A155 运行说明书
A155 运行说明书
C300-16.67/0.981/538/538型300MW中间再热抽汽凝汽式汽轮机说明书概述及运行说明目录1 主要技术规范2 概述3汽轮机控制整定值4汽轮机冷却蒸汽系统的检查5 监测仪表5.1 汽缸膨胀5.2 转子位置5.3 差胀5.4 转子偏心5.5 振动5.6 相位角5.7 累加的阀门位置5.8 零转速5.9 转速6 测定蒸汽及金属温度的热电偶7 调节级叶片的运行建议7.1 引言7.2 运行建议7.3 汽轮机阀门控制方式的变换8 蒸汽参数的允许变化范围8.1 进出压力8.2 再热压力8.3 进口温度8.4 再热温度8.5 高——中压合缸9 汽轮机蒸汽品质10 运行限制及注意事项10.1 一般注意事项10.2 汽轮机偏周波运行10.3 汽封用蒸汽10.4 低压排汽及排汽缸喷水装置10.5 进水10.6 疏水阀10.7 监测仪表10.8 轴承及油系统10.9 备用电源10.10 其它11 汽轮机进水11.1 运行11.2 维护12 启动和负荷变化的建议12.1 目的12.2 汽轮机转子的热应力12.3 汽轮机启动程序12.4 负荷变化的建议12.5 转子疲劳寿命损耗的确定13 调节阀的管理(节流——喷嘴)13.1 冲转与最小负荷13.2 负荷变化13.3 停机13.4 调节方式的转换14 抽汽阀的管理15 初步检查运行15.1 检查步骤15.2 预防措施及规则16 进汽前的启动程序17 冷态启动——用蒸汽冲转17.1 供蒸汽前的状态17.2 用蒸汽冲转17.3 在暖机期间避开低压汽轮机叶片的共振转速17.4 冷态启动转子加热(中速暖机)过程17.5 从主汽阀控制切换到调节汽阀控制17.6 同步和初始负荷17.7 超速遮断试验18 热态启动——用蒸汽冲转18.1 供汽前的状态18.2 用蒸汽冲转18.3 在暖机期间避开低压汽轮机叶片的共振转速18.4 从主汽阀控制切换到调节汽阀控制18.5 同步和初始负荷19 负荷变化20 停机程序20.1 正常停机20.2 应急停机20.3 在停机期间的盘车运行21 给水加热器运行21.1 投用21.2 解列21.3 应急运行21.4 多级加热器22 定期的性能试验22.1 每周一次的试验22.2 每月一次的试验22.3 每半年一次的试验23 遥控自动运行模式23.1 自动同步器23.2 遥控23.3 汽轮机自动控制(ATC)24 汽轮机手动操作运行模式25 运行曲线及图表25.1 汽轮机暖机转速的建议25.2 冷态启动暖机规程25.3 热态启动和建议——冲转和带最低负荷25.4 启动蒸汽参数25.5 空负荷和低负荷运行导则25.6 负荷变化的建议(定压运行)25.7 负荷变化的建议(变压运行)25.8 不同增减负荷率的循环指数25.9 汽封蒸汽温度的建议25.10 典型高压汽轮机的冷却时间25.11 汽轮机偏周波运行26 限制值、预防措施和试验26.1 监测仪表报警和脱扣整定值26.2 轴承温度和压力26.3 蒸汽参数——温度、压力和湿度26.4 凝汽器真空(汽轮机背压)26.5 进水26.6 控制系统试验26.7 总体1 主要技术规范产品编号:A1552 概述本装置是单轴、双缸、双排汽、中间再热、抽汽凝汽式汽轮机、具有运行效率高和可靠性大的特点。
Hyster 135-155FT 货车技术指南说明书
S135-155FT SERIES TECHNICAL GUIDES135-155FT DIMENSIONS1515191018111137223638EC(Opt.)720XTD2221ITRINSIDE TURNING RADIUSFOR 90° STACKING AISLE, ADD OUTSIDE TURNING RADIUS (21), PLUS DIMENSION (22)PLUS LOAD LENGTH.EQUAL INTERSECTIONS RIGHT ANGLE AISLE WIDTH2456.3”(1429)HEAD CLEARANCE WHEN SEAT IS IN DEPRESSED POSITION(see chart)1519101811E(Opt.)720X 172221ITR INSIDE TURNING RADIUSFOR 90° STACKING AISLE, ADD OUTSIDETURNING RADIUS (21), PLUS DIMENSION (22)PLUS LOAD LENGTH.EQUAL INTERSECTIONS RIGHT ANGLE AISLE WIDTH24CD E T X in. (mm)percent percent in (mm)in (mm)23.6 (600)42466.9 (177)33.2 (844)Seat typeStandard OHG*Optional OHG*Non-suspension 42.0 (1068)39.4 (1001)Semi-suspension 42.5 (1080)N/A Full-suspension 41.0 (1041)N/A Swivel full-suspension41.0 (1041)N/A* Seat in depressed positionCERTIFICATION: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1969, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178(a)(2) and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck.G E N E R A L1Manufacturer name Hyster 2Model S135FT EngineKubota 3.8L LPG 3Rated capacitylb (kg)13,500 (6,000)4Load center, distancein (mm)24 (610)5Engine/power type - gasoline, LPG, diesel LPG 6Operator type Seated rider 7Step heightin (mm)20.9 (531)8Tire type - cushion, solid, pneumatic Cushion 9Wheels, number - front/rear 2X/2D I M E N S I O N S10Lift height, top of fork (TOF)in (mm)133 (3400)11Lift heights, std limited free lift (LFL) with LBR (TOF)in (mm) 6 (160)Lift heights, optional full free lift (FFL) with LBR (TOF)in (mm)50 (1295)12Standard carriage widthin (mm)48 (1219)13Forks, thickness x width x length in 2.4 x 5.9 x 48 (60 x 150 x 1219)14Fork spread, outside dimensions in (mm)43.7 (1109)15Mast tilt angles, forward/backward degrees 6/1016Length to face of forks in (mm)115.3 (2930)17Overall widthin (mm)56.6 (1438)18Height, standard mast - loweredin (mm)107 (2697)19Height, standard mast - extended with LBRin (mm)183 (4632)Height, standard mast - extended without LBR in (mm)181 (4575)20Height, standard overhead guard (tall)in (mm)91 (2302)Height, optional overhead guard (short)in (mm)88 (2235)21Turning radius, minimum outside (OTR)in (mm)101.8 (2585)22Length, center of wheels to face of forksin (mm)19.6 (498)23Aisle width, right angle stack (add length of load)in (mm)121.4 (3083)24Equal aisle, 90-degree intersecting aisle in (mm)91.2 (2317)P E R F O R M A N C E 25Travel speed, RL/NLmph (km/h)12.0/12.5 (19.4/20.1)25Travel speed, RL/NL w/ 3-speed (fwd) transmission mph (km/h)12.5/13.0 (20.1/20.8)26Lift speed, standard 2-stage LFL RL/NLft / min (m/s)104/106 (0.53/0.54)Lift speed, optional 3-stage FFL RL/NLft / min (m/s)100/102 (0.51/0.52)27Lowering speed, standard 2-stage LFL RL/NLft / min (m/s)114/104 (0.58/0.53)Lowering speed, optional 3-stage FFL RL/NL ft / min (m/s)104/81 (0.53 /0.41)28Drawbar pull @ maximum RL/NLlb (kg)10000/4800 (4536/2177)29Drawbar pull @ maximum RL/NL w/ 3-speed (fwd) transmission lb (kg)10000/4800 (4536/2177)30Gradeability @ 1 mph RL/NL%31/2429Gradeability @ 1 mph RL/NL w/ 3-speed (fwd) transmission %31/24W T .30Weight, standard truck (2-stage LFL) NL lb (kg)19200 (8709)31Weight, standard truck (2-stage LFL) RL lb (kg)32700 (14832)32Axle loading, static front/rear NL lb (kg)7860/11340 (3565/5144)33Axle loading, static front/rear RL lb (kg)29520/3180 (13390/1442)T I R E S & W H E E L S 34Tire size, front 28 x 12 x 2235Tire size, rear 22 x 12 x 1636Wheelbasein (mm)72.0 (1830)37Ground clearance, lowest point RL in (mm) 4.1 (104)38Ground clearance, center of wheelbase in (mm)7.4 (188)39Service brake - method of control/operation Foot / hydraulic 40Park brake - method of control/operation Hand / mechanical P O W E R T R A I N41Battery typeMaintenance free 42Volts / cold cranking amps v / cca 12V/90043Engine manufacturerKubota 3.8L LPG 44Engine power @ governed speed hp (kw)91 (68) @ 2400 RPM 45Torque @ rated RPMft lbs (N m)221 (300) @ 1000 RPM46Number of cylinders / displacement No / cc (ci)4/3769 (230)47Transmission type, standard Powershift 48a Standard speeds, forward/reverse 2/248b Optional speeds, forward/reverse3/249Hydraulic tank capacity (drain and refill)gal (liter)19.8 (74.9)50Fuel tank capacity (diesel units only)gal (liter)N/A 51Auxiliary hydraulic pressure relief for attachments PSI (Mpa)2250 (155)S135FT SPECIFICATIONSCERTIFICATION: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1969, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178(a)(2) and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck.G E N E R A L1Manufacturer name Hyster 2Model S155FT EngineKubota 3.8L LPG 3Rated capacitylb (kg)15,500 (7,000)4Load center, distancein (mm)24 (610)5Engine/power type - gasoline, LPG, diesel LPG 6Operator type Seated rider 7Step heightin (mm)20.9 (531)8Tire type - cushion, solid, pneumatic Cushion 9Wheels, number - front/rear 2X/2D I M E N S I O N S10Lift height, top of fork (TOF)in (mm)133 (3400)11Lift heights, std limited free lift (LFL) with LBR (TOF)in (mm) 6 (160)Lift heights, optional full free lift (FFL) with LBR (TOF)in (mm)50 (1295)12Standard carriage widthin (mm)48 (1219)13Forks, thickness x width x length in 2.4 x 5.9 x 47 (60 x 150 x 1219)14Fork spread, outside dimensions in (mm)43.7 (1109)15Mast tilt angles, forward/backward degrees 6/1016Length to face of forks in (mm)115.3 (2930)17Overall widthin (mm)56.6 (1438)18Height, standard mast - loweredin (mm)107 (2697)19Height, standard mast - extended with LBRin (mm)183 (4632)Height, standard mast - extended without LBR in (mm)181 (4575)20Height, standard overhead guard (tall)in (mm)91 (2302)Height, optional overhead guard (short)in (mm)88 (2235)21Turning radius, minimum outside (OTR)in (mm)101.8 (2585)22Length, center of wheels to face of forksin (mm)19.6 (498)23Aisle width, right angle stack (add length of load)in (mm)121.4 (3083)24Equal aisle, 90-degree intersecting aisle in (mm)91.2 (2317)P E R F O R M A N C E 25Travel speed, RL/NLmph (km/h)12.0/12.5 (19.4/20.1)25Travel speed, RL/NL w/ 3-speed (fwd) transmission mph (km/h)12.5/13.0 (20.1/20.8)26Lift speed, standard 2-stage LFL RL/NLft / min (m/s)104/106 (0.53/0.54)Lift speed, optional 3-stage FFL RL/NLft / min (m/s)100/102 (0.51/0.52)27Lowering speed, standard 2-stage LFL RL/NLft / min (m/s)114/104 (0.58/0.53)Lowering speed, optional 3-stage FFL RL/NL ft / min (m/s)104/81 (0.53/0.41)28Drawbar pull @ maximum RL/NLlb (kg)10000/5069 (4536/2299)29Drawbar pull @ maximum RL/NL w/ 3-speed (fwd) transmission lb (kg)10000/5069 (4536/2299)30Gradeability @ 1 mph RL/NL%27/ 2329Gradeability @ 1 mph RL/NL w/ 3-speed (fwd) transmission %27/ 23W T .30Weight, standard truck (2-stage LFL) NL lb (kg)21100 (9571)31Weight, standard truck (2-stage LFL) RL lb (kg)36600 (16601)32Axle loading, static front/rear NL lb (kg)9269/11745 (4204/5327)33Axle loading, static front/rear RL lb (kg)33140/3460 (15032/1569)T I R E S & W H E E L S 34Tire size, front 28 x 12 x 2235Tire size, rear 22 x 12 x 1636Wheelbasein (mm)72.0 (1830)37Ground clearance, lowest point RL in (mm) 4.1 (104)38Ground clearance, center of wheelbase in (mm)7.4 (188)39Service brake - method of control/operation Foot / hydraulic 40Park brake - method of control/operation Hand / mechanical P O W E R T R A I N41Battery typeMaintenance free 42Volts / cold cranking amps v / cca 12V/90043Engine manufacturerKubota 3.8L LPG 44Engine power @ governed speed hp (kw)91 (68) @ 2400 RPM 45Torque @ rated RPMft lbs (N m)221 (285) @ 1000 RPM46Number of cylinders / displacement No / cc (ci)4/4302 (230)47Transmission type, standard Powershift 48a Standard speeds, forward/reverse 2/248b Optional speeds, forward/reverse3/249Hydraulic tank capacity (drain and refill)gal (liter)19.8 (74.9)50Fuel tank capacity (diesel units only)gal (liter)N/A 51Auxiliary hydraulic pressure relief for attachments PSI (Mpa)2250 (155)S155FT SPECIFICATIONSSTANDARD LIFT SPECIFICATIONSMaximum fork height (TOF) †Overalllowered heightOverall extended heightw/ load backrestOverall extended heightw/o load backrestFree-lift (TOF)w/load backrestFree-lift (TOF)w/o load backrestin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm) 2-STAGE LIMITED FREE-LIFT (LFL) VISTA™ MAST118 (3000)100 (2540)172 (4354)166 (4195) 6 (160) 6 (160) 133 (3400)108 (2740)188 (4754)181 (4595) 6 (160) 6 (160) 173 (4400)128 (3240)227 (5754)221 (5595) 6 (160) 6 (160) 212 (5400)148 (3740)266 (6754)260 (6595) 6 (160) 6 (160) 3-STAGE FULL FREE-LIFT (FFL) VISTA™ MAST185 (4700)102 (2570)239 (6054)230 (5830)47 (1216)56 (1440) 220 (5600)113 (2870)274 (6954)265 (6730)59 (1516)68 (1740) 244 (6200)123 (3120)298 (7554)289 (7330)69 (1766)78 (1990)† Lift heights over 212” (5400 mm) maximum fork height are considered highlifts and require reduced capacity and restricted back tilt.• Kubota 3.8L LPG, EPA/CARB emissions compliant engine • Electronic powershift transmission– Hydraulic inching– Electronic shift control– 2 speeds forward, 2 speeds reverse• Oil-cooled wet disc brakes• MONOTROL® pedal• 2-Stage limited free-lift (LFL) VISTA™ mast with maximum fork height of 133” (2400 mm)• 48.0” (1219 mm) wide hook-type carriage with 48.0” (1219) tall load backrest extension• 48.0” (1219 mm) long forks• 6 degrees forward and 10 degrees backward mast tilt• 3-function hydraulic control valve• Integrated dashboard display includes:LCD display:– Fuel level (gasoline or diesel only)– Hour meter– Coolant temperature– Clock– MessagesService indicator lights:– Alternator– Transmission oil temperature– Engine oil pressure– Brake fluid level• DuraMatch™ transmission– Auto deceleration system– Controlled power reversal feature– Controlled roll back on ramps– 3 speeds forward, 2 speeds reverse– Higher travel speed and gradeability• Powertrain protection system• Premium monitoring• High air intake with pre-cleaner• Accumulator• Keyless start (with auxiliary key switch)• Optional short height overhead guard• Powertrain protection system• Paper applications kit• Vented hood• Heavy duty engine modification• Swing-out, drop-down EZXchange™ LPG tank bracket • Optical sensing low LPG fuel sensor (DuraMatch™)• Return to set tilt• TouchPoint electro-hydraulic mini-lever controls– Fully adjustable armrest– On-demand hydraulic system– Fasten seat belt– Low fuel level– Engine malfunction– System malfunction– Park brake– Coolant temperature– Forward, reverse and neutral direction indicators• Hydrostatic power steering• Non-suspension vinyl seat• No-cinch seat belt• Electronic horn• Adjustable steer column• Rubber floor mat• High air intake• Integral tie downs• Operator restraint system• Combi-cooler radiator• Single pedal inch brake• Hyster Stability System (HSS®)• Cowl-mounted hydraulic control levers• Swing out LPG tank bracket• Pressure sensing low LPG