FLIR K55热成像摄像头产品介绍说明书
The new Flexible Scene Enhancement (FSX) technology, which is featured on the FLIR K55 camera, provides enhanced image detail in the thermal video image. Firefighters can use the K55 to see ultra-sharp thermal images with the smallest of details.What is FSX?Thermal imaging cameras (TICs) from FLIR Systems present a clear image in the darkest environments and in smok e. Sometimes however, it can be difficult for a thermal camera to detect a target, even though it is in the theoretical range of the camera. Even if the TIC can resolve the target, it may be difficult for the user to discern, unless the user nows exactly within which part of the signal span the target is hidden. This will increase the time to detect, or even worse, let certain events go undetected. That’s why FLIR Systems has developed a powerful algorithm that helpsthe firefighter overcome the problem of finding low contrast targets in high dynamic range scenes.FSX is an advanced non-linear image processing algorithm that preserves detail in high dynamic range imagery. FSX will extract image details, li k e edges and corners, from the original image. These details are weighted and combined with the original image to create an image with enhanced details. In fact, the detailed image matches the total dynamic range of the original image, mak ing the details visible to the user, even in those scenes with extreme temperature dynamics that are typical for a firefighter’s job.Shorter time to detectFirefighters need to detect targets quickly, without mak ing manual adjustments to the gain and level. This is all made possible with FSX.Firefighters rely o n reliable techno lo gy to perfo rm demanding tasks: lo cating peo ple in a smoke filled room, finding their way through smoke and dark areas... Luckily, thermal imaging cameras can support them in a lot of these tasks. Thermal imaging cameras use the heat emitted from the environment to see through smoke, locate subjects or visualize hot spots. However, in cases where the scene temperatures have low contrast, it can still be hard and time-consuming to get a good picture of the situation. That’s where FLIR’s Flexible Scene Enhancement (FSX) technology comes in. FLEXIBLE SCENE ENHANCEMENT (FSX) PROVIDES CLEAR IMAGES IN HIGHLY CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTS.TECHNICAL NOTEThermal image without FSXThermal image with FSXFor more information visit /fireThe images displayed may not be representative of the actual resolution of the camera shown. Images for illustrative purposes only.TECHNICAL NOTEFSX ensures a clear, crisp image in every possible fire scene mak ing the smallest of temperature differences visible. A small hot object against a cold back ground will have just as clear of details as the back ground, which is the dominating temperature range. Thanks to FSX, people can be more easily detected in hot environments like fire scenes.Unlik e many other detail enhancement methods, FSX is extremely adaptable to changing conditions. This means that an FSX-equipped camera will produce near perfect thermal video under virtually every condition, which allows firefighters to concentrate on the image and not on the controls.Thermal imaging cameras for firefighting applicationsEntering a burning building or approaching an industrial fire is a dangerous job. Firefighters need to heavily rely on their team and gear. Thermal imaging cameras are exceptional tools that help firefighters protect the lives of others as well as their own.Thermal imaging cameras can see through smoke, giving firefighters better situational awareness, both of where they are in the building, and where they are in relation to their team members. It also helps them to find people trapped in a fire. Thermal imaging cameras are also used for overhaul, during wildfires and for Search & Rescue applications. Since they are able to measure and visualize temperatures from a distance they also help firefighters to protect themselves against rollovers and flash overs.Flexible Scene Enhancement (FSX)Every thermal imaging camera is an asset for a firefighter during an intervention. A thermal imaging camera that is equipped with FSX will produce an ultra-sharp and crisp thermal image that shows the smallest details, allowing the firefighter to ma e the correct decision when seconds count.WITHOUT FSXWITH FSX。
一、外型、按键(图片仅供参考,请以实物为准)1:复位\透光孔、 2:拍照、摄像、 3:开\关机键、 4:摄像头、 5:MIC、6:USB、7:TF卡二、产品简介本产品是首款具有单独录音高清数码摄像和拍照功能的MINI DV,TF卡存储器,可拍摄照片和高画质视屏,本产品操作简便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带,是家庭安防、教育、生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受各用户的青睐。
复位(图示1)机器无响应时,请按此键1.3、插座说明: USB插座(图示6),用于连接电脑或者充电器,进行数据传输、充电。
FLIR C3 手持式热像摄像头说明书
IL FUTUROEMEAMAGGIO 2017FLIR IN AULALe termocamere FLIR offrono agli studenti l’opportunità di studiare il calore e la temperatura in modo interattivo e avvincente. Per loro il fenomeno dell’attrito non sarà più un concetto teorico ma potranno visualizzarlo in tempo reale e sperimentare direttamente il concetto di isolamento verificando visivamente l’entità e la rapidità della dispersione di calore. FLIR offre agli studenti l'opportunità di scoprire i fenomeni scientifici alla base degli oggetti di uso quotidiano.La FLIR C3 è una termocamera tascabile con funzionalità complete. Conveniente, piccola e leggera, è lo strumento perfetto da utilizzare in aula. La FLIR C3 produce immagini termiche da È possibile misurare la temperatura di ognuno dei 4.800 pixel. Le immagini possono essere me-morizzate internamente e analizzate direttamen-te sulla termocamera. Inoltre, la C3 è dotata di connettività Wi-Fi e il Kit include il software per STRUMENTO PERFETTO PERVISUALIZZARE LA TEMPERATURAFLIR C3 WIFI EDUCATIONCARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALITermocamera leggera e sottile Luminoso touchscreen da 3”Illuminatore a LED e flash incorporatiGrande tasto per la memo-rizzazione delle immagini termiche, nel visibile e MSX 1234456213789FLIR E6 / E60 WIFI EDUCATIONGli strumenti FLIR con tecnologia Infrared Guided Measurement™ (IGM™) offrono la potenza della termografia per identificare rapidamente la posizione precisa di potenziali problemi. Con IGM, identificare gli eventuali guasti prima che diventino problemi seri consente di lavorare al meglio e più velocemente, e di passare al lavoro VORATE IN MODO PIÙ INTELLIGENTE, CON MENO SFORZO.STRUMENTI DI TEST E MISURA FLIR CON IGM Una termocamera FLIR è uno degli strumenti diagnostici più potenti e versatili di cui oggi un professionista può dotarsi . Con le nuove FLIR E6 WiFi o E60 WiFi, gli studenti hanno l'opportunità di scoprire le fan-tastiche abilità offerte da una termocamera per individuare i problemi normalmente invisibili all'occhio umano. Si tratta di una tecnologia d'avanguardia che può aiutarli a migliorare le loro capacità ed abilità ed a guadagnare un netto vantaggio nel mondo del lavoro.LA POTENZA DELLA TERMOGRAFIA NELLE MANI DEI VOSTRI STUDENTIFLIR E6 WiFiFLIR E60 WiFi• R isoluzione a infrarosso 160 x 120, conforme allo standard RESNET • A mpio campo visivo di 45°, per inquadrare un'area di maggiori dimensioni • M iglioramento dell'immagine termica MSX con l'aggiunta di dettagli nel visibile • O ttica focus-free e LCD luminoso, per la semplicità “point-and-shoot”La nuova FLIR E6 WiFi Education Una tra le termocamere FLIR più convenienti per ispezioni di edifici e impianti elettrici, per il rendimento energetico, il restauro e i controlli di sicurezzaLa nuova FLIR E60 WiFi Ricca di funzionalità e di eccezionale supporto della manutenzione predittivaI misuratori di umidità misurano l'umidità sotto la superficie del materiale, con metodo non distruttivo o con una sonda a puntale Una pinza amperometrica FLIR con IGM ti aiuta aindividuare surriscaldamenti elettrici più rapidamente e in sicurezza, senza richiedere il contatto diretto con Le termocamere a spot IGM colmano il divario tra termometri IR attuali sprovvisti di immagine termica I multimetri con IGM combinano le funzioni di un rue RMS all-in-one con una termocamera, che indica la posizione precisa delLa gamma degli strumenti di test e misura FLIR è ispirata dall'impegno che questa azienda dimostra verso innovazione, qualità e affidabilità. Multimetri digitali, pinze amperometriche, pinze amperometriche a toroide flessibile, rilevatori di tensione e videoscopi di FLIR supportano ogni giorno il lavoro degli elettricisti, mentre gli esperti del settore costruzioni possono trarre vantaggio dall'ampia gamma di igrometri, videoscopi, e rilevatori di tensione.FLIR VS70 è un videoscopio robusto, impermeabile e resistente agli impatti, dotato di una sottile sonda telecamera indirizzabile in spazi ristretti, per visualizzare video . Soluzioni di ispezione avanzate, telecamere opzionali e accessori aggiuntivi permettono di • Aggiungi le annotazioni vocali per chiarire i risultati e ridurre gli appunti testualiVERA INNOVAZIONE, RISULTATI VERISTRUMENTI DI TEST E MISURA FLIRVIDEOSCOPIO FLIR VS70Pinze amperometriche FLIR Serie CMLa famiglia di pinze amperometriche FLIR di livello industriale fornisce funzioni di analisi di alimentazione e diagnostica VFD avanzate.FLIR CM55 & CM57 – Pinze amperometriche con toroide flessibileLe pinze amperometriche con toroide flessibile della FLIR con Bluetooth utilizzano una sonda toroidale flessibile e sottile e possono eseguire facilmente misure in spazi ristretti o difficili da raggiungere.FLIR DM92/93 – Multimetri industriali T rue RMSI multimetri digitali FLIR sono dotati di un filtro VFD avanzato, che permette di analizzare con precisione onde sinusoidali non tradizionali e segnali disturbati.FLIR VP52 – Rilevatori di tensioneFLIR VP52 è un rilevatore di tensione senza contatto CAT IV robusto, dotato di allarmi a vibrazione e a LED, un potente illuminatore LED e una versatile sensibilità alla tensione.。
