802.11 调制解调技术




802.11无线网络标准详解1990年,早期的无线网络产品Wireless LAN在美国出现,1997年IEEE802.11无线网络标准颁布,对无线网络技术的发展和无线网络的应用起到了重要的推动作用,促进了不同厂家的无线网络产品的互通互联。



其中两种物理层介质工作在2400——2483.5 GHz无线射频频段(根据各国当地法规规定),另一种光波段作为其物理层,也就是利用红外线光波传输数据流。




2.漫游功能IEEE802.11无线网络标准允许无线网络用户可以在不同的无线网桥网段中使用相同的信道,或在不同的信道之间互相漫游,如Lucent的WavePOINT II 无线网桥每隔100 ms发射一个烽火信号,烽火信号包括同步时钟、网络传输拓扑结构图、传输速度指示及其他参数值,漫游用户利用该烽火信号来衡量网络信道信号质量,如果质量不好,该用户会自动试图连接到其他新的网络接入点。

3.自动速率选择功能IEEE802.11无线网络标准能使移动用户(Mobile Client)设置在自动速率选择(ARS)模式下,ARS功能会根据信号的质量及与网桥接入点的距离自动为每个传输路径选择最佳的传输速率,该功能还可以根据用户的不同应用环境设置成不同的固定应用速率。



IEEE 802.11协议详细介绍作为全球公认的局域网权威,IEEE 802工作组建立的标准在过去二十年内在局域网领域内独领风骚。

这些协议包括了802.3 Ethernet协议、802.5 Token Ring 协议、802.3z 100BASE-T快速以太网协议。


在1999年9月,他们又提出了802.11b"High Rate"协议,用来对802.11协议进行补充,802.11b在802.11的1Mbps和2Mbps速率下又增加了5.5Mbps 和11Mbps两个新的网络吞吐速率,后来又演进到802.11g的54Mbps,直至今日802.11n的108Mbps。





最高速率11Mbps,实际使用速率根据距离和信号强度可变(150米内1-2Mbps,50米内可达到11Mbps).802.11b 的较低速率使得无线数据网的使用成本能够被大众接受(目前接入节点的成本仅为10-30美元)。












802.11n无线网络技术全面解析【大】【中】【小】2009-03-12 09:50:03 来源:互联网作者:互联网责任编辑:麦孔802.11n的核心----MIMO-OFDMOFDM调制技术是将高速率的数据流调制成多个较低速率的子数据流,再通过已划分为多个子载体的物理信道进行通讯,从而减少ISI(码间干扰)机会。


将MIMO与OFDM技术相结合,就产生了MIMOOFDM技术,它通过在OFDM 传输系统中采用阵列天线实现空间分集,提高了信号质量,并增加了多径的容限,使无线网络的有效传输速率有质的提升。

双频带(20-MHz和40-MHz带宽)IEEE802.11n通过将两个相邻的20MHz带宽捆绑在一起组成一个40MHz 通讯带宽,在实际工作时可以作为两个20MHz的带宽使用(一个为主带宽,一个为次带宽,收发数据时既可以40MHz的带宽工作,也可以单个20MHz带宽工作),这样可将速率提高一倍。

同时,对于 IEEE802.11a/b/g,为了防止相邻信道干扰,20MHz带宽的信道在其两侧预留了一小部分的带宽边界。





11a/g的GI时长为800us,而 ShortGI时长为400us,在使用ShortGI的情况下,可提高10%的速率。



IEEE 802.11系列标准主要使用以下技术:
1. 红外线技术:这种技术用于传输数据,具有抗干扰能力强、传输速度快、安全性高等优点。

2. 跳频扩频技术:通过在多个频率上跳变传输数据,以增加数据传输的可靠性并减少干扰。

3. 直接序列扩频技术:将数据转换为低功率的宽带信号进行传输,以增加数据传输的可靠性并减少干扰。

1. OFDMA频分复用技术:通过时间段区分多个用户,单个时间段内,只有一个用户。



2. UL MU-MIMO技术:支持多用户通过使用不同的空间流来提高吞吐量。

802.11ax新引入的是UL MU-MIMO。

802.11ax支持UL MUMIMO后,借助UL OFDMA技术(上行),可同时进行MU-MIMO传输和分配不同RU进行多用户多址传输,提升多用户并发场景效率,大大降低了应用时延。







其关键技术大致有三种:DSSS、CCK技术,和 PBCC,和OFDM。


直序列扩频调制技术(DSSS:Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)及补码键控(CCK:Complementary Code Keying)技术、包二进制卷积(PBCC:Packet Binary Convolutional Code)和正交频分复用技术OFDM:Orthogonal Frequency Division Mustiplexing。

2.1 DSSS调制技术基于DSSS的调制技术有三种。









WLAN 802.11b中的调制技术--CCK

WLAN 802.11b中的调制技术--CCK

WLAN 802.11b中的调制技术--CCK
2.11b的补码监控调制技术 [J], 亢丽霞;王克家;丁淑娟
2.WLAN(802.11b)在自动控制中的应用 [J], 李晓燕;李娜
3.802.11b物理层CCK扩频技术探讨 [J], 董宁;石明卫
4.DSP完成WLAN中CCK调制解调的快速算法 [J], 王俊;洪慧勇;杨晨阳
5.WLAN基带处理中CCK方式的实现技术 [J], 康兴;王新安;肖高发;张国新;陈惠明

IEEE 802.11a中QPSK解调的FPGA设计与实现

IEEE 802.11a中QPSK解调的FPGA设计与实现

24 1 信号 的叠加 .
烟 台大 学学报 (自然科 学 与工程版 )
第2 1卷
CS 和 s wt 行 调 制 , 加 后 即 得 到 M S O(t i 进 O n 相 PK 信 号. S MP K的解 调是调 制过 程 的 逆 过程 , 即对 接 收的 M S P K信 号经 两 路 分 别 进 行 相 干 接 收 , 后 最 通 过并 一串 变换 恢 复 出 二 进 制信 息 , 调过 程 见 解
解 调 的新方 案.
关键 词 :解调 ; 映射 ; 译码 中图分 类号 : N 1 . T 9 13 文献标 识码 :A
随着 无 线 通 信 技 术 和 计 算 机 网 络 技 术 的 发 展, 无线 局域 网迅 速 地 应 用 于需 要 在 移 动 中联 网
制后 的传输信号的时域表达式为
和在网间漫游的场合. IE 0 、 1 协议采用 而 E E82 1a
O D 调制 方 式 , 以在 整 个覆 盖范 围 内提 供 高 FM 可 达 5 p 的速率 , 4Mb s 比任何 其 他 无 线 局 域 网的 解 决方 案更 快 、 另外 ,0 、 1 82 1a工作 在 5G z 带 , H 频
图1 所示 .
根据 以上 MP K 信 号 的 表 述 , S 的 调 制 S MP K 可 以看成 是将输 入 的 串行 二进 制 信息 序列经 串 一 并 变换后 变成 两路 相 同速 率 的序 列 , 电平 发 生 器 分别 产生 双极 性二 电平 信号 ,t和 Q()然 后 对 () t,
. c ∑o ) × s ) …( … c s
rc( 一n ) e t£
s ( )× i n n





















