律政俏佳人 ( 英语电影赏析)ppt




中美奢侈品消费行为差异背后的文化影响研究A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Taboos in the Context of Intercultural CommunicationOn the Linguistic Features of English and Chinese News Headlines解读艾丽斯•沃克《紫色》中的家庭A Comparison Between the History of Development of Law in Western Countries and China笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁宾逊形象解析Enhance Listening Aptitude through Music中英爱情谚语的隐喻研究及其翻译The Importance of the Translators’Overall Qualities In Translation《看管人》下的“品特式”生存与对话—浅析《非笑之事》英语电影片名的汉译研究《雾都孤儿》中南希的人物性格分析论跨文化商务交际中的非语言交际的重要性跨文化交际中的移情及其能力的培养文化负载词的翻译策略英汉基本颜色文化内涵对比浅析爱伦·坡小说《黑猫》的写作艺术手法委婉语探究:起源、构成、交际功能《哈利波特》系列小说的浪漫主义情节分析浅析英语原版影视欣赏和英语学习A Comparison between Tess and Hester’s Tragic Destiny仿拟在广告中的运用商务谈判中的语言技巧A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights简析比喻在《围城》中的运用Reread Shylock from a Tragic V iewpoint相同的追求,不同的命运——《红楼梦》中的林黛玉和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白比较The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter中式思维模式对初中生英语写作的影响文体学视觉下的英语商务信函的礼貌表现《红色英勇勋章》主人公亨利•弗莱明心路历程探析An Analys is of David Copperfield’s Dual Character唯美主义与奥斯卡王尔德童话浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰从《一个干净明亮的地方》看极简主义在短篇小说中的应用论奥斯卡•王尔德《道林格雷的画像》中的死亡结局与唯美主义女性主义视野下林黛玉与简•爱的比较研究An Analysis of Middlemarch from the Perspective of Ethics中学英语课堂中的情感教育从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯•狄更斯的善恶观以赫索格为代表的索尔贝娄作品中知识分子的困境与出路约瑟夫•康拉德《进步前哨》的象征主义分析分析《等待》的悲剧数字口译及其训练策略高中英语任务型语法教学初探论《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中象征主义和意识流的运用The Relationship Between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray中英身势语中的文化差异《呼啸山庄》和《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的女性意识的对比从目的论看电影《音乐之声》中对白的汉译习语及习语的汉英翻译中美商务谈判的风格差异英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响从生长环境看林黛玉与简爱的反抗性格之差异Pursuit and Disillusionment of American Dream—On Sister Carrie’s Tragedy弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫《达洛维夫人》的写作技巧剖析《生活大爆炸》言语幽默语用分析论英语新课标下高中生跨文化意识的培养论《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的超验主义哲学观国际商务英语信函写作中的礼貌策略从《阿甘正传》中看美国梦对比研究《珊瑚岛》和《蝇王》主题的冲突性宗教禁欲下的爱情-论霍桑的宗教观与道德观在《红字》中的体现Analysis of the Factors that Influence News Listening Comprehension浅析对信用证软条款的防范西丽自我身份的寻求——《紫色》的女性主义解读从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同爱情描写与《》核心主题的关系论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质论口译中的跨文化意识中西方传统女权主义思想异同比较——王熙凤与简爱之人物性格对比分析从中西方节日看中西文化差异从违反合作原则的角度解读会话含义“黑人会飞”——托妮•莫里森小说《所罗门之歌》中的黑人神话研究对外新闻的导语编译研究与苦难嬉戏——透析《查尔斯兰姆散文集》分析女性语言特点在英语委婉语中的体现——以《绝望主妇》为例中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响浅析《飘》中女性主义的萌发论《老人与海》所表现的人与自然的关系英语学习能力与风格的性别差异研究从认知的角度看委婉语《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶莎士比亚悲剧人物的海明威式英雄特征——以《哈姆雷特》与《奥赛罗》为例从小说《麦田里的守望者》的主人公看当代大学毕业生的迷惘《十日谈》中的乡村意象A Comparison of the English Color TermsThe Narrative Strategies of O. Henry’s Short Stories互联网时代的语言帝国主义论英语电影片名的翻译英汉谚语中“爱”的情感隐喻对比研究Colonialist Ideology in The Last of the Mohicans商务交际中的模糊语言策略海明威《雨中猫》的文体分析Inheritance and Development of Gothic Literary Tradition in Jane Eyre中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例模糊语在国际商务谈判中的语用功能研究迪斯尼动画《木兰》中的中美文化融合分析从福斯特《天使不敢涉足的地方》看英国转型期中产阶级价值观论《围城》的幽默语翻译《苔丝》与《呼啸山庄》中复仇主题的生态女性主义解读《小妇人》的结局中所包含的清教主义与个人主义的冲突与融合Feminism in The A wakeningOn the Disposal of Cultural Differences in the Translation挣脱世俗枷锁,定义自我人生意义——解读毛姆《人生的枷锁》中的人生哲学做最好的自己—论斯佳丽形象对现代女性的教育意义中美时间观念的跨文化研究从《小妇人》看男性缺失时十九世纪美国女性的成长英汉语复合词结构特征比较探析照进黑暗的光--电影《弱点》主题阐释论英语听力难点及解决方法《晚安,妈妈》中公共汽车和洗衣机的象征寓意福克纳《我弥留之际》中达尔形象解析《飘》—斯嘉丽女性主义意识的成长历程解读对《呼啸山庄》里所反映的人性的解读从译者的读者意识看童话英汉翻译从社会达尔文主义的角度分析《野性的呼唤》中的巴克魔鬼之子:论《呼啸山庄》和《呼唤》中的男主人公形象浅议中西方餐桌礼仪的文化差异及翻译从违反合作原则看电影语言的会话含义——以《最后的武士》为例文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响电影片名翻译的研究从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物On the Female Influences on Pip’s Character in Great Expectations非智力因素与英语学习的关系-以xx大学学生为例从服饰看中西方文化差异与融合A Humanistic Study on Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities迷惘一代的英雄:厄内斯特海明威与弗雷德里克亨利从北京奥运会简析宝洁营销策略中西饮食文化的比较Christ Love in Uncle Tom’s Cabin游戏教学在小学英语课堂中的运用浅谈中国经济发展中的问题浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用东西方隐逸文化对比——试比较梭罗与陶渊明的作品On the Absurdity in Waiting for GodotOn the Manifold Functions of the Scene of Parties in The Great Gatsby 论翻译的艺术“It be adj for sb to do sth”中形容词制约研究汉英翻译中文化传递的可接受度论女性主义对翻译标准的影响中国英语在中国文化输出中的作用英汉被动意义表达比较研究翻译呼啸山庄的感想(英译中)初中英语的传统教学与现代教学的差异On Translation Strategies of Animal Idioms between English and Chinese 《等待戈多》的荒诞色彩女性主义翻译视角下《紫色》汉译本对比研究儒家文化与和谐世界的构建解读《金色笔记》中的女性主义经济学视野下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》浅析美国高等教育的创新《林湖重游》中的静态美分析通过小说《紫色》分析沃克的妇女主义思想论《简爱》对《灰姑娘》的继承与颠覆An Eco-Critical Approach to Moby Dick商务策略研究——论沃尔玛的营销策略中外英语教师的优劣势比较:从中学生视角盖斯凯尔夫人工业小说研究论现实主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现从生态视野解读狼图腾读者在文学文本多元解读中扮演的角色《爱玛》中的女权思想解读论《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的悲剧之源如何在高中英语教学中培养学生的创新思维能力英国贵族精神和绅士教育研究从功能对等的角度论英语习语翻译论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗英语中源于希腊罗马神话主要神祇姓名词汇的认知探索车贴中的语言污染现象研究从关联理论分析辛弃疾的诗词翻译论英语新闻中的模糊语言从社会习俗角度分析中西方文化差异论《喜福会》中女性的反抗精神从心理学角度试析简爱性格的对立性论《太阳照常升起》中“迷惘一代”的反叛与抗争高中英语互动式课堂教学模式研究从《肖申克的救赎》和《当幸福来敲门》看美国个人主义价值观通过姚木兰和斯嘉丽形象的对比看中西文化的异同艾米丽狄金森和李清照自然诗写作风格对比分析论《野性的呼唤》的多重主题林肯话语中幽默特征的分析Double Vision in Characterization in The Great Gatsby《推销员之死》中的反英雄主义群体隐私和个体隐私——中美家庭中隐私观念的对比研究从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异从新历史主义视角解读杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格《麦田里的守望者》语境与商务英语信函写作A Comparison of the English Color Terms浅谈汉语成语的英译论《太阳照常升起》中的象征主义《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究Study on Characteristics of American Black English from Social Perspectives 浅论《洛丽塔》主人公悲剧命运的根源从日常交际礼貌用语失误看中西方文化差异从跨文化交际角度论委婉语的翻译。


❖ 霍姆斯法官:“如果我们把法律看成是我们的女 士,……人们只能用持久和孤寂的激情来追求她----只有当人们像对待神祗那样倾尽其所能才得以赢 得她。”
❖ 吴经熊“尔等法学学子,听听霍姆斯法官的先知般 的言说:在我看来,因为人类如他们之所是,法律 可以维持它每日的特色,亦可成为惊奇领悟力之客 体,天才灵光闪耀之域。’珍惜我们姑娘的爱侣, 尔等要有一种为‘毫无可视回报仍敢于冒险’ 的精 神,在你内心里始终保持“罗曼蒂克的激情”。
❖ 长期以来,法律由主流社会的男性所主宰, 被视为一个和女性特质不相容的地方。而女性也 都使自己努力适应法律界特有的男性式的职业特 点和思维方式。但天生丽质、金发碧眼的美女艾 莉•伍兹,在保守与严肃的法律人的氛围中,身着 粉红色的艳丽服装, 始终保持自己的女性形象。 她用女性独特的细心发现了重要证据,坚持以典 型的女性装束出现在法庭上,最后她赢得官司。 她以自信和奋斗改变了人们对她的误解,终于成 为一名既俊俏又成功的法律人。
❖ 波吕涅刻斯的姐姐、美丽的安提戈涅,不顾生死,按 照古老的习俗祭奠和安葬了弟弟。
❖ 克瑞翁怒问安提戈涅:“你知道有禁葬的命令吗?” “你 敢违背我的法令吗?”
❖ 而安提戈涅慷慨激昂的回答成了响彻千古的法律天问: ❖ “我敢!宙斯从没有宣布过这样的法律,正义之神也
没有制定这样的法令让人们遵守,一个凡人的命令就能废 除天神制定的永恒不变的律条吗?它的存在不限于今日和 昨日,是永久的!我不会因为害怕别人而违背天条,以致 在神面前受到惩罚。我知道我会死的,我遭遇这命运并不 感到痛苦,但是,如果弟弟死后得不到埋葬,我却会痛苦 到极点!”
❖ 艾丽实在是不甘心,使出贴身追击的绝招,跟着 沃纳也去了哈佛法学院。她要做给沃纳看,她不 但有美貌,而且有智慧。不过,哈佛可不是个好 玩的地方,艾丽在行的所有流行玩意这儿都没有, 在那些高深莫测的学生精英堆里,开朗外向的艾 丽是个不折不扣的另类,到处碰壁,不断遭人奚 落。在沃纳现任女友的“刺激”下,艾丽开始发 愤苦读。在一系列啼笑皆非的事情发生后,艾丽 最后还是有机会证明自己,为一桩谋杀案的嫌疑 犯辩护成功,获得爱情与事业的双重幸福。



