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(1)have trouble (in) doing sth 表示“做某事有困难”,其中的介词in 在口语中通常可省略,但通常不能改用不定式。如:


正:We had no trouble (in) finding his office.

误:We had no trouble to find his office.

(2) take (the) trouble to do sth 在这一结构中,其中的冠词用不用均可,但含义稍有不同:用冠词,表示不怕费事或不怕麻烦而去做某事;不用冠词,表示尽心尽力或费尽心血而去做某事。如:

He took the trouble to show me the way to the statio n. 他不嫌麻烦为我去邮局指路。

You might have taken the trouble to tell me the meetingwas put off. 你本来可以费心告诉我一声会议推迟了的。

They took a lot of trouble to find the right person forthe job. 他们费尽心血找适合做这项工作的人。

注:take trouble to do sth 有时也可说成take trouble oversth。如:

He took a lot of trouble over the desig n. 他花了许多工夫设计这份图样。



正:He refused to take the trouble to open the door.

误:He refused to take trouble to open the door. from )

(3)go to (the) trouble to do [of doing] sth 意为“不辞辛劳做某事”、“费心做某事”。如:

He went to the trouble of finding out when our train wasleaving. 他费心给我们打听到了我们火车开车的时间。

Thank you for going to so much trouble to find what Iwas looking for. 多谢你这么费心找到了我要找的东西。

(4) give sb trouble / put sb to trouble 表示“麻烦某人”、“打扰某人”。如:

I’m sorry to give you so much trouble. /I’m sorry to putyou to so much trouble. 对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。

I don’t like giving trouble to people I don’t know. 我不愿意给我不认识的人添麻烦。

(5) have trouble with 表示“有……毛病”、“同……闹纠纷”。如:

He is having trouble with teeth. 他正牙痛。

The man often has trouble with his wife. 这个人经常同他的妻子闹矛盾。

(6)get into trouble 意为“陷入困境”、“引起指责”。如:

H e’s always getting into trouble (with the teacher). 他老闯祸(挨老师的骂)。

(7)be in trouble 意为“处于不幸(苦恼,困境)之中”。如:

Please telephone us when you are in trouble. 有困难给我们来电话。

He was said to be in trouble with his boss. 据说他受到老板的训斥。

(8) The trouble is (that)……意为“麻烦是……”、“困难在于……”。如:

The trouble is (that) we don’t know where he is. 问题是我们不知道他在哪里。

The trouble is that he doesn’t have enough money. 困难在于他没有足够的钱。



(1)trouble about 意为“为……费心”,通常用于否定句或疑问句。如:

A:Do you want me to post it for you? 要我帮你寄吗?

B:No, don’t t rouble (about it),thank you. 不必费心了,谢谢你。

(2)trouble to do sth 意为“费心做某事”,通常用于否定句或疑问句。如:

Don’t trouble to come out, please. 请留步,别出来啦。

If it’s difficult for you to get away, don’t trouble tocome. 如果实在抽不出身,就不必费心来了。

(3) trouble sb for [to do] sth 意为“麻烦某人做某事”,通常用于疑问句,句首通常用may, might, can, could 等情态动词,表示客气的请求。如(from w ):

Can I trouble you for the time? My watch seems to havestopped. 请问现在几点钟了?我的表好像停了。

May I trouble you to pass me the salt?/May I trouble youfor the salt? 请把盐递给我好吗?