fuel sensor• 91” (2302 mm) tall overhead guard• 12 mo. / 2,000 hr. manufacturer’s warranty• 36 mo. / 6,000 hr. manufacturer’s powertrain warranty • Operator’s manual• UL Classification LP• Rear drive handle with horn button• Full suspension seat - vinyl or cloth• Swivel full-suspension seat - vinyl or cloth• On-demand cooling system• High-visibility non-cinch seat belt with or without interlock • Impact monitor• Load weight display• Operator pre-shift checklist• Lever shift directional control• Seat side directional control mounted on TouchPointe-hydraulic control armrest• Dual-inch brake pedals• Operator password protection• Audible reverse activated 82-102 dB(A) self-adjusting alarm • Visible amber strobe light - continuously activated, overhead guard mounted• Parts publications - printed or CD, serial number specific • UL Classification LPG, D, DS• Various light packages with halogen or high intensity LED’s • Non-marking smooth tiresSTANDARD EQUIPMENT OPTIONAL EQUIPMENTHyster Company。
PG0703P_C02A 等产品的编程手册说明书
目录1. 远程控制概述 (1)1.1 如何远程控制 (1)1.2 通信协议 (3)1.3 远程控制功能 (5)2. SCPI简介 (10)2.1 命令格式 (10)2.2 符号说明 (10)2.3 参数类型 (11)2.4 命令缩写 (12)3. 模式共用命令 (13)3.1 IEEE公用命令子系统 (13)3.2 系统命令 (15)3.3 存储命令 (20)3.4 显示控制 (21)3.5 模式命令 (22)3.6 扫描命令 (22)4. 频谱分析模式 (24)4.1 仪器模式命令 (24)4.2 Initiate命令子系统 (24)4.3 Sense命令子系统 (25)4.4 Calculate命令系统 (43)4.5 Measurement命令系统 (58)4.6 触发 (72)4.7 TG (73)4.8 调制解调 (75)5. 矢量网络分析模式 (77)5.1 频率控制 (77)5.2 幅度控制 (78)5.3 带宽控制 (80)5.4 扫描控制 (80)5.5 TG (81)5.6 迹线 (81)5.7 光标 (85)6. 故障定点分析模式 (98)6.1 频率控制 (98)6.2 幅度控制 (99)6.3 扫描控制 (100)6.4 迹线 (101)6.5 光标 (102)6.6 测量 (105)7. 调制分析模式 (110)7.1 频率控制 (110)7.2 幅度控制 (111)7.3 带宽控制 (112)7.4 扫描控制 (113)7.5 迹线 (114)7.6 光标 (117)7.7 测量 (119)7.8 触发 (124)8. 实时频谱分析模式 (126)8.1 频率控制 (126)8.2 幅度控制 (129)8.3 带宽控制 (131)8.4 扫描控制 (132)8.5 迹线 (134)8.6 光标 (137)8.7 触发 (139)8.8 测量 (142)9. EMI测量 (145)9.1 频率控制 (145)9.2 幅度控制 (147)9.3 带宽控制 (150)9.4 扫描控制 (151)9.5 迹线 (153)9.6 光标 (155)9.7 限制 (159)10. 编程示例 (168)10.1 使用VISA的编程示例 (168)10.2Sockets/Telnet示例 (182)SIGLENT 1. 远程控制概述分析仪支持通过USB、LAN、GPIB-USB接口与计算机进行通信。
MX155 七通道预置放大器混音器(云合同者系列)操作手册说明书
CONTRACTOR SERIESMX1557CH PRE AMP MIXERMANUALThank you for choosing Cloud Contractor Series for your sound system. T o make sure that this product meets your expectations and provides long-term, reliable performance, please read and follow this instruction manual carefully. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS•Read these instructions and all markings on the product. Keep these instructions.•Heed all warnings and instructions, both in this manual and on the product.•Clean only with a dry cloth. Unplug from AC supply before cleaning.•Do not use this product near water and avoid any exposure to water.•Before connecting this product to any AC supply, make sure to check whether the AC mains voltage and frequency match the indication on the product and its packaging.•Only connect this product to an AC supply with sufficient power handling, protective earth connection, ground-fault (earth-fault) protection and overload protection.•Disconnect the product from the AC supply during thunderstorms or longer periods of being unused.•Make sure any heat sink or other cooling surface, or any air convection slot , is exposed•sufficiently to free air circulation and is not blocked.•Do not operate this product in environmental temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius and/or 85% relative humidity.•Position the product in a safe and stable place for operation, out of reach of unauthorized persons.•Make sure any cable connections to and from the product are neither subject to potentially•destructive mechanical impact nor present any risk of stumbling or other accident risk to people.•Audio equipment may generate sound pressure levels sufficient to cause permanent hearing damage to persons. Always start up at low volume settings and avoid prolonged exposure to sound pressure levels exceeding 90 dB.•Do not open this product for service purposes. There are no user-serviceable parts inside.•Warranty will be void in any case of unauthorized service by the user or other not authorized persons.•T ake any precaution required by local law, applicable regulations or good business practice to avoid injury of people or material damage by use of this product.ATTENTION! Read manual before installation and operation.DANGER!Safety hazard.Risk of injury or death.WARNING!Hazardous voltage.Risk of severe or fatalelectric shock.WARNING!Fire hazard.OverviewGeneralThe MX155 is a mic/line mixer with 5 multi-purpose mic/line inputs, one dedicated microphone input and talkover feature. All inputs feature EQs and Gain control. The balanced output is provided on a Phoenix-compatible connector. Remote muting and emergency signal replay facilitate the use in installed sound systems.Health adviceThis unit produces and absorbs electromagnetic radiation. T he strength of radiation and the sensitivity for disturbing interference matches the CE and FCC requirements. A corresponding sign is printed on the backside of the unit. Any change or modification may affect the behavior of the unit concerning electromagnetic radiation, with the CE requirements eventually not to be met any more. The manufacturer takes no responsibility in this case.Functional adviceThis unit is immune to the presence of electromagnetic disturbances – both conducted and radiated - up to a certain level. Under peak conditions, the unit is classified to show a “class C” performance criteria and may encounter temporary degradation or loss of function which may need manual help to recover. In such case, disconnect the AC power from the unit and reconnect it again to recover.Environmental adviceThis unit is built to conform to the ROHS standards and the WEEE directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union. Under these regulations, the product shall not be discarded into regular garbage at the end of its life, but shall be returned to authorized recycling stations.UnpackingPlease check that the box contains the following items:Main parts: 1 