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英文回答:In the survey conducted on common misspellings in daily life, several interesting findings were discovered. The survey aimed to identify the most frequently misspelled words and assess their impact on communication.Firstly, the survey revealed that the word "definitely" is often misspelled as "definately" or "defiantly." This error can lead to confusion and misunderstanding in written communication. It is crucial to pay attention to thecorrect spelling of this word to ensure effective communication.Secondly, the word "separate" was found to be commonly misspelled as "seperate." This misspelling can beattributed to the pronunciation of the word, which may leadindividuals to mistakenly spell it with an extra "e." To avoid this mistake, it is important to remember that "separate" only contains one "e."Additionally, the survey highlighted the misspelling of the word "accommodate" as "accomodate." This error is often made due to the double "m" sound in the pronunciation. However, it is essential to remember that "accommodate" has two "m"s and two "d"s.Furthermore, the word "embarrass" was found to be frequently misspelled as "embarass." This error can be attributed to the confusion between the double "r" sound and a single "r." To avoid this mistake, it is important to remember that "embarrass" contains two "r"s.Lastly, the survey revealed that the word "occurrence" is often misspelled as "occurance." This mistake is likely due to the pronunciation of the word, which may lead individuals to omit one of the "r"s. However, it is crucial to remember that "occurrence" has two "r"s.中文回答:在对日常生活中常见的错别字进行调查时,发现了一些有趣的发现。



英文标识不规范的现象和建议英语作文(中英文实用版)Title: Addressing Inappropriate Use of English Signs and Suggestions for ImprovementIn our daily life, it is not uncommon to encounter English signs that are improperly used, ranging from minor grammatical errors to completely unintelligible sentences.This phenomenon not only affects the aesthetic appeal of public spaces but also reflects a lack of attention to language accuracy and cultural sensitivity.在日常生活中的公共场合,经常可以看到英文标识使用不当的现象,小到语法错误,大到完全不知所云的句子。


It"s crucial to rectify these inaccuracies, not just for the sake of linguistic integrity but also to project a positive image of our city to international visitors.The following are some prevalent issues and corresponding suggestions for enhancement.纠正这些错误至关重要,不仅是为了维护语言的完整性,也为了向国际游客展示我们城市的良好形象。



日常生活中错误的英语的调查报告学号:110402065 专业:英语姓名:鲍海云班级:11级英本3班前言:英语一直以来都是在世界范围内使用最广泛的语言,尤其在当今社会,英语在我们的社会生活中显的日趋重要。













一 .事例及现状。


比如:1.How are you ? How old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?2.You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. Brothers!Together up! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!3.Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse"s son can make hole! 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!4.Chickens That Did Not Have Sexual Experience 童子鸡5.Four Glad Meatballs 直译:四个开心的肉球被用为:四喜丸子6.Wash after relief 用过请冲水解释:中国的厕所光冲(flush)不行,居然还要“洗”(wash)!7.You ask me,me ask who?你问我,我问谁8.Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放9.One car come,one car go,two car pengpeng,one car died! 关于一场车祸的描述10.Horse horse tiger tiger. 马马虎虎11.Good good study, day day up. 好好学习,天天向上12.If you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one! 要钱没有,要命一条有的人赞成认为中国式英文既有趣又被大家口耳相传,说不定有一天,老外也这样说呢。



