






以下是我为大家准备的,希望大家喜欢!(一)1. 你...风往哪个方向吹,草就要往哪个方向倒。



以下是我为大家准备的,希望大家喜欢!(一)1. 你是说杀人犯之所以成为杀人犯,也是非他的"自性",他只是生于杀戮之家,他杀了人,众生都有罪,大家都是同谋者。

——《武侠》2. 曾经在某一瞬间,我们都以为自己长大了。



——《与青春有关的日子》3. 女人的极致,不是成为一个妖精,而是成为一个公主。



——《杜拉拉升职记》4. 随意、有趣、不过分纠结什么、不带一点规矩的束缚的人总会被吸引我们,然后才记起来,符合那几个条件的人,其实是贱人。

——《在云端》5. 为了记住你的笑容,我拼命按下心中的快门。

——《美丽人生》6. 这个世界最坏罪名,叫太易动情,但我喜欢这罪名。

——《无人之境》7. 事业和金钱,一场金融风暴一场商战就可以前功尽弃全部化为乌有;而家,却是不论天塌地陷、世事变迁,都总会有一扇门为你打开着,总会有一些人在里面等着你,还愿意不离不弃的守着你直到生命终止的地方。

——《家,N次方》8. 镖跟靶的每次分离,都是为了能够再一次重回靶心!所以,等待......——《家,N次方》9. 我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着七色的云彩来娶我,我猜中了前头,可是我猜不着这结局......——《大话西游》10. 戏如人生,人生如戏,只要找对了角色,何妨一直畅演下去?——《新龙门客栈》11. 青春犹如方糖,对吧?有棱角的,易碎的,荒唐的,甜蜜的。


I blessed a day i found you ,I want to stay around you ,Now and forever ,Let it be me .Don't take this heaven from one .If you must cling to someone ,Now and forever ,Let it be me .
——(m)Is life always this hard.or is it just when you're a kid?
——(l) Always like this.
《The Weather Man》
“Well, then why'd you do it ?
Because you asked me to.”
"寂寞吗 是因为一个人寂寞 还是因为心里有一个人才寂寞呢..."
“To me ,you are perfect 。”



Up In The AirA: This is what I get in return for 30 years of service for my company? And they send some yo-yo like you in here to try to tell me that I'm out of a job? They should be telling you you're out of a job. 我为公司服务了30年,这就是我得到的回报?他们派你这种人过来,对我说,我的工作没了。

他们应该跟你说,你的工作没了B: You have a lot of gall coming in here and firing your number one producer. And make more money than you've ever made in your life, and I'm going to go home without a pay check. Fuck you. 你们这些厚颜无耻的人来到这里开除了最好的制作人,明天你回到家去收钱。


C: I just...I guess you leave me dumbfounded. I don't know where this is coming from. How am I supposed to go back as a man and explain this to my wife that I lost my job? 我只是…我想这让我太震惊了。



D: On a stress level, I've heard that losing your job is like a death in the family. But personally, I feel more like the people I worked with were my family and I died. 从压力的层面上说,我听说失去工作就像家里有人去世。



瑞安(旁白):赚到忠诚,得到一些 入住记录。然后,有什么事情让他皱起了
m 小回报,就是这类机械而友好的笑容让 眉头。他掏出手机,开始拨号……
理 o 我的世界秩序井然。
内景 助手办公桌 白天
c 一 张 票 据 开 始 打 印 。 瑞 安 把 它 撕
瑞安皱着眉头—— —究竟是他妈的怎
空姐举起她手中的一罐苏打水。 而过。
内景 “艺术大师”汽车租赁公司
史蒂夫从他的钱夹里取出钥匙卡。 还车处 白天
收拾一下。和你的同事们打声招呼。明天, 场,瑞安将车停在其中一处。他跳出车
离开这儿,锻炼锻炼身体,跑跑步。要养成 子,一位身穿制服的男子用一个手持设
牌插进身后的裤兜……双手不停地舞 地想和你谈谈你妹妹婚礼的事儿。我告
动,表演着不同的动作……这一切真是 诉她你在飞机上,而我不知道你最终的
内景 罗盘俱乐部 同前
瑞安走进来,掏出他的 “罗盘俱乐
部”会员卡。卡上有全息防伪标志。罗盘 “目标探求”公司的演讲邀请函。