《律政俏佳人》影评《律政俏佳人》(Legally Blonde)是美国米高梅电影公司制作的校园喜剧电影。

















从中我们也了解到了金发美人在美国社会的地位究竟是怎样的一种状况,不学无术,靠美貌吃饭是大多数人对她们的看法,但在影片中美丽聪慧的Elle打破了这个定势,完成了一个从美貌白天鹅到智慧白天鹅的过程. 对于英语学习来说,此片更是一部上好的教材,原因有二:第一,就语言本身来说。


首先来认识电影中的主要角色(Charactors):1 Elle Woods:A very pretty, smart and sweet young woman who decides to completely change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her.2 Warner Huntington the 3rd:Elle’s boyfriend, who is snobby, who decides to leave her because he feels he needs to find a more serious looking girlfriend that will help him with his future career in politics.3 Paulette:A woman w orking class hairdresser who becomes Elle’s best friend.4 Vivian:Warner’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who treats Elle very poorly at first.5 Brooke Taylor Windham: A successful business woman who makes well- known exercise videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband.6 Professor CallahanA lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to defend Brooke.7 Emmett: A young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant.Introduction; This is the story of Elle Woods, a very cute and friendly student who is also the most popular girl in her Los Angeles sorority (A house and club for female students). Elle has just finished her studies in Fashion, and is getting prepared to marry her boyfriend, Warner, who will soon be going to Harvard Law School, in Boston. Unfortunately, Warner decides to break up with Elle, because he wants to find a more serious- looking girlfriend who will help his career in politics after he gets out of law school.场景1Elle为迎接期待已久的约会,拉着两个死党去置装。


Legally Blonde
Group 7:刘雅玲、秦诗雨、蒋惠慈、周洋、高倩影
导演:查理-赫曼 出品:大卫-尼科塞、马克-伊-布赖特 编剧:伊文-阿拉特、丹尼斯-徳瑞克 凯特-康德尔、阿曼达-布朗
里斯-威瑟斯潘、莎丽-菲尔德 鲍勃、鲁克-威尔森、瑞姬娜-金 Let us go to enjoy a part of the film.
Байду номын сангаасynopsis :
本来艾丽和学校里最酷的帅哥沃纳(马修· 戴维斯)拍拖拍 得好好的,一心巴望着嫁给他,作沃纳· 亨廷顿三世夫人, 做梦也想不到沃纳压根就不想娶她,理由竟然是艾丽长得 太漂亮,太金发美女。沃纳来自东海岸一个精英家庭,从 小受的教育就是:头发黄,见识短,金发美女个个头脑空 空。所以,沃纳在进哈佛法学院之后,不但把艾丽甩了, 还和过去预科时的旧女友重修旧好。 艾丽实在是不甘心,使出贴身追击的绝招,跟着沃纳也去 了哈佛法学院。她要做给沃纳看,她不但有美貌,而且有 智慧。不过,哈佛可不是个好玩的地方,艾丽在行的所有 流行玩意这儿都没有,在那些高深莫测的学生精英堆里, 开朗外向的艾丽是个不折不扣的另类,到处碰壁,不断遭 人奚落。在沃纳现任女友的“刺激”下,艾丽开始发愤苦 读。在一系列啼笑皆非的事情发生后,艾丽最后还是有机 会证明自己,为一桩谋杀案的嫌疑犯辩护成功,获得爱情 与事业的双重幸福。
We hope this film is good for you.
Group opinions:
1、The heroine艾丽 is very confident and optimistic.
2、we can do everything if we try our best.

