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1In General

1.1 This delivery conditions specify the main specifications, technical conditions, delivery scope,

packing, factory warranty, spare parts, etc. for the 8320ZCd-8 diesel engine.

1.2 When ex-factory, the engines shall be in accordance with the technical requirements stipulated in

this delivery conditions.

1.3 For the details of the fitting data and the ex-factory test records, see the Technical Certificate. 1.4 For the particular requirements from users, such as to take out the output power from the front

end of the engine, to modify the dimensions of connecting the flywheel with the coupling, to use Geislinger flexible coupling, to install the remote control device, etc, they must be stipulated in the delivery contract.

1.5 The torsional calculation must be carried out when projecting the propulsion plant in order to

satisfy the requirement of safety and operation. If the front end output shaft is applied, the equivalent system for the torsional calculation shall add relative mass points to ensure the accuracy of calculation.

1.6 When the engine is used as the main propulsion plant with ahead & astern clutch gearbox, it is

not permitted to engage the clutch gearbox with the engine at minimum idling speed to avoid the engine stops automatically due to the sharp reduction of the speed. The speed for pre-engagement shall be decided according to the requirements for equipments of the shaft system. The recommended speed for pre-engagement is 55~60% of the rated speed of the engine.

1.7 The supplier of the remote system must set suitable pre-engagement speed function fully

considering the requirement for control system from the engine and ahead & astern clutch gearbox to ensure the engine can operate normally during the operation of engagement and direction change.

1.8 In case that the equipment item and its quantity supplied by the factory differ from the same

shown in this technical conditions document, the delivery contract will prevail.

1.9 Guangzhou Diesel Engine Factory holds the right to replace the parts or components listed in

this Scope of Delivery with the ones of the same performance or the better when it is necessary.

3.2 The SFOC of the engine is based on the fuel oil low caloric value of 42700kJ/kg.

3.3 The reference conditions for the unrestricted navigation area engine according to 2001(CCS) are

as follows:

Absolute atmospheric pressure:P X=0.1MPa;

Ambient temperature:T X=318K (45℃);

Relative humidity:ΦX=60%;

Cooling water temperature before charging air cooler:Tcx=305K(32℃)

Under the reference conditions said above, the power of the engine is 2206kW with the engine speed of 525 r/min and the exhaust temperature at the outlet of each cylinder≤450℃.

3.4 The overload rating (1hour) is referred as 110% of rated output providing that the engine is

operated for one hour every 12 hours.

3.5 When the engine is operated at the continuous output power, the difference between the

following operating parameters in cylinders shall not be more than the following stipulated value:

The compressed air pressure:2.5%

Max. combustion pressure:4.0%

Exhaust temperature at the outlet of cylinder:5.0%

3.6 The engine under the cool status with the ambient temperature not less than 5℃shall be started up

within 10 seconds.

3.7 The air bottle with its air pressure of 2.94MPa can be used for starting the engine for more than 6

times without filling up the air bottle with air.

3.8 The engine is allowed to be operated at the load of less than 20% of rated output for a short time

when the turbocharger fails to operate due to its default. But at that time, the cover of the air inlet chamber should be removed.

3.9 It shall be allowed that the engine is to be operated at the load of not more than 50% of rated

output for a short time when one of the cylinders is out of firing.

3.10 Users shall take the torsional calculation for the shafting with torsional calculation data of the

engine from GDF and the calculating result shall agree to the requirement of CCS. GDF can do that for the user with extra charge.

3.11 The cost for packing and CCS inspection will be extra charged.
