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钟,满分120分。 5分)第一部分听力。(共30

分) 6. A. I’m a doctor. B. I like pop music. C. I’m from New York.


每段对话读两遍。(每小题1 7. A. Have a good time! B. Wonderful, please! C. Happy for you! 分,共5分) 8. A.

5578479. B. Near the hospital. C. Walk straight. 1. 9. A.

You look great. B. What’s the problem? C. That’s dangerous.

10. A. About 15 minutes. B. About 20 dollars. C. About 23 kilos. 1


分) . 听第一段对话,回答11—12 两

个小题。 11. What language does the man want to learn? A B C A. German. B. Spanish. C. French. 12.

When will Helen have a meeting? A. On Monday afternoon. B. On Monday evening. C. On Tuesday evening. 听第二段对话,回答

13—15 三个小题。 2. 13. Where will Helen spend her summer vacation? A. In Sydney. B. In Moscow. C. In Shanghai. 14.

How long will Jack stay at New York? A. For a week. B. For a

month. C. For a year. 15. Who will Jack go with? A. His uncle.

B. His daughter.

C. His cousin 3. 听第三段对话,回答第16

至17小题。 16. How long has the woman lived in the house? A.

About ten years. B. About twenty years. C. About thirty years. 17.

Why does the woman want to sell the house? A. Because she

wants to live in the country. B. Because her son is in need of money. C. Because she thinks the house is small. 4. 听第四

段对话,回答第18至20小题。 18.How long has the man been in Brighton Hospital? A B C

A.For 2 years

B. For 3 years

C.For about 5 years 5.

19.Why does he want to leave Brighton? A.Because he wants to

be a doctor in Africa. B.Because he doesn’t want to see Rosie again. C.Because he likes to change his life and see the world. A B C 20.Who are the two speakers? 1

A. what an excited news

B. how excited the

news is A.Mother and son. B.Husband and wife.

C.Friends. C. what exciting news

D. how

exciting news 34. I’m going to graduate from my school soon, but I’ll it forever. 第四节听短文,完成下列

信息表格(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) A. be friends on B. be thankful to C. keep away from D.

fall in love with About a house 35—Over 100 countries and organizations _____warm support to the Belt and

Road initiative(倡议) since 2013. about _____________ (21) meters away from the seaside Location(位置)—Wonderful! Our circle of friends is growing bigger! 1 kilometer away from a supermarket and 1.5 kilometers A. give B. have given C. gave D. will give Public facilities(公共设施) away from a _______________(22) 36. My mother ___________the dishes when I got home.