DS-2DB4223I-CX(T5 316L) EXIR 23×光爆防爆网络摄像头说明书
DS-2DB4223I-CX(T5/316L)EXIR 23 × Bullet Explosion-proof Network CameraATEx:II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 GbII 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IECEx:Ex db IIC T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db⏹1/1.8" progressive scan CMOS⏹Up to 1920 × 1080 @ 30 fps resolution⏹Min. illumination: Color: 0.0005 Lux @(F1.5, AGC ON), B/W: 0.0001 Lux @(F1.5, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR ⏹23 × optical zoom, 12 × digital zoom⏹120 dB WDR, HLC, BLC, 3D DNR, Defog, EIS, Regional Exposure, Regional Focus⏹Up to 200 m IR distance⏹Support H.265+/H.265 video compression⏹DORIThe DORI (detect, observe, recognize, identify) distance gives the general idea of the camera ability to distinguish persons or objects within its field of view. It is calculated based on the camera sensor specification and the criteria given by EN 62676-4: 2015.DORI Detect Observe Recognize IdentifyDefinition25 px/m63 px/m125 px/m250 px/m Distance (Tele)1862 m (6107.36 ft)739 m (2433.92 ft)372 m (1220.16 ft)186 m (610.08 ft)⏹SpecificationCameraImage Sensor 1/1.8” progressive scan CMOSMax. Resolution 1920 × 1080Min. Illumination Color: 0.0005 Lux @ (F1.5, AGC ON) B/W: 0.0001 Lux @ (F1.5, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR Shutter Speed 1/1s to 1/30000 sDay & Night ICRZoom 23 × optical, 12 × digitalSlow Shutter yesLensFocal Length 5.9 to 135.7 mm, 23 × opticalFOV Horizontal field of view: 58.5°to 3° (wide-tele) Vertical field of view: 34°to 1.7° (wide-tele) Diagonal field of view: 65.8°to 3.5° (wide-tele)Focus Auto/Semi-automatic/Manual Aperture F1.5Zoom Speed approx. 4.6 sIlluminatorSupplement Light Type IRSupplement Light Range 200 mSmart Supplement Light yesIR Wavelength 850 nmPTZPark Action yesScheduled Task PresetPower-off Memory yesVideoMain Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Third Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Video Compression Main Stream: H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 Sub-stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGThird Stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGVideo Bit Rate 32 Kbps to 16384 KbpsH.264 Type Baseline Profile/Main Profile/High ProfileH.265 Type Main ProfileScalable Video Coding (SVC) SupportRegion of Interest (ROI) 8 fixed regions for each streamAudioAudio Compression G.711alaw, G.711ulaw, G.722.1, G.726, MP2L2,PCMAudio Bit Rate 64 Kbps (G.711)/16 Kbps (G.722.1)/16 Kbps (G.726)/32-192 Kbps (MP2L2) Audio Sampling Rate 8 kHz/16 kHz/32 kHz/48 kHzEnvironment Noise Filtering yesNetworkProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, QoS, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, PPPoE, BonjourSimultaneous Live View Up to 20 channelsAPI Open Network Video Interface (Version 19.12, Profile S, Profile G, Profile T), ISAPI, SDK, ISUPSmooth Streaming yesUser/Host Up to 32 users, 3 user levels: administrator, operator, and userSecurity Password protection, complicated password, HTTPS encryption, 802.1X authentication (EAP-TLS, EAP-LEAP, EAP-MD5), watermark, IP address filter, basic and digest authentication for HTTP/HTTPS, RTP/RTSP over HTTPS, control timeout settings, security audit log, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3, host authentication (MAC address)Network Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/CIFS), auto network replenishment (ANR) Client iVMS-4200, HikCentral Pro, Hik-ConnectWeb Browser IE11, Chrome 57+, Firefox 52+, Safari 11+ImageImage Parameters Switch YesImage Settings Saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, gain, and white balance adjustable by client software or web browserDay/Night Switch autoWide Dynamic Range (WDR) 120 dB WDRSNR ≥52dBDefog Optical defogImage Enhancement HLC/BLC/3D DNR/Defog/EIS/Regional Exposure/Regional FocusPrivacy Mask 24 programmable polygon privacy masks, mask color or mosaic configurable InterfaceEthernet Interface 1 RJ45 10 M/100 M EthernetOn-board Storage support microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cards, up to 256 GBAudio 1 audio input, 2.0 to 2.4Vp-p, 1k Ohm±10% 1 audio output, line level, impedance: 600 ΩAlarm 1-ch alarm input and 1-ch alarm outputRS-485 1 RS-485 (Half duplex, HIKVISION, Pelco-P, Pelco-D, self-adaptive)EventBasic Event Motion detection, video tampering alarm, exception, alarm input and outputSmart Event Line crossing detection, intrusion detection, region entrance detection, region exitingdetection, unattended baggage detection, object removal detection, audio exceptiondetectionAlarm LinkageUpload to FTP/NAS/memory card, notify surveillance center, send email, trigger alarm output, trigger recordingDeep Learning FunctionFace Capture 1. Detects up to 10 faces simultaneously2. Uploads face with background and closed-up face pictures3. Support detecting, tracking, capturing, grading, selecting of face in motion, andoutput the best face picture of the faceGeneralPower100 VAC to 240 VAC & PoE+ (IEEE802.3at class4) Max. 25 W Dimension513.2 × 169 × 308 mm (20.2"× 6.65" × 12.13") WeightApprox. 16.5 kg (36.38 lb.) MaterialSUS316L with anti-corrosion surface spray treatment Operating Condition-40°C to 60°C (-40°F to 140°F), Working Humidity≤ 90% General FunctionAnti-flicker, heartbeat, mirror, flash log, password reset via e-mail, pixel counter, password protection, one-key reset, three streams ApprovalEMC FCC (47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B);CE-EMC (EN 55032: 2015, EN 61000-3-2:2019, EN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019, EN50130-4: 2011 +A1: 2014);RCM (AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2015);IC (ICES-003: Issue 7);KC (KN 32: 2015, KN 35: 2015)Safety UL (UL 62368-1);CB (IEC 62368-1:2014+A11);CE-LVD (EN 62368-1:2014/A11:2017);BIS (IS 13252(Part 1):2010/ IEC 60950-1 : 2005)EnvironmentCE-RoHS (2011/65/EU);WEEE (2012/19/EU); Reach (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006) ProtectionIP68, 6000V Lightning Protection, Surge Protection and Voltage Transient Protection Explosion-Proof Protection Ex-mark: ATEX: Ex II 2GD Ex db IIC T6 Gb /Ex tb IIIC T80℃ Db;IECEx: Ex db IIC T6 Gb /Ex tb IIIC T80℃ Db*You are recommended to purchase memory card together with the product if needed. After ordering, the memory card will be installed to product during manufacturing.⏹ Dimension⏹Available Model DS-2DB4223I-CX(T5/316L)⏹Accessory⏹OptionalDS-1707ZJ-Y-AC(OS) DS-1677ZJ-XS-1.0(D) DS-2780ZJ-X/316L(OS)。
FLIR Exx-Series 高级热成像手持摄像头产品介绍说明书
Laser pointer providesvisual guidanceErgonomic new design forour most comfortable grip Separate Autofocus andImage Recording buttons *Li-ion battery forextended use times Vibrant, 4” optically-bonded PCAP touchscreenSpeaker plays backvoice annotation Mic for voice annotation Scratch-resistantDragontrail TM cover glass 5 MP digital camera now closerto thermal detector for superiorMSX ® enhancementsThis sleek new design isn’t just window dressing. Fromthe rubberized, water-tight chassis to the scratch-resistantDragontrail ™ cover glass LCD, the new Exx-Series is madefor your tough work environment.HARD-WORKING DESIGN,FOR HARD-WORKING PROSFLIR Exx-Series ™Interchangeable 24°, 42°,and 14° telephoto lenses *Bright LED work lights improve image clarity in dim areasLaser provides distancemeasurement and precise autofocus *E53 | E75 | E85 | E95* E75, E85, E95 only.LEARN MORE ABOUT EXX-SERIES CAMERAS AT /EXX-ELECTRICALTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FLIR Exx-Series ™The Infrared Training Center The greater your knowledge about thermal imaging, the greater the dividends you’ll realize for your company and your career. That’s why the Infrared Training Center (ITC) offers classes for practically every application, from free online courses to advanced training that can certify you as a thermography expert, qualifying you to take a leadership role in your internal IR program. ITC classes include: • Thermography Fundamentals Training • IR Electrical Inspection • IR Mechanical Inspection Thermography Certification Training Level I certifies that you know how a thermal imager works and how to use it. Level II cranks your credibility up a notch with more in-depth concepts and intensive labs. Level III asserts that you have knowledge and skills to administer your company’s thermography program. These certifications offer strong validation to support the work you do as a thermographer. Mobile Training Units and on-site training at your facility are encouraged if you would like to certify a group of 10 or more. For a complete list and schedule of courses andmore information, visit or call 1.866.872.4647.Features By CameraE53E75E85E95 IR Resolution240 × 180(43,200 pixels)320 × 240(76,800 pixels)384 × 288(110,592 pixels)464 × 348(161,472 pixels)UltraMax ®—307,200 pixels 442,368 pixels 645,888 pixels Object Temperature Range -20°C to 120°C(-4°F to 248°F)0°C to 650°C(32°F to 1200°F)-20°C to 120°C (-4°F to 248°F)0°C to 650°C (32°F to 1200°F)Optional300°C to 1000°C(572°F to 1830°F)-20°C to 120°C (-4°F to 248°F)0°C to 650°C (32°F to 1200°F)300°C to 1200°C (572°F to 2192°F)-20°C to 120°C (-4°F to 248°F)0°C to 650°C (32°F to 1200°F)300°C to 1500°C (572°F to 2732°F)Focus Manual Continuous, one-shotlaser distance meter(LDM), one-shotcontrast, manualContinuous, one-shot laser distance meter (LDM), one-shot contrast, manual Continuous, one-shot laser distance meter (LDM), one-shot contrast, manual Field of View (FOV)24° × 18°42° × 32° (10 mmlens), 24° × 18° (18mm lens), 14° × 10°(29 mm lens)42° × 32° (10 mm lens), 24° × 18° (18 mm lens), 14° × 10° (29 mm