



实用标准文案哈利波特与魔法石HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE<第一幕 >DUMBLEDOREI should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall.MCGONAGALLGood evening Professor Dumbledore. Arethe rumors true Albus?DUMBLEDOREI'm afraid so Professor. The good and thebad.MCGONAGALLAnd the boy?DUMBLEDOREHagrid is bringing him.MCGONAGALLDo you think it wise to trust Hagridwith something as important as this? DUMBLEDOREAh, Prof. I would trust Hagrid with my lifeHAGRIDProfessor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall. DUMBLEDORENo problems I trust Hagrid?HAGRIDNo, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we wereflying over Bristol. Try not to wake him.There you go.MCAlbus, do really think it's safe leavinghim with these people? I've watched them allday. There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are--DUMBLEDOREThe only family he has.MCGONAGALLThis boy will be famous. There won't be achild in our world who doesn't know his name. DUMBLEDOREExactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he is ready. There,there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye afterall. Good Luck, Harry Potter.---------------------<第二幕 >(one)AUNT PETUNIAUp. Get up! Now!DUDLEYWake up cousin! We're going to the zoo!AUNT PETUNIAHere he comes the birthday boy!(two)UNCLE VERNONhappy birthday son.AUNT PETUNIAWhydon't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything.HARRYYes Aunt Petunia.AUNT PETUNIAI want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!UNCLE VERNONHurry up! Bring my coffee boy!HARRYyes Uncle Vernon.AUNT PETUNIAAren't they wonderful darling?DUDLEYHow many are there?VOLDEMORT36, Counted them myself.DUDLEY36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37 VOLDEMORTYes, but some of them are a bit bigger thanlast year's!DUDLEYI don't care how big they are!AUNT PETUNIANow, now, now, this is what we're going todo. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin?AUNT PETUNIAIt should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'mreally looking forward to it.VOLDEMORTI'm warning you now boy. Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals fora week. Get in.实用标准文案(three)DUDLEYMake it move.VOLDEMORTMove.DUDLEYMOVE!HARRYHe's asleep.DUDLEYHe's boring.HARRYSorry about him he doesn't understand whatit's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you. Canyou hear me? It's just I've never talked toa snake before.Do you...Do you talk to people often? You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Did you miss your family?I see. That's me as well. I never knew myparents either.DUDLEYMummy,Dad, come here you won't believe what this snake is doing! Woah! Woah! Ah!SNAKEThanks.HARRYAny time.OTHSnake! Ahh!DUDLEYMum! Mummy! Help me!PERCYMy darling boy! Howdid you get in there! Who did this? How did you get in there? Is therea snake?---------------------<第三幕 >(one)PERCYIt's all right sweetheart. We'll get you out of these terrible clothes.VOLDEMORTWhat happened?HARRYI swear, I don't know! One minute the glasswas there then it was gone, it was like magic! VOLDEMORTThere's no such thing as magic.(two)VOLDEMORTOh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk.DUDLEYDad! Look! Harry's got a letter!HARRYHey give it back! It's mine!VOLDEMORTYours? Who'd be writing to you?VOLDEMORTNo more mail through this letterbox.AUNT PETUNIAHave a lovely day at the office, dear. VOLDEMORTShoo! Go on!(three)VOLDEMORTFine day Sunday. In my opinion best day ofthe week. And why is that Dudley?HARRYBecause there's no post on Sundays.VOLDEMORTRight you are Harry. No post on Sunday. Ha!No blasted letters today! No, sir! Not onesingle bloody letter!Not one! No sir, not one blasted, miserable--DUDLEYMake it stop, please!VOLDEMORTStop it!DUDLEYMummy what's happening?VOLDEMORTGive me that! Give me that letter!HARRYGet off! They're my letters! Let go of me! VOLDEMORTThat's it! We're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!DUDLEYDaddy's gone mad hasn't he?- - - -(four)HARRYMake a wish, Harry.VOLDEMORTWho's there?HAGRIDSorry 'bout that.VOLDEMORTI demand that you leave at once. Youare breaking and entering.HAGRIDDry up Dursley you great prune. Well, I haven't seen you since you was a baby Harry.But you're a bit more along then I would have expected; particularly around the middle.DUDLEYI'm not... I'm not Harry.HARRYI am.HAGRIDWell of course you are! Got something for you. Afraid I might have sat on it at some pointbut I imagine it'll taste fine just the same. Baked it myself, words and all.HARRYThank you!HAGRIDIt's not everyday your young man turns 11 now it is?HARRYExcuse me, but who are you?HAGRIDRubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keysand Grounds at Hogwarts.Of course you know all about HogwartsHARRYSorry, no.HAGRIDNo? Blimey Harry didn't you ever wonder didn't you ever wonder how your mum and dad learned it all?HARRYLearned what?HAGRIDYou're a wizard Harry.HARRYI'm a what?HAGRIDA wizard. And a thumpin' good one I'd wageronce you've trained up a bit.HARRYNo, you've made a mistake. I mean I can't be a wizard... I mean I'm Harry, Just Harry.Well, "Just Harry" did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared? Um Hum.HARRYDear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going! We swore when we tookhim in that we would put a stop to all of this rubbish!HARRYYou knew? We knew all along and younever told me?AUNT PETUNIAOf course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect being who she was. Oh I remember theday she got her letter. My parents were soproud. We have a witch in the family. Isn'tit wonderful? I was the only one who saw herfor what she was... a freak. And then she met that Potter, and then she had you and I knewyou would be the same just as strange just as abnormal. And then, if you please, she gotherself blown up, and we got landed with you. HARRYBlown up?! You told me my parents died in acar crash!HAGRIDA car crash? A car crash killed Lily andJames Potter?PATWe had to say something!HAGRIDIt's an outrage. It's a scandal.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going.HAGRIDOh and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself is gonna stop him.HARRYMuggle?HAGRIDNon- magic folk. This boy's had his name down since he were born. He's going to the finestschool of witchcraft and wizardry in the world.And he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen, Albus Dumbledore...VOLDEMORTI will not pay to have some crack pot old fool teach him magic tricks!HAGRIDNever insult Albus Dumbledore in front ofme... I'd appreciate it if you didn't tellanyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speakingI'm not supposed to do magic.HARRYOKHAGRIDWe're a bit behind schedule. Best be off.Unless you'd rather stay, of course.---------------------<第四幕 >(one)HARRYAll students must be equipped with a onestandard size two pewter cauldron, and maybring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat,or a toad. Can we find all this in London?HAGRIDIf you know where to go.TOM (BARTENDER)Ah, Hagrid the usual I presume.HAGRIDNo thanks Tom, I'm on official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Harry buy his school business.TOMBless my soul, it's Harry Potter.OTHERWelcome back Mr. Potter welcome back.DORISDoris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.QUIRRELLHarry P-p-potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.HAGRIDhello, professor I didn't see you there.Harry Professor Quirrell will be your defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.HARRYOh, nice to meet you,QUIRRELLA fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, eh, P-potter?HAGRIDYes, well must be going now. Lots to buy.HARRYGood bye.HAGRIDSee, Harry? You're famous.HARRYBut why am I famous Hagrid? All those people back there how is it they know who I am?HAGRIDI'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that,Harry.Welcome Harry, to Diagon Alley.That's where you get your quills and ink. Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.(two)OTHIt's a world class racing broom.OTHWow! Look at it the new Nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet!HARRYBut Hagrid how am I to pay for all this? Ihaven't any money.HAGRIDWell there's your money Harry! Gringotts,the wizard bank! Ain't no safer place, not one! 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.HARRYHagrid what exactly are these things?HAGRIDThey're goblins Harry. Clever as theycome the goblins, but not the most friendlyof beasts. Best stay close. Mr. Harry Potterwishes to make a withdrawalGOBLINAnd does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?HAGRIDWait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Ha!There's the little devil. Oh, and there'ssomething else as well. Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It's about You- Know- What invault you know which.GOBLINVery well.GRIPHOOKVault 687. Lamp please. Key, pleaseHAGRID实用标准文案Didn't think your mumand dad would leave you withnothing now did you?GRIPHOOKVault 713.HARRYWhat's in there Hagrid?HAGRIDCan't tell you Harry. Hogwarts business. Very secret.GRIPHOOKStand back.HAGRIDBest not to mention this to anyone Harry.HARRYI still need... a wand.HAGRIDA wand? Well, you want Ollivander's. Thereain't no place better. Whydon't you run along and wait. I got one more thing to do. Won'tbe long.(three)HARRYHello? Hello?OLLII wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. Potter.It seems only yesterday that you mother andfather were in here buying their first wands. Here we are. Well give it a wave. Apparentlynot. Perhaps this. NO, no definitely not. No matter. I wonder... Curious... very curiousHARRYSorry but what's curiousOLLII remember every wand that I've sold Mr.Potter, every one. It so happens that thephoenix whose tail feather resides in yourwand, gave another feather. Just one other.It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar. HARRYAnd who owned that wand?OLLIWe do not speak his name. The wand choosesthe wizard Mr. Potter. It is not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible, yes, but great.HAGRIDHarry! Harry! Happy Birthday!HARRYWoah!HAGRIDYou all right Harry? You seem very quiet.HARRYHe killed my parents didn't he? The one whogave me this. You know Hagrid. I know you do. HAGRIDFirst and understand this Harry because it's very important. Not all wizards are good.Some of them go bad. A few years ago one ofthem went as bad as you can go. His name wasV--. His name was V--.HARRYWell maybe if you wrote it down?HAGRIDNaw I can't spell it. All right,Voldemort.HARRYVoldemort?HAGRIDShh. It was dark times Harry, dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers.Brought them over to the Dark Side.Anyone who stood up to him ended up dead. Your parentsfought against him. Nobody lived once he decided to kill them. Nobody, not one. Except you.HARRYMe? Voldemort tried to kill me?HAGRIDYes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead Harry. A mark from that only comesfrom being touched by a curse, an evil curseat that.HARRYWhat happened to V--... To You-Know-Who?HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tiredto carry on. But one thing'sabsolutely certain.Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you'refamous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived.HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one thing'sabsolutely certain.Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you'refamous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived.---------------------<第五幕 >(one)HAGRIDWhat are you looking at? Blimey is that time? Sorry Harry, but I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore would be wanting his...Well, he'd be wanting to see me. Now, your train leavesin 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. Stick toit Harry, that's very important.Stick to you ticket.HARRYPlatform 9 ? But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9 ? There's nosuch thing. Is there?OTHSorry.HARRYExcuse me! Excuse me!OTHOn your left.HARRYExcuse me sir. Can you tell me where I might find Platform 9 ?OTH9 ? Think you're being funny do you?MRS. WEASLEYIt's the same every year packed with Muggles of course. Come on!HARRYMuggles?MRS. WEASLEYPlatform 9 ?this way! All right Percyyou first. Fred you next.GEORGE WEASLEYHe's not Fred I am!FRED WEASLEYHonestly, woman you call yourself our mother!MRS. WEASLEYI'm sorry George.FRED WEASLEYOnly joking! I am Fred.HARRYExcuse me! Could you tell me how to...MRS. WEASLEYHow to get on to the platform? Yes, not toworry dear, it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. Now, all you have to do is walkstraight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10.Best do it at a run if you're nervous.GINNYGood luck! - -(two)RON WEASLEYExcuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full.HARRYNot at all.RON WEASLEYI'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.HARRYI'm Harry. Harry Potter.RON WEASLEYSO it's true!DO you really have the... the...HARRYThe what?RON WEASLEYThe scar?HARRYOh!RON WEASLEYWicked!OTHAnything off the trolley dears?RON WEASLEYNo, thanks, I'm all set.HARRYWe'll take the lot!RON WEASLEYWoah!HARRYBertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?RON WEASLEYThey mean every flavor! There's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. George sweared he got boogie flavored one once.HARRYThese aren't real frogs are they?RON WEASLEYIt's just a spell. But it's the cards youwant. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 me self. Watch it! That'srotten luck. They've only got one good jumpin them to begin with.HARRYI've got Dumbledore!RON WEASLEYI've got about 6 of him.HARRYHey, he's gone!RON WEASLEYWell you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he?HARRYJust a little bit.RON WEASLEYFred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see? HARRYYeah!RON WEASLEYAhem... Sunshine...HERMIONEhas anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville'shas one.RON WEASLEYNo.HERMIONEOh are you doing magic? Let's see then.RON WEASLEYAhem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turnthis stupid fat rat yellow.HERMIONEAre you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? Of course, I've onlytried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo.That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're HarryPotter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are...?RON WEASLEYI'm Ron Weasley.HERMIONEPleasure. You two better change into yourrobes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.(three)HAGRIDRight then. First years this way, please!First years, don't be shy. Comeon now, hurry up! Hello Harry!HARRYHi Hagrid!RON WEASLEYWoah!HAGRIDRight, then. This way to the boats. Come onnow, follow me.RON WEASLEYWicked!- - - -MCGONAGALLWelcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few momentsyou will pass through these doors and joinyour classmates. But before you take yourseats, you must be sorted into your houses.They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw,and Slytherin. Now while you're here yourhouse will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking andyou will loose points. At the end of the year, the houses with the most points is awarded the house cup.NEVILLETrevor! Sorry.MCGONAGALLThe Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily.DRACO MALFOYIt's true then, what they're saying on thetrain. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.N&OTHHarry Potter?DRACO MALFOYThis is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy.Draco Malfoy. Think my name's funny do you?No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley.You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to making friends with the wrongsort. I can help you there.HARRYI think I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks.MCGONAGALLWe're ready for you. Follow me.(four)HERMIONEIt's not real the ceiling.It's just bewitched to look like the night outside. Iread about it in Hogwarts, A History.MCGONAGALLWill you wait along here please.Now before we begin,Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words.DUMBLEDOREI have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note, thatthe Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students.Also,our caretaker,Mr. Filch,has asked me to remind you that the third floorcorridor on the right hand side is out ofbounds to all who do not wish to die a mostpainful death. Thank you.MCGONAGALLWhen I call your name you will come forth,I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head,and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger!HERMIONEOh, no. OK relax.RON WEASLEYMental that one, I'm telling you.SHARRYAh, right then. Hum... Right. Okay, Gryffindor!MCGONAGALLDraco Malfoy!SHARRYSlytherin!RON WEASLEYThere's no witch or wizard who went badwho wasn't in Slytherin.MCGONAGALLSusan Bones!HARRYOw!RON WEASLEYHarry what is it?HARRYNothing. Nothing, I'm fineSHARRY...where shall I put you? Let's see... I know! Hufflepuff!MCGONAGALLRonald Weasley!SHARRYHa! Another Weasley! I know just what todo with you... Gryffindor!MCGONAGALLHarry potterSHARRYHmmm... Difficult, very difficult. Plentyof courage, I see. Not a bad mind either.There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you...HARRYNot Slytherin, not Slytherin!SHARRYNot Slytherin eh? Are you sure? You could be great you know. It's all herein your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No?(Harry whispering: Please, Please anythingbut Slytherin,anything but Slytherin.)Well if you're sure, better be... Gryffindor! MCGONAGALLYour attention please.DUMBLEDORELet the feast begin!HARRYWow!SFRED WEASLEYI'm half and half. Me dad's a Muggle, mam'sa witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out!HARRYSay Percy, who's that teacher talkingto Professor Quirrell?PERCYOh, Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house.HARRYWhat's he teach?PERCYPotions. But everyone knows it's theDark Arts he fancies. He's been afterQuirrell's job for years.RON WEASLEYAh!SIR NEVILLEHello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor.OTHIt's the Bloody Baron!PERCYHello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?实用标准文案SIR NEVILLEDismal. Once again my request to jointhe Headless Hunt has been denied.RON WEASLEYI know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick.SIR NEVILLEI prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind.HERMIONE"Nearly" headless? How can you be "nearly" headless?SIR NEVILLELike this.RON WEASLEYAh!---------------------<第六幕 >PERCYGryffindors,follow me, please. Keep up. Thank-you.OTHRavenclaw follow me. This way.PERCYThis is the most direct part to the dormitories.Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change. Keep up please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on.OTHThat picture's moving!OTHLook at that one.OTHI think she fancies you.OTHLook, look!OTHWho's that girl?WALL PICTUREWelcome to Hogwarts!THE FAT LADYPassword?PERCYCaput Draconis. Follow me, everyone.Keep up. Quickly, come on! Gather around here. Welcome to the Gryffindor common room.Boys' dormitories is upstairs and down to your left. Girls the same on your right.You'll find all your belonging have already been brought up.---------------------<第七幕 >(one)RON WEASLEYWhew! We made it! Can you imagine the lookon McGonagall's face if we were late? That was bloody brilliant!MCGONAGALLThank-you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigured Mr. Potter and yourself into apocket watch. That way one of you might be on time.HARRYWe got lost.MCGONAGALLThen perhaps a map? I trust you don't needone to find your seats.(two)SEVERUS SNAPEThere will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such,I don't expect many of you to appreciate thesubtle science and exact art that is potionmaking. However, for those select few whopossess the predisposition. I can teach youhow to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.I show you how to bottle fame,brew glory,and even put a stopper in death.Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable thatyou feel confident enough to not pay attention.Mr.Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added root ofasphodel to an infusion of wormwood? You don't know? Well let's try again. Where Mr.Potter would you look if I asked you to findme a bezoar?HARRYI don't know, sir.SEVERUS SNAPEAnd what is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?HARRYI don't know sir.SEVERUS SNAPEPity. Clearly fame isn't everything. Is itMr. Potter?实用标准文案(three )SFRED WEASLEYEye of rabbit, harp sting hum, turn thiswater into rum... Eye of rabbit harp sting hum, turn this water into rum.HARRYWhat's Seamus trying to do to that glass ofwater?RON WEASLEYTurn it to rum. Actually he managed to makeweak tea yesterday,before---Ah, mail's here.HARRYCan I burrow this? Thanks.OTHHey look! Neville's got a Remembrall.HERMIONEI've read about those. When the smoke turnsred it means you've forgotten something.NEVILLEThe only problem is I can't remember what Ihave forgotten.HARRYHey Ron, somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen: "Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts goblins were acknowledging the breach insist nothing was taken. The vault in question number 713 had been emptied earlier that very same day." That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to.---------------------<第八幕 >MHARRYGood afternoon, class.OTHSGood afternoon Madame Hooch.MHARRYGood afternoon Amanda, good afternoon. Welcome to your first flying lesson. Wellwhat are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Comeon now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up.H & OTHSUp! Up!HARRYWoah!DRACO MALFOYUp.RON WEASLEYUp. Up!MHARRYWith feeling!HERMIONEUp. Up! Up. Up!RON WEASLEYUP! Ow! Shut up Harry.MHARRYNow once you've got hold of your broom, Iwant you to mount it. Grip it tight. You don't wanna be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady,hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. Three, two... Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Mr. Mr. Longbottom!OTHSDown! Down!HARRYNeville!NEVILLEHelp! Help!MHARRYComeback down this instant!Mr. Longbottom! Everyone out of the way!HERMIONEIs he alright?NEVILLEOw!MHARRYOh oh oh. Oh dear, it's a broken wrist. Poor boy. Come on now, up you get. Everyone is tokeep their feet firmly on the ground while Itake Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the airthe one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say "Quidditch".DRACO MALFOYDid you see his face? If the fat lump hadgiven this a squeeze he would remember to fall on his fat arse.HARRYGive it here Malfoy.DRACO MALFOYNo, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about on the roof?What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond you reach?HERMIONEHarry! No way! You heard what Madame Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly! What an idiot!HARRYGive it here Malfoy or I'll knock you offyour broom!DRACO MALFOYIs that so? Have it your way, then!OTHYeah!OTHNice going, Harry!OTHThat was wicked Harry!MCGONAGALLHarry Potter! Follow me. You wait here.QUIRRELL... this is an ingredient...MCGONAGALLProfessor Quirrell, excuse me, excuse me could I borrow Wood for a moment, please?QUIRRELLWell, yes of course.MCGONAGALLPotter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood I havefound you a Seeker.---------------------<第九幕 >SIR NEVILLEHave you heard Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well.RON WEASLEYSeeker? But first years never make the house teams. You must be the youngest Quidditchplayer in...HARRYA century. According to McGonagall.FRED WEASLEYWell dome Harry! Wood's just told us!RON WEASLEYFred and George are on the team too. Beaters. GEORGE WEASLEYOur job is to make sure that you don't getbloody up too bad. Can't make any promises of course. Rough game Quidditch. FRED WEASLEYBrutal! But, nobody's died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally.GEORGE WEASLEYBut they'll turn up in a month or two!RON WEASLEYOh go on Harry! Quidditch is great. Best game there is, and you'll be great too!HARRYBut I've never even played Quidditch!What if I make a fool of myself?HERMIONEYou won't make a fool of yourself. It'sin your blood.RON WEASLEYWoah! Harry, you never told me your fatherwas a seeker too!HARRYI didn't know.---------------------<第十幕 >RON WEASLEYI'm telling you, it's spooky! She knows move about you than you do!HARRYWho doesn't? What's happening?HERMIONEThe staircases change remember?HARRYLet's go this way.RON WEASLEYBefore the staircase moves again. Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?HERMIONEWe're not supposed to be here. This isthe third floor. It's forbidden!HARRYLet's go.HERMIONEFlich's cat!HARRYRun! Quick, let's hide through that door!It's locked!RON WEASLEYthat's it we're done for!HERMIONEOh! Move over! Alohomora! Get in!。



实用标准文案哈利波特与魔法石HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE(one)> <第一幕AUNT PETUNIA DUMBLEDOREUp. Get up! Now! I should've known you would have been hereDUDLEYProfessor McGonagall.Wake up cousin! We're going to the zoo! MCGONAGALLAUNT PETUNIAGood evening Professor Dumbledore. Are theHere he comes the birthday boy! rumors true Albus?DUMBLEDORE(two)I'm afraid so Professor. The good and theUNCLE VERNONbad.happy birthday son. MCGONAGALLAUNT PETUNIA And the boy?try breakfast and cook don't you DUMBLEDOREjust the Whynot to burn anything. Hagrid is bringing him.HARRYMCGONAGALLYes Aunt Petunia. Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid withAUNT PETUNIAsomething as important as this?my DUMBLEDOREperfect for everything to be I wantDudley's special day! Ah, Prof. I would trust Hagrid with my lifeUNCLE VERNONHAGRIDHurry up! Bring my coffee boy! Professor sir. Professor. Dumbledore, HARRYMcGonagall.yes Uncle Vernon. DUMBLEDOREAUNT PETUNIANo problems I trust Hagrid?Aren't they wonderful darling? HAGRIDDUDLEYNo, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we wereHow many are there? flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. VOLDEMORTThere you go.36, Counted them myself. Albus, do really think it's safe leaving MCDUDLEY these people? I've watched them all him with36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37!!! of worst There're day. the sort Muggles VOLDEMORTimaginable. They really are- -Yes, but some of them are a bit bigger than DUMBLEDORElast year's! The only family he has.DUDLEYMCGONAGALLI don't care how big they are! This boy will be famous. There won't be aAUNT PETUNIAwho our child in world doesn't his name. knowNow, now, now, this is what we're going to DUMBLEDOREbuy to out we're up growing off far Exactly. He's better away going when do. Is that we goyou 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin? from all of that. Until he is ready. There, AUNT PETUNIAthere Hagrid. It's not really goodbye afterIt should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm all. Good Luck, Harry Potter.really looking forward to it.VOLDEMORT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -business, funny Any now warning I'm you boy.any at all and you won't have any meals for>第二幕<a week. Get in.精彩文档.实用标准文案(two)(three)VOLDEMORTDUDLEYOh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. Make it move.DUDLEYVOLDEMORTDad! Look! Harry's got a letter! Move.HARRYDUDLEYHey give it back! It's mine! MOVE!VOLDEMORTHARRYHe's asleep. Yours? Who'd be writing to you?VOLDEMORTDUDLEYNo more mail through this letterbox. He's boring.AUNT PETUNIAHARRYHave a lovely day at the office, dear. Sorry about him he doesn't understand what VOLDEMORT watching day after day it's like, lying therepeople press their ugly faces in on you. Can Shoo! Go on! you hear me? It's just I've never talked to(three) talk to you before. a snake Do you... DoVOLDEMORTaren't often? You're from Burma, you? peopleFine day Sunday. In my opinion best day of Was it nice there? Did you miss your family? the week. And why is that Dudley? I see. That's me as well. I never knew myHARRYparents either.Because there's no post on Sundays. DUDLEYbelieve what come Mummy, Dad, here you won'tVOLDEMORTthis snake is doing! Woah! Woah! Ah!Right you are Harry. No post on Sunday. Ha! SNAKENo blasted letters today! No, sir! Not one Thanks.one not HARRY No sir, bloody single letter! Not one!- blasted, miserable- Any time.DUDLEYOTHMake it stop, please! Snake! Ahh!VOLDEMORT DUDLEYStop it! Mum! Mummy! Help me!DUDLEYPERCYMummy what's happening? there! in Who did boy! My darling How you get VOLDEMORTdid this? How did you get in there? Is thereGive me that! Give me that letter! a snake?HARRYGet off! They're my letters! Let go of me! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VOLDEMORT> <第三幕Where far away! going one()That's it! We're away,they can't find us! PERCYDUDLEYout you We'll sweetheart. right It's all get- - - - Daddy's gone mad hasn't he? of these terrible clothes.VOLDEMORTWhat happened?HARRY(four) I swear, I don't know! One minute the glassHARRYit gone, it then there was was like was magic!Make a wish, Harry. VOLDEMORTVOLDEMORTThere's no such thing as magic.精彩文档.实用标准文案make ever did you Who's there? Well, Just Harrycouldn't HAGRIDyou happen? Anything anythingexplain, when you were angry or scared? Um Sorry 'bout that.Hum. VOLDEMORTHARRY I demand that you leave at once. You areyou to inform Potter, we are pleased Dear breaking and entering. Mr.that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts HAGRIDSchool of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Well, you great prune. I Dry up Dursley VOLDEMORThaven't seen you since you was a baby Harry.He will not be going! We swore when we took have along But you're a bit more then I would this expected; particularly around the middle. all of a stop to him in that we would putrubbish! DUDLEYHARRYI'm not... I'm not Harry.You knew? We knew all along and you never HARRYtold me?I am.AUNT PETUNIAHAGRIDOf course we knew. How could you not be? My for you. Got Well of course you are! something perfect being who she was. Oh I remember the Afraid I might have sat on it at some point day she got her letter. My parents were so the taste fine just same. it'll but I imagine proud. We have a witch in the family. Isn't Baked it myself, words and all.it wonderful? I was the only one who saw her HARRYmet Thank you! she freak. And then for what she was... athat Potter, and then she had you and I knew HAGRIDas man just as strange would be turns 11 now the same just you everyday It's not your youngabnormal. And then, if you please, she got it is?you. landed with we blown up, HARRYand got herselfHARRYExcuse me, but who are you?Blown up?! You told me my parents died in a HAGRIDcar crash! Rubeus and Keys Grounds at of Hagrid, KeeperHAGRIDOf Hogwarts. course about all you knowA car crash? A car crash killed Lily and HogwartsJames Potter? HARRYPATSorry, no.We had to say something! HAGRIDHAGRIDHarry Blimey didn't wonder you ever No?It's an outrage. It's a scandal. didn't you ever wonder how your mum and dad VOLDEMORTlearned it all?He will not be going. HARRYHAGRID Learned what?yourself like a great Muggle Oh and HAGRIDI supposeis gonna stop him. You're a wizard Harry.HARRY HARRYMuggle? I'm a what?HAGRID HAGRIDdown his name folk. This A wizard. And a thumpin' good one I'd wager boy's had magic Non-since he were born. He's going to the finest once you've trained up a bit.the in witchcraft and wizardry school offinest the under world. And HARRYhe'll beAlbus made No, you've seen, has that can't I mean I mistake. a be headmaster Hogwarts everDumbledore... a wizard... I mean I'm Harry, Just Harry.VOLDEMORTHAGRID精彩文档.实用标准文案Yes, well must be going now. Lots to buy. old fool some crack pot I will not pay to have HARRY teach him magic tricks!Good bye. HAGRIDHAGRIDNever insult Albus Dumbledore in front ofSee, Harry? You're famous. me... I'd appreciate it if you didn't tellHARRYanyone that. Strictly at Hogwarts aboutpeople All those I famous speaking I'm not supposed to do magic. Hagrid? But why am back there how is it they know who I am? HARRYHAGRIDOKto person I'm the right HAGRIDI'm not exactly sureto Harry, that, Harry. Welcome tell you We're a bit behind schedule. Best be off. your get where you Diagon Alley. Unless you'd rather stay, of course.That'sand your bits all and ink. Over there, quillsbobs for doing wizardry. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> <第四幕(two) (one)OTHHARRYIt's a world class racing broom. All students must be equipped with a oneOTH standard size two pewter cauldron, and maythe It's Nimbus the new 2000! Wow! Look bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, at itfastest model yet! or a toad. Can we find all this in London?HARRYHAGRIDBut Hagrid how am I to pay for all this? I If you know where to go.haven't any money. TOM (BARTENDER)HAGRIDAh, Hagrid the usual I presume.Well there's your money Harry! Gringotts, HAGRIDone! place, safer not the wizard bank! Hogwarts on Tom, No thanks I'm official Ain't no'Cept perhaps Hogwarts. business. Just helping young Harry buy hisHARRYschool business.Hagrid what exactly are these things? TOMBless my soul, it's Harry Potter.HAGRIDOTHERThey're goblins Harry. Clever as they come Welcome back Mr. Potter welcome back.the goblins, but not the most friendly ofbeasts. Best stay close. Mr. Harry Potter DORISwishes to make a withdrawal can't Potter. Crockford, Doris Mr. I believeGOBLINI'm meeting you at last.And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key? QUIRRELLHAGRIDyou C-can't P-p-potter. Harry tell howWait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Ha! p-pleased I am to meet you.There's the little devil. Oh, and there's HAGRIDDumbledore Professor well. something hello, professor I didn't see you there. else as gave me this. It's about You- Know- What in be will Quirrell Harry Professor your vault you know which. defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.HARRYGOBLIN Oh, nice to meet you,Very well. QUIRRELLGRIPHOOKVault 687. Lamp please. Key, please subject. fascinating fearfully A that N-notyou need it, eh, P-potter?HAGRIDHAGRID精彩文档.实用标准文案leave you mum and dad would Didn't think yourHAGRIDwith nothing now did you?Harry! Harry! Happy Birthday!HARRY GRIPHOOKWoah! Vault 713.HAGRIDHARRYYou all right Harry? You seem very quiet. What's in there Hagrid?HARRYHAGRIDHe killed my parents didn't he? The one who business. tell you Harry. Hogwarts Can't do. know you know Hagrid. Very secret. I this. gave me YouHAGRID GRIPHOOKit's Stand back. Harry because and understand this Firstvery important. Not all wizards are good. HAGRIDSome of them go bad. A few years ago one of Best not to mention this to anyone Harry. them went as bad as you can go. His name wasV--. His name was V--. HARRYHARRYI still need... a wand.Well maybe if you wrote it down? HAGRIDHAGRIDA wand? Well, you want Ollivander's. ThereVoldemort. run along spell it. All right, Naw I can't you place ain't no better. Why don'tand wait. I got one more thing to do. Won'tHARRYbe long.Voldemort?HAGRID(three)Shh. It was dark times Harry, dark times. HARRYVoldemort started to gather some followers. Hello? Hello?who Anyone Dark Side. Brought them over to OLLI thestood up to him ended up dead. Your parents Mr. Potter. you when I wondered I'd be seeing he once It seems only yesterday that you mother and Nobody lived fought against him. Except not one. to first their wands. kill them. Nobody, decided buying father were in hereyou. Here we are. Well give it a wave. ApparentlyHARRYnot. No Perhaps not. this. NO, no definitelyMe? Voldemort tried to kill me? matter. I wonder... Curious... very curiousHAGRIDHARRYyour on no ain't ordinary cut Sorry but what's curious Yes. Thatforehead Harry. A mark from that only comes OLLIfrom being touched by a curse, an evil curse I remember every wand that I've sold Mr. at that. Potter, every one. It so happens that theHARRYphoenix whose tail feather resides in yourWhat happened to V--... To You-Know-Who? wand, gave another feather. Just one other. is It curious be destined for should that youHAGRIDscar. that you brother when this wand its gavemy Codswallop in died. Well HARRYsome say hethere still And who owned that wand? he's out opinion. Nope, I reckonthing's one on. But carry OLLItoo tired toyou We do not speak his name. The wand chooses Something about absolutely certain. stumped him that night. That's why you're the is Potter. Mr. wizard It always not clear name. your expect can we clear is it think I But why. that everybody That's famous. why knowsYou're the boy who lived. things great After all, you. fromHAGRIDHe-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things.Terrible, yes, but great.精彩文档.实用标准文案HARRYin my he died. Codswallop Well some sayExcuse me! Could you tell me how to... there still Nope, I reckon he's out opinion. MRS. WEASLEYone thing's to too tired carry on. ButHow to get on to the platform? Yes, not to you absolutely certain. Something about Hogwarts to first time worry dear, it's stumped him that night. That's why you're Ron's as well. Now, all you have to do is walk your name. knows famous. That's why everybody platforms 9 and at the You're the boy who lived. wall between straight10. Best do it at a run if you're nervous.GINNY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - > <第五幕Good luck!(one)(two)HAGRIDRON WEASLEYBlimey looking at? is that time? What are youExcuse me, do you mind? Every where else is leave you. gonna Sorry Harry, but I'm have tofull. wanting Dumbledore would be his... Well, he'dHARRYbe wanting to see me. Now, your train leavesNot at all. in 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. Stick toRON WEASLEYyou important. Stick to that's it Harry, veryI'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley. ticket.HARRYHARRYI'm Harry. Harry Potter. Platform 9 ? But, Hagrid, there must be aRON WEASLEYmistake. This says Platform 9 ? There's nothe... have you really it's such thing. Is there? SO true! DOthe... OTHHARRY Sorry.The what? HARRYRON WEASLEY Excuse me! Excuse me!The scar? OTHHARRY On your left.Oh!HARRYRON WEASLEY sir. me Can you tell might I me where ExcuseWicked! find Platform 9 ?OTHAnything off the trolley dears? 9 ? Think you're being funny do you?RON WEASLEYMRS. WEASLEYNo, thanks, I'm all set. with year same It's the every packed MugglesHARRYof course. Come on!We'll take the lot! HARRYRON WEASLEY Muggles?Woah! MRS. WEASLEYHARRYPlatform 9 ?this way! All right Percy youBertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans? first. Fred you next.RON WEASLEYGEORGE WEASLEYThey mean every flavor! There's chocolate, He's not Fred I am!tripe. liver, spinach FRED WEASLEYand also, peppermint andGeorge sweared he got boogie flavored one our yourself call you woman Honestly, once. mother!HARRYMRS. WEASLEYThese aren't real frogs are they? I'm sorry George.RON WEASLEYFRED WEASLEYOnly joking! I am Fred.精彩文档.实用标准文案Right then. First years this way, please! It's just a spell. But it's the cards you hurry on now, be shy. or famous witch wizard. Come First years, don't want. Each pack's got aup! Hello Harry! I got about 500 me self. Watch it! That'sHARRYrotten luck. They've only got one good jumpHi Hagrid! in them to begin with.RON WEASLEY HARRYWoah! I've got Dumbledore!HAGRIDRON WEASLEYRight, then. This way to the boats. Come on I've got about 6 of him.now, follow me. HARRYRON WEASLEY Hey, he's gone!- - - - RON WEASLEYWicked!MCGONAGALLWell you can't expect him to hang around allWelcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. you will pass through these doors and join Pathetic isn't he?your classmates. But before you take your HARRYseats, you must be sorted into your houses. Just a little bit.They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, RON WEASLEYand Slytherin. Now while you're here your Want turn him yellow. spell Fred gave me a totriumphs Your like your to see? family. house will bewill earn you points. Any rule breaking and HARRYyear, the end of will Yeah!you loose points. At thethe awarded points is houses with RON WEASLEYthe most thehouse cup. Ahem... Sunshine...NEVILLEHERMIONETrevor! Sorry. named Neville's toad? has anyone seen a A boyMCGONAGALLhas one.begin Ceremony will The Sorting RON WEASLEYmomentarily. No.HERMIONEDRACO MALFOYOh are you doing magic? Let's see then.It's true then, what they're saying on the RON WEASLEYtrain. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. Ahem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turn N & OTHthis stupid fat rat yellow.Harry Potter? HERMIONEDRACO MALFOYspell? a sure Are you that's real Well, it'sThis is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. not very good is it? Of course, I've only Draco Malfoy. Think my name's funny do you? but myself they've all ones few tried a simple a and worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. Red hair ask No need to yours. hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. You're Holy isn't That's better it? cricket! wizarding that some Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you soon You'll find out You Potter. better are...?are than others, familiesdon't want to making friends with the wrong RON WEASLEYsort. I can help you there. I'm Ron Weasley.HARRYHERMIONEself for sort my wrong Pleasure. You two better change into your tell I I think can the thanks.I robes. be we'll expect soon. arrivingMCGONAGALLYou've dirt on your nose by the way. JustWe're ready for you. Follow me. there.(four) (three)HERMIONEHAGRID精彩文档.实用标准文案Ha! Another Weasley! I know just what to do It's just real the ceiling. It's not with you... Gryffindor! bewitched to look like the night outside. IMCGONAGALL read about it in Hogwarts, A History.Harry potterSHARRYMCGONAGALLHmmm... Difficult, very difficult. Plenty Will you wait along here please. Now before of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. to Dumbledore would like we begin, Professor prove to and a say a few words. thirst There's talent, oh yes,yourself. But where to put you... DUMBLEDOREHARRYI wish to notices I have a few start-of-termNot Slytherin, not Slytherin! announce. The first years please note, thatSHARRYis strictly forbidden to all the Dark Forestbe could sure? You eh? has Not Slytherin Are you students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, And asked me to remind you that the third floor head. herein your great you know. It's allto corridor on the right hand side is out of the way will help you on Slytherin greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? bounds to all who do not wish to die a most (Harry whispering: Please, Please anything painful death. Thank you.Well but Slytherin.) but Slytherin, MCGONAGALLanythingif you're sure, better be... Gryffindor! When I call your name you will come forth, MCGONAGALLI shall place the Sorting Hat on your head,Your attention please. and you houses. your sorted will be intoDUMBLEDOREHermione Granger!Let the feast begin! HERMIONEHARRY Oh, no. OK relax.Wow!RON WEASLEYSFRED WEASLEYMental that one, I'm telling you.I'm half and half. Me dad's a Muggle, mam's SHARRYhe him when for Right. then. Ah, right Hum... Okay, Bit of a nasty shock a witch. found out! Gryffindor!HARRYMCGONAGALLSay Percy, who's that teacher talking to Draco Malfoy!Professor Quirrell? SHARRYPERCYSlytherin!Slytherin RON WEASLEYof Professor Snape, head Oh,house. There's no witch or wizard who went bad who HARRYwasn't in Slytherin.What's he teach? MCGONAGALLPERCYSusan Bones!Potions. But everyone knows it's the Dark HARRY Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's Ow! job for years. RON WEASLEYRON WEASLEY Harry what is it?Ah!HARRYSIR NEVILLENothing. Nothing, I'm fineHello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor. SHARRY Let's put I shall ...where you? know! I see... OTHHufflepuff!It's the Bloody Baron! MCGONAGALLPERCYRonald Weasley!Hello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer? SHARRY精彩文档.实用标准文案SIR NEVILLE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dismal. Once again my request to join the > 第七幕Headless Hunt has been denied. < )( oneRON WEASLEYRON WEASLEYWhew! We made it! Can you imagine the look I know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick. was late? That if McGonagall's face we were onbloody brilliant! SIR NEVILLEMCGONAGALLI prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind.Thank-you for that assessment Mr. Weasley.I useful if it would be more Perhaps HERMIONEtransfigured Mr. Potter and yourself into a Nearly headless? How can you beearlyon might be one of headless? you pocket watch. That waytime. SIR NEVILLEHARRYLike this.We got lost. RON WEASLEYMCGONAGALLAh!Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - one to find your seats. <第六幕>PERCY(two)me, Gryffindors, follow please. Keep up.SEVERUS SNAPEThank-you.or wand-waving be no foolish There OTHwillI silly incantations in this class. As such, Ravenclaw follow me. This way.don't expect many of you to appreciate the PERCYsubtle science and exact art that is potion direct This is the most part to the making. However, for those select few who the eye on an dormitories. Oh, and keep possess the predisposition. I can teach you change. staircases, they like to Keep up senses. the and ensnare how please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. to bewitch the mindand brew Come on. glory, bottle you how to fame, I showmaybe Then again a stopper OTHin death. even putin Hogwarts have come to you some of That picture's moving!possession of abilities so formidable that OTHpay not enough to Look at that one. feel you confidentcelebrity. our new OTHPotter, attention. Mr.Tell me what would I get if I added root of I think she fancies you.You wormwood? infusion to an of asphodel OTHdon't know? Well let's try again. Where Mr. Look, look!Potter would you look if I asked you to find OTHme a bezoar? Who's that girl?HARRYWALL PICTUREI don't know, sir. Welcome to Hogwarts!SEVERUS SNAPE THE FAT LADYmonkswood Password? between is what the difference Andand wolfsbane? PERCYHARRYeveryone. Follow Draconis. Caput me, up. KeepI don't know sir. on! come Quickly, Welcome here. Gather aroundSEVERUS SNAPEthe to common Gryffindor room. Boys'Pity. Clearly fame isn't everything. Is it your to down and upstairs is dormitories left. Mr. Potter? all find You'll right. your on same the Girlsalready have belonging your brought been up.精彩文档.实用标准文案RON WEASLEY three)(Up. Up! SFRED WEASLEYMHARRYEye of rabbit, harp sting hum, turn thisWith feeling! hum, harp sting Eye water into rum... of rabbitHERMIONEturn this water into rum.Up. Up! Up. Up! HARRYRON WEASLEYWhat's Seamus trying to do to that glass ofUP! Ow! Shut up Harry. water?MHARRYRON WEASLEYNow once you've got hold of your broom, I Turn it to rum. Actually he managed to make don't tight. You it. Grip it to want weak tea yesterday, before--- Ah, mail's you mount wanna be sliding off the end. When I blow my here.whistle, I want each of you to kick off from HARRYthe ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, Can I burrow this? Thanks.forward then OTHlean for a moment, hoverwhistle. my Hey look! Neville's got a Remembrall. and touch back down. On slightly Three, two... Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Mr. Mr. HERMIONELongbottom! those. When the smoke turns I've read aboutOTHSred it means you've forgotten something.Down! Down! NEVILLEHARRY The only problem is I can't remember what INeville! have forgotten.NEVILLE HARRYHelp! Help! Hey Ron, somebody broke into Gringotts.MHARRY of the work Dark to Listen: Believed beLongbottom! Mr. unknown, Gringotts this instant! Come back down witches wizards or Everyone out of the way! were goblins acknowledging the breach insistHERMIONEvault in question The nothing was taken.Is he alright? had been that very emptied earlier number 713NEVILLE the vault That's same day. That's odd.Ow! Hagrid and I went to.MHARRYPoor broken wrist. Oh dear, it's a oh. Oh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - oh boy. Come on now, up you get. Everyone is to <第八幕>keep their feet firmly on the ground while I MHARRYtake Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Good afternoon, class.air the single a OTHSbroom in Understand? If I seeof out find themselves Good afternoon Madame Hooch. it the one riding will Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch. MHARRYgood Amanda, Good afternoon afternoon.DRACO MALFOYWelcome to your first flying lesson. WellDid you see his face? If the fat lump had up to step Everyone for? you what are waiting fall the to remember squeeze now, on broomstick. their of left side Come he would a given thison his fat arse. your Stick hurry up. broom the over right handHARRYand say up.Give it here Malfoy. H & OTHSDRACO MALFOYUp! Up!for somewhere it I No, think HARRY I'll leaveLongbottom to find. How about on the roof? Woah!you Bit matter DRACO MALFOY What's the Potter? beyondreach?Up.精彩文档.实用标准文案Our job is to make sure that you don't get HERMIONEof promises Can't make Harry! No way! You heard what Madame Hooch any bloody up too bad. course. Rough game Quidditch. said. Besides you don't fly! know how to evenFRED WEASLEY What an idiot!Someone years. died HARRYin Brutal! But, nobody'svanishes occasionally. Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you offGEORGE WEASLEYyour broom!But they'll turn up in a month or two! DRACO MALFOYRON WEASLEY Is that so? Have it your way, then!game great. Best on Harry! Quidditch is go Ohthere is, and you'll be great too! OTHHARRYYeah!But I've never even played Quidditch! What OTHif I make a fool of myself? Nice going, Harry!HERMIONEOTHYou won't make a fool of yourself. It's in That was wicked Harry!your blood. MCGONAGALLRON WEASLEYHarry Potter! Follow me. You wait here.Woah! Harry, you never told me your fatherwas a seeker too! QUIRRELLHARRY... this is an ingredient...MCGONAGALLI didn't know.Professor Quirrell, excuse me, me excuse- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - could I borrow Wood for a moment, please? > 第十幕QUIRRELL<RON WEASLEYWell, yes of course.move She MCGONAGALLspooky! knows I'm telling you, it'sabout you than you do! Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood I haveHARRYfound you a Seeker.Who doesn't? What's happening?HERMIONE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The staircases change remember? 第九幕<>。



