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2. Did the Apple iPhone first become available in 2005, 2006 or 2007? (2007)

4. The Hubble Space Telescope is named after which American astronomer? (Edwin Hubble)

6. True or false? Gold is not a good conductor of electricity? (False)

8. True or false? Atomic bombs work by atomic fission(分裂,裂变). (True)

10. What does the abbreviation WWW stand for? (World Wide Web)

12. What is the closest planet to the Sun? (Mercury)

14. What is the hottest planet in our solar system? (Venus)

16. What planet is famous for the beautiful rings that surround it? (Saturn)

18. Is the sun a star or a planet? (A star)

20. Is the planet Neptune bigger than Earth? (Yes)

22. What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth? (Gravity)

24. What is the name of a place that uses telescopes and other scientific equipment to research space and astronomy?

(An observatory)

26. Earth is located in which galaxy? (The Milky Way Galaxy)

28. Ganymede is a moon of which planet? (Jupiter)

30. Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet? (Mars)

32. What is the biggest planet in our solar system? (Jupiter)

34. Another name for a tidal wave is a _________? (Tsunami )

36. What is the 7th element on the periodic table of elements? (Nitrogen)

38. What is the name of the long appendage that hangs from an elephants face? (A trunk)

40. The highest mountain on earth is? (Mount Everest珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰))

42. True or false? Frogs are cold blooded animals. (True)

44. True or false? An adult human body has over 500 bones. False (there are 206)

46. The molten rock that comes from a volcano after it has erupted is known as what? (Lava)

48. What is the name of the part of the human skeleton which protects our brain? (The skull)

50. True or false? The fastest land animal in the world is the zebra. False (it is the cheetah)

52. True or false? Your ears are important when it comes to staying balanced. (True)

54. The colored part of the human eye that controls how much light passes through the pupil is called the____? (Iris)

56. The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are called what? (Ribs)

58. What substance are nails made of_________? (Keratin)

60. The innermost part of bones contains what? (Bone marrow)

62. How many lungs does the human body have? (2)

64. The two holes in your nose are called? (Nostrils)

66. The bones that make up your spine are called what? (Vertebrae)

68. Do coconut trees grow better in cold or warm climates? (Warm)

70. What is the popular food used to carve jack-o-lanterns during Halloween? (Pumpkins)

72. The range of vegetables, fruits, meats, nuts, grains, herbs and spices used in cooking are known as what? (Ingredients)

74. What is the sweet substance made by bees? (Honey)

76. True or false? McDonald’s has restaurants in over 100 countries around the world. (True)

78. Foods rich in starch such as pasta and bread are often known by what word starting with the letter C? (Carbohydrates)

80. What is another name for maize? (Corn)

82. What is the second most common gas found in the air we breathe? Oxygen (21%)

84. What do you call molten rock before it has erupted? (Magma)

86. True or false? You can see the Great Wall of China from space. (True)

88. The mass of the earth is made up mostly of which two elements? Iron (32%) and oxygen (30%)

90. What is the name of the deepest location in the world’s oceans?(Mariana Trench)

92. Outside of Antarctica, what is the largest desert in the world? (The Sahara Desert in Africa)

94. Someone who studies earthquakes is known as a what? (Seismologist)
