



KDCF6高压滤波及无功补偿装置产品使用说明书北京鼎英科技有限公司一、装置概述 (2)二、执行标准 (2)三、功能特点 (3)3.1 补偿功能 (3)3.2 集中和就地控制功能 (3)3.3 滤波功能 (3)3.4 统计功能 (3)3.5 保护功能 (3)3.6 通讯功能 (3)3.7 安全方便 (3)四、选型说明 (3)4.1 型号定义 (3)4.2 选型说明 (4)五、技术指标 (4)5.1 环境条件 (4)5.2 控制和保护装置 (4)5.3 专用高压真空开关 (5)5.4 整柜主要指标 (6)六、装置控制原理 (7)6.1 工作原理 (7)6.2 电压无功综合判据 (7)6.3 电压无功简单判据 (8)6.4 功率因数判据 (8)七、主要元件列表 (8)八、安装调试与维护 (9)8.1 安装 (9)8.2 调试 (9)8.3 维护 (9)一、装置概述KDCF型高压滤波及无功补偿装置(以下简称装置)是北京鼎英科技公司根据配电网输送电能的技术要求,结合多年研制生产电力自动化设备的实践经验,开发的新型高压智能自动滤波及无功补偿装置。









BKDT 系列电力滤波器使用说明书电力滤波装置B B K K --D D T T 系系列列电电力力滤滤波波器器使使用用说说明明书书 U U s s e e r r ’’s s M M a a n n u u a a l l柏柏克克电电力力设设备备B B A A Y Y K K E E E E E E L L E EC C T T R R I I C C S S P P O O W W E E R R E E Q Q U U I I P P M M E E N N T T C C O O ,,..L L T TD D电力滤波装置电压质量:即用实际电压与额定电压间的偏差(偏差含电压幅值,波形和相位的偏差),反映供电企业向用户供给的电力是否合格;电流质量:即对用户取用电流提出恒定频率、正弦波形要求,并使电流波形与供电电压同相位,以保证系统以高功率因数运行,那个定义有助于电网电能质量的改善,并降低网损;供电质量:包含技术含义和非技术含义两个方面:技术含义有电压质量和供电可靠性;非技术含义是指服务质量,包括供电企业对用户投诉的反应速度和电力价格等;电能质量:导致用户设备故障或不能正常工作的电压、电流或频率偏差。




–电压上升:电压或电流有效值升至额定值的110%以上,典型值为额定值的110%~180%,连续时刻为0.5个周波至60s 。






NZD681 装置使用功能强大的 MPC 处理器 MPC852TVR100A 和 DSP 处理器 DSP56F807,它可 以完成以下功能:
第二章 硬件与安装.........................................................................................................................7 2.1 结构.....................................................................................................................................7 2.2 安装和接线....................................................................................................................... 11 2.3 原理框图及板件结构.......................................................................................................16 2.3.1 管理主板 MMI ......................................................................................................17 2.3.2 测控主板 SCPU.....................................................................................................18 2.3.3 遥信板....................................................................................................................19 2.3.4 遥控板....................................................................................................................20 2.3.5 交流采样输入板....................................................................................................21 2.3.6 直流采样输入板....................................................................................................23

10kV电力滤波及无功补偿( FC)装置技术规范文件

10kV电力滤波及无功补偿( FC)装置技术规范文件

35KV/10KV开关站工程10kV电力滤波及无功补偿(FC)装置技术规范文件2011年11月总则1.本规范书适用于10kV电力滤波及无功补偿(FC)装置,符合国家标准GB/T14549-1993、GB/T12326-2008 、SD-325-1989等功能设计、结构、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。





1、环境及电气参数1.1 使用环境条件:海拔高度<1000m环境温度: +40℃~–25℃最大日温差:≤15K相对湿度:日相对湿度平均值不大于95%月相对湿度平均值不大于90%地震烈度按8级设防安装地点户内式1.2电网参数:额定电压 10kV额定频率 50Hz短路电流 40kA(暂定)电能质量考核点(PCC点)为: 10kV母线1.3负荷参数:武汉重治集团大冶分公司新建一座110kV变电站,有一台50MVA的110/35/10变压器,10kV母线两段进线,主要负荷为动力用变压器、变频调速风机、电源线路、中频炉、电渣炉等。



国家标准GB/T14549-1993《电能质量公用电网谐波》国家标准GB/T12326-2008《电能质量电压波动和闪变》SD-325-1989《电力系统电压和无功电力技术导则》2.2谐波允许值2.2.1谐波电流值应满足指标:《电能质量公共电网谐波》GB 14549-93。



用真空吸尘器清洁滤波器 上面的灰尘。使用真空吸 尘器时无需把滤波器从机 身中取出
如滤波器污染严重,上方照射的灯光就会变暗。 如果灯光很暗,请洗涤或更换滤波器。 永久静电膜滤波器即便有灰尘,也能在简单清洁后继续使用, 能够保持和发挥出新的一样的功能。运行后滤波器即使变成黑色或黄色, 性能也会慢慢增加。请用吸尘器吸去肉眼能看到的大的粉尘。 1~2个月清洁一次就能保持上佳的性能。请1年(最长)更换一次滤波器 或洗涤后重复使用。
请勿堵塞吸气口和排气口。 请勿在取暖器等发热物体的附近或上面使用。 请勿安装在油渣等发生油雾的场所。 清洁时请勿使用洗剂 (有可能造成龟裂等损伤) 请勿在没有过滤器的状态下使用(没有净化效果时有可能造成故障)
在运行时请勿用鼻子靠近滤波器闻味道,避免皮肤直接接触。 在不运行的状态下也有可能堆积灰尘。在长时间不使用时请盖上塑料罩等。
默认:High模式 1档:睡眠模式 2档:关闭
默认:开启6个灯 1档:亮3个灯 2档:关闭
WONEY的扇叶调速档有2档。 刚购买时,扇叶速度默认设置为高速(High)模式。 如果感觉噪音过大,可调整1档后使用。 区 分 默 认 1 2 档 档 睡眠或安静模式 关闭 说 明
AC-DC适配器或插头受损或未完全插入插座连接部位时请勿使用 (有可能造成触电、漏电及火灾)。 请勿给AC-DC适配器造成冲击或涂上油漆等涂料。 不要强制弯曲或拉扯或在电线上面放置其他物品。(电线损伤有可能造成火灾及触电)
请使用正规适配器(DC 12V / 500mA额定)。 (预防火灾及触电) 请勿擅自变更。本产品的修理及分解应由具有资格证的服务人员实施(预防火灾及触电)。 修理及更换等事宜请咨询销售商或(株)JC&J客服中心。 清洁时一定要拔出电源插头。切勿用湿手触摸电源插头。 (有可能造成触电及伤害) 请勿在旁边放置可燃性气体或烟火、蜡烛等可燃性、引火性物质。 (有可能成为燃火源) 请勿在浴室等潮湿场所使用。 (有可能造成触电及错误动作) 请勿把手指或异物放进吸气口或排气口。 (有可能伤及手指或造成运行不良) 要抓着插头拔出插头,切勿用手拉电线。 (有可能因触电或漏电引起火灾) 不使用时请拔出电源插头。 (预防因绝缘不良引起触电或漏电,从而造成的火灾)

vacon dU dt 滤波器技术手册说明书

vacon dU dt 滤波器技术手册说明书
Winding voltage stresses
WARNING! Only qualified electricians are allowed to do installation and service work.
WARNING! Do not do repair work on a defective product.
Usually there is no need for additional protection with motors designed for a 400 V supply. Such motors are typically designed for a voltage level of 1200 V, which exceeds the induced stress of the AC drive.
vacon® 100 industrial vacon® 100 flow vacon® 100 hvac vacon® 100 x
ac drives
du/dt filter
technical guide
vacon • 1
TABLE OF COte: 12.1.2017
2 • vacon
This manual describes the dU/dt filters used with VACON® 100 Family AC drives. The filter range is designed for the wall-mounted drive up to a current rating of 208 A.