哈利波特与魔法石HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE<第一幕>DUMBLEDOREI should've known you would have beenhere Professor McGonagall.MCGONAGALLGood evening Professor Dumbledore. Arethe rumors true Albus?DUMBLEDOREI'm afraid so Professor. The good andthe bad. MCGONAGALLAnd the boy?DUMBLEDOREHagrid is bringing him.MCGONAGALLDo you think it wise to trust Hagridwith something as important as this?DUMBLEDOREAh, Prof. I would trust Hagrid with mylife HAGRIDProfessor. Dumbledore, sir. ProfessorMcGonagall. DUMBLEDORENo problems I trust Hagrid?HAGRIDNo, sir. Little tyke fell asleep aswe were flying over Bristol. Try notto wake him. There you go. MCAlbus, do really think it's safe leavinghim with these people? I've watchedthem all day. There're the worst sortof Muggles imaginable. They really areDUMBLEDOREThe only family he has.MCGONAGALLThis boy will be famous. There won'tbe a child in our world who doesn'tknow his name. DUMBLEDOREExactly. He's far better off growingup away from all of that. Until he isready. There, there Hagrid. It's notreally goodbye after all. Good Luck,Harry Potter. <第二幕>(one)AUNT PETUNIAUp. Get up! Now!DUDLEYWake up cousin! We're going to the zoo!AUNT PETUNIAHere he comes the birthday boy!(two)UNCLE VERNONhappy birthday son.AUNT PETUNIAWhy don't you just cook the breakfastand try not to burn anything.HARRYYes Aunt Petunia.AUNT PETUNIAI want everything to be perfect formy Dudley's special day!UNCLE VERNONHurry up! Bring my coffee boy!HARRYyes Uncle Vernon.AUNT PETUNIAAren't they wonderful darling?DUDLEYHow many are there?VOLDEMORT36, Counted them myself.DUDLEY36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37!!! VOLDEMORTYes, but some of them are a bit biggerthan last year's!DUDLEYI don't care how big they are!AUNT PETUNIANow, now, now, this is what we're goingto do. Is that when we go out we'regoing to buy you 2 new presents. How'sthat pumpkin?AUNT PETUNIAIt should be a lovely day at the zoo.I'm really looking forward to it.VOLDEMORTI'm warning you now boy. Any funny business,any at all and you won't have any mealsfor a week. Get in.(three)DUDLEYMake it move.VOLDEMORTMove.DUDLEYMOVE!HARRYHe's asleep.DUDLEYHe's boring.HARRYSorry about him he doesn't understandwhat it's like, lying there day afterday watching people press their uglyfaces in on you. Can you hear me? It'sjustI've never talked to a snake before.Do you... Do you talk to people often?You're from Burma, aren't you? Was itnice there? Did you miss your family?I see. That's me as well. I never knewmy parents either. DUDLEYMummy, Dad, come here you won't believewhat this snake is doing! Woah! Woah!Ah!SNAKEThanks.HARRYAny time.OTHSnake! Ahh!DUDLEYMum! Mummy! Help me!PERCYMy darling boy! How did you get in there!Who did this? How did you get in there?Is there a snake?<第三幕>(one)PERCYIt's all right sweetheart. We'll getyou out of these terrible clothes.VOLDEMORTWhat happened?HARRYI swear, I don't know! One minute theglass was there then it was gone, itwas like magic! VOLDEMORTThere's no such thing as magic.(two)VOLDEMORTOh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk.DUDLEYDad! Look! Harry's got a letter!HARRYHey give it back! It's mine!VOLDEMORTYours? Who'd be writing to you?VOLDEMORTNo more mail through this letterbox.AUNT PETUNIAHave a lovely day at the office, dear. VOLDEMORTShoo! Go on!(three)VOLDEMORTFine day Sunday. In my opinion bestday of the week. And why is that Dudley?HARRYBecause there's no post on Sundays. VOLDEMORTRight you are Harry. No post on Sunday.Ha! No blasted letters today! No, sir!Not one single bloody letter! Not one!No sir, not one blasted, miserable DUDLEYMake it stop, please!VOLDEMORTStop it!DUDLEYMummy what's happening?VOLDEMORTGive me that! Give me that letter!HARRYGet off! They're my letters! Let goof me! VOLDEMORTThat's it! We're going away, far away!Where they can't find us!DUDLEYDaddy's gone mad hasn't he?(four)HARRYMake a wish, Harry.VOLDEMORTWho's there?HAGRIDSorry 'bout that.VOLDEMORTI demand that you leave at once. Youare breaking and entering.HAGRIDDry up Dursley you great prune. Well,I haven't seen you since you was a babyHarry. But you're a bit more along thenI would have expected; particularlyaround the middle.DUDLEYI'm not... I'm not Harry.HARRYI am.HAGRIDWell of course you are! Got somethingfor you. Afraid I might have sat onit at some point but I imagine it'lltaste fine just the same. Baked it myself,words and all.HARRYThank you!HAGRIDIt's not everyday your young man turns11 now it is? HARRYExcuse me, but who are you?HAGRIDRubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Groundsat Hogwarts. Of course you know allabout Hogwarts HARRYSorry, no.HAGRIDNo? Blimey Harry didn't you ever wonderdidn't you ever wonder how your mumand dad learned it all?HARRYLearned what?HAGRIDYou're a wizard Harry.HARRYI'm a what?HAGRIDA wizard. And a thumpin' good one I'dwager once you've trained up a bit.HARRYNo, you've made a mistake. I mean Ican't be a wizard... I mean I'm Harry,Just Harry.HAGRIDWell, "Just Harry" did you ever makeanything happen? Anything you couldn'texplain, when you were angry or scared?Um Hum.HARRYDear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to informyou that you have been accepted at theHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going! We swore whenwe took him in that we would put a stopto all of this rubbish! HARRYYou knew? We knew all along and younever told me?AUNT PETUNIAOf course we knew. How could you notbe? My perfect being who she was. OhI remember the day she got her letter.My parents were so proud. We have awitch in the family. Isn't it wonderful?I was the only one who saw her for whatshe was... a freak. And then she metthat Potter, and then she had you andI knew you would be the same just asstrange just as abnormal. And then,if you please, she got herself blownup, and we got landed with you.HARRYBlown up?! You told me my parents diedin a car crash!HAGRIDA car crash? A car crash killed Lilyand James Potter? PATWe had to say something!HAGRIDIt's an outrage. It's a scandal.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going.HAGRIDOh and I suppose a great Muggle likeyourself is gonna stop him.HARRYMuggle?HAGRIDNon magic folk. This boy's had hisname down since he were born. He's goingto the finest school of witchcraft andwizardry in the world. And he'll beunder the finest headmaster that Hogwartshas ever seen, Albus Dumbledore...VOLDEMORTI will not pay to have some crack potold fool teach him magic tricks!HAGRIDNever insult Albus Dumbledore in frontof me... I'd appreciate it if you didn'ttell anyone at Hogwarts about that.Strictly speaking I'm not supposed todo magic.HARRYOKHAGRIDWe're a bit behind schedule. Best beoff. Unless you'd rather stay, of course.<第四幕>(one)HARRYAll students must be equipped with aone standard size two pewter cauldron,and may bring, if they desire, eitheran owl, a cat, or a toad. Can we findall this in London?HAGRIDIf you know where to go.TOM (BARTENDER)Ah, Hagrid the usual I presume.HAGRIDNo thanks Tom, I'm on official Hogwartsbusiness. Just helping young Harry buyhis school business. TOMBless my soul, it's Harry Potter.OTHERWelcome back Mr. Potter welcome back.DORISDoris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can'tbelieve I'm meeting you at last.QUIRRELLHarry Pppotter. Ccan't tell you howppleased I am to meet you.HAGRIDhello, professor I didn't see you there.HarryProfessor Quirrell will be yourdefense Against the Dark Arts teacher.HARRYOh, nice to meet you,QUIRRELLA fearfully fascinating subject. Nnotthat you need it, eh, Ppotter?HAGRIDYes, well must be going now. Lots tobuy.HARRYGood bye.HAGRIDSee, Harry? You're famous.HARRYBut why am I famous Hagrid? All thosepeople back there how is it they knowwho I am? HAGRIDI'm not exactly sure I'm the right personto tell you that, Harry. Welcome Harry,to Diagon Alley. That's where you getyour quills and ink. Over there, allyour bits and bobs for doing wizardry.(two)OTHIt's a world class racing broom.OTHWow! Look at it the new Nimbus 2000!It's the fastest model yet!HARRYBut Hagrid how am I to pay for all this?I haven't any money.HAGRIDWell there's your money Harry! Gringotts,the wizard bank! Ain't no safer place,not one! 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.HARRYHagrid what exactly are these things?HAGRIDThey're goblins Harry. Clever as theycome the goblins, but not the most friendlyof beasts. Best stay close. Mr. HarryPotter wishes to make a withdrawalGOBLINAnd does Mr. Harry Potter have his key? HAGRIDWait a minute. Got it here somewhere.Ha! There's the little devil. Oh, andthere's something else as well. ProfessorDumbledore gave me this. It's aboutYou Know What in vault you know which. GOBLINVery well.GRIPHOOKVault 687. Lamp please. Key, pleaseHAGRIDDidn't think your mum and dad wouldleave you with nothing now did you?GRIPHOOKVault 713.HARRYWhat's in there Hagrid?HAGRIDCan't tell you Harry. Hogwarts business.Very secret. GRIPHOOKStand back.HAGRIDBest not to mention this to anyone Harry. HARRYI still need... a wand.HAGRIDA wand? Well, you want Ollivander's.There ain't no place better. Why don'tyou run along and wait. I got one morething to do. Won't be long. (three)HARRYHello? Hello?OLLII wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr.Potter. It seems only yesterday thatyou mother and father were in here buyingtheir first wands. Here we are. Wellgive it a wave. Apparently not. Perhapsthis. NO, no definitely not. No matter.I wonder... Curious... very curiousHARRYSorry but what's curiousOLLII remember every wand that I've soldMr. Potter, every one. It so happensthat the phoenix whose tail featherresides in your wand, gave another feather.Just one other. It is curious that youshould be destined for this wand whenits brother gave you that scar.HARRYAnd who owned that wand?OLLIWe do not speak his name. The wand choosesthe wizard Mr. Potter. It is not alwaysclear why. But I think it is clear thatwe can expect great things from you.After all, HeWhoMustNotBeNameddid great things. Terrible, yes, butgreat.HAGRIDHarry! Harry! Happy Birthday!HARRYWoah!HAGRIDYou all right Harry? You seem very quiet.HARRYHe killed my parents didn't he? Theone who gave me this. You know Hagrid.I know you do. HAGRIDFirst and understand this Harry becauseit's very important. Not all wizardsare good. Some of them go bad. A fewyears ago one of them went as bad asyou can go. His name was V. His namewas V. HARRYWell maybe if you wrote it down?HAGRIDNaw I can't spell it. All right, Voldemort.HARRYVoldemort?HAGRIDShh. It was dark times Harry, dark times.Voldemort started to gather some followers.Brought them over to the Dark Side.Anyone who stood up to him ended updead. Your parents fought against him.Nobody lived once he decided to killthem. Nobody, not one. Except you.HARRYMe? Voldemort tried to kill me?HAGRIDYes. That ain't no ordinary cut on yourforehead Harry. A mark from that onlycomes from being touched by a curse,an evil curse at that.HARRYWhat happened to V... To YouKnowWho? HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop inmy opinion. Nope, I reckon he's outthere still too tired to carry on. Butone thing's absolutely certain. Somethingabout you stumped him that night. That'swhy you're famous. That's why everybodyknows your name. You're the boy wholived.HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop inmy opinion. Nope, I reckon he's outthere still too tired to carry on. Butone thing's absolutely certain. Somethingabout you stumped him that night. That'swhy you're famous. That's why everybodyknows your name. You're the boy wholived.<第五幕>(one)HAGRIDWhat are you looking at? Blimey is thattime? Sorry Harry, but I'm gonna haveto leave you. Dumbledore would be wantinghis... Well, he'd be wanting to seeme. Now, your train leaves in 10 minutes.Here's your ticket. Stick to it Harry,that's very important. Stick to youticket.HARRYPlatform 9 ? But, Hagrid, there mustbe a mistake. This says Platform 9 ?There's no such thing. Is there? OTHSorry.HARRYExcuse me! Excuse me!OTHOn your left.HARRYExcuse me sir. Can you tell me whereI might find Platform 9 ?OTH9 ? Think you're being funny do you?MRS. WEASLEYIt's the same every year packed withMuggles of course. Come on!HARRYMuggles?MRS. WEASLEYPlatform 9 ?this way! All right Percyyou first. Fred you next.GEORGE WEASLEYHe's not Fred I am!FRED WEASLEYHonestly, woman you call yourself ourmother! MRS. WEASLEYI'm sorry George.FRED WEASLEYOnly joking! I am Fred.HARRYExcuse me! Could you tell me how to...MRS. WEASLEYHow to get on to the platform? Yes,not toworry dear, it's Ron's firsttime to Hogwarts as well. Now, all youhave to do is walk straight at the wallbetween platforms 9 and 10. Best doit at a run if you're nervous.GINNYGood luck!(two)RON WEASLEYExcuse me, do you mind? Every whereelse is full. HARRYNot at all.RON WEASLEYI'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.HARRYI'm Harry. Harry Potter.RON WEASLEYSO it's true! DO you really have the...the... HARRYThe what?RON WEASLEYThe scar?HARRYOh!RON WEASLEYWicked!OTHAnything off the trolley dears?RON WEASLEYNo, thanks, I'm all set.HARRYWe'll take the lot!RON WEASLEYWoah!HARRYBertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?RON WEASLEYThey mean every flavor! There's chocolate,peppermint and also, spinach liver,and tripe. George sweared he got boogieflavored one once.HARRYThese aren't real frogs are they?RON WEASLEYIt's just a spell. But it's the cardsyou want. Each pack's got a famous witchor wizard. I got about 500 me self.Watch it! That's rotten luck. They'veonly got one good jump in them to beginwith.HARRYI've got Dumbledore!RON WEASLEYI've got about 6 of him.HARRYHey, he's gone!RON WEASLEYWell you can't expect him to hang aroundall day, can you? This is Scabbers bythe way. Pathetic isn't he?HARRYJust a little bit.RON WEASLEYFred gave me a spell to turn him yellow.Want to see?HARRYYeah!RON WEASLEYAhem... Sunshine...HERMIONEhas anyone seen a toad? A boy namedNeville's has one.RON WEASLEYNo.HERMIONEOh are you doing magic? Let's see then.RON WEASLEYAhem. Sunshine Daisies Butter MellowTurn this stupid fat rat yellow.HERMIONEAre you sure that's a real spell? Well,it's not very good is it? Of course,I've only tried a few simple ones myselfbut they've all worked for me. For example:Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it?Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'mHermione Granger. And you are...?RON WEASLEYI'm Ron Weasley.HERMIONEPleasure. You two better change intoyour robes. I expect we'll be arrivingsoon. You've dirt on your nose by theway. Just there.(three)HAGRIDRight then. First years this way, please!First years, don't be shy. Come on now,hurry up! Hello Harry! HARRYHi Hagrid!RON WEASLEYWoah!HAGRIDRight, then. This way to the e on now, follow me.RON WEASLEYWicked!MCGONAGALLWelcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few momentsyou will pass through these doors andjoin your classmates. But before youtake your seats, you must be sortedinto your houses. They are Gryffindor,Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.Now while you're here your house willbe like your family. Your triumphs willearn you points. Any rule breaking andyou will loose points. At the end ofthe year, the houses with the most pointsis awarded the house cup.NEVILLETrevor! Sorry.MCGONAGALLThe Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily. DRACO MALFOYIt's true then, what they're sayingon the train. Harry Potter has cometo Hogwarts.N & OTHHarry Potter?DRACO MALFOYThis is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy.Draco Malfoy. Think my name's funnydo you? No need to ask yours. Red hairand a handmedown robe? You must bea Weasley. You'll soon find out thatsome wizarding families are better thanothers, Potter. You don't want to makingfriends with the wrong sort. I can helpyou there.HARRYI think I can tell the wrong sort formy self thanks. MCGONAGALLWe're ready for you. Follow me.(four)HERMIONEIt's not real the ceiling. It's justbewitched to look like the night outside.I read about it in Hogwarts, A History.MCGONAGALLWill you wait along here please. Nowbefore we begin, Professor Dumbledorewould like to say a few words.DUMBLEDOREI have a few startofterm notices Iwish to announce. The first years pleasenote, that the DarkForest is strictlyforbidden to all students. Also, ourcaretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me toremind you that the third floor corridoron the right hand side is out of boundsto all who do not wish to die a mostpainful death. Thank you.MCGONAGALLWhen I call your name you will comeforth, I shall place the Sorting Haton your head, and you will be sortedinto your houses. Hermione Granger! HERMIONEOh, no. OK relax.RON WEASLEYMental that one, I'm telling you.SHARRYAh, right then. Hum... Right. Okay,Gryffindor! MCGONAGALLDraco Malfoy!SHARRYSlytherin!RON WEASLEYThere's no witch or wizard who wentbad who wasn't in Slytherin.MCGONAGALLSusan Bones!HARRYOw!RON WEASLEYHarry what is it?HARRYNothing. Nothing, I'm fineSHARRY...where shall I put you? Let's see...I know! Hufflepuff!MCGONAGALLRonald Weasley!SHARRYHa! Another Weasley! I know just whatto do with you... Gryffindor!MCGONAGALLHarry potterSHARRYHmmm... Difficult, very difficult. Plentyof courage, I see. Not a bad mind either.There's talent, oh yes, and a thirstto prove yourself. But where to putyou... HARRYNot Slytherin, not Slytherin!SHARRYNot Slytherin eh? Are you sure? Youcould be great you know. It's all hereinyour head. And Slytherin will help youon the way to greatness, there's nodoubt about that. No? (Harry whispering:Please, Please anything but Slytherin,anything but Slytherin.) Well if you'resure, better be... Gryffindor! MCGONAGALLYour attention please.DUMBLEDORELet the feast begin!HARRYWow!SFRED WEASLEYI'm half and half. Me dad's a Muggle,mam's a witch. Bit of a nasty shockfor him when he found out!HARRYSay Percy, who's that teacher talkingto Professor Quirrell?PERCYOh, Professor Snape, head of Slytherinhouse. HARRYWhat's he teach?PERCYPotions. But everyone knows it's theDark Arts he fancies. He's been afterQuirrell's job for years. RON WEASLEYAh!SIR NEVILLEHello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor.OTHIt's the Bloody Baron!PERCYHello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?SIR NEVILLEDismal. Once again my request to jointhe Headless Hunt has been denied.RON WEASLEYI know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick.SIR NEVILLEI prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind. HERMIONE"Nearly" headless? How can you be "nearly"headless?SIR NEVILLELike this.RON WEASLEYAh!<第六幕>PERCYGryffindors, follow me, please. Keepup. Thankyou. OTHRavenclaw follow me. This way.PERCYThis is the most direct part to thedormitories. Oh, and keep an eye onthe staircases, they like to change.Keep up please, and follow me. Quicklynow, come on. Come on.OTHThat picture's moving!OTHLook at that one.OTHI think she fancies you.OTHLook, look!OTHWho's that girl?WALL PICTUREWelcome to Hogwarts!THE FAT LADYPassword?PERCYCaput Draconis. Follow me, everyone.Keep up. Quickly, come on! Gather aroundhere. Welcome to the Gryffindor commonroom. Boys' dormitories is upstairsand down to your left. Girls the sameon your right. You'll find all yourbelonging have already been broughtup.<第七幕>(one)RON WEASLEYWhew! We made it! Can you imagine thelook on McGonagall's face if we werelate? That was bloody brilliant!MCGONAGALLThankyou for that assessment Mr. Weasley.Perhaps it would be more useful if Itransfigured Mr. Potter and yourselfinto a pocket watch. That way one ofyou might be on time. HARRYWe got lost.MCGONAGALLThen perhaps a map? I trust you don'tneed one to find your seats.(two)SEVERUS SNAPEThere will be no foolish wandwavingor silly incantations in this class.As such, I don't expect many of youto appreciate the subtle science andexact art that is potion making. However,for those select few who possess thepredisposition. I can teach you howto bewitch the mind and ensnare thesenses. I show you how to bottle fame,brew glory, and even put a stopper indeath. Then again maybe some of youhave come to Hogwarts in possessionof abilities so formidable that youfeel confident enough to not pay attention.Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tellme what would I get if I added rootof asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?You don't know? Well let's try again.Where Mr. Potter would you look if Iasked you to find me a bezoar?HARRYI don't know, sir.SEVERUS SNAPEAnd what is the difference between monkswoodand wolfsbane?HARRYI don't know sir.SEVERUS SNAPEPity. Clearly fame isn't everything.Is it Mr. Potter?(three)SFRED WEASLEYEye of rabbit, harp sting hum, turnthis water into rum... Eye of rabbitharp sting hum, turn this water intorum.HARRYWhat's Seamus trying to do to that glassof water? RON WEASLEYTurn it to rum. Actually he managedto make weak tea yesterday, beforeAh, mail's here.HARRYCan I burrow this? Thanks.OTHHey look! Neville's got a Remembrall. HERMIONEI've read about those. When the smoketurns red it means you've forgottensomething.NEVILLEThe only problem is I can't rememberwhat I have forgotten.HARRYHey Ron, somebody broke into Gringotts.Listen: "Believed to be the work ofDark wizards or witches unknown, Gringottsgoblins were acknowledging the breachinsist nothing was taken. The vaultin question number 713 had been emptiedearlier that very same day." That'sodd. That's the vault Hagrid and I wentto.<第八幕>MHARRYGood afternoon, class.OTHSGood afternoon Madame Hooch.MHARRYGood afternoon Amanda, good afternoon.Welcome to your first flying lesson.Well what are you waiting for? Everyonestep up to the left side of their e on now, hurry up. Stick your righthand over the broom and say up.H & OTHSUp! Up!HARRYWoah!DRACO MALFOYUp.RON WEASLEYUp. Up!MHARRYWith feeling!HERMIONEUp. Up! Up. Up!RON WEASLEYUP! Ow! Shut up Harry.MHARRYNow once you've got hold of your broom,I want you to mount it. Grip it tight.You don't wanna be sliding off the end.When I blow my whistle, I want eachof you to kick off from the ground,hard. Keep your broom steady, hoverfor a moment, then lean forward slightlyand touch back down. On my whistle.Three, two... Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Mr.Mr. Longbottom!OTHSDown! Down!HARRYNeville!NEVILLEHelp! Help!MHARRYCome back down this instant! Mr. Longbottom!Everyone out of the way! HERMIONEIs he alright?NEVILLEOw!MHARRYOh oh oh. Oh dear, it's a broken wrist.Poor boy. Come on now, up you get. Everyoneis to keep their feet firmly on theground while I take Mr. Longbottom tothe hospital wing. Understand? If Isee a single broom in the air the oneriding it will find themselves out ofHogwarts before they can say "Quidditch".DRACO MALFOYDid you see his face? If the fat lumphad given this a squeeze he would rememberto fall on his fat arse. HARRYGive it here Malfoy.DRACO MALFOYNo, I think I'll leave it somewherefor Longbottom to find. How about onthe roof? What's the matter Potter?Bit beyond you reach?HERMIONEHarry! No way! You heard what MadameHooch said. Besides you don't even knowhow to fly! What an idiot!HARRYGive it here Malfoy or I'll knock youoff your broom! DRACO MALFOYIs that so? Have it your way, then!OTHYeah!OTHNice going, Harry!OTHThat was wicked Harry!MCGONAGALLHarry Potter! Follow me. You wait here. QUIRRELL... this is an ingredient...MCGONAGALLProfessor Quirrell, excuse me, excuseme could I borrow Wood for a moment,please?QUIRRELLWell, yes of course.MCGONAGALLPotter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood Ihave found you a Seeker.<第九幕>SIR NEVILLEHave you heard Harry Potter's the newGryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'ddo well.RON WEASLEYSeeker? But first years never make thehouse teams. You must be the youngestQuidditch player in...HARRYA century. According to McGonagall.FRED WEASLEYWell dome Harry! Wood's just told us!RON WEASLEYFred and George are on the team too.Beaters. GEORGE WEASLEYOur job is to make sure that you don'tget bloody up too bad. Can't make anypromises of course. Rough game Quidditch.FRED WEASLEYBrutal! But, nobody's died in years.Someone vanishes occasionally.GEORGE WEASLEYBut they'll turn up in a month or two!RON WEASLEYOh go on Harry! Quidditch is great.Best game there is, and you'll be greattoo!HARRYBut I've never even played Quidditch!What if I make a fool of myself?HERMIONEYou won't make a fool of yourself. It'sin your blood. RON WEASLEYWoah! Harry, you never told me yourfather was a seeker too!HARRYI didn't know.<第十幕>RON WEASLEYI'm telling you, it's spooky! She knowsmove about you than you do!HARRYWho doesn't? What's happening?HERMIONEThe staircases change remember?HARRYLet's go this way.RON WEASLEYBefore the staircase moves again. Doesanybody feel like we shouldn't be here?HERMIONEWe're not supposed to be here. Thisis the third floor. It's forbidden!HARRYLet's go.HERMIONEFlich's cat!HARRYRun! Quick, let's hide through thatdoor! It's locked! RON WEASLEYthat's it we're done for!HERMIONEOh! Move over! Alohomora! Get in!RON WEASLEYAlohomora?HERMIONEStandard Book Of Spells Chapter 7!FILCHAny one here my sweet? Come on.HERMIONEHe thinks this door is locked.RON WEASLEYHe thinks this door is locked.HERMIONEIt was locked.HARRYAnd for good reason.H, R, & HERMIONEAH!RON WEASLEYWhat do they think they're doing? Keepinga thing like that locked up in a school?HERMIONEYou don't use your eyes do you? Didn'tyou see what it was standing on?RON WEASLEYI wasn't looking at its feet! I wasa bit preoccupied with its heads. Ormaybe you didn't notice... the three!HERMIONEIt was standing on a trap door. It wasn'tthere by accident. It's guarding something.HARRYGuarding something?HERMIONEThat's right. Now, if you two don'tmind, I'm going to bed before eitherof you come up with another clever ideato get killed or worse... expelled.RON WEASLEYShe needs to sort out her priorities.<第十一幕>OLIVER WOODQuidditch is easy enough to understand.Each team has 7 players. Three Chasers,two Beaters, one Keeper and a Seeker,that's you. There are three kinds ofballs. This one's called the Quaffle.The Chasers handle the Quaffle and tryto put it through one of those threehoops. The Keeper, that's me, defendsthe hoops. With me so far?HARRYI think so. What are those?OLIVER WOODYou better take this. Careful now, it'scoming back. Not bad Potter, you'd makea fair Beater. Uhoh. HARRYWhat was that?OLIVER WOODBludgers. Nasty little buggers. Butyou are a Seeker. The only thing I wantyou to worry about is this, the GoldenSnitch.HARRYI like this ball.OLIVER WOODEh, you like it now. But it's wickedfast and damn near impossible to see.HARRY。



哈利波特与魔法石HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE<第一幕>DUMBLEDOREI should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall.MCGONAGALLGood evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true Albus?DUMBLEDOREI'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad. MCGONAGALLAnd the boy?DUMBLEDOREHagrid is bringing him.MCGONAGALLDo you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?DUMBLEDOREAh, Prof. I would trust Hagrid with my life HAGRIDProfessor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall. DUMBLEDORENo problems I trust Hagrid?HAGRIDNo, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go. MCAlbus, do really think it's safe leaving him with these people? I've watched them all day. There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are- -DUMBLEDOREThe only family he has.MCGONAGALLThis boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name. DUMBLEDOREExactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he is ready. There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye after all. Good Luck, Harry Potter.<第二幕>(one) AUNT PETUNIA Up. Get up! Now!DUDLEYWake up cousin! We're going to the zoo!AUNT PETUNIAHere he comes the birthday boy!(two) UNCLE VERNON happy birthday son.AUNT PETUNIAWhydon't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything.HARRYYes Aunt Petunia.AUNT PETUNIAI want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!UNCLE VERNONHurry up! Bring my coffee boy!HARRYyes Uncle Vernon. AUNT PETUNIA Aren't they wonderful darling?DUDLEYHow many are there? VOLDEMORT 36, Counted them myself.DUDLEY36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37!!! VOLDEMORT Yes, but some of them are a bit bigger than last year's!DUDLEYI don't care how big they are!AUNT PETUNIANow, now, now, this is what we're going todo. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin?AUNT PETUNIAIt should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it.I'm warning you now boy. Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals for a week. GetVOLDEMORTin.(three)DUDLEYMake it move.VOLDEMORTMove.DUDLEY MOVE!HARRYHe's asleep.DUDLEYHe's boring.HARRYSorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you. Can you hear me? It's just I've never talked to a snake before. Do you... Do you talk to people often? You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Did you miss your family?I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents either.DUDLEYMummy,Dad, come here you won't believe what this snake is doing! Woah! Woah! Ah!SNAKEThanks. HARRY Any time.OTHSnake! Ahh!DUDLEYMum! Mummy! Help me!PERCYMy darling boy! Howdid you get in there! Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?<第三幕>( one )PERCYIt's all right sweetheart. We'll get you out of these terrible clothes.VOLDEMORTWhat happened?HARRYI swear, I don't know! One minute the glasswas there then it was gone, it was like magic! VOLDEMORTThere's no such thing as magic.(two)VOLDEMORTOh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk.DUDLEYDad! Look! Harry's got a letter!HARRYHey give it back! It's mine!VOLDEMORTYours? Who'd be writing to you?VOLDEMORTNo more mail through this letterbox.AUNT PETUNIAHave a lovely day at the office, dear. VOLDEMORTShoo! Go on!(three)VOLDEMORTFine day Sunday. In my opinion best day ofthe week. And why is that Dudley?HARRYBecause there's no post on Sundays.VOLDEMORTRight you are Harry. No post on Sunday. Ha!No blasted letters today! No, sir! Not one single bloody letter! Not one! No sir, not one blasted, miserable- -DUDLEYMake it stop, please!VOLDEMORTStop it!DUDLEYMummy what's happening?VOLDEMORTGive me that! Give me that letter!HARRYGet off! They're my letters! Let go of me! VOLDEMORTThat's it! We're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!DUDLEYDaddy's gone mad hasn't he? - - - -(four)HARRYMake a wish, Harry.VOLDEMORTWho's there?HAGRIDSorry 'bout that.VOLDEMORTI demand that you leave at once. You are breaking and entering.HAGRIDDry up Dursley you great prune. Well, I haven't seen you since you was a baby Harry.But you're a bit more along then I would have expected; particularly around the middle.DUDLEYI'm not... I'm not Harry.HARRYI am.HAGRIDWell of course you are! Got something for you. Afraid I might have sat on it at some point but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same. Baked it myself, words and all.HARRYThank you!HAGRIDIt's not everyday your young manturns 11 now it is? HARRYExcuse me, but who are you?HAGRIDRubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course you know all about Hogwarts HARRYSorry, no.HAGRIDNo? Blimey Harry didn't you ever wonder didn't you ever wonder how your mum and dad learned it all? HARRYLearned what?HAGRIDYou're a wizard Harry.HARRYI'm a what?HAGRIDA wizard. And a thumpin' good one I'd wager once you've trained up a bit.HARRYNo, you've made a mistake. I mean I can't be a wizard... I mean I'm Harry, Just Harry.HAGRIDWell, "Just Harry" did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared? Um Hum.HARRYDear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going! We swore when we took him in that we would put a stop to all of this rubbish! HARRYYou knew? We knew all along and you never told me? AUNT PETUNIAOf course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect being who she was. Oh I remember the day she got her letter. My parents were so proud. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one who saw her for what she was... a freak. And then she met that Potter, and then she had you and I knew you would be the same just as strange just as abnormal. And then, if you please, she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you.HARRYBlown up?! You told me my parents died in a car crash!HAGRIDA car crash? A car crash killed Lily andJames Potter?PATWe had to say something!HAGRIDIt's an outrage. It's a scandal.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going.HAGRIDOh and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself is gonna stop him.HARRYMuggle?HAGRIDNon- magic folk. This boy's had his name down since he were born. He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world. And he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen, Albus Dumbledore...VOLDEMORTI will not pay to have some crack pot old fool teach him magic tricks!HAGRIDNever insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me... I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking I'm not supposed to do magic.HARRYOKHAGRIDWe're a bit behind schedule. Best be off. Unless you'd rather stay, of course.<第四幕>(one)HARRYAll students must be equipped with a one standard size two pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad. Can we find all this in London?HAGRIDIf you know where to go.TOM (BARTENDER)Ah, Hagrid the usual I presume.HAGRIDNo thanks Tom, I'm on official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Harry buy his school business. TOMBless my soul, it's Harry Potter.OTHERWelcome back Mr. Potter welcome back.DORISDoris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.QUIRRELLHarry P-p-potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.HAGRIDhello, professor I didn't see you there. Harry Professor Quirrell will be your defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.HARRYOh, nice to meet you,QUIRRELLA fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, eh, P-potter?HAGRIDYes, well must be going now. Lots to buy. HARRYGood bye.HAGRIDSee, Harry? You're famous.HARRYBut why amI famous Hagrid? All those people back there how is it they know who I am?HAGRIDI'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that, Harry. Welcome Harry, to Diagon Alley. That's where you get your quills and ink. Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.(two)OTHIt's a world class racing broom.OTHWow! Look at it the new Nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet!HARRYBut Hagrid how am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money.HAGRIDWell there's your money Harry! Gringotts, the wizard bank! Ain't no safer place, not one! 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.HARRYHagrid what exactly are these things?HAGRIDThey're goblins Harry. Clever as they come the goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stay close. Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawalGOBLINAnd does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?HAGRIDWait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Ha!There's the little devil. Oh, and there's something else as well. Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It's about You- Know- What in vault you know which.GOBLIN Very well.GRIPHOOKVault 687. Lamp please. Key, pleaseHAGRIDDidn't think your mumand dad would leave you with nothing now did you?GRIPHOOKVault 713.HARRYWhat's in there Hagrid?HAGRIDCan't tell you Harry. Hogwarts business. Very secret.GRIPHOOKStand back.HAGRIDBest not to mention this to anyone Harry.HARRYI still need... a wand.HAGRIDA wand? Well, you want Ollivander's. There ain't no place better. Whydon't you run along and wait. I got one more thing to do. Won't be long.(three)HARRYHello? Hello?OLLII wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. Potter.It seems only yesterday that you mother and father were in here buying their first wands. Here we are. Well give it a wave. Apparently not. Perhaps this. NO, no definitely not. No matter. I wonder... Curious... very curious HARRYSorry but what's curiousOLLII remember every wand that I've sold Mr. Potter, every one. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather. Just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar.HARRYAnd who owned that wand?OLLIWe do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter. It is not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible, yes, but great.HAGRIDHarry! Harry! Happy Birthday!HARRYWoah!HAGRIDYou all right Harry? You seem very quiet. HARRYHe killed my parents didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know Hagrid. I know you do.HAGRIDFirst and understand this Harry because it's very important. Not all wizards are good.Some of them go bad. A few years ago one of them went as bad as you can go. His name was V--. His name was V--.HARRYWell maybe if you wrote it down?HAGRIDNaw I can't spell it. All right, Voldemort.HARRYVoldemort?HAGRIDShh. It was dark times Harry, dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers. Brought them over to the Dark Side. Anyone who stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him. Nobody lived once he decided to kill them. Nobody, not one. Except you.HARRYMe? Voldemort tried to kill me?HAGRIDYes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead Harry. A mark from that only comes from being touched by a curse, an evil curse at that.HARRYWhat happened to V--... To You-Know-Who?HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're。