关于街头错别字研究报告范文大全英文回答:Street Sign Misspellings: A Comprehensive Report.Introduction.Misspelled street signs are a common sight in many urban areas. While they may not seem like a major issue, they can actually pose a number of problems for residents and visitors alike. In this report, we will delve into the causes and consequences of street sign misspellings and provide recommendations for addressing this problem.Causes of Street Sign Misspellings.There are a number of factors that can contribute to street sign misspellings, including:Human error: Street signs are often made by hand, andmistakes can easily be made during the manufacturing process.Vandalism: Street signs can be vandalized by people who deliberately change or remove letters.Environmental factors: Street signs can be damaged by weather conditions, such as wind and rain, which can make the lettering difficult to read.Lack of maintenance: Street signs that are not properly maintained may become faded or damaged, making them difficult to read.Consequences of Street Sign Misspellings.Street sign misspellings can have a number of negative consequences, including:Confusion and frustration: Misspelled street signs can confuse drivers and pedestrians, leading to delays and frustration.Safety hazards: Misspelled street signs can create safety hazards by making it difficult for drivers to navigate safely.Property value decrease: Misspelled street signs can detract from the appearance of a neighborhood and may even lead to a decrease in property values.Recommendations for Addressing Street Sign Misspellings.There are a number of things that can be done toaddress the problem of street sign misspellings, including:Improving manufacturing processes: Manufacturersshould implement quality control measures to reduce the number of errors that occur during the manufacturing process.Enhancing vandalism protection: Street signs should be made of durable materials and placed in locations wherethey are less likely to be vandalized.Regular maintenance: Street signs should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that they remain legible and in good condition.Public awareness campaigns: Public awareness campaigns can help to educate residents and visitors about the importance of street signs and the need to report misspellings.Conclusion.Street sign misspellings are a common problem that can have a number of negative consequences. By taking steps to address the causes of misspellings and implementing measures to prevent and correct them, we can help to create safer, more efficient, and more attractive urban environments.中文回答:街头错别字研究报告。



生活中错别字现象调查报告范文English Answer:Introduction.Throughout our daily lives, we encounter numerous forms of written communication, whether it be through social media posts, emails, or paper documents. Language serves as a vital tool for conveying information and facilitating interactions within society. However, it is not uncommonfor errors in spelling, known as typos or misspellings, to occur within written text. These errors can range from minor mistakes to more significant ones that alter the meaning of words. Therefore, it is essential to understand the prevalence and factors contributing to misspellings in everyday life.Survey Methodology.To gather data on the frequency and causes ofmisspellings, a survey was conducted among a diverse group of individuals. The survey utilized a structured questionnaire to collect information on participants' spelling proficiency, frequency of misspellings, and potential reasons for making spelling errors. The survey was administered online and reached a wide range of participants, including students, professionals, and individuals from various age groups and backgrounds.Results.The survey results revealed that misspellings are a common occurrence in everyday life, with a majority of participants reporting that they make spelling errors occasionally or frequently. The most common types of misspellings reported included:Typos: accidental errors caused by pressing the wrong key on a keyboard or device.Homophone errors: using words that sound the same but have different spellings (e.g., "there" and "their")。



街头错字的研究报告作文500英文回答:Street misspellings are a common sight in many cities around the world. These errors can range from simple typos to more serious mistakes that completely change the meaning of a word. As a language enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by these street misspellings and have conducted extensive research on this topic. In this report, I will discuss the reasons behind street misspellings, their impact on communication, and possible solutions.One of the main reasons behind street misspellings is the lack of attention to detail. When street signs are being created or updated, there may be a rush to complete the task, leading to errors. Additionally, the individuals responsible for creating these signs may not have a strong command of the language, resulting in misspellings. For example, I have come across a street sign that was supposed to say "Main Street," but instead, it read "Mian Street."This simple typo can confuse both locals and visitors, causing unnecessary inconvenience.Street misspellings can have a significant impact on communication. They can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, especially for those who are notfamiliar with the area. For instance, if a street sign reads "Dinerict," instead of "District," people may have difficulty finding their way around. This can beparticularly problematic for tourists who rely on street signs to navigate unfamiliar cities. Moreover, street misspellings can reflect poorly on the city's image and reputation, giving the impression of negligence or lack of attention to detail.To address this issue, it is crucial for city authorities to prioritize accuracy and attention to detail when creating or updating street signs. This may involve hiring professionals with a strong command of the language to proofread and verify the accuracy of the signs. Additionally, implementing a system for regular inspections and maintenance of street signs can help identify andcorrect any errors promptly.中文回答:街头错字是世界上许多城市常见的景象。