200FPFiltered Tone ProbeDescriptionThe 200FP Filtered Tone Probe is designed to identify andtrace wires or cables within a group without need of removinginsulation. In addition, the 200FP has been specifically designed tofilter out all power-related noise to eliminate “Power Line Hum.”The unit is constructed of durable ABS plastic, and an optionalleather carrying case, 200C, is available.The 200FP is alsoavailable as part of the Model 801K kit.When the 200FP is ON but not detecting a signal, the signal LEDwill flash momentarily (every 4 seconds) as a visible ON indicatorand reminder. When a tone signal is detected by the probe, thesignal LED will serve as a signal strength indicator.The brighterthe LED, the stronger the tone signal detected.SafetySafety is essential in the use and maintenance of Tempo Toolsand equipment. This instruction manual and any markings on thetool provide information for avoiding hazards and unsafe practicesrelated to the use of this tool. Observe all of the safety informationprovided.Purpose of this ManualThis manual is intended to familiarize personnel with thesafe operation and maintenance procedures for the TempoCommunications 200FP Filtered Tone Probe. Please read thisentire manual before operating the tool, and keep this manualavailable to all personnel. Replacement manuals are availableupon request at no extra charge.Controls (See Figure 1)A long press of the main control button turns the unit OFF or ON,and the unit beeps to indicate the change. A lower pitch beepindicates that the unit is going OFF. An Auto-Off feature hasbeen incorporated to turn the 200FP OFF after 5 minutes to helppreserve battery life. When Auto-Off activates, a bee-bee-bee-beep sounds from the speaker to alert the user that the 200FP isnow OFF. When the battery voltage is low, the unit sounds threedescending tones when it is turned ON.Short presses of the main control button engage and disengagethe hum filter of the 200FP. The unit beeps to indicate the change– a single beep means it is entering the normal unfiltered mode, 52080289 REV01 © 2019 Tempo Communications Inc. 08/19Do not discard this product or throw away!For recycling information, go to .All specifications are nominal and may change as design improvementsoccur. Tempo Textron Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting frommisapplication or misuse of its products.KEEP THIS MANUALmode the LED indicator operates in red color, and in filter mode the LED appears green.A volume control knob located on the right side of the 200FPallows the user to control the sensitivity and loudness of the probe output.OperationIdentification of wires and cables is accomplished by first connecting a tracing tone generator like the TempoCommunications 77HP , 77GX or AT8 to the wires being traced.In working cables that are terminated, connect one lead of the tone generator to a wire and the other test lead to earth or equipment ground. This allows localization of the cable and un-terminated cables, 1. To activate the 200FP , use a long press of the square main control button.Note: Changes in temperature and battery power can affect the frequency of tones produced by any given tone generator. Under certain conditions, a tone test set may produce frequencies that are similar to power line hum and cause them to be blocked by the 200FP’s filter mode.2. Prior to locating the tone at the far end of the cable or wire, confirm proper operation of the 200FP at the tone source. With the probe ON and in the filter mode (a short press of the control button and a green LED blink), listen for a solid single tone or a complete warble tone at the tone generator. If no tone or only “half ”of a warble tone is detected, use the 200FP in the “Normal” unfiltered setting or replace the battery in the tone generator.3. Once activated, the volume control can be adjusted to suit the environment. Loudness of the probe tone output can be increased to overcome noise (i.e., vehicular traffic, airplanes or machinery) or decreased to reduce interference or when working in noise sensitive areas.4. The 200FP is equipped with recessed ports for connecting a lineman’s butt set. Attaching the butt set automatically activates the probe when Talk mode is selected on the set.5. To activate the 200FP without depressing the main control button, silence the speaker, and use only the LED, attach a jumper between the two recessed tabs. This simulates connection of a butt set.6. Touch the tip of the 200FP to the insulation of each potential target conductor.7. Reception of tone will be loudest on the subject wire. (Reception of the tone may be improved by separating the wires from the group.)SpecificationsElectricalNominal Gain: 35 dBNominal Input Impedance: 100 MΩProbe Tip Resistance (minimum): 300 ΩBattery: One 9V alkalineNominal Battery Life: 50 hoursOvervoltage Protection: Cat I, 150V to GndPhysicalLength: 250 mm (9.85")Width: 32 mm (1.27")Depth: 35 mm (1.38")Weight: 142 g (5 oz)Operating/Storage ConditionsTemperature: 0 °C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F)MaintenanceBattery Replacement1. Turn the unit off.2. Remove the screw, then the battery door.3. Replace the battery (observe polarity).4.Replace the back and the screws. Do not overtighten the screw.Tip Replacement1. Turn the unit off.2. Remove the slotted screw and remove tip cover.3. Replace the tip.4.Replace tip cover and screw. Do not overtighten the screw.CleaningPeriodically wipe with a damp cloth and mild detergent; do not use abrasives or solvents.One-Year Limited WarrantyTempo Communications Inc. warrants to the original purchaser of these goods for use that these products will be free from defects in workmanship and material for one year, excepting normal wear and abuse.For all Test Instrument repairs, you must first request a Return Authorization Number by contacting our Customer Service department at:toll free in the US and Canada 800 642-2155. Telephone +1 760 510-0558. Facsimile +1 760 598-5634.This number must be clearly marked on the shipping label. Ship units Freight Prepaid to: Tempo Repair Center, 1390 Aspen Way, Vista, CA 92081 USA. Mark all packages: Attention: TEST INSTRUMENT REPAIR.For items not covered under warranty (such as dropped, abused, etc.) repair cost quote available upon request.Note: Prior to returning any test instrument, please check to make sure batteries are fully charged.Tempo Communications1390 Aspen Way • Vista, CA 92081 • USA。

beone m2000 有源滤波器说明书

beone m2000 有源滤波器说明书





一、概述 (4)1.1产品概述 (4)1.2应用领域 (5)1.3满足的标准 (6)1.4产品型号 (7)1.5技术参数 (7)二、运输及储存 (9)2.1运输 (9)2.2储存 (9)三、安装 (9)3.1机械安装 (9)3.2电气安装 (12)四、运行及操作步骤 (19)4.1开机步骤 (19)4.2关机步骤 (19)五、操作控制显示面板 (19)5.1运行状态 (19)5.2故障列表 (21)5.3参数设置 (22)5.4电容补偿设置(非智能电容) (24)六、维护及常见问题 (25)6.1维护 (25)6.2常见问题 (25)一、概述1.1产品概述有源电力滤波器(Active Power Filter,简称APF),是采用现代电力电子技术和基于高速DSP器件的数字信号处理技术制成的新型电力谐波治理专用设备。