lens)42° × 32° (10 mm lens), 24° × 18° (18 mm lens), 14° × 10° (29 mm lens)Lens Identification —Automatic AutomaticAutomatic Time-lapse (Infrared)———10 sec to 24 hours Laser Area Measurement ——YesYes Laser Distance Measurement —Yes, on-screen Yes, on-screen Yes, on-screen Measurement Presets No measurement, center spot, hot spot, cold spot, 3 spots, hot spot-spot*No measurement, center spot, hot spot, cold spot, User Preset 1, User Preset 2No measurement, center spot, hot spot, cold spot, User Preset 1, User Preset 2No measurement, center spot, hot spot, cold spot, User Preset 1, User Preset 2Spotmeter 3 in live mode 1 in live mode 3 in live mode 3 in live mode Area 1 in live mode 1 in live mode 3 in live mode 3 in live mode Picture-in-Picture Centered infrared area on the visual image Resizable and movable Resizable and movable Resizable and movable Common Features Detector Type and Pitch Uncooled microbolometer, 17 µm Thermal Sensitivity/NETD <0.04°C @ 30°C (86°F), 24° lens Spectral Range 7.5 – 14.0 µm Image Frequency 30 Hz F-Number f/1.3, 24° lens Digital Zoom 1-4x continuous Image Presentation and Modes Display 4”, 640 × 480 pixel touch screen LCD with auto-rotation Digital Camera 5 MP, 53° × 41° FOV Color Palettes Iron, Gray, Rainbow, Arctic, Lava, Rainbow HC Image Modes Infrared, visual, MSX ®, Picture-in-Picture MSX ®Embosses visual details on full resolution thermal image Measurement and Analysis Accuracy ±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading for ambient temperature 15°C to 35°C (59°F to 95°F) and object temperature above 0°C (32°F)Alarms Moisture, insulation, and measurement Color Alarm (Isotherm)Above/below/interval/condensation/insulation Compass, GPS Yes; automatic GPS image tagging METERLiNK ®Yes; several readingsLaser Pointer Yes; dedicated buttonImage Storage Storage Media Removable SD card (8 GB)Image File Format Standard JPEG with measurement data includedVideo Recording and Streaming Radiometric IR Video Recording Real-time radiometric recording (.csq)Non-Radiometric IR or Visual Video H.264 to memory cardRadiometric IR Video Streaming Yes, over UVC or Wi-FiNon-Radiometric IR Video Streaming H.264 or MPEG-4 over Wi-Fi; MJPEG over UVC or Wi-FiCommunication Interfaces USB 2.0, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, DisplayPortVideo Out DisplayPort over USB Type-CAdditional Data Battery Type Li-ion battery, charged in camera or on separate chargerBattery Operating Time Approx. 2.5 hours at 25°C (77°F) ambient temperature and typical useOperating Temperature Range -15°C to 50°C (5°F to 122°F)Storage Temperature Range -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)Shock/Vibration/Encapsulation; Safety 25 g / IEC 60068-2-27, 2 g / IEC 60068-2-6, IP 54 /IEC 60529; EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1Weight/Dimensions 1 kg (2.2 lbs), 27.8 × 11.6 × 11.3 cm (11.0 × 4.6 × 4.4 in)Box Contents Infrared camera with lens, battery (2 ea), battery charger, front protection, straps (hand, wrist), hard transport case, lanyards, lens caps, lens cleaning cloth, power supplies, 8 GB SD card, Torx wrench, cables (USB 2.0 A to USB Type-C, USB Type-C to USB Type-C, USB Type-C to HDMI)Exx-Series cameras are backed by FLIR’s industry-leading warranty 2 years: Full protection, parts, labor 5 years: Battery 10 years: Detector D E T E C T O R WA R R A N T Y *B AT T E R Y WA R R A N T Y *F U L L P R O D U C T WA R R A N T Y **Hot spot to center spot Delta measurement。
HIKMICRO OWL OH35手持热成像单眼摄像头说明书
HIKMICRO OWL OH35 handheld thermal monocular camera is equipped with a 384 × 288 infrared detector and a 1024 × 768 OLED display. It supports functions of observation, highest temperature target tracking, distance measurement, Wi-Fi hot spot, and so on. The high-sensitivity built-in thermal detector provides you with clear view even in total darkness. The monocular is mainly applied to scenarios such as patrolling, l searching and rescuing, hiking, travel, and hunting, etc. Key Features● High sensitivity thermal module with 384 × 288 resolution● NETD <35 mK (@25 °C, F#=1.0)● Leading thermal image processing technology: Adaptive AGC, DDE, 3D DNR● 1024 × 768 resolution 0.39-inch OLED display● Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery●Up to 7 hours continuous operationSpecificationThermal ModuleImage Sensor VOx Uncooled Focal Plane Arrays Resolution 384 × 288Frame Frequency 50 HzPixel Interval 17 μmResponse Waveband 8 μm to 14 μmNETD ≤ 35 mK (@25°C),F#=1.0Focal Length 35 mmField of View 10.66°× 8° (H × V)Aperture F1.0Magnification 2.3 to 18.4Image DisplayMonitor 0.39 inch, OLED, 1024 × 768 Palettes Black Hot, White Hot, Red Hot, Fusion FFC (Flat Field Correction) Mode Auto, Manual, External Correction Digital Zoom 1x, 2x, 4x, 8xSmart FunctionHot Track YesDetection Range 1235 mSystemStorage Built-in memory module (16 GB) Record Video YesCapture Snapshot YesWi-Fi YesStandby Mode YesPower SupplyBattery Type Rechargeable Lithium BatteryBattery Operating Time 7 hours continuous running with Wi-Fi hot spot function off (@25 °C) 5.5 hours continuous running with Wi-Fi hot spot function on (@25 °C)Battery Capacity Display YesGeneralMounting UNC 1/4' - 20Hardware Interface Type-C USBPower 5 VDC/2 APower Consumption 1.5 WWork Temperature/Humidity From -30°C to 55°C (-22°F to 131°F); Humidity: 90% or Less Protection Level IP67Drop Test Height 2 m (6.56 feet)Dimension 201.6 mm × 73.7 mm × 66 mm (7.94" × 2.90" × 2.60") Weight 500 g (1.10 lb)Available ModelHM-TS03-35XF/W-OH35Dimension 73.7 mm [2.90"]66 m m[2.60"]201.6 mm [7.94"]AccessoryQuick Start Guide(×1) Non-dust Cloth (×1) USB Cable (x1) Protective Bag (×1) Wrist Strap (x1)COMPLIANCE NOTICE: The thermal series products might be subject to export controls in various countries or regions, including without limitation, the United States, European Union, United Kingdom and/or other member countries of the Wassenaar Arrangement. Please consult your professional legal or compliance expert or local government authorities for any necessary export license requirements if you intend to transfer, export, re-export the thermal series products between different countries.。
How to Configure Temperature Screening ThermographicCamera1.General ParametersTemperature Measurement Range30.0-45.0 Degrees CelsiusTemperature Measurement Accuracy± 0.5 Degrees CelsiusCamera Resolution and Focal LengthDS-2TD1217B-3/PA: Thermal: 160 × 120, Optical: 2688 × 1520, 3mmDS-2TD1217B-6/PA: Thermal: 160 × 120, Optical: 2688 × 1520, 6mmDS-2TD2617B-6/PA: Thermal: 160 × 120, Optical: 2688 × 1520, 6mmDS-2TD2637B-10/P: Thermal: 384 × 288, Optical: 2688 × 1520, 10mmDS-2TD2636B-15/P: Thermal: 384 × 288, Optical: 2688 × 1520, 15mmAI Face DetectionMultiple targets skin-surface temperature detection at the same time (wearing masks or not would not affect this detection)Operating EnvironmentIndoor environment with calm air condition; 10-35 Degrees Celsius2.Installation1)Installation CautionsThe performance of this Temperature-screening scheme is greatly affected by environment. This scheme would apply only to those indoor environments, or the scenarios with calm air and consistent temperature. Besides, the relative installation location of devices and the ambient light (too bright or too dark) greatly affect the accuracy of face detection. In order to improve measurement accuracy and reach better performance of human face detection, the installation environment has to meet certain requirements:1. Select installation environments with one-direction path to ensure that camerascapture the full faces of all passing persons.2. Select installation environments with stable and sufficient lighting conditions.Supplementary light is required under backlight or insufficient lighting conditions © Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.to ensure the clear visibility of facial features.3. Select indoor environments with calm air and consistent temperature condition.Outdoor environments with rapid temperature changes are not recommended.4. If this scheme is used in entrance scenes that connect indoors and outdoorsenvironments, It is suggested that the installation location should be kept at a certain distance from the entrance (such as customs or security checkpoints).5. Avoid objects with high or low temperature placed in the scene.6. The devices should be installed firmly, thereby avoiding face detection andtemperature measurement errors caused by shaking.7. Skin-surface temperature can be affected by environment temperature, if it’s toohot and cold in outdoor environment, we recommend people to stay indoor for more than 3 minutes before temperature measurement.2)Camera InstallationThe camera should be set right in front of the one-direction path, capturing the full faces of passing persons. The installation height and the distance between the camera and measured objects is depended on the resolution and focallength of thermographic camera, as shown in the following table.There are tripods, tripod adapters, wall mount offered by HIKVISION for flexible or fixed placement, but these items require additional purchase. Only device with resolution of 384*288 is recommended to be installed on the wall.© Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.© Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.3. Configuration1) Select VCA Resource TypeSteps:1. Enter VCA Resource Type interface: Configuration > System>Maintenance>VCA Resource Type .2. Select Temperature Screening as VCA Resource Type.3. Click Save and wait for device restart.© Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.2) Set Local ConfigurationSteps:1. Go to the Local Configuration interface: Configuration > Local .2. Click to enable the following settings:Rules: It refers to the rules on your local browser; select Enable to displaybounding boxes and temperature information when the face target is detected. Display Rules Info. on Capture: Select Yes Display rules information on thecapture.Display Temperature Info.: Select Yes to display temperature information withtemperature measurement rule configured.Display Temperature Info. on Capture: Select Yes to display temperatureinformation on the capture. 3. Click Save .© Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.3) Settings of Temperature ScreeningSteps:1. Go to the Temperature Screening Settings interface: Temperature Screening > Basic Settings.2. Configure the following settings:Enable Temperature Measurement: Check this box to enable temperaturemeasurement.Display Temperature Info. on Stream: Check this box to display temperatureinformation on stream.Emissivity: The relative ability of material surface to emit energy by radiation.For human skin, this value is normally set as 0.98. Distance Mode:Set mode as ‘Self Adaption’.Distance: The actual distance between the camera and measured object. 3. Click Save .4.Go to the Temperature Screening Settings interface: Temperature Screening >Temperature Screening Configuration5.Select the optical camera channel (normally as Camera 01).6.Configure the following settings:Enable Face Detection: Check this box to enable face detection function.Display Temperature: Check this box to display measured temperature.Upload Captured Face Image: Check this box to upload captured face image.Display Face Temperature Position: Check this box to display the point with highest temperature in target frame.Configuration: Select as Targeting.Face Detection Parameters:●Set Generation Speed and Sensitivity both as 5 for best detectionperformance.●It is suggested to set Alarm When Temperature is above as 37.5 degreesCelsius and Pre-Alarm Temperature as 37 degrees Celsius, or it could beadjusted to meet other requirements.Draw Area: Draw a rectangular area; only objects in this area would be detected as targets for temperature measurement.Press Max. Pupil Distance and Min. Pupil Distance to draw width filter frame, thereby preventing false alarm caused by people’s being too close or too far. This pupil filter is actually based on the pixel width of target frame.7.Click Save.© Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.8.Select the thermal camera channel (normally as Camera 02).9.Configure the following settings:Black Body Parameters: If no blackbody is used in this scheme, uncheck this box. Body Temperature Compensation: Compensate the measured value according to the real-time environment temperature.●Enable:Check this box to enable body temperature compensation●Compensation Type: Setting as Auto is suggested; in this way, autocompensation and manual calibration value would both added to themeasured value.●Manual Calibration: The set value would be added to the measured value.(If this value is set as 2 degrees Celsius and the measured value is 35 degreesCelsius, the displayed value would be 37 degrees Celsius). See ManualCalibration part in below for details.●Environment Temperature: Setting as Auto is suggested; in this way, theenvironment temperature would be automatically measured.10.Click Save.4)Manual CalibrationPurpose:© Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.The performance of this body thermography scheme offered by HIKVISION would be affected by different actual working environments, and the affect factors in most stable environments could be regarded as a kind of system error. If needed, it is suggested to make a compensation through the manual calibration, the steps are as following.Steps:1.Device start-up; wait a period of time (more than 60 minutes) for preheating.2.For 5 to 10 individuals, complete the following 3 steps one by one:Use the ear thermometer or other specialized thermometer to get the real body temperature, and record.Use the thermographic camera to get the body temperature of the same individual, and record.Subtract these two numbers, and record the difference value.3.Set Manual Calibration with the average value of these difference values in BodyTemperature Compensation.For example:If data recorded during the calibration process are as the following table,thereby setting the Manual Calibration as 0.5 degrees Celsius.4.Other Notes for UseBefore the device is used in actual body temperature measurement, it should run for more than 60 minutes for preheating.This product is used for preliminary screening of people with Temperature. After alarm happens, specialized medical thermometer should be used in further body temperature check.© Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.First Choice for Security Professionals HIK VISION Technical Support© Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.。
潘森 PTZ 摄像头产品说明书
AW-SF100 AW-SF200
Optical Up to 100 – – – – – – –
Tripod, Wall, Ceiling Invertible 1 Year
1/2.86" 3MOS 20x – 10x
60.2° (W) - 3.3° (T) 36.2° (W) - 1.9° (T) 67.4° (W) - 3.8° (T)
Auto / Manual 1000 Lines 2 lx 0 dB - 42 dB Serial / IP PoE++ or AC 19.8 lbs Wall, Ceiling Invertible 1 Year
1/2.86" 3MOS 20x – 10x
60.2° (W) - 3.3° (T) 36.2° (W) - 1.9° (T) 67.4° (W) - 3.8° (T)
Auto / Manual 1000 Lines 2 lx 0 dB - 36 dB
Serial / IP / IR PoE+ or AC 6.83 lbs
Digital Noise Reduction (DNR)
High-Wind Resistance
Lens Wiper
Built-In Heater / Defroster
Haze Reduction
Water & Dust Proof
为了更好的服务,本手册的内容可能会随着产品的性能和功能的改变而改变?蛔隽硇型ㄖ?产品外形、按键:K1、机单独录音键K2、拍照、摄像键K3 移动侦测摄像键K4 状态指示灯K5、镜头K6、咪头K7、TF卡K8、USB接口产品实物图片产品简介本产品是具有U盘储存、移动侦测、拍照、单独录音、边充电边摄像、自动循环摄像、内存支持32GB,连接电脑摄像直接储存电脑功能的安防摄像机,TF卡存储器,又名“家庭安防摄像机”,可拍摄照片和高画质视屏,本产品操作简便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带,是家庭安防、教育、生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受各用户的?囗?使用前须知:本品内部为精密电子元器件组成,操作时轻触即可请勿大力操作以免损坏按键,使用PC CAMERA(视频摄像头)功能时,请先安装随机配带的驱动程序。
AXIS XPQ1785 爆炸保护PTZ摄像头 全球认证爆炸保护定位摄像头说明书
DatasheetAXIS XPQ1785Explosion-Protected PTZ Camera Globally certified explosion-protected positioning cameraAXIS XPQ1785is a robust,stainless steel(316L)PTZ camera globally certified for use in potentially combustible environ-ments according to Class I/II/III Div1and Zone1,21(NEC,CEC,IECEx,ATEX,and more).The built-in smoke alert analytic monitors for signs of smoke or fire.The camera offers total situational awareness with360°continuous pan and+/-90°tilt,both at up to200°/sec.Axis Zipstream provides exceptional savings on bandwidth and storage requirements without compromising image quality.Ease of installation is supported by a compact and low-weight design,with both RJ45and SFP for fiber or coax and100–240V AC power input.>Worldwide hazardous area certifications>Smoke alert analytics>Zipstream and Lightfinder>HDTV1080p with32x optical zoom>-60℃to60℃(-76°F to140°F)AXIS XPQ1785Explosion-Protected PTZ Camera CameraImage sensor1/2.8"progressive scan RGB CMOSLens 4.3–137mm,F1.4–4.0Horizontal field of view:60°–2.3°Vertical field of view:39°–1.3°AutofocusMinimum illumination Color:0.16lux at50IRE F1.4 B/W:0.03lux at50IRE F1.4Shutter speed1/66500s to1sPan/Tilt/Zoom Pan:360°endless,0.6-200°/sTilt:±90°,0.6-200°/s32x optical zoom and12x digital zoom,total384x zoom100preset positions,preset accuracy±0.05°,Guard Tour,ControlqueueSystem on chip(SoC)Model ARTPEC-6Memory1024MB RAM,512MB FlashVideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC)Baseline,and Main profiles Motion JPEGResolution1920x1080HDTV1080p to160x90Maximum pixel density with32x optical zoom:25m(82ft):1912px/m50m(164ft):956px/m250m(820ft):191px/mFrame rate With WDR:Up to25/30fps(50/60Hz)in all resolutionsWithout WDR:Up to50/60fps(50/60Hz)in all resolutions Video streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264andMotion JPEGAxis Zipstream technology in H.264Controllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/MBR H.264Image settings Saturation,contrast,brightness,sharpness,Forensic WDR,defogging,white balance,exposure mode,exposure zones,compression,mirroring of images,electronic image stabilization,text and image overlay,dynamic text and image overlayRotation:0°,180°Scene profiles:forensic,vivid,traffic overview,backlit entrance NetworkNetwork protocols IPv4,IPv6USGv6,ICMPv4/ICMPv6,HTTP,HTTPS,HTTP/2,TLS,QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP,SFTP,CIFS/SMB,SMTP,mDNS(Bonjour), UPnP®,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II),DNS/DNSv6,,DDNS,NTP, NTS,RTSP,RTCP,RTP,SRTP/RTSPS,TCP,UDP,IGMPv1/v2/v3, RTCP,ICMP,DHCPv4/v6,ARP,SSH,LLDP,CDP,MQTT v3.1.1, Secure syslog(RFC3164/5424,UDP/TCP/TLS),Link-Local address (ZeroConf)System integrationApplication Programming Interface Open API for software integration,including VAPIX®and AXIS Camera Application Platform;specifications at One-Click cloud connectionONVIF®Profile G,ONVIF®Profile S,and ONVIF®Profile T, specification at Event conditions Device status:above operating temperature,above or belowoperating temperature,below operating temperature,IP addressremoved,network lost,new IP address,storage failure,systemready,within operating temperatureEdge storage:recording ongoing,storage disruption,storagehealth issues detectedI/O:manual trigger,virtual inputMQTT:subscribePTZ:PTZ malfunctioning,PTZ movement,PTZ preset positionreached,PTZ readyScheduled and recurring:scheduleVideo:average bitrate degradation,day-night mode,live streamopen,tamperingEvent actions Day-night mode,defog,guard tours,overlay text,presetpositions,SNMP trap messages,status LED,WDR modeMQTT:publishNotification:email,HTTP,HTTPS and TCPRecord video:SD card and network shareUpload of images or video clips:FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,networkshare and emailData streaming Event dataBuilt-ininstallation aidsPixel counterAnalyticsApplications