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课程代码 110004



第 2 次任务

共 4 次任务


形成性考核 2


I. (每小题 3 分,共 60 分)

1. a foolish idea

2. very strange to you

3. we didn’t see anyone all day

4. it’s really a good film

5. all his free time

6. any money on herself

7. learned something from the experience

8. deal with the problem

9. you are ill

10. the weather conditions

11. is known for

12. is best known for

13. is different form British English

14. are different from each other

15. import for you to make a plan

16. important for you to pass the exam

17. will benefit form free medical examination

18. will provide cash benefit

19. apply for a job

20. apply to Harvard

II. (每小题 2 分,共 40 分)

1-5. CABCA

6-10. BACBC

11-15. BABDC

16-20. ABABC


形成性考核 2


I. Complete the sentences with the words from the bracket, and you should put them in proper order.(每小题 3 分,共 60 分)

1. It seems __________________(一个愚蠢的想法)now.

(idea, a, foolish)

2. Doesn’t that seem __________________(对你来说很奇怪).

(to, strange, you, very)

3. __________________(我们一整天没见到人), apart from a couple of kids in the street.

(see, all, we, day, didn’t, anyone)

4. Apart from the ending,__________________(这是一部很好的电影).

(good, it’s, really, film, a)

5. Alan spends__________________(所有的空余时间)painting.

(time, all, free, his)

6. Mum never spends__________________(钱在自己身上).

(herself, any, on, money)

7. Look on the bright side—at least you __________________(从这次经历中学到了一些东西).

(something, learned, experience, the, from)

8. But, on the bright side, people are trying hard to__________________(解决这个问题).

(problem, deal, the, with)

9.We’ll take into consideration the fact that __________________(你生病了). (are, you, ill)

10. We’ll take __________________(天气情况)into consideration before we travel. (conditions, the, weather)

11. Sichuan __________________(以……著称)hot and spicy food.

(known, for, is)

12. Brazil(巴西)(以……最为有名)__________________ football.

(best, is, for, known)

13. American English __________________(和英式英语不同).

(British, is, from, different, English)

14. Our sons __________________(彼此都不相同).

(different, are, other, from, each)

15. It is __________________(制订计划对你来说很重要).

(important, a plan, for, to, you, make)

16. It is __________________(通过这个考试对你来说很重要).

( for, important, you, pass, to, the exam)

17. Thousands of citizens__________________(将受益于免费体检). (examinations, benefit, will, free, from, medical )