无线局域网的协议标准1. 引言无线局域网(Wireless Local Area Network,简称WLAN)是指使用无线通信技术的局域网。



2. 802.11系列协议标准802.11系列是无线局域网的主要协议标准,由IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)制定和管理。

以下是802.11系列协议标准的简要介绍:2.1 802.11a802.11a是第一个广泛应用的无线局域网协议标准之一。

它在5 GHz频段工作,提供了高速的无线传输速率,最高可达54 Mbps。


2.2 802.11b802.11b是较为广泛应用的无线局域网协议标准之一。

它在2.4 GHz频段工作,提供了最高11 Mbps的无线传输速率。


2.3 802.11g802.11g是在802.11b的基础上进行改进的协议标准。

它在2.4 GHz频段工作,提供了最高54 Mbps的无线传输速率。


2.4 802.11n802.11n是目前广泛应用的无线局域网协议标准之一。

它在2.4 GHz和5 GHz频段都可工作,提供了更高的无线传输速率和更好的信号质量。


2.5 802.11ac802.11ac是进一步改进的无线局域网协议标准。

它主要工作在5 GHz频段,提供了更高的无线传输速率和更好的网络覆盖范围。






ERP-DSSS和ERP-CCK 调制支持1 Mbps、2 Mbps、5.5 Mbps和11 Mbps四种速率,同时新增加了OFDM 调制方式以达到更高的速率。

在802.11g中强制规定了ERP-OFDM调制下的几种速率:6Mbps、9 Mbps、12 Mbps和24 Mbps,将18 Mbps、36 Mbps、48 Mbps 和54 Mbps作为可选择的速率。

物理层兼容特性为了兼容,802.11g要求物理层同时支持CCK和OFDM,为此该标准做出了以下改动:1. 802.11g的ERP-OFDM物理层与802.11a的物理层是大致相同的。



2. 在全部设备都采用802.11g标准的网络中,竞争窗口CW的时隙为9us。


3. 在混合网络中,从占用信道的角度来看,802.11g较802.11b有优先权。

当802.11g设备只支持802.11b所支持的4种速率时,802.11g设备的竞争窗口的最小值CW min=31,其余时候CW min=15。

按照CW的变化规律来看,在初始化时CW=CW min,那么802.11g在混合网络中竞争信道时退避时间要短一些,更有机会占用信道。



IEEE 802.11n标准的主要技术在今天的无线通信领域,IEEE 802.11n标准是一项重要的技术,它为无线局域网提供了更快的速度和更稳定的连接。

IEEE 802.11n标准采用了一系列新的技术来提高无线网络的性能,包括MIMO(多输入多输出)、OFDM(正交频分复用)、空间复用和通道绑定等。


1. MIMO技术MIMO技术是IEEE 802.11n标准的核心技术之一。



2. OFDM技术OFDM技术也是IEEE 802.11n标准的重要技术之一。



3. 空间复用技术IEEE 802.11n标准还引入了空间复用技术,通过同时在不同的天线上发送不同的数据流,实现了空间的复用,从而提高了无线网络的容量和覆盖范围。