IncludedSmoke alert,AXIS Video Motion Detection,AXIS Fence Guard,AXIS Loitering Guard,AXIS Motion Guard,active tamperingalarm,gatekeeperSupportedAXIS Perimeter Defender,AXIS Cross Line DetectionSupport for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of third-party applications,see /acap CybersecurityEdge security Software:Signed firmware,brute force delay protection,digest authentication,password protection,AES-XTS-Plain64256bitSD card encryptionNetwork security IEEE802.1X(EAP-TLS),HTTPS/HSTS,TLS v1.2/v1.3,Network Time Security(NTS),X.509Certificate PKI,IP address filtering Documentation AXIS OS Hardening GuideAxis Vulnerability Management PolicyAxis Security Development ModelAXIS OS Software Bill of Material(SBOM)AXIS OS Software Bill of Material(SBOM)To download documents,go to /support/cybersecu-rity/resourcesTo read more about Axis cybersecurity support,go to/cybersecurityGeneralCasing IP66-,IP67-and IP68-rated,electropolished ASTM316L(EN1.4404)stainless steel casing for maximum corrosion protectionWiper includedPower Max consumption:150WPower input:100–240V ACConnectors Two M25x1.5cable entries3-pole connector for power,0.2-3.0mm²(24-12AWG)2-pole connector for48V DC(max14.4W)AUX out,0.2-3.0mm²(24-12AWG)RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TXSFP cage for alternative network connectionStorage Pre-installed AXIS Surveillance microSDXC Card128GBSupport for SD card encryptionRecording to network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operatingconditions-60°C to60°C(-76°F to140°F)Start-up temperature:-40°CHumidity10–100%RH(condensing)Storageconditions-40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F)Humidity0-98%RH(non-condensing)Approvals EMCEN/IEC55032Class A,EN/IEC61000-3-2,EN/IEC61000-3-3,EN/IEC61000-6-1,EN/IEC61000-6-2,EN/IEC55035,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A),RCM AS/NZS CISPR32Class AEnvironmentIEC/EN60529IP66,IP67,IP68IEC60068-2-6,IEC60068-2-27,IEC60068-2-64EN/IEC62262IK10(IK08front glass),UL50E/CSA C22.2No94.2Type4XSafetyEN/IEC62368-1,UL62368-1,CSA C22.2No.62368-1,IS13252ExplosionIEC/EN60079-0,IEC/EN60079-1,IEC/EN60079-31,UL60079-0,UL60079-1,UL60079-31,CSA C22.2No.60079-0,CSA C22.2No.60079-1,CSA C22.2No.60079-31CSA C22.2No.25,CSA C22.2No.30,CSA C22.2No213,UL1203,UL121201Certifications Type P21ATEX:I M2Ex db I MbII2G Ex db IIC T5GbII2D Ex tb IIIC T100°C Db Certificate:ExVeritas20ATEX0651X IECEx:Ex db I MbEx db IIC T5GbEx tb IIIC T100°C Db Certificate:IECEx EXV20.0017X cMETus:Class I Div1Groups B,C,D T5 Class II Div1Groups E,F,G T5 Class I Zone1AEx db IIC Gb Zone21AEx tb IIIC Certificate:MET E115198 INMETRO:Ex db I MbEx db IIC T5GbEx tb IIIC T100°C Db Certificate:CPEx22.0478XIA:Ex db I MbEx db IIC T5GbEx tb IIIC T100°C Db Certificate:MASC MS/22-8127X OSHA Taiwan:Ex db I MbEx db IIC T5GbEx tb IIIC T100°C Db Certificate:TD100043PESO:Ex db IIC T5GbCertificate:526087/4KCs:Ex db IIC T5GbEx tb IIIC T100°C DbCertificate:23-KA4BO-0066X and23-KA4BO-0067XEAC Ex,UKCA pendingDimensions240x301x372mm(9.45x11.85x14.63in)Weight23kg(50.7lb)IncludedaccessoriesWasher nozzle,M25to¾”NPT adaptersConnector kit,installation kitOptionalaccessoriesAXIS TQ1301-E Pole Mount50-150mm(material:stainless steel,weight:5.3kg,dimensions:190x234x250mm,maximumload:150kg)AXIS TQ1001-E Wall Mount(material:stainless steel,weight:3.8kg,dimensions:170x150x350mm,maximum load:150kg)AXIS TQ1301-E Pole Mount need to be combined with AXISTQ1001-E Wall Mount.For more accessories,see VideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,video managementsoftware from Axis Application Development Partners availableat /vmsLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,SimplifiedChinese,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Traditional Chinese,Dutch,Czech,Swedish,Finnish,Turkish,Thai,Vietnamese Warranty5-year warranty,see /warrantySustainabilityEnvironmentalresponsibility/environmental-responsibilityAxis Communications is a signatory of the UN Global Compact,read more at ©2021-2023Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks ofAxis AB in various jurisdictions.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.We reserve the right tointroduce modifications without notice.T10162187/EN/M17.2/2306。
FLIR 烟感小号摄像头系列快速连接指南说明书
Weights & Dimensions
3.1” / 78mm
6.8” / 173mm
2.8” / 72mm
0.95lbs / 0.43kg
Connecting the Camera
12V DC Power Input Polarity
A IP / PoE
1. Ethernet Port: Connect the camera to a FLIR NVR or a router or switch on your network using Cat5e or better Ethernet cable (not included). PoE Class 3 supported.
Quick Connection Guide
T4325BN / T4350BN SERIES
Thermal Mini Bullet Camera
1 x IP Bullet Camera
1 x Mounting Template
4 x Mounting Screws 4 x Drywall Anchors 2 x Allen Set Screws
with low pressure fresh water and a lens cloth. • Camera is rated for outdoor use (IP66), but is not intended for submersion in
water. • If using DC power, make sure to follow the correct polarity as marked on the
FLIR TS-Series 手持热成像夜视摄像头产品介绍说明书
Billerica 25 Esquire Road N. Billerica, MA 01862 USA 1-866-404-5627
Sāo Paulo Av. Antonio Bardella, 320 Sorocaba, SP 18052-852 Brasil +55 15 3238-8075
Portland 27700 SE Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070 USA 8 7 7-7 7 3 -3 5 47
Visit /scout for more information
Always consult federal, state, and local laws governing fishing, hunting, and shooting sports prior to the use of this thermal/infrared night vision camera to ensure full compliance with all appropriate regulations governing sportsman use. State and local laws vary, so regularly consult those specific to the region of use/activity of interest. Equipment described herein may require US Government authorization for export purposes. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited. ©2015 FLIR Systems, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit for the most up-to-date specifications. 080615
1、外型、按键图片仅供参考,请以实物为准)1:发热丝、2:点火开关、3:USB、4:复位孔;5:开、关机键、6:摄像孔、7:高亮LED灯、8:TF卡、9:指示灯孔、10:手电开关二、产品简介本产品是首款具有高亮手电、高清数码摄像的MINI DV打火机,TF卡存储器,可拍摄高画质视屏,本产品操作简便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带,是家庭安防、教育、生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受各用户的青睐。
1.5、手电筒: (图示7),用于照明。
APPLICATIONNOTEThermal imaging for firefighters“The technology’s really changed since the early days,” says Captain Jason Ellison while between calls at the historic 1923 John Adams Fire Hall in Oregon City. “Thermal imaging cameras were very large, cumber-some units when we first started using them, and very expensive. In fact, we were only able to afford a couple of cameras for the entire district back then. But with the lower cost models that are available these days, now we have multiple cameras per rig and use them pretty much on a daily basis throughout the district.”“Thermal imagers have allowed us to see in situations where it’s nearly impossible to with the naked eye. Obviously inside a fire environment it’s incredibly smoky and dark, and we don’t know the layout of the build-ing. TICs show us the way through so we can move swiftly, look for the seat of the fire, look for victims; basically they help provide a very effective roadmap.”In a technical nutshell, thermal cameras create images from heat instead of light by detecting temperature differences in a scene and transforming those values into a Thermal imaging: easy to use and hard to live withoutClackamas Fire Department Puts More FLIR Thermal Imaging Cameras in More HandsClackamas Fire District #1 provides fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to five cities in the state of Oregon, USA. With17 fire stations strategically located throughout Clackamas County and a workforce of more than 200 employees & 100 volunteers, it’s the second largest fire protection district in the state, serving over 179,000 citizens in an area covering nearly 200 square miles.Like many fire departments In the USA, Clackamas Fire has depended on thermal imaging cameras (TICs) for well over a dozen years as a critical tool in helping protect lives and save property.crisp thermal video image on the camera’s LCD. On certain models, such as the FLIR K40 and K50, still frames can also be captured and stored to internal memory for later review and down¬loading for documenta-tion and training.Seeing th r ough smoke and in total darkness“With the thermal imager, I can tell as I movedown the hallway where bedrooms are, easily make out the location of beds, closets, windows, and see where others are around me.” Ellison adds, “Windows, by the way, areCaptain Jason Ellison: “Thermal imagers have allowed us to see in situations where it’s nearly impossible to with the naked eye."The lightweight FLIR K50 camera provides clear and detail rich images of 320x240 pixels.a secondary egress for us so knowing where they are is crucial to our safety.”Ellison explains that firefighters manning the nozzle have their hands full and typically aren’t the ones carrying a TIC. “There’s thick black smoke, ventilation hasn’t kicked in yet, and it’s very hard for them to even see their hands in front of their face. But a company officer close behind with a thermal imager can be right there to hold the TIC in front of that firefighter so he can see the layout of the structure, press on, and direct the nozzle pattern where it needs to go.”That, Ellison says, really speeds up the effort. “In the old days, we’d have one hand feeling the way along a wall and another guy holding onto the leg of the firefighter in front of him. Try finding your way in your house with your eyes closed. That’s what it was like. It really ate up precious time.”