pc. MX155 main unit 1 pc. Mains cable 1 pc. Operation manualIf any part is missing, please contact your dealer immediately for replacement.AC mains voltage settingIf the AC mains voltage of your power outlet and the setting of the AC supply voltage on your unit do not match, contact your dealer, contractor or a qualified service workshop to change the setting of the AC voltage selector. The AC voltage selector switch is located on the side panel of the unit, close to the AC inlet.WARNING After unpacking, and before plugging the AC cord in the wall outlet, check whether the AC mains voltage and frequency is the same as this product is specified for (see rear panel of product). Whenever the specified voltage or your AC plug should not match the local conditions, do NOT plug the AC cord into the wall outlet and contact your dealer immediately.AC VoltageControls and ConnectionsConnections - RearOutput SectionInput SectionControls - FrontInput SectionOutput Section1213151614181917202123242627252822Functional DescriptionThe MX155 is a mic/line mixer with 5 multi-purpose mic/line inputs, one dedicated microphone input and talkover feature. All inputs feature EQs and Gain control. The balanced output is provided on a Phoenix-compatible connector. Remote muting and emergency signal replay facilitate the use in installed sound systems.1A C inlet and fuse holder. Use the supplied AC cord to connect the unit to AC mains. Make sure voltage and frequency stated and set on the unit comply with your local AC supply. The fuse can be accessed by the small drawer at the AC inlet. T o change the fuse, unplug the AC cord first, pull out the fuse drawer and replace the fuse ONLY with a fuse of SAME voltage and rating. If the fuse blows again after replacement, hand over the unit to qualified service personnel.2Stereo Main output. This is a balanced terminal block output.3M ono switch for main output. Sums the left and right channel to a mono signal when pressed.4M aximum level setting for Stereo Main output. This control allows to limit the maximum level at the outputs (2) in order to match the connected sound system. Adjustments made on this control will not be displayed by the output level meter(25). Adjustments shall be made with a small screw driver. Note that the total angle is 300 degrees; do not apply excessiveforce with the screw driver.5T alkover threshold adjustment for Stereo Main output. This controls allow to set the level at which the talkover is enabled.The amount of damping which is applied once the talkover is active (DPG) is set by a front panel control (23). Adjustments shall be made with a small screw driver. Note that the total angle is 300 degrees; do not apply excessive force with the screw driver.6R ecord output. T his is an unbalanced stereo output carrying the same signal as the main outputs (2), but not influenced by the main volume control (24). T his is normally used for recording the output to an external tape, CD or memory device. 7M usic Mute input. T his is a terminal block input which allows to remotely mute the main output by simply shorting the contacts.8E mergency input. This is an auto-sensing, balanced terminal block input which allows the connection to an emergency evacuation system. Once a signal is present on this input, the main output signal will be muted and the emergency message/ signal from this input will become audible instead. Note that the unit can be set to include or exclude the microphone signals from this muting process, please see section “microphone emergency priority setting”.9E mergency volume control. This control allows to set the level with which the signal fed into the emergency input (8) will be replayed at the main output (2).10P riority microphone input “MIC”. This is a balanced input with adjustable priority over other signals by means of the talkover controls (5) and (23). Phantom power can be enabled or disabled depending on the connected microphone type, see section “microphone phantom power setting”.11G AIN control for priority microphone input. “MIC” This allows the sensitivity (input gain) for input (10) to be adjusted to match different microphone output levels.12M ICROPHONE input for CH1/2/3/4/5. T hese are balanced Phoenix-compatible connectors, which can be internally set to either carry phantom power or not, thus these inputs can be used both with condenser and dynamic microphones.Please see section “microphone phantom power setting”. The signal of these inputs is controlled by the front panel controls (19)/(20).13L INE input for CH1/2/3/4/5. These RCA connectors provide inputs for line-level signals to the assigned channels.14S OURCE selector switch for CH1/2/3/4/5. Allows to switch the input source between the connected LINE signal (13) or microphone signal (12) of the respective channel.15G AIN control for input channels 1/2/3/4/5. This allows the sensitivity (input gain) for every input to be adjusted, so that sources of different output level can be mixed at properly balanced levels.16L INE input for FOH/AUX channel. This is a Phoenix-compatible balanced stereo input specifically designed to allow the connection of the output of a stage mixer or any other balanced audio source at larger distance, in order to use the connected sound system for the replay of such source‘s signal. This is useful in applications where, e.g., apart from stereo source replay also live music is performed over the same sound system, or where a source signal from a different room/ area needs to be replayed. The volume of this input is controlled by a rotary front-panel control (18). Note that this input is disabled when a connector is inserted into the front-panel AUX IN jack (17).17A UX Input for FOH/AUX channel. This is a 3.5mm TRS stereo socket which allows to connect sources like MP3 players etc. without removing the mixer from its mounting position. Once a plug is inserted, the rear panel balanced line inputs for this channel (16) are disabled and the connected source is active.18V OLUME control for FOH/AUX