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听力材料:1.Ho w long ha v e you been like this?

(B)1.A.Yesterday.B.For two days.C.In one week.

听力材料:2.What w ere you doing w hen I called you last night?

(C)2.A.I came back. B.In my bedroom.

C.I was taking a shower.

听力材料:3.Ha v en't you been to Disneyland?

(C)3.A.Yes,I can. B.No,I didn't. C.Of course not.

听力材料:4.Ho w did you tra v el around London?

(B)4.A.Rainy. B.By boat. C.Interesting.

听力材料:5.Could I come back after 10 this evening?

(C)5.A.Thank you. B.Go on. C.No,you can't.


听力材料:6.M:Please take out the rubbish w hen you got out.

W:OK,I w ill do some running in the park later.

(B)6.What will the man do later?

A. B. C.

听力材料:7.W:I really don't kno w ho w to say sorry to Mike.

M:You can w rite an e-mail to him.

(A)7.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. B. C.

听力材料:8.W:Ho w about going shopping in the supermarket?

M:I don't w ant to go shopping today.There are too many people on the w eekend.

(B)8.Where does the woman want to go?

A. B. C.

听力材料:9.W:Where did you go last w eekend?

M:I w ent to London.It is a great city.

(C)9.Where did the man go last weekend?

A. B. C.

听力材料:10.W:Hey,Tom.What's w rong?

M:I ha v e a stomachache.

(A)10.What's the matter with Tom?

A. B. C.



听力材料:W:Ha v e you decided to sell your car?

M:Yes.I don't need to dri v e to w ork anymore.No w I li v e near my company and I w alk to w ork e v ery day.

W:Ho w long ha v e you had the car?

M:For four years.It isn't too old.

(C)11.How does the man go to work now?

A.By car. B.By subway. C.On foot.

(A)12.How long has the man had the car?

A.For four years. B.For five years. C.For six years.


听力材料:W:Frank,are there any family rules in your home?

M:I w ouldn't call them rules,but Mom expects me and my sister to do house w ork.

W:What do you often do?

M:I often s w eep the floor and my sister often does the dishes.

W:What else?

M:Mom also asks us to clean our o w n rooms t w ice a w eek.

W:It's good for both of you.

M:Yes.My sister and I ha v e learned ho w to look after oursel v es.

(A)13.What does Mom expect Frank and his sister to do?

A.To do housework. B.To work hard. C.To take exercise.

(C)14.What does Frank's sister often do?

A.She often sweeps the floor.

B.She often folds the clothes.

C.She often does the dishes.

(B)15.How often does Frank clean his room?

A.Twice a month. B.Twice a week. C.Once a week.


听力材料:Do you w ant to go to the Thimble Islands?It's in the southeast of the US.There're 365 islands in this area,and if you v isit an island each day,it w ill take you one year.It's hot in summer and cold in w inter.So the best time to go there is spring or autumn.And taking a boat tour is the most popular w ay to tra v el around.