“With this (TIC) technology, we’re able to get to the heart of the fire and knock it out much quicker and more safely. Even whenthe fire’s essentially out, I’m still using thecamera to look (through remaining smoke)for hotspots.Thermal imaging saves livesTracking down trapped, stranded, andmissing victims is another way TICs come toClackamas Fire’s aid. “In any fire situation,” hesays, “there’s always a possibility someone’sinside. So a thermal imager is very effective athelping us make sure everyone got out safelyand the home gets the ‘all clear’. We alsouse them in our technical and water rescueefforts. For instance, we can search for peoplewho may be stuck on a remote shore in thedark after falling in the river. Sometimes atnight we have to deal with a car accidentwhere someone got ejected from the vehicleand we need to locate the victim.FLIR K-Se r ies: ext r emely affo r dable,compact and easy-to-use“The cameras we originally started out withseemed like the size of computers…veryAS_56_ENbulky to carry. The new ones like the FLIRK50 are very light and much more compact.And that’s important when you’re alreadypacking 50-plus pounds of gear. A smallerTIC on a lanyard like the FLIR K50 makes ita lot more practical to clip on your turnoutsor self–contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) and be hands-free until you needthe device.For me, it’s very tactical to usewithout having to slip my hand through ahandle…much easier to just grab, go, andthen let go of.”He also likes the Search and Rescue (SAR)mode that narrows the temperaturedetection span more in line with bodytemperatures to alert him where victims arefaster, especially in hotter environments. Onthe other hand, when he’s working enginecompany and fire attack, he usually leavesit in “fire mode”, which has a 300 to 1200degree F range. “That gives me a reallygood color alarm to show me where thesuper-heated gasses are and where there’sfire around us.”The bigger, brighter LCDs of today’s thermalimagers also make using thermal imagersmore popular. “Having a nice 4” screenthat the FLIR K50 has, makes it a lot easierto decipher what I’m looking at to guidemy crew members to safety or to theirobjective.”More affordable pricing has also made ahuge impact. According to Ellison, “We’relooking for tools that can help keep ussafe that are also the most cost-effective.FLIR’s affordability will allow us and otherdepartments to put more cameras on therigs to help us do our job better and keepour guys safe.”To sum it up, Ellison says it’s a tool that,when used correctly, allows firefighters tomove swiftly and safely and get the jobdone right. It’s technology that would bevery difficult to live without.For more information about thermal imagingcameras or about this application,please contact:FLIR Commercial Systems B.V.Luxemburgstraat 22321 MeerBelgiumTel. : +32 (0) 3665 5100Fax : +32 (0) 3303 5624e-mail :*************The images displayed may not be representativeof the actual resolution of the camera shown.Images for illustrative purposes only. FLIR K-Series alllows seeing through smoke. It helps firefighter to find their way in smoke filled building and tolocate fire victims. It helps to save lives.NFPA mode - Hotspots during overhaul Fire mode - Heavy heat in ceiling above fire fighter.SAR mode - Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Operationsfinding down fire fighter.Heat detection mode - Fire fighters searching in coldsmoke。
SharpEye CCTV Flame Detector 产品说明书
The SharpEye CCTV FlameDetector (20/20CTIN andvideo color camera. The detec-tor's IR sensors and spectral band pass filters have been selected to ensureDimensions 4.7" x 5.2" x 5.2" (120 x 132 x 132 mm)Weight Aluminum: 8.1Lb (3.7 Kg)St.St 316L: 14.3Lb (6.5 Kg)EnclosureAluminum, heavy-duty copper free (less than 1%), white epoxy enamel finish.Optional - Stainless Steel 316L with electro polish finish.Environmental Standards Meets MIL-STD-810C for Humidity, Salt & Fog, Vibration, Mechanical Shock, High Temp, Low Temp Water and DustIP66 and IP67 per En60529NEMA 250 6PSpectral Response Three IR BandsCCTV PictureEnables the user to identify a 1 ft 2(0.1m 2)gasoline flame from 100 ft. (30m) offering a “live video” image of the monitored area.Detection RangeGasoline fire at 200 ft (60m)JP4 fire at 150 ft (45m)(Highest Sensitivity Setting N-Heptane fire at 200 ft (60m)Kerosene fire at 150 ft (45m)for 1 sq.ft. pan fire)Alcohol 95% fire at 150 ft (45m)Methane* fire at 60 ft (18m)Diesel Fuel fire at 140 ft (42m)Propane* fire at 60 ft (18m)* 0.5m plume fireResponse TimeTypical 5 sec.Adjustable Time Delay Up to 30 secondsSensitive Range 4 Sensitive Ranges for 1 ft 2(0.1m 2) gasoline pan fire from 50 ft (15m) to 200 ft (60m)Field of View IR3: 90°horizontal, 90°vertical CCTV: 90°horizontal, 65°vertical Built-in-TestManual and Automatic BIT Temperature Range Operating:-15°F (-10°C) to 131°F (55°C)Operating without Video: -40°F (-40°C) to 160°F (70°C)Storage:-22°F (-30°C) to 140°F (60°C)HumidityUp to 95%Power SupplyOperating Voltage: 18-32 VDCPower Consumption Max. 150mA in stand-by; Max. 200mA in alarmElectrical Connection2 x 3/4" - 14NPT conduits or 2 x M25 x 1.5 mm ISO Electrical Input Protection According to MIL-STD-1275AElectromagnetic CompatibilityEMI/RFI protected (comply to CE requirements)Relays Alarm - 2A at 30 VDC, 0.5A at 250 VAC Fault - 5A at 30 VDC and 250 VACFault relay normally closed, others normally open 4-20mASink (source option) configuration Fault: 0 +0.5mA BIT Fault: 2mA ±10%Normal: 5mA ±10%Warning:10mA ±5%Alarm:15mA ±5%Resistance Loop: 100-600 ΩRS-485The RS-485 communication link can be used in installations with compu-terized controllers. The RS-485 is Modbus compatibleColor Video ImageAccessible via a standard NTSC or PAL video output connection that can be connected to standard video equipment for viewing, recording and scanning video images.Specifications subject to changesDS-F-CCTV, November 2003General SpecificationsElectrical SpecificationsOutputsMechanical SpecificationsHazardous Area approvalsATEX / Cenelec EX II 2G, EExd IIB + H 2T5 (55°C)EX II 2G, EExde IIB + H 2T5 (55°C)ULClass I, Groups C & D GOST R1ExdIIBT5/H 2AccessoriesFire Simulator 20/20-310Swivel Mount20/20-003 (St. St. 316L)。
1080P HD无孔打火机DV首先对您使用本公司的产品表示感谢!在使用之前请先阅读此说明书,正确使用此产品。
①.无孔摄像镜片②. 录像、录音、开关机③. 充电、读盘④. TF卡槽⑤. 指示灯⑥. 复位键⑦咪头二.操作说明:①当本机处于关机状态下,插入TF卡之后,长按②.键绿灯闪烁三下熄灭开始录像.录像状态下长按2秒蓝灯闪烁三下开始单独录音,.长按5秒蓝灯闪烁三下设备关机②移动存储盘功能:在关机状态下,连接电脑可自由快速读取数据。
Handheld Thermography CameraUser Manual .© 2021 Hangzhou Microimage Software Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.About this ManualThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the Product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version of this Manual at the HIKMICRO website (/).Please use this Manual with the guidance and assistance of professionals trained in supporting the Product.Trademarks Acknowledgementand other HIKMICRO’s trademarks and logos are the properties of HIKMICRO in various jurisdictions.Other trademarks and logos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.LEGAL DISCLAIMERTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS MANUAL AND THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS”. HIKMICRO MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE USE OF THE PRODUCT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKMICRO BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA, CORRUPTION OF SYSTEMS, OR LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKMICRO HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE NATURE OF THE INTERNET PROVIDES FOR INHERENT SECURITY RISKS, AND HIKMICRO SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER-ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INFECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKMICRO WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED. YOU AGREE TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE LAW. ESPECIALLY, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, FOR USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR DATA PROTECTION AND OTHER PRIVACY RIGHTS. YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY PROHIBITED END-USES, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT RELATED TO ANY NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE OR UNSAFE NUCLEAR FUEL-CYCLE, OR IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC compliance: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpFCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.EU Conformity StatementThis product and, if applicable, thesupplied accessories are markedwith “CE” and comply therefore withthe applicable harmonized Europeanstandards listed under the RadioEquipment Directive 2014/53/EU, the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive):Products marked with this symbolcannot be disposed of as unsortedmunicipal waste in the EuropeanUnion. For proper recycling, returnthis product to your local supplierupon the purchase of equivalentnew equipment, or dispose of it atdesignated collection points. Formore information see:.2006/66/EC (battery directive): Thisproduct contains a battery thatcannot be disposed of as unsortedmunicipal waste in the EuropeanUnion. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the batteryto your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: . Industry Canada ICES-003 ComplianceThis device meets the CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B) standards requirements.Safety InstructionThese instructions are intended to ensure that user can use the product correctly to avoid danger or property loss.Laws and Regulations●Use of the product must be in strict compliance with the local electrical safety regulations. Transportation●Keep the device in original or similar packaging while transporting it.