行走在云端的优美句子1. 行走在云端说明文作文我们行走在地面,就让心,在云端跳一支舞,即使不华丽,也是最美的。
















































Up In The AirA: This is what I get in return for 30 years of service for my company? And they send some yo-yo like you in here to try to tell me that I'm out of a job? They should be telling you you're out of a job. 我为公司服务了30年,这就是我得到的回报?他们派你这种人过来,对我说,我的工作没了。

他们应该跟你说,你的工作没了B: You have a lot of gall coming in here and firing your number one producer. And make more money than you've ever made in your life, and I'm going to go home without a pay check. Fuck you. 你们这些厚颜无耻的人来到这里开除了最好的制作人,明天你回到家去收钱。


C: I just...I guess you leave me dumbfounded. I don't know where this is coming from. How am I supposed to go back as a man and explain this to my wife that I lost my job? 我只是…我想这让我太震惊了。



D: On a stress level, I've heard that losing your job is like a death in the family. But personally, I feel more like the people I worked with were my family and I died. 从压力的层面上说,我听说失去工作就像家里有人去世。







——《爱情睡醒了》 >有时候我会觉得,如果没找到命中注定的那个人,不管有多么成功都没意义。



——《我们的存在》 >每天,这个世界都有很多不开心的事发生,能平平安安地过一天都是值得开心的。




——《爱情储蓄罐》>容不容得下是娘娘的气度,能不能让娘娘容得下是嫔妾的本事!——《甄嬛传》 >你爱她,就要先伤害她。







——《僵尸新娘》 >女人要懂得爱自己,才会有人爱你。

——《幸福额度》 >年少时的朋友是彼此青春的收藏家。

——《小淘气尼古拉》 >我觉得在感情上,你付出多少才能得到多少。






在云端经典台词【1】How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. Feel 'em? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. Start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers the knick-knacks, the collectibles. Feel the weight as that adds up. Then you start adding larger stuff - clothes, table-top appliances, lamps, linens, your TV... The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And you go bigger. Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroomed house. I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It's kind of hard, isn't it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake moving is living. Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. It's kind of exhilarating, isn't it?背包理论:你的生活有多重?花一秒钟时间,想像你自己身负包裹。








电影《在云端》经典台词How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. Feel them? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. You start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers, the knickknacks, the collectibles. Feel the weight as that adds up. Then you start adding larger stuff, clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And you go bigger. Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroom house. I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It's kind of hard, isn't it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. It's kind of exhilarating, isn't it?你的背包里装了什么?你的人生有多重?想象一下,你背着一个背包。




38]Never? — No. —从来没有- 是的[07:16.38]Ever? — No. —一次都没想过? —没错[07:19.14]You never want to get married? - Nope。

- 你从未想过结婚?- 从未想过[07:22.50]Ever? — Never. - 一直都没有? - 从来没有[07:22.98]Never want kids?— Not a chance. —从未想过生孩子? - 从未想过[07:27。

54]Is that so bizarre?— Yes。

- 是不是很古怪?—是的[07:29。

26]Yes,it is。

— I just don't see the value in it. - 是的是这样- 我只是看不出那样做价值何在[07:35.98]Right,sell it to me。

- What? - 好吧努力说服我- 什么?[07:37.82]Sell me marriage. 告诉我婚姻的重要性[07:40.02]OK, how about love?— OK。

—好吧出于爱情怎么样? - 好吧[07:46.26]Stability,just somebody you can count on..。

— How many stable marriages do you know? —稳定性有人可以依靠..。

- 你见过多少稳定的婚姻?[07:49.98]Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with. 有人可以说话可以共度此生的人[07:54.42]I'm surrounded by people to talk to. That won’t change. 我周围都是可以说话的人那不会改变[07:57。