filter solution英汉翻译及操作说明

filter solution英汉翻译及操作说明

滤波器软件英汉翻译及操作说明Lowpass notch filters :低通陷波滤波器Order: 阶filter circuits:滤波电路frequency response:幅频响应Passband :通频带、传输带宽repeatedly cycle:重复周期maximum signal to noise ratio:最大信噪比gain constants:增益系数,放大常数circuit topologies:电路拓扑结构gain shortfall:增益不足maximum output:最大输出功率last stage:末级preceding stage:前级stage filter:分级过滤器Gain Stage:增益级voltage amplitude:电压振幅Component values: 元件值maximum valued: 最大值minimum valued: 最小值standard value:标准值resistors: 电阻器capacitors:电容器operational amplifiers:运算放大器(OA) circuit board:(实验用)电路板active filters:有源滤波器supply currents:源电流power supplies:电源bypassing capacitors:旁路电容optimal:最佳的;最理想的Gain Bandwidth:带宽增益passive component:无源元件active component: 有源元件overall spread:全局;总范围Component characteristics:组件特性Modification:修改;更改data book:数据手册typical values:标准值;典型值default values:省略补充program execution:程序执行Reset button:复原按钮positive temperature coefficient:正温度系数variable resistors:可变电阻器cermet resistor:金属陶瓷电阻器output resistance:输出电阻distortion:失真single amplifier:单级放大器voltage follower:电压输出跟随器troubleshooting:发现并修理故障control panel,:控制面板1、打开crack的软件后,根据滤波器的设计要求,在filter type中选择滤波器的类型(Gaussian:高斯滤波器、Bessel:贝塞尔滤波器、butterworth:巴特沃斯;Chebyshev1切比雪夫1;Chebyshev2切比雪夫2;Hourglass:对三角滤波器、Elliptic:椭圆滤波器、Custom:自定义滤波器、Raised Cos:升余弦滤波器、Matche:匹配滤波器、Delay:延迟滤波器);2、在filter class中选择滤波器的种类(低通、高通、带通、带阻);3、在filter Attributes中设置滤波器的阶数(Order)、通频带频率(Passband frequency);4、在Implementation中选择有源滤波器(active )、无源滤波器(passive)和数字滤波器(Digital);5、在Freq Scale中选择Hertz和Log,如果选择了Rad/Sec,则要注意Rad/Sec =6.28*Hertz;6、在Graph Limits中设置好图像的最大频率和最小频率,最大频率要大于通频带的截止频率;在Passive Design/Ideal Filter Response中观察传输函数(Transfer Function)、时域响应(Time Response)、零极点图(Pole Zero Plots)、频域响应(Frequency Response)的图像;7、在Circuit Parmaters中设置源电阻(Source Res)和负载电阻(Load Res);最后点击Circuits观察滤波器电路图;8、在设计有缘滤波器的时候还要注意在Active Implementation 中选择滤波器的电路布局形式一般有源滤波器选择Pos SAB型的,在Circuit Parmaters中设置增益大小(gain)。

时代集团公司 TSC 高压动态滤波补偿装置 说明书

时代集团公司 TSC 高压动态滤波补偿装置 说明书

时代集团公司TSC高压动态滤波补偿装置使用说明书时 代 集 团 公 司Beijing Time Group Incorporation目 录1.产品简介..........................................................................................................................................- 1 -2.应用范围..........................................................................................................................................- 1 -3.作用..................................................................................................................................................- 1 -4.工作原理..........................................................................................................................................- 1 -5.技术特点..........................................................................................................................................- 2 -6.技术参数..........................................................................................................................................- 2 -7.电气原理图......................................................................................................................................- 3 -1.产品简介TSC高压动态滤波补偿装置采用数字化控制系统,利用大功率晶闸管串联组成高压交流无触点开关,可实现对多级电容器组的快速过零点投切,动态响应时间小于20mS,对冲击负荷、瞬变负荷能够实时监测、快速补偿,实现补偿功率因数及滤除谐波的目的。



