实验1人体口腔上皮细胞的观察 PPT课件
![实验1人体口腔上皮细胞的观察 PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/565d101a27284b73f24250de.png)
在盖玻片一侧滴加苯酚复红染液,另一侧放一小 块吸水纸,可以使染液流入盖玻片下边,将细 胞染成浅红色。
可以看到口腔上皮细胞呈扁平多边形,试辨认细胞核、细胞质、细胞膜,细 胞核位于细胞中央,近圆形或椭圆形,被染成深红色,细胞质被染成浅 红色,细胞周缘较暗的一层为细胞膜,细胞界限明显
4、绘图时先把标本放在一个适宜的位置,能展现出 图中要求表示的各部分,先测量或估量一下标本 的大小,长宽比例,确定应放大或缩小的倍数再 开始绘图
5、先用软铅笔把标本形态结构的轮廓及主要部分轻轻画 出(线条要轻要细),如果标本将两部分画的相称
6、根据草图添绘各部分的详细结构,最后 用硬铅笔以清 晰的笔画绘出全图,线条是两侧对称,则应先画出一条 线垂直经过图的中央,这样容易要均匀一致,不要有接 痕,以点点表示标本上的凹凸、深浅、层次、结构的立 体感等,要将笔垂直于图纸绘成圆点,点的多少、疏密 视图的不同而异,但是点点不要重叠
1.浅谈创建人体解剖学标本陈列馆的体会 [J], 刘娟
2.人体解剖学教师参与标本制作的体会 [J], 李桂成
3.人体解剖标本制作的实践与体会 [J], 龙奕宏;陈翀;郑二来;陈金锋
4.人体解剖标本制作的实践与体会 [J], 龙奕宏;陈翀;郑二来;陈金锋
5.浅谈人体解剖学实验室建设的经验和体会 [J], 尹爱华;张海峰;孙玲;于丹丹;王德斌
1.人体断层标本制作技术的改良及应用 [J], 程明亮;袁耀华;王相化;赵文忠;刘键
2.人体断层标本制作技术方法的改进 [J], 李贵宝;刘树伟;尹群生;王政;田广平;宋涛;刘书涛;王宏宇
3.人体断层标本制作技术 [J], 高斌礼;郭秀珍;赵士斌;苏慧杰;张建宾;张琪
4.人体断层标本制作技术及研究进展 [J], 侯鹏高
5.人体断层解剖标本制作技术 [J], 张天飞;张集建;郭光金;余汇洋;蒋登金
人体解剖标本陈列室开放的实践与探索佚名【摘要】The opening of the body specimen showroom is the need of experimental teaching reform and development is also the need to playthe social function fully. In order to make full use of the resources,improve the quality of anatomy experiment teaching; educate high quality sports talent, propaganda popular science knowledge. This paper discussed the construction situation of the human body specimen showroom,open form and specific problems in the process of open and the solving measures.%人体解剖标本陈列室开放是实验教学改革和发展的需要,也是发挥社会功能的需要。
以适当强度(1V左右)刺激标本,可观察到在刺激 伪迹之后有一个双相动作电位。观察动作电位 两相的波形、幅值和时程。
用镊子夹伤两记录电极之间的神经,以同样参数 刺激神经标本,可见动作电位的第二相减小, 或完全消失,即为单相动作电位。观察其波形, 幅值和时程(图5—2)。
实验对象: 人 实验器材: 心电图机、导电膏(或生理盐水)、酒精棉球、分
(2)受检者仰卧在检查床上,放松肌肉。在手腕和足踝内 侧,用酒精棉球清洁皮肤脱去皮脂,再涂上少量的导 电膏(或生理盐水)并安放引导电极。用同样方法安放 胸部电极。导联线的连接方法如下:红色——右手、 黄 色 —— 左 手 、 绿 色 —— 左 足 、 黑 色 —— 右 足 、 白 色——胸部电极(图23—1)。
实验内容: 1 观察脑和脊髓、心脏的标本 2 观察脑和脊髓、心脏的模型 3 观察神经传导的电动模型
作业:列表总结脑各部分的组成 列表总结人体运动、感觉传导的主要通
实验四 神经干复合动作电位的记录 蟾蜍坐骨神经缝匠肌标本制备 骨骼肌收缩特性的观察与分析
结果及分析 1、兔皮层机能定位的特点? 2、α阻断的条件是什么?
一、实验目的1. 通过观察人体骨架标本,了解人体骨骼的组成和结构。
2. 掌握骨骼系统的基本功能,包括支持、保护、运动和造血等。
3. 理解骨骼系统在不同年龄段的变化特点。
二、实验器材1. 人体骨架标本2. 解剖图谱3. 解剖工具(如解剖镊、解剖刀等)4. 实验记录表三、实验内容1. 骨骼系统的组成- 观察人体骨架标本,识别颅骨、躯干骨和四肢骨的组成部分。
- 记录各部分骨骼的名称和数量,如颅骨29块、躯干骨51块、四肢骨126块。
2. 骨骼的基本结构- 观察骨骼的横切面,了解骨的基本结构,包括骨膜、骨质和骨髓。
- 骨膜内有神经和血管,为骨组织提供营养,骨膜内层有成骨细胞,与骨的生长和修复有关。
- 骨髓分为红骨髓和黄骨髓,红骨髓具有造血功能,黄骨髓主要储存脂肪。
3. 骨骼的功能- 骨骼支持身体,构成人体支架,使身体保持直立姿势。
- 骨骼保护内脏器官,如颅骨保护大脑,胸廓保护心脏和肺。
- 骨骼参与运动,骨与骨之间的关节使身体能够进行各种运动。
- 骨骼制造红血球和白血球,参与人体的免疫和造血功能。
4. 骨骼系统在不同年龄段的变化- 儿童时期,骨骼系统处于生长发育阶段,骨骼数量较多,如骶骨有5块,尾骨有4~5块。
- 成人时期,骨骼数量减少,如骶骨和尾骨合并为1块。
- 老年时期,骨骼密度降低,易发生骨质疏松和骨折。
四、实验步骤1. 观察人体骨架标本,识别各部分骨骼的名称和数量。
2. 观察骨骼的横切面,了解骨的基本结构。
3. 分析骨骼的功能,并记录在实验记录表上。
4. 分析骨骼系统在不同年龄段的变化特点。
五、实验结果与分析1. 人体骨骼由206块骨组成,分为颅骨、躯干骨和四肢骨三个大部分。
2. 骨骼的基本结构包括骨膜、骨质和骨髓,骨膜内有神经和血管,骨膜内层有成骨细胞。
3. 骨骼的功能包括支持、保护、运动和造血等。
4. 骨骼系统在不同年龄段发生变化,儿童时期骨骼数量较多,成人时期骨骼数量减少,老年时期骨骼密度降低。
一、实验目的1. 了解人体解剖学的基本结构和组成。
2. 培养观察、分析、归纳和总结的能力。
3. 掌握人体解剖学的基本术语和概念。
二、实验材料1. 人体解剖标本2. 实验指导书3. 记录本、铅笔、尺子等实验用品三、实验内容1. 骨骼系统观察(1)观察全身骨骼的组成,包括颅骨、脊柱、胸廓、骨盆和四肢骨骼。
2. 肌肉系统观察(1)观察全身肌肉的分布,了解肌肉的起止点和作用。
3. 内脏系统观察(1)观察胸腔内脏,包括心脏、肺、食管等。
4. 神经系统观察(1)观察脑和脊髓的结构,了解中枢神经系统的组成。
四、实验步骤1. 准备工作(1)预习实验指导书,了解实验内容和要求。
2. 观察骨骼系统(1)按照实验指导书的要求,依次观察全身骨骼的组成。
3. 观察肌肉系统(1)按照实验指导书的要求,依次观察全身肌肉的分布。
4. 观察内脏系统(1)按照实验指导书的要求,依次观察胸腔、腹腔和盆腔内脏。
5. 观察神经系统(1)按照实验指导书的要求,依次观察脑、脊髓和周围神经。
五、实验结果与分析1. 骨骼系统(1)全身骨骼由颅骨、脊柱、胸廓、骨盆和四肢骨骼组成。
2. 肌肉系统(1)全身肌肉分为骨骼肌、平滑肌和心肌三种。
后面观 前面观
• 髋关节的组成; • 股骨头关节面与髋臼关节面(形态和大小 的差别); • 关节囊厚、紧张而坚韧; • 髂股韧带; • 连于股骨头和髋臼之间的股骨头韧带。
• 膝关节的组成: • ①股骨、胫骨、髌骨参与构成的滑车——椭圆形 状的复杂关节; • ②关节囊宽阔,周围有韧带增强。注意股四头肌 腱内的髌骨和髌韧带的位置; • ③向下翻开关节囊的前壁,观察髌骨下方两侧的 滑膜襞和探查髌骨上方的髌上囊; • ④前、后交叉韧带; • ⑤内、外侧半月板。
(一)中轴骨的观察 先在人体骨架标本上辨明中轴各骨的名 称和各骨的邻接关系; 然后确定它们在活体中各自的部位。 观察中轴各骨形态结构及骨标标志。
(二)上肢骨的观察 先在人体骨架标本上辨明上肢各骨的名 称和各骨的邻接关系; 确定它们在活体中各自的部位。 观察上肢各骨形态结构及骨标标志。
(三)下肢骨的观察 先在人体骨架标本上辨明下肢各骨的名 称和各骨的邻接关系; 确定它们在活体中各自的部位。 观察下肢各骨形态结构及骨标标志。
通过对猪腿骨的解剖观察,掌握骨的大体 构造;通过对骨组织和骨发生模型的观察,了 解骨的微细构造及生长发育特点
(一)解剖新鲜猪腿骨。 观察骨的骨表形态、大体构造; (二)对照、观察骨板、骨组织放大模型。 (三)观察骨发生模型。
事隔20年后,我决定到自然博物馆的那个所谓“禁区” 看一看,也算是为了克服自己的恐惧吧,还跟那里的负责人聊了会儿天。
粗箭:门静脉 细箭:肝总管 箭头:肝动脉
1. 2.
