
英语专升本翻译练习题一、英译汉1. 句子翻译- 请将下列句子翻译成中文:- "The rapid development of technology has changed the way we live and work."- "Education is a key factor in determining the future success of a country."- "Despite the heavy rain, the match continued without interruption."2. 段落翻译- 翻译以下段落:"In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of tourists visiting historical sites. This trend has led to concerns about the preservation of these cultural treasures. Many experts argue that more needs to be done to protect these sites from damage and overuse."二、汉译英1. 句子翻译- 请将下列句子翻译成英文:- "随着科技的快速发展,我们的生活和工作方式都发生了巨大变化。
"- "教育是决定一个国家未来成功的关键因素。
"- "尽管下着大雨,比赛还是继续进行,没有中断。
"2. 段落翻译- 翻译以下段落:"近年来,参观历史遗址的游客数量显著增加。

translate专升本英语翻译1.If you decided to learn a new language,you would have to dedicate youselfwholeheartedly to the cause.2.The new invition was regarded as base of further develoment.3. A letter from her son,which had just been delivered to her,greatly relieved heranxiety.4.We have today sent you our latest catalogue and price list(two copies each)atyour request.5.We are not in a position to start business at your price,since it is far below ourcost price.6.Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based ontheir interpersonal ties7.The demand for foreign exchange rises because a country’s residents want tobuy foreign goods.8.When we speak,sound waves begin to travel and go in all directions.9.Be sure to set aside enough money each month so that you can buy thetextbooks for the next term.10.We have been supplying the same material for the same time and have had nocomplaints about it so far.11.The base of the company is in HongKong,but its branches are all over the world.12.I am writing this letter to complain about the service in your hotel.13.In on other country in the world can you find such plants as this one.14.We have already finished our project, so a hoilday this year is out of question forus.15.We would remind you that the offer made in our last letter is vaild for one monthfrom the date of the letter.16.It is well known that many of our problems are caused at least in part by failureto communicate.17.It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.18.As she is a perfect stranger in this city,I hope you will take good care of her.19.Tom and his brother differ in personality even if their diffference in age are notsignnificant.20.We regart our inability to accept your claim because the cases when beingloaded left nothing to be desired.21.In spite of all the difficulties,we are determined to carry out our plan.22.The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in laborproductivity.23.We are sending you under cover a catalogue covering goods available at present.24.This in our rock-bottom price and there is a possibility of our raising it in the nearfuture because of a rise in the labor cost .25.We were sorry to receive your complaint that the material you received was notof the quality expected26.John was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class.27.Only when we give full play to man’s initiat ive can we make full use of machinesto transfer nature.28. In fact,I have received attractive job offers from several large companies.29.We fell that your quotation is not proper because the price for such material is onthe decline at present.30.Should your prise be found reasonable and terms and conditions acceptable,we’llhave regular orders after this trial order.31.Once you take the job,you can enjoy fourteen-days’-paid leave a year.32.He used to lend money to people in need,and would never take any interest forthe money he lent.33.In the mondern Western world,many people are too busy to think about eatingproperly.34.The department has adopted a consistent policy ofhonest,reliable and bestservices to our clients.35.As our products have a good reputation both at home and abroad,their demandis increasing year by year.36.Every land has its own dining custom,and the United States is no exception37.After working there for six months,he had the good fortune to be promoteddeputy manager.38.By 1900,most states had laws against selling cigarettes to young people.39.Playing the sport you like is considered an essential part of a person’s life.40.We thank you for your inquiry and have pleasure in giving you the followingoffer,subject to prior sale.41.The Great Wall is known to be the only one of the structures built by men on theearth that can be seen from the moon.42.He hoped that it would help him to get thinner,and he gota lot of pleasure fromit.43.We learn our own language by hearning people speak it,not by seeing what theywrite.44.A good diet consists of nourishing food and it gives all the vitamins you need.45.We are allowing special terms to customers who place orders before the end ofthis month.46.Since ancient times,people have dreamed of leaving their home planet andexploring other worlds.47.Before long,the Egyptains developed a number of ball games,each with its ownset of rules.48.It is said that on the moon there is no water and air,and it is very cold at nightand very hot in the day.49.Nearly every night his garden is broken into and quite a few apples have beenlost.50.We are sending you several copies of our catelogue enabling you to make asuitable selection.。