关于街头错别的调查报告作文500English Response:Findings of the Survey on Misspellings in the Street.The survey on misspellings in the streets was conducted over a period of two weeks in a densely populated urban area. The survey aimed to determine the frequency of misspellings in various types of signage and to identify potential causes for these errors.Data was collected through direct observations and photographs of signs and notices in public spaces,including street signs, business signs, and public service announcements. The survey focused on common misspellings that could potentially lead to confusion or inconvenience for the public.Analysis of Findings.The survey revealed a significant number of misspellings in the street signage, with an average of 3.5 misspellings per 100 signs observed. The most common types of misspellings included:Homophone errors (e.g., "brake" vs. "break")。



生活中错字的调查报告作文English Response:Mistakes in Everyday Life: A Survey Report.Introduction:The presence of mistakes in everyday life is a ubiquitous phenomenon that affects individuals across diverse demographics. This report presents the findings of a comprehensive survey conducted to investigate the prevalence, types, and causes of mistakes in daily activities.Research Methodology:A quantitative survey was administered to a representative sample of 1,000 adults across various socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. The survey questionnaire comprised closed-ended questions designed togather data on the frequency, severity, and nature of mistakes made.Findings:Prevalence of Mistakes:The survey revealed a high prevalence of mistakes in everyday life, with respondents reporting an average of 8.5 mistakes per week. The most common types of mistakes included:Errors in communication (e.g., typos, mispronunciations)。







1. “禁止停车”误译为“禁止放牧” (No Parking translated as No Grazing)这可能是最常见的标识语误译之一,但却是非常容易犯的错误。




2. “危险!高压电!”误译为“危险!高精度!” (Danger! High Voltage! translated as Danger! High Accuracy!)这种错误常常是由于英语单词的相似性造成的。





















三、研究中常见错误类型通过收集和分析大量的英语标识文本,笔者总结了以下常见错误类型: - 语法错误:包括时态、语序、虚拟语气等方面的错误; -词汇错误:包括拼写错误、词义搭配不当等; - 文化误解:由于缺乏对目标文化的了解,导致标识的翻译存在文化差异。

勘误策略针对不同类型的错误,我们可以采取以下勘误策略: - 语法错误:结合上下文进行修正或重新翻译; - 词汇错误:使用正确的词汇进行替换或重新翻译; - 文化误解:了解目标文化差异,确保翻译准确传达原意。




建议与展望针对英语标识勘误,笔者建议: - 加强相关专业人才的培养,提高翻译质量; - 建立标识勘误的评估机制,对标识质量进行评估; - 推广标识翻译的最佳实践和经验,提高标识翻译的整体水平。




街头错字研究报告500字作文English-language answer.Street sign errors research report.Introduction.Street signs, an essential part of the transportation infrastructure, play a critical role in guiding and informing motorists. However, errors on street signs can be a hazard, leading to confusion and potentially dangerous consequences. This research report aims to investigate the prevalence and nature of street sign errors in a specific geographic area.Methods.A comprehensive survey was conducted to identify and document street sign errors in a selected city. The survey involved a systematic inspection of all major and minorroads, intersections, and thoroughfares. Each sign was examined for accuracy, clarity, grammatical correctness, and overall condition. Data collected included the type of error, its severity, location, and potential consequences.Results.The survey revealed a significant number of street sign errors in the city. The most common types of errors included:Spelling errors: Misspellings of street names, directions, and other words.Grammatical errors: Incorrect grammar or sentence structure.Symbol errors: Incorrect or outdated symbols or pictograms.Design errors: Poorly designed signs, such as those with insufficient contrast or visibility.Maintenance errors: Signs that were damaged, faded, or obscured by vegetation or other obstructions.The severity of the errors varied, but even minorerrors could have significant consequences. For example, a misspelled street name could lead to motorists getting lost or confused, while an incorrect direction sign could lead to traffic congestion and accidents.Discussion.The presence of street sign errors is a serious concern that requires attention from transportation authorities. Errors can undermine the safety and efficiency of the transportation system, and can lead to frustration and confusion among motorists.Conclusion.This research report provides evidence of the prevalence and nature of street sign errors in a specificcity. The results highlight the need for improved quality control measures in the production, installation, and maintenance of street signs. By addressing these errors, transportation authorities can enhance the safety and efficiency of the transportation system and improve the overall experience for motorists.Chinese-language answer.街头错字研究报告。









在英语中,"快车道"应该翻译为"fast lane",而"慢车道"应该翻译为"slow lane"。







一些餐厅的菜单中将“奶昔”错误地翻译为"milk shake"。




有些旅游景点的标识语将“禁止拍照”错误地翻译为"no film"。

在英语中,"禁止拍照"应该翻译为"no photography"。






街头错字的研究报告作文500英文回答:Street signs are an essential part of our urban landscape, providing crucial information to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. However, despite their importance, they are often riddled with errors, from simple misspellings to more glaring grammatical mistakes. This problem is not only aesthetically unappealing but can also pose a safety hazard, as incorrect signage can lead to confusion and potentially dangerous situations.A recent study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley examined the prevalence of street sign errors in major cities across the United States. The study found that over 20% of the street signs in the sample contained errors, ranging from minor typos to significant grammatical blunders. The most common type of error was incorrect spelling, followed by incorrect grammar and punctuation.The study also found that the prevalence of street sign errors varied significantly from city to city. New York City had the highest rate of errors, with nearly 30% of street signs containing mistakes. Los Angeles and San Francisco had slightly lower rates, with approximately 25% and 22% of street signs containing errors, respectively.While the reasons for the high prevalence of street sign errors are unclear, several factors may contribute to the problem. One possibility is that street signs are often designed and produced by multiple entities, including city governments, private companies, and individual property owners. This lack of coordination can lead to inconsistent standards and an increased likelihood of errors.Another factor that may contribute to street signerrors is the use of automated technology in the production of signs. While automation can streamline the process of creating and installing street signs, it can also introduce new sources of error. For example, if the software used to generate street signs contains errors, those errors will bepropagated to the final product.The problem of street sign errors is not merely a matter of aesthetics. Incorrect signage can have serious consequences for public safety. For example, a misspelled street name could lead to drivers getting lost or delaying emergency responders. Similarly, incorrect grammar or punctuation could make it difficult for drivers to understand the intended message of a street sign.In light of the safety concerns posed by street sign errors, it is imperative to take steps to reduce their prevalence. One possible solution is to establish more rigorous standards for the design and production of street signs. This could involve requiring that all street signs be reviewed by a qualified proofreader before they are installed.Another potential solution is to invest in more advanced technology for the production of street signs. This technology could be designed to automatically check for errors before signs are printed and installed.Finally, it is important to raise awareness of the problem of street sign errors among the general public. By making citizens aware of the issue, we can encourage them to report errors to the appropriate authorities. This will help to ensure that street signs are accurate and easy to understand, thereby improving public safety and making our streets more efficient and less hazardous.中文回答:引言。



英文标识不规范现象之反思In today's globalized world, English has become a common language of communication, especially in the fields of business, technology, and tourism. However, the widespread use of English has also led to a number of issues, one of which is the irregular use of English signs. This phenomenon is not only found in developing countries but also in developed ones, indicating a widespread lack of standardization and attention to detail.One of the most common issues with English signs is the incorrect use of grammar and vocabulary. Many signs are written in a way that does not follow the rules of the English language, often resulting in confusion and misunderstanding. For example, some signs may use incorrect tenses, plural forms, or prepositions, which can lead to misinterpretation by those who do not speak the language fluently. This issue is particularly problematic in places where English is not the primary language, as it can create barriers to communication and access for international visitors.Another issue with English signs is the lack of consistency in translation. In multilingual environments, it is crucial to ensure that signs are translated accurately and consistently across different languages. However, this is often not the case, as translations can vary widely depending on the translator's knowledge and skills. This lack of consistency can lead to confusion and inconsistency in messaging, which can have negative impacts on businesses and organizations that rely on clear and consistent communication.In addition to these issues, there are also problems with the visual presentation of English signs. Many signs are designed in a way that is not visually appealing or easy to read, which can make them difficult to understand even for those who speak English fluently. For example, some signs may use complex fonts or small text sizes that are difficult to read, or they may be placed in locations that are not easily visible or accessible. These issues can make it difficult for people to find the information they need, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.The irregular use of English signs is a widespread problem that needs to be addressed. To improve the quality and effectiveness of English signs, it is important to ensure that they are written correctly, translated consistently, and designed in a way that is visually appealing and easy to read. Additionally, it is importantto involve native English speakers in the design and review process to ensure that signs are accurate and culturally appropriate. By addressing these issues, we can create a more inclusive and accessible environment for everyone, regardless of their language proficiency or background.**中文翻译与深入反思****英文标识不规范现象之反思**在全球化的今天,英语已成为商业、技术和旅游等领域的主要交流语言。



生活中的错字报告英语作文Mistaken Words in Our Daily Lives.In the tapestry of our daily lives, language weaves a vibrant and intricate thread, connecting us to each other and the world around us. However, amidst the symphony of words, occasional dissonances arise when we inadvertently employ terms with erroneous spellings or meanings. These mistaken words, like misplaced notes in a musical score, can disrupt communication and create moments of confusion or amusement.One common pitfall involves the substitution of the word "less" for "fewer." While both terms denote a reduced quantity, their usage differs depending on whether the quantity is countable or uncountable. "Fewer" is appropriate when referring to countable items, such as "fewer books" or "fewer people." In contrast, "less" is used with uncountable or mass nouns, such as "less water" or "less time." Misusing these terms can lead to sentencesthat confuse the listener or reader.Another frequently misused pair of words is "affect" and "effect." While they share a common etymological root, they have distinct meanings. "Affect" typically functions as a verb, denoting an influence or change upon something. For instance, we might say "stress can affect our health." "Effect," on the other hand, usually serves as a noun, referring to the outcome or result of an action or event. For example, "the new medication had a positive effect on his symptoms." Interchanging these words can result in sentences that convey the opposite of the intended meaning.The words "compliment" and "complement" also pose a challenge to many. "Compliment" expresses praise or admiration, as in "your painting is a beautiful compliment to the room." "Complement," in contrast, implies a harmonious pairing or completion, as in "the colors in the painting complement each other perfectly." Using the wrong word in these situations can create an undesired tone or misunderstanding.Furthermore, the distinction between "its" and "it's" is often overlooked. "Its" is the possessive form of the pronoun "it," denoting ownership or belonging. "It's," on the other hand, is a contraction of "it is" or "it has." Mixing up these terms can lead to sentences that lack grammatical correctness or clarity."Nauseous" and "nauseated" are two more words that are frequently mistaken for each other. "Nauseous" means causing nausea, as in "the sight of blood made me nauseous." "Nauseated," on the other hand, refers to the feeling of nausea itself, as in "I felt nauseated after eating the spoiled food." Using the wrong term can create an unintended shift in emphasis or accuracy.Moreover, the words "principal" and "principle" often trip up speakers and writers. "Principal" typically refers to a head or leader, as in "the principal of the school" or "the principal dancer in the ballet." "Principle," on the other hand, denotes a fundamental truth, law, or guiding value, as in "the principles of physics" or "the moral principles of our society." Confusing these words canresult in statements that lack clarity or coherence.The ever-present challenge of homophones is also a source of mistaken words. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. For instance, "there," "they're," and "their" all sound alike, but each has a distinct function. "There" denotes a location or existence, "they're" is a contraction of "they are," and "their" is the possessive form of "they." Misusing these homophones can lead to sentences that are confusing or even nonsensical.Another common homophone pair is "your" and "you're." "Your" denotes possession or belonging, as in "your book" or "your turn." "You're," in contrast, is a contraction of "you are," as in "you're going to school" or "you're my best friend." Interchanging these words can result in sentences that lack clarity or accuracy.The aforementioned mistaken words represent just a fraction of the potential pitfalls that await us in the realm of language. While errors are inevitable, beingmindful of these common misusages can help us communicate more effectively and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. By embracing the nuances of our language and striving for precision in our word choices, we can elevate the clarity and impact of our conversations and writings.In conclusion, the tapestry of our daily lives is woven with the threads of language, and it is our responsibility to ensure that those threads are vibrant and true. By avoiding mistaken words and embracing the power of precise language, we can create a symphony of words that resonates with clarity, accuracy, and understanding.。

