4. 5.
7. 8.
脾动脉 肝动脉 胰 门静脉 下腔静脉 肝总管 肝圆韧带裂 肝左叶 肝尾叶
主动脉 2. 腹腔动脉 3. 脾动脉 4. 肝动脉 5. 门静脉 6. 下腔静脉 箭:肝总管
粗箭:门静脉 细箭:肝总管 箭头:肝动脉
1. 2. 3.
膀胱 精囊 直肠
注:直肠内充盈 液体和气体
腰椎轴位切面CT图 (经椎弓根下部层面)
1.椎体 2.椎弓根 3.椎板 4.棘突 5.横突 6.椎管 7.椎体基底静脉
RPV:门脉右支 LPV:门脉左支
门脉及其分支数字减影 血管造影图
1. 胃冠状静脉(胃左静脉) 2. 脾静脉 3. 门脉主干 4. 门脉左支 5. 门脉左支脐部 6. 门脉右支 7. 门脉右前上支 8. 门脉右后上支 9. 门脉右后下支 注:本例门脉高压,故门 脉及其分支、胃冠状静 脉与脾静脉均呈不同程 度的扩张状态。
3.肝左叶前外侧段 4.肝左叶内侧段(方叶) 7.肝右叶后上段 8.肝右叶前上段
注:1.肝左叶内外侧段以肝左静脉为界。2.肝右叶前上段与后上段以 肝右静脉为界。3.肝左右叶以肝中静脉为界。4.肝左叶前外侧段又叫 外侧下段,后外侧段又叫外侧上段。说明两者的关系是:一个在后 上方,一个在前下方。
S E I TSomso Modelle Artificial Bone Models Extremities and JointsM ARCUS S OMMER S OMSO M ODELLES E I TFriedrich-Rueckert-Straße 54, D-96450 CoburgPhone 0049 9561 85740, Fax 0049 9561 857411e-mail: somso@somso.de, Internet: www.somso.deA NATOMY14 Extremities and Joints T HE HUMAN FOOT- A MARVEL COM AND19 MUSCLESNS 1 · N ORMAL F OOTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing the anatomical structure and the distal end of tibia. In one piece. Length (Pternion-Akropodion): 24 cm., height: 13 cm., width: 26 cm., depth: 10 cm., weight: 450 gNS 2 · F LAT F OOTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing the anatomical structure and the distal end of tibia. In one piece. Height: 13 cm., width: 26 cm., depth: 9 cm., weight: 450 gNS3 · A RCHED F OOTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast.Showing the anatomicalstructure and the distalend of tibia. In one piece.Height: 16 cm.,width: 24 cm.,depth: 10 cm.,weight: 450 gNS4 · C LUB FOOTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast.The model had been developedin cooperation withDr. Urs Schneider, Tübingen.Showing the pathologicalanatomy of the footand distal tibia.Height: 13 cm.,width: 20,5 cm.,depth: 10,5 cm.,weight: 410 gNS9 ·M USCLES OFTHE F OOTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing the network ofnerves and vessels, the layers of the muscles of the sole of the foot are removable (M. flexor digitorum brevis, M. quadratus plantae, M. extensor digitorum longus, Tendo calcaneus (Achillis), M. abductor digiti minimi, M. flexor hallucis bre-vis, M. adductor hallucis (caput obliquum) and M. abductor hallucis), ligamentous apparatus is shown. Altogether in 9 parts. On a stand with base. Height: 18 cm., width: 33 cm., depth: 18 cm., weight: 1.1 kgNS7 · N ORMAL F OOTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast.Showing the surface muscles. Inone piece. On a stand with base.Height: 29 cm., width: 32 cm., depth:17.5 cm., weight: 600 gNS8 · N ORMAL F OOTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast.Sagittal section through the insideof the foot. Showing the surfacemuscles at the right half of thefoot. In one piece. On a standwith base. Height: 28 cm., width:29 cm., depth: 17.5 cm., weight:98S E I TPRISING26 BONES , 107 LIGAMENTS99Nature is our ModelSomso ModelleNS 10 · M USCLES OF THE L EG WITH B ASE OF P EL VISA little under natural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing the most important blood vessels and nerves in the left leg. The following muscles are removable: the greater gluteal muscle, tensor muscle of the broad fascia, sartorius muscle, straight muscle of the femur, semimembranous muscle, semitendinous muscle, biceps muscle of the femur, digitorum longus muscle, triceps muscle of the calf. Separates altogether in 10 parts. Standing upright, revolving on a stand with base. Height: 108 cm., width:39 cm., depth: 26 cm., weight: 5 kgNS5 ·H ALLUX VALGUS MODELIn cooperation withDr. Urs Schneider, TübingenNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. The purchased hallux valgus model is a frequent orthopaedic clinical picture as an accompanying aspect of splay feet or pes phanovalgus. On the one hand the model shows the "first ray" pathology with abduction of the first metatarsal bone, adduction and pronation of the proximal phalanx as well as the faculta-tive flexed distal phalanx. On the other hand the significance of the pathological muscle pull for the ethiology and thera-py of the deformity is shown. The role of a pathological muscle pull direction in the progression of the hallux valgus can be studied as an example for many other deformities. Height: 13 cm., width:25 cm., depth: 10 cm., weight: 430 gThis leaflet is an over-worked extract from our complete catalogue A 74. On page 98-104 you will find the extremities and joints and on page 110-139 the artificial bone preparations are shown. Our models are protected by copyright. ©2004 by Marcus Sommer ,SOMSO Modelle.Duplication andreprinting in any form by any method, whether digital or conventional processes, are prohi-bited.A NATOMY 14Extremities and JointsA RM AND LEG MODELS SHOW THE A BONES , TENDONS , JOINTS AND BLOO100NS 15 · M USCLES OF THE A RM WITH S HOULDER G IRDLENatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing the network of blood vessels and nerves in the right arm. The following muscles are removable: deltoid muscle, lateral head of the triceps muscle of the arm, short and long extensor muscle of the radial wrist with brachioradial muscle, round pronator muscle - flexor muscle of the radial wrist - long palmar muscle, superficial flexor muscle of the fingers. Altogether in 6 parts. Standing upright and revolving on a stand with base. Height: 105 cm.,width: 39 cm., depth: 26 cm., weight: 4.6 kgNS 13 ·M USCLES OF THE H AND WITH B ASE OF F ORE -A RMNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Aponeu-rosis of the inner hand with the superfici-al muscles removable in layers (Mm. lum-bricales, M. abductor pollicis brevis, M.abductor digiti minimi und M. flexor di-giti minimi brevis). Showing the network of blood vessels and nerves as well as liga-mentous apparatus. Altogether in 5 parts.On a stand with base. Height: 34 cm.,width: 14 cm., depth: 12 cm., weight: 500 gS E I TNATOMY OF THE MUSCLES ,D VESSELSNature is our ModelSomso Modelle101NS 17 · S HOULDER J OINTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. With ligaments and synovial capsule. In one piece. On a stand with base. Height:23 cm., width: 19 cm., depth: 19 cm.,weight: 500 gNS 18 · E LBOW J OINTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing the ligaments. In one piece. On a base.Height: 21 cm., width: 13 cm., depth:12 cm., weight: 200 gNS 19 · K NEE J OINTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing the ligaments and menisci. In one piece.On a base. Height: 24 cm., width: 12 cm.,depth: 14 cm., weight: 300 gNS 20 · H IP J OINTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing the ligaments. In one piece. On a base.Height: 28 cm., width: 18 cm., depth:18 cm., weight: 600 gNS 50 · FUNCTIONALM ODELOFTHE KNEE J OINTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Thefollowing movements are possible:flexion, extension, inner and outer rota-tion. On a base. Height: 34 cm., width:18 cm., depth: 18 cm., weight: 1 kgThe advantages of SOMSO functional models1. Authentic repro-duction of the arti-cular anatomy2. Top quality,tough and durable flexible plastic for the ligaments3. Use of screw connectionswherever possible 4. Practical to hand-le by removal from the stand5. Key on base6. 5-year warrantyFFF102A NATOMY 14Extremities and JointsS OMSO FUNCTIONAL MODELS ALLOWNATURAL LOCOMOTIVE PROCESSESFFF103Bending movements of the toe jointsS E I TA DETAILED PRESENTATION OFNature is our ModelSomso ModelleNS 37 ·L IGAMENTSTHE A NKLEO PEN T ALONAVICULAR J OINTNS21 · A NKLE J OINTSWITH L IGAMENTSNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Consi-sting of the bones of the foot and thedistal ends of tibia and fibulawith ligamentous apparatus.Length(Pternion-Akropodion):21.5 cm. Inone piece. On astand with base.Height: 38 cm.,width: 18 cm.,depth: 18 cm.,weight:400 g104A NATOMY14Extremities and JointsT HE SECTIONS OF JOINT IN SOMSO-P LAST, DOCUMENTED IN A SERIES OF MODELSNS 43 - NS 48. C ASTS FROM NATURAL BONE SECTIONS WITH TOPOGRAPHY OFMUSCLES, LIGAMENTS, VESSELS AND NERVES. E ACH WITH EXPLANATION ON THE BASEPLATE. U NDER REMOVABLE TRANSPARENT COVERNS 43 · S ECTION THROUGHTHE K NEE J OINTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Sagittalsection. In one piece. Height: 26 cm.,width: 32 cm., depth: 4 cm., weight:800 gNS 44 · S ECTION THROUGHTHE H IP J OINTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast. Frontalsection. In one piece. Height: 26 cm.,width: 32 cm., depth: 4 cm., weight:900 gNS 45 · S ECTIONTHROUGH THE H ANDNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast.Sagittal section. In one piece. Height:26 cm., width: 32 cm., depth: 4 cm.,weight: 800 gNS 47 · S ECTIONTHROUGH A N ORMAL F OOTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast.Sagittal section. In one piece. Height:26 cm., width: 32 cm., depth: 4 cm.,weight: 800 gNS 48 · S ECTION THROUGHTHE S HOULDER J OINTNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast.Frontal section. In one piece. Height:26 cm., width: 32 cm., depth: 4 cm.,weight: 900 g.NS 46 · S ECTIONTHROUGH THE E LBOWNatural size, in SOMSO-Plast.Sagittal section. In one piece. Height:26 cm., width: 32 cm., depth: 4 cm.,weight: 800 gSOMSO - a fullfive-year guaranteefive-year warranty - on nearly all models - that covers both durabilityand workmanship.Nature is OurModelEach and every model in the rangedemonstrates SOMSO’scommitment to the highest standards of scientific accuracy and artistry.From concept through prototype to limited or series production, only specialist scientists,model makers and technicians are employed to produce the highestquality models, accurate down to the finest detail.SOMSO MODELLE - subject to stringent quality controlsSOMSO’s primary