channel. Controls the volume of the signal inserted in the balanced rear-panel input (16) or the front-panel TRS input (17) respectively.19V OLUME controls for channels 1/2/3/4/5. Control the volume of the signal inserted in the rear-panel microphone inputs(12)or line inputs (13) depending on the setting of the source selector switch (14). The maximum attainable volume isadjustable by the rear-panel gain control (15).20E QUALIZER for channels 1/2/3/4/5. Allows the adjustment of the tonal balance for the respective input in two frequency bands with an adjustment range of ±12dB.21V OLUME control for priority microphone channel. Controls the volume of the signal inserted in the rear-panel priority microphone input (10). The maximum attainable volume is adjustable by the rear-panel gain control (11).22E QUALIZER for priority microphone channel. Allows the adjustment of the tonal balance for the priority microphone in two frequency bands with an adjustment range of ±12dB.23T alkover Damping Control. This control determines the amount of level reduction applied to the program signal when the priority microphone is spoken into. Being fully turned clockwise, once speaking into the microphone, the program signal is completely suppressed. Being turned fully counter-clockwise, the talkover function is off. Any position in between allows seamless adjustment of the amount of reduction applied to the program signal. The threshold level from which on this function is enabled can be set by the rear panel sensitivity level control (5).24M AIN (stereo) output level control. Determines the main output level present at output (2).25M AIN (stereo) output level meter. Displays the output level of the stereo main output (2). Note that the level limitation applied by means of the rear-side maximum level control (4) is not displayed on this meter.26P FL level. Determines the signal volume at the headphone output (27). Always set this control to minimum before putting on headphones, as sudden high-volume impact may damage your ears. See further health advice below.27H eadphone output. A ¼” TRS connector to connect headphones. T urn the PFL level (26) down before plugging in any headphones.28P ower switch. Switches the unit on and off. Make sure to switch the unit off when not in use.Internal SettingsWARNING - DANGER Changing the internal settings requires to open the unit. Prior to opening the unit, the unit shall be disconnected from any AC supply. Any work on an open unit shall be expedited only by qualified, certified personnel.T o make the settings, locate and set the jumpers on the rear PCB as show below.CH1-5 MIC PHANTOM POWER:MIC INPUT PHANTOM POWER:ONOFF (DEFAULT)EMERGENCY MIC PRIORITY:OFF (DEFAULT)ONOFF (DEFAULT)ONA.Microphone phantom power settingWhile most applications will work well with dynamic microphones, on certain occasions the use of a condenser microphone may be required. T o supply the necessary voltage to the microphone, the MX155 provides an internal option to activate phantom power, separately for the priority microphone and for all other microphone inputs (CH1...CH5). Please note that the phantom power settings for channels 1-5 can only be made globally, not individually. Open the unit and locate the rear PCB as shown above. Set the jumpers as required.B.Microphone emergency priority settingIn the case of an external emergency signal muting the unit’s outputs, an internal jumper can be set to either mute the connected microphones (”off”) as well or to to keep them active (so that aside of a emergency message broadcasted, additional instructions can be given by a local microphone - “on”). T o make the setting, locate and set the jumper on the rear PCB as shown above.OperationA.ConnectionsFor connecting this unit to AC mains, please note:•Check whether the AC mains voltage and frequency is the same as this product is specified for (see rear panel of product). Whenever the specified voltage or your AC plug should not match the local conditions, do NOT plug the AC cord into the wall outlet and contact you dealer immediately.•Do not operate this unit without the line cord earth ground connected. T o do so may increase the risk of electric shock and increase line cord conducted emissions.For making audio signal connections, always remember that good and reliable connections are a basic requirement for good sound and reliable operation. Bad soldering of cables can result in intermittent audio signals or temporarily lost ground connections, hence always use good cables. In case of doubt about making proper connections, please see check the standard pin assignments required for proper operation in the following section of this manual.B.Powering upFollowing a proper power-up sequence protects your equipment – specifically speakers – and your ears. Follow the below procedure:•T urn down all output volume controls of any equipment in your audio system.•Switch on your audio sources first (T uners, CD Players, PCs with soundcards, T apedecks, etc.).•Switch on the audio mixer•Switch on any audio processor between the mixer and the amplifier(s) [if any].•Switch on the amplifier(s).•T urn up the audio level on your sources if such controls are provided.•Set the audio output of your mixer to a low level.•Set the audio output of any audio processor between the mixer and the amplifier(s) to a medium level [if any such processors].•T urn up the volume controls of your amplifier(s) slowly.•Make adjustments to all volume settings as needed.For switching off, follow the inverse sequence – always switch off your amplifier(s) first, then any processors between mixer and amplifier(s), then the mixer, then the sources.eApart from using good equipment, good sound comes from using it correctly. Level setting mistakes are one of the common reasons why even good equipment may not perform as desired. For setting levels, please be reminded that two guidelines need to be followed:•Avoid distortion by leaving some headroom. Never overrun any audio equipment’s inputs. Level meters and displays allow you to make sure that signals do not enter critical levels.