比如:1.How are you ? How old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?2.You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. Brothers!Together up! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!3.Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse"s son can make hole! 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!有的人赞成认为中国式英文既有趣又被大家口耳相传,说不定有一天,老外也这样说呢。



600字英语作文调查街头错别字的Mistakes on the Street: An Investigation into Grammatical Errors in Public Signage.In the tapestry of urban life, signage plays a crucial role in guiding our navigation and informing our understanding of the city around us. However, amidst the plethora of street signs, billboards, and advertisements, a curious phenomenon has emerged: the prevalence of grammatical errors. These miscues, ranging from simple misspellings to more complex grammatical gaffes, have become an increasingly noticeable feature of our urban landscape, raising questions about their impact on our language and its perception.To gain a comprehensive understanding of this issue, we embarked on a city-wide investigation, documenting and analyzing grammatical errors in public signage. Our research encompassed a diverse range of neighborhoods and signage types, from prominent landmarks to unassumingstreet signs. The results of our investigation revealed a widespread prevalence of grammatical errors, spanning a wide spectrum of linguistic categories.Misspellings, perhaps the most common type of error, were encountered frequently. Words such as "necessary" were misspelled as "neccesary," and "restaurant" was rendered as "restaraunt." These errors, while seemingly minor, can nevertheless undermine the credibility of the sign and confuse the intended audience.Incorrect verb tenses also featured prominently in our findings. Signs announcing upcoming events often employed the present tense instead of the future tense, such as "The concert takes place tomorrow" instead of "The concert will take place tomorrow." This usage, though grammatically incorrect, may stem from a desire to convey a sense of immediacy or urgency.Pronoun errors were another common occurrence. In one instance, a sign intended to inform patrons of arestaurant's pet policy stated, "We welcome you and yourdog; they must be on a leash." The incorrect use of "they" instead of "he" or "she" creates ambiguity and undermines the clarity of the message.Subject-verb agreement errors were also encountered. A sign advertising a local business stated, "Our team are dedicated to providing excellent service." This error, resulting from a mismatch between the plural subject "team" and the singular verb "are," is a common grammatical pitfall.Prepositional errors were another notable category of mistakes. Signs frequently employed incorrect prepositions, such as "on" instead of "in" or "to" instead of "at." These errors can lead to confusion or misinterpretation of the intended message.Our investigation also uncovered instances of misplaced modifiers. In one case, a sign promoting a local festival declared, "Come join us for a day of food, fun, and live music on the beach." The placement of the modifier "on the beach" after "live music" instead of after "day" creates anawkward and grammatically incorrect sentence structure.These grammatical errors, while varying in their severity, nevertheless contribute to a broader perception of carelessness or lack of attention to detail. In an era where written communication plays an increasingly important role, such errors can undermine the credibility of businesses and organizations, and hinder the clear and effective conveyance of information.Furthermore, the prevalence of grammatical errors in public signage may have a subtle but potentially damaging impact on our collective linguistic awareness. By repeatedly encountering incorrect language, we may inadvertently reinforce or normalize these errors, leading to a gradual decline in grammatical proficiency.Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach. Educational campaigns aimed at businesses and sign-makers can help raise awareness of common grammatical errors and promote the use of correct language. Additionally, local authorities can implement guidelines or standards forpublic signage, ensuring that all signs meet a minimum level of grammatical accuracy.By taking these steps, we can help restore theintegrity of our urban language landscape and ensure that the signs that guide our city are not only informative but also grammatically sound. In doing so, we not only enhance the clarity and effectiveness of public communication but also preserve the vitality and precision of our shared language.。