Manual and maintenance instructions for Eaton-Pressure filter, change over PN 100This manual is effective for all standard and customized filters of the series:- HDD // HDN(L) // MDD- Filter battery BHDD 901-1351 - Filter battery BHDNL 401 - EHDThe manual contains certain requirements and instructions which ensure an unobjectionable operation of the filter. If necessary, it can be complemented by additional, specific instructions of the operator. The pressure filters listed above are intended for filtration of liquid media.1. Safety instructions- The operating and maintenance instructions must be read carefully before working on the filter. - The instructions in this manual must be followed!- The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage caused by deviations from this manual..- If actions are performed differently than described, the safety of the pressure equipment is not guaranteed!- The operating parameters specified in the data sheet, in particular operating pressure, operating temperature range and operating medium, must be observed. Deviations from these parameters can damage pressure-bearing parts and seals. The compatibility of the filter components with the operating medium must be observed.- The filter is under pressure in the operating state. No components of the filter may be loosened or removed during operation. Operating medium can escape under high pressure and at high temperature.This does not include components on the pressure-relieved or switched-off side of the housing. - There is a risk of injury and scalding from the operating medium escaping!- The filter housing must not be opened before it is ensured that it is no longer under pressure! - Touching components of the filter can cause burns, depending on the operating temperature.- Attention when changing the filter elements! Filter housing might still have operating temperature. Risk of burn! - Always wear protective gloves and safety glasses when working on the filter!- If you come into contact with the operating medium, the manufacturer's instructions must be observed! - Only original spare parts may be used.For filters that are installed in potentially explosive areas, additional requirements apply according to Eaton Documentation No. 41269 "Supplement to the operating and maintenance instructions for the use of filters in potentially explosive areas".2. InstallationThe filter is supplied ready for installation. It has to be fitted preferably tensionless on a flat and vertical surface, in the position as shown on its corresponding data sheet.For connecting the filter to the piping system, attention has to be paid that 1. no dirt, no debris or fluids reach the inlet of the filter2. the flow direction (IN -> OUT) is held3. the connection pipes are fitted tensionless4. the dismantling dimension and the accessibility of the service elements is guarantedFilters with electrical respectively electronic clogging indicators have to be installed according to the unit specificconditions and the technical parameters of the corresponding data sheets. EDV 07/21 - EnglishSheet No.21630-4FPage 1/5Friedensstrasse 41, 68804 Altlußheim, Germany3. CommissioningBefore commissioning the completeness of the filter (filter elements and seals) and the cleanness have to be controlled. Airbleeding of the controlled filter has to be carried out according to the following instructions:1. Bring the switching lever of the changeover device into the middle position2. Connection of high pressure hoses M16 according to data sheet 1650 at the - connections III and IV with HDD30, HDD170-450, HDD/EHD 601-1351- connections V and VI with MDD40-100, HDD/EHD61-151, EHD241-451, HDN(L)40-100if they are equipped with screw couplings, or connection of suitable ventilation lines to the thread G ¼“ (BSPP ¼”) of theabove connections after unscrewing the screw plugs3. Provision of a collecting container for the escaping medium4. Switch on the unit volume flow (flow as low as possible 10-50 l/min (2.6 to 13 gal/min)) until bubble-free operating fluid emerges from both air bleeding lines5. Switch off of the unit volume flow6.Remove the air bleeding lines and close the air bleed holes or connections7. Switch on the desired filter side on the changeover deviceThe switch lever of the changeover device shows always in direction to the operating filter side.In the case of paralleling filters, the venting must be carried out simultaneously on all filters during initial commissioning.4. Change of elementThe changing of the filter elements is necessary when reaching the unit specific pressure difference respectively reaching the maximum pressure difference given by the clogging indicator. Should is no unit specific definition, the change of the elements should be done at a maximum of ∆p 6 bar (87 PSI). This has to be carried out as follows:1. Opening of the pressure balance valve2.Switch the switching lever of the switching device from the filter side to be serviced to the opposite filter side3. Closing the pressure balance valve4. On the filter side to be serviced is the - connection III or IV at HDD30, HDD170-450, HDD/EHD 601-1351- c onnection V or VI at MDD40-100, HDD/EHD61-151, EHD241-451, HDN(L)40-100 can be opened by connecting a high-pressure hose M16 according to data sheet 1650 or, if screw couplings are not available,connected with a suitable ventilation line. A container for collecting the escaping operating medium must be provided5. Should an air-bleed screw be present on the filter housing, or on the closing cap of the filter tube, open this and let out the operating medium6. Unscrew the filter bowl or the closing cap of the filter tube7. Remove the filter elements8. Cleaning the filter bowl and the closing cap 9. Replace the new or the cleaned filter elements10. Screwed the filter bowl or filter tube end cap on and tighten it.For stainless steel filters of the series EHD the following must be observed:- Before assembling the filter bowl/tube, apply anti-seize lubricant to bowl threads (Part-No. 355135)!Tightening torques: NG 30 NG 40-150 / NG 61-151 NG 170/171-450/451 NG 601-135170 Nm [52 lb.-ft.] 80 Nm [59 lb.-ft.] 120 Nm [89 lb.-ft.] 140 Nm [103 lb.-ft.]11. Closing a possible existing drain hole12. Air bleeding of the serviced filter side (see item 5) Friedensstrasse 41, 68804 Altlußheim, GermanyEDV 07/21Manual and maintenance instructionsfor Eaton-Pressure filter, change over PN > 100 Sheet No. 21630-4FPage 2/5Now, the serviced filter side is ready for operation.In general take care of the absolute cleanness during the changing of elements. No dirt respectively no impurities should penetrate the filter. The new elements should be taken out of their packing shortly before they are replaced in the filter housings because of mechanical damage.During the changing of the elements control the availability and quality of the seals. Damaged seals have to be replaced by new ones.As a matter of principle the elements in filter batteries have to be changed in all operating filters in a single operation. In the first instance all single filter have to be changed over to the opposite side. The next steps are the same as above.For stainless steel filters it is recommended to grease all threads with metal sliding grease before reassembly them.5. Air bleeding the filterThe air bleeding of the filter when changing the element, in contrast to the air bleeding during commissioning, is only carried out on the filter side to be serviced. The air bleeding takes place while the system is operating.1. On the serviced and not operated filter is the- connection III or IV at HDD30, HDD170-450, HDD/EHD 601-1351- connection V or VI at MDD40-100, HDD/EHD61-151, EHD241-451, HDN(L)40-100can be opened by connecting with a high-pressure hose M16 or with another suitable line.2. Open the pressure balance valve until bubble-free fluid emergas from the high pressure hose, or attached lineRepeat the procedure for filters HDD 601-1351, HDNL 401 and their corresponding filter banks, since these filters must be bled of air on the dirt side (connection III) as well as on the clean side (connection IV)3. After removing the air-bleed line close the pressure balance valveThe serviced filter side is now air-bleeded and is ready for operation without air inside the unit.In the case of paralleling filters the air bleeding has to be done as described above in on step for the whole filters.6. Cleaning for the filter elementFilter elements with filter materials such as glass fibre (VG) or paper (P) are not cleanable. They have to be replaced after the dirt retention capacity has been reached. Filter elements with filter material such as wire mesh (G) are cleanable and could be used again.The cleaning of the filter elements has to be done according to the cleaning specification for Eaton-Filter elements (metal), sheet-no. 21070-4 and 39448-4.7. Pressure difference measuringIn case of filters installed with clogging indicators a permanent measuring of the pressure difference takes place. The indication corresponds to the kind of clogging indicators; either visual or visual-electrical respectively electronic. Additionally the connections III and IV could be installed on the selector shaft to be used for external pressure gauges. At paralleling filters there are additional measuring connections …IN“ and …OUT“ at the connecting block for measuring the pressure difference of the whole paralleling filters.EDV 07/21Friedensstrasse 41, 68804 Altlußheim, Germany8. Change the sealing elementsFriedensstrasse 41, 68804 Altlußheim, GermanyEDV 07/21 1. Disassemble the filter bowl (item 1).O-ring 40x3 (item 3) and support ring 48x2.6x1 (item 4) remove and replace. Assemble the filter bowl again. Tightening torque:NG 30 = 70 Nm (52 lb.-ft.)2. Loosen the screws (item 8) and remove the cover (item 9) and the lever (item 10/11).O-ring 10x3 (item 5) and support ring 17x2.0x1 (item 6) and O-ring 32x3 (item 7) remove and replace.Assemble the cover and the lever and tighten the screws. Tightening torque:M8 = 18-20 Nm (13 to15 lb.-ft.)MDD 40-100HDD/EHD 61-151 EHD 241-451 HDN(L)HDD 301. Disassemble the filter bowl (item 1).O-ring (item 3) and support ring (item 4) remove and replace.Assemble the filter bowl again. Tightening torques:NG 40-151 = 80 Nm (59 lb.-ft.) NG 170-450 = 120 Nm (89 lb.-ft.) NG 171-451 = 120 Nm (89 lb.-ft.)2. Loosen the screws (item 2) and remove the left and the right filter part (items 14 and 15).3. Remove and replace 4x O-ring (item 7 and 8) aswell as bushing and sealing ring (item 10 and 11). Make sure that the replaced O-rings (item 9, 4pieces) be assembled again.4. Remove the shaft (item 12) from the switching housing (item 13).Remove and replace 3x O-ring (item 5) and 2x support ring (item 6).(There are no support rings on the MDD series) Insert the shaft in the switching housing.5. Insert the bushing and sealing ring (items 10 and 11).Insert the replaced O-rings (items 7, 8 and 9).6. Assemble left and right filtertop (items 14 and 15) and tighten the screws. Tightening torques:M12 = 60-65 Nm (44 to 48 lb.-ft.) M16 = 160 Nm (118 lb.-ft.) M20 = 190 Nm) (140 lb.-ft.)9. ServiceThe service will be performed byEATON Technologies GmbH Friedensstr. 41D-68804 Altlußheim Germanyphone: +49(0)6205-2094-0 fax: +49(0)6205-2094-40Special questions about the operation of the filter will also be answered within this area.Spare parts respectively wearing parts have to be ordered according to the spare part list of the filter-data-sheet.Manual and maintenance instructionsfor Eaton-Pressure filter, change over PN 100Sheet No. 21630-4FPage 5/5EDV 07/211. Disassemble the filter bowl (item1). O-ring 75x3 (item 3) and support ring 81x2.6x1(item 4) remove and replace. Assemble the filter bowl again.Tightening torques: NG 170-450 = 120 Nm (89 lb.-ft.)2. Loosen the screws (item 8) and remove the cover (item 9) and the lever (item 10/11).2x O-ring 18x3 (item 5) and 2x support ring 25x2.5x0.5 (item 6) and O-ring 56x3 (item 7) remove and replace.Assemble the cover and the leverTighten the screws. Tightening torque:M12 = 60-65 Nm (44 to 48 lb.-ft.)3.Loosen the screws (item 12) and remove them the plate (item 13).Remove and replace O-ring 56x3 (item 7). Assmble the plate and tighten the screws. Tightening torque:M12 = 60-65 Nm (44 to 48 lb.-ft)HDD 170-450HDD 601-1351 EHD 601-13511. Disassemble the filter tube end cap (item 1) Remove and replace O-ring 98x4 (item 3) and the support ring 110x3.5x2 (item 4). Assemble and tighten the filter tube end cap. Tightening torques:NG 601-1351 = 140 Nm (103 lb.-ft.) 2. Loosen the screws (item 8) and remove the cover (item 9) and the lever (item 10/11). 2x O-ring 18x3 (item 5) and 2x support ring 25x2.5x0.5 (item 6) and O-ring 71x3 (item 7) remove and replace. Assemble the cover and the lever and tighten screws. Tightening torque: M12 = 60-65 Nm (44 to 48 lb.-ft.) 3. Loosen the screws (item 12) and remove them the plate (item 13). Remove and replace O-ring 71x3 (item 7). Assemble the plate and tighten the screws. Tightening torque: M12 = 60-65 Nm 44 to 48 lb.-ft.)Friedensstrasse 41, 68804 Altlußheim, Germany。