●Keep all wrappers after unpacking them for future use. In case of any failure occurred, you need to return the device to the factory with the original wrapper. Transportation without the original wrapper may result in damage on the device and the company shall not take any responsibilities.●Do not drop the product or subject it to physical shock. Keep the device away from magnetic interference.Power Supply●Please purchase the charger by yourself. Input voltage should meet the Limited Power Source (5 VDC, 300 mA) according to the IEC61010-1 standard. Please refer to technical specifications for detailed information.●Make sure the plug is properly connected to the power socket.●DO NOT connect multiple devices to one power adapter, to avoid over-heating or fire hazards caused by overload.Battery●The built-in battery cannot be dismantled. Please contact the manufacture for repair if necessary.●For long-term storage of the battery, make sure it is fully charged every half year to ensure the battery quality. Otherwise, damage may occur.●Make sure the plug is properly connected to the power socket.●The standard adapter power supply is 5 V.●The battery is certified by UL2054.Maintenance●If the product does not work properly, please contact your dealer or the nearest service center. We shall not assume any responsibility for problems caused by unauthorized repair or maintenance.●Wipe the device gently with a clean cloth and a small quantity of ethanol, if necessary.●If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the device may be impaired.Using Environment●Make sure the running environment meets the requirement of the device. The operating temperature shall be -10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F), and the operating humidity shall be 95% or less.●DO NOT expose the device to high electromagnetic radiation or dusty environments.●DO NOT aim the lens at the sun or any other bright light.●When any laser equipment is in use, make sure that the device lens is not exposed to the laser beam, or it may burn out.●The device is suitable for indoor and outdoor uses, but do not expose it in wet conditions.●The level of protection is IP 54.●The pollution degree is 2.EmergencyIf smoke, odor, or noise arises from the device, immediately turn off the power, unplug the power cable, and contact the service center.Laser Light Supplement WarningWarning: The laser radiationemitted from the device cancause eye injuries, burning ofskin or inflammablesubstances. Prevent eyes from direct laser. Before enabling the Light Supplement function, make sure no human or inflammable substances are in front of the laser lens. The wave length is 650 nm, and the power is less than 1 Mw.The laser meets the IEC60825-1:2014 standard.Laser maintenance: It is not necessary to maintain the laser regularly. If the laser does not work, the laser assembly needs to be replaced in the factory under warranty. Keep the device power off when replacing laser assembly. Caution-Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures otherthan those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.Manufacture address :Room 313, Unit B, Building 2, 399 Danfeng Road, Xixing Subdistrict,Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310052, ChinaHangzhou Microimage Software Co., Ltd COMPLIANCE NOTICE: The thermal series products might be subject to export controls in various countries or regions, including without limitation, the United States, European Union, United Kingdom and/or other member countries of the Wassenaar Arrangement. Please consult your professional legal or compliance expert or local government authorities for any necessary export license requirements if you intend to transfer, export, re-export the thermal series products between different countries.1Introduction1.1Box ContentHandheld Thermography Camera (×1)Power Adapter (×1)USB Cable(×1)Wrist Strap(x1)Manual (×1)Note:The Handheld Thermography Camera includes one battery and one Micro SD card.1.2Product IntroductionHM-TP31-3AUF-E1L handheld Thermography camera is a camera with thermal images. It can do thermometry, and snapshot capturing. The built-in high-sensitivity IR detector andhigh-performance sensor detects the temperature change and measure the real-time temperature.It helps the users to find the risky part and lower their property loss. The device supports live viewing, and capturing, etc.The handheld Thermography camera, adopting ergonomic design, is easy to use. The device is mainly applied to various industries, such as Building, HVAC, and auto industry, etc.2 Appearance2.1 Dimensions196m m (7.72")78mm(3.07")The dimension may vary according to different camera model.2.2 InterfacesBackparameters.The warning sign is under and on the left of the laser.Charging Indicator When the device is charging, the LED indicator is red.When the device is fully charged, the LED indicator is green.USB Interface Charge the battery and export snapshots with the USB cable.Trigger Pull the trigger to capturesnapshots.When the Laser function is switched on, pull the trigger to turn on/off the laser light.Warning:The laser radiation emitted from the device can cause eye injuries, burning of skin orinflammable substances. Prevent eyes from direct laser. Before enabling the LightSupplement function, make sure no human or inflammable substances are in front of the laser lens. The wave length is 650 nm, and the power is less than 1 Mw. The laser meets the IEC60825-1:2014 standard.3 Basic Operations3.1 Charging the DeviceSteps:1. Open the top cover of the camera.2. Connect the USB interface and the poweradaptor with USB cable.Note:For the first charge, charge the device for 48 to 72 hours when the device is turned on.3.2 Interface DescriptionColor-TemperatureScaleMin. TemperatureDisplayEmissivityReal-timeTemperatureCenter TemperatureDisplayUnitStatus IconsMax. Temperature Display Real-time Center Temperature3.3 Format Micro SD CardBefore you start:Confirm the Micro SD card is properly installed before use.Steps: 1. In the live view interface, pressbutton to show the menu bar.2. Press / button to select Format Micro SD .3.Press button and select OK to start format Micro SD Card.Note:Format Micro SD Card before first use of it.3.4 Capture SnapshotsSteps: 1. In the live view interface, pull the triggerto capture snapshot. The live viewfreezes and device displays the snapshot with temperature information.2.Press button to save the picture, pressbutton to cancel it.Note:You can not capture when the device is connected with PC.3.5 View SnapshotsSteps: 1. Go to Menu > Picture to view the capture snapshots.2.Press button to view the selected picture, press/ button to switch pictures.3.(Optional) Press button to deletepicture in picture view interface.3.6Export FilePurpose:Connect the handheld Thermography camerato your PC with USB cable, you can export thecaptured snapshots.Steps:1.Open the USB cover.2.Connect the camera to your PC withUSB cable and open the detected disk.3.Select and copy the snapshots to PC andview the files.4.Disconnect the device from your PC.Note:For the first time connection, the driver will beinstalled automatically.Do not disconnect the USB connection fromPC or pull out the Micro SD card during driveinstallation or it may cause the device damage.3.7UpgradeSteps:1.C onnect the handheld Thermographycamera to your PC with USB cable andopen the detected disk.2.Copy the upgrade file and replace it tothe root directory of the device.3.Disconnect the device from your PC.4.Reboot the device and then it willupgrade automatically. The upgradingprocess will be displayed in the maininterface.Note: After the upgrading, the deviceautomatically reboot. You can view the currentversion in Menu > About.4Main Configurations4.1TemperatureMeasurementPurpose:The thermometry (temperature measurement) function provides the real-time temperature of the scene and display it on the left of yourscreen. The thermometry function is turned on by default.The thermometry parameters affect theaccuracy of temperature measurement.Steps:1In the live view interface, pressbutton show the menu bar.2Press /button to selectdesired setting bar.3Press button to go to the settinginterface.●Emissivity: Set the emissivity of yourtarget as the effectiveness in emittingenergy as thermal radiation.Note: Refer to the 6.1 CommonMaterial Emissivity Reference foremissivity values.●Temperature: Set the averagetemperature of the environment.●Distance (m/feet): Set the straight-linedistance between the target and thedevice.Note: The recommendedthermometry distance is 0.2 m to 2m with target size 80 × 80 mm.●Rule: Select Hot Spot, Cold Spot toshow the max. temperature, min.temperature in the live view interface.4Press /button to selectdesired parameter, and pressbutton to enable it.5If necessary, press /buttonto increases / decrease the settingvalues. Hold /button tochange the value quickly.6Press button to save and exit.4.2Other ConfigurationsHere is an example of setting laser lightfunction.Steps:1In the live view interface, pressbutton show the menu bar.2Press /button to selectLaser.3Press button to turn on / turn offlaser light function.4Press button to save and exit.5In live view interface, pull the trigger to turn on laser light, release the trigger toturn off laser light.Note: Other parameters, such as temperaturemeasurement range, unit, palettes and so on,can be configured as steps above.5System InformationGo to Menu > About to view the deviceinformation: Model, Version No., FPGA Version No., Serial No., Capacity and so on.You can also set the auto power-off duration,date and time in Menu.6Appendix6.1Common Material6.2Frequently AskedQuestions (FAQ)Q: The charge indicator flashes red.A:Examine the items below.1.Examine whether the device is charged withthe standard power adapter.2.Plug and unplug the battery once.3.Make sure the environment temperature isabove 0°C (32°F).Q:C apturing or recording fails.A:Examine the items below:1.Whether the device is connected to your PCand the capture function is unavailable.2.Whether the storage space is full.3.Whether the device is low-battery.Q:T he PC cannot identify the camera.A:Examine whether the device is connected to your PC with standard USB cable.Q:T he camera can not be operated or noresponding.A:Hold button to reboot the camera.。