剧本2-美国电影律政俏佳人2 Legally Blonde2

剧本2-美国电影律政俏佳人2 Legally Blonde2

they want you on board as head of their legal department.2It's a very generous offer.3I don't know.4Y ou did it.5Y ou did whatyou came here to do.6Y eah, but what aboutthe discharge petition?7This isn'tabout just one animal...8it's all of the animals.9I agree, but you've gota great team in place.10They can carry on without you.11C'est Magnifique wants you up there by Monday.12Y ou can go home.13Congratulations, Elle.14Wow. Thank you.Thanks for doing that.15Well, sure.16We have to stick together,us Washington blondes.17Do you know who Representative Hannenfeld...18had lunch with todayin the members dining room?19I skipped lunch today.Had a facial.20OK. Thanks.21I'll call you about that.22Y eah.23Emmett, I know you're probably in Case Law class right now...24but call me backwhen you get this.25I think I'm coming home.26But it's a good thing.27Maybe. Call me back.28Will you leave us alone now?29Excuse me?30I know you've beenworking against us...31and I knowsomehow it's personal.32- Y ou don't like me.- Clearly.33If I leave Washington,will you call off the fight...34and let Bruiser's Billhave a fair shot?35Y our bill is trivial to me.I have my own agenda.36Like the homeowners bill you pushed through at our expense?37That's all I'm asking, Grace-38Homeowners incentives?I wouldn't touch that bill.39It's a tax breakfor the wealthy.40Haven't you been pushing it for the last two sessions?41V ictoria has a live interview with Connie Chung in an hour.42I don't have time for this.43That's the interviewshe's preparing for?44She's in makeup right now.45She's in makeup?46Mike test, 1-2-3.47Is Miss Chung available?48I'd like to go oversome ground rules49before we go on live,for goodness sakes.50Y es, OK. Thanks.51Doesn't she havea beautiful complexion?52She's like a PSA for SPF.53Thank you, Elle.I thought you were gone.54Home? No, no, no.I'm not ready yet-55Epidermally speaking,that is.56I'm actually feelinga little bit muddy.57I need a light exfoliation...58followed bysuper rich hydration...59and I thought, Victoria will have a good recommendation.60Sweetie, this reallyisn't the best time.61I know you're very busy...62so I already calledyour facialist.63The thing is she saidyou didn't come in today.64Oh, no, no.I went someplace else.65Someplace new. Is that all?66No, that's not all.67Every woman knowsthat a good facial...68can be a painful experience if done properly...69resulting in red blotchy areas all over your skin...70swelling, tendernessin your T-zone area.71Even more so if your facialist is Eastern European...72as so many of the best are.73Payback for the fallof Communism, I like to say.74What on earthare you talking about?75Isn't itthe first rule of facials...76that there's a 24-hour window between a facial...77and any major occasionsuch as a date or a dance...78or maybe an interviewwith Mrs. Maury Povich?79I don't think that's a rule...80the most well-groomed woman in Washington would forget.81This is ridiculous.Could we clear this room?82Y ou lied to meabout your lunch hour.83Why? Because you were having lunch with Hannenfeld?84Y ou've been lobbyingagainst us all this time.85For God's sakes, enough.Thank you. Out, out, out.86Thank you.I'll be with you in a moment.87Y es. I lied to you.I killed Bruiser's Bill.88But you're an animal lover.89What about Dolly Madison, your beagle?90Not mine. I borrowed it.91And it reeked.Looked good on the sofa.92We've been throughall of this before.93I traded your billfor the homeowners bill...94that Grace had committed me to.95That's a lie.Grace never wanted that.96Y ou blocked this billand I want to know why.97- Why?- Y es, why?98Why does anything happenin Washington? Survival.99Y ou have no idea what it takes to get here and stay here.100The money it takes.101It just so happens thatmy chief financial contributor102purchased half sharein a major cosmetics company...103and they want to continue testing on animals...104so much sothat they're willing...105to bankroll my opponentin next year's elections...106if I did not kill your bill.107I trusted you.108I looked up to you.109I can't do anyone any good if I'm no longer here.110But you're not doing anybody any good.111Nobody in your district,not even yourself.112And I'm sorry,but I can't let that happen.113Y ou can't provewhy I changed my vote...114or how I blocked your bill.115It's your word against mine...116and I've spent 20 years building up my credibility...117in this town and back home.118I'm not going to the press.119I don't believe in blackmail.120But I do believein the people...121and I'm going to takeBruiser's Bill to them.122The people believewhat we tell them to believe.123It'll never work, Elle.124Y ou can't getthe people to care.125Watch me.126Ladies...127it's time.128Y ou mean...129Are you sure?130As sure as I am that nobody looks good in paisley.131Are you with me?132I think so. Serena?133Y eah. Y es.We're with you, Elle.134Go for it.135Oh, my God!136Delta Nu president, Chapter 2-6...137I.D. Number 097435. Third from the top.1386234978,fifth from the top...139calling to activate phone tree number 255.140Call to activatephone tree 255!141This is not a fire drill.142I repeat, this is not a drill!143Sisters mobilized.E.T.A. 0800 hours.144- Hi, Heather, it's Buffy. - Hi, Kiki, it's Tiffani.145- Hi, Amber, it's Becky. - Hi, Audrey, it's Melanie.146- Hi, Jos, it's Breena.- Hi, Courtney, it's V eronica.147- Hi, Christy, it's Nat.- Hi, Binky, it's Nicki.148- Hi, Jill, it's Jojo.- Hi, Allison, it's Cookie.149Y ou will never believe what happened.150Elle just calledand she needs our help...151Suzy, we're taking itto Defcon One.152There's a crisis right now.153Where the president is. Exactly.154There's an emergencyin Washington.155Road trip?156OK, see you in Washington.157Save Bruiser's mom!158Help me out, tell a friend.159Save Bruiser's mom!160I like your necklace.161Gay Dogs of America support Bruiser's Bill!162We're gonna tee itaround 12:00-163Miss, save me a good one.164Full-color big pictureof Bruiser.165Emmett!What are you doing here?166Wedding research.167What?168Elle, your work is here now and it's important.169So I'm bringingthe wedding to you.170First step,get groom to Washington.171But what about Fenway Park?172Look, I don't carewhere I marry you...173just as long as I do.174I do. I do. Feels good.175So what's Step Two?176That's Step Two.177Save Bruiser's mom!178Colorado. Photo ops after.179Grace, are you all right?180Save Bruiser's mom!181Rutherford. Check.182Porter. Check.183Hutchins. Check.184Uh-oh. That's it.185It's not enough.186Tomorrow's a wash.187It's National Education Day.188Got a meeting of both Houses, ceremonial speeches-189there's no time for politicking.190Sorry, Elle, we tried.191We have to keep trying.192Hello?193Y ou want thoselast fifteen signatures?194Grace?195It'll takesomething extraordinary.196Y ou'll have to pull something...197no regular citizenwould ever dream of.198Fine, but how am Igoing to do that?199Y ou're going to addressthe entire Congress...200and I know just the personto make it happen.201Who? Is that even possible?202Look, Elle,you may be above blackmail...203but I'm not.204Grace, why are you helping me?205Because once upon a timeI loved politics...206and I want to do some good.207What has that got to do with me?208Look, those silly girlsthat I told you about...209with the blisters on their feet?210I was one of them.211We have celebrated today elementary education...212secondaryand higher education...213and now...214Don't even think about it.215And now...216This isa little unconventional.217With the Speaker's...218and the presidentof the Senate's permission...219please indulge meas I share the floor...220with my constituent...221who in the spiritof education...222would like to educate us all on a vital issue...223facing us today.1Ladies and gentlemenof both Houses...2I give you Ms. Elle Woods.3It's all yours.4Thank you, Congresswoman.5Hello, everyone,my name is Elle Woods...6and I'm hereto speak to you today...7about a piece of legislationcalled Bruiser's Bill.8But you know...9today is supposed to beabout education.10So instead, I want to tell youabout the education...11you all have given meover the past three months.12What about Bruiser's Bill?We still need 15 signatures.13She's blowing it.14I came to Washingtonto help my dog Bruiser...15and somewherealong the way...16I learneda really unexpected lesson.17I know what you're thinking- Who is this girl?18And what could this simple, small-town girl from Bel Air...19have to say to all of us?I'll tell you.20It's about somethingthat's bigger than me...21or any single actof legislation.22This is about a matterthat should be at...23the highest importanceto every American-24My hair.25There's this salonin Beverly Hills.26It's really fancy and beautiful.27It's impossibleto get an appointment.28Unless you're Julia Roberts or from "Friends"...29you can just forget it.30But one day, they called me. They had an opening.31So I was going to finallyget the chance...32to sit in one ofthose sacred beauty chairs.33I was so excited.34Then the colorist...35gave me Brassy Brigitte instead of Harlow Honey.36The shampoo girl washed my hair with spiral perm solution...37instead of color-intensive moisturizing shampoo.38Finally, the stylist...39gave me a bob... with bangs.40Suffice to say,it was just wrong.41All wrong. For me, you know?42First I was angry.43And then I realized my anger was completely misdirected.44This wasn't the salon's fault.45I had sat there andwitnessed this injustice...46and had let it happen.47I didn't get involvedin the process.48I forgot to use my voice.49I forgot to believe in myself.50But now I know better.51I know that one honest voice can be louder than a crowd.52I know thatif we lose our voice...53or if we let thosewho speak on our behalf...54compromise our voice...55then, this country...56this country is infor a really bad haircut.57So speak up, America.58Speak up!59Speak up for the homeof the brave.60Speak up for the landof the free gift with purchase.61Speak up, America. Speak up!62And remember...63you are beautiful.64Thank you.65Thank you.66Everyone, it's time I spoke up.67I think Timothy's smoking!68I'm married.69Thank you.70Y ou didn't! Thank you!71Thank you!72Thank you.73What is this? Oh, my God!74That's so perfect!75This week, Congresswoman Libby Hauser...76finished decoratingher house...77sent her son off to college...78and negotiated a settlement...79between the San Antoniolabor unions...80and the Departmentof Sanitation.81Snaps for Congresswoman Hauser!82Now that we're married,where do you want to live?83Beverly Hills? Boston?Washington?84- I know just the place.- Y eah?1Hauser's marginin the last election?2Four points. 52-48.3Hauser's chief?4Hall, Ted.34, moderate, tough.5- Marks' aide?- Murphy. Conservative, tougher.6- I think you're ready.- Thank you, Sid.7For shizzle... my ezzle.8I borrowed this.9Excuse me!10Given the historical tendencies...11of the congresswoman'svoting pool...12animal testing is the very issue your platform needs.13Which brings me to my demographic breakdown target.14Which brings us to the endof our time, but good stuff.15I'll bat it aroundwith my colleagues.16I'm not donewith my presentation.17- Is Friday good?- Absolutely.18The second one in November, and the line starts down there.19But wait!I won't be here in November.20I'm getting married.21If you insist Congressman Marks is unavailable...22perhaps you could look at...23my alternative testing economics incentive chart.24But it's pop-up.25I will read this homeowners legislation this weekend.26Five more minutes andI'm due in committee. Reena.27Well-28Reena's prescription drugsfor the elderly amendment-29rejected during mark-up session.30Sorry, Nana.31- Where are we with the animals? - Still not on the calendar.32So we're nowhere.Grace, help Elle with this.33Let's get going.I'll see you all later.34Grace...35I think I can get a meetingwith Hauser's aide.36Please.Y ou could have 100 meetings...37and it still wouldn't matter.38This is Washington politics...39not warm fuzziesand kissing booths.40It takes savvyand street smarts.41I've seen thousands of polite, idealistic girls...42just like you traipseup and down this Hill...43and go home empty-handed with blisters on their feet.44Thank you, Grace.45Y ou actually reminded meof something really important.46I came hereto give my dog a voice...47and I'd forgotten about my own.48So you can do itthe Washington way.49But I'm going to do itthe Elle Woods way.50Time to get serious.51Subject-CongresswomanLibby Hauser.52Came of age in Post-War boom...53typified by 1951Charles Jourdan stiletto heel.54Moving up to the Texan's head, which is red...55suspect chemical assistance. Must pursue.56Hit me, Post.57118 salons withina 10-mile radius...58broken downby color expertise...59and philosophical approachto hair maintenance and style.60I didn't know you could havea philosophy of hair.61Oh, yeah.62Maybe that's where I went wrong.63Go for Woods.64It's just as you suspected.65She's at a moderate conservative salon...66founded onthe principles of V idal.67In fact, it was oneof our case studies...68last year at Hair University.69That was rightbefore they flunked me.70Paulette, they weren't ready for your vision.71I know you'll makeyour mark hair-wise.72Sorry.73- Y ou got a pen?- Y es.74It's at Constitution and 12th.75The Salon Bontempo.76Don't you just love a salon day?77Y es, so peaceful and quiet.78Makes it so much easierto talk that way.79They have rules about that here.80I know. That's whyI called to make sure...81they used PETA-approvedhair care products.82When you think about what they do to those animals-83Which is whyI don't think about it.84Does the trick.85Excellent bobby pin handling.86Thank you, Frederic.Looks great.87Isn't itso comforting to see...88they use eco-friendlyfoil technology here?89Every planet needs a friend,that's what I always say.90If I wanted to talk aboutthe emotional life of a rock...91you'd know it by now.92Until this day,I'd held the highest opinion...93of redheads as a fellowhair minority group.94I heard quite enoughof your politics...95at the committee meeting, thank you very much.96When was the last time you wore the yellow tea rose?97I'm sorry?What did you just-98When was the last timeyou wore your yellow tea rose?99On the night of my initiation.100Wasn't the passing of the secret scented eternal flame...101of the goddess Delta Nunot the most moving experience?102Especially the partwhere we sipped...103from the secretpink chalice of sisterhood!104Y es!105Delta who?106Delta Nu!107Delta-Delta boo-gah-loo108Nu Nu Delta109Theta, Beta110Lambda, Mu111Ooh-aah, Delta Nu!112Libby Hauser, Texas.Planning a wedding?113That "I do" updolooks like heaven on you.114Thank you.115Who is he?Zeta Lambda Nu, I hope.116Actually, I'm marrying outside the Greek system...117but he's totally letter-worthy.118But how is D.C. Elle-worthy?119I'm here to speak for those who can't speak for themselves.120How interesting.121It's more than interesting.It's practical.122Strictly a numbers gameas far as you're concerned.123125,468-Number of people in your district with dog licenses.12412,762-The number ofunemployed scientists...125with the skills to develop alternatives to animal testing.126And finally, 6285-the ID number of my dog's captive mother.127I'm not sureI followed all that...128but you got my attention.129If there's one thingI know how to do...130it's rinse and repeat.Shall we?131Excuse me,do you happen to have a-132- Get lost!- Excuse me, sir!133- Do you have a-- No, I'm busy.134Sir, could I use a sectionof your newspaper?135We're late foryour doggie spa appointment.136- Here you go.- Thank you, young lady.137No problem. What kindof world would this be...138if we didn't help each other out every once in a while?139Have a good day.140What do you want, Bruiser?141Bruiser, honey, come on.142We have to go. We're late.143We have to get tothe doggie spa, remember?144Will it be Swedishor shiatsu massage today?145Come on.146Come on. We gotta get youto the puppy pretty parlor.147Redhead, down.148Up next is Stanford Marks...149Southern conservative,NRA spokesman.150How about tulips?151No, no, the calla lilyis this year's tulip.152- For weddings?- It's all about the calla.153What would I do without you?154I couldn't do anything without you, Sid.155Y ou're going to getthis bill through, Elle.156An honest voiceis louder than a crowd's.157Just trust your voice.158Bruiser? Oh, my God.I'll be right back.159Pilates for Poodles?That's Tuesday at 2:30.160- The page said it was urgent! - They said it was urgent.161- Please tell me he's OK.- What's wrong with Leslie?162We have it under control now...163but your Rottweilerhas been humping...164your little dog,and vice versa.165Y our Chihuahua's quitethe little leaper, young lady.166Takes a running start.167Hell, what can I say?My Rottweiler's a stallion.168In our household, we fully support a healthy curiosity.169Testosterone is natural. Wait. Did you say stallion?170Wait a minute. Y our dog...171the one wearing that ridiculous pink skirt in the park?172Why would she have testosterone?173That wasn't a skirt,it was a skort.174- Men wear skorts.- Uh-huh.175What the heck is a skort?176And what does a man wearing one got to do with it?177All right! Leslie is a Les.The Rottweiler is a guy...178and Bruiser is a male dogwho enjoys wearing pastel.179The canines are both male.180Y our dogs are gay.181All the signs were there.I just didn't see them.182Most dogslike to chew your shoes...183and Bruiser liked to wear mine. 184I just thoughthe liked the height.185Y ou just wantwhat's best for them.186Doesn't matterif they're the smartest...187or the strongestor the best diggers.188As long as they're happy.189Why me? Why my dog?190I told Doris notto buy it in Dupont Circle.191That damn homosexual puppy boutique.192Stanford Marks, by the way. Y ou can call me Stan.193Elle Woods.V ery nice to meet you.194Y ou're the girl withthe perfumed poo baggies.195I'm the woman withthe scented waste receptacles.196Wait!Congressman Stanford Marks?197As in the Southern conservative...198NRA spokesman Alabama Republican Stanford Marks?199One and the same.200It's a pleasureto make your acquaintance.201No, Congressman,the pleasure is all mine.202- Well...- Believe me.203Here's to getting thingsdone the Washington way.204Y our chief of staffhas just gotten herself...205a meeting with-wait for it- Chairman Stan Marks...206in just four short weeks.207- Congratulations, Grace.- Y es!208Oh, yes.OK, who wants to bet...209over-underon Ms. Woods departure?210Right now it's at six days.211- Reena?- No, thanks.212Come on. Anybody?213Who wants to takeover six days?214I'll take it, Grace.215I've been so busy.I'm sorry I'm late.216Reena, could you be a paland just tell me...217what I'm doinga week from tomorrow?1during all thatlegislative downtime.2Don't be silly, Grace.3This is to planmy own wedding to Emmett.4See, this is us.He had this made for me.5That's him,and that's me smiling.6Maybe he'll make oneof you and me.7Y ou'll be talkingand I'll be throwing up.8Speaking of nuptials,wait till I tell...9the congresswomanthat I was invited...10to John McCain'snephew's wedding.11He's really quite a sweet kid.12Tell me something, Timothy...13is it difficult for youto breathe with...14your mouth flatagainst your employer's butt?15I don't know, Grace.Is it difficult to see...16with your head inthe Minority Whip's lap?17It was the distinguished gentlemen from Iowa.18His wife had recently left him and we just talked.19Right. Because ifyou did "visit" his district...20you should've gottensome legislation out of it.21How would you even know...22when you're busy chasing interns on a skateboard?23Excuse me? Who wantsto talk animal testing?24Write a bill, Britney.I don't have a car!25Snap Cup time26Gather ye round27Friends and foes together28United and bound29Pass it to your neighbor30Instead of blowing up31And we'll findharmony and love32In the Snap Cup!33Don't tell me you don't know what a Snap Cup is?34OK, I'll explain it.35Y ou are going to write down an anonymous praise note...36on a little warm fuzzy.37Warm fuzzy?38Y es. Complimentsabout your co-workers.39Just something nice.40Then you deposit themin the sacred vessel.41The Snap Cup is essential toany bipartisan environment.42Consider 1998 Spring Carnival.43The Delta Nus partneredwith the Kappa Kappa Gammas...44on Project Kissing Booth.Big problems.45Go ahead, write.46So, a whole heateddebate transpired...47over the wholetongue-no tongue policy.48I think you know what sidethe Kappas were on.49Anyway, it really helped us move past the conflict...50and I thinkit can help us today.51Let's just try this, OK?52Thank you, Reena. Thank you.53Thanks for that.54Thank you, Timothy.55So now, the Snap Cupmistress-me-recites.56Good, I got mine.57"Grace always has the confidence to speak her mind.58"Plus, she looks terrificin charcoal. "59And, voil? snaps for Grace!60Y ou see? Our first Snap Cup!61This is so exciting!I wonder what'll happen next?62All right, this is...63"What do Elle Woods andthe Snap Cup have in common?"64A riddle. That's so cool.65I love riddles.66"They're both... "67"stupid. "68Enough already.69Maybe we can do something actually worthwhile...70like attend the hearingof the committee...71you need to crack.I'll take you myself.72Thank you, Grace.That's very generous of you.73See, I thinkthe Snap Cup really works.74Wow.75。




