ApplicationsIndustrialPulp & PaperPowerGenerationSteel / Heavy IndustryFeatureshe DFDK Filters have a filter head of ductile iron and a screw-in bowl of cold-formed steel.he filter housings are designed to withstand pressure surges as well as high static pressure loads.he screw-in bowl or lid, allows the filter element to be easily removed for replacement or cleaning.(pop-up ), electrical, electrical/visual (lamp), or otherelectronic differential types of clogging indicators are available to suit each application.FDK filters are available only with high collapse pressure elements since no bypass is provided.FDK sizes 330 and above can be ordered with a T Ball Valve which can operate in mid position with both elements fully open and online in parallel.Note: QPD is available in sizes 160-1320 only.HIGH PRESSURE FILTERSModel CodeDFDK BH/HC 60 Q L C 3 A 1 . 2 - QPD .Filter Type DFDK =Duplex Pressure Filter with Ball Valve SelectorElement MediaBH/HC = Betamicron ® (High Collapse)V = Metal FiberSize60, 110, 160, 240, 280, 330, 660, 1320 (larger sizes available - contact HYDAC)Pressure Range K = 2320 psi (160 bar) (sizes 1320 with type code 3 only - larger sizes upon request) Q = 4568 psi (315 bar) (sizes 30 - 1320 with type code 1 or 2 only)Valve L = ball change-over valve in “L ” configuration (standard) T=b all change-over valve in “T” configuration (full simultaneous flow through both sides - sizes 330 and larger)ConnectionB = 1/2” SAE 8 (size 30 only)L = 2” SAE DN 51 Code 62 (sizes 330 - 1320 only)C = 3/4” SAE 12 (sizes 60/110 only) M = 2 1/2” SAE DN 64 Code 62 (sizes 1320 only) - 3.0 onlyF = 1 1/2” SAE 24 (sizes 160 - 280 only)Filtration Rating (micron) 3, 5, 10, 20 = BH/HC3, 5, 10, 20 = VType of ∆P Clogging IndicatorA, B, BM, C, D (Others available upon request, see Clogging Indicators section.)Type Code 1 = One Piece Bowl (sizes 60 - 660 only)2 = Two Piece Bowl (size 660 to 1320 only)3 =Upside down mounting - Element top access (size 1320 only - larger sizes upon request)Modification Number (latest version always supplied)Port Configuration(omit) = 2” SAE DN 50 Flange Ports (sizes 330-1320 only) 12 = SAE Straight thread O-ring Boss Ports (sizes 60-280 only)Seals(omit) = Nitrile rubber (NBR) (standard) V = Fluorocarbon elastomer (FKM) EPR = Ethylene Propylene (EPR)Version (omit) = No quality protection QPD= Quality Protection DesignSupplementary Details L24, L48, L110, L220 = Lamp for D-type clogging indicator (LXX, XX = voltage) W = “VD…” indicator modified with a brass piston for use with high water based emulsions/solutions (HFA) & (HFC) SO263 = Modification of elements for Skydrol or HYJET phosphate ester fluids T100 = Thermal lockout on indicator at 100°F (C, D, J, and J4 indicators only) cRUus = Electrical Indicator with underwriter’s recognitionSFREE = Element specially designed to minimize electrostatic charge generationSO376 = Modification of ON and W/HC elements for HFA, HFB, HFC, and HFD flame retardant liquidsReplacement Element Model Code0060 D 003 BH4HC / V QPD _Size0060, 0110, 0160, 0240, 0280, 0330, 0660, 1320Filtration Rating (micron) 3, 5, 10, 20 = BH4HC 3, 5, 10, 20 = V Element Media BH4HC, VSeals(omit) = Nitrile rubber (NBR) (standard) V = Fluorocarbon elastomer (FKM) EPR = Ethylene propylene rubber (EPR)Version(omit) = No quality protection QPD = Quality Protection DesignSupplementary DetailsSO263 = (same as above) SFREE = (same as above) W = M odification of “V” elements for use with oil wateremulsions (HFA) and water polymer solutions (HFC)SO376 = (same as above)Model Codes Containing RED are non-stock items — Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availabilityClogging Indicator Model CodeVD 8 B . X / .Indicator PrefixVD = G 1/2 6000 psi Trip Pressure8 = 116 psid (8 bar)Type of IndicatorA = No indicator, plugged portB = Pop-up indicator (auto reset) BM = Pop-up indicator (manual reset)C = Electric switch - SPDTD = Electric switch and LED light - SPDT Modification Number Supplementary Details Seals(omit) = Nitrile rubber (NBR) (standard) V = Fluorocarbon elastomer (FKM) EPR = Ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) Light Voltage (D type indicators only) L24 = 24V L110 = 110VThermal Lockout (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) T100 = Lockout below 100°FUnderwriters Recognition (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) cRUus = Electrical Indicator with underwriter’s recognition W = “VD…” indicator modified with a brass piston for usewith high water based emulsions/solutions (HFA) & (HFC)(For additional details and options, see Clogging Indicators section.)HIGH PRESSURE FILTERSSize60110160240280Weight (lbs.)33.137.572.879.499.3Dimensions shown are [inches] millimeters for general information and overall envelope size only. Weights