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Design of dual-beam bridge crane hook


Lifting widely used in industrial and mining enterprises, port terminals, stations warehouses, construction sites, marine development, Astronauts in various industrial sectors, can be land, sea, air, civil, military lifting all aspects effective work during the .

Lifting machinery and transport machinery of progress, has become a rational organization of mass production and mechanized assembly-line batch basis, is one important symbol of modern production. The four modernizations in China's development and mechanization of various industrial sectors, labor productivity, the cranes will play a greater role.

The crane 10T double girder bridge crane, is mainly used for lifting heavy objects indoors. The main subject of the overall design of the crane, including the main beam intensity and the choice of running some parts, electrical parts of hoisting the main on the main hook was. Lifting equipment required to run a smooth, accurate positioning, safe, reliable, advanced technical performance.

KEY WORDS: Crane,Bridge crane,Modernization of production,Main beam


前言 (1)

第1章绪论 (2)

1.1 起重机的介绍 (2)

1.2 起重机设计的总体方案 (2)

第2章大车运行结构的设计 (4)

2.1 设计的基本原则和要求 (4)

2.1.1 机构传动方案 (4)

2.1.2 大车运行机构具体布置的主要问题 (4)

2.2大车运行机构的计算 (5)

2.2.1 确定机构的传动方案 (5)

2.2.2 选择车轮与轨道,并验算其强度 (6)

2.2.3 运行阻力计算 (8)

2.2.4 选择电动机 (9)

2.2.5 验算电动机的发热功率条件 (9)

2.2.6 减速器的选择 (10)

2.2.7 验算运行速度和实际所需功率 (10)

2.2.8 验算起动时间 (10)

2.2.9 起动工况下校核减速器功率 (12)

2.2.10 验算启动不打滑条件 (12)

2.2.11选择制动器 (14)

2.2.12 选择联轴器 (15)

2.2.13 浮动轴的验算 (15)

2.2.14 缓冲器的选择 (16)

第3章端梁的设计 (18)

3.1 端梁的尺寸的确定 (18)

3.1.1端梁的截面尺寸 (18)

3.1.2端梁总体的尺寸 (18)

3.2 端梁的计算 (19)

3.3 主要焊缝的计算 (23)

3.3.1端梁端部上翼缘焊缝 (23)

3.3.2下盖板翼缘焊缝的剪应力验算 (23)

第4章端梁接头的设计 (24)

4.1端梁接头的确定及计算 (24)

4.1.1腹板和下盖板螺栓受力计算 (25)

4.1.2上盖板和腹板角钢的连接焊缝受力计算 (26)

4.2 计算螺栓和焊缝的强度 (27)

4.2.1螺栓的强度校核 (27)

4.2.2焊缝的强度校核 (27)

第5章焊接工艺设计 (29)

第6章主钩电器控制部分 (32)

结论 (35)

谢辞 (36)

参考文献 (37)

附录 (37)

外文资料翻译 ................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