•Avoid unnecessary amplification by using as little attenuation as possible. For example, if you turn down the input gain ofa mixer to minimum, and then increase the main output of the mixer to maximum to drive your amplifier properly, youwill create unnecessary noise, as you first dispose of some already existing signal level, and then later apply amplification (tainted with noise) to make it up.WARNING - HEAL TH RISK Excessive volume levels on headphones or other sound systems may cause hearingdamage. Always turn the volume control to minimum when you switch the unit on, and avoid prolonged exposure to sound pressure levels exceeding 90dB.ConnectionsThe MX 155 uses the connector types below, for which the pin assignment must comply with the following specification. Always make sure to use good connectors and cables to ensure proper operation. Balanced connections are to be preferred over unbalanced connections where applicable and feasible. Avoid unbalanced connections exceeding 2m of cable length.T echnical SpecificationsSignal/Noise ................>82dBu (unwgtd 22Hz-22KHz)Crosstalk Damping...........>65dB (Line)THD......................<0.03% (Line)Frequency response..........20Hz – 20 kHzAC IN ....................115V/230~ 50/60HzPower consumption..........max. 20WDimensions.................W483 x H44.5 x D152.0mmWeight ....................2.30 kgBlock DiagramMaintenance and WarrantyWhile we have chosen the best components to make this product as rugged and reliable as possible, some parts in audio products (potentiometers, faders, switches) are subject to wear which is a matter of operation cycles, and not of time. While providing a full time-based warranty according to the country’s of purchase requirements on the function of the electronic circuitry, we hence have to limit the warranty on such electro-mechanical parts to 90 days from the date of purchase.In many cases, malfunction of electro-mechanical parts occurs due to dust contamination, which may require cleaning of such parts. As the inside of such parts is not accessible, a common practice is to use cleaning fluids in the shape of sprays. Please be reminded that many of such fluids contain chemicals which may wash away the dust but at the same time corrode or damage contact surface and may cause cosmetic damage to other parts. We hence explicitly exclude any claims for exchange of damaged part due to mechanical or chemical impact. www.cloudusa.proCONTRACTOR SERIES。
LG GS155 用户手册说明书
中文E n g l i s h 用户手册GS155P/NO : MMBB0376420(1.0) 多媒体 菜单 6照相机快速拍照使用手机内置的相机模式,您可以拍摄人物照片。
MP3 播放机LG GS155 拥有内置的 MP3 播放机,因此,您可以播放所有喜爱的音乐。
播放歌曲1按“功能包”,选择“多媒体”,然后选择“MP3 播放机”。
6音乐播放过程中,按“返回”键停止音乐并返回到 MP3 播放机功能包。
10播放歌曲过程中,1长按向右导航键至 FF2长按向左导航键至 REV。
3如果歌曲播放的时间已超过 3 秒钟,而您按向左导航键,则将从头开始播放同一首歌曲,然后将播放上一首歌曲。
FM 收音机找不到 FM 频道或频道不够清晰时,请使用耳机。
LG GS155 拥有 FM 收音机功能,以便您转到喜爱的电台并收听无线广播。
收听收音机1按功能包,选择多媒体,然后选择 FM 收音机。
GS155 支持无线 FM。
正常情况下,用户无需插入耳机即可收听 FM。
在 FM 收音机 信号较弱地区,无线模式下的灵敏度会有所降低。
因此,要想获得更好的收音效果, 请插入耳机。
11工具/日程表 菜单 7 和 8使用日历(功能包 > 日程表 > 日程表)使用日历当进入此菜单时,屏幕上出现日历。
27 67 1500 6.1×10-3 103 1.69 0.28
35 70 1000 8.6×10-3 134 2.2 0.31
35 70 1500 8.6×10-3 90 1.45 0.14
48 96 1500 9.5×10-3 94 1.5 0.11
线电感 mh
增量式 2500/绝对式 17bit 或 23bit
额定输出功率 (k·W)
CM105/155-13 CM105/155-13 CM105/155-13 CM105/155-13 CM105/155-13
A 外延型(无键槽)
B 外延型(U 型键槽)
C 外延型(OB 型键槽)
N 内延型(如:花键)
R1 旋转变压器
A1 增量式 2500p/r
A2 单圈绝对式 17bit
A3 多圈绝对式 17bit
A4 单圈绝对式 23bit
A5 多圈绝对式 23bit
※ 高效率低温升给用户带来节能的实惠。 ※ 过载能力强,启动转矩大,静态刚性好,抗负载扰动能力强。 ※ 大、中、小惯量可供选择,能较好的适应机械稳定性和高速响应性的需求。 ※ 采用高速、高精度进口光电编码器,与高性能驱动单元配合可作高精度速度和位置控制。 ※ IP65 防护等级,确保电动机在-20℃~40℃环境温度及粉尘油雾环境下可靠使用。 ※ 采用进口高精度轴承和转子高精度动平衡工艺,电机运行振动小、噪声低。
R5 R15a音量盒系统用户手册说明书
R5/R15athe group included a active sub-woofer speaker R15a ,four pieces full-range speaker R15 with flying frameR series medium array loudspeaker systemUser Manual UM-R5/R15a-20180702Ve r A11. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Read the instruction first before using this product.Pay attention to all warnings.Obey all operating instructions.Do not expose this product to rain or moisture.Do not block any ventilation openings. Install according to instructions .Do not install this product near any heat source, such as , heater, burner, or any other equipment with heat radiation .Only use spare parts by manufacturer.Pay attention to the safety symbol on the of the cover.manual Please keep this manual for future reference Clean this equipment with a dry cloth.manufacturer's a supplied the outside SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSPLEASE READ THIS MANUAL FIRSTThank you for a buying product. Read this manual first as it will help you operate the system properly. Please keep this manual for future reference.WARNING:This product must be installed by professionals. When using hanging brackets or rigging other than those supplied withthe product, please ensure they comply with the local safety codes.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert you to the presence of important operating and servicing instructions.ATTENTION: Don't refit the system or spare parts without being authorized as this will .void the warranty WARNING: Don't (such as candles) the equipment.place naked flames close to3333455576INTRODUCTIONFeatures Description Applications888910TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONTechnical sheetFrequency response curve&impedance curve 2D DimensionsSOFTWARE APPLICATION GUIDEWIRING DIAGRAMINSTALLATIONInstallation instruction Mounting Accessories Installation Reference INTRODUCTION OF POWER AMPLIFIER MODULA R5/R15a2CONTENTCONTENTProduct information subjects to be updated without notification, please visit for the latest update.Compact Active Line Array Sound Reinforcement System7Connection instructionR5/R15a3R5/R15aDescription:FeaturesPRODUCT INTRODUCTIONone group included a active sub-woofer speaker R15a ,four pieces full-range speaker R15 with flying frameCompact Active Line Array Sound Reinforcement System■ compact for a variety of environments■ ■ Frequency response(-3db)50Hz-20kHz■ Sensitivity 95db,Maximum SPL 121db/127(Peak)■ Dispersion of one group(H x V) 90°x10°■ Active amplifier2x800W/4Ω■ the suspension can be adjusted by minimum 1 , and can be suspended in multiple groups.