4. 通道绑定技术通道绑定技术是IEEE 802.11n标准的又一项重要技术。



总结回顾通过对IEEE 802.11n标准的主要技术进行全面的分析和评估,我们可以看到,这些技术为无线网络带来了重大的革新和改进。

802.11 b g n调制解调方式介绍

802.11 b g n调制解调方式介绍

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WLAN - 802.11 a,b,g and nPublish Date: Dec 03, 2013OverviewThis paper is part of the Wireless Standards White Paper SeriesThis paper compares the different Wi-Fi standards that exist today. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of each standard, and the technical specifications are discussed in the paper below.Table of Contents802.11 Standards OverviewApplicationsTechnical Specifications802.11 Standards ComparisonNational Instruments Hardware1. 802.11 Standards Overview802.11: In 1997, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) created the first WLAN standard. They called it 802.11 after the name of the group formed to oversee its development.Unfortunately, 802.11 only supported a maximum network bandwidth of 2 Mbps - too slow for most applications. For this reason, ordinary 802.11 wireless products are no longer manufactured. The figure below shows the packet structure for the 802.11 standard.Figure 1 – 802.11 packet structure802.11a : The signal is transmitted at and can move up to of data per second. It uses Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM), which is an efficient coding technique 5 Ghz 54 megabits that splits the radio signal into several sub signals before they reach a receiver. This greatly reduced interference between signals.802.11 b : This is the slowest and least expensive existing standard. Initially, 802.11b was the most popular standard because of its cost, but as faster standards get less expensive, 802.11b is losing popularity. This standard transmits in the It can transmit up to 11 megabits of data per second and it uses Complimentary Code Keying (CCK). 802.11b is based on 2.4 Ghz frequency bandwidth. Complementary Code Keying (CCK).802.11g : 802.11g transmits at like 802.11b but at faster rates. It can transmit upto per second. Similar to 802.11a, 802.11g transmit faster because it uses OFDM instead of CCK.2.4 Ghz 54 Mbits 802.11n : This is the most recent standard and is becoming commercially available. This standard significantly improves speed and range. For instance, although 802.11g theoretically transmits 54Mbits of data per second, it only achieves real-world speeds of about 24 Mbits per second because of network congestion. 802.11n, however, can transmit as high as 140 Mbits per second. Multiple Input Multiple Outputs (MIMO ): One of the most widely known components of the draft specification is known as Multiple Input Multiple Output, or MIMO. MIMO exploits a radio-wave phenomenon called multipath: transmitted information bounces off walls, doors, and other objects, reaching the receiving antenna multiple times via different routes and at slightly different times.Uncontrolled, multipath distorts the original signal, making it more difficult to decipher and degrading Wi-Fi performance. MIMO harnesses multipath with a technique known as space-division multiplexing. The transmitting WLAN device actually splits a data stream into multiple parts, called spatial streams, and transmits each spatial stream through separate antennas to corresponding antennas on the receiving end. The current 802.11n draft provides for up to four spatial streams, even though compliant hardware is not required to support that many.Doubling the number of spatial streams from one to two effectively doubles the raw data rate. There are trade-offs, however, such as increased power consumption and, to a lesser extent, cost. The draft-n specification includes a MIMO power-save mode, which mitigates power consumption by using multiple paths only when communication would benefit from the additional performance. The MIMO power-save mode is a required feature in the draft-n specification.Up until 2004, 802.11 interfaces had a single antenna. To be sure, some interfaces had two antennas in a diversity configuration, but the basis of diversity is that the “best” antenna is selected. In diversity configurations, only a single antenna is used at any point. Although there may be two or more antennas, there is only one set of components to process the signal, or . The receiver RF chain has a single input chain, and the transmitter has a single output chain.2. ApplicationsA Wi-Fi-enabled device such as a PC, game console, cell phone, MP3 player or PDA can connect to the Internet when within range of a wireless network connected to the Internet. The coverage of one or more interconnected access points — called a hotspot — can comprise an area as small as a single room with wireless-opaque walls or as large as many square miles covered by overlapping access points. Organizations and businesses such as airports, hotels and restaurants often provide free hotspots to attract or assist clients. Enthusiasts or authorities who wish to provide services or even to promote business in a given area sometimes provide free Wi-Fi access. Metropolitan-wide Wi-Fi (Muni-Fi) already has more than 300 projects in process. Wi-Fi also allows connectivity in peer-to-peer (wireless ad-hoc network) mode, which enables devices to connect directly with each other. This connectivity mode can prove useful in consumer electronics and gaming applications. Many consumer devices use Wi-Fi. Amongst others, personal computers can network to each other and connect to the Internet, mobile computers can connect to the Internet from any Wi-Fi hotspot,and digital cameras can transfer images wirelessly.Routers which incorporate a DSL-modem or a cable-modem and a Wi-Fi access point, often set up in homes and other premises, provide Internet-access and inter-networking to all devices connected (wirelessly or by cable) to them. One can also connect Wi-Fi devices in ad-hoc mode for client-to-client connections without a router. WLAN is also increasingly being used in Internet telephony, music, streaming, gaming, and even photo viewing and in-home video transmission. Personal video recorders and other A/V storage appliances that collect content in one spot for enjoyment around the home are accelerating this trend.3. Technical SpecificationsThe OSI layer consists of 7 different layers. This application layer interfaces directly to and performs application services for the application processes; it also issues requests to the presentation layer. The presentation layer establishes a context between application layer entities, in which the higher-layer entities can use different syntax and semantics, as long as the Presentation Service understands both and the mapping between them. The session layer controls the dialogues/connections (sessions) between computers. The transport layer provides transport of data between the end clients. This layer provides reliable data transfer to the upper layers. The network layer provides the functional and procedural means of transferring variable length data sequences from asource to a destination. This layer also maintains the quality of service requested by the Transport layer. The data link layer provides the functional and procedural means to transfer data between network entities and to detect and correct errors that may occur in the physical layer.Figure 2 – OSI network modelThe 802.11 standard technologies all support multiple data rates to allow clients to communicate at the best possible speed. Data rate selection is a tradeoff between obtaining the highest possible data rate while trying to minimize the number of communication errors. Whenever there is an error in the data, the systems must spend time to retransmit the data until it is error free. Each 802.11Figure 3 – Range of the different standards802.11a utilizes 300 MHz of bandwidth in the 5 GHz Unlicensed National information Infrastructure (U-NII) band. Though the lower 200 MHz is physically contiguous, the FCC has divided the totalFigure 4 – PPDU frame format Figure 5 – CCK ModulationStart Frame Delimiter. This field is always 1111001110100000 and defines the beginning of a frame.Signal. This field identifies the data rate of the 802.11 frame, with its binary value equal to the data rate divided by 100Kbps. For example, the field contains the value of 00001010 for 1Mbps, 00010100 for 2Mbps, and so on. The PLCP fields, however, are always sent at the lowest rate, which is 1Mbps. This ensures that the receiver is initially uses the correct demodulation mechanism, which changes with different data rates.Service. This field is always set to 00000000, and the 802.11 standard reserves it for future use.Length. This field represents the number of microseconds that it takes to transmit the contents of the PPDU, and the receiver uses this information to determine the end of the frame.Frame Check Sequence. In order to detect possible errors in the Physical Layer header, the standard defines this field for containing 16-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) result. The MAC Layer also performs error detection functions on the PPDU contents as well.PSDU. The PSDU, which stands for Physical Layer Service Data Unit, is a fancy name that represents the contents of the PPDU (i.e., the actual 802.11 frame being sent).Figure 6 – Long PLCP PPDU format802.11gThe 802.11g standard includes mandatory and optional components. It uses OFDM, (from 802.11a) and CCK (from 802.11b as the mandatory modulation schemes with 24 Mbps as the maximum mandatory data rate. It also provides for optional higher data rates of 36, 48 and 54 Mbps.The 802.11g standard defines several rate extensions, as part of the specification, to the for the implementation. TheExtended Rate PHY (ERP)PHY Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) PHY ERP–DSSS/CCK ERP–OFDM ERP–PBCC DSSS–OFDM802.11g specification includes four sets of modulation schemes (Mandatory), (Mandatory), (Optional) and (Optional. The initial 802.11PPDUstandard (IEEE Std. 802.11–1999) defines a long preamble PLCP framing and later in standard (IEEE Std. 802.11b, 1999) a short (optional) preamble for the w as defined; however in the PPDU802.1 1g standard the short preamble capability has been defined as mandatory.Figure 7 : ERP-DSSS/CCK PHY Layer PPDU framingAs part of the operational description of the ERP–OFDM modulation scheme, the 802.11g standard specifies that an packet is going to be followed by a period of no transmission with a lengthERPµs.signal extension. The SIFSµs,of 6 This period is called the logic behind this is that in the 802.11a standard the length is defined to be 16 this is to allow for the convolutional decode process toSIFSfinish, as it is described in section of (IEEE Std. 802.11g, 2003). This assumption also applies to the ERP–OFDM in 802.11g; however in the 802.11g standard the length is defined to be 10 presumably to preserve backward compatibility with 802.11b. Nonetheless, in 802.11g, the modulation scheme still requires 16 to ensure the convolutional decoding µs,ERP–OFDMµsµs Duration MAC NAV process to be finished on time. Therefore a signal extension of 6 is included so that the transmitting station can compute the field in the header. This will ensure that the valueERP PHY ERP–DSSS/CCK ERP–OFDMof 802.11b stations is set correctly. The performance study presented in this work is based on the two mandatory specifications, namely the and themodulation scheme.Figure 8 – Short preamble PPDU format for DSSS-OFDMThe figure below shows the modulation schemes for the multiple carriers of 802.11 b, g and a.Figure 9 – Modulation Techniques802.11nThe emerging 802.11n specification differs from its predecessors in that it provides for a variety of optional modes and configurations that dictate different maximum raw data rates. This enables the standard to provide baseline performance parameters for all 802.11n devices, while allowing manufacturers to enhance or tune capabilities to accommodate different applications and price points. With every possible option enabled, 802.11n could offer raw data rates up to 600 Mbps. But WLAN hardware does not need to support every option to be compliant with the standard. In 2006, for example, most draft-n WLAN hardware available is expected to support raw data rates up to 300 Mbps. In comparison, every 802.11b-compliant product must support data rates up to 11 Mbps, and all 802.11a and 802.11g hardware must support data rates up to 54 Mbps.In the 802.11n draft, the first requirement is to support an OFDM implementation that improves upon the one employed in the 802.11a/g standards, using a higher maximum code rate and slightly wider bandwidth. This change improves the highest attainable raw data rate to 65 Mbps from 54 Mbps in the existing standards.Up until 2004, 802.11 interfaces had a single antenna. To be sure, some interfaces had two antennas in a diversity configuration, but the basis of diversity is that the “best” antenna is selected. InRF chaindiversity configurations, only a single antenna is used at any point. Although there may be two or more antennas, there is only one set of components to process the signal, or . The receiver has a single input chain, and the transmitter has a single output chain.The next step beyond diversity is to attach an RF chain to each antenna in the system. This is the basis of Multiple-Input/Multiple-Output (MIMO) operation.