Chapter 1 Legally Blonde 《律政俏佳人》1. Background Information1.1 MovieFilm:Legally BlondeReleased by:M-G-M, USA (2001)Type:comedy, inspirational movieDirector:Robert LuketicCast:Luke Wilson-- EmmettMatthew Davis---warnerReese Witherspoon--Elle WoodsAwards: Golden Globe Award for Best Leading Woman Role--Reese;Teen Choice Award 2001;MTV Award 2002; Best comedy; Best dress--Reese; Best Line--Reese1.2 Acquaintance with Reese WitherspoonReese Witherspoon was born on March 22, 1976 at Louisiana to parents John Witherspoon and Betty Reese. Resse Witherspoon is a well known American actress and film producer.She graduated from the prestigious all-girls' Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, Tennessee and went to Stanford University, but after a year dropped out to pursue her career in acting. When she was seven, she was selected to model for an advertisement which got her interest in acting. At the age of 11, she won the Ten-State Talent Fair.She began her acting career in the early 90s. Her first movie was the "The Man in the Moon" for which she had gone to audition for small role but ended up being selected as the main lead. Witherspoon was nominated for the Young Artist Award for Best Young Actress for her role. After this she made her debut on television as well with "Wild Flower". In 1993 her role in "Jack the Bear" won her the Young Artist Award for Best Youth Actress Co-star. She also received good reviews on her performance in "Pleasantville" in 1998, and won the Young Hollywood Award for Best Female Breakthrough Performance. Again the same year with her performance in "Election" she won the Best Actress Award from the National Society of Film Critics and the Online Film Critics Society, and it also brought her the first Golden Globe nomination and an Independent Spirit Award nomination.She lent her voice in the animated movie "The Trumpet of the Swan". In 2001 with her movie "Legally Blonde" she was compared to Meg Ryan, calling her the "Future Meg Ryan". This also gave her, her second nomination of the Golden Globe and also won her the MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance. This was followed with "Sweet Home Alabama" in 2002 which went on to become her biggest box office hit till date, grossing over $127 million domestically in the US.The movie "Walk the Line" (2005) brought her the Golden Globe Award, the Screen Actors Guild, the BAFTA and the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Lead Role. She is the owner of the Type A Films, a production company. This company produced the movie "Penelope". Witherspoon is also known for her humanitarian and charitable works. She is a long time supporter of Save the Children organization.She is the spokeswoman for Avon's cosmetic products and also chairs the Avon Foundation, a charitable organization for women that focuses on breast cancer research and prevention of domestic violence.1.3 Introduction about Famous American Universities1)The Ivy League logoThe Ivy League includes eight universities from the northeast of America: Harvard University、Yale University、Princeton University、Columbia University、Cornell University、Brown University、University of Pennsylvania、Dartmouth College. All these schools ranked before the fourteenth place excellent schools. Harvard University、Yale University and Princeton University ranked before the third place among excellent schools. All these schools compete for academy and sports.In fact, "the ivy league school" originated from this century, these eight northeast university formed a sports coalition. More influential alliances include "The BigEast" and "The Southeastern Conference". The eight ivy league schools show advantages in academic,campus shows noble style, these schools possess long history, teachers are strict with students, students have high quality, so "the ivy league school" is regarded as synonym for the top universities.Finally, "the ivy league schools" impress people as a whole. It is used to symbolize "academic strengths". "the ivy league school" students compete in academic and sports, also support their own schools. such as Harvard University and Yale University's football match.The Ivy League School BadgeHarvard UniversityHarvard University the first-class academic institution with longest history in U.S. It is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Boston and across the Charles River. Harvard University has two colleges to recruit students, Harvard College and Radcliffe College, which recruited the students about half of all students at Harvard University. Ivy Harvard University is one of the school.Harvard University, founded in 1636, formerly known as Cambridge College. Born in London, the British minister John Harvard worked in 1637 by the British Institute. His new work is very positive, be praised. He had all of its collections and half of these assets donated to the institute, so the school was renamed the Harvard University. In 1638 summer, this school had only one school teacher, a Muban Fang and a "School House."Harvard University has 17 of the subjects, belong to two college students (Harvard College and Radcliffe College) and 10 graduate schools: College of Arts, School of Medicine, Institute of Education, School of Design, School of Public Health, administration College of Law, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Theology and the School of Business. And it is directly linked to a 95 libraries, 7 Institute of Botany, two Observatory, more than 50 science, engineering and medical laboratories, nine natural history, medicine, art and archaeological museums. Harvard University also has many well-known research centres, such as the Centre for the Study of International Affairs, Education Policy Research Center, Environmental Design Research Center, a computer research centre. Oriental Research Center, Harvard-Yenching Institute, a specialized study of China, the United States by the well-known China experts Fairbank long-term support.Harvard University Institute of integrated boys and girls. School and university students are men and women pay. Harvard College to the boys. Radcliffe College , founded in 1879, the admission of girls. Students entering first grade must live in College. Students living on campus in 13 separate living area. Since its inception, Harvard has nurtured many U.S. politicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, scholars.Yale UniversityYale University is a private university located in the United States,Hong New Haven, Connecticut , founded in 1701. The beginning of a "University College",Yale University is the third university in history of the United States,also is a member of “The Ivy League”.In 2006 the British Times higher education supplement in the world university rankings, Yale University in the overall average ranking fourth in the world. U.S. Princeton Review in 2006, the United States, Yale University ran into the most difficult University to enter , ranked second. Yale is famous for the humanities, arts, history, law ; Yale's science and engineering schools in the United States, are relatively weak among first-class schools.Yale University regards undergraduate education as the core. Such attention to similar universities in the United States is rare.At Yale College , 70 professional major focus on general education, only very few undergraduate faculty focus on professional preparation, even the Yale University Engineering Department also encourages and requires students Exploration and study areas outside the engineering disciplines. Yale College about 20 percent of the students major in science professionals, 35 percent major in social science professionals, 45 percent of the students major in the humanities arts professionals. Yale University requires all professors to teach undergraduate courses . Yale University in each of the courses directory (Yale Program of Study, or commonly known as Blue Book) has more than 2,000 courses are available.Princeton UniversityPrinceton University is a private coeducational research university, located in Princeton, New Jersey. It is one of the eight universities that comprise the Ivy League. Originally founded in 1746 at Elizabeth, New Jersey, as the College of New Jersey, it moved to Princeton in 1756 and was renamed “Princeton University” in 1896. Pr inceton was the fourth institution of higher education in the U.S. to conduct classes. The university, unlike most American universities that were founded at the same time, did not have an official religious affiliation. At one time, it had close ties to the Presbyterian Church, but today it is nonsectarian and makes no religious demands of its students. The university has ties with the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Westminster Choir College of Rider University.Though Princeton University has traditionally focused on undergraduate education, almost two thousand five hundred graduate students are enrolled and the university is renowned as a world-class research institution. Although lacking medical, law, or business schools, it offers professional master's degrees (mostly through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs) and doctoral programs in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. In addition to the research conducted on the main campus, the Forrestal Campus has special facilities for the study of plasma physics and meteor.As to today's Princeton, recognized globally for academic excellence, Princeton University today is a vibrant community of scholarship and learning. As President Shirley M. Tilghman noted in a recent Commencement address:“The specific components of a Princeton education have evolved over time, but our central aim has remained the same: to instill in each graduate those qualities of mind and character necessary for good citizenship and wise leadership. They include a broad intellectual curiosity that embraces open-mindedness coupled with critical thinking; respect for our moral and cultural inheritance coupled with a capacity for innovation and change; an appreciation of the shared destiny and common humanity of all peoples; and core principles of responsibility, integrity and courage.”There are many features that define a Princeton education, but what is most distinctive is the emphasis on providing students with ample opportunity to explore and then deepen their academic interests. It is not uncommon to hear students talk about "finding their passion" as a Princeton student—and this passion later informs choices about what to do after graduation.2. About Movie2.1 SynopsisElle Woods is the president of her sorority, a Hawaiian Tropic girl, Miss June in her campus calendar, and, above all, a natural blonde. She dates the cutest fraternity boy on campus and wants nothing more than to be Mrs. Warner. But there is just one thing stopping Warner from popping the question: Elle is too blonde. Growing up across the street form Aaron Spelling (杉矶艾伦-斯班林) might mean something in LA, but nothing to Warner's East-Coast blue blood family. So, when Warner packs up for Harvard Law and reunites with an old sweetheart from prep school, Elle rallies all her resources and gets into Harvard, determined to win him back. But law school is a far cry from the comforts of her poolside and the mall. Elle must wage the battle of her life, for her guy, for herself, and for all the blondes who suffer endless indignities everyday.2.2 Characters1) Elle WoodsA very pretty, smart and sweet young woman who decides to completely change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her.2) WarnerElle’s boyfriend, who is snobby, who decides to leave her because he feels he needs to finda more serious looking girlfriend that will help him with his future career in politics.3) VivianWarner’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who treats Elle very poorly at first.4) EmmettA young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant. He is Elle's new boyfriend at Harvard.5) Brooke Taylor WindhamA successful business woman who makes well known exercise videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband.6) Professor CallahanA lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to defend Brooke.7) PauletteA woman working class hairdresser who becomes Elle’s best friend.2.3 Scenes1) Pro fessor Callahan’s assistant-- "Emmett" encourages Elle to be a blondeBeing a blonde is actually a pretty powerful thing ,you hold more cards than you think you do. I personally would like to see you take that power and channel it towards the greater good.2) Climax of the Movie: How does Elle Woods Catch the killer?Isn't it the first cardinal order of perm maintenance that you're forbidden to wet your hair at least 24 hours after getting a perm at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate? And wouldn't somebody who's had,say,30 perms in theirs life be well aware of this rules? You would have had to have found Mrs. Windham with a gun in her hand to make your story, plausible, is that right?3) Professor Stromwell of Law School at Harvard gave speech to freshmanA legal education means you will learn to speak in a new language. You will be taught to achieve insight into the world around you, and you sharply question what you know. The law is reason free from passion. It leaves much room for interpretation, but leaves very little for self-doubt.On graduation ceremony of Law School at Harvard, professor Stromwell says proudly:I am, personally, very honored to introduce this year's class-elected speaker. After getting off a quite interesting start here at Harvard, she graduates today with an invitation to join one of Boston's most prestigious law firms. I am sure we are going to see great things from her. Ladies and Gentlemen: Elle Woods.Elle Woods' graduation lecture:On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle, "The law is reason free from passion!" Well, no offence to Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard, I've come to find that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law -- and of life. It's with passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world! Remembering the first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must have faith in yourself! Congratulations class of 2004---we did it!Elle Woods毕业演讲译文:在我来哈佛的第一天,一个非常聪明的教授引证了亚里斯多德的名言:"法律是推理而不是激情! "但是我想说:"法律不仅仅是推理,也需要激情"。