哈利波特与火焰杯哈利·波特与火焰杯Bloody kids.又是那帮野孩子How fastidious you’ve become,Wormtail.你变得越发挑剔了虫尾巴As I recall,you once called the nearest gutter pipe home.我记得不久前你还住在附近的阴沟里呢Could it be that the task of nursing me has become wearisome for you?你是不是嫌服侍我麻烦了?Oh,no.No,no,my Lord V oldemort.哦不不主人I only meant...我只是在想...perhaps if we were to do it without the boy.或许没有那个男孩咱们也能办到No!The boy is everything!不行!那个男孩是关键!It cannot be done without him.And it will be done.没了他就办不成这件事不容有失Exactly as I said.一切照我说的做-I will not disappoint you,my Lord.-Good.-绝不让您失望主人-很好First,gather our old comrades.首先召集一下老朋友们Send them a sign.给他们发信号Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker...纳吉尼告诉我那个麻瓜管理员老头...is standing just outside the door.正站在门口Step aside,Wormtail,so I can give our guest a proper greeting.虫尾巴让开我要给我们的客人送个大礼Avada Kedavra!阿瓦达索命!Harry.哈利Harry!哈利!Are you all right?你没事吧?Hermione.Bad dream.是赫敏啊做了个噩梦-When did you get here?-Just now.You?-你什么时候来的?-刚到你呢?Last night.昨天夜里Wake up!Wake up,Ronald!12该醒了!快醒醒罗纳德!Bloody hell.老天爷Honestly,get dressed.说真的快把衣服穿上And don’t go back to sleep.别又睡过去了Come on,Ron!Your mother says breakfast’s ready!快起了罗恩!你妈说早饭都做好了!-Ron,where are we actually going?-Don’t know.-罗恩咱们这到底是去哪儿?-不知道-Hey,Dad.Where are we going?-Haven’t the foggiest.-嘿老爸咱们这是去哪儿啊?-一头雾水Keep up!跟上!Arthur!亚瑟!It’s about time,son.总算是来了啊Sorry,Amos.Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start.抱歉了阿莫斯我们有人赖在床上不肯起来This is Amos Diggory,everyone.Works with me at the Ministry.这位是阿莫斯·迪戈里是我在魔法部的同事And this strapping young lad must be Cedric,am I right?这位玉树临风的小伙子一定是塞德里克了我没说错吧?Yes,sir.没错先生This way.这边走Merlin’s beard!You must be Harry Potter.梅林的胡子!你一定是哈利·波特了-Yes,sir.-Great,great pleasure.-是的先生-非常非常荣幸认识你Pleasure to meet you too,sir.认识您也是我的荣幸先生Yes,it’s just over there.就在那儿了-Shall we?-Oh,yeah.-该走了?-是啊We don’t want to be late.可别迟到了Come on.Nearly there now.Get yourself into a good position.来吧快到了都给自己找个好位置Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?大家都围着一只破靴子干什么?-That isn’t just any manky old boot.-It’s a Portkey.-这可不是一般的破靴子-是门钥匙Time to go!该走了!What’s a Portkey?门钥匙是什么?-Ready!After three.One,two...-Harry!-准备!数到三一二...-哈利!three!三!3Let go,kids!孩子们放手吧!-What?!-Let go!-什么?!-放手!I’ll bet that cleared your sinuses,eh?这下总算睡醒了吧嗯?-Total shambles,as per usual.-Thanks.-还是跟往常一样乱哄哄的-谢了Go on,look at that!走快看!Well,kids,welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!孩子们欢迎来到魁地奇世界杯!Stay together!Keep up,girls!别走散了!姑娘们跟上!Look!看!Come on!Keep up,girls!快走!姑娘们跟上!Blimey!老天爷!Parting of the ways,I think,old chap.老朋友该分头走了-See you at the match.-See you.-赛场上见-再见-Cedric.-Ced,come on.-塞德里克-赛德走吧See you later,Cedric.待会儿见塞德里克Home sweet home.多有家的样子What?什么?-Excellent,excellent.-Ginny,look!-很好很好-金妮看!-All to the bath.-Look.-都去洗澡-看Girls,choose a bunk and unpack.姑娘们选个床位拆包吧Ron,get out of the kitchen.We’re all hungry.罗恩别待厨房里啦我们都饿坏了-Yeah,get out of the kitchen,Ron!-Feet off the table!-就是别待厨房里啦罗恩!-脚从桌子上拿下去!-Feet off the table!-Feet off the table!-脚从桌子上拿下去!-脚从桌子上拿下去!I love magic.魔法真好Get your Quidditch World Cup programs here!魁地奇世界杯的赛程到这儿来拿!Blimey,Dad.How far up are we?老天爷啊老爸咱们坐得有多高啊?Well,put it this way...这么跟你说吧...if it rains...要是下雨了...you’ll be the first to know.你们头一个知道Father and I are in the minister’s box...我爸和我都在部长包厢...4by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself.是部长康奈利·福吉亲自邀请的Don’t boast,Draco.别声张德拉科There’s no need with these people.跟这些人又不值得Do enjoy yourself,won’t you?好好玩耍While you can.趁你还有口气Come on up.Take your seats.I told you these seats would be worth waiting for.上来吧坐好我跟你们说过这些位置很值得期待的Come on!来啊!It’s the Irish!There’s Troy!是爱尔兰国家队!那是特洛伊!-And Mullet!-And Moran!-还有马莱特!-还有莫兰!Ireland!Ireland!Ireland!爱尔兰!爱尔兰!爱尔兰!-Here come the Bulgarians!-Yes!-保加利亚国家队来啦!-是啊!Who’s that?那是谁?That,sis,is the best Seeker in the world.老妹那是全世界最出色的找球手Krum!Krum!Krum!克鲁姆!克鲁姆!克鲁姆!Krum!克鲁姆!Yes!好诶!Good evening!晚上好!As Minister for Magic...身为魔法部部长...it gives me great pleasure...我非常荣幸地...to welcome each and every one of you...欢迎在场每一位...to the final of the422nd Quidditch World Cup!来到第422届魁地奇世界杯!Let the match...我宣布...begin!比赛开始!Krum!Krum!Krum!克鲁姆!克鲁姆!克鲁姆!There’s no one like Krum.没人比得上克鲁姆-Krum?-Dumb Krum?-克鲁姆?-你是说糊噜姆?He’s like a bird,the way he rides the wind.他像只大鸟在空中乘风而飞-He’s more than an athlete.-Dumb Krum.-他不止是个运动员-还是个糊噜姆He’s an artist.他还是个艺术家5-I think you’re in love,Ron.-Shut up.-你爱上他了罗恩-闭嘴Viktor,I love you威克多尔我爱你Viktor,I do威克多尔我多么爱你When we’re apart my heart beats only for you当你我分离我的心只为你跳动Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on.外面像是爱尔兰人在胜利狂欢Stop!Stop it!停!别闹了!It’s not the Irish.不是爱尔兰人We’ve gotta get out of here.Now!咱们得离开这儿快!Get out,it’s the Death Eaters!快跑是食死徒Get back to the Portkey,everybody,and stick to-gether!大家都回门钥匙那儿去别走丢了!Fred,George!Ginny is your responsibility.弗雷德乔治!你们看好金妮Go!走!Harry!哈利!-Keep up,you lot!-Harry!-你们都跟上!-哈利!Harry!Harry!哈利!哈利!Morsmordre!尸骨再现!Harry!哈利!-Where are you?-Harry!-你在哪儿?-哈利!We’ve been looking for you for ages!我们找你半天了!Thought we lost you,mate.还以为你走丢了呢What is that?那是什么?Stupefy!昏昏倒地!Stop!住手!That’s my son!那是我儿子!-Ron,Harry,Hermione,you all right?-We came back for Harry.-罗恩哈利赫敏你们没事吧?-我们回来找哈利Which of you conjured it?你们谁把它唤出来的?-Crouch,you can’t possi...-Do not lie!-克劳奇你不能...-老实说!You’ve been discovered at the scene of the crime.你们被抓了个现行-Crime?-Barty!They’re just kids.6 -抓现行?-巴蒂!他们还小What crime?抓什么现行?It’s the Dark Mark,Harry.It’s his mark.那个是黑魔标记哈利是他的标记What,V oldemort?什么伏地魔?Those people tonight,in the masks,they’re his too, aren’t they?今晚那些蒙面人也是他的手下对吧?-His followers?-Yeah.-他的追随者们?-没错Death Eaters.食死徒-Follow me.-There was a man,before.-跟我来-刚才那边有个男人There!在那儿!All of you,this way!你们都跟我这边来!A man,Harry?一个男人哈利?Who?谁啊?I don’t know.我不知道I didn’t see his face.没看清他的脸Anything from the trolley?要买点什么吗?Anything from the trolley?要买点什么吗?Anything from the trolley,dears?要买点什么吗亲爱的?Packet of Drooble’s...一包吹宝超级泡泡糖...and a Licorice Wand.和一根甘草魔杖On second thought,just the Drooble’s.想了想还是只要吹宝吧-It’s all right,I’ll get it.Don’t worry.-Just the Drooble’s.Thanks.-没事我来付没事的-只要吹宝就行谢了Two Pumpkin Pasties,please.来两份南瓜饼谢谢Thank you.谢谢Anything sweet for you,dear?要什么甜食吗亲爱的?Oh,no,I’m not hungry.Thank you.不用了我不饿谢谢Anything from the trolley?要买点什么吗?This is horrible.太可怕了How can the Ministry not know who conjured it?魔法部居然查不出是谁召唤的黑魔标记?Wasn’t there any security or...?难道没有安保措施或者...?7 Loads,according to Dad.安保可严了我爸说的That’s what worried them so much.Happened right under their noses.这让他们更加不安就在他们鼻子底下出了这么大的事儿It’s hurting again,isn’t it?Your scar.又疼了是吧?你的伤疤I’m fine.我没事You know Sirius will want to hear about this...你知道小天狼星会想知道...what you saw at the World Cup and the dream.你在世界杯上看到的还有那个梦小天狼星布莱克Hedwig.There we go.飞吧海德薇Clear the runway!清空跑道!Well,there’s something you don’t see every day.哇这可不是每天都看得到的景象Well,now we’re all settled in and sorted,I’d like to make an announcement.好了既然大家都已就位我有件事要宣布This castle will not only be your home this year...今年这座城堡不光是你们的家...but home to some very special guests as well.也将迎来一些十分特别的嘉宾You see,Hogwarts has been chosen...霍格沃茨被选中...Yes,what is it?好什么事?What is it?什么事?Tell them to wait.Tell them to wait.Wait.告诉他们等等告诉他们等等等等So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event.霍格沃茨被选中举办一场传奇盛会The Triwizard Tournament.三强争霸赛-For those of you who do not know...-Brilliant.-我来向不了解的同学介绍一下...-太好了the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools...三强争霸赛召集了三所学校...for a series of magical contests.参加一系列的魔法挑战From each school,a single student is selected to compete.每所学校只选出一名参赛选手Now let me be clear.我要说清楚If chosen,you stand alone.一旦被选中你将孤身应战And trust me when I say...这可不是危言耸听...these contests are not for the faint-hearted.胆小的人不适合参加这个挑战But more of that later.For now,please join me in welcoming...8不过这些之后再说吧现在让我们一起欢迎...the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic...来自布斯巴顿魔法学校的可爱姑娘们...and their headmistress,Madame Maxime.和她们的女校长马克西姆夫人Bloody hell.老天爷Blimey.That’s one big woman.天啊那女人块头真大And now our friends from the north.接下来是我们的北方朋友Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang...请欢迎来自德姆斯特朗的骄子们...and their high master,Igor Karkaroff.和他们的校长伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫Oh,it’s Krum!哇是克鲁姆!Blimey,it’s him!老天爷真是他!Viktor Krum!威克多尔·克鲁姆!Albus.阿不思Igor.伊戈尔Professor Dumbly-dorr,my horses have traveled a long way.邓布利多尔教授我的马历经长途跋涉-They will need attending to.-Don’t worry,Madame Maxime.-它们需要照料-别担心马克西姆夫人Our gamekeeper,Hagrid,is more than capable of seeing to them.我们的猎场看守人海格可以把它们照料得很好But you know,Monsieur Hagrid...但你得知道海格先生...they drink only single-malt whiskey.它们只喝纯麦芽威士忌You idiot!你个白痴!Your attention,please!请注意了!I’d like to say a few words.我要说几句话Eternal glory.永恒的荣耀That is what awaits the student who wins the Tri-wizard Tournament.等待着赢得三强争霸赛的那个学生But to do this,that student must survive three tasks.但是为此那个学生必须通过三个项目Three extremely dangerous tasks.三个极端危险的项目-Wicked.-Wicked.-酷毙了-酷毙了For this reason,the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule.为此魔法部认为应当推行一条新规To explain all this...为了解释清楚...9we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation...我们请来了魔法部国际合作司司长...Mr.Bartemius Crouch.巴蒂·克劳奇先生Bloody hell.It’s Mad-Eye Moody.老天爷啊是疯眼汉穆迪-Alastor Moody?The Auror?-Auror?-阿拉斯托·穆迪?那个傲罗?-傲罗?Dark-wizard catcher.Half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him.就是专门抓黑巫师的阿兹卡班有一半是让他给塞满的He’s supposed to be mad as a hatter,though,these days.不过最近据说已经疯疯癫癫了-My dear old friend,thanks for coming.-Stupid ceiling.-我亲爱的老朋友多谢你能来-天花板太蠢了Thank you.谢谢What’s that he’s drinking,do you suppose?你们觉得他喝什么呢?I don’t know,but I don’t think it’s pumpkin juice.不知道反正不像是南瓜汁After due consideration...经过深思熟虑...the Ministry has concluded that,for their own safety...出于参赛者自身的安全考虑魔法部决定...no student under the age of17...17岁以下的学生...shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Tri-wizard Tournament.不允许报名三强争霸赛-This decision is final.-That’s rubbish!-这是最终决定-胡说八道!That’s rubbish!You don’t know what you’re do-ing!胡说八道!你知道自己在做什么吗!-Silence!-They’re not too happy about that,then.-肃静!-他们看起来可不是太高兴The Goblet of Fire.火焰杯Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tour-nament...任何想报名三强争霸赛的学生...need only write their name upon a piece of parch-ment...只需将他们的姓名写在一张羊皮纸上...and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thurs-day night.在周四晚上这个点钟之前投进火焰杯中即可Do not do so lightly.不要草率做决定If chosen,there’s no turning back.一旦选中就不能回头As from this moment,the Triwizard Tournament has begun.从此刻起三强争霸赛已正式开始Alastor Moody.我是阿拉斯托·穆迪Ex-Auror...10前任傲罗...Ministry malcontent...魔法部的叛逆者...and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.现在是你们的新任黑魔法防御术老师I am here because Dumbledore asked me.End of story,goodbye,the end.我来这儿纯粹是因为邓布利多请我来就这么简单没别的了Any questions?有什么问题吗?When it comes to the Dark Arts...每当提到黑魔法...I believe in a practical approach.我都信仰实用之道But first,which of you can tell me how many Un-forgivable Curses there are?但首先你们有谁能告诉我一共有多少不可饶恕咒?-Three,sir.-And they are so named?-三种先生-它们之所以叫这个名字是因为?Because they are unforgivable.The use of any one of them will...因为它们不可饶恕使用其中任何一种就会...Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban,cor-rect.就会送你一张通往阿兹卡班的单程票没错The Ministry says you’re too young to see what these curses do.魔法部认为你们还太年轻不适合见识这些咒语的效力I say different!You need to know what you’re up against!我不这么想!你们必须了解自己将面对的是什么!You need to be prepared.你们得做好准备You need to find another place to put your chewing gum...你得换个地方黏你的口香糖...besides the underside of your desk,Mr.Finnigan!别黏在桌子底下斐尼甘先生!No way.The old codger can see out the back of his head.不会吧那糟老头子居然能看到自己脑勺后面And hear across classrooms!而且能隔着教室听到你!So which curse shall we see first?那么咱们先来看哪道咒语?-Weasley!-Yes?-韦斯莱!-嗯?Stand.起立Give us a curse.说一个Well,my dad did tell me about one.我爸倒是跟我说过一个The Imperius Curse.夺魂咒Oh,yeah,your father would know all about that.是啊你爸一定还记忆犹新吧Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago.当年给魔法部带来不小的损失11 Perhaps this will show you why.或许这能告诉你们为什么Hello.你好啊Lovely little beauty.可爱的小美人儿Engorgio.速速变大Imperio!魂魄出窍!Don’t worry.It’s completely harmless.别担心它一点危险也没有If she bites...不过要是她咬人...she’s lethal.可是致命的What are you laughing at?你笑什么呢?Get off!滚开!Talented,isn’t she?她很有才是吧?What should I have her do next?Jump out the window?接下来让她干什么?跳出窗子?Drown herself?淹死自己?Scores of witches and wizards have claimed...很多男巫女巫都声称...that they only did You-Know-Who’s bidding...他们服从神秘人...under the influence of the lmperius Curse.只是因为他们中了夺魂咒But here’s the rub.但问题在这儿How do we sort out the liars?我们怎么分辨谁在撒谎呢?Another,another.下一个下一个Up,e on.起立起来来Longbottom,is it?你叫隆巴顿是吧?Up.起来Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology.斯普劳特教授跟我说你对草药学天赋异禀There’s the...有个叫...The Cruciatus Curse.钻心咒Correct,e,come.正确正确来过来Particularly nasty.非常邪恶的咒语The torture curse.用来折磨人Crucio!钻心剜骨!12Stop it!Can’t you see it’s bothering him?Stop it!住手!你看不出他很难受吗?住手!Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgivable Curse,Miss Granger.或许你能告诉我们最后一道不可饶恕咒是什么格兰杰小姐No?不行?Avada Kedavra!阿瓦达索命!The Killing Curse.死咒Only one person is known to have survived it...目前所知有只一个人从这咒下逃生...and he’s sitting in this room.而他就坐在这间屋子里Brilliant,isn’t he?他很棒不是吗?Completely demented,of course,and terrifying to be in the same room with...完全是个疯子跟他同处一室都感觉恐怖...but he’s really been there,you know?He’s looked evil in the eye.不过他真的经历过对吧?他直面过邪恶势力There’s a reason those curses are unforgivable.那些咒语不可饶恕必有其原因To perform them in a classroom...I mean,did you see Neville’s face?居然在教室里演示这些咒语...我想说你们注意到纳威的表情没有?Neville?纳威?Son?孩子?You all right?你没事吧?Come on.We’ll have a cup of tea.I want to show you something.来我们去喝杯茶我有东西给你看We’re gonna be late!我们该迟到了!Come on,Cedric.Put it in!来吧塞德里克投进去!Eternal glory.Be brilliant,wouldn’t it?永恒的荣耀太让人神往了Three years from now,when we’re old enough to be chosen.三年以后我们的年龄也足够入选了Yeah,rather you than me.对最好选你别选我Yes!好了!Thank you,thank you.谢谢谢谢-Well,lads,we’ve done it.-Cooked it up just this morning.-哦小伙子我们成功了-今天早晨刚刚完工的It’s not going to work.没用的呦-Oh,yeah?-And why is that,Granger?-哦是吗?-为什么呢格兰杰?13 You see this?This is an Age Line.看到这个吗?这是个年龄限制Dumbledore drew it himself.邓布利多亲自画的So?那又如何?So a genius like Dumbledore couldn’t possibly be fooled...一个像邓布利多这样的天才怎么可能...by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion.被又可怜又愚蠢的增龄剂愚弄-But that’s why it’s so brilliant.-Because it’s so pathetically dimwitted.-所以这办法才如此聪明-因为这办法又可怜又愚蠢-Ready,Fred?-Ready,George.-准备好了吗弗雷德?-准备好了乔治-Bottoms up.-Bottoms up.-干杯-干杯-Yes!-Yes!-不错!-不错!Yeah!耶!Yes!好!Ready?准备好了吗?-Yes!-Yes!-好了!-好了!-You said!-You said!-你说可以!-你说可以!-Oh,right,you want a piece of me?!-I’ll tear your ears off!-哦好吧你想打架吗?!-我要把你的耳朵撕下来!-Now you’re making me laugh.-Take this!Come on!-你别逗我了-接招!来啊!Fight!Fight!Fight!打他!打他!打他!We’re”old school,”right?我们是”老学生”了对吧?Yeah,but you look older!是不过你看起来更老!Sit down.Please.坐下请坐Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for:你们等待的时刻到了The champion selection.勇士抽选The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum.德姆斯特朗的勇士是威克多尔·克鲁姆The champion for Beauxbatons...布斯巴顿的勇士...is Fleur Delacour.是芙蓉·德拉库尔The Hogwarts champion,Cedric Diggory!霍格沃茨的勇士塞德里克·迪戈里!Excellent!We now have our three champions.很好!现在我们选出了我们的三个勇士But in the end,only one will go down in history.不过最终只有一个会被载入史册14Only one will hoist this chalice of champions...只有一个人会举起这个冠军圣杯...this vessel of victory...这个胜利的化身...the Triwizard Cup!三强杯!Harry Potter.哈利·波特Harry Potter?哈利·波特呢?No.No.不要别Harry Potter!哈利·波特!Go on,Harry.去吧哈利Harry,for goodness sake.哈利看在上帝的份上He’s a cheat!他作弊了!He’s not even17yet!他还不够17岁!-It’s wrong,I tell you!-You French tart.-我跟你说这样不对!-你个法国妞-Everything is a conspiracy theory!-Quiet!I can’t think!-这全都是阴谋!-安静!我思考不了了!-Everything is a conspiracy theory!-I protest.-这全都是阴谋!-我抗议-Harry.-I protest!-哈利-我抗议!Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?你把自己的名字投进火焰杯里了吗?-No,sir.-Did you ask one of the older students...-没有先生-你是不是请别的年长的同学...-to do it for you?-No,sir.-为你投了?-也没有先生-You’re absolutely sure?-Yes.Yes,sir.-你说的实话吗?-是实话先生-But of course he is lying.-The hell he is!-他当然是在撒谎-这他妈不可能是撒谎!The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object.火焰杯是一件非常强力的法器Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could’ve hoodwinked it.只有异常强力的混淆咒才能蒙蔽它Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year.那可是远远超出四年级生能力的魔法You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye.你看起来对这个事情有些独到的看法疯眼汉It was once my job to think as dark wizards do, Karkaroff...我曾经的工作就是按照黑巫师的思路来思考...-perhaps you remember.-This doesn’t help,Alas-tor.-记得吗卡卡洛夫-争吵没有用阿拉斯托Leave this to you,Barty.你来决定吧巴蒂15The rules are absolute.规则是绝对权威的The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract.火焰杯造就了一份有约束力的魔法契约Mr.Potter has no choice.波特先生别无选择He is,as of tonight...他今晚...a Triwizard champion.被选中为三强争霸赛的勇士This can’t go on,Albus.不能这样下去阿不思First the Dark Mark.Now this?先是黑魔标记现在又来这个?What do you suggest,Minerva?米勒娃你的意见呢?Put an end to it.终止吧Don’t let Potter compete.别让波特参赛You heard Barty.The rules are clear.你听到巴蒂说的了规则很明确Well,the devil with Barty and his rules.让巴蒂和他的规则去死吧And since when did you accommodate the Ministry?你什么时候开始顺从魔法部了?Headmaster,I,too,find it difficult to believe this mere coincidence.校长我也不相信事件事只是巧合However,if we are to truly discover the meaning of these events...然而如果我们想真正揭开这些事件的含义...perhaps we should,for the time being...也许我们应该暂时...let them unfold.让他们开赛What...?Do nothing?什么...?袖手旁观?Offer him up as bait?送羊入虎口?Potter is a boy,not a piece of meat.波特是个孩子不是羊I agree.With Severus.我同意西弗勒斯的意见Alastor,keep an eye on Harry,will you?阿拉斯托盯着点哈利可以吗?-I can do that.-Don’t let him know,though.-我可以-而且别让他察觉到He must be anxious enough as it is...他知道将要面临什么...knowing what lies ahead.肯定已经够焦虑的了Then again,we all are.我们都一样哈利·波特How did you do it?你怎么做到的?Never mind.Doesn’t matter.16算了无所谓Might’ve let your best friend know,though.不过你应该让你最好的朋友知道吧-Let you know what?-You know bloody well what.-让你知道什么?-你清楚是什么I didn’t ask for this to happen,Ron.罗恩我没想到会发生这样的事Okay?明白吗?-You’re being stupid.-Yeah,that’s me.-你别傻了-是啊就是我Ron Weasley,Harry Potter’s stupid friend.罗恩·韦斯莱哈利·波特的傻朋友I didn’t put my name in that cup.我没有把名字投进火焰杯里I don’t want eternal glory.I just wanna be...我不想要永恒的荣耀我只想...Look,I don’t know what happened tonight...听着我不知道今晚发生了什么...and I don’t know why.我也不知道为什么It just did.它就是发生了Okay?懂吗?Piss off.讨厌What a charismatic quartet.多么神采奕奕的四个人Hello.你们好I’m Rita Skeeter.我是丽塔·斯基特I write for the Daily Prophet.预言家日报的记者But of course you know that,don’t you?It’s you we don’t know.你们肯定知道我对吧?反而是我们不了解你们You’re the juicy news.你们可是大新闻What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?这美丽的面容下藏着哪些趣事?What mysteries do the muscles mask?肌肉下面掩藏着多少秘密?Does courage lie beneath those curls?卷曲的头发之下是否存在胆识?In short,what makes a champion tick?长话短说各位有何过人之处呢?”Me,Myself&I”want to know.Not to mention my rabid readers.”我我还是我”想知道更不要说我狂热的读者们了So who’s feeling up to sharing?那么谁想来跟我们分享一下?Shall we start with the youngest?Lovely.我们要不要从最年轻的开始?小宝贝This is cozy.这真舒服It’s a broom cupboard.这是个扫帚储藏室17You should feel right at home,then.那么你应该感觉像回家一样了Don’t mind if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill,do you?我用速记笔你不介意吧?No.不So tell me,Harry.那么告诉我哈利Here you sit,a mere boy of12...坐在我面前的这个不到12的男孩...I’m14.Sorry.抱歉我14了About to compete against three students...将要对抗的三个学生...not only vastly more emotionally mature than your-self...不仅在情感上远远成熟过你...but who have mastered spells that you wouldn’t at-tempt...而且还精通那些你连最迷离的白日梦里...in your dizziest daydreams.都不敢尝试的咒语Concerned?有压力吗?I don’t know.I haven’t really thought about it.不知道我还没有考虑过这些Just ignore the quill.别管这笔了Then,of course,you’re no ordinary boy of12,are you?当然你也不是普通的12岁男孩对吧?-Fourteen.-Your story’s legend.-14岁-你的故事是个传奇Do you think it was the trauma of your past...你是否认为是因为你过去的创伤...that made you so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament?才使你如此强烈地想要参与这么危险的赛事?No,I didn’t enter.不我没有参赛Of course you didn’t.你当然没有Everyone loves a rebel,Harry.大家都喜欢叛逆的故事哈利Scratch that last.最后这段划掉Speaking of your parents,were they alive...说到你的父母如果他们还活着...how do you think they’d feel?你觉得他们会有何感受?Proud?Or concerned...自豪?还是担心...that your attitude shows,at best,a pathological need for attention...从你的态度看来你极度渴望被注意这是最好情况...at worst,a psychotic death wish?最差情况你发了疯想寻死Hey,my eyes aren’t”glistening with the ghosts of my past.”嘿我的眼睛里没有”映出了过去的灵魂”好吗18 Harry,I couldn’t risk sending Hedwig.哈利我不能冒险派海德薇了Since the World Cup,the Ministry’s been intercept-ing more and more owls...自从魁地奇世界杯之后魔法部拦截了越来越多的猫头鹰...and she’s too easily recognized.而她太好认了We need to talk,Harry,face-to-face.我们需要谈谈哈利面对面的Meet me in the Gryffindor common room,1:00this Saturday night.本周六晚1点去格兰芬多的公共休息室见我And make sure you’re alone.别让别人跟着Sirius.小天狼星P.S:备注The bird bites.这鸟咬人Sirius?小天狼星?Harry Potter,age12...哈利·波特12岁...suspect entrant in the Triwizard Tournament.三强争霸赛的争议参赛者His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past...他的眼睛与他过去的灵魂一起湿润...and choking back tears...噙回了眼泪...Sirius.How...?小天狼星你怎么...?I don’t have much time,so let me get straight to it.我时间不多咱们开门见山Did you or did you not put your name into the Goblet of Fire?你有还是没有把自己的名字投进火焰杯?No!没有!I had to ask.我不得不问Now,tell me about this dream of yours.You men-tioned Wormtail and V oldemort.现在给我说说你的梦境你提到了虫尾巴和伏地魔But who was the third man in the room?不过房间里第三个人是谁?-I don’t know.-You didn’t hear a name?-我不知道-你没听到名字?No.没有V oldemort was giving him a job to do.Something important.伏地魔正在给他分配任务某些重要的任务And what was that?是什么任务?He wanted...他要抓...me.我。



哈利波特与魔法石HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE<第一幕>DUMBLEDOREI should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall. MCGONAGALLGood evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true Albus? DUMBLEDOREI'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad.MCGONAGALLAnd the boy?DUMBLEDOREHagrid is bringing him. MCGONAGALLDo you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this? DUMBLEDOREAh, Prof. I would trust Hagrid with my lifeHAGRIDProfessor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.DUMBLEDORENo problems I trust Hagrid?HAGRIDNo, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.MC Albus, do really think it's safe leaving him with these people? I've watched them all day. There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are- -DUMBLEDOREThe only family he has. MCGONAGALLThis boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name.DUMBLEDOREExactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he is ready. There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye after all. Good Luck, Harry Potter.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第二幕>(one)AUNT PETUNIAUp. Get up! Now!DUDLEYWake up cousin! We're going to the zoo! AUNT PETUNIAHere he comes the birthday boy! (two)UNCLE VERNONhappy birthday son.AUNT PETUNIAWhy don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything.HARRYYes Aunt Petunia.AUNT PETUNIAI want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!UNCLE VERNONHurry up! Bring my coffee boy! HARRYyes Uncle Vernon.AUNT PETUNIAAren't they wonderful darling? DUDLEYHow many are there?VOLDEMORT36, Counted them myself.DUDLEY36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37!!!VOLDEMORTYes, but some of them are a bit bigger than last year's!DUDLEYI don't care how big they are!AUNT PETUNIANow, now, now, this is what we're going to do. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin?AUNT PETUNIAIt should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it. VOLDEMORTI'm warning you now boy. Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals for a week. Get in. (three)DUDLEYMake it move.VOLDEMORTMove.DUDLEYMOVE!HARRYHe's asleep.DUDLEYHe's boring.HARRYSorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you. Can you hear me? It's just I've never talked to a snake before. Do you... Do you talk to people often? You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Did you miss your family?I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents either.DUDLEYMummy, Dad, come here you won't believe what this snake is doing! Woah! Woah! Ah!SNAKEThanks.HARRYAny time.OTHSnake! Ahh!DUDLEYMum! Mummy! Help me!PERCYMy darling boy! How did you get in there! Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第三幕>(one)PERCYIt's all right sweetheart. We'll get you out of these terrible clothes. VOLDEMORTWhat happened?HARRYI swear, I don't know! One minute the glass was there then it was gone, it was like magic!VOLDEMORTThere's no such thing as magic. (two)VOLDEMORTOh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. DUDLEYDad! Look! Harry's got a letter! HARRYHey give it back! It's mine! VOLDEMORTYours? Who'd be writing to you? VOLDEMORTNo more mail through this letterbox. AUNT PETUNIAHave a lovely day at the office, dear. VOLDEMORTShoo! Go on!(three)VOLDEMORTFine day Sunday. In my opinion best day of the week. And why is that Dudley? HARRYBecause there's no post on Sundays. VOLDEMORTRight you are Harry. No post on Sunday. Ha! No blasted letters today! No, sir! Not one single bloody letter! Not one! No sir, not one blasted, miserable- -DUDLEYMake it stop, please!VOLDEMORTStop it!DUDLEYMummy what's happening? VOLDEMORTGive me that! Give me that letter! HARRYGet off! They're my letters! Let go of me!VOLDEMORTThat's it! We're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!DUDLEYDaddy's gone mad hasn't he? - - - -(four)HARRYMake a wish, Harry.VOLDEMORTWho's there?HAGRIDSorry 'bout that.VOLDEMORTI demand that you leave at once. You are breaking and entering.HAGRIDDry up Dursley you great prune. Well, I haven't seen you since you was a baby Harry. But you're a bit more along then I would have expected; particularly around the middle.DUDLEYI'm not... I'm not Harry.HARRYI am.HAGRIDWell of course you are! Got something for you. Afraid I might have sat on it at some point but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same. Baked it myself, words and all.HARRYThank you!HAGRIDIt's not everyday your young man turns 11 now it is?HARRYExcuse me, but who are you?HAGRIDRubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course you know all about HogwartsHARRYSorry, no.HAGRIDNo? Blimey Harry didn't you ever wonder didn't you ever wonder how your mum and dad learned it all?HARRYLearned what?HAGRIDYou're a wizard Harry.HARRYI'm a what?HAGRIDA wizard. And a thumpin' good one I'd wager once you've trained up a bit. HARRYNo, you've made a mistake. I mean I can't be a wizard... I mean I'm Harry, Just Harry.HAGRIDWell, "Just Harry" did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared? Um Hum.HARRYDear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going! We swore when we took him in that we would put a stop to all of this rubbish!HARRYYou knew? We knew all along and you never told me?AUNT PETUNIAOf course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect being who she was. Oh I remember the day she got her letter. My parents were so proud. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one who saw her for what she was... a freak. And then she met that Potter, and then she had you and I knew you would be the same just as strange just as abnormal. And then, if you please, she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you.HARRYBlown up?! You told me my parents died in a car crash!HAGRIDA car crash? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?PATWe had to say something!HAGRIDIt's an outrage. It's a scandal. VOLDEMORTHe will not be going.HAGRIDOh and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself is gonna stop him.HARRYMuggle?HAGRIDNon- magic folk. This boy's had his name down since he were born. He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world. And he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen, Albus Dumbledore...VOLDEMORTI will not pay to have some crack pot old fool teach him magic tricks! HAGRIDNever insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me... I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking I'm not supposed to do magic.HARRYOKHAGRIDWe're a bit behind schedule. Best be off. Unless you'd rather stay, of course.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第四幕>(one)HARRYAll students must be equipped with a one standard size two pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad. Can we find all this in London?HAGRIDIf you know where to go.TOM (BARTENDER)Ah, Hagrid the usual I presume. HAGRIDNo thanks Tom, I'm on official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Harry buy his school business.TOMBless my soul, it's Harry Potter. OTHERWelcome back Mr. Potter welcome back. DORISDoris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last. QUIRRELLHarry P-p-potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.HAGRIDhello, professor I didn't see you there. Harry Professor Quirrell will be your defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.HARRYOh, nice to meet you,QUIRRELLA fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, eh, P-potter? HAGRIDYes, well must be going now. Lots to buy.HARRYGood bye.HAGRIDSee, Harry? You're famous.HARRYBut why am I famous Hagrid? All those people back there how is it they know who I am?HAGRIDI'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that, Harry. Welcome Harry, to Diagon Alley. That's where you get your quills and ink. Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.(two)OTHIt's a world class racing broom. OTHWow! Look at it the new Nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet!HARRYBut Hagrid how am I to pay for all this?I haven't any money.HAGRIDWell there's your money Harry! Gringotts, the wizard bank! Ain't no safer place, not one! 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.HARRYHagrid what exactly are these things? HAGRIDThey're goblins Harry. Clever as they come the goblins, but not the mostfriendly of beasts. Best stay close. Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawalGOBLINAnd does Mr. Harry Potter have his key? HAGRIDWait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Ha! There's the little devil. Oh, and there's something else as well. Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It's about You- Know- What in vault you know which.GOBLINVery well.GRIPHOOKVault 687. Lamp please. Key, please HAGRIDDidn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing now did you? GRIPHOOKVault 713.HARRYWhat's in there Hagrid?HAGRIDCan't tell you Harry. Hogwarts business. Very secret.GRIPHOOKStand back.HAGRIDBest not to mention this to anyone Harry.HARRYI still need... a wand.HAGRIDA wand? Well, you want Ollivander's. There ain't no place better. Why don't you run along and wait. I got one more thing to do. Won't be long.(three)HARRYHello? Hello?OLLII wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. Potter. It seems only yesterday that you mother and father were in here buying their first wands. Here we are. Well give it a wave. Apparently not. Perhaps this. NO, no definitely not. No matter. I wonder... Curious... very curiousHARRYSorry but what's curiousOLLII remember every wand that I've sold Mr. Potter, every one. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather. Just one other. It is curiousthat you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar.HARRYAnd who owned that wand?OLLIWe do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter. It is not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible, yes, but great. HAGRIDHarry! Harry! Happy Birthday! HARRYWoah!HAGRIDYou all right Harry? You seem very quiet.HARRYHe killed my parents didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know Hagrid. I know you do.HAGRIDFirst and understand this Harry because it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad.A few years ago one of them went as bad as you can go. His name was V--. His name was V--.HARRYWell maybe if you wrote it down? HAGRIDNaw I can't spell it. All right, Voldemort.HARRYVoldemort?HAGRIDShh. It was dark times Harry, dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers. Brought them over to the Dark Side. Anyone who stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him. Nobody lived once he decided to kill them. Nobody, not one. Except you.HARRYMe? Voldemort tried to kill me? HAGRIDYes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead Harry. A mark from that only comes from being touched by a curse, an evil curse at that.HARRYWhat happened to V--... To You-Know-Who?HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived.HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第五幕>(one)HAGRIDWhat are you looking at? Blimey is that time? Sorry Harry, but I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore would be wanting his... Well, he'd be wanting to see me. Now, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. Stick to it Harry, that's very important. Stick to you ticket.HARRYPlatform 9 ? But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9 ? There's no such thing. Is there?OTHSorry.HARRYExcuse me! Excuse me!OTHOn your left.HARRYExcuse me sir. Can you tell me where I might find Platform 9 ?OTH9 ? Think you're being funny do you? MRS. WEASLEYIt's the same every year packed with Muggles of course. Come on!HARRYMuggles?MRS. WEASLEYPlatform 9 ?this way! All right Percy you first. Fred you next.GEORGE WEASLEYHe's not Fred I am!FRED WEASLEYHonestly, woman you call yourself our mother!MRS. WEASLEYI'm sorry George.FRED WEASLEYOnly joking! I am Fred.HARRYExcuse me! Could you tell me how to... MRS. WEASLEYHow to get on to the platform? Yes, not toworry dear, it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. Now, all you have to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a run if you're nervous.GINNYGood luck! - -(two)RON WEASLEYExcuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full.HARRYNot at all.RON WEASLEYI'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.HARRYI'm Harry. Harry Potter.RON WEASLEYSO it's true! DO you really have the... the...HARRYThe what?RON WEASLEYThe scar?HARRYOh!RON WEASLEYWicked!OTHAnything off the trolley dears?RON WEASLEYNo, thanks, I'm all set.HARRYWe'll take the lot!RON WEASLEYWoah!HARRYBertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans? RON WEASLEYThey mean every flavor! There's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. George sweared he got boogie flavored one once.HARRYThese aren't real frogs are they? RON WEASLEYIt's just a spell. But it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 me self. Watch it! That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.HARRYI've got Dumbledore!RON WEASLEYI've got about 6 of him.HARRYHey, he's gone!RON WEASLEYWell you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he? HARRYJust a little bit.RON WEASLEYFred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?HARRYYeah!RON WEASLEYAhem... Sunshine...HERMIONEhas anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's has one.RON WEASLEYNo.HERMIONEOh are you doing magic? Let's see then. RON WEASLEYAhem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turn this stupid fat rat yellow. HERMIONEAre you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are...?RON WEASLEYI'm Ron Weasley.HERMIONEPleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.(three)HAGRIDRight then. First years this way, please! First years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up! Hello Harry! HARRYHi Hagrid!RON WEASLEYWoah!HAGRIDRight, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me.RON WEASLEYWicked! - - - -MCGONAGALLWelcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will loose points. At the end of the year, the houses with the most points is awarded the house cup. NEVILLETrevor! Sorry.MCGONAGALLThe Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily.DRACO MALFOYIt's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.N & OTHHarry Potter?DRACO MALFOYThis is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.HARRYI think I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks.MCGONAGALLWe're ready for you. Follow me. (four)HERMIONEIt's not real the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night outside. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History.MCGONAGALLWill you wait along here please. Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words. DUMBLEDOREI have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note, that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to all who do not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you. MCGONAGALLWhen I call your name you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger! HERMIONEOh, no. OK relax.RON WEASLEYMental that one, I'm telling you. SHARRYAh, right then. Hum... Right. Okay, Gryffindor!MCGONAGALLDraco Malfoy!SHARRYSlytherin!RON WEASLEYThere's no witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin. MCGONAGALLSusan Bones!HARRYOw!RON WEASLEYHarry what is it?HARRYNothing. Nothing, I'm fineSHARRY...where shall I put you? Let's see...I know! Hufflepuff!MCGONAGALLRonald Weasley!SHARRYHa! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you... Gryffindor! MCGONAGALLHarry potterSHARRYHmmm... Difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you...HARRYNot Slytherin, not Slytherin! SHARRYNot Slytherin eh? Are you sure? You could be great you know. It's all herein your head. And Slytherin will help youon the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? (Harry whispering: Please, Please anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin.) Well if you're sure, better be... Gryffindor! MCGONAGALLYour attention please. DUMBLEDORELet the feast begin!HARRYWow!SFRED WEASLEYI'm half and half. Me dad's a Muggle, mam's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out!HARRYSay Percy, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?PERCYOh, Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house.HARRYWhat's he teach?PERCYPotions. But everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years.RON WEASLEYAh!SIR NEVILLEHello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor.OTHIt's the Bloody Baron!PERCYHello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?SIR NEVILLEDismal. Once again my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied. RON WEASLEYI know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick.SIR NEVILLEI prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind.HERMIONE"Nearly" headless? How can you be "nearly" headless?SIR NEVILLELike this.RON WEASLEYAh!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第六幕>PERCYGryffindors, follow me, please. Keep up. Thank-you.OTHRavenclaw follow me. This way. PERCYThis is the most direct part to the dormitories. Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change. Keep up please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on.OTHThat picture's moving!OTHLook at that one.OTHI think she fancies you.OTHLook, look!OTHWho's that girl?WALL PICTUREWelcome to Hogwarts!THE FAT LADYPassword?PERCYCaput Draconis. Follow me, everyone. Keep up. Quickly, come on! Gather around here. Welcome to the Gryffindor common room. Boys' dormitories is upstairs and down to your left. Girls the same on your right. You'll find all your belonging have already been brought up.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第七幕>(one)RON WEASLEYWhew! We made it! Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late? That was bloody brilliant! MCGONAGALLThank-you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigured Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time.HARRYWe got lost.MCGONAGALLThen perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats.(two)SEVERUS SNAPEThere will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exactart that is potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.I show you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention. Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? You don't know? Well let's try again. Where Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?HARRYI don't know, sir.SEVERUS SNAPEAnd what is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?HARRYI don't know sir.SEVERUS SNAPEPity. Clearly fame isn't everything. Is it Mr. Potter?(three)SFRED WEASLEYEye of rabbit, harp sting hum, turn this water into rum... Eye of rabbit harp sting hum, turn this water into rum.HARRYWhat's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?RON WEASLEYTurn it to rum. Actually he managed to make weak tea yesterday, before--- Ah, mail's here.HARRYCan I burrow this? Thanks.OTHHey look! Neville's got a Remembrall. HERMIONEI've read about those. When the smoke turns red it means you've forgotten something.NEVILLEThe only problem is I can't remember what I have forgotten.HARRYHey Ron, somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen: "Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts goblins were acknowledging the breach insist nothing was taken. The vault in question number 713 had been emptiedearlier that very same day." That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第八幕>MHARRYGood afternoon, class.OTHSGood afternoon Madame Hooch. MHARRYGood afternoon Amanda, good afternoon. Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up.H & OTHSUp! Up!HARRYWoah!DRACO MALFOYUp.RON WEASLEYUp. Up!MHARRYWith feeling!HERMIONEUp. Up! Up. Up!RON WEASLEYUP! Ow! Shut up Harry.MHARRYNow once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight. You don't wanna be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. Three, two... Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Mr. Mr. Longbottom!OTHSDown! Down!HARRYNeville!NEVILLEHelp! Help!MHARRYCome back down this instant! Mr. Longbottom! Everyone out of the way! HERMIONEIs he alright?NEVILLEOw!MHARRYOh oh oh. Oh dear, it's a broken wrist. Poor boy. Come on now, up you get.Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say "Quidditch".DRACO MALFOYDid you see his face? If the fat lump had given this a squeeze he would remember to fall on his fat arse. HARRYGive it here Malfoy.DRACO MALFOYNo, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about on the roof? What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond you reach?HERMIONEHarry! No way! You heard what Madame Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly! What an idiot!HARRYGive it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!DRACO MALFOYIs that so? Have it your way, then! OTHYeah!OTHNice going, Harry!OTHThat was wicked Harry! MCGONAGALLHarry Potter! Follow me. You wait here.QUIRRELL... this is an ingredient... MCGONAGALLProfessor Quirrell, excuse me, excuse me could I borrow Wood for a moment, please?QUIRRELLWell, yes of course.MCGONAGALLPotter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood I have found you a Seeker.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第九幕>SIR NEVILLEHave you heard Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well.RON WEASLEYSeeker? But first years never make the house teams. You must be the youngest Quidditch player in...HARRYA century. According to McGonagall. FRED WEASLEYWell dome Harry! Wood's just told us! RON WEASLEYFred and George are on the team too. Beaters.GEORGE WEASLEYOur job is to make sure that you don't get bloody up too bad. Can't make any promises of course. Rough game Quidditch.FRED WEASLEYBrutal! But, nobody's died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally. GEORGE WEASLEYBut they'll turn up in a month or two! RON WEASLEYOh go on Harry! Quidditch is great. Best game there is, and you'll be great too!HARRYBut I've never even played Quidditch! What if I make a fool of myself? HERMIONEYou won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood.RON WEASLEYWoah! Harry, you never told me your father was a seeker too!HARRYI didn't know.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<第十幕>RON WEASLEYI'm telling you, it's spooky! She knows move about you than you do! HARRYWho doesn't? What's happening? HERMIONEThe staircases change remember? HARRYLet's go this way.RON WEASLEYBefore the staircase moves again. Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here? HERMIONEWe're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden! HARRYLet's go.HERMIONEFlich's cat!HARRYRun! Quick, let's hide through that door! It's locked!。