* Each RF chain is capable of simultaneous reception or transmission, which can dramatically improve throughput. Furthermore, simultaneous receiver processing has benefits in resolving multipath interference, and may improvespatial streamthe quality of the received signal far beyond simple diversity. Each RF chain and its corresponding antenna are responsible for transmitting a . A single frame can be broken up and multiplexed across multiple spatial streams, which are reassembled at the receiver.PHY LayersIn the 802.11n system, based on the WLAN OFDM system, two new formats are defined for the PLCP (Physical Layer Convergence Protocol): the Mixed Mode and the Green Field. These two formats are called HT (High Throughput) formats. In addition to the HT formats, there is a legacy duplicate format that duplicates the 20 MHz legacy packet in two 20 MHz halves of a 40 MHz channel.So, the 802.11n physical layer operates in one of 3 modes in the time domain: Legacy mode, Mixed Mode and Green Field Mode.In legacy mode and HT mode, transmission is over a 20 MHz channel, and the channel is divided into 64 sub-carriers. Four pilot signals are inserted in sub-carriers -21, -7, 7 and 21. In the legacy mode, signal is transmitted on sub-carriers -26 to -1 and 1 to 26, with 0 being the center (DC) carrier. In the HT modes, signal is transmitted on sub-carriers -28 to -1 and 1 to 28.In the 40 MHz HT transmission, two adjacent 20 MHz channels are used. The channel is divided into 128 sub-carriers. 6 pilot signals are inserted in sub-carriers -53, -25, -11, 11, 25, 53. Signal is transmitted on sub-carriers -58 to -2 and 2 to 58.In the case of the legacy duplicate mode over 40 MHz, the same data are transmitted over two adjacent 20 MHz channels. In this case the 40 MHz channel is divided into 128 sub-carriers and the data are transmitted on carriers -58 to -6 and 6 to 58.Legacy Mode: In the legacy mode, frames are transmitted in the legacy 802.11a/g OFDM format.Mixed Mode: In the Mixed Mode, packets are transmitted with a preamble compatible with the legacy 802.11a/g. The legacy Short Training Sequence, the legacy Long Training sequence, and the legacy signal description are transmitted so they can be decoded by legacy 802.11a/g devices. The rest of the packet has a new MIMO training sequence format. Figure 2 shows the Mixed Mode format. Click the various parts of the figure for more details on each field.Green Field Mode: In the Green Field mode, high throughput packets are transmitted without a legacy-compatible part. Figure 3 shows the Green Field format. Click the various parts of the figure for more details on each field.Figure 10 – PHY LayersLegacy Short Training Field (L-STF) The legacy short training OFDM symbol is identical to the 802.11a short training OFDM symbol. The L-STF is BPSK modulated at 6 Mbps. It contains no channel coding, and is not scrambled. The L-STF has a period of 0.8 µs. The entire short training field includes ten such periods, with a total duration of 8 µs.Legacy Long Training Field (L-LTF) The legacy long training OFDM symbol is identical to the 802.11a long training OFDM symbol. The L-LTF is BPSK modulated at 6 Mbps. It contains no channel coding, and is not scrambled.Legacy Signal Field (L-SIG) The signal field is used to transfer rate and length information. The L-SIG consists of one OFDM symbol assigned to all 52 subcarriers. This symbol is BPSK modulated at 6 Mbps and is encoded at a ½ rate. L-SIG is interleaved and mapped, and has pilots inserted in subcarriers –21, –7, 7 and 21. The L-SIG is not scrambled.High Throughput Signal Field (HT-SIG) The high throughput signal field is used to carry information required to interpret the HT packet formats. The HT-SIG is composed of two parts HTSIG1 and HTSIG2, each containing 24 bits. All the fields in the HT-SIG are transmitted LSB first.High Throughput Short Training Field (HT-STF) The purpose of the High Throughput Short Training Field is to improve AGC (Automatic Gain Control) training in a multi-transmit and multi-receive system. The duration of the HT-STF is 4μsec.High Throughput Long Training Field (HT-LTF) The High Throughput Long Training field provides means for the receiver to estimate the channel between each spatial mapping input (or spatialHigh Throughput Long Training Field (HT-LTF) The High Throughput Long Training field provides means for the receiver to estimate the channel between each spatial mapping input (or spatial stream transmitter if no STBC is applied) and receive chain; the number of training symbols is equal or greater than the number of space-time streams (with an exception in the case of 3 space-time streams).The HT-LTF portion has one or two parts. The first part consists of from one to four HT long training fields (HT-LTFs) that are necessary for demodulation of the HT-Data portion of the PPDU. These HT-LTFs are referred to as Data HT-LTFs. The optional second part consists of from zero to four HT-LTFs that may be used to probe extra spatial dimensions of the MIMO channel that are not utilized by the HT-Data portion of the PPDU. These HT-LTFs are referred to as Extension HT-LTFs. If a receiver has not advertised its ability to receive Extension HT-LTFs, it may discard a frame including Extension HT-LTFs as an unknown frame type.Both the WWiSE and TGnSync proposals employ MIMO technology to boost the data rate, though their applications differ. MIMO antenna configurations are often described with the shorthand “YxZ,” where Y and Z are integers, used to refer to the number of transmitter antennas and the number of receiver antennas. For example, both WWiSE and TGnSync require 2x2 operations, which has two transmit chains, two receive chains, and two spatial streams multiplexed across the radio link. Both proposals also have additional required and optional modes. I expect that the common hardware configurations will have two RF chains on the client side to save cost and battery power, while at least three RF chains will be used on most access points. This configuration would use 2x3 MIMO for its uplink and 3x2 MIMO on the downlink.Figure 11- Aggregation in WWiSEFigure 12- Bursting in WWiSEWWiSE PLCPThe PLCP must operate in two modes. In Greenfield mode, it operates without using backwards-compatible physical headers. Greenfield access is simpler: it can operate without backwards compatibility. The figure below shows PLCP encapsulation.Figure 13 – WwiSE PLCPThe SIGNAL-N fieldThe SIGNAL-N field is used in all transmission modes. It has information to recover the bit stream from the data symbols. The SIGNAL-N field is shown below.Figure 14 – The Signal – N FieldThe Figure below shows the basic format of a single physical-layer frame containing several MAC layer frames.Figure 15 - TGnSyncFrame Aggregation4. 802.11 Standards Comparison802.11a802.11a operates at the fastest speed and supports more simultaneous users. The operating frequencies of 802.11 a are regulated and this prevents interference from other devices.OFDM has fundamental propagation advantages when in a high multipath environment, such as an indoor office, and the higher frequencies enable the building of smaller antennas with higher RF system gain which counteract the disadvantage of a higher band of operation. The increased number of usable channels (4 to 8 times as many in FCC countries) and the near absence of other interfering systems, (microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monitors) give 802.11a significant aggregate bandwidth and reliability advantages over 802.11b/g.Since the 2.4 GHz band is heavily used to the point of being crowded, using the 5 GHz band gives 802.11a a significant advantage. However, this high carrier frequency also brings a slight disadvantage: The effective overall range of 802.11a is slightly less than that of 802.11b/g; 802.11a signals cannot penetrate as far as those for 802.11b because they are absorbed more readily by walls and other solid objects in their path.802.11b802.11b is the lowest cost amongst the standards and the signal range is the best. The signal is not easily obstructed either.Some of the disadvantages are that is has the slowest maximum speed and supports fewer simultaneous users. The appliances may also interfere on the unregulated frequency band.Since the selection of the 802.11g draft standard technology, some observers have questioned the merits of continuing development activity in the 2.4 GHz band. The reasoning has predominantly cited the increased crowding of this spectrum, versus that of the relatively clearer 5.2 GHz spectrum utilized by802.11a. Certainly the past performance of already-installed 802.11b networks provides evidence that the 2.4 GHz band is well suited to wireless networking and the 802.11b devices have continued to provide excellent performance in the presence of increasing interference. In addition, the 2.4 GHz ISM band is available throughout the world with relatively few, if any, regulatory restrictions. In contrast, the 5.2 GHz band is used by military applications such as high-energy radar and, as a result, several major global markets, including Western Europe and Japan, have to date placed regulatory restrictions on the commercial use of this band. Even in the United States there are questions concerning security risks for military operations with 802.11aoperating in the 5.2 GHz band. Utilizing the 2.4 GHz band ensures that 802.11gWLANs will avoid the regulatory restrictions that are likely to been countered, while offering backwards compatibility with 802.11b systems.802.11g802.11g has a fast maximum speed and support simultaneous users. The signal range is the best and is not easily obstructed either.Some of the disadvantages are that it costs more than 802.11b and some of the appliances may also interfere with the unregulated signal frequency.802.11nOne of the most widely known components of the draft specification is known as Multiple Input Multiple Output, or MIMO. MIMO exploits a radio-wave phenomenon called multipath: transmitted information bounces off walls, doors, and other objects, reaching the receiving antenna multiple times via different routes and at slightly different times. Uncontrolled, multipath distorts the original signal, making it more difficult to decipher and degrading Wi-Fi performance. MIMO harnesses multipath with a technique known as space-division multiplexing. The transmitting WLAN device actually splits a data stream into multiple parts, called spatial streams, and transmits each spatial stream through separate antennas to corresponding antennas on the receiving end. The current 802.11n draft provides for up to four spatial streams, even though compliant hardware is not required to support that many. Doubling the number of spatial streams from one to two effectively doubles the raw data rate. There are trade-offs, however, such as increased power consumption and, to a lesser extent, cost. The draft-n specification includes a MIMO power-save mode, which mitigates power consumption by using multiple paths only when communication would benefit from the additional performance. The MIMO powersave mode is a required feature in the draft-n specification.Another optional mode in the 802.11n draft effectively doubles data rates by doubling the width of a WLAN communications channel from 20 MHz to 40 MHz. The primary trade-off here is fewer channels available for other devices. In the case of the 2.4-GHz band, there is enough room for three non-overlapping 20-MHz channels. Needless to say, a 40-MHz channel does not leave much room for other devices to join the network or transmit in the same airspace. This means intelligent, dynamic management is critical to ensuring that the 40-MHz channel option improves overall WLAN performance by balancing the high-bandwidth demands of some clients with the needs of other clients to remain connected to the network.5. National Instruments HardwareNational Instruments provides products for both Vector Signal Analysis and Vector Signal Generation. Using the Modulation toolkit different modulation techniques can be used to test and implement the various standards.PXIe-5672 PXI-5661。