• 从一开始受人排挤,到现在受人欢 从一开始受人排挤, • 你会认为你自己真的错了吗?是不 你会认为你自己真的错了吗? 迎与崇拜。 是开始怀疑自己了呢? 迎与崇拜。一切的艰辛只有她自己 是开始怀疑自己了呢?有人说信任 知道。她说:我们第一天到哈佛, 胜过信仰,你对自己自信一点, 知道。她说:我们第一天到哈佛, 胜过信仰,你对自己自信一点,哪 管什么信仰,连自己都不相信的人, 一名英明的教授引用亚里士多德的 管什么信仰,连自己都不相信的人, 法律是没有激情的理性, 还能有什么信仰呢? 话,法律是没有激情的理性,恕我 还能有什么信仰呢?有什么信仰比 得罪了亚里士多德, 得过相信你自己呢?别人不看好你, 得罪了亚里士多德,可是我在哈佛 得过相信你自己呢?别人不看好你, 别人不相信你的潜力, 多年发现激情是修读和实践法律的 别人不相信你的潜力,你自己难道 关键因素,也是生命要素, 也不相信吗? 关键因素,也是生命要素,要有敢 也不相信吗?你真的那么的一无是 处吗? 于按自己的信念以及坚强的自我意 处吗?你真的相信自己无药可救了 才能令我们踏足世界。记着, 识,才能令我们踏足世界。记着, 吗?你真的相信自己是世界上最大 第一影响不一定是对的, 的笨蛋了吗?如果你这样想的话, 第一影响不一定是对的,你要对人 的笨蛋了吗?如果你这样想的话, 有信心,而最重要的, 那你真的没得救了。 有信心,而最重要的,是你要对自 那你真的没得救了。因为你对自己 己有信心。真的很受启发,一个人, 都失去信心了, 己有信心。真的很受启发,一个人, 都失去信心了,其他的还有要说要 做的可能吗? 做的可能吗? 生下来不是注定你做什么的, 生下来不是注定你做什么的,你只 能做什么? 能做什么? • 成功是努力得到的,幸福是努力争 成功是努力得到的, 也许你, 也许你,他,我,都曾经经历过这 取来的! 取来的! 样的事情, 样的事情,我们去做一件事情的时 等待只会使得自己两手空空, 等待只会使得自己两手空空,不为 别人给你的都是反对的意见, 候,别人给你的都是反对的意见, 别人,就为自己! 别人,就为自己! 别人给你的都是歧视,都是嘲笑, 别人给你的都是歧视,都是嘲笑, 让我们做艾莉伍兹这样的人吧, 让我们做艾莉伍兹这样的人吧,学 几乎没有人支持你, 几乎没有人支持你,每个人都不看 习她,会享受生活,也能迎接挑战, 习她,会享受生活,也能迎接挑战, 好你。这个时候你还会退缩吗? 好你。这个时候你还会退缩吗?你 更重要的是她能发现自己的潜力, 更重要的是她能发现自己的潜力, 还会坚持自己的观点吗?你会吗? 还会坚持自己的观点吗?你会吗? 改变自己的命运! 改变自己的命运!我们每个人都应 你会坚持走下去吗? 你会坚持走下去吗? 该明白命运不是天注定的, 该明白命运不是天注定的,其实它 真的掌握在我们自己的手里! 真的掌握在我们自己的手里!












































• i trust you • 做回自信的自己,并且相信自己(当艾尔 被她的男朋友甩)
• 众人拾柴火焰高、团队的合作 使最后诉讼胜利。
微笑、热情、t v/vplay/18 26640.html
• 个体 人的性格、能力、需求
• 团体(合作与竞争) 人际关系、沟通、团体之间 的冲突、领导的权力
• • • • 性格活泼热情,待人真诚、乐于助人 善于砍价 利用坚定不移的决心考上哈佛法学院 能投其所好、懂人所需。在影片中帮美容院的宝莱塔要回了宠物狗和 追到了快件员波利特
• 人脉 • 人的重要性与学会做人 • 自信:相信自己的能力可以做到!
• 有效的沟通能够得到你想要的东西(影片中艾丽与被告的沟通,使艾 丽得知被告不是凶手。得到当事人的信任!) • 卡拉汉(领导)的一意孤行,导致最后由艾丽担任诉讼律师。
• 很重要。在律政2的时候,通过关系 (relationship)成功通过了动物保护提案。 • 艾丽是女生会的主席,男生会的甜心 • 良好的人际关系:热情、微笑、真诚
艾丽(瑞茜•威瑟斯彭 Reese Witherspoon 饰)虽然拥有羡煞旁人的美貌——金发, 白肤,高挑,精通打扮,就像一个精美的 芭比娃娃。美貌和活泼的性格,让艾丽成 为了一个完美的女生。她的男友沃纳(马 修•戴维斯Matthew Davis饰)条件也不俗, 拥有富贵的出身和出众的外表。两人十分 般配,却想不到沃纳根本就没把艾丽当成 终身伴侣,在他眼中,艾丽只是一个花瓶, 除了漂亮别无所长,于是他考上哈佛法学 院之后,甩了艾丽,与旧女友重拾旧爱。 艾丽不甘心,千方百计也考上了哈佛,她 要用行动来证明自己并非徒有外表。哈佛 的学习生活非常枯燥,而且这个金发美人 还处处受到歧视。令大家大跌眼镜的是, 艾丽竟然机智的干了一番事业。

legally blonde(律政俏佳人)

legally blonde(律政俏佳人)

I can’t believe you’re getting engaged. To be “engaged” is to be officially planning to get married.

He’s proposing – I can’t look like I went on any other date. If a man “proposes” to a woman, he is asking her to marry him.

Let’s all go! Road trip! A much loved expression for a long trip in a car, often done spontaneously or without planning.
You passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya a lap dance at the final. A “lap dance” is a very sexually suggestive dance, often performed close to naked and right above one seated person. A “final” is short for a final exam , which is the most important test for a class.

What? Practically deformed? If a person is physically “deformed,” they look horrible and abnormal, perhaps because their face or body has been burned or twisted.



《律政俏佳人》的英文影评I'm not going to lie to you, I adored this film, it's extremely cute, hilarious, and puts a huge smile on your face when all is said and done, Reese Witherspoon is incredible!. All the characters are wonderful, and the story is simply adorable!, plus Reese Witherspoon is simply incredible in this!.When I rented this I wasn't expecting much just an enjoyable chick flick, that you forget the next day after right away, however what I got was a film that's now one of my favorite movies period, and I look forward to seeing the sequel big time!, plus The dog is just plain hilarious!. All the characters are all extremely likable, and the opening is just plain hilarious!, plus The finale was just awesome!. Reese Witherspoon continues to amaze me with her incredible versatility,and beauty and Y ou will find yourself rooting for her, as Elle, is just so incredibly likable! (Even in a ditsy way sometimes!), plus Reese and Luke Wilson had very good chemistry together!.Sure It's predictable, but it just has a certain charm that you can't help but fall in love with!, and everyone was perfectly casted!, plus The Soundtrack is just brilliant!. Jennifer Coolidge is wonderful in her role! plus The ending was fantastic!. It's good natured,and it's extremely well written and made as well!, plus Ali Larter was also fantastic!. It's quite original, and deserves all the good credit it gets!, plus Reese had some fantastic dialog as well!. It never gets old, and remains fresh and hilarious throughout!, plus i think it's one of the best comedies of all time!. This is not for everybody,and not all guys will like it, however I believe it's something everybody can enjoy, and it gives you characters you root for!, plus I loved it when Elle made Professor Callahan(Victor Garber), look like a fool! at the end!.I realize my review probably won't be too popular,and I may be over rating it to some, however it's just that I loved this film in all aspects, I had no idea I would like it this much!, plus it's the best Chick flick i have ever seen!, along with Romy And Michelle's High School Reunion!. Matthew Davis didn't impress me all that much though, and I wish the film could have been a bit longer, however those are minor things, as I loved this film!.The Direction is wonderful!. Robert Luketic does a wonderful job here, even if he is an asshole(supposedly)with wonderful camera work, and keeping the film fresh,lively hilarious, and at an extremely fast pace!The Acting is amazing!. Reese Witherspoon is amazing as always, and is incredible here!, she is incredibly gorgeous, extremely hilarious, lovably perky, and energetic,incredibly likable, played one of the coolest characters ever!, has a certain charm,that's impossible to dislike!,and was born to play this role!, she was incredible!. (Reese Rules). Luke Wilson did great with what he had to do, he was very likable, and had great chemistry with Reese i liked him a lot!. Selma Blair is very cute, and did excellent as the bitch at 1st, however she turned out to be quite likable, she was really good!. Matthew Davis is very bland, and didn't convince me at all, he was also kind of annoying!. Victor Garber is great as the professor, and did his job very well. Jennifer Coolidge is hilarious in her role, she had good chemistry with Reese, and was enjoyable to watch!. Ali Larter is stunningly gorgeous, and did excellent with what she had to do, she had a cool character andwas into her role!. Oz Perkins is very funny, I loved him!. Rest of the cast do awesome.Overall this is now one of my favorite movies of all time!, and if you haven't seen it do so immediately, you probably won't regret it!(ZZ from IMDB)。



Legally blondeLegally blonde is the movie we have at the beginning of this term. Although ,itfits into the niche market ,I still have some thinking about it. The main reason is I am also a girl.This film is a typical American story .The directorRobert Luketic use comparison to say hard work can make success and the first impressions are not always correct.Elle woods, the heroine of this film, the school beauty and the chairperson of the Sister Institute, is popular among the peers. All of a sudden, her boyfriend Warner decides to separate her simply because of her “blond”.At that point, Elle makes up her mind to study in Law School of Harvard in order to defeat Warner. She is admitted to Harvard with a high mark in the L’SAT test to her wishes. Successfully defending a case in court as one of the four trainees in her class, Elle, on behalf of all graduates, delivers an encouraging speech in the graduation ceremony. During three years’ study at Harvard, Elle believes that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.Reese Witherspoon portray the heroine elle woods has an enviable beauty—blond hair, white skin, tall, proficient dress, like a beautiful Barbie doll. Luke Wilsonas Emmett Richmond, a young attorneyshe meets during her studies and the first one not only see Elle’s beauty but also believe her wisdom. And he fill in love with Elle at the end. Matthew Davis as Warner Huntington III, Elle's ex-boyfriend a person who always only think about himself and have a terrible ending without honor,without girlfriend,without any company offer. Selma Blair as Vivian Kensington, a law student Warner’s girlfriend, but leave him when she know the life and marry is not only need a six karat diamond. Jennifer Coolidge as Paulette Bonafonté(and later Parcelle), Elle's manicurist and confidante. Victor Garber as Professor Callahan, a Harvard law professor.He makes Elle think that she can success with her wisdom but after that we can see he is also value her beauty.In the film,at the open, Elle try her best to change herself to Warner wants but he is indifferent. At the end Elle become success and the girl Warner wants but she have known that is not a true love. He only wants a help to his enterprise. So it is also a story about a girl’s grown.When she leaves the court, her ex-boyfriend wants her come back, but she says the same thing he said if I want to become a good lawyer, I can’t have a fool boyfriend. We can see Elle grows up. Watching this film, I already loved this this girl. She was young and vibrant. Absolute self-confidence can infect each one who met her. Many people who saw this movie feel excited and all of a sudden have a power. With the power, we are no longer afraid of difficulties and have a desire to solve all trouble we have meet in the life.。

剧本1-美国电影律政俏佳人2 Legally Blonde2

剧本1-美国电影律政俏佳人2 Legally Blonde2

1Look, her first high-end retailshopping experience.2Her nanny triedto take her to Baby Gap...3but she'd just cry and cry.4She was a professional shopperat age three.5Oh, wow!6Remember when she was onthe cover of "Seventeen"?7She had so much potentialback then.8Look at her. She could have beena Playmate by now.9Hello! She's a lawyer.10- That's way better.- Why?11There she is!12You always said she hasthe perfect shaped head...13for a tiara!14Look at that slime dog!15It was so nice of you to make this for Elle's wedding shower.16I can't scrapbook worth a damn.17I took a class on itat community college.18- She got a "B."- Plus!19The day she passed her LSAT!20I swallowedsome of that Silly String.21It wouldn't be the first time.22Look at that.Her first day at Harvard.23Unbelievable. Awesome.24The Bend and Snap!25I love that.I did it last night naked.26- You did not.- Yes. I busted a window.27Oh, my God, there'sBruiser's first highlights.28Is this the key toher first office at the firm?29Remember that Caribbean decor? It was genius.30Look, there she iswith Congresswoman Rudd...31when they started the Harvard alumni women's event.32- Yeah.- That's two kick-ass women.33I like them. I really like them.34The first day they met!Emmett loves her already.35You can see it in his eyes.36Emmett and Elle.37They're truly Romeo and Julietwithout the dying.38Paulette?39Oh, my God!Girls, I think it's her.40- Quick! Lights out!- OK!41Paulette?42I thought we were supposed to be at the movies by 9:00.43Surprise!44We got her!45Oh, my God! Margot, Serena, I cannot believe...46you guys flewall the way here!47- No biggie.- On the contrary.48It's a huge biggie.Thank you.49You guys are the best.50Speaking of biggies,can we see your ring again?51Not your Delta Nu ring, Elle.52You mean, this one?53Clarity between F.L. and V.V.S. Nice girdle diameter.54Cut impeccable.It's a keeper.55Thanks!56Oh, my gosh, it's from Emmett!57That's me and Emmetton Fenway baseball field.58It's his favorite placein the whole world.59I love snow globes.60I can hear the ocean.61Listen, honey,you're a full-time bride now...62so you'll needa whole new wardrobe.63I'm not quitting my job,you guys.64Do you guys rememberthat feeling we used to get...65during a really intense Spinning class?66That we feel so truly amazing about ourselves?67That's how I feelbeing a lawyer. I love it.68I have this hugeannual review coming up...69so keep 'em crossed, girls.70Crossed!71Congratulations, you did it.72With three wrong answers,you've managed to undermine...73the entire foundation upon which our legal system's built.74And by the way...75it only took metwo wrong answers.76Sweetie, you customized my ring? Again?77Emmett, you are nevergoing to believe my news!78- What?- Fenway Park!79You, me, two rings, andone recently ordained umpire...80right on the entry field!81Infield.What are you talking about?82It turns out the startingpitcher for the Red Sox...83has an unfortunateunibrow problem.84He goes to Nadia, my waxer...85so the team pulled some strings with the site manager...86and we're getting marriedat Fenway!87Are you serious?88Are you surethis is what you want to do?89I can married anywhereand it wouldn't matter.90That's a lie.91I'm getting marriedunder the Green Monster!92Yes!93And in justthree months and four days!94Emmett, we have so muchto talk about.95I want everybodywho matters to us to be there.96Oh, my God! I almost forgot!97You want me to what?98A biologicalbirth parent search.99For your dog.100For my Chihuahua-American Bruiser Woods.101I found him abandoned years ago.102Miss, I'm the highest-paid,most sought after...103private investigatorin the greater Boston area.104That's precisely whywe came to you, Detective.105It is absolutely vital thatwe find Bruiser's mother pronto.106His father might bemore difficult. You know dogs.107May I ask why?108Of course."Martha Stewart Weddings"...109recommends a 4 to 6-week window for RSVPs...110and I can't send the invitation without an address.111And the sooner I get started on the calligraphy the better.112You want to send an invitation to your wedding...113to your dog's mother.And you're serious?114Detective,if I have to make room...115for my second cousin'svegan diet coach...116you better believeI'll make room for the mother...117of the one loving creaturewho's always been there for me.118In fact, I can't believeI haven't done this sooner!119I'm thinking the same thing.120- Elle!- Hi, Mr. Blaine.- The client is thrilled.- Good!122How you seamlessly negotiated that deal?123- It was simply magnifique.- Thank you.124Big staff meeting today, kiddo.125All right.I got my fingers crossed.126Milton, two shots, extra foam.127- Wow. Thanks, E.W.- No problem!128- Go get 'em today.- Thanks.129Soy for you, honey. No dairy.130That's right. Thank you.Your call list is endless.131- It is?- We better get right on it.132Kevin, you shouldn't have!I'm not sure they're giving me the promotion today.134It's just a widespreadyet credible rumor.135It's from me and the girls.136Oh, right!137Now do me.138I feel like the luckiest girlin the world.139- Me, too!- You do?140I had no ideaI could be this happy...141without accruingcredit card debt.142Already?143Well, Miss Woods,even the weird ones get cracked.144- You ready?- Yes!Bruiser Woods...146meet your mom.147Bruiser... your cheekbones.148And it's all in there.149Good luck finding whatever it is you're looking for.150Oh, my God!She's a Bostonian!151Bruiser, we're here!152As your adoptive mother,I'm sure you're nervous...153about meetingyour birth mother...154but hear her out, OK?I'm sure she had her reasons.155Bruiser,your mother lives at...156the top secretVersace think-tank!157I told you they had one!158No, ma'am.159Unless you have a pass,you cannot go up there.160Lucky I always keep it on me.161Hold on. It's right here.162There you go.163What is it?164It's my double platinumV.V.I.P. Versace...165Preferred Customeridentification card.166Available only to those that've shopped on five continents.167If that fails to satisfy you,you can also contact...168Billy Dailey,head of customer relations.169You got the wrong VERSACE, lady.170Really? Donatella's not here?171Bruiser, where are you going?172Bruiser!173Ma'am!174Bruiser?175Get back here!176Where are you going?177Bruiser, I didn't knowyou were so athletic.178What is it?179Oh, my God!180You, come here!181Come on!Open this door immediately!182What are you doing here?183You have my dog's mom, and I need her right now!184Absolutely not.I'm not authorized to release...185any subjectsfrom their containment units.186I'm not even allowedto have a key.187Swallow the thing one time, and all of a sudden...188you're the weird key swallower who can't be trusted.189I don't thinkyou're understanding me.190I'm willing to pay for her.191These animalsaren't for sale, ma'am.192They're the legal propertyof this facility.193What kind of facility is this?194Mr. Livermore, I'm so sorry!195Elle, this VERSACEis a cosmetic testing facility.196- Oh, no!- Bruiser's mom's a test subject.197I want her out of thereimmediately.198Animal test subjectscan only be surrendered...199on a voluntary basis,and they're not volunteering.200After I get through with them,they'll be begging.201And I'm not just takingBruiser's mom.202I'll bust all those dogsout of that doggie dungeon.1"Research Scienceand Critter Exploitation"?2This VERSACE's owned by theC'est Magnifique Corporation!3That's fantastic!4Our law firmrepresents C'est Magnifique.5We can tell them to fix this.6I can't wait to take thisto the partners.7But how are yougoing to convince them?8Presenting...9Abandoned at birth, I wason my own at an early age...10fighting for survival onthe streets of Beverly Hills...11making his way downthe boulevard of broken dreams,12turning tricksat Hollywood and Vine...13yet even whenI found a loving mother...14I couldn't shake thisnagging emptiness in my heart.15It was like a void.When I looked in the mirror...16who was itthat was looking back at me?17This is Bruiser's question.18And in a way,aren't we all Bruisers?19I think yes. Thank you.20Ms. Woods,this is a law firm...21not an animal rights advocacy group.22We're lawyers.We have to fight for justice.23And this is definitely unjust.24In this case, the cost of beauty is way too high.25I can't believe I said that,but it's true.26What we fight for...27is our clientsand their best interests.28But isn't doing the right thing in everybody's best interest?29I think you're confusingthe right thing and the law.30You didn't thinkthey were the same, did you?31Why don'twe get back to business...32and discussyour very bright future?33Pardon me,I don't mean to interrupt...34but I just-What you're saying is...35if C'est Magnifiquefollows the letter of the law...36even if it ends uphurting living beings...37we're just doing our job?38I'm sorry, Mr. Blaine...39I don't think I can workwith people who believe that.40You know what? You're right.41Thank you, Mr. Blaine.42You shouldn't have to work with people who believe that.43Absolutely.I knew you would understand.44You're fired, Elle.45What?46We only have roomfor serious lawyers here.47Take the rest of the dayto clear out your things.48But the secretarial pool already gave me a balloon.49Keep the balloon, if you wish.50Please, Emmett, just go away.51Why don't you come on out,sweetie?52I know Bruiserdoesn't blame you.53But I'm all he has to speakfor him in this world...54and I havecompletely failed him.55You know what I thoughtthe first time I saw you?56"God, that womanwears a lot of pink"?57No. I thought...58"That woman is really special. "59"She believes she can makea difference and she will. "60So... come on outand let's talk about it.61No.62We could go oversome wedding details.63How about that? It revolves.64And it illuminates.65It's evengot the Red Sox colors.66That's fantastic, honey!67Speaking of red socks...68you're not gettingcold feet, are you?69About what?70How's it going to look?A Harvard law professor...71married to a lawyer who got fired from her first job.72Fired for somethingshe believes in.73It's going to look like...74"There goes the luckiest guy in the whole world. "75Thanks.76Holy crap!77It's gorgeous!78The materialkeeps falling apart.79No!80Amy, is something wrong?81You can't do a scallop trim on the outer hoop skirt.82The material's too delicate. It'll just fall apart.83But in two out of three home tests it held.84I am so sorry, Elle.85No biggie.I guess I don't need...86a scallop trimon the outer hoop skirt.87I'll be fine.88What is it that you saidback when I couldn't...89fit into my white spandex pantsuit for my wedding?90If the fabricdoesn't work with you...91don't work with it.92It's one ofmy favorite mantras.93That is so true, and I know the most perfect organza!94Or somethingreally classy like...95like white leather!96I'll call the guythat did my car seats.97Wait... that's it.98Don't fight the fabric. Change it.99OK, but white leather?100If the law is what's keepingBruiser's mother locked up...101I shouldn't be fighting it,I should be changing it.102Everybody, I'm going to make...103animal testingfor cosmetics illegal!104I know that making a dog wear mascara and blush is wrong...105This isn't just aboutBruiser's mom anymore...106this is about the factthat every day...107that I put on my Gold Goddess luminescent blush...108some poor little innocent animal might be suffering for it.109You don't realizehow horrible something is...110until it happens to you personally.111Like breastfeeding.And if I want to givea voice to Bruiser...113I have to go to the placethat gave a voice to the people!114Oh, my God! The headquarters of "Cosmopolitan" magazine!115Better! Ladies...116I'm going to Washington!117D.C., here I come!118If anybody can handle this,it's you, honey.119I got a call from the Delta Nu 24-hour housing hotline.120Your apartment's all set.121- Great!- Elle!122Oh, my God! You look like the Fourth of July!123Makes me want a hot dogreal bad.Yeah, OK.You got to get going, honey.125OK.126- Elle, look at this.- What's that?127According to"Animal Fair" magazine...128your new boss is the best groomed woman in Washington.129Her beagle's nameis Dolly Madison...130which is my grandma's stripper name.131Isn't that a good sign?132Oh, my gosh. A job witha brilliant congresswoman...133who's alsoa fellow Harvard alum.134You'll do great, Elle.It's destiny.135But isn't planningthe wedding of the century...136and changing the lawkind of hard?137Paulette, I taught Bruiserhow to shop online.138I think I can handle Congress.139See ya.140Home sweet home. You ready?141OK.142Welcome tothe Wellington, ma'am.143It's a thrill to be here!144Time to legislate!145No.146Too Nancy.147Too Hillary.148Too Monica.149Too perfect for words!150Hi!151Good morning,fellow public servants.152It's my first day.153Nice briefcase.154Huh? Thank you.155Hi!156Last item onour agenda-Elle Woods.157Personal Rudd hire,taking up a bill...158on animal testingin the cosmetic industry.159I'm sorry,Rudd's backing that?160Matter of conscience, whatever.161Who knows? Maybe it'll boostour female demographic.162The point iswe're animal lovers now.163If this is so important to Rudd, shouldn't I be handling it?164No, Timothy,not when we have a woman...165who according to Rudd,is one of the shrewdest...166legal and political mindsof our time.167Hello, patriots!168I don't thinkI've been this excited...169since Gucci becamea publicly traded company.170Oh, my God,it's Capitol Barbie.171She's so shiny.172So where should I start?173Excuse me, sweetie?174Intern orientationis down the hall in Room 216.175That's before 217 and after 215.176Oh, my God!That is so sweet of you!177You think I'm an intern?178That anti-wrinkleall-salmon diet really works.179Who are you?180- I'm sorry-- Elle Woods, welcome!181I haven't seen yousince the alumni meeting!182- I know! How are you?- Good!183This is Elle Woods, everyone.184Basically mewhen I first came to D.C...185so make her feel at home.186You ready to hitthe ground running?187Are these notmy comfortable heels?188- Cute shoes.- Thank you. They are comfy.189Here's Bruiser. Welcome.190Oh, you little sugar!191Back her up, people.192This is the most collaborative bunch on the Hill...193So gather them together...194talk strategy as soon asyou get settled in.195- And, Elle?- Yes?196- Welcome to Washington.- Thank you!197Okey-dokey.198I missed the part aboutwhere my office is.199The desk. Right here.200All righty. Then I'm goingto need a glue gun...201some pinking shears, andfive yards of grosgrain ribbon.202Yeah, that'll do it.203Well, look at you.204You can run your weddingcoordinator business...1By the way, that outfitlooks fantastic on you.2It really brings outthe color in your eyes.3Thanks.4It's on my "I brake forsample sales" bookmark.59:00-sample custom colorwedding cake frosting.610:00-rehearse hearing speech.711:00-Commerce committee hearing.812:00-exfoliating treatment-9Go back to that one at 11:00.1011:00-Commerce committee hearing.11That's what it says.12I'm going to be appearing before ranking member...13Libby Hauser,Chairman Stanford Marks...14and the entire Committeeof En and Comm.15A hop, skip, and a jump away from a floor vote.16Nice try, but youhave to get a bill...17before you have a hearing.18Like this one?19It's like I was sayingto the congresswoman...20the other day overcaramel macchiatos.21"Is bill writingsuper fun or what?"22I think so.23Where is that Elle Woods?24Oh, my God.25- Libby just told me the news. - She did?26Never underestimate a woman...27with a French manicureand a Harvard law degree.28Thank you, Victoria.That's very sweet of you...29but I couldn't have done it without your inspiration.30I'm honored.This girl is special.31Actually, I didn't do it alone.32The entire team helped me. It was really a group effort.33Good work, guys.Really good work.34- You.- Thanks.35Thank you, Reena.You're a sweetheart.36And I guess I will see youat the hopper.37Ask not what your best friend can do for man...38but what you can dofor man's best friend.39The Committeeon Energy and Commerce...40will now come to order.41HR 2562,aka Bruiser's Bill-42RepresentativeVictoria Rudd, sponsor...43proposing a banon animal testing...44in the cosmetics industry.45I'd like to welcomeyou all today as we begin...46consideration ofthis very important issue.47This week, you will hear testimony from both sides...48and I ask that you keepyour ears and your minds open.49This is my first congressional hearing.50Can you believe it?51And so I come to you todayas a citizen...52and a scientist withthe National Institute of Health53for 25 years,during which time...54it's become increasingly clear that these supposed alternatives55to animal testingaren't alternatives at all.56I took this office to represent my two-legged constituents.57Recently, I saw an item ina pet store with the label...58"This productis tested on humans. "59That's a problemworth discussing.60All the bleeding hearts...61will try to distract usfrom the facts...62with their saccharine talkof wagging tails...63cold noses, and other sentimental mumbo jumbo.64Consider this-where we see softness of heart...65we often see softness of mind.66And so to move on such a bill at this juncture in time...67would wreak havocon already unstable...68local economiesacross the country.69Now, that's a problemworth discussing.70You knowI'd do anything for you...71but I got to tell you,that is one tough room.72- Better be prepared tomorrow. - All right.73Excuse me, ladies.Good evening.74I know you've hada bad day in court before.75It's the same thing.76They make their case,we make ours.77Yes, but that was bad.78They're mostly posturing for their constituents back home.79I think we have the votesin committee...80even without your testimony.81But they have scientistsand economists and facts.82So do we.Elle, listen to me.83Go home.Have an early evening.84Sorry.85Victoria Rudd. Yes.86Hang on one minute, will you?87Go home. Try to relax.88And don't think like them. Think like you.89OK. Thanks.90- Good night.- Good night.91Bob, how are you?92I'm leaving the Capitol right now.93- Thanks. Nice work.- Oh.94Sid?95I'm sorry about that.This happens all the time.96My break is almost up...97but I wanted to get you this before tomorrow.98Great. Let's walk.99Sidney, this is brilliant.100How did you know all this?101Hundreds of dogs walked and thousands of plastic baggies.102This is perfect.This is exactly what I need.103Well, of courseI appreciate your support.104Why wouldn't it continue?105I'm already on recordon that issue.106All right.107I'll do what I can.108Don't push me, Bob.109I'll do what I can.110All right. Good night.111- I need to call in my favor. - I'm listening.112I've changed my positionon Bruiser's Bill.113A man who controlsa political machine...114Boy, he's good.He is really good.115I'm really gladwe're watching this.116This is good for you.117He promised to break me in two.118I'm startingto worry about...119getting allthis wedding planning done.120Elle, I want you to followmy lead in Washington.121And always make sureBruiser wears a sweater.122- Is that Sean Connery?- No, it's not.123Powerful enoughto control congressmen...124Seriously, honey, don't worry about the wedding research.125Just give 'em hell tomorrow.126The chair now recognizes legislative aide Elle Woods.127Thank you, Mr. Chairman.128There she is!129Guys, she really did it.130Miss Woods?131Well, I'll be damned.132Representative Kroft...133that lip gloss looks absolutely sensational on you.134I'm sorry, what?135It's Raspberry Macaroon number 156.136Company shall remain nameless, is that correct?137Well, yes. But how did you-138What if I told you, Representative Kroft...139that you owe thatspecial bounce in your step...140that only comes from finding the perfect lipstick...141to the pain and sufferingof innocent animals?142What if I was to tell you...143CongresswomanMadeline Melanie Kroft...144that you oweyour Raspberry Macaroon...145to him?146My best friend.147Bruiser.148How many timeshas he acted on my behalf?149Countless.150But today, I get the opportunity to speak for him.151Who do you speak for?152Congressman Fuchs...153the next time you reach for your overnight moisturizing gloves-154By the way, it's nothingto be ashamed about.155More men should use them.156Consider asking yourself what you're willing to sacrifice...157in the name ofbeauty and soft cuticles.158Are you willing to sacrifice animal welfare?159Or how aboutthe welfare of one animal?160Like Jelly,your childhood pal...161that strikingretriever-black lab mix.You know about Jelly?163When all the other children refused to play Lone Ranger...164who was it that wasalways your Tonto?165Jelly Belly.166Mr. Chairman...167when you look in thosesnap-worthy almond eyes...168of your Rottweiler Leslie...169does it not make your heart glow with warmth?170With due respect, Ms. Woods,I wouldn't go that far.171But when he learnedto differentiate...172between seven differentkinds of pipes...173and fetch each one on command, did you not swear...to protect himwith every shotgun...175in your charming little ammunitions case?176It wouldn't come to that.177This is a dogwe're talking about.178But if you could speakfor Leslie...179what would you say?180What would Leslie want youto say for him, Mr. Chairman?181Stan.182To hell with it.183My Rottweiler Les isof the homosexual orientation.184I've said it. I'm out.185My name is Stan Marks,I'm a conservative Republican...186。