10]How about just not dying alone?不会孤零零死去的理由怎么样?[08:01。


























《在云端》经典英⽂台词《在云端》经典英⽂台词 --Fear of mortality. It's like, yeah, you're gonna die one day. --Not a chance. --I'm surrounded by people to talk to. I doubt that's gonna change. --It's a cocoon of self-banishment. --Yes.Yes,it is. --How about just not dying alone? Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids. Their spouses will ask about their day and tonight they'll sleep. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places. And one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wing tip passing over. 【13】 --Never? --Yes, pretty lonely. --That's what we're selling. It's not what we're doing. --Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with. --You never want to get married? --It's simple. U know that moment when u look into somebody's eyes and u can feel them staring into your soul and the whole world goes quiet just for a second? --You have set up a way of life that basically makes it impossible for you to have any kind of human connection. And now, this woman comes along and somehow runs the gauntlet of your ridiculous life choice, and comes out on the other end smiling just u can call her "casual"? I need to grow up? U are a 12-year-old. I would say, you know, uh...without my friends and my family, I wouldn't have made it. --Don't u think it's worth giving her a chance? --No, it's simply a life choice. --Everybody needs a co-pilot. --I don't know what originally sparked the backpack. Probably needed to be alone. Recently, I've been thinking that I needed to be empty the backpack before I know what to put back in it. --And we’re all running clocks, and they can’t be slowed down or paused, and we all end up in the same place. There’s no point. ...... 【2】 【6】 --A chance for what? --Never want kids? --Thanks. --U just don't want to be tied down with the whole responsibility thing. --No, I guess not. --That was a nice touch. --Never. Is that so bizarre? --You know, I’m not normally the guy u would talk to about stuff like this. If you think about it, your favourite memories, the most important moments in your life, were you alone? --OK. What we r doing? 【3】 --Natalie, your definition of real will evolve as u get older. It's not all about the money, money can keep your warm. It pays your heating bills, it can buy you a blanket. But it doesn't keep u as warm as when my husband holds me. --That's a little abstract. What's the target? --I thought we signed up for the same thing. How much does your life weigh?Imaging for a second that you're carring a backpack. I want u to feel that the straps on your shoulders.Feel'em? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that u have in your life.Start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers,the knick-knacks,the collectibles.Feel the weights as that adds up. Then u start adding larger stuff, cloths, table-top appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And u go bigger. Your couch, your bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home ,whether it is a studio apartment, or a two-bedroom house, I want u to staff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It's kind of hard, isn't it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now I'm gonna set that backpack on fire, what do u want to take out of it? photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing, it's kind of exhilarating, isn't it? --The point? --Kinda lonely, huh? --Yes. --We prepare the newly-unemployed for the emotional and physical hurdles of job hunting, whileminimising legal bloeback. --And when were u going to stop and come back and do what makes u happy? --No. --What? --I thought I was a part of your real life. 【10】 --That’s true. 【1】 --Well, last night I was just kinda laying in bed, and I couldn’t get to sleep. so I started thinking bout the wedding and the ceremony, and about our buying a house, and moving in together, and having a kid, and having another kid and then Christmas and Thanksgiving and Springbreak. Going to football games, and then all of a sudden, they're graduating.They’re getting jobs, and getting married. and u know,I’m a grandparent, and then I am retired, I’m loosing my hair, getting fat, and then the next thing, you know, I’m dead. I’m just, like...I can’t stop from thinking—what’s the point? I mean, What is the point? --I see guys who work at the same company for their entire lives, guys exactly like you. They clock in, they clock out, and they never have a moment of happiness. U have an opportunity here, Bob. This is a rebirth. If not for u, do it for your children.。
































































