 冬天使用加热装置,而没有加湿或加湿 不够的房间内,空气的相对湿度一定会 下降。

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New Words & Expressions: Text Notes to the Text Exercise
Unit One
Lesson 2
New Words & Expressions hostile adj.
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
hostility n. solely adv. valid adj. tropical adj. subtropical adj. moderate adj. draught n. glaze v. intensity n.
Unit One
Lesson 2
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
There are two reasons why this is acceptable first, 3 human beings are comfortable within a fairly large range of humidity, from about 60 per cent to about 20 percent and, secondly the use of single glazing will cause the inner surfaces of windows to stream with condensed moisture if it is attempted to maintain too high a humidity in winter.
由此得出,事实上开窗对纵深的建筑物 内部的区域根本无效。加上这些中心区域要 有高强度长时间的照明,缺少足够的通风会 使居住者感到非常不适。不带制冷的机械通 风仅仅只能解决一部分问题。

液化空气是液态氮和液态氧的混合 物。可以把较轻的氮从氧中分离出来。 用这种方法可以生产工业用氧,并将其 装入氧气钢罐。氮气也可以用同样的方 法生产。
Unit One
Lesson 1
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Nitrogen is an inert substance. It is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas; does not burn; does not support combustion or respiration; is not poisonous. It does not easily unite directly with other elements. 4 At high temperatures it combines with a few metals, such as magnesium, and also with oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen is also a colourless, odourless gas. It is somewhat heavier than air. It is the most active element in the atmosphere. It is essential to life. Argon is present in air to the extent of nearly one percent by volume. 氮是一种惰性物质。它是一种无色、无味、 不能燃烧、无毒的气体。它不易与其他元素化合, 在高温下可以与少数金属化合,如镁,也可以和 氧、氢化合。氧也是无色、无味气体。它比空气 的密度略大。氧是大气中性质活跃的元素。氧是 生命所必须的。氩的体积约占空气的1%。

Unit Four
Lesson 14
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
The pressure within the evaporator is lowered because of the action of the compressor piston during its suction stroke, causing a differential in pressures between the receiver (or high-pressure side )and the evaporator (or low - pressure side ) of the system . The result is a movement of the liquid refrigerant from the receiver through the throttling device into the evaporator. 在气缸吸入冲程中,由于压缩机活塞的 运动,引起储液桶(高压侧)和蒸发器(低 压侧)之间的压差,其结果是液体制冷剂由 储液桶通过节流装置进入蒸发器。
New Words & Expressions operate on 对……起作用 , 靠……来开动 container n. 容器
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
receiver n. liquid receiver throttling device regulate vt . expansion valve capillary n .;a . capillary tube float vi . ;vt .; n .
接受器,储蓄罐 储液桶 节流装置 调节,控制,管理 膨胀阀 毛细管 毛细作用的 毛细管 (使)漂浮[流] 浮体 (子,球,筒 )]

content n. heat content gain vt.; vi. establish vt. whereby adv. sensible a. sensible heat
容[含]量 焓,热含(量),热容量 得到, 增进, 赚到, 获利, 增加 建立,形成 凭什么, 为何 可感觉的,明显的 显热的
Unit Four
Lesson 15
New Words & Expressions case n. 壳,罩,(机)箱;情况,事例 the case of a copper coil 铜盘管箱 as in the case of 比如,就……来说 correspond vi. 符合, 协调, 通信, 相当, 相应 deliver vt. drain n. Fahrenheit n. F=degree Fahrenheit evolve vt.;vi. evolve into vt. 递(运,传,输) 送,递交 排水管 华氏(温度) 华氏度数 发展,进化,演变,放(释)出 发展,(进化,演变) 成
Unit Four
Lesson 15
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
As in the case of water, the liquid state can be retained if the temperature is maintained below its boiling point of 212F and at atmospheric pressure. Ammonia will also remain liquid at atmospheric pressure if its temperature is maintained below its boiling point of-28F.Thus the law is established that the state of a substance depends on the temperature. 例如水在大气压力下,其温度保持 在212F沸点下,就能保持其液态。如果 氨的温度保持在 - 28 F沸点以下,它可 以保持液体状态。因而形成了这样的规 律,即物质的状态取决于温度。