listed include element. For complete dimensions please contact HYDAC to request a certified print.DimensionsDFDK 60 / 110 / 160 / 240 / 280220.3 h7 MAXb13h8Clearance Required for Element Removald4 x t1G 1/2" Drainh1b1h3b12SQ1b14h9b5b2h6b6h2h5 0.246HEX 1HEX 2drainOUTLET d2b7d3h4INLET d1∆P Clogging Indicator Port G 1/2"b4b9b11b8b10Vent Plug G1/8Clean SideVent Plug G1/8Dirty SideHIGH PRESSURE FILTERS DFDK60110160240280b1[5.43] 138[5.43] 138[7.48] 190[7.48] 190[7.48] 190b2[6.69] 170[6.69] 170[8.27] 210[8.27] 210[8.27] 210b4[3.62] 92[3.62] 92[5.04] 128[5.04] 128[5.04] 128b5[1.77] 45[1.77] 45[2.07] 52.5[2.07] 52.5[2.07] 52.5b6[4.78] 121.5[4.78] 121.5[6.20] 157.5[6.20] 157.5[6.20] 157.5b7[2.13] 54[2.13] 54[2.97] 75.5[2.97] 75.5[2.97] 75.5b8[1.02] 26[1.02] 26[1.40] 35.5[1.40] 35.5[1.40] 35.5b9[3.43] 87[3.43] 87[4.13] 105[4.13] 105[4.13] 105b10[1.91] 48.5[1.91] 48.5[2.07] 52.5[2.07] 52.5[2.07] 52.5b11[2.13] 54[2.13] 54[2.97] 75.5[2.97] 75.5[2.97] 75.5b12[0.63] 16[0.63] 16[0.39] 10[0.39] 10[0.39] 10b13 (≈)[5.91] 150[5.91] 150[7.60] 193[7.60] 193[7.60] 193b14 (≈)[7.13] 181 [7.13] 181 [8.70] 221[8.70] 221[8.70] 221d1*1-1/16-12UN-2BSAE-121-7/8-12UN-2B SAE-24d2*d3[2.69] 68.2[2.69] 68.2[3.75] 95.2[3.75] 95.2[3.75] 95.2 d41/4-28UNF-2B3/8-24UNF-2Bh1[3.07] 78[3.07] 78[3.78] 96[3.78] 96[3.78] 96 h2[4.61] 117[4.61] 117[6.38] 162[6.38] 162[6.38] 162 h3[0.77] 19.5[0.77] 19.5[1.30] 33[1.30] 33[1.30] 33 h4[2.54] 64.5[2.54] 64.5[4.17] 106[4.17] 106[4.17] 106 h5[2.99] 76[2.99] 76[3.94] 100[3.94] 100[3.94] 100 h6[8.07] 205[10.89] 276.5[11.20] 284.5[13.60] 345.5[20.69] 525.5 h7 (≈)[8.07] 205[8.07] 205[9.65] 245[9.65] 245[9.65] 245 h8[2.95] 75[2.95] 75[3.35] 85[3.35] 85[3.35] 85 h9[0.20] 5[0.20] 5[0.20] 5[0.20] 5[0.20] 5 t1[0.28] 7[0.28] 7[0.43] 11[0.43] 11[0.43] 11 HEX1[1.06] 27[1.06] 27[1.26] 32[1.26] 32[1.26] 32 HEX2[0.39] 10[0.39] 10[0.39] 10[0.39] 10[0.39] 10 SQ1[0.47] 12[0.47] 12[0.55] 14[0.55] 14[0.55] 14Dimensions shown are [inches] millimeters for general information and overall envelope size only.HIGH PRESSURE FILTERSSize330660Weight (lbs.)213.9249Dimensions shown are [inches] millimeters for general information and overall envelope size only. Weights listed include element. For complete dimensions please contact HYDAC to request a certified print.DimensionsDFDK 330 / 660…1.21.7544.53.8196.83/4-10UNC-2B x [0.98] Min. 25 Full Thread 4 PL's8.98228Approx.0.6215.710.63270Approx.INLET / OUTLETFlange5.131525.98130.2 3.2783[3.74] 95Clearance required for element removalPressure Equalization Valve15017532560.52.385.91 12.86.89 0.6215.7Approx.Indexing plunger for locking the lever (optional)Lifting holes[0.67]1/2-20UNF-2B x 17 DPINLET SAE 2"(DN50)6000 PSI∆P Clogging Clean Side Vent Plug G1/8Dirty SideVent Plug G1/8indicator port G1/2"Vent Plug G1/8"80.312007.87 0.246Drain Port G 1/2"Mounting ring size 660 only5.391373.8698OUTLETSAE 2" (DN50) 6000 PSI295 4.6911951 2098.23823.23 0.591295.080.7920 HEX11.611706.690.671/2-20UNF-2B X 17 DP4 PLS1.4236 9.65245SIZE 330[14.51]368.5SIZE 660[21.18]538HIGH PRESSURE FILTERSSize6601320Weight (lbs.)262.5335.1Dimensions shown are [inches] millimeters for general information and overall envelope size only. Weights listed include element. For complete dimensions please contact HYDAC to request a certified print.DimensionsDFDK 660 / 1320…2.28.98228Approx.0.6215.710.63270Approx. 1.7544.53.8196.83/4-10UNC-2B x [0.98] Min.25 Full Thread5.2 SIZE 660[20.91]531SIZE 1320[33.58]853SIZE 660[13.78]350SIZE 1320[26.38]6704.411121321525.98 3.2783Pressure equalization valve5.391373.8698OUTLETSAE 2" (DN50) 6000 PSI7.872000.246INLET / OUTLETFlangeDrain port G 1/2"Lifting Holes [0.67]1/2-20UNF-2B x 17DP1505.91325 6.8917512.8 2.38 60.5 0.6215.7Approx.INLETSAE 2" (DN50) 6000 PSIVent plug G1/8"Indexing plunger for locking lever (Optional)∆P Clogging Indicator Port G 1/2"6.691702098.230.795.081.42HEX4 PLS1/2-20UNF-2B X 17 DP0.672953.23 8211.61 1194.69362015 0.591299.65245Clean Side Vent Plug G1/8Dirty SideVent Plug G1/8HIGH PRESSURE FILTERS0510152025303500. (gpm)DFDK 60 / 110 HousingΔP i n p s iΔP i n b a rQ (l/min)00102030405001. (gpm)DFDK 160 / 240 / 280 HousingΔP i n p s iΔP i n b a rQ (l/min)005101525203000. (gpm)DFDK 330 / 660 / 1320 QLL Housing “L” Ball ValveΔP i n p s iΔP i n b a rQ (l/min)00535302510152000.501.51.02.050100150200250200300100400500600700800900Q (gpm)DFDK 330 / 660 / 1320 QTL Housing “T” Ball ValveΔP i n p s iΔP i n b a rQ (l/min)Sizing InformationTotal pressure loss through the filter is as follows:Assembly ∆P = Housing ∆P + Element ∆P Housing Curve:Pressure loss through housing is as follows:Housing ∆P = Housing Curve ∆P xActual Specific Gravity0.86Adjustments must be made for viscosity & specific gravity of the fluid to be used! (see “Sizing HYDAC Filter Assemblies” in Section B - Overview)。