concern is for quality.Quality that passes the tests for scientific accuracy, paintwork, function, durability and materials. Genuine SOMSOMODELLE reflect these quality criteria,and their base material is virtually un-breakable SOMSO-PLAST.World-wide appreciation from the science and teaching professions and from museumsSOMSO MODELLE are indispensable for practical teaching of general biology in schools. The …Nature is Our Model“ range is superbly instructive, particularly in accuracy, quality and colour, enabling students to experience nature in an incomparable, hands-on manner.Appropriately proportioned SOMSO MODELLE are in use in science labora-tories and lecture halls of universities and colleges throughout the world, making an important contribution to the efficient instruction of trainee doctors and nurses.For many decades, SOMSO MODELLE have been permanently displayed in private collections and public museums,and are of unique interest to specialists and lay visitors alike.The family members are personallyresponsible for the production of every model, and the guaranteed quality oftheir products.Hand assembly and finishing by GermancraftsmenSOMSO MODELLE are produced only in Sonneberg or Coburg - nowhere else -by highly qualified and skilled craftsmen.Some components are now machine-made, but all models are assembled and painted entirely by hand so that each is a unique work of art.Over 1,000anatomical, zoological and botanical modelsApplying to nearly every one of these models is the …SOMSO SUN“,the in-stantly recognisable and world famous registered trade mark.To produce the teaching aids for studying anatomy ,zoology and botany the com-pany has a quite simple, but demanding philosophy: …Nature is Our Model“.SOMSO SUN, the symbol of qualitySOMSO was founded in Sonneberg,Thuringia more than 125 years ago. Since then, SOMSO MODELLE have proved to be the benchmark to which others aspire, recognised by the most discerning experts as the ultimate for teaching aids and scientific demonstration. For the Sommer family this is the motivation that drives them to contribute now, and in the future, to training and teaching in the service of science.A family-run firm founded in 1876The company has been owned and managed by five generations of the Sommer family since it was first established in 1876.The Sommer family110QS 2 · A RTIFICIAL H UMAN S KULLNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. Remo-vable vault, the lower jaw is movable and modelled to show the roots of the teeth and their network of vessels. Base of the skull and roof with markings in colour of the venous sinus of the dura mater of the brain and the arteries.Separates into 3 parts. Length: 17.5 cm.,width: 14.1 cm., size: 51.2 cm., weight:800 gA NATOMY 16Artificial Bone ModelsN ATURAL BONE STRUCTURE IS THE FOR S OMSO ARTIFICIAL BONE PREPA111ESSENTIAL YARDSTICK RATIONSNature is our ModelSomso ModelleQS 7/T ·A RTIFICIAL TRANSPARENTHUMANS KULLNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. Remova-ble vault, lower jaw movable. Life-like reproduction of the bony structure. Sepa-rates into 3 parts. Weight: 800 gQS 7/1 ·A RTIFICIAL H UMAN S KULLNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 7,but with notation and explanation in English and Latin. Separates into 3parts. Weight: 800 gQS 7/E · A RTIFICIAL H UMAN S KULLNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. Remova-ble vault, lower jaw movable. Separates into 3 parts. Length: 17.5 cm., width:14.1 cm., size 51.2 cm., weight: 800 gQS 7/2 · A RTIFICIAL B ASE OF THE S KULLNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. Designed for medical students'studies. In one piece. Length: 17.5 cm., width: 14.1 cm., size:51.2 cm., weight: 530 gQS 7 · A RTIFICIAL H UMAN S KULLNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. Removable vault, lower jaw movable. Life-like reproduction of the bony skull. Separates into 3 parts. Length. 17.5 cm., width: 14,1 cm., size: 51.2 cm., weight:800 gIllustration of the skullbase from below.The structure of the bones is identical to the models QS 2, QS 2/1, QS 7 and QS 7/1S E I TA NATOMY 16Artificial Bone ModelsT HE H UMAN CRANIUM CLASSICALL YLAST DETAIL112QS 7/6-1 · A RTIFICIAL H UMAN S KULL , F EMALENatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 7/6, but with notation. Explanation in English and Latin. Separates into 3 parts. Weight: 700 gQS 7/6 · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KULL , F EMALENatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. Remo-vable vault, lower jaw movable. Life-like reproduction of the bony structure.Separates into 3 parts. Length: 18.3 cm.,width: 12.8 cm., size: 50.8 cm., weight:700 gQS 3 · A RTIFICIALS KULL OF A N EWBORNModeled according to nature, in SOMSO-Plast. Upper and lower jaw