Unit Three
Lesson 11
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Many compression problems involve conditions beyond the practical capability of a single compression stage. Too great a compression ratio may cause excessive discharge temperature or other design problems. 许多的压缩问题,超出了单级压缩 的范围。因为压缩比过大,会导致排气 温度过高,或者会引起其他设计问题。
Unit Three
Lesson 11
New Words & Expressions:
single-stage adj. multistage adj.
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
单级的,单段的 多级的 双动的 开动, 促使 等熵的 热力学的, 摩擦, 摩擦力 无效率, 无能 包括一切的,全面的
Unit Three
Lesson 11
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Discharge characteristics of reciprocating compressors are similar to those of reciprocating pumps. Compressor operation is fundamentally thought of as being isoentropic, and efficiencies are reported relative to this isoentropic basis4. 往复式压缩机排气特点和往复泵的类 似。压缩机的运行基本上认为是等熵的, 且给出的效率与这个等熵基本相对应。

Unit Four
Lesson 13
Notes to the Text
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
3.After giving heat Qk to the heated body the working substance is once again ready to extract heat Q0 from the cold body and the process is epeated. 工质把热Qk传给了受热的物体后,又 立即从冷物体抽取热Q0,此过程便反复进 行. 连词and在本句中表示连贯关系.可译 成“就,便,于是”等等。 例如: The two men lay down and soon fell asleep.那两人躺下,很快就入睡了 (或“……不久便睡着了”)。
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Unit Four
Notes to the Text
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Unit Four
Lesson 13
Notes to the Text
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
1.Heat is transferred from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature by a working substance (fluid )circulating in the refrigeration machine. 将热从温度较低的物体传递到温度较高 的物体是在制冷机中循环的工质(流体)来完 成的. circulating in the refrigeration machine,是现在分词短语,做substance的 定语 ,意为“在制冷机中循环的”。

Unit Three
Lesson 10
Notes to the Text
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
3.For example, centrifugal pumps may be designed for liquids containing large pieces of solid material (such as sewage), liquids at high temperatures, very abrasive materials (such as suspensions of sand in water), or very corrosive liquids (such as acids and alkalis). 在句中,“liquids containing large pieces of solid material (such as sewage)”与 “liquids at high temperatures ”“very abrasive materials(such as suspensions of sand in water),” “ very corrosive liquids (such as acids and alkalis)”是并列结构, 作介词for的宾语。
Unit Three
Lesson 10
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
The second largest class of pumps used in process plants is the reciprocating type. All such pumps consist of pistons moving back and forth in cylinders. Reciprocating pumps can easily be designed to reach pressures far higher than those achieved by centrifugal pumps, and this is the area of their most common use.

Unit Five
Notes to the Text
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Unit Five
Lesson 18
Notes to the Text
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
1.The basic function of a room air conditioner is to provide comfort by cooling, dehumidifying, filtering or cleaning, and circulating the room air.
Compressor manufacturers offer complete performance curves at various evaporating and condensing temperatures to aid in selection for a given design specification.
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
首先, 主要地, 根本上 装备, 登上, 乘骑 最初, 主要的 第一流的 使用尽的, 令人疲乏不堪的 除湿, 使干燥 使通风, 给...装通风设备 通风, 流通空气 滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器 自动调温器, 温度调节装置
mounting n. prime n. adj. exhausting adj. dehumidify vt. ventilate vt. ventilation n. filter n. thermostat n.
Unit Five
Lesson 18
Text: 家用空调压缩机的容量大约为4000-48,000But/h。 对标准和高效压缩机可从压缩机制造商处得到等级状态设 计数据: 制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语 标准°F 高效°F 蒸发器温度 45 49 蒸发器吸入温度 95 51 压气机吸入温度 95 65 冷凝温度 130 120 液体温度 115 100 环境温度 95 95 压缩机厂商提供各种蒸发和冷凝温度下完整的性能曲 线图,按照设计说明书有助于选择所需要的空调。