■ The new paint and advanced spraying technology are used on the surface of the box body, which makes the surface resistance to damage three times higher than that used common process and paint.■ R5/R15a Sound quality: clear, full, and without losing weight°RS232 interface provide overall control over the system Considering the vertical angle of different environments, Application■ Multifunctional hall ■ Small-sized Auditoriom ■ Church ■ Meeting room ■ Ciname■ Touring performance venuebuilt-in 2x800W/4Ω amplifier and DSP make it available crossover point & slope, delay, gain and limit protection can frequency response to up to 40kHz. The tweeter's impedance and phase response curves are nearly ideal horizontal lines. pulse response. Utilization of the unique thin foam surround and specially coated cone paper has reduced the distortion rate effectively. The active subwoofer applies Low Distortion, 3 R5/R15a is specially designed for luxury cinema; large cluster configuration .R5/R15a is designed by applying line array concept. It fea-tures compact dimensions and easy to handle design. The for use at any moment when connected to sound resource. System control over each cluster at frequency response, be achieved by connecting the speaker system to PC via RS -232 port. Adoption of ribbon tweeters offers a wide-range The light moving mass of milligrams ensures excellent im-Linear Amplification, and DSP technologies.subwoofer and 4 full range speaker which can from multi-auditorium applications. The system consists of 1 active -sized meeting room; muti-functional hall; church and Input signals are amplified by the built-in pre-amplifier,then processed and distributed by DSP, finally output via kers, which forms an integrated system. The flying hardware is designed to fit different application situation flexibly with the splay angel adjustable by 1°increment vertically.power amplifier to the subwoofer and the full-range spea-βThe power amplifier module of R15a has added the rs-485 excuse and USB interface, which is convenient for the user to adjust on-line, and the step-less speed control fan is built in. (according to the problem of power amplifier, synch-ronous acceleration fan makes the performance more stable and overload protection. Short circuit protection func-signal is attenuated through dsp. Until completely shut off the power amplifier output, to provide users with a more secure and reliable protection. The function of peak value indication is improved, and the overload indication of ad overload indicator / DSP is provided. It is convenient for the user to adjust and control effectively, and a more high quality chip is used, so that the signal-noise performance of the system is improved greatly.tion (even if the load is abnormal, it can avoid power amplifier damage and provide reliable safety performance) temperature protection function, when the temperature exceeds the required range, the output amplitude of the 4R5/R15a1. 2. Fuse3. Power Supply InputPower Supply Switch 4. Signal Output (NL4 socket)5. RS-232 Port 6. USB Port7. Volume Knob 8. Signal Peak Indicator 9. RS-485 Output10. RS-485 Input 11. Signal Output 12. Signal InputAMPLIFIER MODULEIntroduction Of Power Amplifier ModuleCompact Active Line Array Sound Reinforcement System123491056781112RS-232PEAK VOLUMELINEINPUTOUTPUTRS-485INPUT OUTPUT USB OUTPUT TO R5FUSE:T5AL/250VINPUT VOLTAGE:220-240V~ 50/60Hz ONOFF POWERINPUT CURRENT:2.2A R15a800WACTIVE SUBWOOFERS.N.DONGGUAN 3G AUDIO TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.Made In China2. U Bracket(101.06.0020.00153)CO M P A C T L I N E A R R A Y S O U N D R E I N F O R C E M E N T S Y S T E M 6R5/R15aR5 rear upper connecting rodR5 rear lower connecting rodINSTALLATION(1) Open the package; take out R5, R15a and the accessories.(2) Install four U-rings into one flying frame.(3) Demount the ball-catch bolt from the pulling plate of R5, place R15a pulling plate lockpin into the slot of R5 pulling plate with holes against each other; put the ball-catch bolt back.(4) Insert connecting rod into R5 rear and angle-adjustment slot of R15a on the bottom, adjust angle according to practical needs.(5) Install one or multiple sets of R5 by sequence onto the bottom of the previous R5.InstallationM8 locknutFlying FrameR15aR5 rear link plate assemblyCompact Active Line Array Sound Reinforcement System R5 front hoisting plateWarning: E nsure that all accessories in the installationsystem reach a safety factor of not less than 5:1 or meet local safety standards when the system is installed.Angle adjustment methodAfter the connecting rod is aligned with a hole with an angle of 0 on the upper connecting rod, the entry and exit pin has a vertical angle of 0 between two speakers.°°front hoisting plateR5/R15a WIRING DIAGRAM Compact Active Line Array Sound Reinforcement SystemConnecting instructionPower Supply Input Signal InputR5 Speaker OutputR5 OutputR5 InputR5 OutputR5 InputR5 OutputR5 InputR5 OutputR5 Input78R5/R15aSpecificationFrequency response(-3dB):Maximum SPL(1m):System composition:connector:Input:wire:Input source electromotive force:Input overload source EMF:Heat dissipation mode: Power cord: Safe voltage range: Power consumption (static): Power consumption ( dynamics):Construction:Installation: Dimention(WxDxH):Packing dimension : (WxDxH)Net Weight:Gross weight:50Hz-20kHz121dB/127dB(Peak)Canon1 line balance input,1 line balance output(Parallel with output) 1pin: ground ;2pin:signal +;3pin: signal - 1V rms wire 1kHzmaximum input level 4V rms natural coolingnational standard three pins230V+/-10%500W Square boxTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION4 - point hanger , hanger , boltblack Polyimide spray on the surface of the box,grille withSurface treatment: 21W90°×10°Dispersion