3.星星从白天隐藏的角落慢慢的爬升出来,而那些天边的微光中会有一个更为明亮的它就是我的机翼划过的痕迹,祝福着其他人,悄然拂过.4.Your children’s admiration is important to you?I doubt they ever admired you. I am not a shrink,I am a wake-up call. You know why kids love athletes?Because they follow their dreams. You can cook,your resume says you minored in French culinary arts. Most students work on the fryer at KFC,but youbussed tables at E1 picador to support yourself. And then you get out of college and you come and work here. How much they first pay you to give up on your dreams?And when you were going to stop and come back to do what makes you happy.孩子的崇拜对你来说很重要是吗?我怀疑他们有没有崇拜过你。



《在云端》(Upintheair)观后感•相关推荐《在云端》(Up in the air)观后感(通用8篇)当品味完一部作品后,从中我们收获新的思想,为此需要好好认真地写观后感。

那么我们该怎么去写观后感呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的《在云端》(Up in the air)观后感,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

《在云端》(Up in the air)观后感篇1看完电影《在云端》(Up in the air)之后,我不禁想起一个人生哲学问题,那就是人生这趟列车旅行的终极目标是什么?"夫天地者,万物之逆旅;光阴者,百代之过客,而浮生若梦,为欢几何?"这是李白的诗句,人生匆匆数十年,放在历史长河来量度,那是渺小的微尘。














电影《在云端》 台词

电影《在云端》 台词

Movie---Up In the Air 2010Classic lines【1】Ryan BinghamWhat’s In Your Backpack?How much does your life weigh? Imaging for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to feel that the straps on your shoulders. Feel'em? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that u have in your life. Start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers, the knick-knacks, and the collectibles. Feel the weights as that adds up. Then you start adding larger stuff, cloths, table-top appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And u go bigger. Your couch, your bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether it is a studio apartment, or a two-bedroom house, I want u to staff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It's kind of hard, isn't it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now I'm gonna set that backpack on fire, what do u want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing, it's kind of exhilarating, isn't it?【2】--Natalie, what is it u think we do here?--We prepare the newly-unemployed for the emotional and physical hurdles of job hunting, while minimizing legal blowback.--That's what we're selling. It's not what we're doing.--OK. What we r doing?--We r here to make limbo tolerable, to ferry wounded souls across the river of dread until the point where hope is dimly visible. And then stop the boat, shove'em in the water and make'em swim.【3】--How much did they first pay u to give up on your dreams?--27 grand a year.--And when were u going to stop and come back and do what makes u happy?--Good question.--I see guys who work at the same company for their entire lives, guys exactly like you. They clock in, they clock out, and they never have a moment of happiness. U have an opportunity here, Bob. This is a rebirth. If not for u, do it for your children.【4】--It's not like that. The miles are the goal.--That's it? U r saving just to save?--Just say I have a number in mind and I haven't hit it yet.--That's a little abstract. What's the target?--It's 10 million miles.......--And they put your name on a side of plane.--Men get such hard-ons from putting their name on stuff. You guys don't grow up. It's like you need to pee on everything.--Oh, now who is stereotyping?--Fear of mortality. It's like, yeah, you're gonna die one day.【5】This is how I start every day of my life. Now, this is gonna be a little difficult, so stay with me. You have a new backpack. Only this time, I want u to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office. And then u move into the people u trust with your most intimate secrets-Your cousins, your aunts, your uncles, your brothers, your sisters, your parents, and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend or your girlfriend. You get them into that backpack. Don't worry. I'm not gonna ask you to light it on fire. Feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake, your relationship are the heaviest components in your life. Do u feel the straps cutting into your shoulders? All these negotiations and arguments, and secrets and compromises. You don't need to carry all that weight. Why don't u set that bag down? Some animals were meant to carry each other to live symbiotically for a lifetime. Star-crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not those animals. The slower we move, the faster we die. We are not swans, we're sharks.【6】--Never?--No.--Ever?--No.--You never want to get married?--Nope.--Never want kids?--Not a chance.--Ever?--Never. Is that so bizarre?--Yes. Yes, it is.--I just don't see the value in it. Right, sell it to me.--What?--Sell me marriage.--OK. How about love? Stability, just somebody you can count on...--OK, how many stable marriages do u know?--Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with.--I'm surrounded by people to talk to. I doubt that's gonna change.--How about just not dying alone?--Starting when I was 12, we moved each of my grandparents into a nursing facility. My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone. Now, those cult members in San Diego, with the kool-aid and the sneakers...they didn't die alone. I'm just saying there are options.【7】--Is the bag empty because u hate people or because u hate the baggage they come along with?--I don't hate people. I'm not exactly a hermit.--U just don't want to be tied down with the whole responsibility thing.--I don't know what originally sparked the backpack. Probably needed to be alone. Recently, I've been thinking that I needed to be empty the backpack before I know what to put back in it.【8】--How can u not think about that? How does it not even cross ur mind that you might want a future with someone?--It's simple. U know that moment when u look into somebody's eyes and u can feel them staring into your soul and the whole world goes quiet just for a second?--Yes.--Right. Well, I don't.......--Don't u think it's worth giving her a chance?--A chance for what?--A chance at something real.--Natalie, your definition of real will evolve as u get older.--Can u stop condescending for one second or is it a principle of your bullshit philosophy? The isolation, the travelling, is that supposed to be charming?--No, it's simply a life choice.--It's a cocoon of self-banishment.--Wow, big words.--You have set up a way of life that basically makes it impossible for you to have any kind of human connection. And now, this woman comes along and somehow runs the gauntlet of your ridiculous life choice, and comes out on the other end smiling just u can call her "casual"? I need to grow up? U are a 12-year-old.【9】--Well, last night I was just kinda laying in bed, and I couldn’t get to sleep. so I started thinking about the wedding and the ceremony, and about our buying a house, and moving in together, and having a kid, and having another kid and then Christmas and Thanksgiving and Spring break. Going to football games, and then all of a sudden, they're graduating. They’re getting jobs, and getting married. and u know, I’m a grandparent, and then I am retired, I’m losing my hair, getting fat, and then the next thing, you know, I’m dead. I’m just, like...I can’t stop from thinking—what’s the point? I mean, What is thepoint?--The point?--Yeah, what am I starting here?--Jim, it's...marriage, it’s one of the most beautiful things on earth, it’s what er...what people aspire to. U never got married.--That’s true.--I mean, You never even tried. That’s hard to defying try.--I don’t know. It’s just……you seem happier than all my married friends.--Well, Jim, I’m not going to lie to u. Marriage can be a pain in the ass. And you’re kind of right, this all is just stuff that leads to your eventual demise.--Yes.--And we’re all running clocks, and they can’t be slowed down or paused, and we all end up in the same place. There’s no point.-- There is no point. That’s what I’m saying.--You know, I’m not normally the guy u would talk to about stuff like this. If you think about it, your favorite memories, the most important moments in your life, were you alone?--No, I guess not.--Think a bit of it, last night, the night before your wedding when all the shit was swirling around in your head, weren’t you guys sleeping in separate bedrooms?--Yeah, Julie went back to the apartment, and I was just by myself in the honeymoon suite. --Kinda lonely, huh?--Yes, pretty lonely.--Life is better with company.--Yeah……--Everybody needs a co-pilot.--That was a nice touch.--Thanks.【10】--I thought I was a part of your real life.--I thought we signed up for the same thing.--Try and help me understand exactly what it is that u signed up for.--I thought our relationship was perfectly clear. I mean u are an escape, you are a break from our normal lives, you're a parenthesis.--I am a parenthesis?--I mean...what do u want? Tell me what u want...... U don't even know what u want. Ryan, I'm a grown-up, ok? So if u would like to see me again, then...then give me a call. OK?【11】--So where are u from?--I am from here.【12】I would say, you know, uh...without my friends and my family, I wouldn't have made it.It would have been a lot tougher if I would have to make it on my own.When I wake up in the morning and I look over and I see my wife, and that gives me the sense of purpose.It's not all about the money; money can keep your warm. It pays your heating bills; it can buy you a blanket. But it doesn't keep u as warm as when my husband holds me.Let me get up. Let me get out. Let me find something. So my kids are my purpose. My family.【13】Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids. Their spouses will ask about their day and tonight they'll sleep. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places. And one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wing tip passing over.。