哈利·波特哈利·波特与火焰杯这帮该死的孩子Bloody kids.你真是越来越挑剔了虫尾巴How fastidious you've become, Wormtail.我记得你原来可是住下水道的As I recall, you once called the nearest gutter pipe home. 你最近是不是Could it be that the task of nursing me不乐意伺候我了has become wearisome for you?不不是伏地魔大人Oh, no. No, no, my Lord Voldemort.我只是想I only meant...不用那个男孩也可以perhaps if we were to do it without the boy.不行他是关键No! The boy is everything!非他不可It cannot be done without him.这件事必须按我说的办And it will be done. Exactly as I said.-我一定不会让您失望的主人 -很好- I will not disappoint you, my Lord. - Good.首先要召集我们的老朋友First, gather our old comrades.发个信&hearts;号&hearts;&hearts;提醒他们Send them a sign.纳吉尼说有个麻瓜老管家Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker正站在门外呢is standing just outside the door.别挡着门虫尾巴Step aside, Wormtail,让我好好欢迎一下客人so I can give our guest a proper greeting.阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra!哈利哈利Harry!你没事吧Are you all right?赫敏我做噩梦了Hermione. Bad dream.-你什么时候来的 -刚到你呢- When did you get here? - Just now. You?昨天晚上Last night.醒醒醒醒罗恩Wake up! Wake up, Ronald!老天啊Bloody hell.快点穿衣服吧Honestly, get dressed.可别再睡着了And don't go back to sleep.快点罗恩你妈妈说早饭都做好了Come on, Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready!-罗恩我们到底要去哪 -不知道- Ron, where are we actually going? - Don't know.-老爸我们去哪 -我也一头雾水呢- Hey, Dad. Where are we going? - Haven't the foggiest. 快跟上Keep up!亚瑟Arthur!你终于到了It's about time, son.抱歉阿莫斯有人不太愿意起床Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start.各位这就是阿莫斯·迪戈里This is Amos Diggory, everyone.是我在部里的同事Works with me at the Ministry.这帅小伙一定是塞德里克吧And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right? 是的先生Yes, sir.This way.梅林的胡子啊你就是哈利·波特吧Merlin's beard! You must be Harry Potter.-是的先生 -幸会幸会- Yes, sir. - Great, great pleasure.幸会先生Pleasure to meet you too, sir.就在那边Yes, it's just over there.-我们准备走吧 -好的- Shall we? - Oh, yeah.迟到了可不好We don't want to be late.来快到时间了大家各就各位Come on. Nearly there now. Get yourself into a good position. 为什么都围着那只破鞋Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?-那可不是普通的破鞋 -是个门钥匙- That isn't just any manky old boot. - It's a Portkey.该走了Time to go!门钥匙是什么What's a Portkey?-准备好数到三一二 -哈利- Ready! After three. One, two... - Harry!三three!松手孩子们Let go, kids!-什么 -松手- What?! - Let go!青草的气味好闻吧I'll bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?-每次都这么一团糟 -多谢- Total shambles, as per usual. - Thanks.快来看哪Go on, look at that!孩子们欢迎来到魁地奇世界杯Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!别走散了跟上姑娘们Stay together! Keep up, girls!看哪Look!跟上姑娘们Come on! Keep up, girls!天啊Blimey!各回各家吧老伙计Parting of the ways, I think, old chap.-比赛见 -再见- See you at the match. - See you.-塞德里克 -塞德走了- Cedric. - Ced, come on.再见了塞德里克See you later, Cedric.终于到家了Home sweet home.不是吧What?-不错不错 -金妮你看- Excellent, excellent. - Ginny, look!-去泡澡吧 -看啊- All to the bath. - Look.姑娘们选个床铺安顿下来吧Girls, choose a bunk and unpack.罗恩别在厨房&hearts;里转悠了我们都饿了Ron, get out of the kitchen. We're all hungry.没错别在厨房&hearts;里转悠了Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!把脚放下来Feet off the table!把脚放下来Feet off the table!有魔法真棒I love magic.快来买&hearts;&hearts;本魁地奇世界杯比赛说明吧Get your Quidditch World Cup programs here!天哪老爸我们的座位到底有多高Blimey, Dad. How far up are we?这么说吧Well, put it this way:如果下雨If it rains你肯定头一个知道you'll be the first to know.我和父亲坐在部长包厢Father and I are in the minister's box康奈利·福吉部长亲自邀请我们的by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself. 不要吹嘘德拉科Don't boast, Draco.跟这些人也没必要There's no need with these people.趁着还有机会Do enjoy yourself, won't you?好好享受吧While you can.快上来就座了Come on up. Take your seats.我说了这么好的座位等多久都值I told you these seats would be worth waiting for. 来吧Come on!是爱尔兰队那是特洛伊It's the Irish! There's Troy!-还有玛莱特 -和莫兰- And Mullet! - And Moran!爱尔兰爱尔兰爱尔兰Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!-保加利亚队来了 -太棒了- Here come the Bulgarians! - Yes!那是谁Who's that?妹妹那可是全世界最棒的找球手That, sis, is the best Seeker in the world.克鲁姆克鲁姆克鲁姆Krum! Krum! Krum!克鲁姆Krum!各位晚上好Good evening!作为魔法部长As Minister for Magic我万分荣幸地在此it gives me great pleasure欢迎各位的到来to welcome each and every one of you欢迎大家前来观看第422届魁地奇世界杯决赛to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup! 比赛现在Let the match开始begin!克鲁姆克鲁姆克鲁姆Krum! Krum! Krum!克鲁姆无人可及There's no one like Krum.-克鲁姆 -呆克鲁姆- Krum? - Dumb Krum?他像鸟一样乘风驾云He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind.-他不只是运动员 -呆克鲁姆- He's more than an athlete. - Dumb Krum.简直是位艺术家He's an artist.-我觉得你爱上他了罗恩 -闭嘴- I think you're in love, Ron. - Shut up.威克多尔我爱你Viktor, I love you我真的爱你Viktor, I do每当我们分开我的心只为你跳动When we're apart. My heart beats only for you 爱尔兰人闹得好开心Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on. 停下都别闹了Stop! Stop it!不是爱尔兰人It's not the Irish.得赶紧离开快点We've gotta get out of here. Now!快跑啊食死徒来了Get out, it's the Death Eaters!大家回到门钥匙那里去别走散了Get back to the Portkey, everybody, and stick together! 弗雷德乔治金妮就交给你们了Fred, George! Ginny is your responsibility.快走Go!哈利Harry!-你们几个快跟上 -哈利- Keep up, you lot! - Harry!哈利哈利Harry! Harry!尸骨再现Morsmordre!哈利Harry!-你在哪 -哈利- Where are you? -Harry!我们找了你好久We've been looking for you for ages!还以为你走丢了呢伙计Thought we lost you, mate.那是什么What is that?昏昏倒地Stupefy!住手Stop!那是我儿子That's my son!罗恩哈利赫敏你们没事吧Ron, Harry, Hermione, you all right?我们返回来找哈利的We came back for Harry.你们谁施的咒语Which of you conjured it?-克劳奇说真的 -别想骗我- Crouch, you can't possi... - Do not lie!这可是罪案现场You've been discovered at the scene of the crime.-罪案 -巴蒂他们都还是孩子- Crime? - Barty! They're just kids.什么罪案What crime?那是黑魔标记哈利是他的符号&hearts;It's the Dark Mark, Harry. It's his mark.谁伏地魔吗What, Voldemort?今晚那些蒙着脸的也是他的人吗Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they? -都是他的追随者吗 -没错- His followers? - Yeah.都是食死徒Death Eaters.-跟我走 -刚才有个人- Follow me. - There was a man, before.往那边走了There!大家这边走All of you, this way!一个人吗哈利A man, Harry?是谁Who?我不知道I don't know.我没看到他的脸I didn't see his face.卖&hearts;&hearts;好吃的了Anything from the trolley?魁地奇世界杯恐怖事件卖&hearts;&hearts;好吃的了Anything from the trolley?买&hearts;&hearts;点吃的吗亲爱的Anything from the trolley, dears?要一袋吹宝泡泡糖Packet of Drooble's...再要一根甘草魔杖... and a Licorice Wand.算了只要吹宝吧On second thought, just the Drooble's.没事我来付吧It's all right, I'll get it.吹宝就够了谢谢Just the Drooble's. Thanks.两个南瓜馅饼Two Pumpkin Pasties, please.谢谢Thank you.要吃甜品吗亲爱的Anything sweet for you, dear?不用了我不饿谢谢Oh, no, I'm not hungry. Thank you.卖&hearts;&hearts;好吃的了Anything from the trolley?这太恐怖了This is horrible.怎么连魔法部都查不出是谁How can the Ministry not know who conjured it? 就没有什么安保措施吗Wasn't there any security or...?多着呢我爸说的Loads, according to Dad.问题就在这That's what worried them so much.就在他们眼皮子底下Happened right under their noses.伤疤又开始疼了是不是It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar.我没事I'm fine.小天狼星希望你写信告诉他的You know Sirius will want to hear about this...世界杯上的事和你的梦... what you saw at the World Cup and the dream. 小天狼星·布莱克海德薇走吧Hedwig. There we go.让开跑道Clear the runway!这景致可不是天天有Well, there's something you don't see every day. 现在大家都安顿好了Well, now we're all settled in and sorted,我想宣布一件事情I'd like to make an announcement.今年这座城&hearts;堡&hearts;不仅是你们的家This castle will not only be your home this year,还将迎来一些特别的客人but home to some very special guests as well.霍格沃茨被选中...You see, Hogwarts has been chosen....怎么了Yes, what is it?什么事What is it?让他们稍等一等等一等Tell them to wait. Tell them to wait. Wait.刚说到霍格沃茨被选中So Hogwarts has been chosen主办一项传奇赛事to host a legendary event:三强争霸赛The Triwizard Tournament.-对于那些不了解的人 -太棒了- For those of you who do not know... - Brilliant.三强争霸赛是在三所学校间... the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools 展开的一系列魔法竞赛for a series of magical contests.每所学校只选一名学生参赛From each school, a single student is selected to compete. 事先说明Now let me be clear.一旦被选中你将孤军奋战If chosen, you stand alone.相信我And trust me when I say经受不起打击的参赛前请三思these contests are not for the faint-hearted.不过这些可以日后再说But more of that later.现在请与我一同欢迎For now, please join me in welcoming来自布斯巴顿魔法学院美丽的姑娘们the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic和她们的校长马克西姆夫人and their headmistress, Madame Maxime.老天啊Bloody hell.天啊这女人个头真大Blimey. That's one big woman.还有我们来自北方的朋友And now our friends from the north.欢迎来自德姆斯特朗的骄子们Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang和他们的校长伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫and their high master, lgor Karkaroff.是克鲁姆Oh, it's Krum!天啊真的是他Blimey, it's him!威克多尔·克鲁姆Viktor Krum!阿布思Albus.伊戈尔Igor.邓布利多教授我的马匹一路辛劳Professor Dumbly-dorr, my horses have traveled a long way.-需要精心照料 -别担心马克西姆夫人- They will need attending to. - Don't worry, Madame Maxime. 我们的猎场看守海格一定能照顾好Our gamekeeper, Hagrid, is more than capable of seeing to them. 海格先生你得知道But you know, Monsieur Hagrid他们只喝纯麦芽威士忌they drink only single-malt whiskey.你这蠢货You idiot!请大家注意Your attention, please!我有几句话要说I'd like to say a few words.永恒的荣耀Eternal glory.将属于那位That is what awaits the student赢得三强杯的学生who wins the Triwizard Tournament.但要获得这荣耀必须完成三项任务But to do this, that student must survive three tasks.这三项任务都异常艰险Three extremely dangerous tasks.够狠Wicked.因此魔法部决定引入新的规则For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. 下面将由To explain all this国际魔法合作司司长we have the head of the向大家解释这个新规则Department of lnternational Magical Cooperation巴蒂·克劳奇先生Mr. Bartemius Crouch.天啊是疯眼汉穆迪Bloody hell. It's Mad-Eye Moody.-阿&hearts;拉&hearts;斯托·穆迪吗那个傲罗 -傲罗- Alastor Moody? The Auror? - Auror?专抓黑巫师的Dark-wizard catcher.阿兹卡班一半的人都是他扔进去的Half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him.听说他最近疯疯癫癫的He's supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days.-老朋友欢迎欢迎 -这破天花板- My dear old friend, thanks for coming. - Stupid ceiling.谢谢Thank you.你觉得他喝的是什么What's that he's drinking, do you suppose?不知道肯定不是南瓜汁I don't know, but I don't think it's pumpkin juice.经过深思熟虑After due consideration,为了学生自身安全魔法部决定the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety,未满17周岁的学生no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed不得报名参加三强争霸赛to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament.-这一决定不可更改 -这太胡扯了- This decision is final. - That's rubbish!真是胡扯简直是胡闹That's rubbish! You don't know what you're doing!-安静 -看来大家都不满意这规定- Silence! - They're not too happy about that, then.火焰杯The Goblet of Fire.想参加三强争霸赛的同学Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament只需将姓名写在一张羊皮纸上need only write their name upon a piece of parchment在周四晚之前投进火焰里and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. 提交前请仔细考虑Do not do so lightly.一旦选中就不能反悔If chosen, there's no turning back.三强争霸赛自此拉开序幕As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun. 阿&hearts;拉&hearts;斯托·穆迪Alastor Moody.前傲罗Ex-Auror,魔法部的叛逆者Ministry malcontent,你们黑魔法防御术课的新老师and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.我应邓布利多邀请而来I am here because Dumbledore asked me.就这么回事End of story, goodbye, the end.还有问题吗Any questions?说到黑魔法When it comes to the Dark Arts,我更相信实践出真知I believe in a practical approach.不过首先谁能告诉我But first, which of you can不可饶恕咒一共有几个tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?-三个先生 - 为什么叫这个- Three, sir. - And they are so named?因为它们不可饶恕使用任何一个Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will... 你就别想出阿兹卡班了没错Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct.魔法部觉得这些咒语少&hearts;儿&hearts;不&hearts;宜&hearts; The Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. 我可不这么想I say different!你得知道对手能做出什么You need to know what you're up against!你得时刻做好准备You need to be prepared.你得另找个地方粘你的口香糖You need to find another place to put your chewing gum不许粘在课桌下面斐尼甘先生besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!不是吧No way.这死老头居然能看到脑袋后面The old codger can see out the back of his head.还能听到后面呢And hear across classrooms!那么先展示哪个呢So which curse shall we see first?-韦斯莱 -是- Weasley! - Yes?站起来Stand.说个咒语吧Give us a curse.我爸爸曾经跟我讲过一个Well, my dad did tell me about one.夺魂咒The Imperius Curse.是啊你父亲肯定知道那个咒语Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that.当年可是给部里惹了不少麻烦Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. 给你解释下为什么Perhaps this will show you why.你好啊Hello.漂亮的小美人Lovely little beauty.速速变大Engorgio.魂魄出窍Imperio!别担心她不会伤人的Don't worry. It's completely harmless.但要是她咬一口If she bites你就死了she's lethal.你笑什么呢What are you laughing at?快拿开Get off!她真有才是不是Talented, isn't she?下面该让她做什么呢从窗户跳出去What should I have her do next? Jump out the window? 把自己淹死Drown herself?以前很多巫师声称Scores of witches and wizards have claimed他们听从神秘人that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding是因为受了夺魂咒的控制under the influence of the Imperius Curse.但问题是But here's the rub:我们怎么知道谁在撒谎How do we sort out the liars?还有谁再说一个Another, another.来吧来吧Up, up. Come on.你是隆巴顿吧Longbottom, is it?站起来Up.斯普劳特教授告诉我Professor Sprout tells me你很有草药学的天赋you have an aptitude for herbology.还有一个There's the....叫钻心咒The Cruciatus Curse.没错没错来Correct, correct. Come, come.这个特别惨Particularly nasty.折磨人的咒语The torture curse.钻心剜骨Crucio!快停下你没看到他受不了吗Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it! 最后一个不可饶恕咒Perhaps you could give us就你由来告诉大家吧格兰杰小姐the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger.不愿意No?阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra!死咒The Killing Curse.被施咒的人只有一位逃过一死Only one person is known to have survived it 他此刻就坐在这间屋子里and he's sitting in this room.他真是棒极了你不觉得吗Brilliant, isn't he?但脑子绝对有问题Completely demented, of course,跟他同处一室也挺可怕的and terrifying to be in the same room with,但他真是见过世面的人but he's really been there,他可是亲身经历过的you know? He's looked evil in the eye.不可饶恕咒这个名字不是白来的There's a reason those curses are unforgivable.居然在教室里演示To perform them in a classroom....看看纳威的脸色I mean, did you see Neville's face?纳威Neville?孩子Son?你还好吗You all right?来吧来喝杯茶Come on. We'll have a cup of tea.我有东西给你看I want to show you something.我们要迟到了We're gonna be late!加油塞德里克放进去Come on, Cedric. Put it in!永恒的荣耀想想就很棒Eternal glory. Be brilliant, wouldn't it?三年后我们年纪就够了Three years from now, when we're old enough to be chosen. 你去吧我可不去Yeah, rather you than me.成了Yes!谢谢谢谢Thank you, thank you.-伙计们成功了 -今早刚做好- Well, lads, we've done it. - Cooked it up just this morning. 不会管用的It's not going to work.-是吗 -为什么呢格兰杰- Oh, yeah? - And why is that, Granger?看到没这是年龄界线You see this? This is an Age Line.邓布利多亲自画的Dumbledore drew it himself.那又怎么样So?像邓布利多那样的天才怎么可能被So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled... 增龄剂这种破玩意骗过去...by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion. 破玩意才高明But that's why it's so brilliant.破玩意他才想不到Because it's so pathetically dimwitted.准备好了吗弗雷德Ready, Fred?准备好了乔治Ready, George.-干了 -干了- Bottoms up. - Bottoms up.-太棒了 -太棒了- Yes! - Yes!太棒了Yes!准备好了吗Ready?-太棒了 -太棒了- Yes! - Yes!-你说会管用的 -你说会管用的- You said! - You said!-你想干一架吗 -看我把你耳朵扯下来- Oh, right, you want a piece of me?! - I'll tear your ears off! -真可笑 -接招- Now you're making me laugh. - Take this! Come on!上上上Fight! Fight! Fight!还是老一套吗We're "Old school," Right?是啊但是没你老Yeah, but you look older!请坐Sit down. Please.现在是万众期待的时刻Now the moment you've all been waiting for: 勇士选拔the champion selection.德姆斯特朗的勇士是威克多尔·克鲁姆The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum.布斯巴顿的勇士是The champion for Beauxbatons...芙蓉·德拉库尔...is Fleur Delacour.霍格沃茨的勇士塞德里克·迪戈里The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!太好了现在三位勇士都选出来了Excellent! We now have our three champions. 但最后只有一位能载入史册But in the end, only one will go down in history. 只有一位可以举起这冠军之杯Only one will hoist this chalice of champions... 这胜利之杯...this vessel of victory...三强杯...the Triwizard Cup!哈利·波特Harry Potter.哈利·波特Harry Potter?不不No. No.哈利·波特Harry Potter!去吧哈利Go on, Harry.哈利快去Harry, for goodness sake.他作弊He's a cheat!他还没到17岁呢He's not even 17 yet!-这不公平 -你个法国佬- It's wrong, I tell you! - You French tart.你看什么Everything is a conspiracy-都像阴谋 -安静我没法思考了- theory with you! - Quiet! I can't think!-所有事都是阴谋 -我抗&hearts;议&hearts;- Everything is a conspiracy theory! - I protest.-哈利 -我抗&hearts;议&hearts;- Harry. - I protest!你没把名字投进火焰杯吧Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?没有先生No, sir.没有请年纪大一点儿的同学Did you ask one of the older students...-帮你投进去吗 -没有先生- ...to do it for you? - No, sir.-你肯定吗 -是的先生- You're absolutely sure? - Yes. Yes, sir.-他肯定在撒谎 -他才没有- But of course he is lying. - The hell he is!火焰杯是法力十分高&hearts;强&hearts;的法器The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. 想要蒙蔽它Only an exceptionally powerful需要特别强大的混淆咒Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it.四年级的孩子可没这个能力Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year.你好像动了不少脑筋呢疯眼汉You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye.我以前的工作It was once my job必须用黑巫师的方式思考卡卡洛夫to think as dark wizards do, Karkaroff...你应该没忘...perhaps you remember.别说没用的阿&hearts;拉&hearts;斯托This doesn't help, Alastor.你来决定吧巴蒂Leave this to you, Barty.我们必须遵守章程The rules are absolute.火焰杯的选择有魔法约束着The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. 波特先生没有选择Mr. Potter has no choice.从今晚开始他就是He is, as of tonight...三强杯的勇士...a Triwizard champion.不能再这么下去了阿不思This can't go on, Albus.先是黑魔标记现在又来这个First the Dark Mark. Now this?你觉得我们该怎么做米勒娃What do you suggest, Minerva?结束它Put an end to it.别让波特参赛Don't let Potter compete.巴蒂说了必须遵守章程You heard Barty. The rules are clear.让巴蒂和他的章程去死吧Well, the devil with Barty and his rules.你怎么听魔法部的了And since when did you accommodate the Ministry?校长我也认为Headmaster, I, too, find这不仅仅是巧合it difficult to believe this mere coincidence.但是如果我们However, if we are to真想揭开谜底truly discover the meaning of these events...也许最好还是...perhaps we should, for the time being...静观其变...let them unfold.什么什么都不做吗What--? Do nothing?拿他当诱饵Offer him up as bait?波特是个孩子不是块肉Potter is a boy, not a piece of meat.我同意西弗勒斯I agree. With Severus.阿&hearts;拉&hearts;斯托看着点哈利好吗Alastor, keep an eye on Harry, will you?-没问题 -但是别让他知道- I can do that. - Don't let him know, though.马上面对的挑战He must be anxious enough as it is...就够他头疼的了...knowing what lies ahead.我们又何尝不是Then again, we all are.你怎么做到的How did you do it?算了不重要Never mind. Doesn't matter.不过还是跟好哥们说一声的好Might've let your best friend know, though.-说什么 -你心里清楚- Let you know what? - You know bloody well what.我又不想这样罗恩I didn't ask for this to happen, Ron.好吗Okay?-你真是个白&hearts;痴&hearts; -我就是白&hearts;痴&hearts; - You're being stupid. - Yeah, that's me.罗恩·韦斯莱哈利·波特的白&hearts;痴&hearts;朋友Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's stupid friend.我没把名字投进高脚杯I didn't put my name in that cup.我不想要什么永恒的荣耀我只想I don't want eternal glory. I just wanna be....我不知道今晚是怎么了Look, I don't know what happened tonight,也不知道为什么and I don't know why.但就是这样It just did.好吗Okay?滚吧Piss off.多好的四人组啊What a charismatic quartet.你们好Hello.我是丽塔·斯基特I'm Rita Skeeter.为《预言家日报》供稿I write for the Daily Prophet.这你们都知道了吧But of course you know that, don't you?现在要让大家知道你们It's you we don't know.你们最有料You're the juicy news.这张粉嘟嘟的小脸蛋迷倒了多少人What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?这身肌肉又掩盖了多少秘密What mysteries do the muscles mask?这卷发下的小脑袋里有多少勇气Does courage lie beneath those curls?简而言之怎么才能成为勇士In short, what makes a champion tick?我的专栏想了解疯狂的读者们更想知道"Me, Myself & I" want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. 那么谁想谈谈So who's feeling up to sharing?从最小的开始就这么定了Shall we start with the youngest? Lovely.真"舒服"This is cozy.这是放扫帚的隔间It's a broom cupboard.你肯定特别熟悉You should feel right at home, then.不介意我用速记羽毛笔吧Don't mind if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill, do you?不介意No.那么哈利So tell me, Harry.你一个只有12岁的小男孩Here you sit, a mere boy of 12--我14岁抱歉I'm 14. Sorry.就要和三个学生竞争--about to compete against three students...他们不仅情感上远比你成熟...not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself...还掌握了你做梦都不敢想的...but who have mastered spells that you wouldn't attempt...咒语...in your dizziest daydreams.你紧张吗Concerned?我不知道我没想过这些I don't know. I haven't really thought about it.别管那支笔Just ignore the quill.不过当然Then, of course,你也不是普通的12岁小男孩不是吗you're no ordinary boy of 12, are you?-14岁 -你的故事就是个传说- Fourteen. - Your story's legend.你是否认为是你过去所受的创伤Do you think it was the trauma of your past...让你渴望报名来冒这个险吗...that made you so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament? 我没有报名No, I didn't enter.当然没有Of course you didn't.大家都喜欢叛逆哈利Everyone loves a rebel, Harry.划掉上一句Scratch that last.说到你的父母如果他们还活着的话Speaking of your parents, were they alive,你觉得他们现在会怎么想how do you think they'd feel?骄傲还是担心Proud? Or concerned...因为你的做法...that your attitude shows,往好了说是病态地渴求关注at best, a pathological need for attention...往坏了说就是不想活了...at worst, a psychotic death wish?我的眼睛可没有Hey, my eyes aren't"因回忆过去热泪盈眶""Glistening with the ghosts of my past."哈利我不能冒险用海德薇Harry, I couldn 't risk sending Hedwig.世界杯之后Since the World Cup,魔法部一直在拦截猫头鹰the Ministry's been intercepting more and more owls...海德薇太显眼了...and she 's too easily recognized.我们需要当面谈谈哈利We need to talk, Harry, face-to-face.周日凌晨一点格兰芬多公共休息室Meet me in the Gryffindor common room, 1:00 this Saturday night. 务必单独见我And make sure you 're alone.小天狼星Sirius.又及那只猫头鹰会咬人P.S. The bird bites.小天狼星Sirius?花季悲剧哈利·波特与三强争霸赛的故事哈利波特 12岁Harry Potter, age 12...这位疑云密布的参赛者...suspect entrant in the Triwizard Tournament.双眼饱含过去的阴影His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past...压抑着泪水...and choking back tears....小天狼星你怎Sirius. How--?时间紧我就直说了I don't have much time, so let me get straight to it.你有没有把你的名字投进火焰杯里Did you or did you not put your name into the Goblet of Fire? 没有No!我总得问一下I had to ask.说说你做的梦Now, tell me about this dream of yours.你提到了虫尾巴和伏地魔You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort.房&hearts;间里另一个人是谁But who was the third man in the room?-我不知道 -你没听到名字吗- I don't know. - You didn't hear a name?没有No.伏地魔给他安排了任务很重要的事Voldemort was giving him a job to do. Something important. 是什么And what was that?他想要He wanted...我...me.我不知道为什么I don't know why.他要通过那个人接近我But he was gonna use this man to get to me.但是这只是个梦不是吗But, I mean, it was only a dream, right?是的Yes.这只是个梦It's just a dream.听着哈利Look, Harry.世界杯上的食死徒The Death Eaters at the World Cup,你被火焰杯选中your name rising from that Goblet...这可不是巧合霍格沃兹已经不安全了...these are not just coincidences. Hogwarts isn't safe anymore. 这是什么意思What are you saying?我是说这里就有敌人伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫I'm saying the devils are inside the walls. Igor Karkaroff?他以前是个食死徒He was a Death Eater.没有一个食死徒可以改邪归正And no one, no one stops being a Death Eater.还有巴蒂·克劳奇Then there's Barty Crouch.铁石心肠把自己的儿子送进了阿兹卡班Heart of stone. Sent his own son to Azkaban.你觉得是他们把我的名字放进火焰杯的吗You think one of them put my name in the Goblet?我不知道是谁放的I haven't a clue who put your name in that goblet...但是不管是谁一定不怀好意...but whoever did is no friend to you.争霸赛一直都有人丧生People die in this tournament.-我还没准备好小天狼星 -你没得选- I'm not ready for this, Sirius. - You don't have a choice.-有人来了 -待在朋友身边哈利- Someone's coming. - Keep your friends close, Harry.你在跟谁说话呢Who were you talking to?-谁说我在跟人说话 -我听到声音了- What? Who says I was talking to anyone? - I heard voices.你瞎编的吧你经常瞎编Maybe you're imagining things. Wouldn't be the first time. 你是不是You're probably just准备下一次采访呢practicing for your next interview, I expect.太神奇了Amazing.-太神奇了 -纳威你又来了- Amazing! - Neville. You're doing it again.抱歉Right, sorry.《地中海神奇水生植物和它们的特性》"Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs"?穆迪给我的那天我们喝茶的时候Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea.传这么多人累不累It's already been through enough people.你自己跟他说去Why don't you just go and talk to him yourself?罗恩这是你自己的问题不是我的Ron, this is your problem, not mine.你要我说什么来着What do you want me to say again?去吧Go.罗恩要我告诉你西莫说Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him...听见帕瓦蒂告诉迪安海格在找你...that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you. 是吗你跟Is that right? Well, you--什么What?-你确定不要自己说 -你说- Are you sure you won't do this? - Do it.帕瓦蒂告诉迪安Dean was told by Parvati that....求你别让我再说一遍了Please don't ask me to say it again.海格在找你Hagrid's looking for you.。



女贞路我早该料到你会来麦格教授I should've known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall.晚上好邓布利多教授Good evening, Professor Dumbledore.传闻是真的吗阿布思Are the rumors true, Albus?很遗憾是的教授好的坏的都是I'm afraid so, professor. The good and the bad.-那孩子呢 -海格会带他来- And the boy? - Hagrid is bringing him.这么重要的事情交给海格合适吗Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important?教授我可以把性命托付给他Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.你们好邓布利多教授麦格教授Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.-没出岔子吧海格 -没有教授- No problems, I trust, Hagrid? - No, sir.小家伙在布里斯托上空睡着了Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.别吵醒他Try not to wake him.给您There you go.你觉得把孩子交给这些人安全吗阿布思Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving him with these people?我观察他们一天了他们真是差劲的麻瓜I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles.-他们真的是 -他唯一的亲人了- They really are - The only family he has.他的名字在我们的世界将会无人不知He'll be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name. 没错Exactly.所以最好让他远离这种影响He's far better off growing up away from all of that.直到他准备好Until he's ready.好了好了海格又不是永别There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all.德斯礼夫妇亲启萨里郡小惠金区女贞路4号&hearts;祝你好运Good luck哈利·波特Harry Potter.哈利·波特与魔法石起床快起床Up. Get up!快点Now!醒醒表弟去动物园啦Wake up, cousin! We're going to the zoo!-你终于来啦小寿星 -生日快乐儿子- Here he comes, the birthday boy. - Happy birthday, son.快做早饭别再把什么东西点着了Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything. -好的佩妮阿姨 -今天一定要事事顺利- Yes, Aunt Petunia. - I want everything to be perfect因为是乖儿子的生日for my Dudley's special day!-快点给我倒咖啡 -好的弗农姨父- Hurry up! Bring my coffee, boy. - Yes, Uncle Vernon.是不是很棒啊宝贝Aren't they wonderful, darling?-有几件礼物 -36件你自己数数看- How many are there? - 36. Counted them myself.36件我去年就有37件36?! But last year I had 37!-可是有几件比去年的大多了 -我才不管- But some are bigger than last year's. - I don't care!我们就这么办吧This is what we're going to do.一会再给你买&hearts;&hearts;两件新礼物怎么样心肝儿We're going to buy you two new presents. How's that, pumpkin? 这好天气去动物园太棒了It should be a lovely day at the zoo.我真是无比的期待I'm really looking forward to it.我警告你小子I'm warning you now, boy.今天再给我搞怪不管是什么Any funny business, any at all...我就一个礼拜不给你饭吃and you won't have any meals for a week.上车Get in.爬虫类馆快让它动Make it move.快动Move!-动啊 -他睡着了- Move! - He's asleep!没意思He's boring.不好意思Sorry about him.他根本不理解你整天躺着He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day 看着人们把丑脸贴上来watching people press their ugly faces in on you.你能听到我说话Can you hear me?只是以前我从没和蛇说过话It's just, I've never talked to a snake before.你呢Do you?你常常和人交谈吗Do you talk to people often?你从缅&hearts;甸&hearts;来对吧那里好玩吗You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there?你想念你的家人吗Do you miss your family?园内孵育明白了我也一样从没见过父母I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents either.妈爸快来看这蛇Mummy, Dad, you won't believe what this snake is doing!谢谢Thanks.愿意效劳Anytime.有蛇啊Snake!妈妈妈妈快救我Mum! Mummy! Help me!我的心肝宝贝你怎么进去的My darling boy! How did you get in there?谁干的你怎么进去的蛇还在里面吗Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake? 没事的宝贝儿子It's all right, sweetheart.我来给你换了湿衣服We'll get you out of these cold clothes.-你干了什么 -我发誓我不知道- What happened? - I swear, I don't know!玻璃本来好好的突然不见了像魔法一样The glass was there and then it was gone, like magic.根本没有什么魔法There's no such thing as magic.笑一笑And smile!弗农看看你儿子真不敢相信Vernon, look at him! I can't believe it!一周后他就去斯麦尔丁中学了In a week, he'll be off to Smeltings.斯麦尔丁人真是我最骄傲的一刻Caveat Smeltonia. Proudest moment of my life.我不会也要穿那玩意吧Will I have to wear that too?什么你也想去那上学吗What? Go to Smeltings?别傻了你去公立学校Don't be stupid! You're going to the state school.等我染好了你就穿这件This is what you'll wear when I finish dyeing it.那是达力的旧校服比我大了不知道多少圈That's Dudley's old uniform. It'll fit like old elephant skin. 我看你穿正合适Fit you well enough.快去取邮件赶紧Go get the post. Go!哈利·波特先生亲启萨里郡小惠金区女贞路4号&hearts;楼梯下碗橱内玛姬吃了个坏油螺生病了Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk.-爸爸看哈利有封信 -那是我的- Dad, look! Harry's got a letter! - It's mine!你的谁会给你写信啊Yours? Who'd be writing to you?我看你怎么收信No more mail through this letterbox.祝你工作愉快老公Have a lovely day at the office, dear.去去快滚Shoo! Go on.星期天真是好啊Fine day, Sunday.依我看一周最好的就是今天达力为什么呢In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?-因为星期天不送信吗 -被你说中了哈利- Because there's no post on Sundays? - Right you are, Harry! 星期天没人送信No post on Sunday.没有该死的信了没了No blasted letters today! No, sir.一封该死的信也没有没有Not one single bloody letter. Not one!没那些该死的恶心的No, sir, not one blasted, miserable...快停下来Make it stop, please!停下来Stop it!妈妈发生什么事了Mummy, what's happening?给我把那封信给我Give me that! Give me that letter!放开我Get off!那是我的信放开我They're my letters! Let go of me!我受够了我们离开这That's it! We're going away!走的远远的谁也找不到Far away, where they can't find us!爸爸是不是疯了Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?哈利生日快乐许个愿吧哈利Make a wish, Harry.谁在外面Who's there?真不好意思Sorry about that.我要求你马上离开你这是私闯民宅I demand that you leave at once. You are breaking and entering. 闭嘴吧德斯礼你这个老混&hearts;蛋&hearts;Dry up, Dursley, you great prune.上次见你时你还是个小不点哈利I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry.你比我想象中长得结实嘛You're a bit more along than I expected.尤其是那小肚皮Particularly in the middle.我不是哈利I'm not Harry.-我才是 -当然是你啦- I am. - Well, of course you are.有东西给你Got something for you.我不小心坐了一下但应该还是挺好吃的Afraid I sat on it, but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same.我自己烤的还写了字Baked it myself, words and all.谢谢你Thank you.11岁生日可不是每天都有的对吧It's not every day your young man turns 11, is it?不好意思你是哪位Excuse me, but who are you?鲁伯·海格霍格沃兹的场地和钥匙保管员Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.-霍格沃兹你总知道吧 -对不起我不知道- Of course, you know about Hogwarts. - Sorry, no.你从没想过你&hearts;爸&hearts;妈在哪儿学会的吗Didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?学会什么Learned what?你是个巫师哈利You're a wizard, Harry.-我是什么 -巫师- I'm a what? - A wizard.还是个厉害巫师只要你好好学习A good one, I'd wager, once you're trained up.我想你搞错了我是说No, you've made a mistake. I mean我怎么会是巫师I can't be a wizard.我只是哈利只是个小男孩I mean, I'm just Harry. Just Harry.好吧哈利你生气或害怕的时候Well, Just Harry, did you ever make anything happen?有没有做出过你自己也无法解释的事情Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared?亲爱的波特先生很荣幸通知您"Dear Mr. Potter, We are pleased to accept you您已被霍格沃兹魔法学校录取at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "他才不会去He will not be going I tell you!在收留他的那天我们就发誓要阻止这一切We swore when we took him that we'd put a stop to all this rubbish. 你们知道怎么从来没告诉过我You knew? You knew all along and you never told me?我们当然知道你也是那种货色Of course we knew. How could you not be?就像我那姐姐一个样子My perfect sister being who she was.我爸妈在她收到信那天多么自豪My mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter.我们家出了个女巫真是太棒了"We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful?"只有我才知道她的底细I was the only one to see her for what she was.她是个怪胎A freak!然后她认识了那个波特又有了你Then she met that Potter, and then she had you我就知道你也是那种货色and I knew you would be the same.一样奇怪也是怪胎Just as strange, just as abnormal.然后她就把自己炸死了我们只能收留你And then she went and got herself blown up, and we got landed with you. 炸死你说我爸妈死于车祸Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash.什么车祸车祸能杀了莉莉和詹姆斯吗A car crash? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?-总得编个理由吧 -这是侮辱这是诽谤- We had to say something. - It's an outrage! A scandal!他才不会去呢He'll not be going.你个大块头麻瓜想阻止吗And I suppose a great Muggle like you is going to stop him, are you?什么麻瓜Muggle?不会魔法的人这孩子刚出生就注定要去Non-magic folk. This boy's had his name down since he were born.他要去最好的魔法学校He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry.现在的校长He'll be under the finest是霍格沃兹有史以来最好的阿布思·邓布利多headmaster Hogwarts has seen, Albus Dumbledore.我才不会付钱让一个老糊涂去教他变戏法呢I will not pay to have a crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks.不许你在我面前Never insult Albus Dumbledore侮辱邓布利多in front of me.请不要告诉霍格沃兹的任何人I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that.-他们禁止我使用魔法 -没问题- I'm not allowed to do magic. - Okay.我们要迟到了得快走We're a bit behind schedule. Best be off.当然了除非你想留在这Unless you'd rather stay, of course.第一年新生需要准备三件长袍First years will require three sets of work robes一根魔杖one wand. "基础装备哈利Essential bit of equipment, Harry.一双龙皮手套One pair of dragon hide gloves.是真的龙皮做的吗Hagrid, do they mean from a real dragon?不是肯定企鹅的皮是吧They don't mean a penguin, do they?-哎真想养一条龙啊 -你想养龙- Crikey. I'd love a dragon. - You'd like a dragon?龙被大家误解了哈利大家都误解了Vastly misunderstood beasts, Harry. Vastly misunderstood. 所有的学生都必须准备All students must be equipped with一个2号&hearts;大坩埚one standard size 2 pewter cauldron还可以自带and may bring, if they desire,一只猫头鹰猫或是蟾蜍either an owl, a cat or a toad.在伦敦能找到这些东西吗Can we find all this in London?只要你找对地方If you know where to go.你来啦海格还是老样子吗Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?谢了汤姆今天要替霍格沃兹办正事No, thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business.在帮小哈利买&hearts;&hearts;学习用品呢Just helping Harry buy his school supplies.我的老天爷是哈利·波特Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter!欢迎回来波特先生欢迎Welcome back, Mr. Potter. Welcome back.我是桃丽丝·克罗克福德见到你太荣幸了Doris Crockford. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.哈利·波特我的荣幸之情无法言喻Harry Potter. Can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you.你好教授差点没看到您Hello, professor. I didn't see you.哈利这是奇洛教授Harry, this is Professor Quirrell.他在霍格沃兹教黑魔法防御术He will be teaching your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. 很高兴见到你Oh, nice to meet you.奇妙又可怕的学科Fearfully fascinating subject.不过你用不着学是吧Not that you need it, eh, Potter?好吧该走了好多东西要买&hearts;&hearts;Yes, well, must be going now. Lots to buy.再见Goodbye.-看见没波特你很出名 -但是为什么- See, Harry? You're famous. - But why am I famous?大家为什么都知道我是谁All those people back there, how is it they know who I am?由我来告诉你可能不太合适哈利I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell you that.哈利欢迎来到对角巷Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley.这里可以买&hearts;&hearts;鹅毛笔和墨水Here, you get your quills and ink.那边可以买&hearts;&hearts;到捣鼓魔法的各种小玩意Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.这可是世界级的飞天扫把It's a world-class racing broom.快看是最新的光轮2000Look at it! The new Nimbus 2000!这是最快的扫帚了It's the fastest model yet.可是我拿什么买&hearts;&hearts;呢海格我又没有钱But Hagrid, how am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money.你的钱在那古灵阁巫师银行There's your money. Gringotts, the wizard bank.要存东西那里最安全当然除了霍格沃兹Ain't no safer place, not one. Except perhaps Hogwarts.海格那些是什么东西Hagrid, what exactly are these things?他们是妖精哈利They're goblins, Harry.妖精很聪明但却不怎么友善Clever as they come, goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. 最好跟紧我Best stay close.哈利·波特先生想取一些钱Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal.那么哈利·波特先生带钥匙了吗And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?等一下我看看放哪了Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere.在这这小玩意Ha! There's the little devil.还有件事And there's something else as well.邓布利多教授给了我这个Professor Dumbledore gave me this.最高机密致对角巷古灵阁银行首席妖精是在那个金库的那个东西It's about You-Know-What in vault you-know-which.那好吧Very well.687号&hearts;金库Vault 687.请给我灯Lamp, please.钥匙Key, please.你不会以为你父母什么都不给你留吧Did you think your parents would leave you with nothing, did you? -713号&hearts;金库 -里面是什么海格- Vault 713. - What's in there, Hagrid?无可奉告霍格沃兹公务最高机密Can't tell you. Hogwarts business. Very secret.退后Stand back.这事最好不要告诉任何人哈利Best not to mention this to anyone, Harry.我还需要一根魔杖I still need a wand.魔杖的话去奥利凡德吧最好的魔杖店A wand? You want Ollivanders. There ain't no place better. 你去那里买&hearts;&hearts;吧然后等着Why don't you run along there and wait.我还有别的事不会太久I just got one more thing I got to do. It won't be long.有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello?终于见到您了波特先生I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter.当年你的父母It seems only yesterday就是在这买&hearts;&hearts;的第一根魔杖...that your mother and father仿佛是昨天的事were in here buying their first wands.试试这根Here we are.挥一下试试Give it a wave.看来这根不行Apparently not.也许Perhaps...这根能行...this.不不绝对不行没关系No, no, definitely not. No matter.兴许是这根I wonder...奇妙Curious.真是太奇妙了Very curious.抱歉什么地方让您觉得奇妙Sorry, but what's curious?我卖&hearts;&hearts;出的每一根魔杖我都记得波特先生I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter.碰巧这根魔杖It so happens that the phoenix...和另一根魔杖的杖芯...whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather. 是同一只凤&hearts;凰&hearts;身上的羽毛Just one other.奇妙之处在于这根魔杖竟选择了你It is curious that you should be destined for this wand...因为它的兄弟给了你那道伤疤...when its brother gave you that scar.那根魔杖的主人是谁And who owned that wand?我们从不提起他的名字We do not speak his name.是魔杖选择巫师波特先生The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter.原因向来无法解释It's not always clear why.但我觉得But I think it is clear...你会成就一番大事业的...that we can expect great things from you.毕竟连名字都不能提的那个人After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...也大有成就...did great things.尽管可怕Terrible...却还是大事...yes, but great.哈利哈利Harry! Harry!生日快乐Happy birthday.你还好吗哈利怎么不吭声You all right, Harry? You seem very quiet.他杀了我父母对不对He killed my parents, didn't he?给我留下这道伤疤的人The one who gave me this.你知道的海格你一定知道You know, Hagrid. I know you do.首先你要知道一件很重要的事First, and understand this because it's very important: 巫师并不一定都是好人Not all wizards are good.有些巫师会变坏几年前Some of them go bad. A few years ago...有个巫师变得很坏很坏...there was a wizard who went as bad as you can go. 他的名字叫伏...And his name was V...-他的名字叫伏... -你要不要写下来- His name was V... - Maybe if you wrote it down?不了我不会写No, I can't spell it.-好吧他叫伏地魔 -伏地魔- All right, Voldemort. - Voldemort?那是段黑暗的日子哈利太黑暗了It was dark times, Harry. Dark times.当时伏地魔聚集了一批爪牙Voldemort started to gather some followers.拉拢他们投靠邪恶势力Brought them over to the Dark Side.反抗他的人都被杀害了Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead.你的父母奋起反抗Your parents fought against him.凡是他决意要杀的人都活不下来But nobody lived once he decided to kill them.无人幸免Nobody, not one.除了你Except you.我吗伏地魔想要杀我吗Me? Voldemort tried to kill me?没错你额头的伤疤可不寻常哈利Yes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry.只有咒语才能A mark like that only comes留下这种伤疤而且是很邪恶的咒语from being touched by a curse, an evil curse.那伏...那个神秘人后来怎么样了What happened to V...? To You-Know-Who?有些人说他死了Well, some say he died.简直是一派胡言Codswallop, in my opinion.我觉得他还活着Nope, I reckon he's out there still...只是没力气再回来了...too tired to carry on.但有一件事很肯定But one thing's certain.那天晚上你一定让他元气大伤Something about you stumped him that night.所以你才这么有名所以大家都认识你That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. 你是大难不死的男孩You're the boy who lived.看什么看What are you looking at?啊呀已经这个点了Blimey, is that the time?抱歉哈利我得先走了Sorry, Harry, I'm gonna have to leave you.邓布利多等着要他的...Dumbledore will be wanting his...他等着要见我Well, he'll be wanting to see me.你的火车还有10分钟就开了Your train leaves in 10 minutes.这是你的票把票收好这很重要Here's your ticket. Stick to your ticket, that's very important.九又四分之三站台九又四分之三站台"Platform 9 3/4"?但是海格票上写错了吧But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake.这里写着九又四分之三站台This says platform 9 3/4.根本没有这种站台对吧There's no such thing, is there?抱歉Sorry.不好意思Excuse me. Excuse me.往左走On your left.请问九又四分之三站台在哪里Can you tell me where I might find platform 93/4? 九又四分之三你在寻我开心吗9 3/4? Think you're being funny, do you?每年都一样挤满了麻瓜It's the same every year, packed with Muggles.-麻瓜 -九又四分之三站台这边- Muggles? - Platform 9 3/4, this way.好了珀西你先来All right, Percy, you first.弗雷德你接着Fred, you next.他才不是弗雷德我才是He's not Fred, I am.亏你还是妈妈连你都分不清Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? 抱歉乔治I'm sorry, George.我开玩笑的我是弗雷德I'm only joking. I am Fred.不好意思Excuse me.请问该怎么Could you tell me how to...?怎么去站台吗别担心亲爱的How to get onto the platform? Not to worry, dear. 罗恩也是第一次去霍格沃茨It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well.你只要穿过All you do is walk straight9站台和10站台之间的那道墙就行了at the wall between platforms 9 and 10.-紧张的话就小跑过去 -祝你好运- Best to run if you're nervous. - Good luck.抱歉我能坐这里吗别的车厢都坐满了Excuse me. Do you mind? Everywhere else is full. 坐吧Not at all.我叫罗恩罗恩·韦斯莱I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley.我叫哈利哈利·波特I'm Harry. Harry Potter.果然是真的So... So it's true!你真的有...I mean, do you really have the...?-有什么 -那个伤疤- The what? - The scar?是啊Oh, yeah.帅呆了Wicked!要不要买&hearts;&hearts;点东西吃啊孩子们Anything off the trolley, dears?不谢了我自己带了No, thanks. I'm all set.我们全要了We'll take the lot.什么是比比多味豆Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?就是各种口味都有They mean every flavor.有巧克力味的和薄荷味的There's chocolate and peppermint and also...还有菠菜肝脏牛肚味...spinach, liver and tripe.乔治说他有次吃到过鼻屎味的George sweared he got a booger-flavored one once. 这是真的青蛙吗Are they real frogs?这只是个咒语主要是收集卡片用的It's a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want.每包附有一张著名巫师的卡片Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard.我已经收集了差不多500张了I've got about 500 meself.看好它Watch it!运气真背它们只能跳那一下That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them. -我这张是邓布利多 -我有六张了- I've got Dumbledore! - I got about six of him.他不见了Hey, he's gone!你总不能让他一直呆在卡片里面吧You can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?这个是斑斑它真可怜对吧This is Scabbers. Pathetic, isn't he?还好吧A little.弗雷德教了我一个咒语能把它变成黄色Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow.-想见识下吗 -好啊- Want to see? - Yeah.你们有看见一只蟾蜍吗Has anyone seen a toad?-纳威把它给弄丢了 -没见过- A boy named Neville's lost one. - No.你这是要施魔法吗让我们来瞧瞧吧Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see, then.阳光雏菊甜奶油Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow把这只傻乎乎的肥老鼠变黄Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow你确定那个真的是咒语吗Are you sure that's a real spell?看来不怎么样是吧Well, it's not very good, is it?我也试过几个简单的咒语I've only tried a few simple ones myself...但都很有用...but they've all worked for me.举个例子For example:修复一新Oculus Reparo.好多了是不是That's better, isn't it?我的天你是哈利·波特Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter!我叫赫敏·格兰杰你呢I'm Hermione Granger. And you are...?-我叫罗恩·韦斯莱 -幸会- I'm Ron Weasley. - Pleasure.你们俩最好把袍子都穿上You two better change into robes.我们快到了I expect we'll be arriving soon.你鼻子上有块东西你知道吗You've got dirt on your nose by the way. Did you know?在这儿Just there.好了新生这边走Right, then. First years, this way, please!来吧新生别害羞快点快点Come on, first years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up. -你好哈利 -你好海格- Hello, Harry. - Hi, Hagrid.来走这边上船快点跟着我Right, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me. 帅呆了Wicked.欢迎来到霍格沃茨Welcome to Hogwarts.再过一会你们就会Now, in a few moments you'll pass走过这扇门和其他同学共聚一堂through these doors and join your classmates.但在你们到餐厅入席之前But before you take your seats,需要先为你们分派学院you must be sorted into your houses.分别有格兰芬多赫奇帕奇They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff...拉文克劳以及斯莱特林四个学院...Ravenclaw and Slytherin.在校期间学院就是你们的家While you're here, your house will be like your family.你们的出色表现会为学院赢得加分Your triumphs will earn you points.而任何违规行为则会给学院减分Any rule-breaking and you will lose points.在年终时At the end of the year,获最高分的学院可获得学院杯the house with the most points wins the house cup.莱福Trevor!对不起Sorry.分院仪式马上就要开始了The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily.火车上的传闻果然是真的It's true then, what they're saying on the train.哈利·波特来霍格沃茨了Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.哈利·波特Harry Potter?这是克拉布和高尔This is Crabbe and Goyle.我是马尔福And I'm Malfoy.德拉科·马尔福Draco Malfoy.觉得我的名字很好笑是吗Think my name's funny, do you?一眼就知道你是谁I've no need to ask yours.红头发和旧长袍想必是韦斯莱家的人Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley.你很快会发现有些巫师家族就是要高级些You'll find out some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. 你不会想和这种货色交朋友的You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort.我倒是可以做你朋友I can help you there.我还分得清好坏谢了I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.一切准备就绪了跟我走We're ready for you now. Follow me.这个屋顶不是真的The ceiling isn't real.它被施了魔咒所以看上去像夜空一样It's bewitched to look like the night sky.我在《霍格沃茨一段校史》里读到过I read about it in Hogwarts, A History.请你们先在这里等着Will you wait along here, please?现在在我们开始前Now, before we begin...邓布利多校长有几句话要说...Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words.我要先宣布几条新学期必须注意的事项I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce.一年级新生们请注意The first years, please note...禁林严禁学生进入...that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students.另外我们的管&hearts;理&hearts;员&hearts;Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch,费尔奇先生要我提醒各位has asked me to remind you...如果不想死的很惨的话...that the third-floor corridor is out of bounds...就不要进入三楼右手边的走廊...to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. 谢谢Thank you.当我叫到你的名字时请上前来When I call your name, you will come forth.我会给你戴上分院帽I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head...为你分派学院...and you will be sorted into your houses.赫敏·格兰杰Hermione Granger.好了放松Oh, no. Okay, relax.我告诉你那人脑子绝对不正常Mental, that one, I'm telling you.好好Right, then. Right.好了格兰芬多Okay. Gryffindor!德拉科·马尔福Draco Malfoy.斯莱特林Slytherin!那些变坏的巫师都是斯莱特林出身的Every wizard who went bad was in Slytherin.苏珊·博恩斯Susan Bones.哈利怎么了Harry, what is it?没事我没事Nothing. Nothing, I'm fine.让我想想Let's see...知道了赫奇帕奇I know! Hufflepuff!罗恩·韦斯莱Ronald Weasley.又一个韦斯莱我知道该把你分到哪了Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you. 格兰芬多Gryffindor!哈利·波特Harry Potter.难着实难Difficult, very difficult.看得出很有勇气心地也不坏Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either.而且很有天赋There's talent, oh, yes.急切的想要证明自己And a thirst to prove yourself.该把你分去哪个学院呢But where to put you?不去斯莱特林不去斯莱特林Not Slytherin, not Slytherin!不去斯莱特林你确定吗Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure?你能成大器你的小脑瓜里都写着呢You could be great, you know. It's all here, in your head. 斯莱特林能帮你And Slytherin will help you走向辉煌这是毫无疑问的on the way to greatness, no doubt about that.不要嘛既然你决心已定No? Well, if you're sure.那就去Better be...格兰芬多吧...Gryffindor!波特来这了We got Potter!请注意Your attention, please.宴会开始Let the feast begin.我是混血I'm half and half.我爸是麻瓜我妈是女巫Me dad's a Muggle. Mum's a witch.我爸知道的时候吓了一大跳Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out.珀西在和奇洛教授交谈的那个老师是谁Percy, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell? 那是斯内普教授斯莱特林的院长Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house.-他教什么科目 -魔药学- What's he teach? - Potions.但他最感兴趣的是黑魔法防御术But he fancies the Dark Arts Defences.他觊觎奇洛教授的位子很多年了He's been after Quirrell's job for years.大家好你好啊Hello! How are you?欢迎来到格兰芬多Welcome to Gryffindor.那是血人巴罗It's the Bloody Baron!你好尼可拉斯爵士Hello, Sir Nicholas.暑期过得愉快吗Have a nice summer?不开心我想参加Dismal. Once again, my request无头骑士狩猎但又一次被拒绝了to join the Headless Hunt has been denied.我知道你是"差点没头的尼克"I know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick.我更喜欢别人叫我尼古拉斯爵士I prefer Sir Nicholas, if you don't mind.差点没头你怎么能差点没头呢"Nearly" Headless? How can you be nearly headless? 就像这样Like this.格兰芬多的同学请跟我来Gryffindors, follow me, please.大家跟上谢谢Keep up. Thank you.拉文克劳的同学跟我来这边走Ravenclaw, follow me. This way.这是通往宿舍最直的路径This is the most direct path to the dormitories.留神那些楼梯它们随时会变Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change. 请大家跟紧了跟我走Keep up, please, and follow me.走快点快点快点Quickly now, come on. Come on.那幅画在动That picture's moving.-看那一幅 -我想她喜欢你- Look at that one. - I think she fancies you.-快看啊 -那个女孩是谁- Look! - Who's that girl?。