海通达 高温高压滤失仪 使用说明书

海通达 高温高压滤失仪 使用说明书

高温高压滤失仪使用说明书版权所有2019青岛海通达专用仪器有限公司 青岛海通远达专用仪器有限公司部件号:17173修订版:19.1.0青岛海通达专用仪器有限公司青岛海通远达专用仪器有限公司本企业通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证。



海通达® ®是青岛海通远达专用仪器有限公司的注册商标。





目录一、概述 (1)二、规格及型号 (1)三、技术参数 (1)四、仪器结构与工作原理 (1)五、操作说明 (4)六、维护与保养 (6)七、运输与储存 (7)八、故障判定与排除 (8)九、随机配件、工具一览表 (9)十、保修 (9)一、概述高温高压滤失仪是用于摸拟深井(高温高压)条件下钻井液和水泥浆的滤失量,同时可制取在高温高压状态下滤失后形成的滤饼。

二、规格及型号序号名称型号配置1 高温高压滤失仪GGS71-B 通孔/不通孔钻井液杯三、技术参数序号名称技术参数1 电源(220±11)V 50Hz2 功率1KW3 有效失水面积 3.5in2 (22.6 cm2)4 工作温度常温至232℃(±3℃)5 最大工作压力7.1MPa6 容量500mL7 气源氮气、二氧化碳气体(严禁使用氧气)四、仪器结构与工作原理(一)仪器结构1、仪器的结构组成1(图一)仪器结构图1)主体:由底座、立柱、加热系统等组成,是仪器的主体组件。


PCS-976D 直流滤波器保护装置
• 汉化界面 显示、报告、定值等相关的内容均为简体汉字。
• 强大的通讯功能 具有灵活的通讯方式,配有 2 个独立的以太网接口和 2 个独立的 RS-485 通信接口(也 可配置为 4 个独立的以太网接口)。支持电力行业通讯标准 DL/T667-1999 (IEC60870-5-103)和新一代变电站通讯标准 IEC61850。
4. 开入量检查 ............................................................. 31 5. 交流回路校验 ........................................................... 32 6. 开出接点检查 ........................................................... 33 7. 直流滤波器保护功能试验 ................................................. 34 8. 注意事项 ............................................................... 36 9. 保护装置正常年检时的试验内容(建议) ..................................... 37
PCS-976D 直流滤波器成套保护装置
PCS-976D 型 直流滤波器成套保护装置
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Hydraulic SymbolApplicationsIndustrialRailwaysSteel / HeavyIndustryFeaturesUÊ T he DF...QE Filters have a filter head of ductile iron and a screw-in bowl of cold-formed steel for high fatigue strength.UÊ T he filter housings are designed to withstand pressure surges as well as high static pressure loads.UÊ T he screw-in bowl allows the filter element to be easily removed for replacement or cleaning.UÊ V isual (pop-up), electrical, electrical/visual (lamp), or electronic differential type clogging indicators can be installed.UÊ D F...QE filters are available with or without a bypass valve so either high or low collapse pressure elements may be used.UÊ F atigue pressure rating equals maximum allowable working pressure rating.DF...QE SeriesManifold Mount Filters{xääÊ«Ã ÊUÊÕ«ÊÌ Ê£näÊ}« ÊABTechnical DetailsMounting Method 4 mounting holes (manifold mount)Port Connection Diameters 3060/110160/240/280330/660/13200.551” (14mm)0.787” (20mm)1.260” (32mm)1.181” (30mm)Flow DirectionInlet: SIde Outlet: SideConstruction Materials Head BowlHousing (1320)Cap (1320)Ductile iron Steel SteelDuctile iron Flow Capacity 306011016024028033066013208 gpm (30 lpm)16 gpm (60 lpm)29 gpm (110 lpm)42 gpm (160 lpm)63 gpm (240 lpm)74 gpm (280 lpm)87 gpm (330 lpm)174 gpm (660 lpm)180 gpm (1320 lpm)Housing Pressure RatingQEMHEMax. Operating Pressure Proof Pressure Fatigue Pressure Burst Pressure 4500 psi (315 bar)6750 psi (472 bar)4500 psi (315 bar) @ 1 mil. cycles Contact HYDAC 3625 psi (250 bar)5438 psi (375 bar)3625 psi (250 bar) @ 100 mil. cycles Element Collapse Pressure RatingBH/HC, VBN/HC, W/HC 3045 psid (210 bar)290 psid (20 bar)Fluid Temperature Range -22° to 250°F (-30° to 121°C)Fluid CompatabilityCompatible with all petroleum oils and synthetic fluids rated for use with Fluoroelastomer or Ethylene Propylene seals.Contact HYDAC for information on special housing and element constructions available for use with water glycols, oil/water emulsions, and HWBF.Indicator Trip PressureΔP = 29 psid (2 bar) -10% (optional)ΔP = 72 psid (5 bar) -10% (standard)Bypass Valve Cracking Pressure ΔP = 43 psid (3 bar) +10% (optional)ΔP = 87 psid (6 bar) +10% (standard)C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mModel CodeDF BH/HC 30 Q E 3 A 1 . X /Filter Type DFElement MediaBH/HC = Betamicron ® (High Collapse) BN/HC = Betamicron ® (Low Collapse) V = Metal FiberW/HC = Wire ScreenSize30, 60, 110, 160, 240, 280, 330, 660, 1320Operating Pressure Q = 4500 psi (300 bar) MH = 3625 psi (250 bar) (high dynamic @ 100 million cycles)Type of Connection E = Manifold Block Mounting - Side of Filter Head - 4 mounting holes Filtration Rating (microns) 3, 5, 10, 20 = BH/HC, BN/HC 3, 5, 10, 20 = V25, 74, 149 = W/HCType of ΔP Clogging Indicator A, B/BM, C, D Type Number 1Modification Number (the latest version is always supplied)Seals(omit = Nitrile (NBR) (standard)V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM)EPR = Ethylene Propylene (EPDM)Bypass Valve (omit) = Without Bypass (BH4HC or V elements recommended) B3 = 43 psid Bypass (optional) B6 = 87 psid Bypass (standard)Supplementary DetailsSO103H = Modification of BN4HC (Low Collapse) & W/HC Element For Phosphate Ester Fluids SO155H = Modification of BH4HC (High Collapse) Element For Phosphate Ester Fluids SO184 = G-1/2 Drain in Bowl Option For Sizes 30 - 280 (standard for sizes 330 - 1320) W = Indicator with brass piston (for water based fluids)L24, L48, L110, L220 = Lamp for D-type clogging indicator (LXX, XX = voltage) T100 = Indicator Thermal Lockout, 100°F (C and D indicators only)Replacement Element Model Code0030 D 010 BN4HC / VSize0030, 0060, 0110, 0160, 0240, 0280, 0330, 0660, 1320Filtration Rating (micron) 3, 5, 10, 20 = BH4HC, BN4HC 3, 5, 10, 20 = V 25, 74, 149 = W/HC Element Media BH4HC, BN4HC, V, W/HCSupplementary Details (omit) = standard V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) sealsModel Codes Containing RED are non-stock items — Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availabilityClogging Indicator Model CodeVD 5 B . X / Indicator PrefixVD = G 1/2 6000 psi Trip Pressure 2 = 29 psid (2 bar) (option) 5 = 72 psid (5 bar) (standard)Optional 15 psid (1 bar) & 116 psid (8 bar) available upon requestType of Indicator A = no indicator, plugged port B/BM = Visual pop-up (auto/manual reset) C = Electric switch D = Electric switch and light Modification Number Supplementary Details Seals (omit) = Nitrile (NBR) (standard) V = Fluoroelastomer (FPM) Light Voltage (D type indicators only) L24 = 24V L110 = 110V Thermal Lockout (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) T100 = Lockout below 100°F Underwrighters Approval (VM, VD types C, D, J, and J4 only) CRUUS = E lectrical Indicators(For additional details and options, see Clogging Indicators section.)C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mDimensions shown are for general information and overall envelope size only. Weights listed are without element. For complete dimensions please contact HYDAC to request a certified print.Dimensions DF 30 – 280 QEDF 1320 QEMounting Pattern(58))for Element Removal)G 1/2”DF 30 QE 7.76”(197mm )DF 60 QE 8.62“(219mm )DF 110 QE 11.18”(284mm )DF 160 QE 11.02“(280mm )DF 240 QE 13.35”(339mm )DF 280 QE 20.51”(521mm )DF 30 QE 3.15”(80mm )DF 60/110 QE4.33”(110mm )DF 160/240/280 QEDF 30 QE 3.66”(93mm )DF 60/110 QE4.37”(111mm )Clearance Required for Element Removalø0.551”(14mm ) ø0.79”(20mm )DF 160/240/280 QEø1.26”(32mm )DF 30Q E 1.10”(28mm )1.38”(35mm )2.05”(52mm )DF 30Q E ø0.512”(ø13mm )ø0.709”(ø18mm )ø0.866”(ø22mm )DF 30 QE 1.77”(45mm )2.17”(55mm )2.36”(60mm )C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mDF ...QE 300.400.024181260.81.21.60102030405060161284Q in l/m in Q in gp mQ in gp mDF ...QE 60/110Q in l/m in3690.20.40.60102030405060700369121518DF ...QE 330/660/1320Q in l/m in 0.40271890. ...QE 160/240/280Q in l/m in0. InformationTotal pressure loss through the filter is as follows:Assembly ΔP = Housing ΔP + Element ΔP Housing Curve:Pressure loss through housing is as follows:Housing ΔP = Housing Curve ΔP xActual Specific Gravity0.86Adjustments must be made for viscosity & specific gravity of the fluid to be used! (see sizing section on page 19)Element K FactorsΔP Elements = Elements (K) Flow Factor x Flow Rate (gpm) x Actual Viscosity (SUS) x Actual Specific Gravity(From Tables Below)141 SUS0.86All Element K Factors in psi / gpm.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。