调查街头错字的作文500字英文回答:Have you ever noticed the misspelled words on street signs or advertisements? It seems that everywhere you look, there are misspelled words and grammatical errors. It's a common problem that can be quite frustrating for those who care about proper language usage.One of the most common misspelled words I have noticed on street signs is "restaraunt" instead of "restaurant."It's a simple mistake, but it can make a big difference in how professional a business appears. Another common erroris the use of "your" instead of "you're" on advertisements. This is a basic grammar mistake that can be easily avoided with a quick proofread.It's important for businesses to take the time to proofread their signs and advertisements to avoid these embarrassing mistakes. It reflects poorly on theirprofessionalism and attention to detail. Additionally, it can be frustrating for those who value proper language usage to constantly be bombarded with these errors.中文回答:你有没有注意到街头标识或广告上的错别字?似乎无论你看哪里,都会看到错别字和语法错误。

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一 .事例及现状。


1.How are you ? How old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?
2.You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. Brothers!Together up! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!
3.Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse"s son can make hole! 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!
4.Chickens That Did Not Have Sexual Experience 童子鸡
5.Four Glad Meatballs 直译:四个开心的肉球被用为:四喜丸子
6.Wash after relief 用过请冲水解释:中国的厕所光冲(flush)不行,居然还要“洗”(wash)!
7.You ask me,me ask who?你问我,我问谁
8.Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放
9.One car come,one car go,two car pengpeng,one car died! 关于一场
10.Horse horse tiger tiger. 马马虎虎
11.Good good study, day day up. 好好学习,天天向上
12.If you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one! 要钱没有,要命一条





九鹿王的英文是nine deer king 。

可是在他们专柜的上方悬挂一大宣传牌,上书:Nine dear king。

《家有儿女》中小雪的黄上衣的英文是Brasil,查字典,只查到Brazil巴西, Brazilian巴西人, Brasilia巴西利亚(巴西首都)。

更有一些常见的错误的英语标识如:宾客止步Guest go no further(Staff only)、出口处Export(Exit)、小心落水Be careful: falling water(小心掉落水)、退货处Goods return(Refunds)、存包处Bag keeping(Luggage Center)、北京欢迎你Beijing welcome you(Welcome to Beijing)、电话预约Telephone be speak(Phone Reservations)。

北京国际机场的紧急出口上标有"平时禁止入内"的牌子,对照英文却写成"No entry on peacetime"(和平时期禁止入内)。

北京中华民族园是介绍中国各少数民族文化习俗的公园,牌子上的英文却被写成"Racist Park"(种族主义公园)。



例如,不少菜谱把"铁板牛肉"翻译成"有皱纹的铁牛肉"Corrugated iron beef);"宫堡鸡"则被翻译成"政府虐待鸡"(Government abuse chicken);而"生鱼块"成了"砍那陌生的鱼"(Chop the strange fish)。

麻婆豆腐应译成"Mapo Tofu"不能翻译成“满脸雀斑的女人制作的豆腐(beancurd made by a pockmarked woman)”、“舒适便利是我们对您的承诺”英文翻译为:Comfortable,convenient is we to your commitment。

应该是“our commitment to you”、“解放路”直译成“Jiefang Lu”,而不意译成“Jiefang Street”,厕所应该用Toilet而不是WC,“eyehospital”,成了“眼医院”。

应当翻译为“Oph thalmologyHospital”或者是“HospitalofOph thalmology”













例如,英语中含有谓语动词的句子是通过前置助动词do构成疑问句,假如学习者将该规则用于含有情态动词的句子中(“Does Mary can dance?”),此类错误则是由于过度泛化造成的。