哈利波特与魔法石英文剧本Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - EnglishScriptScene 1: The Dursleys(At the Dursleys' house, Vernon and Petunia Dursley are anxiously waiting for a visitor)Vernon: (nervously pacing) Petunia, when is our visitor going to arrive?Petunia: (irritated) He said he'll be here at any moment, Vernon! Just calm down!(Scene switches to the arrival of Albus Dumbledore)Dumbledore: (entering) Good evening, Dursleys! It's a pleasure to see you all again.Vernon: (stiffly) Good evening, Albus. We were starting to think you wouldn't show up.(Scene switches to baby Harry in his crib)Dumbledore: (gazing at Harry) Ah, young Harry Potter, a symbol of great hope for our world.(Scene transitions to ten years later at the Dursleys' house) Scene 2: The Hogwarts Letters(Harry is now a ten-year-old boy, living in the cupboard under the stairs)Harry: Dudley, stop it! (Dudley is teasing Harry)Dudley: (mocking) Poor Harry, living in the cupboard like a freak.(Harry gazes out the window and notices an owl flying towards him)Harry: (excitedly) A letter! It's for me!(Harry opens the letter and starts to read it)Harry: (astonished) Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? But...I'm a wizard?(Scene transitions to a series of letters flooding into the house)Vernon: (angrily) I won't have this nonsense in my house!(Scene switches to the Dursleys fleeing to a remote cabin) Scene 3: Diagon Alley(Hagrid, a giant of a man, meets Harry in a back alley)Hagrid: You're Harry Potter, right? The famous Harry Potter?Harry: (awe-struck) Yes, I am. Who are you?Hagrid: Name's Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts.(Hagrid takes Harry to Diagon Alley, the wizarding shopping district)(Scene transitions to various shops, including Ollivander's Wands and Flourish and Blotts)(Scene switches to Harry and Hagrid entering Gringotts Bank) (Scene transitions to Harry getting his first wand at Ollivander's Wands)Ollivander: (measuring Harry) Ah, yes, an eleven-inch wand, made of holly and containing a phoenix feather core.(Scene switches to Harry trying out his wand)Harry: (waving the wand) Wingardium Leviosa!(Scene transitions to Harry and Hagrid entering a pub)Scene 4: The Leaky Cauldron(Harry and Hagrid meet Professor Quirrell, who is stuttering nervously)Quirrell: H-h-hello, H-h-harry. M-m-my name is P-p-p-professor Q-q-quirrell.Harry: (confused) Nice to meet you, Professor Quirrell.(Hagrid and Harry leave the pub and enter the brick wall, revealing the entrance to Platform 9 3/4)Scene 5: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry(Scene transitions to the Hogwarts Express, the train that takes students to Hogwarts)(Harry meets Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger on the train) Ron: (curious) Are you really Harry Potter?Harry: (smiling) Yes, I am. Nice to meet you both.(Scene switches to the arrival at Hogwarts Castle and the Sorting Hat ceremony)(Scene transitions to the Great Hall)(The students cheer as food magically appears on their plates)(Scene fades out)Note: The script provided here is a rough outline and can be expanded upon according to the requirements of a play or performance.。



哈利波特与魔法石I should’ve known that you would be here,Professor McGonagall.我早该知道你会在这儿麦格教授Good evening,Professor Dumbledore.晚上好邓布利多教授Are the rumors true,Albus?那些谣言是真的吗阿不思?I’m afraid so,professor.The good and the bad.恐怕是的教授好坏两个都是-And the boy?-Hagrid is bringing him.-那孩子呢?-海格会把他带过来Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?把这么重要的事情托付给海格去办您觉得这明智吗?Professor,I would trust Hagrid with my life.我可以把我的生命托付给他教授Professor Dumbledore,sir.Professor McGonagall.邓布利多教授先生麦格教授-No problems,I trust,Hagrid?-No,sir.-应该没遇到麻烦吧海格?-没有先生1Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol.小家伙在飞越布里斯托上空的时候睡着了(英格兰西南部港口城市)Try not to wake him.别把他弄醒了There you go.接稳了Albus,Do you really think it’s safe,leaving him with these people?阿不思你觉得把他留给这些人这样真的好吗?I’ve watched them all day.They’re the worst sort of Muggles imag-inable.我观察了他们一整天你想不出比他们更糟的麻瓜了-They really are...-The only family he has.-他们真的是...-他唯一的亲人This boy will be famous.There won’t be a child in our world who doesn’t know his name.他会出名的巫师界的每一个孩子都会知道他的名字Exactly.说得对极了He’s far better off growing up away from all of that.让他在远离名声的地方成长不是更好吗Until he’s ready.直到他能接受这一切There,there,Hagrid.It’s not really goodbye,after all.好了好了海格又不是再也见不到了Good luck...祝你好运...Harry Potter.哈利·波特Up.Get up!起来起床了!Now!赶快!Wake up,cousin!We’re going to the zoo!醒醒表弟!我们要去动物园了!-Here comes the birthday boy.-Happy birthday,son.-小寿星来啦-生日快乐儿子Why don’t you just cook the breakfast.And try not to burn anything.快去做早餐不准煎糊了-Yes,Aunt Petunia.-I want everything to be perfect...-好的佩妮姨妈-我要达力生日的一整天...for my Dudley’s special day!都完完美美的!-Hurry up!Bring my coffee,boy.-Yes,Uncle Vernon.-快点!把我的咖啡拿来小子-是弗农姨夫Aren’t they wonderful,darling?是不是棒极了心肝宝贝?-How many are there?-36.Counted them myself.-总共有多少件?-36件我自己数的36?But last year I had37!36?可去年我有37件呢!-But some are bigger than last year’s.-I don’t care how big they are! -但有些礼物比去年的大一些呀-我才不管有多大!This is what we’re going to do.我们这样好不好When we go out,we’re going to buy you two new presents.How’s that,pumpkin?待会儿一出门我们就再去给你买两件礼物怎么样小甜心?It should be a lovely day at the zoo.I’m looking forward to it.今天去动物园玩一定会非常开心真是让人期待啊I’m warning you now,boy.我警告你小子Any funny business,any at all...要是胆敢惹出蠢事儿惹任何事...and you won’t have any meals for a week.你一礼拜都别想吃饭了Get in.上车Make it move.让它动动Move!动呀!-Move!-He’s asleep!-快动呀!-他睡着了!He’s boring.真烦人Sorry about him.He doesn’t understand what it’s like,抱歉他不理解这种感觉lying there day after day.日复一日只能躺在这里Watching people press their ugly faces in on you.看着人们把丑脸贴过来Can you hear me?你能听懂我的话?It’s just,I’ve never talked to a snake before.我只是从没和一条蛇说过话Do you...?你...?I mean,do you talk to people often?我是说你经常和人说话吗?You’re from Burma,aren’t you?Was it nice there?你从缅甸来的是吗?那边不错吧?Do you miss your family?你想家吗?I see.That’s me as well.I never knew my parents either.明白了我也一样我从没见过父母Mummy,Dad,come here,you won’t believe what this snake is doing!妈咪老爸快过来你们绝对想不到这条蛇在做什么!Thanks.多谢了Anytime.不客气Snake!有蛇啊!Mum!Mummy!Help me!妈妈!妈咪啊!救救我!My darling boy!How did you get in there?我的宝贝孩子啊!你是怎么到里面去的?Who did this?How did you get in there?Is there a snake?是谁干的?你是怎么进去的?里面有蛇吗?It’s all right,sweetheart.We’ll get you out of these cold clothes.没事了我的甜心宝贝我们这就把湿衣服换掉-What happened?-I swear,I don’t know!-这是怎么回事?-我发誓我不知道!One minute the glass was there and then it was gone,it was like magic.前一分钟玻璃还在紧接着就不见了就像魔法一样There’s no such thing as magic.世界上压根就没有魔法And smile.笑一个Vernon,just look at him.I can’t believe it.弗农瞧瞧他的样子我简直不敢相信In just a week,he’ll be off to Smeltings.再过一周他就要去斯梅廷中学读书了<i>Caveat Smeltonia.</i>Proudest moment of my life.<i>斯梅廷之辉世人皆畏!</i>我一生最骄傲的时刻Will I have to wear that too?我也得穿成那样吗?-What?You,go to Smeltings?-Ha!-你说啥?你去斯梅廷?-哈!Don’t be so stupid.You’re going to go to the state school,where you belong.别犯傻了你得去公立学校那儿才是你该去的This is what you’re going to be wearing when I finish dying it.等我染好了你就穿这个去上学But that’s Dudley’s old uniform.It’ll fit me like bits of old elephant skin.可那是达力的旧校服我穿着就像披着大象的旧象皮It’ll fit you well enough.你穿着正好Go get the post.Go!去拿信快去!Marge is ill.Ate a funny whelk.玛姬病了吃了个有问题的油螺-Dad,look!Harry’s got a letter!-Hey give it back!It’s mine!-爸快看!哈利收到了一封信!-还给我!这是我的!Yours?Who’d be writing to you?你的?谁会给你写信?No more mail through this letter box.这信箱再也不会收到信了Have a lovely day at the office,dear.上班愉快亲爱的Shoo!Get away.咻!滚开Fine day,Sunday.好日子星期天In my opinion,best day of the week.Why is that,Dudley?在我看来是一周里最棒的一天了猜猜为什么达力?-Because there’s no post on Sundays?-Right you are,Harry! -因为星期天没有邮差?-说对了哈利!No post on Sunday.星期天没有邮差No blasted letters today!No,sir.今天不会再有该死的信了!门都没有Not one single bloody letter.Not one!一封该死的信都不会有一封都没有!No,sir,not one blasted,miserable...不了先生一封可恶的该死的信都没...Mum!Make it stop,please!妈妈!快让它停下拜托!Stop it!停下来!Mummy,what’s happening?妈咪这是怎么回事?Give me that!Give me that letter!快给我!快把信给我!Get off!走开!They’re my letters!Let go of me!那些是我的信!快放开我!That’s it!We’re going away!到此为止了!我们离开这儿!Far away,where they can’t find us!躲得远远的让他们再也找不到!Daddy’s gone mad,hasn’t he?爸爸发疯了是不是?Make a wish,Harry.许个愿吧哈利Who’s there?是谁?Sorry about that.真对不起I demand that you leave at once.You are breaking and entering.我命令你立刻离开你这是私闯民宅Dry up,Dursley,you great prune.住嘴德思礼你这个大傻瓜I haven’t seen you since you was a baby,Harry.上次见到你你还是个小婴儿哈利But you’re a bit more along than I even expected.Particularly in the middle.可你长得比我想象中大了一圈尤其是肚子这块I’m not Harry.我不是哈利-I am.-Well,of course you are.-我才是-好吧当然了Got something for you.给你带了些东西Afraid I might have sat on it at some point,有的地方我可能压坏了but I imagine it’ll taste fine just the same.但味道还是一样Baked it myself,words and all.是我自己烤的字也是自己写的Thank you.谢谢你It’s not every day your young man turns11,is it?11岁生日只有一次呀对不对?Excuse me,but who are you?对不起请问你是谁?Rubeus Hagrid,Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.我是鲁伯·海格霍格沃茨的钥匙保管员和狩猎场看守-Of course,you know all about Hogwarts.-Sorry,no.-当然霍格沃茨你都知道吧-抱歉我不知道No?Blimey Harry,didn’t you ever wonder不知道?天呐哈利你从没想过where your mum and dad learned it all?你父母是从哪里学会那一切的吗?Learned what?学会什么?You’re a wizard,Harry.你是个巫师哈利-I’m a what?-A wizard.-我是个什么?-巫师And a thumpin’good one I’d wager,once you’ve trained up a bit.而且我打赌只要经过训练你一定会成为一名优秀的巫师No,you’ve made a mistake.I mean...不你一定是弄错了我是说...I can’t be a wizard.我不可能是个巫师I mean,I’m just Harry.Just Harry.我只是哈利只是哈利Well,Just Harry,did you ever make anything happen?好吧只是哈利在你害怕或生气的时候Anything you couldn’t explain,when you were angry or scared?就从来没有事情发生吗任何无法解释的事?Hm.嗯”Dear Mr.Potter,We are pleased to inform you...”亲爱的波特先生我们愉快地通知您that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiz-ardry.”您已获准在霍格沃茨魔法学校就读”He will not be going I tell you!我告诉你他不会去的!We swore when we took him in,we’d put a stop to all this rubbish.我们收养他的时候就发过誓要制止这类荒唐事You knew?You knew all along and you never told me?你知道?你早就知道这些却不告诉我?Of course we knew.How could you not be,我们当然知道我那个该死的妹妹既然是my perfect sister being who she was?你怎么可能不是?My mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter.她收到信的那天我父母自豪极了”We have a witch in the family.Isn’t it wonderful?””我们家出了个女巫多棒啊?”I was the only one to see her for what she was.只有我一个人算是把她看透了A freak!一个怪物!Then she met that Potter,and then she had you...然后她遇到了那个波特接着有了你...and I knew you would be the same.Just as strange,just as abnormal.我就知道你会跟他们一样一样古怪一样不正常And then if you please,she went and got herself blown up,后来对不起她把自己给炸死了and we got landed with you.我们只好收养你Blown up?You told me my parents died in a car crash.炸死?您明明告诉我他们是遇到车祸丧生的A car crash?A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?车祸?车祸怎么会伤害莉莉和詹姆·波特?-We had to say something.-It’s an outrage!It’s a scandal!-我们总得编些什么-这是污蔑!是诽谤!He’ll not be going.他不会去的And I suppose a great Muggle like yourself is going to stop him?我倒要看看像你这种超级大麻瓜能怎么阻止他?Muggle?麻瓜?Non-magic folk.就是不懂魔法的人This boy’s had his name down ever since he were born.这男孩生下来的那一刻起就已经入了霍格沃茨的名册He’s going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world,他要去的是世界上最好的魔法学校and he’ll be under the finest headmaster还要接受霍格沃茨有史以来that Hogwarts has ever seen,Albus Dumbledore.最伟大的校长阿不思·邓布利多的教导I will not pay to have some crack-pot old fool teach him magic tricks.我决不会花钱让一个傻瓜疯老头子去教他变戏法Never insult Albus Dumbledore...永远不准在我面前...in front of me.侮辱阿不思·邓布利多I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone at Hogwarts about that.要是你不对霍格沃茨的任何人提起这件事那就太感谢了-Strictly speaking,I’m not allowed to do magic.-Okay.-严格说来我不能用魔法-好的We’re a bit behind schedule.Best be off.时间有点晚了我们该出发了Unless you’d rather stay,of course.当然除非你宁愿留下”First-year students will require three sets of plain work robes...”一年级新生需要三套素面工作袍...one wand?”一根魔杖?”Essential bit of equipment,Harry.这是最关键的装备哈利”One pair of dragon-hide gloves.””一双龙皮手套”Hagrid,do they mean from a real dragon?海格这是指从真的龙身上取下来的?Well,they don’t mean a penguin,do they?Ha.这指的肯定不是企鹅对吧?哈-Crikey,I’d love a dragon.-You’d like a dragon?-唉呀我真想要一头龙-你想要一头龙?Vastly misunderstood beasts,Harry.它们总是被人误解哈利Vastly misunderstood.总是被误解”All students must be equipped with...”所有学生必须携带...one standard size2pewter cauldron...一只标准尺寸2号的锡桀坩锅...and may bring if they desire,either an owl,a cat or a toad.”还可以凭意愿自带一只猫头鹰猫或蟾蜍”Can we find all this in London?这些东西在伦敦都能买到吗?If you know where to go.只要知道门径就行Ah,Hagrid!The usual,I presume?啊海格!还照老规矩?No,thanks,Tom.I’m on official Hogwarts business.不了谢谢汤姆我正在给霍格沃茨办事呢Just helping young Harry here buy his school supplies.正打算去帮小哈利购买学习用品Bless my soul.It’s Harry Potter!我的天呐这是哈利·波特!Welcome back,Mr.Potter.Welcome back.欢迎回来波特先生欢迎回来Doris Crockferd,Mr.Potter.I can’t believe I’m meeting you at last.我是科多利波特先生真是不敢相信总算见到您了Harry Potter.Can’t tell you how pleased I am to meet you.哈利...波特见到你真是说不出的高兴Hello,professor.I didn’t see you there.你好教授刚才没看见你Harry,this is Professor Quirrell,哈利这位是奇洛教授he will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Hogwarts.他将是你在霍格沃茨的黑魔法防御术老师Oh,nice to meet you.很高兴见到您Fearfully fascinating subject.一门令人恐惧又奇妙的课程Not that you need it,eh,Potter?这你已经用不着学了是吧波特?Yes,well,must be going now.Lots to buy.好了该走了还有好多东西要买呢Goodbye.再见-See,Harry?You’re famous.-But why am I famous,Hagrid? -看到了吧哈利?你很有名气-可是海格为什么?All those people by there,how is it they know who I am?酒吧里的那些人他们怎么知道我是谁?I’m not sure I’m exactly the right person to tell you that,Harry.我不确定是不是该由我来告诉你这些哈利Welcome,Harry,to Diagon Alley.哈利欢迎来到对角巷Here,you get your quills and ink.这家店能买到羽毛笔和墨水Over there,all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.那家专卖使用魔法的小玩意儿It’s a world-class racing broom.这是世界级比赛用的飞天扫帚Look at it!The new Nimbus2000!快看啊!最新的光轮2000!It’s the fastest model yet.这是目前最快的型号了But Hagrid,how am I to pay for all this?I haven’t any money.可是海格我要怎么买这些东西呢?我一点钱也没有There’s your money,Harry.Gringotts,the wizard bank.你的钱在那里呢哈利古灵阁巫师银行Ain’t no safer place,not one.Except perhaps Hogwarts.除了霍格沃茨那里是最安全的地方了Hagrid,what exactly are these things?海格这些到底是什么东西?They’re goblins,Harry.他们是妖精哈利Clever as they come,goblins,but not the most friendly of beasts.妖精虽然聪明但却不怎么友好Best stay close.最好跟紧了Mr.Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal.哈利·波特先生想取一些钱And does Mr.Harry Potter have his key?哈利·波特先生带了钥匙吗?Wait a minute.Got it here somewhere.稍等应该带着的Ha!There’s the little devil.哈!鬼东西在这儿And there’s something else as well.另外还有一样东西Professor Dumbledore gave me this.这是邓布利多教授给我的It’s about You-Know-What in vault you-know-which.是关于秘密金库里的那样东西Very well.好的Vault687.第687号金库Lamp,please.请把灯拿来Key,please.请把钥匙拿来Didn’t think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing now,did you?现在不觉得你爸妈什么都没给你剩下了吧?-Vault713.-What’s in there,Hagrid?-第713号金库-里面是什么海格?Can’t tell you,Harry.Hogwarts business.Very secret.我不能告诉你哈利这是霍格沃茨的绝密事务Stand back.退后Best not to mention this to anyone,Harry.最好不要告诉任何人哈利I still need a wand.我还需要一根魔杖A wand?Oh you want Ollivanders.There ain’t no place better.魔杖?那你得找奥利凡德没有比他家的魔杖更好的了Why don’t you run along there and wait.I got one more thing to do.你何不先进去等着我还有一件事要做Hello?您好?Hello?有人吗?I wondered when I’d be seeing you,Mr.Potter.我一直在想何时能见到你波特先生It seems only yesterday...仿佛就在昨天...that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands.你父母到这里来买走了他们的第一根魔杖Here we are.试试这根Give it a wave.挥一下啊Apparently not.显然不是这一根Perhaps...也许...this.这根No,no,definitely not.No matter.不不绝对不是没关系I wonder...说不定...Curious.奇妙Very curious.非常奇妙Sorry,but what’s curious?抱歉什么让您觉得奇妙?I remember every wand I’ve ever sold,Mr.Potter.我卖出的每一根魔杖我都记得波特先生It so happens that the phoenix...碰巧同一只凤凰的两根尾羽...whose tail feather resides in your wand,gave another feather.一根做了这根魔杖另一根做了另外一根魔杖Just one other.只有这两根It is curious that you should be destined for this wand...奇妙的是你注定要用这根魔杖...when its brother gave you that scar.因为正是它的兄弟给你落下了那道伤疤And who owned that wand?另一根魔杖是谁的?We do not speak his name.我们从不提他的名字The wand chooses the wizard,Mr.Potter魔杖选择巫师波特先生It’s not always clear why.虽然不怎么清楚原因But I think it is clear...但我很清楚...that we can expect great things from you.你会成就一番大事业的After all,He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...不管怎么说那个名字都不能提的人...did great things.干了番大事Terrible...尽管可怕...yes but great.但还是大事Harry!Harry!哈利!哈利!Happy birthday.生日快乐Wow.哇哦You all right,Harry?You seem very quiet.你还好吧哈利?怎么不说话He killed my parents,didn’t he?The one who gave me this.他杀了我父母是不是?那个给我留下伤疤的人You know,Hagrid.I know you do.你知道这些海格我很清楚First,and understand this Harry,because it’s very important:首先哈利有一点你必须明白因为这很重要:Not all wizards are good.巫师并非都是好人Some of them go bad.A few years ago...有些巫师变坏了好几年前...there was a wizard who went as bad as you can go.His name was V...有一名巫师他后来变得坏透了他的名字叫伏...-His name was V...-Maybe if you wrote it down?-他的名字叫伏...-或者你可以写下来?No,I can’t spell it.不行这个字我不会拼-All right,V oldemort.-V oldemort?-好吧他叫伏地魔-伏地魔?Shh.嘘It was dark times,Harry,dark times.那是段黑暗的日子哈利V oldemort started to gather some followers.伏地魔开始招揽党羽Brought them over to the Dark Side.让他们加入黑暗势力Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead.所有反对他的人都难逃一死Your parents fought against him.你的父母也是他的反对者But nobody lived once he decided to kill them.可是只要他决定杀的人没有一个能逃脱Nobody,not one.一个也没有Except you.除了你Me?V oldemort tried to kill me?我?伏地魔想要杀我?Yes.That ain’t no ordinary cut on your forehead,Harry.是的你额头上的不是普通伤疤哈利A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse,an evil curse.那样的伤疤只可能来自魔咒邪恶的魔咒What happened to V...?To You-Know-Who?可是伏...那个神秘人后来怎么样了?Well,some say he died.有些人说他死了Codswallop,in my opinion.我认为纯粹是胡说八道Nope,I reckon he’s out there still...不我认为他还活着...too tired to carry on.只是虚弱得成不了气候But one thing’s certain.Something about you stumped him that night.但有一点是肯定的那晚你的某种力量使他受挫了That’s why you’re famous.That’s why everybody knows your name.这就是为什么你这么出名为什么人人都知道你的名字You’re the boy who lived.你是大难不死的男孩What are you looking at?你看什么看?Blimey,is that the time?天呐这么晚了?I’m gonna have to leave you.Dumbledore will be wanting his...我得走了邓布利多正等着他的...Well,he’ll be wanting to see me.Your train leaves in10minutes.他正等着见我呢你的火车10分钟后就开了Here’s your ticket.Stick to your ticket,that’s very important.这是你的车票拿好了这非常重要”Platform93/4”?”九又四分之三站台”?But,Hagrid,there must be a mistake.This says platform93/4.可是海格这肯定是弄错了票上写着九又四分之三站台There’s no such thing,is there?没有这种站台不是吗?Sorry.借过Excuse me.Excuse me.对不起对不起On your left.请往左手边走Can you tell me where I might find platform93/4?请问九又四分之三站台怎么走?93/4?Think you’re being funny,do you?九又四分之三?你在开玩笑吗嗯?It’s the same every year,packed with Muggles.每年都是这样挤满了麻瓜们-Muggles?-Platform93/4,this way.-麻瓜?-九又四分之三站台这边走All right,Percy,you first.好了珀西你先走Fred,you next.弗雷德下一个是你-He’s not Fred,I am.-Honestly,woman,you call yourself our mother? -他不是弗雷德我才是-拜托女士你真是我们的亲妈么?I’m sorry,George.真对不起乔治I’m only joking.I am Fred.开个玩笑我是弗雷德Excuse me.抱歉Could you tell me how to...?请问该怎么去...?How to get onto the platform?Not to worry,dear.该怎么去站台?别担心亲爱的It’s Ron’s first time to Hogwarts as well.罗恩也是第一次去霍格沃茨All you’ve got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms9 and10.你只要照直朝第9和第10站台之间走就是了-Best to run if you’re nervous.-Good luck.-要是紧张就一溜小跑-祝你好运Excuse me.Do you mind?Everywhere else is full.对不起我能进来吗?别的地方都满了Not at all.进来吧I’m Ron,by the way.Ron Weasley.对了我叫罗恩罗恩·韦斯莱I’m Harry.Harry Potter.我叫哈利哈利·波特So...so it’s true!所以...所以都是真的!I mean,do you really have the...?我是说你当真有...?-The what?-The scar?-有什么?-那道伤疤?Oh,yeah.哦是啊Wicked!太绝了!-Anything off the trolley,dears?-No,thanks.I’m all set.-亲爱的要不要买点车上的食品?-不谢谢我自己带了We’ll take the lot.我们全要了Whoa.哇哦-Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans?-They mean every flavor.-比比多味豆?-意思是各种味道都有There’s chocolate and peppermint and there’s also...不仅有巧克力味和薄荷味...spinach,liver and tripe.还有菠菜味肝味和肚味George sweared he got a booger-flavored one once.乔治还发誓说他有次吃到过干鼻屎味的呢These aren’t real frogs,are they?它们不会是真的青蛙吧?It’s just a spell.Besides,it’s the cards you want.只是个咒语而已何况买它只是为了收集卡片Each pack’s got a famous witch or wizard.I’ve got about500meself.每包里都有一张著名男女巫师的画片我差不多攒了500张了Watch it!小心!That’s rotten luck.They’ve only got one good jump into and to begin with.真倒霉本来它们拆包后只能跳一次的-I’ve got Dumbledore!-I got about six of him.-我拿到了邓布利多!-我有六张他的卡片了Hey,he’s gone.嘿他不见了You can’t expect him to hang around all day,can you?你不能指望他整天待在这里不是吗?This is Scabbers,by the way.Pathetic,isn’t he?哦这是斑斑他很可怜吧?A little.有一点Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow.Want to see?弗雷德教了我一个把他变黄的咒语想见识下吗?Yeah.当然了Has anyone seen a toad?有人看见一只蟾蜍吗?-A boy named Neville’s lost one.-No.-一个叫纳威的男生丢了一只-没Oh,are you doing magic?Let’s see,then.喔你在施魔法?来啊让我们开开眼吧Sunshine,daisies,butter mellow.雏黄甜奶油和阳光Turn this stupid,fat rat yellow.把这只傻呼呼的肥老鼠变黄Are you sure that’s a real spell?Well,it’s not very good,is it?你确定那真的是道咒语吗?看来不怎么管用啊是吧?Of course,I’ve only tried a few simple ones myself...当然了我自己也只是试过几道简单的...but they’ve all worked for me.但都成功了For example...比如说...Oculus Reparo.眼镜恢复如初That’s better,isn’t it?好多了是吧?Holy cricket,you’re Harry Potter!老天爷你就是哈利·波特!I’m Hermione Granger.And you are...我叫赫敏·格兰杰请问你是...-I’m Ron Weasley.-Pleasure.-我叫罗恩·韦斯莱-幸会You two better change into robes.I expect we’ll be arriving soon.你们俩快换上长袍吧估计快到了You’ve got dirt on your nose,by the way.Did you know?话说你鼻子上有块脏东西知道吗?Just there.就在那儿Right,then.First years,this way,please!好了新生这边走!Come on now,first years,don’t be e on now,hurry up.来嘛新生们别害羞快过来-Hello,Harry.-Hi,Hagrid.-你好啊哈利-嗨海格Whoa.哇Right,then.This way to the e on now,follow me.很好来这边坐船快过来跟我走Wow.哇Wicked.Welcome to Hogwarts.欢迎来到霍格沃茨Now,in a few moments,you’ll pass through these doors and join your classmates.过一会儿你们就能穿过大门跟新同学见面了But before you can take your seats,you must be sorted into your houses.但是入座前你们先得确定各自的学院They are Gryffindor,Hufflepuff,有格兰芬多赫奇帕奇Ravenclaw and Slytherin.拉文克劳和斯莱特林Now while you’re here,your house will be like your family.你们既然来到这就要把学院当做自己的家Your triumphs will earn you points.表现出色可以为学院赢得加分Any rule-breaking and you will lose points.而任何违反纪律的行为会让学院扣分At the end of the year,the house with the most points is awarded the house cup.学年末得分最高的学院将被授予学院杯Trevor!Sorry.抱歉The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily.分院仪式将马上开始It’s true then,what they’re saying on the train.看来火车上的传言是真的了Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.哈利·波特真的来到霍格沃茨了Harry Potter?哈利·波特?This is Crabbe and Goyle.这是克拉布和高尔And I’m Malfoy.我叫马尔福Draco Malfoy.德拉科·马尔福Think my name’s funny,do you?I’ve no need to ask yours.觉得我的名字搞笑是吗?我不用问都知道你是谁Red hair and a hand-me-down robe?You must be a Weasley.满头红头发一身旧衣服?不用说肯定又是个韦斯莱家的You’ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than the others,Potter.波特你很快就会发现有些巫师家庭就是要比某些其他的优越得多You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort.你不会想跟另类的人交朋友吧I can help you there.这一点上我能帮你I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself,thanks.我想我自己能分辨出谁是另类多谢了We’re ready for you now.Follow me.准备好了跟我走It’s not real,the ceiling.It’s just bewitched to look like the night sky.那天花板不是真的只是被施过魔法看起来跟夜空一样I read about it in”Hogwarts,A History”.我在”霍格沃茨一段校史”里读到过Will you wait along here,please?你们在这儿等着好吗?Now,before we begin...在我们开始前...Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words.邓布利多教授有几句话要说I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce.学期开始前我有点事要事先声明一下The first years,please note...新生们请注意...that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students.严令禁止任何学生进入禁林Also,our caretaker,Mr.Filch,has asked me to remind you...还有管理员费尔奇先生也要我提醒大家...that the third-floor corridor and the right-hand side is out of bounds...凡是不想死得很惨的人...to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death.请不要进入四楼右边的走廊Thank you.谢谢When I call your name,you will come forth.我现在叫到谁谁就上前来I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head...我会给你们戴上分院帽...and you will be sorted into your houses.然后你们就会被分到各自的学院Hermione Granger.赫敏·格兰杰Oh,no.Okay,relax.哦不好吧放轻松Mental,that one,I’m telling you.她肯定脑子有病我跟你讲Ah,right,then.Mm,right.好嗯很好Okay.Gryffindor!好了格兰芬多!Draco Malfoy.德拉科·马尔福Slytherin!斯莱特林!There’s not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.变坏了的男女巫师没有一个不是来自斯莱特林的Susan Bones.苏珊·彭斯Ah!啊!Harry,what is it?哈利怎么了?Nothing.Nothing,I’m fine.没事我没事。



哈利波特英文剧本可以借此学英语哦~ H: Harry; D: Dunbledore; Hag: Hagrid; Mc: McGonagall; Pet: Aunt Petunia; Ver: Uncle Vernon; Dud: Dudley; Gob: Goblin; Oth(s): Unknown(s)/ extra(s); R: Ron Weasley; HG: Hermione; Mrs. W: Mrs. Weasley, P:-哈利波特英文剧本可以借此学英语哦~H: Harry; D: Dunbledore; Hag: Hagrid; Mc: McGonagall; Pet: Aunt Petunia; Ver: Uncle Vernon; Dud: Dudley;Gob: Goblin; Oth(s): Unknown(s)/ extra(s); R: Ron Weasley; HG: Hermione; Mrs. W: Mrs. Weasley, P: Percy;Snake: Snake from zoo Q: Quirrell; Tom: Bartender from the Leaky Cauldron; Griphook: Goblin from Gringotts; Olli: Ollivander;G: George Weasley; F: Fred Weasley; Ginny: Ginny Weasley; N: Neville; SH: Sorting Hat;M: Draco Malfoy; SF: Seamus Finnigan; Sir N: Sir Nicholas (Nearly-Headless-Nick); S: Severus Snape;MH: Madame Hooch; F: Filch; OW: Oliver Wood; Fl: Professor Flitwick; Pic: Picture on a Hogwarts wall;FL: The Fat Lady; *: Not positive who; Fil: Filch; HogGos: Hogwart Ghosts; V: Voldemort Underlined: Book title; Italics: SpellPart1D: I should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall.Mc: Good evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true Albus?D: I'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad.Mc: And the boy?D: Hagrid is bringing him.Mc: Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid w/ something as important as this?D: Ah, Prof. I would trust Hagrid w/ my lifeHag: Professor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.D; No problems I trust Hagrid?Hag: No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.Mc : Albus, do really think it's safe leaving him with these people? I've watched them all day. There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are- -D: The only family he has.Mc: This boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name. D: Exactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he is ready. There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye after all. Good Luck, Harry Potter- - - - - part2Pet.: Up. Get up! Now!Dud: Wake up cousin! We're going to the zoo!Pet: Here he comes the birthday boy!Ver: happy birthday son.Pet: Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything.H: Yes Aunt Petunia.Pet: I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!Ver: Hurry up! Bring my coffee boy!H: yes Uncle Vernon.Pet: Aren't they wonderful darling?Dud: How many are there?V: 36, Counted them myself.Dud: 36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37V: Yes, but some of them are a bit bigger than last year's!Dud: I don't care how big they are!Pet: Now, now, now, this is what we're going to do. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin?Pet: It should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it.V: I'm warning you now boy. Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals for a week. Get in.Dud: Make it move.V: Move.Dud: MOVE!H: He's asleep.Dud: He's boring.H: Sorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you. Can you hear me? It's just I've never talked to a snake before. Do you?Do you talk to people often? You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Did you miss your family? I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents either.Dud: Mummy, Dad, come here you won't believe what this snake is doing! Woah! Woah! Ah! Snake: Thanks.H: Any time.Oth: Snake! Ahh!Dud: Mum! Mummy! Help me!P: My darling boy! How did you get in there! Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?P: It's all right sweetheart. We'll get you out of these terrible clothes.V: What happened?H: I swear, I don't know! One minute the glass was there then it was gone, it was like magic!V: There's no such thing as magic.V: Oh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk.Dud: Dad! Look! Harry's got a letter!H: Hey give it back! It's mine!V: Yours? Who'd be writing to you?V: No more mail through this letterbox.Pet: Have a lovely day at the office, dear.V: Shoo! Go on!V: Fine day Sunday. In my opinion best day of the week. And why is that Dudley?H: Because there's no post on Sundays.V: Right you are Harry. No post on Sunday. Ha! No blasted letters today! No, sir! Not one single bloody letter! Not one! No sir, not one blasted, miserable- -Dud: Make it stop, please!V: Stop it!Dud: Mummy what's happening?V: Give me that! Give me that letter!H: Get off! They're my letters! Let go of me!V: That's it! We're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!Dud: Daddy's gone mad hasn't he?。