<美>干冰 利用 室, 房间, 议院, 会所, (枪)膛 充分地 可行性, 可能性 捕获, 夺取 常规的,惯例的,传统的 再循环 例外的,特殊的,优越的
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Unit Five
Lesson 19
There are three basic freezing methods in commercial use: these are freezing in air, freezing by indirect contact with the refrigerant, and freezing by direct immersion in a refrigerating medium. These three basic methods can be further subdivided in various ways; one division is indicated in table1. 商业用的食品冷冻方法主要有三 种:在(冷)空气中冻结;间接接触制 冷剂冻结;直接浸到制冷剂里冻结。 这三种基本方法还可以根据不同思想 进一步细分。表1 就是个例子。
间接接触式冻结的各种方法里,食品或包装好的食品 都不直接接触制冷剂,而是去接触被制冷剂冷却的制冷板。 固态食品或已装在包装容器中的食品最好都具有平的或者 近似平的表面,以便其单面或双面地去接触制冷板。对于 流态或泥浆状的食品,则要用泵将其打到换热良好的制冷 表面周围并冻成雪泥状(例如做冰激淋时) 。
Lesson 19 Methods of Food Freezing
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
New Words & Expressions Text Notes to the Text Exercise

Lesson 9 Control Valves Lesson 10 Liquid Pump Lesson 11 The Reciprocating Compressor Lesson 12 Heat Exchanger
Unit Three
Lesson 9 Control Valves
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
• • • •
New Words & Expressions Text Notes to the Text Exercise
Unit Three
Lesson 9
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
New Words & Expressions component n. ;adj. 成分,组成的, 构成的 role n. 角色, 任务 according to v. 依照 regulatory adj. control performance particularly adv. sensitivity n. characteristic n.;adj. linearity n. technologically adv. 调整的 控制性能 独特地, 显著地 敏感, 灵敏(度), 灵敏性 特性, 表示特性的, 典型的 线性, 直线性 科技地
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
2.Control performance - and particularly its sensitivity and linearity - is, therefore largely dependent upon the type and characteristics of the valve fitted. 这是一个单句,Control performance - and particularly its sensitivity and linearity是主语部分,后面的部分是表语 部分。

Lesson 11
Many compression problems involve conditions
beyond the practical capability of a single compression
stage. Too great a compression ratio may cause excessive
inefficiency n.
over-all adj.
Lesson 11
单级的,单段的 多级的 双动的 开动, 促使 等熵的 热力学的, 摩擦, 摩擦力 无效率, 无能 包括一切的,全面的
Unit Three
Lesson 11
The reciprocating compressor can furnish gas at pressures
• New Words & Expressions
• Text
调 专
• Notes to the Text
• Exercise
Unit Three
Lesson 11
New Words & Expressions
compressor n.
压缩物, 压缩机
cylinder n.
圆筒, 圆柱体, 汽缸, 柱面
制 cylinder with suitable intake and exhaust valves, and a crank-
冷 shaft with drive. Every compressor is made up of one or more
空 调

Unit Five
Lesson 20
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
2.Complete absence within the conditioned area of piping, electrical equipment, wiring, filters, and vibration and noise-producing equipment reduces potential harm to occupants, furnishings, and processes minimizing service needs. 3.These systems have the greatest potential for the use of outside air and “free” cooling systems in place of mechanical refrigeration for cooling. 2.在空调区域内完全没有管道、电气 设备、配线、过滤器及产生振动和噪声的设 备,减少了对居住者、家具的危害,同时维 修服务降至最少。 3.全空气系统在室外空气和“自由” 冷却系统应用中取代机械制冷具有最大的潜 力。
Unit Five
Lesson 20
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Dual-duct systems, which contain the main heating and cooling coils in parallel flow or series-parallel flow air paths with either a separate cold and warm air duct distribution system that blends the air at the terminal apparatus, or a separate supply air duct to each zone with the supply air blended to the required temperature at the main unit mixing dampers. 双管系统,其在平行或串联平行气流 通道内包含主要的加热和冷却盘管,这些 通道或者具有在终端设备处混合空气的独 立的冷热空气分配系统,或者具有给每一 个区域单独输送空气的管道,使空气在主 单元混合节气阀处混合到所需的温度。