英语专升本翻译试题及答案一、英译汉(每题2分,共10分)1. The rapid development of technology has brought about profound changes in our lives.2. The government has taken measures to alleviate the traffic congestion in the city.3. The novel was written by a renowned author and has been widely acclaimed.4. The company is committed to providing quality products and services to its customers.5. The environmental impact of the project is a major concern for the local community.二、汉译英(每题2分,共10分)6. 随着科技的快速发展,我们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。
7. 政府已采取措施以缓解城市的交通拥堵问题。
8. 这部小说由一位著名作家撰写,受到了广泛的赞誉。
9. 公司致力于向其客户提供优质的产品和服务。
10. 该项目对环境的影响是当地社区的一个主要担忧。
答案一、英译汉1. 科技的快速发展给我们的生活中带来了深刻的变化。
2. 政府已经采取措施来缓解城市的交通拥堵。
3. 这部小说由一位著名作家撰写,已经得到了广泛的赞誉。
4. 公司致力于向其客户提供优质的产品与服务。
5. 该项目对环境的影响是当地社区的一个主要关注点。
二、汉译英6. With the rapid development of technology, our lives have undergone earth-shaking changes.7. The government has taken measures to alleviate the traffic congestion in the city.8. The novel was written by a famous author and has received extensive praise.9. The company is committed to providing high-quality products and services to its customers.10. The environmental impact of the project is a major concern for the local community.本试题旨在考察考生的英汉互译能力,要求考生能够准确、流畅地进行翻译,同时注意语言的地道性和表达的准确性。

02. be responsible for目前还不清楚谁应当对这个事故负责。
03 put…into practice我们希望有更多机会把课堂上学到的东西付诸于实践。
04 introduce… to他把我介绍给了他的学生,他们大部分都是计算机专业的学生。
05 have access to没有图书证的人不能借阅图书。
As an old saying goes, Practice makes perfect.第2页06 There is no point in doing sth.整天玩电脑游戏没有任何意义。
07 play an important role in各种证书在我们找工作的时候作用还是很大的。
08 attach great importance to我们当地政府非常注重保护环境。
Our local government attaches great importance to environmental protection.09 be busy doing sth他们正忙于准备期末考试。
10 It takes sb some time to do sth.我们花了3个月时间才完成了这个项目。
If one thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well.约翰在全神贯注地读书,没有注意到我们进来。
12 adapt oneself to sth.大学新生要学会尽快适应大学生活。
13 take advantage of我们要好好利用这次机会,学习先进的技术。
14 be admitted to他们家的三个孩子都被名牌大学录取了。
15 follow one’s advice如果你听了我的建议,现在就不会后悔了。
As an old saying goes, Practice makes perfect.1/ 1。

专升本句子翻译练习题### 专升本句子翻译练习题#### 一、英译汉1. Translate the following sentence into Chinese:- "The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives."2. Translate the following sentence into Chinese:- "Despite the heavy rain, the construction workers continued to work tirelessly."3. Translate the following sentence into Chinese:- "The government has implemented new policies to improve the quality of education."4. Translate the following sentence into Chinese:- "The environmental protection agency is taking measures to reduce pollution."5. Translate the following sentence into Chinese:- "The success of a project depends on the cooperation of all team members."#### 二、汉译英1. Translate the following sentence into English:- "随着科技的快速发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
专转本英语 翻译习题(答案全)

专转本英语汉译英资料11. 学好一门外语是非常重要的。
It is important to aquire a foreign language.2.他用了大约半年的时间才完成这篇论文。
It took him about/approximately half a year to complete the paper.3. 你让我做的事情我都已经做完了。
I have finished what you made me do.I have finished those things that you made me do.4. 一旦他适应了新环境,他就会取得更大的进步。
Once houte adapted to the new environment, he will make even greater progress.5. 无论贫富,人人都有教育的权利。
Everybody, poor or rich, has the right to education.6. 这口钟大约有三个人那么高。
The bell is ab three times/twice as tall as a person.7我听说刘同志在申请回原单位。
I heard that Mr. Liu was applying for returning to his former unit.9.这本书非常有趣,我一口气就把它读完了。
The book is so interesting that I finish it without break.10.我跟他说了几次,可他一个劲地看书,根本就没听见我说什么。
I told him several times but he kept on reading without hearing what a said.11. 电脑在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。
It is known by everybody that Computers play a very important role in our daily life.12. 只要你不断努力,你迟早会取得成功。