哈利波特与火焰杯哈利·波特与火焰杯Bloody kids.又是那帮野孩子How fastidious you’ve become,Wormtail.你变得越发挑剔了虫尾巴As I recall,you once called the nearest gutter pipe home.我记得不久前你还住在附近的阴沟里呢Could it be that the task of nursing me has become wearisomefor you?你是不是嫌服侍我麻烦了?Oh,no.No,no,my Lord V oldemort.哦不不主人I only meant...我只是在想...perhaps if we were to do it without the boy.或许没有那个男孩咱们也能办到No!The boy is everything!不行!那个男孩是关键!It cannot be done without him.And it will be done.没了他就办不成这件事不容有失Exactly as I said.一切照我说的做-I will not disappoint you,my Lord.-Good.-绝不让您失望主人-很好First,gather our old comrades.首先召集一下老朋友们Send them a sign.给他们发信号Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker...纳吉尼告诉我那个麻瓜管理员老头...is standing just outside the door.正站在门口Step aside,Wormtail,so I can give our guest a proper greet-ing.虫尾巴让开我要给我们的客人送个大礼Avada Kedavra!阿瓦达索命!Harry.哈利Harry!哈利!Are you all right?你没事吧?Hermione.Bad dream.是赫敏啊做了个噩梦-When did you get here?-Just now.You?-你什么时候来的?-刚到你呢? Last night.昨天夜里Wake up!Wake up,Ronald!该醒了!快醒醒罗纳德!Bloody hell.老天爷Honestly,get dressed.说真的快把衣服穿上And don’t go back to sleep.别又睡过去了Come on,Ron!Your mother says breakfast’s ready!快起了罗恩!你妈说早饭都做好了!-Ron,where are we actually going?-Don’t know.-罗恩咱们这到底是去哪儿?-不知-Hey,Dad.Where are we going?-Haven’t the foggiest.-嘿老爸咱们这是去哪儿啊?-一头雾水Keep up!跟上!Arthur!亚瑟!It’s about time,son.总算是来了啊Sorry,Amos.Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start.抱歉了阿莫斯我们有人赖在床上不肯起来This is Amos Diggory,everyone.Works with me at the Min-istry.这位是阿莫斯·迪戈里是我在魔法部的同事And this strapping young lad must be Cedric,am I right?这位玉树临风的小伙子一定是塞德里克了我没说错吧?Yes,sir.没错先生This way.这边走Merlin’s beard!You must be Harry Potter.梅林的胡子!你一定是哈利·波特了-Yes,sir.-Great,great pleasure.-是的先生-非常非常荣幸认识你Pleasure to meet you too,sir.认识您也是我的荣幸先生Yes,it’s just over there.就在那儿了-Shall we?-Oh,yeah.-该走了?-是啊We don’t want to be late.可别迟到了Come on.Nearly there now.Get yourself into a good posi-tion.来吧快到了都给自己找个好位置Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?大家都围着一只破靴子干什么?-That isn’t just any manky old boot.-It’s a Portkey.-这可不是一般的破靴子-是门钥匙Time to go!该走了!What’s a Portkey?门钥匙是什么?-Ready!After three.One,two...-Harry!-准备!数到三一二...-哈利! three!三!Let go,kids!孩子们放手吧!-What?!-Let go!-什么?!-放手!I’ll bet that cleared your sinuses,eh?这下总算睡醒了吧嗯?-Total shambles,as per usual.-Thanks.-还是跟往常一样乱哄哄的-谢了Go on,look at that!走快看!Well,kids,welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!孩子们欢迎来到魁地奇世界杯! Stay together!Keep up,girls!别走散了!姑娘们跟上!Look!看!Come on!Keep up,girls!快走!姑娘们跟上!Blimey!老天爷!Parting of the ways,I think,old chap.老朋友该分头走了-See you at the match.-See you.-赛场上见-再见-Cedric.-Ced,come on.-塞德里克-赛德走吧See you later,Cedric.待会儿见塞德里克Home sweet home.多有家的样子What?什么?-Excellent,excellent.-Ginny,look!-很好很好-金妮看!-All to the bath.-Look.-都去洗澡-看Girls,choose a bunk and unpack.姑娘们选个床位拆包吧Ron,get out of the kitchen.We’re all hungry.罗恩别待厨房里啦我们都饿坏了-Yeah,get out of the kitchen,Ron!-Feet off the table!-就是别待厨房里啦罗恩!-脚从桌子上拿下去!-Feet off the table!-Feet off the table!-脚从桌子上拿下去!-脚从桌子上拿下去!I love magic.魔法真好Get your Quidditch World Cup programs here!魁地奇世界杯的赛程到这儿来拿! Blimey,Dad.How far up are we?老天爷啊老爸咱们坐得有多高啊? Well,put it this way...这么跟你说吧...if it rains...要是下雨了...you’ll be the first to know.你们头一个知道Father and I are in the minister’s box...我爸和我都在部长包厢...by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself.是部长康奈利·福吉亲自邀请的Don’t boast,Draco.别声张德拉科There’s no need with these people.跟这些人又不值得Do enjoy yourself,won’t you?好好玩耍While you can.趁你还有口气Come on up.Take your seats.I told you these seats would be worth waiting for.上来吧坐好我跟你们说过这些位置很值得期待的Come on!来啊!It’s the Irish!There’s Troy!是爱尔兰国家队!那是特洛伊! -And Mullet!-And Moran!-还有马莱特!-还有莫兰! Ireland!Ireland!Ireland!爱尔兰!爱尔兰!爱尔兰!-Here come the Bulgarians!-Yes!-保加利亚国家队来啦!-是啊! Who’s that?那是谁?That,sis,is the best Seeker in the world.老妹那是全世界最出色的找球手Krum!Krum!Krum!克鲁姆!克鲁姆!克鲁姆!Krum!克鲁姆!Yes!好诶!Good evening!晚上好!As Minister for Magic...身为魔法部部长...it gives me great pleasure...我非常荣幸地...to welcome each and every one of you...欢迎在场每一位...to the final of the422nd Quidditch World Cup!来到第422届魁地奇世界杯! Let the match...我宣布...begin!比赛开始!Krum!Krum!Krum!克鲁姆!克鲁姆!克鲁姆! There’s no one like Krum.没人比得上克鲁姆-Krum?-Dumb Krum?-克鲁姆?-你是说糊噜姆?He’s like a bird,the way he rides the wind.他像只大鸟在空中乘风而飞-He’s more than an athlete.-Dumb Krum.-他不止是个运动员-还是个糊噜姆He’s an artist.他还是个艺术家-I think you’re in love,Ron.-Shut up.-你爱上他了罗恩-闭嘴Viktor,I love you威克多尔我爱你Viktor,I do威克多尔我多么爱你When we’re apart my heart beats only for you当你我分离我的心只为你跳动Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on.外面像是爱尔兰人在胜利狂欢Stop!Stop it!停!别闹了!It’s not the Irish.不是爱尔兰人We’ve gotta get out of here.Now!咱们得离开这儿快!Get out,it’s the Death Eaters!快跑是食死徒Get back to the Portkey,everybody,and stick together!大家都回门钥匙那儿去别走丢了! Fred,George!Ginny is your responsibility.弗雷德乔治!你们看好金妮Go!走!Harry!哈利!-Keep up,you lot!-Harry!-你们都跟上!-哈利!Harry!Harry!哈利!哈利!Morsmordre!尸骨再现!Harry!哈利!-Where are you?-Harry!-你在哪儿?-哈利!We’ve been looking for you for ages!我们找你半天了!Thought we lost you,mate.还以为你走丢了呢What is that?那是什么?Stupefy!昏昏倒地!Stop!住手!That’s my son!那是我儿子!-Ron,Harry,Hermione,you all right?-We came back for Harry.-罗恩哈利赫敏你们没事吧?-我们回来找哈利Which of you conjured it?你们谁把它唤出来的?-Crouch,you can’t possi...-Do not lie!-克劳奇你不能...-老实说! You’ve been discovered at the scene of the crime.你们被抓了个现行-Crime?-Barty!They’re just kids.-抓现行?-巴蒂!他们还小What crime?抓什么现行?It’s the Dark Mark,Harry.It’s his mark.那个是黑魔标记哈利是他的标记What,V oldemort?什么伏地魔?Those people tonight,in the masks,they’re his too,aren’t they?今晚那些蒙面人也是他的手下对吧?-His followers?-Yeah.-他的追随者们?-没错Death Eaters.食死徒-Follow me.-There was a man,before.-跟我来-刚才那边有个男人There!在那儿!All of you,this way!你们都跟我这边来!A man,Harry?一个男人哈利?Who?谁啊?I don’t know.我不知道I didn’t see his face.没看清他的脸Anything from the trolley?要买点什么吗?Anything from the trolley?要买点什么吗?Anything from the trolley,dears?要买点什么吗亲爱的? Packet of Drooble’s...一包吹宝超级泡泡糖...and a Licorice Wand.和一根甘草魔杖On second thought,just the Drooble’s.想了想还是只要吹宝吧-It’s all right,I’ll get it.Don’t worry.-Just the Drooble’s. Thanks.-没事我来付没事的-只要吹宝就行谢了Two Pumpkin Pasties,please.来两份南瓜饼谢谢Thank you.谢谢Anything sweet for you,dear?要什么甜食吗亲爱的?Oh,no,I’m not hungry.Thank you.不用了我不饿谢谢Anything from the trolley?要买点什么吗?This is horrible.太可怕了How can the Ministry not know who conjured it?魔法部居然查不出是谁召唤的黑魔标记?Wasn’t there any security or...?难道没有安保措施或者...? Loads,according to Dad.安保可严了我爸说的That’s what worried them so much.Happened right under their noses.这让他们更加不安就在他们鼻子底下出了这么大的事儿It’s hurting again,isn’t it?Your scar.又疼了是吧?你的伤疤I’m fine.我没事You know Sirius will want to hear about this...你知道小天狼星会想知道... what you saw at the World Cup and the dream.你在世界杯上看到的还有那个梦小天狼星布莱克Hedwig.There we go.飞吧海德薇Clear the runway!清空跑道!Well,there’s something you don’t see every day.哇这可不是每天都看得到的景象Well,now we’re all settled in and sorted,I’d like to make an announcement.好了既然大家都已就位我有件事要宣布This castle will not only be your home this year...今年这座城堡不光是你们的家... but home to some very special guests as well.也将迎来一些十分特别的嘉宾You see,Hogwarts has been chosen...霍格沃茨被选中...Yes,what is it?好什么事?What is it?什么事?Tell them to wait.Tell them to wait.Wait.告诉他们等等告诉他们等等等等So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event.霍格沃茨被选中举办一场传奇盛会The Triwizard Tournament.三强争霸赛-For those of you who do not know...-Brilliant.-我来向不了解的同学介绍一下...-太好了the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools...三强争霸赛召集了三所学校...for a series of magical contests.参加一系列的魔法挑战From each school,a single student is selected to compete.每所学校只选出一名参赛选手Now let me be clear.我要说清楚If chosen,you stand alone.一旦被选中你将孤身应战And trust me when I say...这可不是危言耸听...these contests are not for the faint-hearted.胆小的人不适合参加这个挑战But more of that later.For now,please join me in welcom-ing...不过这些之后再说吧现在让我们一起欢迎...the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic...来自布斯巴顿魔法学校的可爱姑娘们...and their headmistress,Madame Maxime.和她们的女校长马克西姆夫人Bloody hell.老天爷Blimey.That’s one big woman.天啊那女人块头真大And now our friends from the north.接下来是我们的北方朋友Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang...请欢迎来自德姆斯特朗的骄子们... and their high master,Igor Karkaroff.和他们的校长伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫Oh,it’s Krum!哇是克鲁姆!Blimey,it’s him!老天爷真是他!Viktor Krum!威克多尔·克鲁姆!Albus.阿不思Igor.伊戈尔Professor Dumbly-dorr,my horses have traveled a long way.邓布利多尔教授我的马历经长途跋涉-They will need attending to.-Don’t worry,Madame Maxime.-它们需要照料-别担心马克西姆夫人Our gamekeeper,Hagrid,is more than capable of seeing to them.我们的猎场看守人海格可以把它们照料得很好But you know,Monsieur Hagrid...但你得知道海格先生... they drink only single-malt whiskey.它们只喝纯麦芽威士忌You idiot!你个白痴!Your attention,please!请注意了!I’d like to say a few words.我要说几句话Eternal glory.永恒的荣耀That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tour-nament.等待着赢得三强争霸赛的那个学生But to do this,that student must survive three tasks.但是为此那个学生必须通过三个项目Three extremely dangerous tasks.三个极端危险的项目-Wicked.-Wicked.-酷毙了-酷毙了For this reason,the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule.为此魔法部认为应当推行一条新规To explain all this...为了解释清楚...we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation...我们请来了魔法部国际合作司司长...Mr.Bartemius Crouch.巴蒂·克劳奇先生Bloody hell.It’s Mad-Eye Moody.老天爷啊是疯眼汉穆迪-Alastor Moody?The Auror?-Auror?-阿拉斯托·穆迪?那个傲罗?-傲罗?Dark-wizard catcher.Half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him.就是专门抓黑巫师的阿兹卡班有一半是让他给塞满的He’s supposed to be mad as a hatter,though,these days.不过最近据说已经疯疯癫癫了-My dear old friend,thanks for coming.-Stupid ceiling.-我亲爱的老朋友多谢你能来-天花板太蠢了Thank you.谢谢What’s that he’s drinking,do you suppose?你们觉得他喝什么呢?I don’t know,but I don’t think it’s pumpkin juice.不知道反正不像是南瓜汁After due consideration...经过深思熟虑...the Ministry has concluded that,for their own safety...出于参赛者自身的安全考虑魔法部决定...no student under the age of17...17岁以下的学生...shall be allowed to put forth their name for the TriwizardTournament.不允许报名三强争霸赛-This decision is final.-That’s rubbish!-这是最终决定-胡说八道! That’s rubbish!You don’t know what you’re doing!胡说八道!你知道自己在做什么吗!-Silence!-They’re not too happy about that,then.-肃静!-他们看起来可不是太高兴The Goblet of Fire.火焰杯Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament...任何想报名三强争霸赛的学生... need only write their name upon a piece of parchment...只需将他们的姓名写在一张羊皮纸上...and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night.在周四晚上这个点钟之前投进火焰杯中即可Do not do so lightly.不要草率做决定If chosen,there’s no turning back.一旦选中就不能回头As from this moment,the Triwizard Tournament has begun.从此刻起三强争霸赛已正式开始Alastor Moody.我是阿拉斯托·穆迪Ex-Auror...前任傲罗...Ministry malcontent...魔法部的叛逆者...and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.现在是你们的新任黑魔法防御术老师I am here because Dumbledore asked me.End of story,good-bye,the end.我来这儿纯粹是因为邓布利多请我来就这么简单没别的了Any questions?有什么问题吗? When it comes to the Dark Arts...每当提到黑魔法...I believe in a practical approach.我都信仰实用之道But first,which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?但首先你们有谁能告诉我一共有多少不可饶恕咒?-Three,sir.-And they are so named?-三种先生-它们之所以叫这个名字是因为?Because they are unforgivable.The use of any one of them will...因为它们不可饶恕使用其中任何一种就会...Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban,correct.就会送你一张通往阿兹卡班的单程票没错The Ministry says you’re too young to see what these curses do.魔法部认为你们还太年轻不适合见识这些咒语的效力I say different!You need to know what you’re up against!我不这么想!你们必须了解自己将面对的是什么!You need to be prepared.你们得做好准备You need to find another place to put your chewing gum...你得换个地方黏你的口香糖... besides the underside of your desk,Mr.Finnigan!别黏在桌子底下斐尼甘先生!No way.The old codger can see out the back of his head.不会吧那糟老头子居然能看到自己脑勺后面And hear across classrooms!而且能隔着教室听到你!So which curse shall we see first?那么咱们先来看哪道咒语?-Weasley!-Yes?-韦斯莱!-嗯?Stand.起立Give us a curse.说一个Well,my dad did tell me about one.我爸倒是跟我说过一个The Imperius Curse.夺魂咒Oh,yeah,your father would know all about that.是啊你爸一定还记忆犹新吧Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago.当年给魔法部带来不小的损失Perhaps this will show you why.或许这能告诉你们为什么Hello.你好啊Lovely little beauty.可爱的小美人儿Engorgio.速速变大Imperio!魂魄出窍!Don’t worry.It’s completely harmless.别担心它一点危险也没有If she bites...不过要是她咬人...she’s lethal.可是致命的What are you laughing at?你笑什么呢?Get off!滚开!Talented,isn’t she?她很有才是吧?What should I have her do next?Jump out the window?接下来让她干什么?跳出窗子? Drown herself?淹死自己?Scores of witches and wizards have claimed...很多男巫女巫都声称...that they only did You-Know-Who’s bidding...他们服从神秘人...under the influence of the lmperius Curse.只是因为他们中了夺魂咒But here’s the rub.但问题在这儿How do we sort out the liars?我们怎么分辨谁在撒谎呢? Another,another.下一个下一个Up,e on.起立起来来Longbottom,is it?你叫隆巴顿是吧?Up.起来Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology.斯普劳特教授跟我说你对草药学天赋异禀There’s the...有个叫...The Cruciatus Curse.钻心咒Correct,e,come.正确正确来过来Particularly nasty.非常邪恶的咒语The torture curse.用来折磨人Crucio!钻心剜骨!Stop it!Can’t you see it’s bothering him?Stop it!住手!你看不出他很难受吗?住手!Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgivable Curse,Miss Granger.或许你能告诉我们最后一道不可饶恕咒是什么格兰杰小姐No?不行?Avada Kedavra!阿瓦达索命!The Killing Curse.死咒Only one person is known to have survived it...目前所知有只一个人从这咒下逃生...and he’s sitting in this room.而他就坐在这间屋子里Brilliant,isn’t he?他很棒不是吗?Completely demented,of course,and terrifying to be in the same room with...完全是个疯子跟他同处一室都感觉恐怖...but he’s really been there,you know?He’s looked evil in the eye.不过他真的经历过对吧?他直面过邪恶势力There’s a reason those curses are unforgivable.那些咒语不可饶恕必有其原因To perform them in a classroom...I mean,did you see Neville’s face?居然在教室里演示这些咒语...我想说你们注意到纳威的表情没有?Neville?纳威?Son?孩子?You all right?你没事吧?Come on.We’ll have a cup of tea.I want to show you some-thing.来我们去喝杯茶我有东西给你看We’re gonna be late!我们该迟到了!Come on,Cedric.Put it in!来吧塞德里克投进去!Eternal glory.Be brilliant,wouldn’t it?永恒的荣耀太让人神往了Three years from now,when we’re old enough to be chosen.三年以后我们的年龄也足够入选了Yeah,rather you than me.对最好选你别选我Yes!好了!Thank you,thank you.谢谢谢谢-Well,lads,we’ve done it.-Cooked it up just this morning.-哦小伙子我们成功了-今天早晨刚刚完工的It’s not going to work.没用的呦-Oh,yeah?-And why is that,Granger?-哦是吗?-为什么呢格兰杰?You see this?This is an Age Line.看到这个吗?这是个年龄限制Dumbledore drew it himself.邓布利多亲自画的So?那又如何?So a genius like Dumbledore couldn’t possibly be fooled...一个像邓布利多这样的天才怎么可能...by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion.被又可怜又愚蠢的增龄剂愚弄-But that’s why it’s so brilliant.-Because it’s so pathetically dimwitted.-所以这办法才如此聪明-因为这办法又可怜又愚蠢-Ready,Fred?-Ready,George.-准备好了吗弗雷德?-准备好了乔治-Bottoms up.-Bottoms up.-干杯-干杯-Yes!-Yes!-不错!-不错!Yeah!耶!Yes!好!Ready?准备好了吗?-Yes!-Yes!-好了!-好了!-You said!-You said!-你说可以!-你说可以!-Oh,right,you want a piece of me?!-I’ll tear your ears off!-哦好吧你想打架吗?!-我要把你的耳朵撕下来!-Now you’re making me laugh.-Take this!Come on!-你别逗我了-接招!来啊!Fight!Fight!Fight!打他!打他!打他!We’re”old school,”right?我们是”老学生”了对吧?Yeah,but you look older!是不过你看起来更老!Sit down.Please.坐下请坐Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for:你们等待的时刻到了The champion selection.勇士抽选The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum.德姆斯特朗的勇士是威克多尔·克鲁姆The champion for Beauxbatons...布斯巴顿的勇士...is Fleur Delacour.是芙蓉·德拉库尔The Hogwarts champion,Cedric Diggory!霍格沃茨的勇士塞德里克·迪戈里!Excellent!We now have our three champions.很好!现在我们选出了我们的三个勇士But in the end,only one will go down in history.不过最终只有一个会被载入史册Only one will hoist this chalice of champions...只有一个人会举起这个冠军圣杯... this vessel of victory...这个胜利的化身...the Triwizard Cup!三强杯!Harry Potter.哈利·波特Harry Potter?哈利·波特呢?No.No.不要别Harry Potter!哈利·波特!Go on,Harry.去吧哈利Harry,for goodness sake.哈利看在上帝的份上He’s a cheat!他作弊了!He’s not even17yet!他还不够17岁!-It’s wrong,I tell you!-You French tart.-我跟你说这样不对!-你个法国妞-Everything is a conspiracy theory!-Quiet!I can’t think!-这全都是阴谋!-安静!我思考不了了!-Everything is a conspiracy theory!-I protest.-这全都是阴谋!-我抗议-Harry.-I protest!-哈利-我抗议!Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?你把自己的名字投进火焰杯里了吗?-No,sir.-Did you ask one of the older students...-没有先生-你是不是请别的年长的同学...-to do it for you?-No,sir.-为你投了?-也没有先生-You’re absolutely sure?-Yes.Yes,sir.-你说的实话吗?-是实话先生-But of course he is lying.-The hell he is!-他当然是在撒谎-这他妈不可能是撒谎!The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical ob-ject.火焰杯是一件非常强力的法器Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could’ve hoodwinked it.只有异常强力的混淆咒才能蒙蔽它Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year.那可是远远超出四年级生能力的魔法You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought,Mad-Eye.你看起来对这个事情有些独到的看法疯眼汉It was once my job to think as dark wizards do,Karkaroff...我曾经的工作就是按照黑巫师的思路来思考...-perhaps you remember.-This doesn’t help,Alastor.-记得吗卡卡洛夫-争吵没有用阿拉斯托Leave this to you,Barty.你来决定吧巴蒂The rules are absolute.规则是绝对权威的The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract.火焰杯造就了一份有约束力的魔法契约Mr.Potter has no choice.波特先生别无选择He is,as of tonight...他今晚...a Triwizard champion.被选中为三强争霸赛的勇士This can’t go on,Albus.不能这样下去阿不思First the Dark Mark.Now this?先是黑魔标记现在又来这个? What do you suggest,Minerva?米勒娃你的意见呢?Put an end to it.终止吧Don’t let Potter compete.别让波特参赛You heard Barty.The rules are clear.你听到巴蒂说的了规则很明确Well,the devil with Barty and his rules.让巴蒂和他的规则去死吧And since when did you accommodate the Ministry?你什么时候开始顺从魔法部了? Headmaster,I,too,find it difficult to believe this mere coin-cidence.校长我也不相信事件事只是巧合However,if we are to truly discover the meaning of these events...然而如果我们想真正揭开这些事件的含义...perhaps we should,for the time being...也许我们应该暂时...let them unfold.让他们开赛What...?Do nothing?什么...?袖手旁观?Offer him up as bait?送羊入虎口?Potter is a boy,not a piece of meat.波特是个孩子不是羊I agree.With Severus.我同意西弗勒斯的意见Alastor,keep an eye on Harry,will you?阿拉斯托盯着点哈利可以吗?-I can do that.-Don’t let him know,though.-我可以-而且别让他察觉到He must be anxious enough as it is...他知道将要面临什么...knowing what lies ahead.肯定已经够焦虑的了Then again,we all are.我们都一样哈利·波特How did you do it?你怎么做到的?Never mind.Doesn’t matter.算了无所谓Might’ve let your best friend know,though.不过你应该让你最好的朋友知道吧-Let you know what?-You know bloody well what.-让你知道什么?-你清楚是什么I didn’t ask for this to happen,Ron.罗恩我没想到会发生这样的事Okay?明白吗?-You’re being stupid.-Yeah,that’s me.-你别傻了-是啊就是我Ron Weasley,Harry Potter’s stupid friend.罗恩·韦斯莱哈利·波特的傻朋友I didn’t put my name in that cup.我没有把名字投进火焰杯里I don’t want eternal glory.I just wanna be...我不想要永恒的荣耀我只想... Look,I don’t know what happened tonight...听着我不知道今晚发生了什么... and I don’t know why.我也不知道为什么It just did.它就是发生了Okay?懂吗?Piss off.讨厌What a charismatic quartet.多么神采奕奕的四个人Hello.你们好I’m Rita Skeeter.我是丽塔·斯基特I write for the Daily Prophet.预言家日报的记者But of course you know that,don’t you?It’s you we don’t know.你们肯定知道我对吧?反而是我们不了解你们You’re the juicy news.你们可是大新闻What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?这美丽的面容下藏着哪些趣事? What mysteries do the muscles mask?肌肉下面掩藏着多少秘密? Does courage lie beneath those curls?卷曲的头发之下是否存在胆识? In short,what makes a champion tick?长话短说各位有何过人之处呢?”Me,Myself&I”want to know.Not to mention my rabid readers.”我我还是我”想知道更不要说我狂热的读者们了So who’s feeling up to sharing?那么谁想来跟我们分享一下? Shall we start with the youngest?Lovely.我们要不要从最年轻的开始?小宝贝This is cozy.这真舒服It’s a broom cupboard.这是个扫帚储藏室You should feel right at home,then.那么你应该感觉像回家一样了Don’t mind if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill,do you?我用速记笔你不介意吧?No.不So tell me,Harry.那么告诉我哈利Here you sit,a mere boy of12...坐在我面前的这个不到12的男孩...I’m14.Sorry.抱歉我14了About to compete against three students...将要对抗的三个学生...not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself...不仅在情感上远远成熟过你...but who have mastered spells that you wouldn’t attempt...而且还精通那些你连最迷离的白日梦里...in your dizziest daydreams.都不敢尝试的咒语Concerned?有压力吗?I don’t know.I haven’t really thought about it.不知道我还没有考虑过这些Just ignore the quill.别管这笔了Then,of course,you’re no ordinary boy of12,are you?当然你也不是普通的12岁男孩对吧?-Fourteen.-Your story’s legend.-14岁-你的故事是个传奇Do you think it was the trauma of your past...你是否认为是因为你过去的创伤... that made you so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament?才使你如此强烈地想要参与这么危险的赛事?No,I didn’t enter.不我没有参赛Of course you didn’t.你当然没有Everyone loves a rebel,Harry.大家都喜欢叛逆的故事哈利Scratch that last.最后这段划掉Speaking of your parents,were they alive...说到你的父母如果他们还活着... how do you think they’d feel?你觉得他们会有何感受?Proud?Or concerned...自豪?还是担心...that your attitude shows,at best,a pathological need for at-tention...从你的态度看来你极度渴望被注意这是最好情况...at worst,a psychotic death wish?最差情况你发了疯想寻死Hey,my eyes aren’t”glistening with the ghosts of my past.”嘿我的眼睛里没有”映出了过去的灵魂”好吗Harry,I couldn’t risk sending Hedwig.哈利我不能冒险派海德薇了Since the World Cup,the Ministry’s been intercepting more and more owls...自从魁地奇世界杯之后魔法部拦截了越来越多的猫头鹰...and she’s too easily recognized.而她太好认了We need to talk,Harry,face-to-face.我们需要谈谈哈利面对面的Meet me in the Gryffindor common room,1:00this Saturday night.本周六晚1点去格兰芬多的公共休息室见我And make sure you’re alone.别让别人跟着Sirius.小天狼星P.S:备注The bird bites.这鸟咬人Sirius?小天狼星?Harry Potter,age12...哈利·波特12岁...suspect entrant in the Triwizard Tournament.三强争霸赛的争议参赛者His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past...他的眼睛与他过去的灵魂一起湿润...and choking back tears...噙回了眼泪...Sirius.How...?小天狼星你怎么...?I don’t have much time,so let me get straight to it.我时间不多咱们开门见山Did you or did you not put your name into the Goblet of Fire?你有还是没有把自己的名字投进火焰杯?No!没有!I had to ask.我不得不问Now,tell me about this dream of yours.You mentioned Wormtail and V oldemort.现在给我说说你的梦境你提到了虫尾巴和伏地魔But who was the third man in the room?不过房间里第三个人是谁?-I don’t know.-You didn’t hear a name?-我不知道-你没听到名字?No.没有V oldemort was giving him a job to do.Something important.伏地魔正在给他分配任务某些重要的任务And what was that?是什么任务?He wanted...他要抓...me.我I don’t know why.But he was gonna use this man to get to me.我不知道为什么不过他要通过这个人来抓我But,I mean,it was only a dream,right?不过我想说这只是个梦而已对吧? Yes.对It’s just a dream.只是个梦而已Look,Harry.你看哈利The Death Eaters at the World Cup,your name rising from that goblet...魁地奇世界杯上的食死徒还有火焰杯里你的名字...these are not just coincidences.Hogwarts isn’t safe anymore.这些不是单纯的巧合霍格沃茨不再安全了What are you saying?你说什么?I’m saying the devils are inside the walls.Igor Karkaroff?我说魔鬼已经进来了伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫?He was a Death Eater.And no one,no one stops being a Death Eater.他曾经是个食死徒而食死徒永远无法改变自己的本性Then there’s Barty Crouch.Heart of stone.还有巴蒂·克劳奇铁石心肠Sent his own son to Azkaban.把他自己的儿子都送进了阿兹卡班You think one of them put my name in the goblet?你觉得是他们中有人把我的名字投进了火焰杯?I haven’t a clue who put your name in that goblet...我也不知道是谁投了你的名字...but whoever did is no friend to you.People die in this tour-nament.不过不管是谁干的肯定不是你的朋友这项赛事里是会死人的-I’m not ready for this,Sirius.-You don’t have a choice.-小天狼星我没能力应付这一切-你别无选择-Someone’s coming.-Keep your friends close,Harry.-有人来了-和朋友们在一起哈利-Who were you talking to?-What?-你在跟谁讲话?-什么?-Who says I was talking to anyone?-I heard voices.-谁说我在讲话?-我听到不止一个人的声音Maybe you’re imagining things.Wouldn’t be the first time.可能是你的想象也不是第一次了You’re probably just practicing for your next interview,I ex-pect.你可能只是在准备你的下次采访而已希望如此。



哈利波特英文剧本第一篇:哈利波特英文剧本哈利波特与魔法石H: Harry;D: Dunbledore;Hag: Hagrid;Mc: McGonagall;Pet: Aunt Petunia;Ver: Uncle Vernon;Dud: Dudley;Gob: Goblin;Oth(s): Unknown(s)/ extra(s);R: Ron Weasley;HG: Hermione;Mrs.W: Mrs.Weasley, P: Percy;Snake: Snake from zoo Q: Quirrell;Tom: Bartender from the Leaky Cauldron;Griphook: Goblin from Gringotts;Olli: Ollivander;G: George Weasley;F: Fred Weasley;Ginny: Ginny Weasley;N: Neville;SH: Sorting Hat;M: Draco Malfoy;SF: Seamus Finnigan;Sir N: Sir Nicholas(Nearly-Headless-Nick);S: Severus Snape;MH: Madame Hooch;F: Filch;OW: Oliver Wood;Fl: Professor Flitwick;Pic: Picture on a Hogwarts wall;FL: The Fat Lady;*: Not positive who;Fil: Filch;HogGos: Hogwart Ghosts;V: Voldemort Underlined: Book title;Italics: Spell D: I should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall.Mc: Good evening Professor Dumbledore.Are the rumors true Albus? D: I'm afraid so Professor.The good and the bad.Mc: And the boy?D: Hagrid is bringing him.Mc: Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid w/ something as important as this? D: Ah, Prof.I would trust Hagrid w/ my lifeHag: Professor.Dumbledore, sir.Professor McGonagall.D;No problems I trust Hagrid?Hag: No, sir.Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.Try not to wake him.There you go.Mc : Albus, do really think it's safe leaving him with these people? I've watched themall day.There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable.They really are-HG: I'd heard Hogwarts' final exams were frightful, but I found they're rather enjoyable R: Speak for yourself.All right there Harry? H: My scar.It keeps burning.HG: It's happened before.H: Not like this.R: Perhaps you should see the nurse.H: I think it's a warning.It means danger's coming.Ah.Oh, Of Course.HG: What is it?H: Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid want more than anything is a dragon and a stranger turns up and just happens to have one? I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before? Hagrid, who gave you that dragon egg? What did he look like?Hag: I dunno.I never saw his face.He kept his hood up.H: This stranger though, you and he must have talked.Hag: Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after.And I told him, after Fluffy a dragon's gonna be no problem.H: Did he seem interested in Fluffy?Hag: Well of course he was interested in Fluffy!How often do you come across three headed dogs do you come across even if you're in the trade? But I told him, I said, I said, “The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him.” Take Fluffy for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight asleep.I shouldn't have told you that.Where are you going? Where are you---?H: We have to see professor Dumbledore immediately!H: We have to see Professor Dumbledore immediately!Mc: I’m afraid Professor Dumbledore’s not here.He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London.H: He’s gone!But this is important!This is about the Sorcerer’s Stone!Mc: How did you know---?H: Someone’s going to try to steal it!Mc: I don’t know how you three found out about the Stone but I assure you it is perfectly well protected.Now would you go back to your dormitories quietly.H: That was no stranger Hagrid met.It was Snape.Which means that he knows how to get past Fluffy.HG: And with Dumbledore gone---S: Good afternoon.Now, what would three young Gryffindors, such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?HG: We were… we were just---S: You’d ought to be careful.People willht think you’re up to something.HG: Now what are we do?H: We go down the trap door, tonight.H: Trevor.R: Trevor, sh, go you shouldn’t be here!N: Neither should you.You’re sneaking out again aren’t you? H: Now Neville listen.We were… we were---N: No I won’t let you!You’ll get Gryffindor into trouble again!I’ll, I’ll fight you!HG: Neville, I’m really really sorry about this.Petrificus totalus!R: You’re a little scary sometimes, you know that.Brilliant, but scary.H: Let’s go.H: Sorry.HG: Sorry.R: It’s for your own good you know.HG: Ow!You stood on my foot!R;Sorry.HG: Alohomora.H: Wait a minute.He’s snoring.Snape’s already been here.He’s put a spell on the harp.R: Ugh!It’s got horrible breath.H: We have to move its paw.R: What?H: Come on!Okay, push!I’ll go first.Don’t follow me until I give you a sign.If something bad happens get yourselves out!Does it seem a bit quiet to you? HG: The harp, it stopped playing.R: Ugh!Yuck!Ugh!H: Jump!R: Woah!Lucky this plant thing’s here really!Woah!HG: Stop moving, both of you!This is Devil’s Snare.You have to relax!If you don’t it’ll only kill you faster!R: Kill us faster? Oh now I can relax!R&H: Hermione!R: Oh now what are we going to do? HG: Just relax!H: Hermione where are you? HG: Do what I say!Trust me!R: Ah!Harry!Harry!HG: Are you okay?H: Yeah, yeah I’m fine.(R: Help!)HG: He’s not relaxing is he?(R: Help!)H: Apparently not.(R: Help me!)HG: We’ve got to do something!(R: Help!)H: What?(R: Help!) HG: I remember reading something in Herbology.(R: Help!)“Devil’s Snare Devil’s Snare it’s deadly fun;but will sulk in the sun.” That’s it!Devil’s Snare hates sunlight!Lumus Solem!H: Ron, are you okay?R: Yeah.Lucky we didn’t panic!H;Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology.HG: What is that?H: I don’t know Sounds like wings.HG: Curious, I’ve never seen birds like these.H: They’re not birds they’re keys.And I’ll bet one of then fits that door.HG: What’s this all about? H: I don’t know.Strange.R: Alohomora!Well, it was worth a try.HG: What are we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there!R: We’re looking for a big old fashioned one.Probably rusty like the handle.H: There!I see it!The one with the broken wing!HG: What’s wrong Harry? H: It is too simple.R: Oh, go on Harry!If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can!You’re the youngest Seeker in a century!This complicates things a bit!H: Catch the key!R: Hurry up!HG: I don’t like this.I don’t like this at all.H: Where are we?A graveyard?R: This is no graveyard, it’s a chessboard.H: There’s the door!HG: Now what do we do?R: Its obvious isn’t it? We’ve got to play our way across the room.All right, Harry, you take the empty bishop’s square.Hermione you’ll be the queen-side castle.As for me, I’ll be a knight.HG: What happens now?V: Kill him!Q: What is this magic?V: Fool get the Stone!D: Good afternoon Harry.Tokens from your admirers.H: Admirers?D: What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret.So naturally the whole school knows.Ah, I see that your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs.H: Ron was here? Is he alright? What about Hermione?D: Fine.They're both just fine.H: Bu, what happened to the Stone?D: Relax dear boy.The Stone has been destroyed.My friend Nicholas and I have had a little chat and agreed it was best all around.H: But then Flamel, he'll die won't he?D: He has enough Elixir of Life to set his affairs in order.But yes, he will die.H: How is it I got the Stone sir? One minute I was there staring in the mirror and then the next---D: Ah, you see only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it would be able to get it.That is one of my more brilliant ideas.And between you and me that is saying something.H: Does that meanwith the Stone gone that is, that Voldemort can never come back?D: Ah, I'm afraid there are ways in which he can return.Harry do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him? It was because of your mother.She sacrificed herself for you.And that kind of act leaves a mark.No, no this kind of mark cannot be seen.It lives in your very skin.H: What is it?D: Love Harry.Love.Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavor one.Since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them.But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee.Alas!Earwax!H: Alright there Ron? R: Alright.You?H: Alright.Hermione? HG: Never better.D: Another year gone.And now as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding.And the points stand as thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points.Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points.In second place Ravenclaw with 426 points.And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin House.M: Nice one mate.D: Yes, yes.Well-done Slytherin.Well-done Slytherin.However recent events must be taken into account.And I have a few last-minute points to award.To Miss.Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect when others were in grave peril.50 points.Second, to Mr.Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen these many years.50 points.And third, to Mr.Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage.I award Gryffindor House 60 points.HG: We're tied with Slytherin!D: And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies.But a great deal more to stand up to your friends.I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom.Assuming my calculations are correct I believe that a change of decoration is in order.Gryffindor wins the House Cup!Hag: Yes!Hag: Come on now.Hurry up, you'll be late!Train's leaving.Go e on, hurry up.HG: Come on Harry.H: One minute.Hag: Thought you were leaving without saying good-bye did you? This is for you.H: Thanks Hagrid.Hag: Oh.Go on.On with you.On with you now.On with you.Oh, listen, Harry.If that dolt of a cousin of yours Dudley gives you any grief you can always um… threaten him, with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his.H: But Hagrid, we're not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts.You know that.Hag: I know that.But your cousin don't do he?HG: Feels strange to be going home doesn't it? H: I'm not going home.Not really.-The End第二篇:哈利波特英文读后感“Harry Potter” this book, we can not think of the author, can not become a fact of the matter.“Harry Potter” for the main character, a shaman, the wizard, ghosts, monsters, dragons and evil, justice.From a few books, friends can reflect on the friendship, respect for teachers, in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of the spirit of courage.With these, they have time and again to escape the difficulties.“Harry Potter” these books with him on his two best friends in school Huogewoci magic in the story.Where records of their fighting together, sharing happiness together, with little Didi Fenyou disturbed things.Everything is so magical!In that magical world of the shaman lived, there are fewer old.When the messenger owl.Cups, hats, are believed to be his opening remarks.Flying broom is their means of transport, and more can be compared to the birds and the sky, and Qizhao Ta can quickly fly in less than a few minutes you can reach the place you want to visit.Chess masters will follow the case, the owner let it go it will go.Order-G, their will to move.Portraits, the people are living, they can talk,you can jump out of their Xiangkuang to other Xiangkuang Lane.There are many castles in the ghost, they can walk, you can talk to the moving castle in anything, you can penetrate any object, and sometimes engage in mischief(Pippi ghosts).There are so many wonderful!No wonder our small magician Harry Potter magic will be popular throughout the world.I admire the most is Harry Potter and his partners, and the difficulties they face the evil spirit never flinched I always memorable.They always had a conviction: “We must overcome all, defeat evil, and we learn, understand and know the magic and common sense to defeat our enemies, as long as we work together, we can overcome evil, justice will never defeat evil.” With this conviction, they will win, because evil always Doubu Guo justice.译文: “哈利·波特”这本书时,我们不能认为作者,不能成为事实。



哈利波特与魔法石HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE<第一幕>DUMBLEDOREI should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall.MCGONAGALLGood evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true Albus?DUMBLEDOREI'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad.MCGONAGALLAnd the boy?DUMBLEDOREHagrid is bringing him.MCGONAGALLDo you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this? DUMBLEDOREAh, Prof. I would trust Hagrid with my life HAGRIDProfessor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.DUMBLEDORENo problems I trust Hagrid?HAGRIDNo, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.MC Albus, do really think it's safe leaving him with these people? I've watched them all day. There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are- - DUMBLEDOREThe only family he has.MCGONAGALLThis boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name. DUMBLEDOREExactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he is ready. There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye after all. Good Luck, Harry Potter.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第二幕>(one)AUNT PETUNIAUp. Get up! Now!DUDLEYWake up cousin! We're going to the zoo! AUNT PETUNIAHere he comes the birthday boy!(two)UNCLE VERNONhappy birthday son.AUNT PETUNIAWhy don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything.HARRYYes Aunt Petunia.AUNT PETUNIAI want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!UNCLE VERNONHurry up! Bring my coffee boy!HARRYyes Uncle Vernon.AUNT PETUNIAAren't they wonderful darling?DUDLEYHow many are there?VOLDEMORT36, Counted them myself.DUDLEY36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37 VOLDEMORTYes, but some of them are a bit bigger than last year's!DUDLEYI don't care how big they are!AUNT PETUNIANow, now, now, this is what we're going to do. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin? AUNT PETUNIAIt should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it. VOLDEMORTI'm warning you now boy. Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals for a week. Get in.(three)DUDLEYMake it move.VOLDEMORTMove.DUDLEYMOVE!HARRYHe's asleep.DUDLEYHe's boring.HARRYSorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you. Can you hear me? It's just I've never talked to a snake before. Do you... Do you talk to people often? You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Did you miss your family?I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents either.DUDLEYMummy, Dad, come here you won't believe what this snake is doing! Woah! Woah! Ah! SNAKEThanks.HARRYAny time.OTHSnake! Ahh!DUDLEYMum! Mummy! Help me!PERCYMy darling boy! How did you get in there! Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第三幕>(one)PERCYIt's all right sweetheart. We'll get you out of these terrible clothes.VOLDEMORTWhat happened?HARRYI swear, I don't know! One minute the glass was there then it was gone, it was like magic! VOLDEMORTThere's no such thing as magic.(two)VOLDEMORTOh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. DUDLEYDad! Look! Harry's got a letter!HARRYHey give it back! It's mine! VOLDEMORTYours? Who'd be writing to you? VOLDEMORTNo more mail through this letterbox. AUNT PETUNIAHave a lovely day at the office, dear. VOLDEMORTShoo! Go on!(three)VOLDEMORTFine day Sunday. In my opinion best day of the week. And why is that Dudley?HARRYBecause there's no post on Sundays.VOLDEMORTRight you are Harry. No post on Sunday. Ha! No blasted letters today! No, sir! Not one single bloody letter! Not one! No sir, not one blasted, miserable- -DUDLEYMake it stop, please!VOLDEMORTStop it!DUDLEYMummy what's happening?VOLDEMORTGive me that! Give me that letter! HARRYGet off! They're my letters! Let go of me! VOLDEMORTThat's it! We're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!DUDLEYDaddy's gone mad hasn't he? - - - -(four)HARRYMake a wish, Harry.VOLDEMORTWho's there?HAGRIDSorry 'bout that.VOLDEMORTI demand that you leave at once. You are breaking and entering.HAGRIDDry up Dursley you great prune. Well, I haven't seen you since you was a baby Harry. But you're a bit more along then I would have expected; particularly around the middle. DUDLEYI'm not... I'm not Harry.HARRYI am.HAGRIDWell of course you are! Got something for you. Afraid I might have sat on it at some point but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same. Baked it myself, words and all.HARRYThank you!HAGRIDIt's not everyday your young man turns 11 now it is?HARRYExcuse me, but who are you?HAGRIDRubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course you know all about HogwartsHARRYSorry, no.HAGRIDNo? Blimey Harry didn't you ever wonder didn't you ever wonder how your mum and dad learned it all?HARRYLearned what?HAGRIDYou're a wizard Harry.HARRYI'm a what?HAGRIDA wizard. And a thumpin' good one I'd wager once you've trained up a bit.HARRYNo, you've made a mistake. I mean I can't be a wizard... I mean I'm Harry, Just Harry. HAGRIDWell, "Just Harry" did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared? Um Hum.HARRYDear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. VOLDEMORTHe will not be going! We swore when we took him in that we would put a stop to all of this rubbish!HARRYYou knew? We knew all along and you never told me?AUNT PETUNIAOf course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect being who she was. Oh I remember the day she got her letter. My parents were so proud. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one who saw her for what she was... a freak. And then she met that Potter, and then she had you and I knew you would be the same just as strange just as abnormal. And then, if you please, she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you. HARRYBlown up?! You told me my parents died in a car crash!HAGRIDA car crash? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?PATWe had to say something!HAGRIDIt's an outrage. It's a scandal. VOLDEMORTHe will not be going.HAGRIDOh and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself is gonna stop him.HARRYMuggle?HAGRIDNon- magic folk. This boy's had his name down since he were born. He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world. And he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen, Albus Dumbledore...VOLDEMORTI will not pay to have some crack pot old fool teach him magic tricks!HAGRIDNever insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me... I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking I'm not supposed to do magic. HARRYOKHAGRIDWe're a bit behind schedule. Best be off. Unless you'd rather stay, of course.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第四幕>(one)HARRYAll students must be equipped with a one standard size two pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad. Can we find all this in London? HAGRIDIf you know where to go.TOM (BARTENDER)Ah, Hagrid the usual I presume.HAGRIDNo thanks Tom, I'm on official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Harry buy his school business.TOMBless my soul, it's Harry Potter.OTHERWelcome back Mr. Potter welcome back.DORISDoris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.QUIRRELLHarry P-p-potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.HAGRIDhello, professor I didn't see you there. Harry Professor Quirrell will be your defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. HARRYOh, nice to meet you,QUIRRELLA fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, eh, P-potter?HAGRIDYes, well must be going now. Lots to buy. HARRYGood bye.HAGRIDSee, Harry? You're famous.HARRYBut why am I famous Hagrid? All those people back there how is it they know who I am? HAGRIDI'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that, Harry. Welcome Harry, to Diagon Alley. That's where you get your quills and ink. Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.(two)OTHIt's a world class racing broom.OTHWow! Look at it the new Nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet!HARRYBut Hagrid how am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money.HAGRIDWell there's your money Harry! Gringotts, the wizard bank! Ain't no safer place, not one! 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.HARRYHagrid what exactly are these things?HAGRIDThey're goblins Harry. Clever as they come the goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stay close. Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawalGOBLINAnd does Mr. Harry Potter have his key? HAGRIDWait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Ha! There's the little devil. Oh, and there's something else as well. Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It's about You- Know- What in vault you know which.GOBLINVery well.GRIPHOOKVault 687. Lamp please. Key, pleaseHAGRIDDidn't think your mum and dad would leave youwith nothing now did you?GRIPHOOKVault 713.HARRYWhat's in there Hagrid?HAGRIDCan't tell you Harry. Hogwarts business. Very secret.GRIPHOOKStand back.HAGRIDBest not to mention this to anyone Harry.HARRYI still need... a wand.HAGRIDA wand? Well, you want Ollivander's. There ain't no place better. Why don't you run along and wait. I got one more thing to do. Won't be long.(three)HARRYHello? Hello?OLLII wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. Potter. It seems only yesterday that you mother and father were in here buying their first wands. Here we are. Well give it a wave. Apparently not. Perhaps this. NO, no definitely not. No matter. I wonder... Curious... very curious HARRYSorry but what's curiousOLLII remember every wand that I've sold Mr. Potter, every one. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather. Just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar. HARRYAnd who owned that wand?OLLIWe do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter. It is not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible, yes, but great.HAGRIDHarry! Harry! Happy Birthday!HARRYWoah!HAGRIDYou all right Harry? You seem very quiet. HARRYHe killed my parents didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know Hagrid. I know you do. HAGRIDFirst and understand this Harry because it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago one of them went as bad as you can go. His name was V--. His name was V--.HARRYWell maybe if you wrote it down?HAGRIDNaw I can't spell it. All right, Voldemort.HARRYVoldemort?HAGRIDShh. It was dark times Harry, dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers. Brought them over to the Dark Side. Anyone who stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him. Nobody lived once he decided to kill them. Nobody, not one. Except you.HARRYMe? Voldemort tried to kill me?HAGRIDYes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead Harry. A mark from that only comes from being touched by a curse, an evil curse at that.HARRYWhat happened to V--... To You-Know-Who?HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived.HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第五幕>(one)HAGRIDWhat are you looking at? Blimey is that time? Sorry Harry, but I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore would be wanting his... Well, he'd be wanting to see me. Now, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. Stick to it Harry, that's very important. Stick to you ticket.HARRYPlatform 9 ? But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9 ? There's no such thing. Is there?OTHSorry.HARRYExcuse me! Excuse me!OTHOn your left.HARRYExcuse me sir. Can you tell me where I might find Platform 9 ?OTH9 ? Think you're being funny do you? MRS. WEASLEYIt's the same every year packed with Muggles of course. Come on!HARRYMuggles?MRS. WEASLEYPlatform 9 ?this way! All right Percy you first. Fred you next.GEORGE WEASLEYHe's not Fred I am!FRED WEASLEYHonestly, woman you call yourself our mother!MRS. WEASLEYI'm sorry George.FRED WEASLEYOnly joking! I am Fred.HARRYExcuse me! Could you tell me how to... MRS. WEASLEYHow to get on to the platform? Yes, not to worry dear, it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. Now, all you have to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a run if you're nervous. GINNYGood luck! - -(two)RON WEASLEYExcuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full.HARRYNot at all.RON WEASLEYI'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.HARRYI'm Harry. Harry Potter.RON WEASLEYSO it's true! DO you really have the... the...HARRYThe what?RON WEASLEYThe scar?HARRYOh!RON WEASLEYWicked!OTHAnything off the trolley dears?RON WEASLEYNo, thanks, I'm all set.HARRYWe'll take the lot!RON WEASLEYWoah!HARRYBertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?RON WEASLEYThey mean every flavor! There's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. George sweared he got boogie flavored one once.HARRYThese aren't real frogs are they?RON WEASLEYIt's just a spell. But it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard.I got about 500 me self. Watch it! That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.HARRYI've got Dumbledore!RON WEASLEYI've got about 6 of him.HARRYHey, he's gone!RON WEASLEYWell you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he?HARRYJust a little bit.RON WEASLEYFred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?HARRYYeah!RON WEASLEYAhem... Sunshine...HERMIONEhas anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's has one.RON WEASLEYNo.HERMIONEOh are you doing magic? Let's see then. RON WEASLEYAhem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.HERMIONEAre you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are...?RON WEASLEYI'm Ron Weasley.HERMIONEPleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.(three)HAGRIDRight then. First years this way, please! First years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up! Hello Harry!HARRYHi Hagrid!RON WEASLEYWoah!HAGRIDRight, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me.RON WEASLEYWicked! - - - -MCGONAGALLWelcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will loose points. At the end of the year, the houses with the most points is awarded the house cup.NEVILLETrevor! Sorry.MCGONAGALLThe Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily.DRACO MALFOYIt's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. N & OTHHarry Potter?DRACO MALFOYThis is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.HARRYI think I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks.MCGONAGALLWe're ready for you. Follow me.(four)HERMIONEIt's not real the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night outside. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History.MCGONAGALLWill you wait along here please. Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words.DUMBLEDOREI have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note, that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to all who do not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you.MCGONAGALLWhen I call your name you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger!HERMIONEOh, no. OK relax.RON WEASLEYMental that one, I'm telling you. SHARRYAh, right then. Hum... Right. Okay, Gryffindor!MCGONAGALLDraco Malfoy!SHARRYSlytherin!RON WEASLEYThere's no witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin.MCGONAGALLSusan Bones!HARRYOw!RON WEASLEYHarry what is it?HARRYNothing. Nothing, I'm fineSHARRY...where shall I put you? Let's see... I know! Hufflepuff!MCGONAGALLRonald Weasley!SHARRYHa! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you... Gryffindor!MCGONAGALLHarry potterSHARRYHmmm... Difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you...HARRYNot Slytherin, not Slytherin!SHARRYNot Slytherin eh? Are you sure? You could be great you know. It's all herein your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? (Harry whispering: Please, Please anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin.) Well if you're sure, better be... Gryffindor! MCGONAGALLYour attention please.DUMBLEDORELet the feast begin!HARRYWow!SFRED WEASLEYI'm half and half. Me dad's a Muggle, mam's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out!HARRYSay Percy, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?PERCYOh, Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house.HARRYWhat's he teach?PERCYPotions. But everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years.RON WEASLEYAh!SIR NEVILLEHello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor.OTHIt's the Bloody Baron!PERCYHello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?SIR NEVILLEDismal. Once again my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied.RON WEASLEYI know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick.SIR NEVILLEI prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind.HERMIONE"Nearly" headless? How can you be "nearly" headless?SIR NEVILLELike this.RON WEASLEYAh!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第六幕>PERCYGryffindors, follow me, please. Keep up. Thank-you.OTHRavenclaw follow me. This way.PERCYThis is the most direct part to the dormitories. Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change. Keep up please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on.OTHThat picture's moving!OTHLook at that one.OTHI think she fancies you.OTHLook, look!OTHWho's that girl?WALL PICTUREWelcome to Hogwarts!THE FAT LADYPassword?PERCYCaput Draconis. Follow me, everyone. Keep up. Quickly, come on! Gather around here. Welcome to the Gryffindor common room. Boys' dormitories is upstairs and down to your left. Girls the same on your right. You'll find all your belonging have already been brought up.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第七幕>(one)RON WEASLEYWhew! We made it! Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late? That was bloody brilliant!MCGONAGALLThank-you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigured Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time.HARRYWe got lost.MCGONAGALLThen perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats.(two)SEVERUS SNAPEThere will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.I show you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention. Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? You don't know? Well let's try again. Where Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?HARRYI don't know, sir.SEVERUS SNAPEAnd what is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?HARRYI don't know sir.SEVERUS SNAPEPity. Clearly fame isn't everything. Is it Mr. Potter?(three)SFRED WEASLEYEye of rabbit, harp sting hum, turn this water into rum... Eye of rabbit harp sting hum, turn this water into rum.HARRYWhat's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?RON WEASLEYTurn it to rum. Actually he managed to make weak tea yesterday, before--- Ah, mail's here.HARRYCan I burrow this? Thanks.OTHHey look! Neville's got a Remembrall. HERMIONEI've read about those. When the smoke turns red it means you've forgotten something. NEVILLEThe only problem is I can't remember what I have forgotten.HARRYHey Ron, somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen: "Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts goblins were acknowledging the breach insist nothing was taken. The vault in question number 713 had been emptied earlier that very same day." That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第八幕>MHARRYGood afternoon, class.OTHSGood afternoon Madame Hooch.MHARRYGood afternoon Amanda, good afternoon. Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up.H & OTHSUp! Up!HARRYWoah!DRACO MALFOYUp.RON WEASLEYUp. Up!MHARRYWith feeling!HERMIONEUp. Up! Up. Up!RON WEASLEYUP! Ow! Shut up Harry.MHARRYNow once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight. You don't wanna be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. Three, two... Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Mr. Mr. Longbottom!OTHSDown! Down!HARRYNeville!NEVILLEHelp! Help!MHARRYCome back down this instant! Mr. Longbottom! Everyone out of the way!HERMIONEIs he alright?NEVILLEOw!MHARRYOh oh oh. Oh dear, it's a broken wrist. Poor boy. Come on now, up you get. Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say "Quidditch".DRACO MALFOYDid you see his face? If the fat lump had given this a squeeze he would remember to fall on his fat arse.HARRYGive it here Malfoy.DRACO MALFOYNo, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about on the roof? What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond you reach?HERMIONEHarry! No way! You heard what Madame Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly! What an idiot!HARRYGive it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!DRACO MALFOYIs that so? Have it your way, then!OTHYeah!OTHNice going, Harry!OTHThat was wicked Harry!MCGONAGALLHarry Potter! Follow me. You wait here.QUIRRELL... this is an ingredient... MCGONAGALLProfessor Quirrell, excuse me, excuse me could I borrow Wood for a moment, please? QUIRRELLWell, yes of course.MCGONAGALLPotter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood I have found you a Seeker.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第九幕>SIR NEVILLEHave you heard Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well.RON WEASLEYSeeker? But first years never make the house teams. You must be the youngest Quidditch player in...HARRYA century. According to McGonagall.FRED WEASLEYWell dome Harry! Wood's just told us!RON WEASLEYFred and George are on the team too. Beaters. GEORGE WEASLEYOur job is to make sure that you don't get bloody up too bad. Can't make any promises of course. Rough game Quidditch.FRED WEASLEYBrutal! But, nobody's died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally.GEORGE WEASLEYBut they'll turn up in a month or two! RON WEASLEYOh go on Harry! Quidditch is great. Best game there is, and you'll be great too!HARRYBut I've never even played Quidditch! What if I make a fool of myself?HERMIONEYou won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood.RON WEASLEYWoah! Harry, you never told me your father was a seeker too!HARRYI didn't know.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第十幕>RON WEASLEYI'm telling you, it's spooky! She knows move about you than you do!HARRYWho doesn't? What's happening? HERMIONEThe staircases change remember?HARRYLet's go this way.RON WEASLEYBefore the staircase moves again. Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here? HERMIONEWe're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden!HARRYLet's go.HERMIONEFlich's cat!HARRYRun! Quick, let's hide through that door! It's locked!RON WEASLEYthat's it we're done for!HERMIONEOh! Move over! Alohomora! Get in!。