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Matthew Davis is the youngest man (only 23) between these leading actors. He has performed some famous films including Urban Legends:The Final Cut (都市传奇 终极版) 珍珠港) 终极版)and Pearl Harbour (珍珠港).
Congratulations, Class of 2004, we did it!"
One aspect of filmmaking
The movie was really hot at that time.It is just as easy as honey.The little girl's small mind and colorful dream world can always evoke your heart of innocence and the yearning for beautiful things.The most unforgettable thing is that----the colour of pink.The hat, clothes, skirt,high-heeled shoes, telephone, car, laptop and even the clothes of the pet dog are pink which blot out the sky and cover up the earth. Every girl’s eyes lit up watching the film. It’s just a dream world. It not only make Reese Witherspoon popular, but also drive the tide of pink.
Then the film was discovered by a famous director James L. Brooks and help them expand it into a real feature film. Since then ,the three Wilson brothers all step on the road of acting. Now Luke himself has performed over 20 films and achieved a lot .
Finally on the court ,her excellent interrogate not only make the case come out in the wash, but also make herself bound into fame. While after the court, Mrs. Warner Huntington III express his love to Ella against, she refused politely because she wants to begin her own new life.
type:comedy ,
inspirational film Basic settings: It was happened in the Harvard law school .
Plot Summary
Plot summary of Legally Blonde (2001)
Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) is the president of her sorority, a Hawaiian Tropic girl, Miss June in her campus calendar, and, above all, a natural blonde. She dates the cutest fraternity boy on campus and wants nothing more than to be Mrs. Warner Huntington III. But, there's just one thing stopping Warner (Matthew Davis) from popping the question: Elle is too blonde. Growing up across the street from Aaron Spelling (杉矶艾伦-斯班林) might mean something in LA, but nothing to Warner's East-Coast blue blood family. So, when Warner packs up for Harvard Law and reunites with an old sweetheart from prep school, Elle rallies all her resources and gets into Harvard, determined to win him back. But law school is a far cry from the comforts of her poolside and the mall. Elle must wage the battlguy, for herself and for all the blondes who suffer endless indignities everyday.
When refer to the leading man Luke Wilson, we have to mention the Hollywood director Wes Anderson. At the beginning , Luke Wilson has no interest in acting. He is only an excellent athlete in the campus. It is an acting class that has made him changed his interest. On 1993, 22 years old Wilson worked out a 15 minutes short film named Bottle Rocket with his two brothers. This film is about the story of three boys who dreamed of became a major chief (通天大盗 通天大盗). 通天大盗
"On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle 'The law is reason free from passion'. Well, no offense to Aristotle but in my three years at Harvard, I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life. It is with passion, courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world. Remembering that first impression are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.
Since she choose her occupation as a lawyer, Ella become energetic, hardworking and are eager to make progresses. She also fight against all sorts of ugly things in the society.
Women dressed in pink walk along a street in Manhattan to promote the upcoming musical "Legally Blonde" on May 29.
Movie is only film, but the film can also reflects a certain social phenomenon. It is still a society which men are in role. Even in such country where a material and spirit are extremely developed. When Elle was hurt ,she talked with a girl who was just abandoned by her ex-husband.I think, it’s not only the sadness of two women, but the sad of the women in whole society. The equality between men and women has call for so many years, though the the situation has changed a little in the concept, it’s still at the stage of appeal. The beautiful woman is always treated as a vast. Men enjoy theirbeauty, just enjoy. So, at last, they are abandoned by men, just as Elle.