· 如果媒体空闲,PLCP将发送一条状态字段表明为空闲的PHYCCA.indication原语到MAC层,使得MAC层可以考虑决定发送帧;
· 如果媒体忙碌,PLCP将发送一条状态字段表明为忙碌的PHYCCA.indication原语到MAC层。从而MAC层就可以决定暂不能发送 帧。
? 802.11是IEEE(美国电气和电子工程师协会)最初制 定的一个无线局域网标准,这也是在无线局域网领域 内的第一个国际上被认可的协议。主要用于解决办公 室局域网和校园网中,用户与用户终端的无线介入, 业务主要限于数据存取,速率最高只能达到2Mbps。 由于802.11 在速率和传输距离上不能满足人们的需要。 因此,IEEE小组又相继推出了802.11a和802.11b等 许多新标准。几者之间技术上的主要差别在于MAC子 层和物理层。
? 直接序列扩频(DSSS,Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum )系统则将要传输的数据流通过扩展码调 制而人为地扩展带宽,即使在传输波段中存在部分噪 声信号,接收机也可以无错误地接受数据。
扩频是一种在信号的带宽进行扩展的技术。采用扩频 的好处是: ? 抗干扰。若使用窄频,容易受到使用相同频率的通信
? IEEE 802.11b标准的物理层采用的是补码键控CCK( Complementary Code Keying)技术。在2.4GHz高速局域网标 准中采用CCK调制的主要原因是:它可以在提供高达11Mbit/s数 据传输速率的同时保持了与原有的1Mbit/s和2Mbit/s的无线局域 网的互操作性,即两者具有同样的射频带宽和分组结构。
? 红外线( IR)物理层描述了一种在 850到950nM波段 运行的调制类型,用于小型设备和低速率连接的数据 传输应用。这种红外线介质的基本数据速率是利用十 六进制脉冲位置调制(16PPM)的1Mbit/s速率和利用 四进制脉冲位置调制( 4PPM)的2Mbit/s增强速率。 基于红外线设备的峰值功率被限定为2W。