哈利波特与密室[00:00:26]哈利·波特与密室[00:01:13]I can’t let you out,Hedwig.我不能放你出来海德薇[00:01:15]I’m not allowed to use magic outside of school.在学校外面我是不能用魔法的[00:01:19]-Besides,if Uncle Vernon...-Harry Potter!-再说如果弗农姨夫...-哈利·波特![00:01:25]Now you’ve done it.看你干的好事[00:01:31]He’s in there.Vernon.他下来了弗农[00:01:36]I’m warning you,if you can’t control that bloody bird,it’ll have to go.我警告你如果你的鸟再不安分一点到时候直接送走[00:01:40]But she’s bored.她只是无聊而已[00:01:42]If I could only let her out for an hour or two...要是我能放她出去一两个钟头的话...[00:01:47]1So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends?No,sir.好让她给你那群疯子朋友送信吗?想都别想[00:01:51]But I haven’t had any messages from any of my friends.但我从来没收到过我朋友的信[00:01:56]Not one...整个夏天...[00:01:58]all summer.一封都没有[00:02:00]Who would want to be friends with you?谁愿意和你做朋友啊?[00:02:05]I should think you’d be a little more grateful.照我说你应该知足了[00:02:08]We’ve raised you since you were a baby,given you the food off our table...我们把你拉扯大供你吃...[00:02:12]even let you have Dudley’s second bedroom...都让你住达力的小房间了...[00:02:14]purely out of the goodness of our hearts.都是出于满满的好心啊[00:02:17]-Not now,pumpkin.It’s for when the Masons arrive.-Which should be any minute. -别急乖儿子等梅森家到了再吃-应该马上就到了[00:02:23]Now,let’s go over our schedule once again,shall we?我们再来过一遍流程好吗?[00:02:26]Petunia,when the Masons arrive,you will be?佩妮梅森一家到了你应该在?[00:02:28]In the lounge,waiting to welcome them graciously to our home.起居室准备热情地欢迎他们的到来[00:02:32]-Good.And,Dudley,you will be?-I’ll be waiting to open the door.-很好那达力你呢?-我等着给他们开门[00:02:36]Excellent.好极了[00:02:43]And you?那你呢?[00:02:45]I’ll be in my bedroom,making no noise and pretending that I don’t exist.我就呆在房间里不发出任何声音装作没我这个人[00:02:50]Too right,you will.没错就是这样[00:02:52]With any luck,this could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career...运气好的话今天我就能敲定一笔巨额订单...[00:02:55]and you will not mess it up.所以你不要给我搞砸了[00:03:10]Harry Potter,such an honor it is.哈利·波特荣幸之至啊[00:03:18]-Who are you?-Dobby,sir.Dobby the house-elf.-你是谁?-我叫多比先生家养小精灵多比[00:03:23]Not to be rude or anything...我不想失礼...[00:03:25]but this isn’t a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom.可是此刻在我的房间里接待一位家养小精灵有些不太合适[00:03:29]Yes,Sir.Dobby understands.好的先生多比明白了[00:03:32]It’s just that Dobby has come to tell you...多比来是为了告诉你...[00:03:35]It is difficult,Sir.Dobby wonders where to begin.一言难尽啊先生多比不知道从何说起[00:03:40]-Why don’t you sit down?-Sit down?Sit down?-你要不先坐下?-坐下?让我坐下?[00:03:49]Dobby,I’m sorry.I didn’t mean to offend you or anything.多比对不起我不是有意冒犯你的[00:03:54]Offend Dobby?冒犯多比?[00:03:56]Dobby has heard of your greatness,Sir...多比听说过您的伟大先生...[00:03:59]but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard,like an equal.但从来没有一位巫师让多比坐下像对待平等的人那样[00:04:05]You can’t have met many decent wizards then.你大概没遇到过多少正派的巫师吧[00:04:08]No,I haven’t.没有的确是没有[00:04:11]That was an awful thing to say.这么说真是太坏了[00:04:14]-Bad Dobby!Bad Dobby!-Stop,Dobby.Dobby,shush. -坏多比!坏多比!-停下多比多比轻一点[00:04:18]Dobby,please,stop.多比求你了别这样了[00:04:24]Don’t mind that.It’s just the cat.别在意只是只猫而已[00:04:28]-Bad Dobby.-Stop!Stop,Dobby.Please,be quiet.-坏多比-停下来!停下多比求你了安静点[00:04:33]Are you all right?你这是怎么了?[00:04:36]Dobby had to punish himself,Sir.多比必须惩罚自己先生[00:04:39]Dobby almost spoke ill of his family,Sir.多比几乎说了主人家的坏话先生[00:04:42]-Your family?-The wizard family Dobby serves,Sir. -主人家?-是多比侍奉的巫师家族先生[00:04:46]Dobby is bound to serve one family forever.多比必须永远侍奉一个家族[00:04:50]If they ever knew Dobby was here...如果他们知道多比在这里...[00:04:54]But Dobby had to come.Dobby has to protect Harry Potter.To warn him.但多比必须来多比必须保护哈利·波特必须提醒他[00:05:00]Harry Potter must not go back...哈利·波特今年一定不能回...[00:05:02]to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.霍格沃茨魔法学校[00:05:07]There is a plot,a plot to make most terrible things happen.有人在搞鬼计划着很可怕的事情[00:05:12]What terrible things?Who’s plotting them?什么可怕的事情?谁在捣鬼?[00:05:17]Can’t say.不能说[00:05:20]-Okay,I understand.You can’t say.-Don’t make me talk.I...-好的我知道了你不能说-别逼我说我...[00:05:27]-Dobby.Dobby,put the lamp down.-Bad Dobby.-多比多比把灯放下-坏多比[00:05:30]So when they arrive at the ninth hole...他们来到第九个球洞时...[00:05:37]Give me the lamp.把台灯给我[00:05:41]Dobby,stop!多比放手![00:05:46]-Let me go.-Get in there and keep quiet.-放开我-呆在里面别出声[00:05:49]-What the devil are you doing up here?-I was just...-你到底在上面搞什么鬼?-我只是...[00:05:53]You just ruined the punch line of my Japanese golfer joke.我正讲到日本球手的笑点都被你搅了[00:05:56]Sorry.对不起[00:05:59]One more sound and you’ll wish you’d never been born,boy.你要再敢出声小子我让你后悔生下来[00:06:04]-And fix that door.-Yes,Sir.-把柜门给修好-遵命先生[00:06:10]See why I’ve got to go back?明白为什么我一定要回去了吧?[00:06:11]I don’t belong here.I belong in your world,at Hogwarts.我不属于这里我属于你那边的世界属于霍格沃茨[00:06:15]-It’s the only place I’ve got friends.-Friends who don’t even write to Harry Potter? -只有那里我才能交到朋友-那些连信都不写给你的朋友?[00:06:20]Well,I expect they’ve been...这个我想是因为...[00:06:23]Hang on.How do you know my friends haven’t been writing to me?等等你怎么知道我朋友没写信给我?[00:06:28]Harry Potter mustn’t be angry with Dobby.哈利·波特不能生多比的气[00:06:32]Dobby hoped if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him...多比觉得如果哈利·波特认为他朋友把他忘了的话...[00:06:36]Harry Potter might not want to go back to school,Sir.哈利·波特就不会想回去了先生[00:06:41]-Give me those.Now.-No!-把信给我马上给我-不行![00:06:58]Dobby,get back here.多比给我回来[00:07:04]Dobby,please,no.多比求你了不要[00:07:08]Harry Potter must say he’s not going back to school.哈利·波特必须保证不回学校[00:07:12]I can’t.Hogwarts is my home.不行霍格沃茨是我的家[00:07:15]Then Dobby must do it,Sir,for Harry Potter’s own good.那多比只能这么做了先生这是为哈利·波特好[00:07:21]It spread as far as the eye could see,all over the floor of this building.整幢楼地上都是水简直是水漫金山啊[00:07:26]One plumber said,”Look at all that water.”一个管道工说”看看这水漫的啊”[00:07:28]The second plumber said,”Yes,and that’s just the top of it.”另一个管道工说”是啊都看不到地板了”[00:07:37]Mr.Mason.梅森先生[00:07:42]Vernon tells me that you’re a wonderful golfer.弗农告诉我你是个很出色的高尔夫球手[00:07:45]I play,occasionally.偶尔玩玩而已[00:07:50]Mrs.Mason.梅森太太[00:07:53]Where do you get your beautiful suits?您这套华丽的礼服是出自何家啊?[00:07:55]All of my suits are tailor-made.我的礼服都是定制的[00:08:01]Dudley.达力[00:08:04]Wasn’t there something you wanted to say?你不是有什么想说的吗?[00:08:10]-Pudding.-Pudding?What pudding?-布丁-布丁?什么布丁?[00:08:20]I’m so sorry.It’s my nephew.He’s very disturbed.真的很对不起这是我的外甥他脑子不好使[00:08:24]Meeting strangers upsets him.That’s why I kept him upstairs.陌生人会刺激到他所以我让他在楼上呆着[00:08:32]Well,we have ice cream.其实我们还有冰淇淋[00:08:45]You’re never going back to that school.你别想回学校了[00:08:47]You’re never going to see those freaky friends of yours again.Never!你也别想再见到你那群疯子朋友了永远别想![00:09:38]Hi,Harry.嗨哈利[00:09:41]Ron.Fred.George.What are you all doing here?罗恩弗雷德乔治你们在干吗呢?[00:09:45]Rescuing you,of course.Now,come on,get your trunk.当然是来救你啊快打包行李啊快点[00:09:55]You better stand back.你最好退后一点[00:09:58]Let’s go.开车[00:10:05]-What was that?-What was it?-什么情况?-怎么回事?[00:10:09]Potter!波特![00:10:11]Dad,what’s going on?老爸怎么回事?[00:10:16]Go.Go.Go.快点快点[00:10:18]Dad,hurry up.老爸快点[00:10:20]-Come on.-Come on,Harry,hurry up.-快点-快点哈利快点啊[00:10:25]Petunia,he’s escaping!佩妮他要逃走了![00:10:29]-I’ve got you,Harry.-Come here!-我抓住你了哈利-给我过来![00:10:31]-Let go of me!-No,boy!-放开我!-没门小子![00:10:33]You and that bloody pigeon aren’t going anywhere.你和你那鸽子哪里都别想去[00:10:36]-Get off!-Drive!-放手!-开车![00:10:38]-Right.-Right!-右转-右转![00:10:40]No!No!No!No!不!不!不![00:10:46]Dad!老爸![00:10:57]Damn.见鬼[00:11:02]By the way,Harry,happy birthday.对了哈利生日快乐[00:11:32]Come on.快点[00:11:37]Okay,come on.进来[00:11:40]Okay,come on.进来[00:11:50]-Do you think it’d be all right if we had some of these?-Yeah,Mum will never know. -我们拿点吃没关系的吧?-没事老妈不会知道的[00:12:11]It’s not much,but it’s home.虽然不怎么样但毕竟是自己家啊[00:12:14]I think it’s brilliant.我觉得这里好极了[00:12:17]Where have you been?你们都去哪里了?[00:12:21]Harry,how wonderful to see you,dear.哈利见到你真高兴啊宝贝[00:12:25]Beds empty.No note.Car gone.床空着也不留个条子还把车开走了[00:12:28]You could have died.You could have been seen.弄不好会出事的或者被人看见[00:12:32]Of course,I don’t blame you,Harry,dear.当然啦我没有责怪你的意思亲爱的哈利[00:12:35]They were starving him,Mum.There were bars on his window.他们让他饿肚子老妈还在他窗前安了铁栏杆[00:12:38]Well,you best hope I don’t put bars on your window,Ronald Weasley.你还是祈祷我别在你窗前安铁栏杆吧罗恩·韦斯莱[00:12:43]Come on,Harry,time for a spot of breakfast.来吧哈利该吃早餐了[00:12:46]Here we are,Harry.Now,tuck in.这边哈利快吃吧[00:12:49]That’s it.There we go.就是这样快吃吧[00:12:53]-Mummy,have you seen my jumper?-Yes,dear,it was on the cat.-妈咪你看到我的毛衣了吗?-亲爱的猫穿着呢[00:12:57]Hello.你好[00:13:03]What did I do?我做错什么了吗?[00:13:05]Ginny.She’s been talking about you all summer.A bit annoying,really.她是金妮整个夏天她都在提你真是有点烦人啊[00:13:10]-Morning,Weasleys.-Morning,Dad.-早上好啊孩子们-早上好老爸[00:13:13]-What a night.Nine raids.Nine!-Raids?-这一晚上真够呛抄查了九家九家!-抄查?[00:13:17]Dad works in the Ministry of Magic,in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office.老爸在魔法部的禁止滥用麻瓜物品司任职[00:13:21]Dad loves Muggles,thinks they’re fascinating.老爸喜欢麻瓜认为他们很有意思[00:13:25]Well,now.好的[00:13:29]And who are you?你是谁啊?[00:13:31]Sorry,Sir.I’m Harry,sir.Harry Potter.对不起先生我是哈利哈利·波特[00:13:35]Good Lord.Are you really?老天爷啊真的是你吗?[00:13:38]Well,Ron has told us all about you,of course.When did he get here?罗恩经常跟我们说起你的你什么时候来的啊?[00:13:43]This morning.今天早上[00:13:45]Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night.你的乖儿子们昨晚开你的飞天车去了趟萨里郡把他接过来的[00:13:50]Did you really?How did it go?真的假的?它飞得好吗?[00:13:53]I mean...That was very wrong indeed,boys.Very wrong of you.我是说...这是很不对的孩子们非常非常不对[00:14:00]Now,Harry,you must know all about Muggles.哈利你肯定知道很多麻瓜的事情[00:14:04]Tell me,what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?告诉我橡胶鸭到底是干吗用的?[00:14:12]Well,that’ll be Errol with the post.那应该是埃罗尔带信回来了[00:14:21]Fetch it,will you,Percy,please?去拿一下珀西好吗?[00:14:24]-Errol.-He’s always doing that.-埃罗尔-他老是这样子[00:14:29]Look,it’s our Hogwarts letters.They’ve sent us Harry’s as well.快看是霍格沃茨的信哈利的也在里面[00:14:33]Dumbledore must know you’re here,Harry.Doesn’t miss a trick,that man.哈利邓布利多肯定知道你在这里那老哥真是滴水不漏啊[00:14:36]-No.-This lot won’t come cheap,mum.-别啊-这些东西可不便宜啊老妈[00:14:38]-The spell books alone are very expensive.-We’ll manage.-光这些咒语书就老贵了-我们会想办法的[00:14:43]There’s only one place we’re going to get all of this.Diagon Alley.只有一个地方有卖所有东西对角巷[00:14:49]Right.好了[00:14:50]Here we are,Harry.You go first,dear.弄好了哈利亲爱的你先来[00:14:53]But Harry’s never traveled by Floo powder before,Mum.但是哈利从来没用过飞路粉老妈[00:14:56]Floo powder?飞路粉?[00:14:57]You go first,Ron,so that Harry can see how it’s done.Yes.那你先来罗恩到时候哈利就知道怎么回事了好的[00:15:02]In you go.站里面去[00:15:04]That’s it.就是这样[00:15:09]Diagon Alley.对角巷[00:15:17]You see?It’s quite easy,dear.Don’t be e on.看到没有?很简单的亲爱的别担心来吧[00:15:22]Come on.来啊[00:15:24]In you go.That’s it.Mind your head.站进去就是这样当心头[00:15:27]That’s right.Now,take your Floo powder.就是这样现在拿一点飞路粉[00:15:32]That’s it,very good.好的很好[00:15:35]Now,don’t forget to speak very,very clearly.记住要说得很清楚才行啊[00:15:41]Diagonally.对角线[00:15:50]-What did he say,dear?-Diagonally.-亲爱的他刚刚说什么了?-对角线[00:15:52]I thought he did.我也听到的[00:17:12]Don’t touch anything,Draco.别碰任何东西德拉科[00:17:15]Yes,Father.知道了父亲[00:17:31]Mr.Malfoy,what a pleasure to see you again.马尔福先生很高兴再次见到您啊[00:17:35]And young Master Malfoy too.Delighted.还有马尔福少主荣幸荣幸[00:17:39]I must show you,just in today,and very reasonably priced...允许我介绍一件今天刚到的价格合理的...[00:17:42]-I’m not buying today,Borgin.I’m selling.-Selling?-我今天不买东西博金我是来卖东西的-卖东西?[00:17:45]Draco.德拉科[00:17:50]You’re aware,no doubt,that the Ministry of Magic...你想必听说了魔法部...[00:17:53]is conducting more raids on private houses.加紧了对私宅的抄查[00:17:56]There’s even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act.甚至有传言说会颁布新的麻瓜保护法[00:18:00]Pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere,I’m afraid.纯巫师血统可是越来越凤毛麟角啦[00:18:04]Not with me.我不担心这个[00:18:07]Anyway,I brought a few items from home that might prove...我从家里带来的这些东西如果被魔法部的人看见...[00:18:12]embarrassing were the Ministry to call.Poisons and the like.可能给我造成不便就是些毒药什么的[00:18:20]Look at this.看看这个[00:18:23]That particular item is not for sale.这个东西不能卖[00:18:29]I understand.It has unique qualities.我懂这东西质地很独特[00:18:33]One wouldn’t want to see it falling into the wrong hands.是一个不能落入他人手里的东西[00:18:52]You can keep the box.盒子归你了[00:18:56]What did I say?我刚才怎么说的?[00:19:01]-Touch nothing.-Exactly.-别碰任何东西-没错[00:19:04]Sorry,Father.对不起父亲[00:19:07]Come on.We’re going.快点我们要走了[00:19:10]It’s a pleasure to do business with you,Mr.Malfoy.很荣幸跟您做生意马尔福先生[00:19:13]Always a pleasure.荣幸之至[00:19:34]-Looking for something?-No,I...-在找什么东西吗?-不是我...[00:19:38]I’m just in the wrong place.我只是走错地方了[00:19:40]Sorry.对不起[00:19:43]Thank you.谢谢[00:19:59]-Not lost,are you,my dear?-I’m fine,thank you.I was just going... -亲爱的没迷路吧?-我没事谢谢了我还是...[00:20:06]Come with us.We’ll help you find your way back.跟我们走我们送你回家[00:20:11]-No.Please...-Harry?-不用了谢谢...-哈利?[00:20:13]Hagrid!海格![00:20:15]What do you think you’re doing down here?Come on.你在下面干吗呢?快上来[00:20:22]翻倒巷[00:20:23]You’re a mess,Harry.Skulking around Knockturn Alley?Dodgy place.怎么这副德行了哈利在翻倒巷鬼鬼祟祟的?不是好地方啊[00:20:29]Don’t want no one to see you there.People will think you’re up to no good.不能让别人看到你去那里不然他们会认为你在干坏事的[00:20:33]I was lost,I...我迷路了我...[00:20:35]Hang on.What were you doing down there then?等一下你在那边干什么啊?[00:20:39]Me?I was...I was looking for Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent.我?我...我在找一种驱赶食肉鼻涕虫的药[00:20:44]They’re ruining all the school cabbages.它们快把学校的卷心菜糟蹋光了[00:20:53]Harry.Hagrid.哈利海格[00:20:55]Hello,Hermione.你好赫敏[00:20:57]-It’s so good to see you.-It’s great to see you too.-看见你真好啊-很高兴见到你啊[00:21:00]What did you do to your glasses?你眼镜怎么啦?[00:21:03]Oculus Reparo.眼镜修复[00:21:09]I definitely need to remember that one.这咒语还真需要好好记一下[00:21:12]You’ll be all right now then,Harry?Right.I’ll leave you to it.哈利你现在应该没事了吧?好了那我走了啊[00:21:16]-Okay,bye.-Thank you.Bye.-好的再见-谢谢你再见[00:21:18]Come on,everyone’s been so worried.快来大家都快急死了[00:21:22]”会魔法的我”吉德罗·洛哈特著[00:21:30]Harry.哈利[00:21:32]Thank goodness.We’d hoped you’d only gone one grate too far.谢天谢地我们但愿你只错过了一个炉门[00:21:35]Ladies and gentlemen,Mr.Gilderoy Lockhart.女士们先生们有请吉德罗·洛哈特先生[00:21:38]Here he is.他来了[00:21:44]Mum fancies him.老妈看上人家了[00:21:46]Make way there,please.Let me by,madam.Thank you.请让一下让一下女士谢谢[00:21:50]Excuse me,little girl.This is for the Daily Prophet.对不起孩子我是”预言家日报”记者[00:21:57]It can’t be.Harry Potter?不会吧哈利·波特?[00:22:02]Harry Potter!哈利·波特![00:22:04]Excuse me,madam.不好意思女士[00:22:07]Nice big smile,Harry.Together,you and I rate the front page.笑得自然点哈利我和你会上头版头条的[00:22:11]Ladies and gentlemen,what an extraordinary moment this is.女士们先生们这是多么不同寻常的一刻[00:22:14]When young Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning...年轻的哈利今早走进丽痕书店...[00:22:18]to purchase my autobiography,Magical Me...准备购买我的自传”会魔法的我”...[00:22:25]which,incidentally,is currently celebrating...这本书碰巧已经连续...[00:22:28]its27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list...27周荣登”预言家日报”畅销书榜首了...[00:22:33]he had no idea that he would,in fact,be leaving...他完全想不到我会把...[00:22:39]with my entire collected works...我的完整文集...[00:22:45]free of charge.送给他[00:22:49]Now,ladies?好了女士们?[00:22:51]Harry,now you give me those,and I’ll get them signed.哈利把书都给我我去弄签名[00:22:55]All of you wait outside.That’s it.你们全部去外面等着就这么定了[00:23:08]I’ll bet you loved that,didn’t you,Potter?波特你一定很喜欢这样吧不是吗?[00:23:10]Famous Harry Potter.Can’t even go into a bookshop without making the front page.大名鼎鼎的哈利·波特连来书店也不忘上个头条[00:23:15]Leave him alone.走远点[00:23:17]Look,Potter.You’ve got yourself a girlfriend.瞧啊波特还有个送上门的女朋友[00:23:21]Now,now,Draco,play nicely.德拉科友好点[00:23:25]Mr.Potter.波特先生[00:23:29]Lucius Malfoy.We meet at last.我是卢修斯·马尔福到底还是见面了啊[00:23:33]Forgive me.失礼了[00:23:37]Your scar is legend.你的伤疤可是一段传奇啊[00:23:39]As,of course,is the wizard who gave it to you.当然了那个留下伤疤的巫师也是传奇[00:23:42]V oldemort killed my parents.伏地魔害死了我父母[00:23:46]He was nothing more than a murderer.他就是个杀人犯而已[00:23:51]You must be very brave to mention his name.敢提及他的名字你肯定非常勇敢[00:23:54]Or very foolish.或者极度无知[00:23:56]Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.畏惧一个代号只会助长对其本质的畏惧[00:24:01]And you must be Miss Granger.那你一定就是格兰杰小姐了[00:24:07]Yes,Draco has told me all about you.And your parents.没错德拉科跟我说过你还有你的父母[00:24:16]Muggles,aren’t they?都是麻瓜对吧?[00:24:23]Let me see.Red hair,vacant expressions...我来瞧瞧红发不善言语...[00:24:29]tatty,secondhand book.破旧的二手书[00:24:33]You must be the Weasleys.你肯定是韦斯莱家的了[00:24:36]Children,it’s mad in here.Let’s go outside.孩子们这里太乱了我们出去吧[00:24:39]-Well,well,well.Weasley senior.-Lucius.-呦呦老韦斯莱-卢修斯[00:24:43]Busy time at the Ministry,Arthur,all those extra raids?最近部里很忙啊亚瑟那么多的抄查?[00:24:47]I do hope they’re paying you overtime...但愿他们付你加班费...[00:24:50]but judging by the state of this,I’d say not.不过看看这本破书我看是没付[00:24:55]What’s the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard...要是连个好报酬都捞不到...[00:24:59]if they don’t even pay you well for it?做个巫师中的败类又有什么好处呢?[00:25:01]We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard,Malfoy.我们对于什么是巫师中的败类看法截然不同马尔福[00:25:06]Clearly.明显的[00:25:10]Associating with Muggles.和麻瓜为伍[00:25:18]And I thought your family could sink no lower.我本以为你们一家已经堕落到极限了呢[00:25:26]I’ll see you at work.上班见[00:25:33]See you at school.学校见[00:25:43]-10:e e on.-The train will be leaving any moment.-10点58了快点啊-火车马上就要开了[00:25:46]Fred,George,Percy,you first.弗雷德乔治珀西你们先走[00:25:55]Okay.去吧[00:26:03]After you,dear.你先走亲爱的[00:26:07]Come on,Ginny,we’ll get you a seat.Hurry.快点金妮我们去占个位置快点[00:26:11]Let’s go.我们走吧[00:26:27]-What do you two think you’re doing?-Sorry.-你们两个在干什么呢?-对不起[00:26:31]Lost control of the trolley.推车有点失控[00:26:35]-Why can’t we get through?-I don’t know.-为什么我们过不去啊?-我不知道[00:26:38]The gateway has sealed itself for some reason.肯定有什么原因让这通道自动关闭了[00:26:42]The train leaves at exactly11:00.We’ve missed it.火车11点整点出发的我们错过火车了[00:26:46]Harry,if we can’t get through...哈利如果我们过不去的话...[00:26:50]maybe Mum and Dad can’t get back.也许爸妈也回不来了[00:26:54]Maybe we should just go and wait by the car.也许咱们应该回汽车旁边等着[00:26:58]The car.汽车[00:27:08]There we go.我们出发[00:27:09]Now,all we need to do is find the Hogwarts Express.现在我们要做的就是找到霍格沃茨特快列车[00:27:13]Ron,are you sure you know how to fly this?罗恩你确定你懂怎么控制这辆车吗?[00:27:15]No problem.没问题的[00:27:24]Look out!当心![00:27:31]Ron,I should tell you...罗恩我应该告诉你...[00:27:33]most Muggles aren’t accustomed to seeing a flying car.大多数麻瓜还不习惯看到汽车在天上飞的[00:27:37]Right.对哦[00:27:39]Okay.好了[00:27:57]Oh,no!The invisibility Booster must be faulty.糟了!隐身装置肯定是出故障了[00:28:01]Come on,then.Let’s go lower.We need to find the train.快点了飞低点我们要赶上那辆列车[00:28:04]Okay.好的[00:28:16]All we need to do is catch up with the train.我们要做的就是赶上那列车[00:28:18]We can’t be far behind.我们应该没差很远[00:28:22]-Do you hear that?-We must be getting close. -你听见了吗?-我们肯定很接近了[00:28:25]Hold on.等一下[00:28:54]Harry!哈利![00:28:58]Hold on!撑住![00:29:04]Take my hand!抓住我的手![00:29:10]Hold on!抓紧啊![00:29:12]I’m trying.Your hand’s all sweaty.我用力了但你的手上都是汗啊[00:29:28]-I think we found the train.-Yeah.-我觉得我们找到火车了-是啊[00:29:48]Welcome home.欢迎回家[00:30:05]Up!Up!爬升!爬升![00:30:07]It’s not working!不灵了![00:30:14]Up!Ron,mind that tree!爬升!罗恩当心那棵树![00:30:19]Stop!Stop!Stop!停下!停下!给我停下![00:30:45]-My wand.Look at my wand.-Be thankful it’s not your neck. -我的魔杖瞧我的魔杖-断的不是你的脖子谢天谢地吧[00:30:51]-What’s happening?-I don’t know.-怎么回事?-我不知道[00:31:29]Come on,go!Fast!快点快走!快点![00:32:06]Scabbers,you’re okay.斑斑你没事吧[00:32:10]The car!车![00:32:27]Dad’s gonna kill me.我爸估计要杀了我了[00:32:37]See you,Hedwig.待会见海德薇[00:32:41]So a house-elf shows up in my bedroom...有个家养小精灵出现在我的卧室...[00:32:44]we can’t get through the barrier to platform93/4...我们还穿不过九又四分之三站台...[00:32:47]we almost get killed by a tree...外加我们差点被一棵树杀了...[00:32:50]Clearly someone doesn’t want me here this year.显然有人今年不想我来这里[00:32:57]Well,take a good look,lads.好好看看四周吧小伙子们[00:33:00]This night might well be the last you spend in this castle.今晚可能是你们呆在这城堡里的最后一夜了[00:33:07]Oh,dear,we are in trouble.小伙子们我们有麻烦了[00:33:11]You were seen by no less than seven Muggles.你们竟然被至少七个麻瓜看到了[00:33:18]Do you have any idea how serious this is?你们知道这事情有多严重吗?[00:33:21]You have risked the exposure of our world.你们可是在暴露我们魔法世界啊[00:33:26]Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow...更不用说你们对打人柳所造成的伤害了...[00:33:29]that’s been on these grounds since before you were born.你们还没生出来的时候那树就在这里了[00:33:32]Honestly,Professor Snape,I think it did more damage to us.老实说斯内普教授我觉得它伤害我们比较多[00:33:36]Silence.闭嘴[00:33:39]I assure you that were you in Slytherin,and your fate rested with me...如果你们是斯莱特林学院的而且处罚由我决定...[00:33:46]the both of you would be on the train home tonight.那么今晚你们俩就直接卷铺盖走人了[00:33:51]-As it is...-They are not.-因为...-他们不是你学院的[00:33:55]Professor Dumbledore.Professor McGonagall.邓布利多教授麦格教授[00:34:00]Headmaster...校长...[00:34:01]these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry.这两个孩子无视限制未成年巫师使用魔法的法令[00:34:06]-As such...-I am well aware of our bylaws,Severus...-因此...-我很了解我们的规定西弗勒斯...[00:34:10]having written quite a few of them myself.有好些还是我自己定下的[00:34:14]However,as head of Gryffindor house...但是作为格兰芬多的院长...[00:34:17]it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action.合适的处罚措施将由麦格教授来决定[00:34:22]We’ll go and get our stuff,then.我们会打包走人的[00:34:25]What are you talking about,Mr.Weasley?你在说什么呢韦斯莱先生?[00:34:27]You’re going to expel us,aren’t you?你会开除我们的不是吗?[00:34:31]Not today,Mr.Weasley...现在不会韦斯莱先生...[00:34:34]but I must impress on both of you the seriousness of what you have done.但我必须让你们意识到你们所作所为的严重性[00:34:40]I will be writing to your families tonight,and you will both receive detention.我今晚会给你们家人写信而且你们要关禁闭[00:34:45]And now I suggest that we all return to the feast.而现在我建议我们都去赴宴吧[00:34:49]There is a delicious-looking custard tart that I am most anxious to sample.那边有美味的沙司挞我可等不及要去吃了[00:35:07]快速念咒魔法入门函授课程[00:35:08]霍格沃茨魔法学校阿格斯·费尔奇收[00:35:10]Mr.Filch,you dropped this.费尔奇先生这是你掉的[00:35:45]Morning,everyone.大家早上好[00:35:48]-Good morning,everyone.-Good morning,Professor Sprout.-大家早上好-早上好斯普劳特教授[00:35:50]Welcome to Greenhouse Three,second years.Now,gather around,everyone.欢迎各位二年级同学来到三号温室大家围过来[00:35:55]Today we’re going to re-pot Mandrakes.我们今天要学给曼德拉草换盆[00:35:58]Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?谁能告诉我曼德拉草根的特征?[00:36:02]Yes,Miss Granger?好的格兰杰小姐?[00:36:04]Mandrake,or Mandragora...曼德拉草又名曼德拉草根...[00:36:07]is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state.可让被石化的人恢复原状[00:36:12]It’s also quite dangerous.The Mandrake’s cry is fatal to anyone who hears it.但它也是十分危险的曼德拉草的哭声是致命的[00:36:17]Excellent.Ten points to Gryffindor.很好格兰芬多加十分[00:36:20]As our Mandrakes are still only seedlings...这边的曼德拉草还只是嫩芽...[00:36:23]their cries won’t kill you yet.所以它们的哭声还不致命[00:36:25]But they could knock you out for several hours,但它们也足够把你们震晕几个小时[00:36:26]which is why I have given each of you a pair of earmuffs...所以我给你们每个人发了一副耳罩...[00:36:29]for auditory protection.用来挡住哭声[00:36:30]So could you please put them on,right away?Quickly.所以大家把耳罩给带上带好了吗?快点[00:36:35]Flaps tight down,and watch me closely.带紧了仔细看我的做法[00:36:38]You grasp your Mandrake firmly.牢牢抓住曼德拉草[00:36:41]You pull it sharply up out of the pot.然后快速把它提出花盆[00:36:48]Got it?And...懂了吗?然后...[00:36:51]now you dunk it down into the other pot...把它放进另外一个花盆里...[00:36:53]and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm.在它四周撒土保持它的体温[00:37:01]Longbottom’s been neglecting his earmuffs.隆巴顿估计是忘了带耳罩了[00:37:05]-No,ma’am,he’s just fainted.-Yes,well,just leave him there. -不是的老师他晕过去了而已-好吧别管他了[00:37:09]Right,on we go.Plenty of pots to go around.好的轮到你们了花盆多着呢分开点[00:37:13]Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up.抓住你的曼德拉草然后把它拔起来[00:37:32]-There’s Nearly Headless Nick.-Hello,Percy,Miss Clearwater. -是差点没头的尼克-你好珀西克里瓦特小姐[00:37:35]Hello,Sir Nicholas.你好尼古拉斯爵士[00:37:49]Say it.I’m doomed.想说就说吧我完蛋了[00:37:53]-You’re doomed.-Hi,Harry.-你完蛋了-嗨哈利[00:37:58]I’m Colin Creevey.I’m in Gryffindor too.我是科林·克里维我也是格兰芬多学院的[00:38:01]。



哈利·波特哈利·波特与火焰杯这帮该死的孩子Bloody kids.你真是越来越挑剔了虫尾巴How fastidious you've become, Wormtail.我记得你原来可是住下水道的As I recall, you once called the nearest gutter pipe home. 你最近是不是Could it be that the task of nursing me不乐意伺候我了has become wearisome for you?不不是伏地魔大人Oh, no. No, no, my Lord Voldemort.我只是想I only meant...不用那个男孩也可以perhaps if we were to do it without the boy.不行他是关键No! The boy is everything!非他不可It cannot be done without him.这件事必须按我说的办And it will be done. Exactly as I said.-我一定不会让您失望的主人 -很好- I will not disappoint you, my Lord. - Good.首先要召集我们的老朋友First, gather our old comrades.发个信&hearts;号&hearts;&hearts;提醒他们Send them a sign.纳吉尼说有个麻瓜老管家Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker正站在门外呢is standing just outside the door.别挡着门虫尾巴Step aside, Wormtail,让我好好欢迎一下客人so I can give our guest a proper greeting.阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra!哈利哈利Harry!你没事吧Are you all right?赫敏我做噩梦了Hermione. Bad dream.-你什么时候来的 -刚到你呢- When did you get here? - Just now. You?昨天晚上Last night.醒醒醒醒罗恩Wake up! Wake up, Ronald!老天啊Bloody hell.快点穿衣服吧Honestly, get dressed.可别再睡着了And don't go back to sleep.快点罗恩你妈妈说早饭都做好了Come on, Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready!-罗恩我们到底要去哪 -不知道- Ron, where are we actually going? - Don't know.-老爸我们去哪 -我也一头雾水呢- Hey, Dad. Where are we going? - Haven't the foggiest. 快跟上Keep up!亚瑟Arthur!你终于到了It's about time, son.抱歉阿莫斯有人不太愿意起床Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start.各位这就是阿莫斯·迪戈里This is Amos Diggory, everyone.是我在部里的同事Works with me at the Ministry.这帅小伙一定是塞德里克吧And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right? 是的先生Yes, sir.This way.梅林的胡子啊你就是哈利·波特吧Merlin's beard! You must be Harry Potter.-是的先生 -幸会幸会- Yes, sir. - Great, great pleasure.幸会先生Pleasure to meet you too, sir.就在那边Yes, it's just over there.-我们准备走吧 -好的- Shall we? - Oh, yeah.迟到了可不好We don't want to be late.来快到时间了大家各就各位Come on. Nearly there now. Get yourself into a good position. 为什么都围着那只破鞋Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?-那可不是普通的破鞋 -是个门钥匙- That isn't just any manky old boot. - It's a Portkey.该走了Time to go!门钥匙是什么What's a Portkey?-准备好数到三一二 -哈利- Ready! After three. One, two... - Harry!三three!松手孩子们Let go, kids!-什么 -松手- What?! - Let go!青草的气味好闻吧I'll bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?-每次都这么一团糟 -多谢- Total shambles, as per usual. - Thanks.快来看哪Go on, look at that!孩子们欢迎来到魁地奇世界杯Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!别走散了跟上姑娘们Stay together! Keep up, girls!看哪Look!跟上姑娘们Come on! Keep up, girls!天啊Blimey!各回各家吧老伙计Parting of the ways, I think, old chap.-比赛见 -再见- See you at the match. - See you.-塞德里克 -塞德走了- Cedric. - Ced, come on.再见了塞德里克See you later, Cedric.终于到家了Home sweet home.不是吧What?-不错不错 -金妮你看- Excellent, excellent. - Ginny, look!-去泡澡吧 -看啊- All to the bath. - Look.姑娘们选个床铺安顿下来吧Girls, choose a bunk and unpack.罗恩别在厨房&hearts;里转悠了我们都饿了Ron, get out of the kitchen. We're all hungry.没错别在厨房&hearts;里转悠了Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!把脚放下来Feet off the table!把脚放下来Feet off the table!有魔法真棒I love magic.快来买&hearts;&hearts;本魁地奇世界杯比赛说明吧Get your Quidditch World Cup programs here!天哪老爸我们的座位到底有多高Blimey, Dad. How far up are we?这么说吧Well, put it this way:如果下雨If it rains你肯定头一个知道you'll be the first to know.我和父亲坐在部长包厢Father and I are in the minister's box康奈利·福吉部长亲自邀请我们的by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself. 不要吹嘘德拉科Don't boast, Draco.跟这些人也没必要There's no need with these people.趁着还有机会Do enjoy yourself, won't you?好好享受吧While you can.快上来就座了Come on up. Take your seats.我说了这么好的座位等多久都值I told you these seats would be worth waiting for. 来吧Come on!是爱尔兰队那是特洛伊It's the Irish! There's Troy!-还有玛莱特 -和莫兰- And Mullet! - And Moran!爱尔兰爱尔兰爱尔兰Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!-保加利亚队来了 -太棒了- Here come the Bulgarians! - Yes!那是谁Who's that?妹妹那可是全世界最棒的找球手That, sis, is the best Seeker in the world.克鲁姆克鲁姆克鲁姆Krum! Krum! Krum!克鲁姆Krum!各位晚上好Good evening!作为魔法部长As Minister for Magic我万分荣幸地在此it gives me great pleasure欢迎各位的到来to welcome each and every one of you欢迎大家前来观看第422届魁地奇世界杯决赛to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup! 比赛现在Let the match开始begin!克鲁姆克鲁姆克鲁姆Krum! Krum! Krum!克鲁姆无人可及There's no one like Krum.-克鲁姆 -呆克鲁姆- Krum? - Dumb Krum?他像鸟一样乘风驾云He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind.-他不只是运动员 -呆克鲁姆- He's more than an athlete. - Dumb Krum.简直是位艺术家He's an artist.-我觉得你爱上他了罗恩 -闭嘴- I think you're in love, Ron. - Shut up.威克多尔我爱你Viktor, I love you我真的爱你Viktor, I do每当我们分开我的心只为你跳动When we're apart. My heart beats only for you 爱尔兰人闹得好开心Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on. 停下都别闹了Stop! Stop it!不是爱尔兰人It's not the Irish.得赶紧离开快点We've gotta get out of here. Now!快跑啊食死徒来了Get out, it's the Death Eaters!大家回到门钥匙那里去别走散了Get back to the Portkey, everybody, and stick together! 弗雷德乔治金妮就交给你们了Fred, George! Ginny is your responsibility.快走Go!哈利Harry!-你们几个快跟上 -哈利- Keep up, you lot! - Harry!哈利哈利Harry! Harry!尸骨再现Morsmordre!哈利Harry!-你在哪 -哈利- Where are you? -Harry!我们找了你好久We've been looking for you for ages!还以为你走丢了呢伙计Thought we lost you, mate.那是什么What is that?昏昏倒地Stupefy!住手Stop!那是我儿子That's my son!罗恩哈利赫敏你们没事吧Ron, Harry, Hermione, you all right?我们返回来找哈利的We came back for Harry.你们谁施的咒语Which of you conjured it?-克劳奇说真的 -别想骗我- Crouch, you can't possi... - Do not lie!这可是罪案现场You've been discovered at the scene of the crime.-罪案 -巴蒂他们都还是孩子- Crime? - Barty! They're just kids.什么罪案What crime?那是黑魔标记哈利是他的符号&hearts;It's the Dark Mark, Harry. It's his mark.谁伏地魔吗What, Voldemort?今晚那些蒙着脸的也是他的人吗Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they? -都是他的追随者吗 -没错- His followers? - Yeah.都是食死徒Death Eaters.-跟我走 -刚才有个人- Follow me. - There was a man, before.往那边走了There!大家这边走All of you, this way!一个人吗哈利A man, Harry?是谁Who?我不知道I don't know.我没看到他的脸I didn't see his face.卖&hearts;&hearts;好吃的了Anything from the trolley?魁地奇世界杯恐怖事件卖&hearts;&hearts;好吃的了Anything from the trolley?买&hearts;&hearts;点吃的吗亲爱的Anything from the trolley, dears?要一袋吹宝泡泡糖Packet of Drooble's...再要一根甘草魔杖... and a Licorice Wand.算了只要吹宝吧On second thought, just the Drooble's.没事我来付吧It's all right, I'll get it.吹宝就够了谢谢Just the Drooble's. Thanks.两个南瓜馅饼Two Pumpkin Pasties, please.谢谢Thank you.要吃甜品吗亲爱的Anything sweet for you, dear?不用了我不饿谢谢Oh, no, I'm not hungry. Thank you.卖&hearts;&hearts;好吃的了Anything from the trolley?这太恐怖了This is horrible.怎么连魔法部都查不出是谁How can the Ministry not know who conjured it? 就没有什么安保措施吗Wasn't there any security or...?多着呢我爸说的Loads, according to Dad.问题就在这That's what worried them so much.就在他们眼皮子底下Happened right under their noses.伤疤又开始疼了是不是It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar.我没事I'm fine.小天狼星希望你写信告诉他的You know Sirius will want to hear about this...世界杯上的事和你的梦... what you saw at the World Cup and the dream. 小天狼星·布莱克海德薇走吧Hedwig. There we go.让开跑道Clear the runway!这景致可不是天天有Well, there's something you don't see every day. 现在大家都安顿好了Well, now we're all settled in and sorted,我想宣布一件事情I'd like to make an announcement.今年这座城&hearts;堡&hearts;不仅是你们的家This castle will not only be your home this year,还将迎来一些特别的客人but home to some very special guests as well.霍格沃茨被选中...You see, Hogwarts has been chosen....怎么了Yes, what is it?什么事What is it?让他们稍等一等等一等Tell them to wait. Tell them to wait. Wait.刚说到霍格沃茨被选中So Hogwarts has been chosen主办一项传奇赛事to host a legendary event:三强争霸赛The Triwizard Tournament.-对于那些不了解的人 -太棒了- For those of you who do not know... - Brilliant.三强争霸赛是在三所学校间... the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools 展开的一系列魔法竞赛for a series of magical contests.每所学校只选一名学生参赛From each school, a single student is selected to compete. 事先说明Now let me be clear.一旦被选中你将孤军奋战If chosen, you stand alone.相信我And trust me when I say经受不起打击的参赛前请三思these contests are not for the faint-hearted.不过这些可以日后再说But more of that later.现在请与我一同欢迎For now, please join me in welcoming来自布斯巴顿魔法学院美丽的姑娘们the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic和她们的校长马克西姆夫人and their headmistress, Madame Maxime.老天啊Bloody hell.天啊这女人个头真大Blimey. That's one big woman.还有我们来自北方的朋友And now our friends from the north.欢迎来自德姆斯特朗的骄子们Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang和他们的校长伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫and their high master, lgor Karkaroff.是克鲁姆Oh, it's Krum!天啊真的是他Blimey, it's him!威克多尔·克鲁姆Viktor Krum!阿布思Albus.伊戈尔Igor.邓布利多教授我的马匹一路辛劳Professor Dumbly-dorr, my horses have traveled a long way.-需要精心照料 -别担心马克西姆夫人- They will need attending to. - Don't worry, Madame Maxime. 我们的猎场看守海格一定能照顾好Our gamekeeper, Hagrid, is more than capable of seeing to them. 海格先生你得知道But you know, Monsieur Hagrid他们只喝纯麦芽威士忌they drink only single-malt whiskey.你这蠢货You idiot!请大家注意Your attention, please!我有几句话要说I'd like to say a few words.永恒的荣耀Eternal glory.将属于那位That is what awaits the student赢得三强杯的学生who wins the Triwizard Tournament.但要获得这荣耀必须完成三项任务But to do this, that student must survive three tasks.这三项任务都异常艰险Three extremely dangerous tasks.够狠Wicked.因此魔法部决定引入新的规则For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. 下面将由To explain all this国际魔法合作司司长we have the head of the向大家解释这个新规则Department of lnternational Magical Cooperation巴蒂·克劳奇先生Mr. Bartemius Crouch.天啊是疯眼汉穆迪Bloody hell. It's Mad-Eye Moody.-阿&hearts;拉&hearts;斯托·穆迪吗那个傲罗 -傲罗- Alastor Moody? The Auror? - Auror?专抓黑巫师的Dark-wizard catcher.阿兹卡班一半的人都是他扔进去的Half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him.听说他最近疯疯癫癫的He's supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days.-老朋友欢迎欢迎 -这破天花板- My dear old friend, thanks for coming. - Stupid ceiling.谢谢Thank you.你觉得他喝的是什么What's that he's drinking, do you suppose?不知道肯定不是南瓜汁I don't know, but I don't think it's pumpkin juice.经过深思熟虑After due consideration,为了学生自身安全魔法部决定the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety,未满17周岁的学生no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed不得报名参加三强争霸赛to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament.-这一决定不可更改 -这太胡扯了- This decision is final. - That's rubbish!真是胡扯简直是胡闹That's rubbish! You don't know what you're doing!-安静 -看来大家都不满意这规定- Silence! - They're not too happy about that, then.火焰杯The Goblet of Fire.想参加三强争霸赛的同学Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament只需将姓名写在一张羊皮纸上need only write their name upon a piece of parchment在周四晚之前投进火焰里and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. 提交前请仔细考虑Do not do so lightly.一旦选中就不能反悔If chosen, there's no turning back.三强争霸赛自此拉开序幕As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun. 阿&hearts;拉&hearts;斯托·穆迪Alastor Moody.前傲罗Ex-Auror,魔法部的叛逆者Ministry malcontent,你们黑魔法防御术课的新老师and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.我应邓布利多邀请而来I am here because Dumbledore asked me.就这么回事End of story, goodbye, the end.还有问题吗Any questions?说到黑魔法When it comes to the Dark Arts,我更相信实践出真知I believe in a practical approach.不过首先谁能告诉我But first, which of you can不可饶恕咒一共有几个tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?-三个先生 - 为什么叫这个- Three, sir. - And they are so named?因为它们不可饶恕使用任何一个Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will... 你就别想出阿兹卡班了没错Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct.魔法部觉得这些咒语少&hearts;儿&hearts;不&hearts;宜&hearts; The Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. 我可不这么想I say different!你得知道对手能做出什么You need to know what you're up against!你得时刻做好准备You need to be prepared.你得另找个地方粘你的口香糖You need to find another place to put your chewing gum不许粘在课桌下面斐尼甘先生besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!不是吧No way.这死老头居然能看到脑袋后面The old codger can see out the back of his head.还能听到后面呢And hear across classrooms!那么先展示哪个呢So which curse shall we see first?-韦斯莱 -是- Weasley! - Yes?站起来Stand.说个咒语吧Give us a curse.我爸爸曾经跟我讲过一个Well, my dad did tell me about one.夺魂咒The Imperius Curse.是啊你父亲肯定知道那个咒语Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that.当年可是给部里惹了不少麻烦Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. 给你解释下为什么Perhaps this will show you why.你好啊Hello.漂亮的小美人Lovely little beauty.速速变大Engorgio.魂魄出窍Imperio!别担心她不会伤人的Don't worry. It's completely harmless.但要是她咬一口If she bites你就死了she's lethal.你笑什么呢What are you laughing at?快拿开Get off!她真有才是不是Talented, isn't she?下面该让她做什么呢从窗户跳出去What should I have her do next? Jump out the window? 把自己淹死Drown herself?以前很多巫师声称Scores of witches and wizards have claimed他们听从神秘人that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding是因为受了夺魂咒的控制under the influence of the Imperius Curse.但问题是But here's the rub:我们怎么知道谁在撒谎How do we sort out the liars?还有谁再说一个Another, another.来吧来吧Up, up. Come on.你是隆巴顿吧Longbottom, is it?站起来Up.斯普劳特教授告诉我Professor Sprout tells me你很有草药学的天赋you have an aptitude for herbology.还有一个There's the....叫钻心咒The Cruciatus Curse.没错没错来Correct, correct. Come, come.这个特别惨Particularly nasty.折磨人的咒语The torture curse.钻心剜骨Crucio!快停下你没看到他受不了吗Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it! 最后一个不可饶恕咒Perhaps you could give us就你由来告诉大家吧格兰杰小姐the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger.不愿意No?阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra!死咒The Killing Curse.被施咒的人只有一位逃过一死Only one person is known to have survived it 他此刻就坐在这间屋子里and he's sitting in this room.他真是棒极了你不觉得吗Brilliant, isn't he?但脑子绝对有问题Completely demented, of course,跟他同处一室也挺可怕的and terrifying to be in the same room with,但他真是见过世面的人but he's really been there,他可是亲身经历过的you know? He's looked evil in the eye.不可饶恕咒这个名字不是白来的There's a reason those curses are unforgivable.居然在教室里演示To perform them in a classroom....看看纳威的脸色I mean, did you see Neville's face?纳威Neville?孩子Son?你还好吗You all right?来吧来喝杯茶Come on. We'll have a cup of tea.我有东西给你看I want to show you something.我们要迟到了We're gonna be late!加油塞德里克放进去Come on, Cedric. Put it in!永恒的荣耀想想就很棒Eternal glory. Be brilliant, wouldn't it?三年后我们年纪就够了Three years from now, when we're old enough to be chosen. 你去吧我可不去Yeah, rather you than me.成了Yes!谢谢谢谢Thank you, thank you.-伙计们成功了 -今早刚做好- Well, lads, we've done it. - Cooked it up just this morning. 不会管用的It's not going to work.-是吗 -为什么呢格兰杰- Oh, yeah? - And why is that, Granger?看到没这是年龄界线You see this? This is an Age Line.邓布利多亲自画的Dumbledore drew it himself.那又怎么样So?像邓布利多那样的天才怎么可能被So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled... 增龄剂这种破玩意骗过去...by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion. 破玩意才高明But that's why it's so brilliant.破玩意他才想不到Because it's so pathetically dimwitted.准备好了吗弗雷德Ready, Fred?准备好了乔治Ready, George.-干了 -干了- Bottoms up. - Bottoms up.-太棒了 -太棒了- Yes! - Yes!太棒了Yes!准备好了吗Ready?-太棒了 -太棒了- Yes! - Yes!-你说会管用的 -你说会管用的- You said! - You said!-你想干一架吗 -看我把你耳朵扯下来- Oh, right, you want a piece of me?! - I'll tear your ears off! -真可笑 -接招- Now you're making me laugh. - Take this! Come on!上上上Fight! Fight! Fight!还是老一套吗We're "Old school," Right?是啊但是没你老Yeah, but you look older!请坐Sit down. Please.现在是万众期待的时刻Now the moment you've all been waiting for: 勇士选拔the champion selection.德姆斯特朗的勇士是威克多尔·克鲁姆The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum.布斯巴顿的勇士是The champion for Beauxbatons...芙蓉·德拉库尔...is Fleur Delacour.霍格沃茨的勇士塞德里克·迪戈里The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!太好了现在三位勇士都选出来了Excellent! We now have our three champions. 但最后只有一位能载入史册But in the end, only one will go down in history. 只有一位可以举起这冠军之杯Only one will hoist this chalice of champions... 这胜利之杯...this vessel of victory...三强杯...the Triwizard Cup!哈利·波特Harry Potter.哈利·波特Harry Potter?不不No. No.哈利·波特Harry Potter!去吧哈利Go on, Harry.哈利快去Harry, for goodness sake.他作弊He's a cheat!他还没到17岁呢He's not even 17 yet!-这不公平 -你个法国佬- It's wrong, I tell you! - You French tart.你看什么Everything is a conspiracy-都像阴谋 -安静我没法思考了- theory with you! - Quiet! I can't think!-所有事都是阴谋 -我抗&hearts;议&hearts;- Everything is a conspiracy theory! - I protest.-哈利 -我抗&hearts;议&hearts;- Harry. - I protest!你没把名字投进火焰杯吧Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?没有先生No, sir.没有请年纪大一点儿的同学Did you ask one of the older students...-帮你投进去吗 -没有先生- ...to do it for you? - No, sir.-你肯定吗 -是的先生- You're absolutely sure? - Yes. Yes, sir.-他肯定在撒谎 -他才没有- But of course he is lying. - The hell he is!火焰杯是法力十分高&hearts;强&hearts;的法器The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. 想要蒙蔽它Only an exceptionally powerful需要特别强大的混淆咒Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it.四年级的孩子可没这个能力Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year.你好像动了不少脑筋呢疯眼汉You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye.我以前的工作It was once my job必须用黑巫师的方式思考卡卡洛夫to think as dark wizards do, Karkaroff...你应该没忘...perhaps you remember.别说没用的阿&hearts;拉&hearts;斯托This doesn't help, Alastor.你来决定吧巴蒂Leave this to you, Barty.我们必须遵守章程The rules are absolute.火焰杯的选择有魔法约束着The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. 波特先生没有选择Mr. Potter has no choice.从今晚开始他就是He is, as of tonight...三强杯的勇士...a Triwizard champion.不能再这么下去了阿不思This can't go on, Albus.先是黑魔标记现在又来这个First the Dark Mark. Now this?你觉得我们该怎么做米勒娃What do you suggest, Minerva?结束它Put an end to it.别让波特参赛Don't let Potter compete.巴蒂说了必须遵守章程You heard Barty. The rules are clear.让巴蒂和他的章程去死吧Well, the devil with Barty and his rules.你怎么听魔法部的了And since when did you accommodate the Ministry?校长我也认为Headmaster, I, too, find这不仅仅是巧合it difficult to believe this mere coincidence.但是如果我们However, if we are to真想揭开谜底truly discover the meaning of these events...也许最好还是...perhaps we should, for the time being...静观其变...let them unfold.什么什么都不做吗What--? Do nothing?拿他当诱饵Offer him up as bait?波特是个孩子不是块肉Potter is a boy, not a piece of meat.我同意西弗勒斯I agree. With Severus.阿&hearts;拉&hearts;斯托看着点哈利好吗Alastor, keep an eye on Harry, will you?-没问题 -但是别让他知道- I can do that. - Don't let him know, though.马上面对的挑战He must be anxious enough as it is...就够他头疼的了...knowing what lies ahead.我们又何尝不是Then again, we all are.你怎么做到的How did you do it?算了不重要Never mind. Doesn't matter.不过还是跟好哥们说一声的好Might've let your best friend know, though.-说什么 -你心里清楚- Let you know what? - You know bloody well what.我又不想这样罗恩I didn't ask for this to happen, Ron.好吗Okay?-你真是个白&hearts;痴&hearts; -我就是白&hearts;痴&hearts; - You're being stupid. - Yeah, that's me.罗恩·韦斯莱哈利·波特的白&hearts;痴&hearts;朋友Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's stupid friend.我没把名字投进高脚杯I didn't put my name in that cup.我不想要什么永恒的荣耀我只想I don't want eternal glory. I just wanna be....我不知道今晚是怎么了Look, I don't know what happened tonight,也不知道为什么and I don't know why.但就是这样It just did.好吗Okay?滚吧Piss off.多好的四人组啊What a charismatic quartet.你们好Hello.我是丽塔·斯基特I'm Rita Skeeter.为《预言家日报》供稿I write for the Daily Prophet.这你们都知道了吧But of course you know that, don't you?现在要让大家知道你们It's you we don't know.你们最有料You're the juicy news.这张粉嘟嘟的小脸蛋迷倒了多少人What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?这身肌肉又掩盖了多少秘密What mysteries do the muscles mask?这卷发下的小脑袋里有多少勇气Does courage lie beneath those curls?简而言之怎么才能成为勇士In short, what makes a champion tick?我的专栏想了解疯狂的读者们更想知道"Me, Myself & I" want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. 那么谁想谈谈So who's feeling up to sharing?从最小的开始就这么定了Shall we start with the youngest? Lovely.真"舒服"This is cozy.这是放扫帚的隔间It's a broom cupboard.你肯定特别熟悉You should feel right at home, then.不介意我用速记羽毛笔吧Don't mind if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill, do you?不介意No.那么哈利So tell me, Harry.你一个只有12岁的小男孩Here you sit, a mere boy of 12--我14岁抱歉I'm 14. Sorry.就要和三个学生竞争--about to compete against three students...他们不仅情感上远比你成熟...not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself...还掌握了你做梦都不敢想的...but who have mastered spells that you wouldn't attempt...咒语...in your dizziest daydreams.你紧张吗Concerned?我不知道我没想过这些I don't know. I haven't really thought about it.别管那支笔Just ignore the quill.不过当然Then, of course,你也不是普通的12岁小男孩不是吗you're no ordinary boy of 12, are you?-14岁 -你的故事就是个传说- Fourteen. - Your story's legend.你是否认为是你过去所受的创伤Do you think it was the trauma of your past...让你渴望报名来冒这个险吗...that made you so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament? 我没有报名No, I didn't enter.当然没有Of course you didn't.大家都喜欢叛逆哈利Everyone loves a rebel, Harry.划掉上一句Scratch that last.说到你的父母如果他们还活着的话Speaking of your parents, were they alive,你觉得他们现在会怎么想how do you think they'd feel?骄傲还是担心Proud? Or concerned...因为你的做法...that your attitude shows,往好了说是病态地渴求关注at best, a pathological need for attention...往坏了说就是不想活了...at worst, a psychotic death wish?我的眼睛可没有Hey, my eyes aren't"因回忆过去热泪盈眶""Glistening with the ghosts of my past."哈利我不能冒险用海德薇Harry, I couldn 't risk sending Hedwig.世界杯之后Since the World Cup,魔法部一直在拦截猫头鹰the Ministry's been intercepting more and more owls...海德薇太显眼了...and she 's too easily recognized.我们需要当面谈谈哈利We need to talk, Harry, face-to-face.周日凌晨一点格兰芬多公共休息室Meet me in the Gryffindor common room, 1:00 this Saturday night. 务必单独见我And make sure you 're alone.小天狼星Sirius.又及那只猫头鹰会咬人P.S. The bird bites.小天狼星Sirius?花季悲剧哈利·波特与三强争霸赛的故事哈利波特 12岁Harry Potter, age 12...这位疑云密布的参赛者...suspect entrant in the Triwizard Tournament.双眼饱含过去的阴影His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past...压抑着泪水...and choking back tears....小天狼星你怎Sirius. How--?时间紧我就直说了I don't have much time, so let me get straight to it.你有没有把你的名字投进火焰杯里Did you or did you not put your name into the Goblet of Fire? 没有No!我总得问一下I had to ask.说说你做的梦Now, tell me about this dream of yours.你提到了虫尾巴和伏地魔You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort.房&hearts;间里另一个人是谁But who was the third man in the room?-我不知道 -你没听到名字吗- I don't know. - You didn't hear a name?没有No.伏地魔给他安排了任务很重要的事Voldemort was giving him a job to do. Something important. 是什么And what was that?他想要He wanted...我...me.我不知道为什么I don't know why.他要通过那个人接近我But he was gonna use this man to get to me.但是这只是个梦不是吗But, I mean, it was only a dream, right?是的Yes.这只是个梦It's just a dream.听着哈利Look, Harry.世界杯上的食死徒The Death Eaters at the World Cup,你被火焰杯选中your name rising from that Goblet...这可不是巧合霍格沃兹已经不安全了...these are not just coincidences. Hogwarts isn't safe anymore. 这是什么意思What are you saying?我是说这里就有敌人伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫I'm saying the devils are inside the walls. Igor Karkaroff?他以前是个食死徒He was a Death Eater.没有一个食死徒可以改邪归正And no one, no one stops being a Death Eater.还有巴蒂·克劳奇Then there's Barty Crouch.铁石心肠把自己的儿子送进了阿兹卡班Heart of stone. Sent his own son to Azkaban.你觉得是他们把我的名字放进火焰杯的吗You think one of them put my name in the Goblet?我不知道是谁放的I haven't a clue who put your name in that goblet...但是不管是谁一定不怀好意...but whoever did is no friend to you.争霸赛一直都有人丧生People die in this tournament.-我还没准备好小天狼星 -你没得选- I'm not ready for this, Sirius. - You don't have a choice.-有人来了 -待在朋友身边哈利- Someone's coming. - Keep your friends close, Harry.你在跟谁说话呢Who were you talking to?-谁说我在跟人说话 -我听到声音了- What? Who says I was talking to anyone? - I heard voices.你瞎编的吧你经常瞎编Maybe you're imagining things. Wouldn't be the first time. 你是不是You're probably just准备下一次采访呢practicing for your next interview, I expect.太神奇了Amazing.-太神奇了 -纳威你又来了- Amazing! - Neville. You're doing it again.抱歉Right, sorry.《地中海神奇水生植物和它们的特性》"Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs"?穆迪给我的那天我们喝茶的时候Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea.传这么多人累不累It's already been through enough people.你自己跟他说去Why don't you just go and talk to him yourself?罗恩这是你自己的问题不是我的Ron, this is your problem, not mine.你要我说什么来着What do you want me to say again?去吧Go.罗恩要我告诉你西莫说Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him...听见帕瓦蒂告诉迪安海格在找你...that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you. 是吗你跟Is that right? Well, you--什么What?-你确定不要自己说 -你说- Are you sure you won't do this? - Do it.帕瓦蒂告诉迪安Dean was told by Parvati that....求你别让我再说一遍了Please don't ask me to say it again.海格在找你Hagrid's looking for you.。



哈利波特与魔法石HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE<第一幕>DUMBLEDOREI should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall.MCGONAGALLGood evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true Albus?DUMBLEDOREI'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad.MCGONAGALLAnd the boy?DUMBLEDOREHagrid is bringing him.MCGONAGALLDo you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this? DUMBLEDOREAh, Prof. I would trust Hagrid with my life HAGRIDProfessor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.DUMBLEDORENo problems I trust Hagrid?HAGRIDNo, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.MC Albus, do really think it's safe leaving him with these people? I've watched them all day. There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are- - DUMBLEDOREThe only family he has.MCGONAGALLThis boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name. DUMBLEDOREExactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he is ready. There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye after all. Good Luck, Harry Potter.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第二幕>(one)AUNT PETUNIAUp. Get up! Now!DUDLEYWake up cousin! We're going to the zoo! AUNT PETUNIAHere he comes the birthday boy!(two)UNCLE VERNONhappy birthday son.AUNT PETUNIAWhy don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything.HARRYYes Aunt Petunia.AUNT PETUNIAI want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!UNCLE VERNONHurry up! Bring my coffee boy!HARRYyes Uncle Vernon.AUNT PETUNIAAren't they wonderful darling?DUDLEYHow many are there?VOLDEMORT36, Counted them myself.DUDLEY36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37 VOLDEMORTYes, but some of them are a bit bigger than last year's!DUDLEYI don't care how big they are!AUNT PETUNIANow, now, now, this is what we're going to do. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin? AUNT PETUNIAIt should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it. VOLDEMORTI'm warning you now boy. Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals for a week. Get in.(three)DUDLEYMake it move.VOLDEMORTMove.DUDLEYMOVE!HARRYHe's asleep.DUDLEYHe's boring.HARRYSorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you. Can you hear me? It's just I've never talked to a snake before. Do you... Do you talk to people often? You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Did you miss your family?I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents either.DUDLEYMummy, Dad, come here you won't believe what this snake is doing! Woah! Woah! Ah! SNAKEThanks.HARRYAny time.OTHSnake! Ahh!DUDLEYMum! Mummy! Help me!PERCYMy darling boy! How did you get in there! Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第三幕>(one)PERCYIt's all right sweetheart. We'll get you out of these terrible clothes.VOLDEMORTWhat happened?HARRYI swear, I don't know! One minute the glass was there then it was gone, it was like magic! VOLDEMORTThere's no such thing as magic.(two)VOLDEMORTOh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. DUDLEYDad! Look! Harry's got a letter!HARRYHey give it back! It's mine! VOLDEMORTYours? Who'd be writing to you? VOLDEMORTNo more mail through this letterbox. AUNT PETUNIAHave a lovely day at the office, dear. VOLDEMORTShoo! Go on!(three)VOLDEMORTFine day Sunday. In my opinion best day of the week. And why is that Dudley?HARRYBecause there's no post on Sundays.VOLDEMORTRight you are Harry. No post on Sunday. Ha! No blasted letters today! No, sir! Not one single bloody letter! Not one! No sir, not one blasted, miserable- -DUDLEYMake it stop, please!VOLDEMORTStop it!DUDLEYMummy what's happening?VOLDEMORTGive me that! Give me that letter! HARRYGet off! They're my letters! Let go of me! VOLDEMORTThat's it! We're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!DUDLEYDaddy's gone mad hasn't he? - - - -(four)HARRYMake a wish, Harry.VOLDEMORTWho's there?HAGRIDSorry 'bout that.VOLDEMORTI demand that you leave at once. You are breaking and entering.HAGRIDDry up Dursley you great prune. Well, I haven't seen you since you was a baby Harry. But you're a bit more along then I would have expected; particularly around the middle. DUDLEYI'm not... I'm not Harry.HARRYI am.HAGRIDWell of course you are! Got something for you. Afraid I might have sat on it at some point but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same. Baked it myself, words and all.HARRYThank you!HAGRIDIt's not everyday your young man turns 11 now it is?HARRYExcuse me, but who are you?HAGRIDRubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course you know all about HogwartsHARRYSorry, no.HAGRIDNo? Blimey Harry didn't you ever wonder didn't you ever wonder how your mum and dad learned it all?HARRYLearned what?HAGRIDYou're a wizard Harry.HARRYI'm a what?HAGRIDA wizard. And a thumpin' good one I'd wager once you've trained up a bit.HARRYNo, you've made a mistake. I mean I can't be a wizard... I mean I'm Harry, Just Harry. HAGRIDWell, "Just Harry" did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared? Um Hum.HARRYDear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. VOLDEMORTHe will not be going! We swore when we took him in that we would put a stop to all of this rubbish!HARRYYou knew? We knew all along and you never told me?AUNT PETUNIAOf course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect being who she was. Oh I remember the day she got her letter. My parents were so proud. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one who saw her for what she was... a freak. And then she met that Potter, and then she had you and I knew you would be the same just as strange just as abnormal. And then, if you please, she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you. HARRYBlown up?! You told me my parents died in a car crash!HAGRIDA car crash? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?PATWe had to say something!HAGRIDIt's an outrage. It's a scandal. VOLDEMORTHe will not be going.HAGRIDOh and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself is gonna stop him.HARRYMuggle?HAGRIDNon- magic folk. This boy's had his name down since he were born. He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world. And he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen, Albus Dumbledore...VOLDEMORTI will not pay to have some crack pot old fool teach him magic tricks!HAGRIDNever insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me... I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking I'm not supposed to do magic. HARRYOKHAGRIDWe're a bit behind schedule. Best be off. Unless you'd rather stay, of course.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第四幕>(one)HARRYAll students must be equipped with a one standard size two pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad. Can we find all this in London? HAGRIDIf you know where to go.TOM (BARTENDER)Ah, Hagrid the usual I presume.HAGRIDNo thanks Tom, I'm on official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Harry buy his school business.TOMBless my soul, it's Harry Potter.OTHERWelcome back Mr. Potter welcome back.DORISDoris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.QUIRRELLHarry P-p-potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.HAGRIDhello, professor I didn't see you there. Harry Professor Quirrell will be your defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. HARRYOh, nice to meet you,QUIRRELLA fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, eh, P-potter?HAGRIDYes, well must be going now. Lots to buy. HARRYGood bye.HAGRIDSee, Harry? You're famous.HARRYBut why am I famous Hagrid? All those people back there how is it they know who I am? HAGRIDI'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that, Harry. Welcome Harry, to Diagon Alley. That's where you get your quills and ink. Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.(two)OTHIt's a world class racing broom.OTHWow! Look at it the new Nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet!HARRYBut Hagrid how am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money.HAGRIDWell there's your money Harry! Gringotts, the wizard bank! Ain't no safer place, not one! 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.HARRYHagrid what exactly are these things?HAGRIDThey're goblins Harry. Clever as they come the goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stay close. Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawalGOBLINAnd does Mr. Harry Potter have his key? HAGRIDWait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Ha! There's the little devil. Oh, and there's something else as well. Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It's about You- Know- What in vault you know which.GOBLINVery well.GRIPHOOKVault 687. Lamp please. Key, pleaseHAGRIDDidn't think your mum and dad would leave youwith nothing now did you?GRIPHOOKVault 713.HARRYWhat's in there Hagrid?HAGRIDCan't tell you Harry. Hogwarts business. Very secret.GRIPHOOKStand back.HAGRIDBest not to mention this to anyone Harry.HARRYI still need... a wand.HAGRIDA wand? Well, you want Ollivander's. There ain't no place better. Why don't you run along and wait. I got one more thing to do. Won't be long.(three)HARRYHello? Hello?OLLII wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. Potter. It seems only yesterday that you mother and father were in here buying their first wands. Here we are. Well give it a wave. Apparently not. Perhaps this. NO, no definitely not. No matter. I wonder... Curious... very curious HARRYSorry but what's curiousOLLII remember every wand that I've sold Mr. Potter, every one. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather. Just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar. HARRYAnd who owned that wand?OLLIWe do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter. It is not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible, yes, but great.HAGRIDHarry! Harry! Happy Birthday!HARRYWoah!HAGRIDYou all right Harry? You seem very quiet. HARRYHe killed my parents didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know Hagrid. I know you do. HAGRIDFirst and understand this Harry because it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago one of them went as bad as you can go. His name was V--. His name was V--.HARRYWell maybe if you wrote it down?HAGRIDNaw I can't spell it. All right, Voldemort.HARRYVoldemort?HAGRIDShh. It was dark times Harry, dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers. Brought them over to the Dark Side. Anyone who stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him. Nobody lived once he decided to kill them. Nobody, not one. Except you.HARRYMe? Voldemort tried to kill me?HAGRIDYes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead Harry. A mark from that only comes from being touched by a curse, an evil curse at that.HARRYWhat happened to V--... To You-Know-Who?HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived.HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第五幕>(one)HAGRIDWhat are you looking at? Blimey is that time? Sorry Harry, but I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore would be wanting his... Well, he'd be wanting to see me. Now, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. Stick to it Harry, that's very important. Stick to you ticket.HARRYPlatform 9 ? But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9 ? There's no such thing. Is there?OTHSorry.HARRYExcuse me! Excuse me!OTHOn your left.HARRYExcuse me sir. Can you tell me where I might find Platform 9 ?OTH9 ? Think you're being funny do you? MRS. WEASLEYIt's the same every year packed with Muggles of course. Come on!HARRYMuggles?MRS. WEASLEYPlatform 9 ?this way! All right Percy you first. Fred you next.GEORGE WEASLEYHe's not Fred I am!FRED WEASLEYHonestly, woman you call yourself our mother!MRS. WEASLEYI'm sorry George.FRED WEASLEYOnly joking! I am Fred.HARRYExcuse me! Could you tell me how to... MRS. WEASLEYHow to get on to the platform? Yes, not to worry dear, it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. Now, all you have to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a run if you're nervous. GINNYGood luck! - -(two)RON WEASLEYExcuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full.HARRYNot at all.RON WEASLEYI'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.HARRYI'm Harry. Harry Potter.RON WEASLEYSO it's true! DO you really have the... the...HARRYThe what?RON WEASLEYThe scar?HARRYOh!RON WEASLEYWicked!OTHAnything off the trolley dears?RON WEASLEYNo, thanks, I'm all set.HARRYWe'll take the lot!RON WEASLEYWoah!HARRYBertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?RON WEASLEYThey mean every flavor! There's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. George sweared he got boogie flavored one once.HARRYThese aren't real frogs are they?RON WEASLEYIt's just a spell. But it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard.I got about 500 me self. Watch it! That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.HARRYI've got Dumbledore!RON WEASLEYI've got about 6 of him.HARRYHey, he's gone!RON WEASLEYWell you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he?HARRYJust a little bit.RON WEASLEYFred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?HARRYYeah!RON WEASLEYAhem... Sunshine...HERMIONEhas anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's has one.RON WEASLEYNo.HERMIONEOh are you doing magic? Let's see then. RON WEASLEYAhem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.HERMIONEAre you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are...?RON WEASLEYI'm Ron Weasley.HERMIONEPleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.(three)HAGRIDRight then. First years this way, please! First years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up! Hello Harry!HARRYHi Hagrid!RON WEASLEYWoah!HAGRIDRight, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me.RON WEASLEYWicked! - - - -MCGONAGALLWelcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will loose points. At the end of the year, the houses with the most points is awarded the house cup.NEVILLETrevor! Sorry.MCGONAGALLThe Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily.DRACO MALFOYIt's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. N & OTHHarry Potter?DRACO MALFOYThis is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.HARRYI think I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks.MCGONAGALLWe're ready for you. Follow me.(four)HERMIONEIt's not real the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night outside. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History.MCGONAGALLWill you wait along here please. Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words.DUMBLEDOREI have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note, that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to all who do not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you.MCGONAGALLWhen I call your name you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger!HERMIONEOh, no. OK relax.RON WEASLEYMental that one, I'm telling you. SHARRYAh, right then. Hum... Right. Okay, Gryffindor!MCGONAGALLDraco Malfoy!SHARRYSlytherin!RON WEASLEYThere's no witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin.MCGONAGALLSusan Bones!HARRYOw!RON WEASLEYHarry what is it?HARRYNothing. Nothing, I'm fineSHARRY...where shall I put you? Let's see... I know! Hufflepuff!MCGONAGALLRonald Weasley!SHARRYHa! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you... Gryffindor!MCGONAGALLHarry potterSHARRYHmmm... Difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you...HARRYNot Slytherin, not Slytherin!SHARRYNot Slytherin eh? Are you sure? You could be great you know. It's all herein your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? (Harry whispering: Please, Please anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin.) Well if you're sure, better be... Gryffindor! MCGONAGALLYour attention please.DUMBLEDORELet the feast begin!HARRYWow!SFRED WEASLEYI'm half and half. Me dad's a Muggle, mam's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out!HARRYSay Percy, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?PERCYOh, Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house.HARRYWhat's he teach?PERCYPotions. But everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years.RON WEASLEYAh!SIR NEVILLEHello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor.OTHIt's the Bloody Baron!PERCYHello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?SIR NEVILLEDismal. Once again my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied.RON WEASLEYI know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick.SIR NEVILLEI prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind.HERMIONE"Nearly" headless? How can you be "nearly" headless?SIR NEVILLELike this.RON WEASLEYAh!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第六幕>PERCYGryffindors, follow me, please. Keep up. Thank-you.OTHRavenclaw follow me. This way.PERCYThis is the most direct part to the dormitories. Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change. Keep up please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on.OTHThat picture's moving!OTHLook at that one.OTHI think she fancies you.OTHLook, look!OTHWho's that girl?WALL PICTUREWelcome to Hogwarts!THE FAT LADYPassword?PERCYCaput Draconis. Follow me, everyone. Keep up. Quickly, come on! Gather around here. Welcome to the Gryffindor common room. Boys' dormitories is upstairs and down to your left. Girls the same on your right. You'll find all your belonging have already been brought up.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第七幕>(one)RON WEASLEYWhew! We made it! Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late? That was bloody brilliant!MCGONAGALLThank-you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigured Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time.HARRYWe got lost.MCGONAGALLThen perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats.(two)SEVERUS SNAPEThere will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.I show you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention. Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? You don't know? Well let's try again. Where Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?HARRYI don't know, sir.SEVERUS SNAPEAnd what is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?HARRYI don't know sir.SEVERUS SNAPEPity. Clearly fame isn't everything. Is it Mr. Potter?(three)SFRED WEASLEYEye of rabbit, harp sting hum, turn this water into rum... Eye of rabbit harp sting hum, turn this water into rum.HARRYWhat's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?RON WEASLEYTurn it to rum. Actually he managed to make weak tea yesterday, before--- Ah, mail's here.HARRYCan I burrow this? Thanks.OTHHey look! Neville's got a Remembrall. HERMIONEI've read about those. When the smoke turns red it means you've forgotten something. NEVILLEThe only problem is I can't remember what I have forgotten.HARRYHey Ron, somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen: "Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts goblins were acknowledging the breach insist nothing was taken. The vault in question number 713 had been emptied earlier that very same day." That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第八幕>MHARRYGood afternoon, class.OTHSGood afternoon Madame Hooch.MHARRYGood afternoon Amanda, good afternoon. Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up.H & OTHSUp! Up!HARRYWoah!DRACO MALFOYUp.RON WEASLEYUp. Up!MHARRYWith feeling!HERMIONEUp. Up! Up. Up!RON WEASLEYUP! Ow! Shut up Harry.MHARRYNow once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight. You don't wanna be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. Three, two... Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Mr. Mr. Longbottom!OTHSDown! Down!HARRYNeville!NEVILLEHelp! Help!MHARRYCome back down this instant! Mr. Longbottom! Everyone out of the way!HERMIONEIs he alright?NEVILLEOw!MHARRYOh oh oh. Oh dear, it's a broken wrist. Poor boy. Come on now, up you get. Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say "Quidditch".DRACO MALFOYDid you see his face? If the fat lump had given this a squeeze he would remember to fall on his fat arse.HARRYGive it here Malfoy.DRACO MALFOYNo, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about on the roof? What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond you reach?HERMIONEHarry! No way! You heard what Madame Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly! What an idiot!HARRYGive it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!DRACO MALFOYIs that so? Have it your way, then!OTHYeah!OTHNice going, Harry!OTHThat was wicked Harry!MCGONAGALLHarry Potter! Follow me. You wait here.QUIRRELL... this is an ingredient... MCGONAGALLProfessor Quirrell, excuse me, excuse me could I borrow Wood for a moment, please? QUIRRELLWell, yes of course.MCGONAGALLPotter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood I have found you a Seeker.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第九幕>SIR NEVILLEHave you heard Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well.RON WEASLEYSeeker? But first years never make the house teams. You must be the youngest Quidditch player in...HARRYA century. According to McGonagall.FRED WEASLEYWell dome Harry! Wood's just told us!RON WEASLEYFred and George are on the team too. Beaters. GEORGE WEASLEYOur job is to make sure that you don't get bloody up too bad. Can't make any promises of course. Rough game Quidditch.FRED WEASLEYBrutal! But, nobody's died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally.GEORGE WEASLEYBut they'll turn up in a month or two! RON WEASLEYOh go on Harry! Quidditch is great. Best game there is, and you'll be great too!HARRYBut I've never even played Quidditch! What if I make a fool of myself?HERMIONEYou won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood.RON WEASLEYWoah! Harry, you never told me your father was a seeker too!HARRYI didn't know.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第十幕>RON WEASLEYI'm telling you, it's spooky! She knows move about you than you do!HARRYWho doesn't? What's happening? HERMIONEThe staircases change remember?HARRYLet's go this way.RON WEASLEYBefore the staircase moves again. Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here? HERMIONEWe're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden!HARRYLet's go.HERMIONEFlich's cat!HARRYRun! Quick, let's hide through that door! It's locked!RON WEASLEYthat's it we're done for!HERMIONEOh! Move over! Alohomora! Get in!。

哈利波特 剧本

哈利波特 剧本


把哈利送到德思礼家Albus Dumbledore: I should’ve known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall.阿不思·邓不利多:我早该猜到你也在这里,麦教授。

McGonagall: Good evening, Professor Dumbledore.麦格:晚安,邓不利多教授。

McGonagall: Are the rumours true, Albus?麦格:那些谣言是真的吗?阿不思?Albus Dumbledore: I’m afraid so, professor. The good and the bad.阿不思·邓不利多:是真的,麦教授。


McGonagall: And the boy?麦格:那个男孩呢?Albus Dumbledore: Hagrid is bringing him.阿不思·邓不利多:海格会把他带来。

McGonagall: Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important?麦格:你觉得这样办好吗?这样重要的是能交付给海格吗?Albus Dumbledore: Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.阿不思·邓不利多:教授,我能把我的性命交付给海格。

Rubeus Hagrid: Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.海格:邓不利多教授,麦教授。

Albus Dumbledore: No problems, I trust, Hagrid?阿不思·邓不利多:没遇到什么麻烦吧,海格?Rubeus Hagrid: No, sir.海格:没有,先生。

Rubeus Hagrid: Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.海格:小家伙一飞到布里斯托就睡着了。

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H: Ron! No don’t move! Don’t forget we’re still playing! Checkmate! Take care of Ron then go to the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron’s right. I have to go on.
H: What? (R: Help!)
HG: I remember reading something in Herbology. (R: Help!) “Devil’s Snare Devil’s Snare it’s deadly fun; but will sulk in the sun.” That’s it! Devil’s Snare hates sunlight! Lumus Solem!
H: There’s the door!
HG: Now what do we do?
R: Its obvious isn’t it? We’ve got to play our way across the room. All right, Harry, you take the empty bishop’s square. Hermione you’ll be the queen-side castle. As for me, I’ll be a knight.
H: Wait a minute.
R: You understand right Harry. Once I make my move the queen will take me. Then you’re free to check the king.
H: No. Ron no!
HG: What is it?
H: We'll take the lot!
R: Woah!
H: Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?
R: They mean every flavor! There's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. George sweared he got boogie flavored one once.
R: Kill us faster? Oh now I can relax!
R&H: Hermione!
R: Oh now what are we going to do?
HG: Just relax!
H: Hermione where are you?
HG: Do what I say! Trust me!
R: Ah! Harry! Harry!
HG: Are you okay?
H: Yeah, yeah I’m fine. (R: Help!)
HG: He’s not relaxing is he? (R: Help!)
H: Apparently not. (R: Help me!)
HG: We’ve got to do something! (R: Help!)
H: Catch the key!
R: Hurry up!
HG: I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.
H: Where are we? A graveyard?
R: This is no graveyard, it’s a chessboard.
R: No.
HG: Oh are you doing magic? Let's see then.
R: Ahem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.
HG: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?
H: There! I see it! The one with the broken wing!
HG: What’s wrong Harry?
H: It is too simple.
R: Oh, go on Harry! If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You’re the youngest Seeker in a century! This complicates things a bit!
H: Ron, are you okay?
R: Yeah. Lucky we didn’t panic!
H; Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology.
HG: What is that?
H: I don’t know Sounds like wings.
R: SO it's true! DO you really have the?the?/font>
H: The what?
R: The scar?
H: Oh!
R: Wicked!
Oth: Anything off the trolley dears?
R: No, thanks, I'm all set.
R: I'm Ron Weasley.
HG: Pleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.
R: Ugh! It’s got horrible breath.
H: We have to move its paw.
R: What?
H: Come on! Okay, push! I’ll go first. Don’t follow me until I give you a sign. If something bad happens get yourselves out! Does it seem a bit quiet to you?
R: Wicked!
HG: Ow! You stood on my foot!
R; Sorry.
HG: Alohomora.
H: Wait a minute. He’s snoring. Snape’s already been here. He’s put a spell on the harp.
H: I've got Dumbledore!
R: Iபைடு நூலகம்ve got about 6 of him.
H: Hey, he's gone!
R: Well you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he?
H: Just a little bit.
R: Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?
H: Yeah!
R: Ahem?Sunshine?/font>
HG: has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's has one.
HG: The harp, it stopped playing.
R: Ugh! Yuck! Ugh!
H: Jump!
R: Woah! Lucky this plant thing’s here really! Woah!
HG: Stop moving, both of you! This is Devil’s Snare. You have to relax! If you don’t it’ll only kill you faster!
H: I don’t know. Strange.
R: Alohomora! Well, it was worth a try.
HG: What are we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there!
R: We’re looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle.
R: Excuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full.
H: Not at all.
R: I'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.