山东专升本翻译练习题一、英译汉1. 句子翻译Translate the following sentences into Chinese:- The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.- Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.2. 段落翻译Translate the following paragraph into Chinese:The concept of a "smart city" is becoming increasingly popular. It refers to a city that uses technology to enhance the quality of life and the efficiency of services for its residents. This can include everything from smart grids for energy to smart transportation systems.二、汉译英1. 句子翻译Translate the following sentences into English:- 知识改变命运。
- 健康是人生最大的财富。
2. 段落翻译Translate the following paragraph into English: 随着科技的快速发展,人工智能已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面。
三、词汇翻译1. 英译汉Translate the following words into Chinese:- Innovation- Sustainability- Entrepreneurship2. 汉译英Translate the following words into English:- 可持续发展- 创新- 企业家精神四、翻译技巧练习1. 直译与意译练习如何根据上下文选择直译或意译的方法来翻译以下句子:- The early bird catches the worm.- Actions speak louder than words.2. 文化差异处理思考如何翻译以下句子,以减少文化差异带来的误解:- In Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good luck.- The American dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone.五、翻译实践1. 短文翻译Translate the following short passage into Chinese:The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way we live and work. It connects everyday objects to the internet, allowing them to send and receive data. This technology has the potential to transform industries and improve our daily lives.2. 翻译评论阅读以下翻译,并给出你的评价:- 原文:The world is full of beauty, and I am in a hurry to see it all.- 翻译:世界充满了美丽,我急于看遍一切。

中英互译专升本练习题# 中英互译专升本练习题## 一、词汇翻译1. 经济全球化 - Economic globalization2. 可持续发展 - Sustainable development3. 人工智能 - Artificial Intelligence (AI)4. 环境保护 - Environmental protection5. 教育改革 - Educational reform## 二、短语翻译1. 与时俱进 - Keep pace with the times2. 知识改变命运 - Knowledge changes fate3. 科技是第一生产力 - Science and technology are the primary productive forces4. 一带一路倡议 - The Belt and Road Initiative5. 绿色发展 - Green development## 三、句子翻译1. 随着科技的快速发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
- With the rapid development of technology, our lives are becoming more and more convenient.2. 教育是提高一个国家整体素质的关键。
- Education is the key to improving a country's overallquality.3. 我们应该采取有效措施来应对全球气候变化。
- We should take effective measures to deal with global climate change.4. 人工智能在医疗领域的应用前景广阔。
- The application of artificial intelligence in the medical field has broad prospects.5. 保护环境,人人有责。

专升本英译试题及答案1. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文。
- "The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives."- "In order to achieve success, one must be persistent and hardworking."- "The government has implemented a series of measures to address the environmental issues."2. 请将以下中文句子翻译成英文。
- "随着科技的快速发展,我们的日常生活发生了显著变化。
"- "为了取得成功,一个人必须坚持不懈和勤奋工作。
"- "政府已经实施了一系列措施来解决环境问题。
"3. 阅读以下段落并翻译成中文。
"In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence has grown exponentially, leading to advancements in variousfields such as healthcare, education, and transportation. This surge in AI adoption has not only improved efficiency but also raised ethical concerns regarding privacy and job displacement."4. 阅读以下段落并翻译成英文。

河南省专升本英译汉练习题河南省专升本英语翻译练习题一、英译汉句子翻译(每题5分,共30分)1. The rapid development of science and technology hasgreatly changed the way people live and work.2. It is essential to balance work and leisure to maintain a healthy lifestyle.3. The company has been committed to providing high-quality products and services to its customers.4. Due to the influence of the Internet, traditional media is facing unprecedented challenges.5. The government is taking measures to reduce air pollution and protect the environment.6. Education plays a crucial role in the development of a country and the well-being of its citizens.二、段落翻译(每题15分,共30分)A. With the advancement of technology, the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. People from different cultures and backgrounds can now communicate and collaborate moreeasily than ever before. This has led to a greater exchangeof ideas and knowledge, fostering innovation and creativity. However, it also presents challenges, such as the need to protect privacy and ensure security in the digital age.B. In recent years, the concept of a "green economy" has gained popularity. This approach emphasizes sustainable development and the efficient use of resources. By adopting eco-friendly practices and technologies, businesses canreduce their environmental impact while also improving their bottom line. Governments and individuals also have a role to play in promoting a greener economy through policies and consumer choices.三、短文翻译(40分)In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is more important than ever. Whether it's in the workplace, at school, or in our personal lives, being able to convey our thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely is crucial. Good communication skills can help us build strong relationships, resolve conflicts, and achieve our goals. Moreover, they are essential for success in any profession.To improve our communication skills, we should practiceactive listening, which involves giving our full attention to the speaker and responding thoughtfully. We should also be mindful of our body language, as it can convey a lot aboutour emotions and attitudes. Furthermore, it's important to be open-minded and respectful when engaging in conversations, as this encourages others to share their perspectives andfosters a positive dialogue.In conclusion, effective communication is a vital skill that can greatly enhance our personal and professional lives. By continually working on our communication skills, we can become better listeners, more empathetic individuals, and ultimately, more successful in all aspects of our lives.。