标题:深度解析IEEE 802.11系列标准的主要技术在今天的网络时代,Wi-Fi 已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。

而 IEEE 802.11 系列标准无疑是 Wi-Fi 技术的基石,它不断地推动着无线网络技术的发展。

本文将深入探讨 IEEE 802.11 系列标准的主要技术,帮助读者更全面地了解这一重要领域。

1. 概述IEEE 802.11 系列标准是由 IEEE 组织制定的无线局域网通信标准,它涵盖了多种协议和技术。

在过去的几十年中,IEEE 802.11 标准不断进行更新和完善,以适应不断发展的无线通信技术需求。

从最初的 IEEE 802.11-1997 到最新的 IEEE 802.11ax,每个版本都引入了新的技术和功能,提高了无线网络的速度、可靠性和安全性。

2. 物理层技术在IEEE 802.11 系列标准中,物理层技术是构建无线通信基础的关键。

从最早的 802.11b 到如今的 802.11ax,Wi-Fi 技术经历了多次重大的物理层技术改进。

采用了不同的调制解调技术,如 OFDM(正交频分复用)、MIMO(多输入多输出)、波束赋形等,有效提高了无线信号的传输速率和覆盖范围。

3. MAC 层技术除了物理层技术,IEEE 802.11 系列标准还涉及到 MAC(介质访问控制)层技术。

在无线网络中,多个终端设备需要共享同一无线信道,因此如何有效地进行数据帧的传输和冲突的解决是 MAC 层技术的核心问题。

各个版本的 IEEE 802.11 标准在 MAC 层技术上也进行了不断的创新,引入了更加高效的数据调度算法和QoS(服务质量)机制,以提高网络的整体性能和用户体验。