Unit Five
Lesson 17
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
The direct evaporative cooling process is an adiabatic exchange of heat. For water to evaporate, heat must be added. The heat is supplied by the air into which water is evaporated. The dry-bulb temperature is lowered, and sensible cooling results. The amount of heat removed from the air equals the amount of heat absorbed by the water evaporated as heat of vaporization. 直接蒸发式冷却是一个绝热的热交换 过程。水要蒸发必须增加热量,而这些热 量是由已进入水蒸气的空气来提供的。干 球温度降低了,冷却效果就感觉出来了。 空气放出的热量等于被蒸发的水吸收作为 汽化热的热量。
近来,间接蒸发式冷却装置的重要 性日益增加,它结合了蒸发式冷却的效 果,利用在次级空气流中的热交换,没 有一级空气流中加湿来达到制冷的目的。
Unit Five
Lesson 17
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
In the past, indirect evaporative cooling equipment was considered too expensive when compared with assembly line refrigerated equipment, but energy conservation, increasing energy costs, concern for indoor air quality, and environmental concerns regarding chlorofluorocarbons have revived interest in both indirect and direct evaporative cooling systems. 在过去,人们认为与线性制冷装置 比起来,间接蒸发式冷却装置花费太高, 但从能量守恒、增加的能量损耗、室内 空气质量以及有关氟氯化碳带来的环境 污染等方面来考虑,直接和间接蒸发式 冷却系统又值得重新考虑。

Unit Six
Lesson 21
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
“What is your greatest weakness?” You cannot avoid this question by saying that you do not have any, everyone has weaknesses. The best approach is to admit your weakness but show that you are working on it and have a plan to overcome it. If possible, cite a weakness that will make for the company's advantage. “I' m such a perfectionist that I won't stop until a job is well done.”. “你最大的弱点是什么?”你不应该说 你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题;每 个人都有弱点。最佳策略是承认你的弱点, 但同时表明你在予以改进,并有克服弱点的 计划。可能的话,你可说出一项可能会给公 司带来好处的弱点,如可说:“我是一个完 美主义者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会撒手 的。”
Unit Six
Lesson 21 Seeking Employment and Attending Job Interviews Lesson 22 Reading Job Advertisements Lesson 23 User’s Manuals of the Instrument Lesson 24 Commissions of Refrigeration and Cryogenics

制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
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New Words & Expressions Text Notes to the Text Exercise
Unit Two
Lesson 7
New Words & Expressions contraction n. 收缩, 缩写式, 紧缩, 断面收缩 upstream adv.;adj.
Unit wo
Lesson 7
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
The ingenuity of engineers is great, and many other types of flowmeters have been invented and are in use. The types described above are simply the most common.
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Unit Two
Lesson 7
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
It consists simply of a plate with a hole in it, inserted into the pipeline, usually between two flanges. 1 The hole in the plate is called an orifice and is smaller than the internal diameter of the pipe. Small openings, called taps, are made in the pipe on both sides of the orifice plate, and these are connected to some kind of pressure-measuring device most often a manometer.

Unit One
Lesson 3
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Sometimes the dust-holding capacity refers to the value attained before the filter efficiency is seriously reduced. Therefore, to have a complete rating of an air cleaner, data should be made available on efficiency, resistance, and dustholding capacity. The effect of the dust loading on the efficiency and resistance is also important. 有时尘容量指的是在过滤器效率下降 前所达到容纳量。因此,只有得到空气洁 净器的效率、空气流动阻力、尘容量的数 据,才能给出一个完整的评估。灰尘的负 载对效率和阻力的影响也是重要的。
Unit One
Lesson 3
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Different degrees of air cleanliness are required for various applications. Another consideration is the fact that dust particles in the air may damage the conditioned spaces or its furnishings. For example, the walls may be discolored if even the smallest components of the atmospheric dust are not removed. 不同的应用场合需要不同型号的空 气净化装置。另外,还要考虑到空气中 的尘粒会损害空调空间和其内的家具。 例如,即使残留尘粒的最小组分也有可 能使墙壁褪色。