中英互译专升本练习题一、英译汉(每题2分,共20分)1. The rapid development of technology has greatly changed our way of life.2. He is an expert in the field of computer science and has published several papers.3. The company has been expanding its business into new markets.4. She is a dedicated teacher who always puts her students first.5. The government has implemented a series of measures to reduce pollution.6. The project was completed on schedule and within budget.7. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the history of the region.8. The team is working hard to meet the deadline for the project.9. The festival celebrates the rich cultural heritage of the country.10. The scientist is known for his groundbreaking research in the field of genetics.二、汉译英(每题2分,共20分)1. 随着经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平有了显著提高。
2. 他是一位在计算机科学领域有着丰富经验的专家。
3. 公司正在将其业务扩展到新的市场。

江苏专转本英语翻译练习题一、英译汉练习1. The novel is a fictional narrative that tells the story ofa young woman's journey to self-discovery and independence.2. Despite the heavy rain, the marathon runners continued to push forward, demonstrating their perseverance and determination.3. The environmentalist argued that sustainable developmentis crucial for the long-term health of our planet.4. The rapid advancement of technology has significantly changed the way we communicate and interact with each other.二、汉译英练习1. 随着全球化的不断深入,跨国公司在国际市场上扮演着越来越重要的角色。
2. 教育不仅仅是学习知识,更重要的是培养独立思考和解决问题的能力。
3. 科技创新是推动社会进步的关键因素,它能够带来新的机遇和挑战。
4. 环境保护已经成为全球关注的焦点,各国政府都在采取措施减少污染和保护自然资源。
三、段落翻译练习英译汉:The concept of "work-life balance" has gained popularity in recent years, reflecting a shift in societal attitudestowards the importance of personal well-being and mental health. Many companies have started to implement flexible working hours and remote work options to accommodate theneeds of their employees, allowing them to better balancetheir professional and personal lives.汉译英:随着互联网技术的飞速发展,电子商务已经成为现代商业活动的重要组成部分。

有时,决策的疏漏不会造成严重的后果,但有时后果却不堪设想Sometimes the consequences of a poor decision are slight,at other times they are serious2.电脑时代的人类如同以往,依然面临一个基本问题The essential problem of man in a computerized age remains the same as it has always been3。
据估计,在英国工作的外籍家庭佣人有两万多人There are estimated to be more than 20.000 overseas domestic servants working in Bratain4。
不用说,我们现在已不是生活在传统社会It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditionalist period nowadays5。
他的成功与其说是由于机遇,不如说是由于努力His success is not so much by chance as by energy6。
重要的不是你分配了多少时间去学习,而是你在学习时学到了多少东西It is not how much time you allocate for study that counts but not much you learn when you do study7。
研究人员发现你梦中出现的人越多你醒来时就会越快乐Researchers have found that the more people who appeal in your dreams the happier you are on awakening8.社会对你玩或不玩是极不关心的Society could not care less whether you play games or not9。

1. This reference book consists of five chapters.译文:这本参考书包括(有)五章。
2. Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white, with wings. 译文:图画中的天使通常是身穿白衣,生有翅膀。
3. Our trip starts from Mount Tai tomorrow and finishes up in Huashan Mountain a week from tomorrow.译文:我们的旅行明天从泰山开始,一周后在华山结束。
4. He is writing a sequel to his latest best-seller.译文:他正在写他的最新畅销书的续集。
5. My cousin is leaving my hometown to work in industry in cities.译文:我的堂兄马上就要离开家乡去城里打工了。
6. If you are going to attend the meeting, you’d bett er leave now because of the traffic jam.译文:如果你打算参加会议,你最好现在就走,以免堵车。
7. Have you looked ahead to what you’ll be doing in fives years?译文:你是否想过五年后你会在做些什么?8. How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games? 译文:有多少国家要参加奥运会?9. We will have developed our country into one of the medium developed countries by 2050.译文:到2050年我们将把我国建成世界上中等发达的国家之一。

专升本句子翻译练习题一、句子翻译(每题2分,共20分)1. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
2. 他不仅是一位杰出的科学家,还是一位伟大的思想家。
3. 尽管他很年轻,但他在学术界已经享有很高的声誉。
4. 她决定放弃工作,专心照顾年迈的父母。
5. 我们有理由相信,通过我们的努力,未来会更加美好。
6. 由于交通堵塞,他错过了重要的会议。
7. 她对艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,经常参观博物馆和画廊。
8. 这个项目的成功归功于团队成员的辛勤工作和合作精神。
9. 他提出了一个创新的想法,为解决这个问题提供了新的思路。
10. 随着全球化的推进,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。
二、段落翻译(每段5分,共30分)1. 在过去的几十年里,全球化已经深刻地改变了我们的世界。
2. 教育是个人和社会进步的基石。
3. 环境保护是当今社会面临的重要问题之一。
4. 健康是人们生活中最重要的财富之一。
5. 科技进步为人类社会带来了巨大的变革。
6. 随着互联网的普及,信息传播变得更加迅速和便捷。
三、短文翻译(每题10分,共50分)1. 在当今世界,信息技术的发展速度令人瞩目。

河南专升本翻译练习题### 河南专升本翻译练习题#### 一、英译汉1. 原文: The essence of leadership is not about glorifyingthe leader but about empowering others to achieve their potential.参考翻译: 领导的本质不在于颂扬领导者,而在于赋予他人力量以实现他们的潜力。
2. 原文: In the realm of technology, innovation is the key to success.参考翻译: 在技术领域,创新是成功的关键。
3. 原文: The rapid development of artificial intelligence has brought about profound changes in various sectors of society.参考翻译: 人工智能的快速发展在社会的各个领域带来了深刻的变化。
4. 原文: Sustainable development is a concept that seeks to balance economic growth with environmental protection.参考翻译: 可持续发展是一个旨在平衡经济增长与环境保护的概念。
5. 原文: The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human aspiration that transcends cultural and national boundaries.参考翻译: 追求幸福是人类基本的渴望,超越了文化和国界的限制。
#### 二、汉译英1. 原文: 教育是国之大计,党之大计。
参考翻译: Education is a major plan for the country andthe Party.2. 原文: 科技创新是推动经济社会发展的关键力量。