4. 安全机制随着无线网络的普及和应用场景的不断扩大,网络安全问题也日益突出。

IEEE 802.11 系列标准还规定了一系列的安全机制,包括加密算法、身份认证协议、密钥管理等,以保障无线网络的安全性和隐私性。

WEP、WPA、WPA2、WPA3 等安全协议的不断出现和更新,提升了无线网络的安全性,有效抵御了各种网络攻击。



wifi技术标准第五代Wi-Fi技术标准第五代(Wi-Fi 5G)是指当前主流的无线局域网络技术标准,也被称为802.11ac标准。


Wi-Fi技术标准第五代(Wi-Fi 5G)是在第四代的基础上进行了重大升级和改进。


首先,Wi-Fi 5G支持更宽的频谱,使用更高的频率带宽。


其次,Wi-Fi 5G采用了更先进的调制解调技术和MIMO技术(多输入多输出),可以在同一时间内传输多个数据流,提高网络吞吐量和性能。


Wi-Fi 5G的优势在于其更高的速度和更低的延迟。

根据标准规范,Wi-Fi 5G可以提供最高达7 Gbps的数据传输速率,比前一代标准快了几倍。


此外,Wi-Fi 5G具有更低的延迟,使用户可以更快地获取和处理数据。


Wi-Fi 5G广泛应用于各种领域。

在家庭环境中,Wi-Fi 5G可以满足多用户同时在线、同时使用高带宽应用的需求。


在企业环境中,Wi-Fi 5G可以支持大规模的无线接入,为员工提供更灵活的办公环境和更高效的工作体验。

此外,Wi-Fi 5G还广泛用于公共场所,如酒店、机场和咖啡馆等,为用户提供高质量的无线上网服务。

然而,Wi-Fi 5G也存在一些挑战和限制。

首先,由于采用了更高的频谱和更复杂的技术,Wi-Fi 5G要求设备具备更强大的计算和处理能力。

因此,旧版的Wi-Fi设备可能无法兼容或无法充分发挥Wi-Fi 5G的性能优势。


基于快速傅里叶变换(FFT) 和逆快速傅里叶变换(IFFT) 的调制解调方法易于实现。
802.11是无线局域网(WLAN)的标准,定义了无线网络的物 理层和数据链路层。
通过使用FFT和IFFT,OFDM能够快 速高效地实现调制和解调,适用于高 速无线通信系统。
通过将数据分配到多个子载波 上,实现了频谱的高效利用。
通过引入循环前缀,有效克服 了多径干扰问题。
支持高速数据传输,适用于无 线局域网(WLAN)等通信系
研究生信息通信802.11物理 层OFDM技术简介
• OFDM技术概述 • 802.11标准与OFDM技术 • OFDM技术的关键技术 • OFDM技术的优势与挑战 • OFDM技术的应用实例
OFDM(正交频分复用)是一种多载 波调制技术,它将高速数据流分割成 多个低速子数据流,在多个正交子载 波上并行传输。
OFDM(正交频分复用)是一种多载波调制技术, 它将高速数据流分割成多个低速子数据流,在多 个正交子载波上并行传输。



23456 调制的
!"# $$% 的扩展
以上的 886 调制系统所能达到的最高传输速率是 ’’(7,.,但是 如果我们对 以 上 系 统 进 行 一 些 修 改 ,就 可 获 得 更 高 的 数 据 速 率 ,比 如说,我们为了获得 ’;/1(7,. 的数据速率,可以将输入数据被分成
是 完 全 正 交 的 ,这 种 码 子 之 间 的 非 完 全 正 交 行 将 导 致 噪 声 容 限 的 减 小 和 码 间 干 扰 的 出 现 ,为 解 决 这 一 问 题 ,发 展 出 了 一 种 称 为 格 形 编 码 886 调制的改进方法。这种技术是吧格形编码的思想应用于 886 调制中,通过把不完全正交的 "1; 个复数码子分成若干个相互之间完 全 正 交 的 复 数 码 子 构 成 的 子 集 ,同 时 对 要 调 制 的 信 息 的 一 部 分 先 进 行 卷 积 编 码 ,然 后 利 用 编 码 得 到 的 结 果 在 这 些 复 数 码 子 集 中 进 行 选 择,另一部分则在选定的子集中确定出一个码子作为调制的结果, 这 样 就 能 改 善 码 子 之 间 的 正 交 性 ,从 而 使 整 个 通 信 系 统 的 性 能 得 到
)*)’’( 调制框图
上图中, ( 用来从 % 个 & 位的复选码中选则一个来调整整个 !"#!$ ) 码元, 该 & 位长的复码子的时钟是 ’’()*+, - .# 可以看出该码子 实 际 起 到了一个扩频的作用,其余两比特数据用时钟将其速率调整在 并与前面选中的 & 位长复码 ’/$01() - .# 作为参与 23456 调制的码元, 子相调制, 即对应与 !’ 。 以便更加有效的利用补偿 另外, 有 些 公 司 提 出 采 用 BC6A 接 收 , 码良好的互不相关和自相关特性, BC6A 接收时要对每条传播路径 进 行处理, 886 的相关器就 要 成 倍 增 加 , DCBBC5 提 出 的 BC6A 接 收 方 案是在前端加入 886 相关器, 产生一对码子和标志映射, 再对这组映 射进行解码, 或者快速补 886 相关器一般采用快速 EFG.* 变换( HEI ) 偿码变换来实现, 在 BC6A 接收过程中可以加入均衡器来消除由于信 道产生的码间干扰( 和码片间干扰( 。 @5@ ) @8@ )


1.1 无线通信发展及意义...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 无线通信研究方向.......................................................................................................... 1
第五章 总结........................................................................................................ 34
参 考 文 献........................................................................................................ 35
第四章 802.11A 仿真平台的搭建..................................................................... 10
4.1 仿真模型和链路参数设置............................................................................................ 10 4.2 编码................................................................................................................................ 13 4.3 子载波的调制与解调.................................................................................................... 15 4.4 天线分集........................................................................................................................ 22 4.5 信道模型........................................................................................................................ 25 4.6 同步................................................................................................................................ 27




传统的有线局域网虽然有着信号传输稳定,传输质量也比较高, 信号受房间格局、障碍物、气候、电磁干扰影响小等方面的优势。









关键词:局域网,无线局域网,IEEE802.11,射频技术,扩频技术,调制解调技术,信道差错控制技术,分集技术,天线技术目次1 引言 (1)2 802.11WLAN简介 (1)2.1 802.11a (3)2.2 802.11b (4)2.3 802.11n (6)2.4 802.11ac (6)2.5 802.11ad (7)3 802.11WLAN关键技术简介 (7)3.1 射频与扩频技术 (8)3.2 调制与复用技术 (10)3.3 差错控制技术 (15)3.4 分集与天线技术 (16)4 802.11WLAN的应用 (21)结论 (23)致谢 (24)参考文献 (25)1 引言局域网简称LAN,是指在某一区域内由多台计算机互联成的计算机组。

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802.11 调制解调技术
802.11 调制解调技术
802.11调制技术 802.11展频技术
802.11常用的标准有802.11 a, b, g, n
802.11a: 载波5GHz, 物理层 OFDM. 802.11b: 载波2.4GHz, 物理层 采用补码键控CCK/DSSS.
直接序列传输是一种不同的展频技术,可以通过较宽的频段传送信 号。直接序列技术的基本运作方式,是通过精确的控制将RF 能量分散至 某个宽频频段。当无线电载波的变动被分散至较宽的频段时,接收器可 以通过相关处理(corelation process)找出变动何在。下图以比较抽 象的观点说明了直接序列的基本运作方式。
双比特码元 a 0 0 1 1 b 0 1 1 0
载波相位 ( j k )
A 方式
0 o 90 o 180 o 270
B 方式 o 45 o 135 o 225 o 315
01 00 11
OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)正交频分
将信道分成若干正交子信道,将高速数据信号转换成并行的低速子 数据流,调制到在每个子信道上进行传输。正交信号可以通过在接收端 采用相关技术来分开,这样可以减少子信道之间的相互干扰(ISI) 。每个 子信道上的信号带宽小于信道的相关带宽,因此每个子信道上可以看成 平坦性衰落,从而可以消除码间串扰,而且由于每个子信道的带宽仅仅 是原信道带宽的一小部分,信道均衡变得相对容易。
继续靠近,间隔频率互相正交,因此频谱虽然有重叠,但是 仍然是没有互相干扰的。
对限制在[0,2π]内的sin(t)信号,相当于无限长的sin(t)信号乘以一个 [0,2π]的矩形脉冲,其频谱为两者频谱的卷积。sin(t)的频谱为冲激, 门信号的频谱为sinc信号(即sin(x)/x信号)。冲激信号卷积sinc信号 ,相当于对sinc信号的搬移。所以分析到这里,可以得出OFDM的时 域波形其对应的频谱如下:

OFDM,多载波调制的一种,主要思想为:将经过BPASK, QPSK,16QAM或者64QAM调制的高速串行数据转换成并行的多路较低 速的子数据流。然后调制到相互正交的子载波上,并行发射出去,这些 子载波相互正交,频带可以有所重叠,不同于传统的频分复用技术。
限定在[0,2π]内的b· sin(2t)信号的频谱,即以sin(2t)为载波的调制信号的频谱
a· sin(t)+b· sin(2t)信号的频谱
可以看出, 在sin(t)频谱峰值处, sin(2t)的频谱功率为零,反之亦然. 所以两个信号的频谱是正交的. 依此类推, 所有sin(Xt)函数的频谱相互之间都是正交的. (X为整数)
导频是在一个固定的频率上一直发已知的信号,在频谱上看 多了一条线,是频域上的处理. 20MHz 带宽调制导频为BPSK的调制方式. 40MHz 带宽调制导频为QPSK的调制方式.
训练序列就是在发送的数据帧前面含有一部分已知道的码元 , 用于接受端的同步和信道估计,它是在时域上的处理.
四进制码元又称为双比特码元。它的前一信息用 a 代表 ,后一信息比特称用b代表,双比特码元中两个信息比特ab 提出按照格雷码(即反射码)排列的。它与载波相位的关系 如下表示。矢量图如下。
因此在信道中传送的信号为a×sin(t)+b×sin(2t)。其中sin(t)和sin(2t) 为载波,a、b为所要发射的信号,在接收端,分别对接收到的信号作 关于sin(t)和sin(2t)的积分检测,就可以得到a和b了。
发送在无线空间的叠加信号 a×sin(t)+b×sin(2t)
限定在[0,2π]内的a· sin(t)信号的频谱,即以sin(t)为载波的调制信号的频谱
sin(2t)的频谱分析基本相同。需要注意的是,由于正交区间为[0,2π],因此 sin(2t)在相同的时间内发送了两个完整波形。相同的门函数保证了两个函数 的频谱形状相同,只是频谱被搬移的位置变了:
QAM调制器中I和Q信号来自一个信号源,幅度和频率都 相同,唯一不同的是Q信号的相位与I信号相差90°
64 QAM 调制图解
802.11g: 载波2.4GHz, 物理层 CCK/DSSS, OFDM. 兼容802.11b.
802.11n: 载波2.4GHz 和 5GHz, 物理层 OFDM+MIMO.
差分相移键控( BPSK)是利用相邻二个码元的载波信号 初始相位的相对变化来表示所传输的码元。 例如,在二进制中传输“ 1” 码时,则与此码元所对应的 载波信号初始相位相对于前一码所对应的载波信号初始相位 有 π 弧度的变化 ;,传输 “ 0” 码时,与此码元所对应的载波信 号的初始相位相对于前一码元所对应的载波信号初始相位无 变化(“1变0不变” );当然反过来也是可以的。
三角函数系中任何不同的两个函数的乘积在区间[-π,π]上的积分等于 0. 如三角函数系{1,sinx,sin2x,sin3x,sin4x… …},如 1*SinX或者 SinX*Sin2X在[-π,π]上的积分都为0. 若载波1发送的数据为A, 调制在SinX上, 载波2发的数据为B,调制 在Sin2X上,他们是同时发送的,基站收到的数据就是 ASinX+ BSin2X. 那么我们如何解出载波1发了什么呢? 基站会对收到的数据乘以他调 制的载波频率积分,(Asin(X) + BSin(2X))*SINX ,则由于信号是线性 的,根据1,结果中就含有B 的分量约掉了,我们就能解出A。
跳频,是以一种预设的准随机样式(predeterminded, pseudorandom pattern)快速变换传输频率.
如图所示。图中的纵轴将可用频率划分为几个频槽(frequency slot)。同样地,时间轴也被划分为一系列时槽(time slot)
调频可以避免设备干扰某个频段(frequency band 简称 band)的 主要用户.
跳频用户对主要用户只会造成瞬间干扰,因为跳频健将能量分散至 较宽的频段。同样地,主要用户只会影响展频设备的某个频槽,就像是 瞬间的噪声一般。
如果两个跳频系统需要共用相同频段,可以指定不同的跳频顺序, 如此便不会互相干扰。
0~8 uS: 10个相同的短时训练符, 由12个子载波组成.
用于信号检测, 自动增益控制, 符号定时, 粗频率偏差 估算. 8~16 uS: 一个长时训练符号, 由两个3.2 uS 的OFDM 长度, 两 个0.8 uS的保护间隔组成. 用于精确的偏离偏差估算和信道估算.
OFDM符号长度由两部分组成: 保护间隔与FFT积分长度. FFT积分长度为一个带有编码信号符号的长度,一般为64或 128.
插入循环前缀后, 当多径效应造成的延迟小于循环前缀长度时. 可看到各个子载波在FFT积分时间内都是整数个. FFT积分是连续的,不 会有子载波编码间的串扰.
移动叠加后的波形一个时间长度, 对不同子载波的相位改变是不同的.
假如A1’相位延迟为π/8,则A2’的相位延迟为π/4 …… AK’的相位延迟则为π/8*k. 所以Montecarlo的项目中,我们不能简单的移动叠加波形使得所以子载波产生一个相同的 相移动. 而是先使子载波做相同的相位平移,再合成叠加波形.
多径效应对各个子载波产生相位影响. 当以低频子载波的180°相位出开始做该FFT积分时, 在FFT积分 区域内带有时延的高频子载波的个数为非整数个, 形成了该子载波 FFT积分的非连续性. 多径效应产生的高频子载波的时延信号对低频 子载波造成了干扰.
在时域中主要讨论了O(正交)是如何发挥作用的,下面主要讨论FDM 常规FDM的系统图: