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Unit 1 Feeling Sick

1. well adv.(副词)好地study well 学习好

n. 水井dig a well

2. dig 挖digging(现在分词)digs(三单)

3. foot---feet(复数)tooth---teeth(复数)

4. sick 病的,不适的

ill 病的,不适的

feel sick/be sick = feel ill/be ill 感觉不适

My uncle is feeling sick. = My uncle feels/is sick.

sick people 病人(不能写成ill people)

5. feel—feeling(现在分词)—feels (三单)感觉

6. need sth 需要某物

need to do sth 需要做某事

8. be careful = look out 小心

9. Don’t worry. 不要担心。

Worry about 担心某人、某事

10. easy adj. 容易的difficult adj. 困难的

11. should +动原

否定形式:shouldn’t +动原

12. see the doctor 看医生see the dentist 看牙医

13. have—having(现在分词)—has (三单)

take—taking(现在分词)—takes (三单)

see—seeing(现在分词)—sees (三单)


14. 病痛的表达:

Headache头痛toothache牙痛cold感冒fever发烧stomachache胃痛sore throat喉咙痛earache耳朵痛

hurt one’s leg/foot ……受伤了

15. What’s wrong with you? = What’s the matter with you. 你怎么了?

16. Let me have a look. = Let me see.

17. 生病后对别人的建议:please/you should…

○1see the doctor/dentist

○2take some medicine

○3stay in bed/get lots of sleep

○4get some rest/have a rest

○5drink a lot of water/drink more water

18. have a rest=rest 休息

Have a good rest 好好休息

19. a lot of= lots of 大量的

20. go to the dentist = see the dentist = go to see the dentist

21. How are you feeling? = How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样?

22. You are right. 对的

You are wrong. 错得

23. so many+可数名词复数so many candies

so much+不可数名词so much cola

24. have a bad cold 得重感冒

25. have a high fever 发高烧

26. get—getting(现在分词)—gets (三单)

27. get better 变好

Good 好的better 更好的

Unit2 Looking for a hospital

1. busy 忙碌的

2. look for 寻找look after 照顾look at 看着look out 小心

3. Be careful, Gogo! = Watch out, Gogo! =Look out, Gogo!

4. Cross = go across 穿过

Cross the street. = Go across the street. = Walk across the street.

5. bus stop 公交站(临时停车)bus station 汽车站(总站)

train station 火车站airport 机场

6. street 街道road 马路

7. I know. = I see. 我知道了。

8. hamburger 汉堡包(可数)hamburgers(复数)

9. left 左on the left(of) 在左边turn left at…在……左转

right 右on the right(of) 在右边turn right at…在……右转

10. go straight to …直走到……

go back to…回到……

11. at the corner 在拐角处

at the first corner 在第一个拐弯处

at the second corner 在第二个拐弯处

12. 问路:Excuse me. Where’ s the …?

指路:○1turn left/right at…

○2go straight/back to…

位置:○1next to = near

○2behind 在……后面in front of 在……前面

○3across from 在……对面between…and…在…和…之间

13. 场所:hospital医院supermarket市场candy shop糖果店

train station火车站Movie theater电影院book shop书店

toy shop玩具店dentist牙医诊所shopping mall购物商场

Bank银行subway station地铁站swimming pool游泳池

cake shop蛋糕店

14. post office 邮局post card 明信片

15. Go down this road. = Go along this road. 沿着这条路。

16. right 对的,正确的You are right.

右边turn right

17. on the map 在地图上

18. walk for two blocks 走过两个街区

19. Don’t be late for school. 上学别迟到。

Don’t be late for class. 上课别迟到。

20. short 短的long 长的

shorts 短裤Put on our shorts 穿上我们的短裤

21. in the morning在早上in the afternoon在下午in the evening 在晚上

On Sunday morning 在星期天早上(具体哪一个用on)

22. ride on a horse = ride a horse 骑马

23. do sports 做运动

24. have a match比赛watch a match观看比赛

a football match 一场足球赛 a basketball match 一场篮球赛

25. must必须must not=mustn’t不准

26. --What does this sign mean? 这个标志是什么意思?

--It means “Be careful”. 它的意思是“小心”。