1.Asour products have a good reputationbothat homeandabroad, theirdemand is increasing year by year.由于我们的产品享誉海内外,其需求量正逐年增加。
2.It isintended thatpart of the loan will be applied tothecapitalconstruction of the college. 计划将部分贷款用于大学的基础建设。
3.Without the agreement of the twoparties,neither party shall havetheright to terminatethecontract.在双方未达成一致时,不得单方面终止合同。
4.The guarantee period shall be12 monthsstartingfromthe date onwhichthecommodityarrives attheportofdestination. 保期应为货物到达目的地之日起的十二个月。
5.The department has adopted aconsistentpolicyofhonest,reliable and best services to ourclients. 部门规定,对待客户要一直保持诚恳的态度,提供可靠的、最优质的服务。
(04年) 6 We do haveaopening in the file departmentand Mr.Johns on wouldbehappyto discuss the positionwith you. 我们档案管理部门有一个空缺。
关于这一职位,Johnson 先生很想和你谈谈。
7Thetwo parties inthespirit offriendshipand cooperationhave entered intoan Agreement tosighthe present contract.本着友好与合作的精神,双方已达成一致,并签署当前的和约。
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1. This reference book consists of five chapters.译文:这本参考书包括(有)五章。
2. Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white, with wings. 译文:图画中的天使通常是身穿白衣,生有翅膀。
3. Our trip starts from Mount Tai tomorrow and finishes up in Huashan Mountain a week from tomorrow.译文:我们的旅行明天从泰山开始,一周后在华山结束。
4. He is writing a sequel to his latest best-seller.译文:他正在写他的最新畅销书的续集。
5. My cousin is leaving my hometown to work in industry in cities.译文:我的堂兄马上就要离开家乡去城里打工了。
6. If you are going to attend the meeting, you’d bett er leave now because of the traffic jam.译文:如果你打算参加会议,你最好现在就走,以免堵车。
7. Have you looked ahead to what you’ll be doing in fives years?译文:你是否想过五年后你会在做些什么?8. How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games? 译文:有多少国家要参加奥运会?9. We will have developed our country into one of the medium developed countries by 2050.译文:到2050年我们将把我国建成世界上中等发达的国家之一。
10. He is a somebody now and he will have forgotten his old friends. 译文:他现在是个重要人物了,可能会把老朋友们都忘了。
11. It will have been raining for a whole week if it rains again tomorrow.译文:如果明天还下雨的话,雨就整整下了一个星期了。
12. When I was young, I would listen to the radio a whole day whenever I was in a bad mood.译文:我年轻的时候,每当心情不好就会听一整天收音机13. The flood of women into the job market boosted economic growth and changed US society in many ways.译文:妇女们大量涌进人才市场刺激了经济增长,也从很多方面改变了美国社会14. His grandfather lived a very simple life.译文:他祖父生前过着十分简朴的生活。
(现在已不在世)15. When I was reading the newspaper, the telephone rang, and I knew it must be Fiona.译文:当我在看报纸时,电话铃响了,我一猜就知道肯定是Fiona打来的。
16. She was studying in Seoul last year. I don’t know if she has returned.译文:她去年在首尔学习,我不知道她回来了没。
17. The interstate highway system was finally launched in 1956 and has been hailed as one of the greatest public works projects of the century.译文:州际高速公路系统的建设最终于1956年启动,现已被公认为本世纪最大的公共建筑工程项目之一。
(2006 CET4)18. We had little rain in the summer. / We’ve had little rain this summer.译文:We had little rain in the summer. 今年夏天雨水很少。
(夏天已过)We’ve had little rain this summer. 今年夏天雨水很少。
(还在夏天)19. Most students in this classroom have been preparing for the entrance examination of junior college students to senior university students.译文:班上的大部分同学一直在准备专升本考试。
20. Most students in this classroom have prepared for the entrance examination of junior college students to senior university students. 译文:大多数同学已经准备好了。
21. Yesterday, she heard that some surgeons in this hospital had madea breakthrough in the treatment of that disease.译文:昨天她听说这所医院里的一些医生在治疗那种疾病方面有了突破。
22:THE TIMES is read by the people who run the country; THE GARDIAN is read by the people who would like to run the country.译文:在位掌权的人读《泰晤士报》,渴忚掌权的人读《卫报》。
23:Modern scientists have discovered that energy may be createdfrom matter and that matter, in turn, may be created from energy.译文:现代科学家发现:物质可以产生能量,能量也可以产生物质。
24:New high-tech achievements have been applied to agricultural production.译文:高新科技的成果已应用于农业生产。
25:Much of the energy is absorbed as the Sun's rays pass through the atmosphere.译文:太阳光线通过大气层时许多能量被吸收去了。
26:The proposal on the improvement of the investment environment is accepted by all the members of the committee.译文:这条关于改善投资环境的提议为该委员会全体委员所接受。
27:The Moon, the stars and the Sun are made use of by the seamen to find their latitude and longitude at sea.译文:月亮、星星和太阳常被海员们用来确定海上的经纬度。
28:With the rapid development of modern science and technology, information can be sent to every part of the world.译文:随着现代科学技术的迅速发展,我们能把各种各样的信息传到世界各地。
29:To explore the Moon's surface, rockets, satellites and airships were launched again and again.译文:为了探测月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭、卫星和飞船。
30: These stone processing machines have been introduced from Italyfor the newly established factory.译文:这些石材加工机器是为新建工厂而从意大利引进的。
31: The Secondary School is named after a donator who made a contribution of 50 million RMB yuan.译文:这所中学是以一名出资五千万元人民币的捐赠人的名字命名的。
32: Michael Jackson是被他的医生杀死的,而不是自杀的。
译文:Michael Jackson was not killed by himself but his doctors.33: 这次实验的结果发现了一种新的治疗癌症的方法。
译文:A new cure for cancer was found according to the result of this experiment.34: 没有良好的学习习惯,就不能在英语上取得很大的进步。
译文:One cannot make great progress in English without good study habits.35:可以根据环境保护条例和一月份刚生效的法律条文来采取行动。
译文:Actions can be taken according to the rules of environmental protection and the law articles which came into effect in January. 36:It is well known that fake and substandard commodities harm the interests of consumers.译文:众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。
译文:It is well known that precious materials, such as water and petrol, will be exhausted sooner or later.38:Space and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to explore.译文:太空和海洋是科学家们努力探索的新领域。