英语九年级任务型阅读一还原短文Wildlife lessons

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Wildlife Lessons

Picture this: You live in a village in Botswana, Africa. You leave home one morning and start walking to school. Suddenly, a huge elephant is standing in your path.

“It’s really scary to come across an elephant when you’re on foot,” Kate Evans told TIME for Kids. Evans is the founder of Elephants for Africa (EFA). The group is based in Botswana. It works to protect elephants from poaching. 1.

Sharing the Land

Elephants have long found safet y in Botswana. That’s because much of the land there is protected. 2. In recent years, more elephants have migrated to Botswana. Today, around 130,000 of them roam(徜徉,漫步)the land.

But the elephants eat and trample(踩踏) crops. 3. Some farmers respond by killing the elephants. “The biggest threat to elephants in Botswana is conflict with humans,” Evans says. “One-third of the elephant population is coming into contact with people.”

4. It keeps track of where the elephants go. The group takes school kids on trips to learn about the mammals, too.

Earth Shapers

Elephants shape the environment. They trample grass. They knock down trees. They trudge(跋涉)through bushes. This traffic creates pathways for smaller animals.

5. That helps new plants grow.

6. An elephant uses its tusks to dig in the ground for water. This gives other creatures a place to drink.



1. F 根据设空前一句“It works to protect elephants from poaching.”中的poaching可知


2. A 设空前一句“That’s because much of the land there is protected.”句意为“这是


3. D 根据下文“Some farmers respond by killing the elephants.”可知选D。它们还伤


4. B 上文讲述人象之间的矛盾,下文讲述这个组织的一系列活动帮助人们了解大象,故


5. E 根据下文“That helps new plants grow.”可知选E。大象漫步时会散播种子,这有


6. C 根据下文描述可知,大象用象牙挖土取水,为其他生物提供了饮水地点,故选C。