Storage efficiency is the ratio of energy that can be withdrawn from storage, divided by the amount put into storage. Storage efficiencies up to 90% can be achieved in well-stratified water tanks that are fully charged and discharged on a daily cycle. All storage devices are subject to standby losses, which are generally proportional to the exposed surface area of the storage vessel.3 存储效率是从存储中能够取出的能量 与总的存入能量的比值。以一日为周期在 完全分层的水箱中充满水再放掉,可达到 90%的存储效率。所有的存储装置都面临备 用损失,其损失程度与存储容器暴露在外 的表面积成正比。
Unit One
Lesson 4
制 冷 空 调 专 业 英 语
Conditions favoring thermal storage include high loads of relatively short duration; high electric power demand charges; low cost electrical energy during off-peak hours; need for cooling backup in case of power outage or a refrigeration plant failure (only chilled water pumps must be powered by the emergency generator), need to provide cooling for small after-hour loads such as cooling of restaurants, midheight elevator equipment rooms, individual offices, and computer rooms; building expansion (installation of storage may eliminate the need for heating/cooling plant expansion); need to provide a fire fighting reservoir; need to supplement a limited capacity generation plant; and others.2
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absolute humidity 绝热湿度absorption n. 吸收
adiabatic adj. 绝热的,隔热的air-cooled condenser 空气冷却式冷凝器
ambient humidity 环境湿度atmospheric humidity 大气湿度barometric adj. 大气压力的brine n.. 盐水
calibrate v. 校准
calibration n.. 校准,标度,刻度
capacity n.. 容量
capillary n. 毛细管
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳centrifugal pump 离心泵,离心抽机
clog n. 障碍;v. 障碍,阻塞
coil n. 盘管
combustion n. 燃烧
compress vt.. 压缩compression n.. 压缩condensate n. 冷凝物condensation n.. 冷凝condenser n.. 冷凝器
constant n.. 常数,恒量container n. 容器
content n. 容[含]量
contraction n. 收缩,紧缩control performance 控制性能corrosion n. 侵蚀,腐蚀状态crank-shaft n. 曲柄轴,曲轴critical temperature 临界温度cryogenic fluid 低温流体cylinder n. 气缸
dehumidify vt. 除湿,使干燥density n. 密度
discharge valve 排气阀distribution n. 分配,分发,分布状态,区分
draining n. 排水,泄水dynamics n. 动力学
enthalpy n. 焓,热焓
equivalent n. 等(当)量erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀evaporator n. 蒸发器
exhaust n. 排气装置,排气expansion valve 膨胀阀
filter n. 过滤器,滤波器;vt. 过滤
flange n. 法兰
float n. 浮子
flowmeter n. 流量计
friction n. 摩擦,摩擦力
heat equivalent of work 热功当量
horizontal adj. 水平的,地平线的
humidity n. 湿度
impeller n. 叶轮
industry n. 工业,产业,行业intake n. (水管、煤气管等的)入口,通风口
intensity n. 强度
isoentropic adj. 等熵的
isolated adj. 隔离的
latent adj. 潜在的,潜伏的linearity n. 线性,直线性lubrication n. 润滑油manometer n. 压力计microprocessor n. 微处理器moisture n. 潮湿,湿气multistage adj. 多级的
nozzle n. 喷嘴,管口
opaque n. 不透明物 adj. 不传热的
orifice-plate meter 孔板流量计phase n. 相,相位
piston n. 活塞
pneumatic signal 气动信号principle of operation 工作原理,操作原理
proportioning pump 比例泵
pulse n. 脉冲,脉搏reciprocating pump 往复泵refrigerant n. 制冷剂refrigeration n. 制冷
relative humidity 相对湿度
reservoir n. 储存器,蓄水池
贮液器 liquid receiver;receiver rigid adj. 刚性的,刚硬的,严格
rotameter n. 旋转式流量计,转子
sensible heat 显热
sensitivity n. 敏感,灵敏(度)
shell-and-tube heat exchanger 管
stainless steel 不锈钢
static electricity 静电
stroke n. 冲程
submerge v. 浸没,淹没
subtropical adj. 亚热带
suspend vt. 吊,悬挂;v. 延缓
tapered tube 锥形管,渐缩管
thermodynamic adj. 热力学的
thermostat n. 自动调温器,温度调
throttling device 节流装置
transparent tube 透明管
tropical adj. 热带的
turbulent flow 湍流
vacuum n. 真空(度,状态)
valve n. 阀
vane n. 叶片
ventilate vt. 使通风
venturi tube 文丘里管
vertical position 竖直位置
viscous adj. 粘性的,粘滞的
volatile adj. 挥发性的,不稳定的
绝热加湿 adiabatic humidification
冷却塔 cooling tower
毛细管 capillary tube
热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion
熵 entropy
载冷机secondary refrigerant;
refrigeranting solution
蒸发器 evaporator
蒸发压力 evaporating pressure。