are open. Altogether in 2 parts. Length:12.1 cm., width: 9.6 cm., size: 33.9 cm.,weight: 180 gQS 3/3 ·A RTIFICIAL S KULL OF A F ETUSNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. In one piece. Length: 10.5 cm., width: 8.5 cm.,size: 29.7 cm., weight: 130 gQS 3/2 ·A RTIFICIAL S KULL OF C HILD (A BOUT 6 Y EARS O LD )Natural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. Lower jaw movable. Upper and lower jaw are open to show the emergent second den-tition. Altogether 2 parts. Length:16 cm., width: 11.5 cm., size: 44 cm.,weight: 380 gQS 7/5 ·A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KULLNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 7/1, but showing the areas of origin and insertion of the most important muscles of the head. Separates into 3 parts.Length: 17.5 cm., width: 14.1 cm., size:51.2 cm., weight: 800 gQS 1 ·A RTIFICIAL H UMAN S KULLNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. With closed vault, lower jaw removable. Sepa-rates into 2 parts. Weight: 700 gQS 7/3 ·A RTIFICIAL H YOID B ONENatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. In one piece. On a stand with base. Height:13 cm., width: 12 cm., depth: 12 cm.,weight: 130 gQS 8 ·T RANSPARENTD USTPROOF C OVERSuitable for the artificial human skulls.Height: 21 cm., width: 32 cm., depth:19 cm., weight: 600 gS E I TPREPARED RIGHT DOWN TO THENature is our ModelSomso Modelle113QS 8/10 ·A RTIFICIAL S KULL OF AN A DULTNatural cast, made of SOMSO-Plast.Designed to be separated into 10 parts.Design as QS 8/11, but without repre-sentation of the blood vessels and nerves. Weight: 1 kgQS 8/11 ·A RTIFICIAL D EMONSTRATION S KULL OF AN A DULTNatural cast, made of SOMSO-Plast.With representation of the blood vessels and nerves (N. trigeminus and N. opti-cus etc.). Designed to be separated into 10 parts as follows:1. Cranium with coloured vessels and blood supply of the hard meninx2. Base of the skull, sectioned through median line into two halves3. Nasal septum detachable. Theparanasal sinuses and turbinate bones are shown4. The frontal sinus can be opened5. The maxillary sinus can be opened6. The right temporal bone can be taken out and opened. Representation of the bony labyrinths, the semicircular canals,the eardrum and the chain of auditory ossicles. A radial mastoidectomy is shown on the left temporal bone.7. Detachable lower jaw and roots of the teeth are exposed (flap). Complete set of teethLength: 18 cm., width: 13.1 cm., size:50.4 cm., weight: 1 kgQS 8/11-S · A RTIFICIALD EMONSTRATION S KULLOF ANADULTNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 8/11, but with notation. Key in Englishand Latin. Weight: 1 kg114QS 8/2 ·14-P IECE M ODEL OF THE S KULLNatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast after Prof.Dr. Dr. J. W . Rohen, De-partment of Anatomy,University of Erlangen.The model is construc-ted from 14 individual parts, which can easily be dismantled and put back together by way of interconnecting plugs.The sphenoid bone, oc-cipital bone and the two temporal bones form the basis of the skull;the two parietal bones and the frontal bone attach to the anterior of the sphenoid bone. The facial part of the skull is then completed through attachment of the right and left maxilla, each of which also includes the lacrimal, nasal and pala-tine bones. Facial and cranial bones are con-nected to each other on each side by the zygo-matic bone, which in the model is a separate element that can be in-dividually removed. The mandible is fixed into sockets on either side of the skull through a hin-ge-joint. Weight: 700 gA NATOMY 16Artificial Bone Models C OMPLEX CRANIAL ANATOMY - 14P115QS 8/3 · 14-P IECE M ODEL OF THE H UMAN S KULLNatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W . Rohen, Department of Anatomy, University of Erlangen. The same model as QS 8/2, but in colour. Here, the individual bones are identified by different colours. This version of the model eases learning of the shape and size of the individual bones and thereby assists in the under-standing of the mosaic-like structure of the human skull. Weight: 700 gQS 8/4 ·T RANSPARENT C ASEHinged and made out of transparent synthetic material. Suitable for SOMSO skulls. Weight: 900 gQS 69 · T HE T HREE A UDITORY O SSICLESCast from natural specimen 1 : 1, in SOM-SO-Plast. Malleus, incus and stapes mo-unted under "Plexiglas" cover, removable.On a base plate. Height: 3 cm., width:12 cm., depth: 12 cm., weight: 80 gQS 69/1 · T HET HREE A UDITORY O SSICLESNatural cast 1 : 1, in SOMSO-Plast. Mal-leus, Incus and Stapes mounted in natural position under "Plexiglas cover". Can be removed, on stand. Height: 3 cm., width:12 cm., length: 12 cm., weight 80 g.QS 70 · A RTIFICIALBONY LABYRINTHCast from natural specimen 1:1, in SOM-SO-Plast. The labyrinth is mounted