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2、使用条件:2.1 海拔高度不超过1000米;2.2 周围环境温度不高于+40C,不低于-30C;2.3 相对湿度不超过90%(环境湿度为20%);2.4 不宜在下列环境中安装使用a)有燃烧或爆炸危险的场所;b)有剧烈震动,摆动或冲击的场所;c)空气中有导电,爆炸尘埃及腐蚀金属或绝缘的气体;d)空气严重污秽的地区。


4、型号及型号说明4〃1型号:(Z)4〃2T AH □—(Z)保护方案代号单台电容器容量装置额定容量装置额定电压高压滤波成套装置注:1)方案代号A —主回路单星形接线;B —主回路双星形接线;Z —自动投切,手动投切不标;K —二次开口三角形接线;W—户外型三、结构简介5、本高压交流滤波补偿装置主要由户内高压开关柜、氧化锌避雷器、高压放电线圈、滤波调谐支路(由高压滤波电容器和滤波电抗器组成)、电容器专用熔断器、电容器组架、绝缘支柱、铝母线、控制保护屏等构成。















16、熔断器的额定电流一般为单台电容器额定电流的1.5~1.6倍,动作时间见下表:量从0.25(Vi / Vn)Sn ~ 1(Vi /Vn) Sn.式中:Vn---产品的额定电压(100V);Sn---产品的额定容量(100VA);18、滤波电抗器对各次谐波的低阻通道电感值是不同的。

串联电抗器的长期最大允许电流等于1.35倍额定电流时,电抗值不应低于90% 额定电抗。

五、电容器组架结构、外形尺寸及排列Five. Set frame structure, shape, dimension and arrangement of capacitor19、高压滤波电容器单调谐支路组架结构及外型尺寸见附图1,一次原理接线图见图2.High-voltage filtering capacitor with single tuning branch-group frame structure, shape and dimension as figure 1.A principle hookup as figure 2 1600265012001200106010601600146011、13高通 滤波支路5次滤波支路整流变压器六、滤波装置的安装Installation of Filtering Equipment20、开箱验收Open-package inspection装置在开箱后,需检查柜体是否完整,在确定柜体外形无破损变形,柜内元件无缺损与装箱单明细相符,方可进行安装。

Device should be determined whether cabinet is complete or not after the open-package inspection. Only the cabinet shape without damage deformation, the list elements inside the ark without defect and conform to the packing list in details, can it be installed.21、柜体的安装Installation of cabinet装置在安装前按照图纸排布的顺序进行排列固定,柜体应固定在可靠平稳的地基上,以避免设备运行时产生的震动和噪音。


Before installation, Device is fixed in accordance with the sequence of drawing MHD. In order to avoid the vibration and noise caused during the running of equipment, the cabinet should be fixed in where the foundation is reliable and steady. whether the distribution panel parallel or separate in place, its continuity of reliable grounding cabinet must be guaranteed.七、滤波装置的调试维护Debugging and maintenance of the filtering equipment22、送电操作Delivery of current operation装置在安装完成后,将装置的主回路联排和控制回路的连线按原理图连接,测量主回路相间及对地绝缘是否合格,在确定无误后关合前后门,按以下步骤进行通电操作:After the installation of device is completed, the main return chromatic platoon of the device should be linked with control circuit connection according to principle diagram, measuring whether the main circuit alternation and insulation against ground are qualified or not, please be sure that close the front and back door without any error, then operate the electricity according to following steps:(1)合上各柜的隔离开关;Close the isolating switch of each ark(2)通过仪表面板的电压装换开关检查各相电压是否正常;Change switch to check whether each phase voltage is normal or not ,through the voltage of instrument panel.(3)合上柜内各电容器支路的隔离开关;Close isolating switch of each capacitor branch in the cabinet(4)按照使用说明书中的要求,按照滤波装置的投切顺序要求进行操作:Operate in accordance with the requirements of instruction for use, with the requirements of cast and cut sequence of filtering device.①投入顺序要求:低次滤波(5次)支路先投,高次(高通)滤波支路后投。




Input-order requirements: Input low-order filtering branch (five times) first, then the high-order (high-pass) filtering branch. Observe whether the instructions of current and voltmeter are normal or not when it enters into each filter-branch capacitor. In case any unstable swinging of current and voltage value appears, should it exit immediately and find the reason. Only the current and voltage value are in stable can it be put into operation.②切除顺序要求:先退出高次(高通)滤波支路,后退出低次(5次)滤波支路;Requirements of resection order: Exit high-order (high-pass) filtering branch first, then follow the low-order filtering branch (five times).23、停电操作Power-off operation(1)按照使用说明书中的要求,按照先退出高次(高通)滤波支路,后退出低次(5次)滤波支路的要求进行手动退出各支路电容;Exit each branch capacitor in accordance with the requirements of instruction for use, and the requirements that Exit high-order (high-pass) filtering branch first, then follow the low-order filtering branch (five times).(2)在仪表板上的电流表为零时,分掉柜内的高压隔离开关;Divide up the high-voltage isolating switch in the cabinet when the ammeter on the dashboard is zero.(3)分开各柜的隔离开关;Divide up the isolating switch of each cabinet(4)打开柜门进行检修。
