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9B Unit 2 重要词句

1.你认为谁是历史上最伟大的人?Who do you think is the greatest person in history?


I think Marie Curie is one of the greatest scientists in history.

3. 有史以来最伟大的人之一one of the greatest people / persons that have ever lived

4. 我从没听说过他。I have never heard of him.

5. 他是一位发明家,他发明了一千多种发明物。

He is an inventor. He invented / created over 1,000 inventions.

6. 哥伦布是一位意大利探险家,他是最早发现美洲的欧洲人之一。

Columbus was an Italian explorer. He was one of the first Europeans to discover America. 7.曼德拉是一位一生都为非洲黑人权利努力的战士。

Mandela was a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life.

8. fight (n. / v.) 战斗,斗争,打架figth ---fought --- fought

和某人一起战斗fight with sb. 对抗……fight against…

9. 一位古典音乐作曲家 a composer of classical music

10. 一位伟大的英国文学作家 a great writer of English literature

11. 中国太空技术项目的先锋The pioneer of China’s space technology programme


He became interested in flying when he took his first flight at the age of six.

13. 当他16岁的时候,他收到了他的学生飞行员证件。

He received his student pilot’s licence / license when he was 16 / at the age of 16.

14. 加入海军jion the navy服役做一名飞行员serve as a pilot

为人民服务serve the people 服兵役serve the army 在使用中be in service (n.)

15. 测试各种各样的航空器test all types of aircraft

16. 被选中成为一名宇航员be chosen to become an astronaut

17. 进行一个历史课题work on a history project 前往某地leave for…

18. 他们成功地将两个航天器在太空首次对接。

They managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space.

19. 在他们回地球的途中,宇宙飞船开始失去控制地旋转。

On their way back to the Earth, the spacecraft began spinning out of control.

20. 车失去了控制,装上了路边的一棵树。The car went out of control and hit a tree by the road.

控制速度control the speed 处在控制中under control

21. 他接到缩短航程的指令。He received the order to cut the flight short.

22. 他成功地使宇宙飞船落入西太平洋。

He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean.

23. 阿姆斯特朗成为第一个登上月球的人。Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.

24. 个人一小步,人类一飞跃。One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

25. 当他跨上月球表面的时候As he stepped out onto the Moon’s surface / the surface of the Moon

26. 两个半小时two hours and a half / two and a half hours 在……表面on the surface of…

27. 他们采集了月球岩石带回地球作进一步研究。

They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further research.

28. 整个世界在等着祝贺他们。他们是英雄。

The whole world was waiting to greet them. They were heroes.

29. 由于他的出色表现,他被授予自由勋章——一个美国公民可得的最高奖励。

Because of his excellent service, he was presented (with)the Medal of Freedom, the highest award that a US citizen can receive.

30. 他是全世界的骄傲。He was the pride of the whole world.

……的骄傲be the pride of…感到骄傲take pride in…以……为骄傲be proud of…

31. 昨天一晚上我都在练习弹钢琴。I was practising playing the piano the whole night yesterday.

32. 参加一个竞赛。take part in a competition在网站上读章节read passages on the website

33. 许多现代发明已经在我们的生活中起了作用。

Many modern inventions have made a great difference in our life.

34. 它们已经改变了我们生活的方式。They have changed the way we live.

35. 在古代,人们用盐来帮他们保存鱼或肉更长的时间。

In ancient times, people used salt to help them keep fish or meat for a longer time.

36. 新鲜食物在夏天几个小时后就将变质。Fresh food would go bad in summer in a few hours.

37. 冰箱的发明已经解决了这个问题。The invention of the fridge has solved this problem.

38. 手洗衣服wash clothes by hand随着洗衣机的发明with the invention of the washing machine

39. 使旅程更加舒适make journeys more comfortable

40. 在大学,她学习数学和物理。She studied Mathematics and physics at a university.

41. 她嫁给了一位法国科学家。She married (got married to) a French scientist.

42. 他们已经结婚很多年了。They have been married for many years.

43. 她们在实验室里发现了镭。They discovered radium in their laboratory.

44. 在她的一生中她两次赢得诺贝尔奖。She won the Nobel Prize twice during her lifetime.

45. 她是五个孩子中最小的。She was the youngest of five children.

46. 一位科学教授a science professor在一场车祸中丧生die in a traffic accident

47. 我最敬佩他。I admire him the most. 被广泛使用be widely used

48. 他很勇敢,到一个当时人类未知的地方。

It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time.

49. 推动X光机器的使用push for the use of X-ray machines 信不信由你believe it or not

50. 大学毕业之后,他在一所农业大学做老师。

He worked as a teacher in an agriculture school after graduating from college.

51. 有着胜于……的许多优势have many advantages over…碰巧做某事happen to do sth.

52. 他看见了人们死于饥饿,所以开始了杂交水稻的研究。

He saw people die of hunger, so he began research into hybrid rice.

53. 他的成就已经把水稻产量增加了20%到30%.His achievements have increased rice production

by 20% to 30%. 54. 他已经把他的一生都花在了更好的水稻研究和开发上。

He has spent all his life on the research and development of better rice plants.

55. 他被认为是“水稻之父”。He is considered (as) the “Father of Hybrid Rice”.