under "Plexiglas" cover, removable. On a base plate. Height: 3 cm., width: 12 cm., depth:12 cm., weight: 80 gQS 8/51 · A RTIFICIAL T EMPORAL B ONENatural cast, in OMSO-Plast. In one part. On stand with base. Height:17cm., width:12cm., depth:12cm., weight: 150 gQS 8/53 · A RTIFICIAL T EMPORAL B ONENatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. The opened tympanic cavity shows the tym-panic membrane, the three auditory ossicles, the cochlea and the semicircular canals. Separates into 2 parts. On a stand with base. Height: 17 cm., width: 12 cm.,depth: 12 cm., weight: 150 gS E I TART STEP BY STEP SEPARATIONNature is our ModelSomso ModelleQS 70/1 · T HE T HREEA UDITORY O SSICLES WITHBONY LABYRINTHNatural cast 1 : 1, in SOMSO-Plast.Under "Plexiglas cover". Can be remo-ved, on stand. Height: 3 cm., width:12 cm., length: 12 cm., weight 80 gA NATOMY 16Artificial Bone Models T HE DISMANTABLE S KULL M ODEL A ALSO AVAIABLE IN 18P IECES AND M116QS 8/218 · 18-P IECES M ODEL OF THE S KULLNatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast,after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W . Rohen, Depart-ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan-gen. The model comprises 18 elements corresponding to the natural bones.Apart from the cranium (frontal, pa-rietal, occipital and sphenoid bones), the bones of the viscero cranium (ethmoid bone, vomer, palatine bone, zygomatic bone, maxilla and mandible) and the in-ferior nasal concha can be removed and reassembled to form the complete skull.Weight: 640 gQS 8/2C+M ·14-P IECES M ODEL OF THE S KULL WITHMUSCLES OF MASTICA -TION AND CERVICAL VERTEBRAL , COLUMN AND HYOID BONENatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast, after Prof. Dr.Dr. J. W . Rohen, Department of Anatomy, University of Erlangen. As QS 8/2, but with the 4 muscles of mastication and cervical vertebral, column and hyoid bone. Weight:1.720 kgMoreover the skull (18-pieces)with muscles of mastication,cervical vertebral column and hyoid bone is available under article number QS 8/218C+M and the coloured versions areavailable with article number QS 8/3C+M (14-pieces skull) as well as QS 8/318C+M (18-pieces skull).QS 8/318 · 18-P IECES M ODEL OF THE S KULLNatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast,after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W . Rohen, Depart-ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan-gen. The model comprises 18 elements corresponding to the natural bones.Weight: 640 g117S E I TNature is our ModelSomso ModelleFTER P ROFESSOR R OHEN NOW USCLES OF MASTICATIONQS 8/218M · 18-P IECESM ODEL OF THE S KULL WITHMUSCLES OF MASTICATIONNatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast,after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W . Rohen, Depart-ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan-gen. Version as QS 8/218 but with the 4 masticatory muscles. Weight: 715 g The 14-pieces model of the skull with muscles of mastication has the article number QS 8/2M.QS 8/3M · 14-P IECES M ODEL OF THE S KULL WITH MUSCLESOF MASTICATIONNatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast,after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W . Rohen, Depart-ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan-gen. Version as QS 8/3 but with the 4masticatory muscles. Weight: 715 gThe 18-pieces model of the skull with muscles of mastication has the articlenumber QS 8/318M.Lower jaw with the 4 muscles of mastication QS 8/1 ·M ETAL S TAND WITH B ASESuitable for the SOMSO skull models.Height: 19 cm., width: 18 cm., depth:18 cm., weight: 300 g; Illustration of the stand with the skull model see QS 8/3CQS 8/3C · 14-P IECESM ODEL OF THE S KULL WITH C ERVICAL V ERTEBRALC OLUMN AND H YOID B ONENatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast,after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W . Rohen, Depart-ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan-gen. Version as QS 8/3 but with cervical vertebral column and hyoid bone.Weight 1.220 kgQS 8/6 · F ALX C EREBRINatural size, made from SOMSO-Plast,after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W . Rohen.The 14or 18 piece skull model can also be supplied with a transparent plastic falx cereberi with tentorium cerebelli.Weight: 66 gs e e b a cktit l e s-118QS 9/5 · A RTIFICIALB AUCHENE S KULL OFAN A DULTNatural cast, inSOMSO-Plast. The samemodel as QS 9,but coloured.Height: 40 cm.,width: 26 cm.,depth: 39 cm.,weight: 1.9 kgQS 9/1 ·A RTIFICIALB AUCHENE S KULLOF AN A DULTNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast. Unmo-unted in a case, altogether 22 parts.Height: 12 cm., width: 42 cm., depth:30 cm., weight: 3 kgQS 9/4 · T RANSPARENTS TORAGE C ASEFitting to unmounted single bonesof the baucheneskull.Height:12cm.,width:42cm.,depth: 