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在云端,经典台词Anybody who ever built an empire or change the world sat where you are right now.and it's because they sat there they were able to do it.每个建立了帝国或者改变过世界的人都经历过你现在的处境。


Mr.Empty-backpackWhat's in your backpack?How much does your weight?Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack.I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders.Feel them?Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life.Start with the little things,the things on shelves and in the drawers,the knick-knacks,the collectibles.Feel the weight as that adds up.Then you start adding larger stuff,clothes,table-top appliances,lamps,linens,your TV.The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now.And you go bigger.Your couch,bed,your kitchen table.Stuff it all in there.Your car,get in there;your home,whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroom house,I want you to stuff it all into that backpack.Now try to walk.It's kind of hard,isn's it?This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis.We weight ourselves down until we can't even move.And make no mistake,moving is living.Now I'm gonna set that backpack on fire.What do you want to take out of it?Photos?Photos are for people who can't remember.Drink some gingo and let the photo burn.In fact,let everything burn and imagine,waking up tomorrow with nothing,it's kind of exhilarating,isn't it?This is how I start every day of my life.Now this's gonna be little difficult,so stay with me.You have a new backpack. Only this time,I want you to fill it with people.Start with casual acquaintances,friends of friends,folks around the office and then you move into the people you trust with,your most secrets,your cousins,your aunts,your uncles,your brother,your sisters,your parents and finally your husband,wife,your boyfriend,your girlfriend.And get them into the backpack.Don't worry.I'm not gonna ask you to light it on fire.Feel the weight of that bag.Make no mistake,your relationship is the heaviest components in your life.Do you feel the straps cutting into your shoulders?All those negotiations and arguments and secrets and compromises,you don't need to carry it all that weight.Why don't you set that bag down?Some animals were meant to carry each other,to live symbiotically of a lifetime.,star-crossed lovers,monogamous swans.We are not those animals.Slower we move,the faster we die.We are not swans.We are sharks.你的生活究竟有多重?想象一下你正背着一个背包,感受一下你肩上的压力,感觉到了吗?现在把你生活中所有的东西都装进去。
























I think it's time we see other people.我觉得我们可以分手了。

We all fall for pricks.They're spontaneous,unpredictable and fun.Then we're surprised when they turn out to be pricks.我们都会爱上混蛋的,他们很有野性,难于捉摸而且有趣。


When I was 16,I thought by 23 I's be married,maybe have a kid,corner office byday,enteraining at night.I was supposed to be driving a grand cherokee by now.我16岁的时候觉得我23岁就会结婚,也许有个小孩,白天坐办公室,晚上休闲娱乐,我现在都应该能开上大切诺基了。

Life can underwhelm you that way.生活可能就这样离你而去了。

At a certain point,we stop with a deadlines.It can be a little counterproductive.在某个时候,你会被一个截止日期卡住。


But sometimes it feels like,no matter how much success I have,it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy.但有时候我觉得如果我没找到命中注定的那个人,不管我有多成功都没意义。

You might not understand that now,but believe me,you will one day.你也许现在不理解,但相信我,总有一天你能明白的。

Otherwise that's a recipe for disater.否则那就是一枚定时炸弹。

I don't mind being married to my career.And I don't except it to hold me in bed as I fall asleep.I just don't want to settle.我不介意一心扑在事业上。



You're young,right now you see settling as some sort of failure.你还年轻,你认为安定下来对你来说是种失败。

But by the time someone is right for you,it won't feel like settling.And the only person left to judge you will be the 23-year-old girl with a target on your back.在你遇到真命天子以前,你不会想要安定下来的。