XF40-Q2901 爆炸防护温度报警摄像头说明书
techniqueFicheXF40-Q2901Explosion-Protected Temperature Alarm CameraCaméra de surveillance de température certifiée classe/division et zoneXF40-Q2901Explosion-Protected Temperature Alarm Camera convient aux zones côtières et extracôtières,aux environ-nements marins et industriels lourds.Le boîtier inox est certifiépour les zones dangereuses et empêche touteétincelle ou explosion de s’échapper et d’enflammer des vapeurs,des gaz,des poussières ou des fibres dans l’air environnant. Cette caméra prend en charge les alarmes de déclenchement de zones d'alarme de températureàpartir desécarts de la température.Elle indique la température d'une zone spécifique.Visualisation facile des points chauds avec palettes isothermiques pour identifier leséquipements ou les zones en caméra réseau offre un niveau d’intégra-tionélevéavec d’autreséquipements,tels que contrôles d’accès et alarmes incendie.>Boîtier inox(SAE316L)>Résolution thermique336x256>Alarme de température et palettes isothermiques>Relevéde température des points chauds>Plage de températuresétendueXF40-Q2901Explosion-Protected Temperature Alarm Camera Modèles XF40-Q2901XF40-Q2901-60CXF40-Q2901-50C ULTous les modèles sont disponibles en différentes versions selonles exigences locales relativesàla certification deséquipementsdangereux.Code de certification des pièces XF40-Q2901/XF40-Q2901-60C:1410-TI-50Fourni dans un boîtier avec protection contre les explosions série1410.XF40-Q2901-50C UL:OXALIS-UL1410-TI-50Fourni dans un boîtier avec protection contre les explosions série UL1410.CaméraCapteur d'image Microbolomètre non refroidi336x256pixels,taille des pixels 17µm,gamme spectraleGamme spectrale:8à14µmObjectif Athermalisé19mm,F1.25Champ de vision horizontal:17°Distance de mise au point minimale:9,5m(354,3po)Plage de détection Il est recommandéque la taille d'un objet surveillécouvre au moins10x10pixels en336x256.SensibilitéNETD<50mK ThermographiePlage detempérature del'objetDe-40°Cà550°C(-40°Fà1022°F)Précision des températures En dessous de100°C(212°F):précision+/-5°C(+/-9°F) En dessous de150°C(302°F):précision+/-5%Au-dessus de150°C(302°F):précision+/-20%VidéoCompression vidéo Profils principal et de base H.264(MPEG-4Partie10/AVC) Motion JPEGRésolution Capteur336x256.L’image peutêtre proportionnée jusqu’à720x576.Fréquenced'imageJusqu'à8,3ipsDiffusion vidéo3flux individuels a en H.264et Motion JPEG:flux simultanés,configurables individuellement en résolution maximaleà8,3ipsBande passante et fréquence d’images contrôlablesVBR/CBR H.264Paramètres d'image Netteté,contrôle du gain automatique,zones d’exposition,gain maximal,rotation,palette,palette isothermique,compression, duplication des images,texte et images en surimpression et masques de confidentialitéRéseauSécuritéProtection par mot de passe,filtrage d’adresses IP,cryptage HTTPS b cryptage,authentification Digest,journal d'accèsutilisateurs,Gestion des certificats centraliséeProtocoles pris en charge IPv4,IPv6USGv6,HTTP,HTTPS b,SSL/TLS b,QoS Layer3DiffServ, FTP,CIFS/SMB,SMTP,Bonjour,UPnP TM,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II), DNS,DynDNS,NTP,RTSP,RTP,TCP,UDP,IGMPv1/v2/v3,RTCP, ICMP,DHCP,ARP,SOCKS,SSHIntégration systèmeInterface de programmation API ouverte pour l'intégration logicielle,avec VAPIX®etAXIS Camera Application Platform;caractéristiques sur AXIS Guardian avec connexion en un seul clicConnexion Cloud en un clicProfil ONVIF®S et Profil ONVIF®G,spécifications disponiblessur Outils d'analyse AXIS Video Motion Detection,détection des chocsPlate-forme d'applications AXIS Camera Application Platform,voir /acapDéclenchementd’événementsOutils d’analyse,détection de la température(6zones d'alarme),température du matériel,événements de stockage local,planification,détection de mouvementDéclenchementd'actions en casd'événementIncrustation de texte,enregistrement vidéo sur stockage externe,mise en mémoire tampon vidéo préet post-alarme,envoi de trapSNMPTéléchargement de fichier via FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,partageréseau et courrierélectroniqueNotification par courrierélectronique,HTTP,HTTPS et TCPFlux de données Données d'événementsAidesàl'installationintégréesCompteur de pixelsGénéralBoîtier Boîtier en inox SAE316L avec polissageélectrolytique,conformeaux normes IP66et IP67pour une protection maximale contrela corrosionFenêtre de protection en germaniumMémoire RAM de256Mo,mémoire flash de128MoAlimentation Consommation maxi,24V CA:28WConnecteurs Modèles XF40-Q2901:Trois entrées de câble M20pourconduits de câbleXF40-Q2901UL:Trois entrées de conduit3/4"NPTStockage Prise en charge des formats de carte microSD/microSDHC/mi-croSDXCPrise en charge de l'enregistrement sur un serveur de stockageen réseau(NAS)Pour des recommandations sur les cartes SD et le stockage NAS,voir Conditionsd’utilisationLes températures dépendent des certifications.Voir la sectionCertifications:XF40-Q2901:De-40°Cà70°C(-40°Fà158°F)XF40-Q2901-60C:-60°Cà+40°C(-76°Fà+104°F)XF40-Q2901-50C UL:-50°Cà+70°C(-58°Fà+158°F)Humiditérelative de10à100%(avec condensation)Conditions destockage-40°Cà65°C(-40°Fà149°F)Homologations CEMEN55022Classe A,EN55024,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,FCC Part15Sous-partie B Classe A,ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A),RCM AS/NZS CISPR22Classe ASécuritéEN/UL/CSA60065EnvironnementIEC/EN60529IP66,IP67ExplosionIEC/EN/SANS/ABNT NBR60079-0,IEC/EN/SANS/ABNT NBR/GOST60079-1,IEC/EN/SANS/ABNT NBR/GOST60079-31,GOST31610.0,GB3836.1,GB3836.2,CAN/CSA-C22.2No.60079-0,CAN/CSA-C22.2No.60079-1,CSA-C22.2No.60065-03,CAN/CSA C22.2N°25,CAN/CSA C22.2N°30-M,UL1203RéseauNIST SP500-267Certifications ATEX:II2G Ex db IIC T4Gb-60°C≤Ta≤+70°C Gb,II2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db IP66/67,Certificat:ITS16ATEX101021XIECEx:Ex db IIC T4-60°C≤Ta≤+70°C Gb,Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db IP66/67,Certificat:IECEx ITS15.0068XInmetro:IIC T4Gb-60°C≤Ta≤+70°C Gb,IIIC T135°C Db IP66/67,Certificat:UL-BR17.0063XcLC CSA:Ex d IIC T4-60°C≤Ta≤+60°C,Certificat:11396-1S-CSAEAC:Ex db IIC T4Gb-60°C≤Ta≤+70°C,Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db IP66/67,Certificat:TCRUCGB.ГБ04.B00587CCOE:Ex db IIC T4Gb-60°C≤Ta≤+70°C,Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db IP66/67,Certificat:P400546/1CNEX:Ex db IIC T4Gb-60°C≤Ta≤+70°C,Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db IP66/67,Certificat:17.1245XIA:Ex db IIC T4Gb-60°C≤Ta≤+70°C,Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db IP66/67,Certificat:S-XPL/17.0244XKCC:Ex d IIC T4-60°C≤Ta≤+70°C,Ex tD A21T135°C IP66/67-60°Cà+65°C,Certificat:17-GA4BO-0351X,17-GA4BO-0352XUL:Class I,Division1,Groupes B,C,D,T4+-50°Cà+70°C(-58°Fà+158°F),Classe II,Division1,Groupes E,F,G,IP67,Classe1Zone1A Ex d IIB+Hydrogène T4,Certificat:20170721-E477542Dimensions165x176x480mm(61/2x615/16x187/8po)Poids14kg(31lb)Accessoires fournis Pare-soleil,guide d’installation,licence1utilisateur du logiciel dedécodage Windows,carte microSDXC™AXIS Surveillance64GoAccessoires enoptionAlimentationélectrique certifiée ATEX contre les explosionsEx Réservoir de lavage pressuriséATEX/IECEx,Ex Power SupplyUL,Ex câbles ATEX/IECEx/EAC de différentes longueurs,fixationsmurales et sur poteau inoxTous les accessoires ne sont pas disponibles pour toutes lescertifications.Pour en savoir plus sur les accessoires disponibles,voir Logiciel degestion vidéoAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,logiciel de gestionvidéo des partenaires de développement d’applications d'Axisdisponible sur /techsup/softwareLangues Anglais,allemand,français,espagnol,italien,russe,chinoissimplifié,japonais,coréen,portugais,chinois traditionnelGarantie Garantie de5ans,voir /warrantyContrôled'exportationCe produit contient des technologies/composants contrôlésd'origine desÉtats-Unis,les Réglementations de l'administrationchargée de l'exportation du Gouvernement desÉtats-Unis(EAR)s'appliquent toujours au produit.Vous devez toujours respecterles réglementations nationales et internationales applicables aucontrôle des(ré-)exportations.a.Chaque palette ne peutêtre réglée par flux de données vidéob.Ce produit inclut un logiciel développépar le projet OpenSSL pour une utilisationdans la boîteàoutils OpenSSL.(),ainsi qu'un logiciel decryptographie développépar Eric Young(*****************).Responsabilitéenvironnementale:/environmental-responsibility©2016-2022Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ARTPEC et VAPIX sont des marques déposées d'Axis ABdans diverses juridictions.Toutes les autres marques commerciales appartiennentàleurs propriétaires respectifs.Nous nousréservons le droit d'apporter des modifications sans préavis.T10091735/FR/M11.2/2204。
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1:复位\透光孔、 2:拍照、摄像、 3:开\关机键、 4:摄像头、 5:MIC、6:USB、7:TF卡
本产品是首款具有单独录音高清数码摄像和拍照功能的MINI DV,
1.3、插座说明: USB插座(图示6),用于连接电脑或者充电器,进行数据传输、充电。
注意:根据电脑配置或者系统差异,识别可移动磁盘的时间会稍有不同,请耐心等待,此期间最好不要进行摄像机的操作,以免对电脑识别硬件造成影响,如果长时间未识别到可移动磁盘,请尝试重新插入,如果仍旧无法识别该硬件,请确认你的操作系统,驱动程序、USB接口、连接线是事都正常;(备注:本机要在, , 关机
把随机附带的光盘放入你电脑光驱,运行光盘里的STK02N 2.4.exe进行摄像头驱动安装,装好摄
PC Camera(网络摄像头)模式,在该模式下,你可以方便的与好友视频聊天、拍
打开网络摄像头画面:双击我的电脑→ 。
打开time文件夹,设置时间格式如:2000.01.01 00:00:00,年、月、日与时、分、秒之间用空格分开。
康明斯柴油发电机组 G4gXSgj49aNu。