30cm.,weight: 2.4kgIllustrationof the individuell bonesQS 9/1, QS 9/2 and QS 9/3119QS 9/2 ·A RTIFICIALB AUCHENES KULL OF AN A DUL TNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast.Unmounted, each bone individuallypacked in a suitable transparent box,altogether 22 parts. Weight: 2.2 kg.Illustration of the individual bonessee QS 9/1QS 9/3 ·A RTIFICIALB AUCHENES KULL OF AN A DUL TNatural cast, in SOMSO-Plast.All bones loose and unmounted inplastic sacks included in a carton,altogether 22 parts. Weight: 550 g.Illustration of the individual bonessee QS 9/1S E I TTHE ART OF BONE PREPARATION Nature is our Model Somso ModelleThe height and dimensions comply withthe Central European average.Maximumcranium circumference:Female = 50.8 cm.,male = 51.2 cm.Cranium length (Glabel-la-Ophistocranion line):Female = 18.3 cm.,male = 17.5 cm.Cranium width(Euryon distance):Female = 12.8 cm.,male = 14.1 cm.Hand skeleton length(Stylion-Dactylion III):Female = 18 cm.,male = 19 cm.Foot skeleton length(Pternion-Acropodion):Female = 22.2 cm.,male = 25 cm.A NATOMY16Artificial Bone ModelsT HE HUMAN SKELETAL SYSTEM- THE 120QS 10 · A RTIFICIAL H UMANS KELETONNatural cast of the bones of a male adult,in SOMSO-Plast. Showing life-size allthe anatomical details of the bone struc-ture. Skull with removable vault andmandible. Joints mounted and movable,upper and lower extremities removable.The right and left foot can be detachedfrom the leg. Mounted upright on astand. With a dustproof cover. Height:179 cm. (skeleton 170 cm.), width:55 cm., depth: 55 cm., weight: 10 kgQS 10/1 · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KELETONNatural cast of the bones of a maleadult, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 10, butwith rollers on the base of the stand.Height: 180 cm. (skeleton 170 cm.),width: 55 cm., depth: 55 cm., weight:10.4 kgQS 10/E · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KELETON(without ill.)Natural cast of the bones of a maleadult, in SOMSO-Plast. Showing life-size all the anatomical details of thebone structure. Skull with removablevault and mandible. Joints mounted andmovable, upper and lower extremitiesremovable, except of the hands and feet.Mounted upright with rollers on the baseof the stand. With a dustproof cover.Height: 180 cm. (skeleton 170 cm.), width:55 cm., depth: 55 cm., weight: 10 kgMaleSkeletonQS 10FS E I TS OMSO PROGRAMME Nature is our Model Somso Modelle121 Detail QS 10/2 – Muscular functionDetail QS 10/3, QS 10/10, QS 10/11 –Hook for hangingDetail - Standfor hangingQS 10/4QS 10/12QS 10/13QS 10/13GAQS 10/14FemaleSkeletonQS 10/7FF QS 10/2 · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KELETONNatural cast of the bones of a maleadult, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 10, buton one arm the flexible muscles of theupper arm are reproduced. By bendingor stretching the arm the flexion orextension of the muscles can be shown.Schematic working model. Height:179 cm. (skeleton 170 cm.), width:55 cm., depth: 55 cm., weight: 10.1 kgQS 10/3 · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KELETONNatural cast of the bones of a maleadult, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 10, butwith hook for hanging at the skull(without stand). Height: 170 cm., width:38 cm., depth: 28 cm., weight: 8.8 kgQS 10/4 · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KELETONNatural cast of the bones of a maleadult, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 10/3,but with stand for hanging and base.Height: 180 cm. (skeleton 170 cm.),width: 55 cm., depth: 55 cm., weight:11.5 kgQS 10/7 · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KELETONNatural cast of the bones of a femaleadult, in SOMSO-Plast. Life-like repre-sentation of bone structure with fullanatomical detail. Skull with removablevault and mandible. Joints movable,upper and lower limbs removable. Bothright and left foot can be detached fromthe leg. Mounted upright on stand.Height: 180 cm. (skeleton 171 cm.),width: 55 cm., depth: 55 cm., weight:10.4 kgQS 10/8 · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KELETONNatural cast of the bones of a femaleadult, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 10/7,but with rollers on the base of the stand.Height: 180 cm. (skeleton 171 cm.),width: 55 cm., depth: 55 cm., weight:10.7 kgQS 10/10 · A RTIFICIALH UMAN S KELETONNatural cast of the bones of a femaleadult, in SOMSO-Plast. As QS 10/7 butwith hook for hanging on the skull(without stand). Height: 171 cm., width:39 cm., depth: 28 cm., weight: 8.5 kgRollers on the baseof the stand (5 arms)The artificial skeletons are articulatedstanding or suspended, rigid or articulated,with muscular attachments, numbering,articular ligaments or muscle function,according to the customer’s requirements.。