Angle(HxV):one group includes one pc active subwoofer speaker R15a RS232RS485USB,,Control interface:Compact Active Line Array Sound Reinforcement Systemfour Pcs full range speaker R5 with speaker hanger impedance:R5 16Ω,R15a 4Ω Power:R5 140W,R15a 800w input impedence:20k Ω balance input 10k Ω unbalance outputR5:11kg(24.2lb),R15a:40KG(88lb) Flying frame:18kg(39.6lb)black plastic power coating on the surface of the box, 1.2mm steel hole plate R5:350x245x645mm(21.3x10.8x6.3in) R15a:650x625x665mm(21.3x21.7x16.9in)flying fram: 553x115x578mm(21.8x4.5x22.8in)R5:350x245x645mm(13.8x9.6x25.4in)R15a:540x551x430mm(25.6x20.7x26.2in)flying frame:675x200x655mm(26.6x7.9x25.8in)R5:9.5kg(20.9lb),R15a:36kg(79.2lb) Flying frame:16.5kg(36.3lb)Frequency (Hz )Frequency response and Impedance curveS e n s i t i v i t y (d B )2060708090100110200601810I m p e d a n c e (O h m s )501002005002k5k10k20k1k11030Frequency response with control (R12a )Frequency response with control (four R6a )9R5/R15aTop viewFace viewSide viewRear view2D DimensionSPECIFICATIONCompact Active Line Array Sound Reinforcement System550mm [21.7in]580mm [22.8in]1170m m [46.1i n ]Figure(1)This interface includes all function modules about the equipment, menu description as following:1.1> File: Open the configuration files, or Save current configuration as a file into computer;1.2>Communications: Connect ("Enable Communications") or Disconnect ("DisableCommunications") the equipment, Operation details refer to following description.1.3> Program: Obtain the information of currently used configuration file (Disconnection status),or the information of current program in the equipment(Connection status)."""On disconnection status, only Display Current Program No, Display Current Program Name"""Edit Current Program Name and Load Factory Default Configuration may be valid. Allchanges do not affect the equipment internal program settings."""On connection status, all items are valid under the Program menu. If selecting the Edit Current "Program Name command, the current program name auto saved in the equipment;""If selecting the Load Factory Default Configuration command, the current program is overwrite by the default setting automatically (! Attention Please: this operation will overwrite the current program configuration, before executing this operation, please make sure you really ready to load"""factory default settings). Details of other function items (such as List Program & Recall and"""as current program in device)under the Program menu, please refer to following description.Figure(2)The software will search the connected (hardware connection) device automatically, Search"will be shown at the bottom of interface's status bar, see Figure 3:Figure(3)Devices online are listed at left, the right part shows the information of the device chosen by user.If user want to use the config file that opens from computer,Download Program Data to Devicemust be chosen(the operation execute transmitting the parameters into Device's RAM, if no furthersave into device operation, the parameters will be lost after the device power off ). If user choseUpload Program Data From Device , it will load the current program that stored in device to PC.Select the left device that you will want to connect, click the Connect button to start connecting.! Attention please: If connect with several devices, each device must a ID number which isexclusive in the system )"""""After connecting successfully, the software will update the display automatically, and show theinformation of currently connected device, and current program used by device, see Figure 5:On above interface, click corresponding function button, and executing those operation that you want.Figure(4)Figure(5)3.2>User also may save the parameters in the device, total max six programs may be saved throughSave as current program in device under program menu. See Figure 7:"""According to the different file source, the two ways are available for recall the existing configuration file. For the file saved in the computer, it may be recalled from Open under File menu. Then connectthe equipment, choose Download program data to device in pop-out dialog box, see Figure 4.""""""Figure(6)Figure(7)Select the program you want to use in the pop-out dialog box, then click Recall button, the software will update the display automatically, and the device using the program that has been recalled.""4. Change the information of the device that is online.Device information means the identifier of device, such as the description of device position etc, Include ID and device name. After connecting, it may be changed through clicking Edit current device information in device menu, See Figure 9:! Attention: ID number is only available for number 1~10, that's to say only max 10 device may be connected one RS-485 Net. The max length of name is 14ASCII characters."Figure(8)Figure(9)Figure(10)After finishing the adjustment of parameters, the current parameters may be saved into the device for the next power on operation. If user does not save the program into device, all the changes based on previous parameters will not be saved. Choose "Disable communications" under "communications" menu todisconnection. Please see the figure 11:Figure(11)Notes:。
戴尔Studio 1557 1558 服务手册说明书
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在此文本中使用的商标:Dell 和 DELL 徽标是 Dell Inc. 的商标;Bluetooth 是 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 拥有的注册商标,由 Dell 公司依许可证使用;Microsoft 、Windows 、Windows Vista 和 Windows Vista 开始按钮徽标是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其它国家/地区的商标或注册商标。
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型号:PP39L2009 年 9 月 Rev. A00开始之前基座盖硬盘驱动器内存通信卡币形电池中心控制护盖键盘显示屏电源按钮板摄像头(可选)掌垫扬声器部件 采用 Bluetooth ® 无线技术的内部插卡 光盘驱动器 ExpressCard 板 交流适配器连接器 USB 连接器 系统板部件 处理器散热器 处理器模块 风扇 次低音扬声器部件 电池闩锁部件 刷新 BIOS注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
1 基座盖2 卡舌 (4)3 固定螺钉(3 颗)返回目录页面开始之前Dell Studio™ 1557/1558 服务手册建议工具关闭计算机电源拆装计算机内部组件之前本手册提供卸下和安装计算机中组件的步骤说明。
AC-155LP 空气加热器用户手册说明书
AC-155LP SPACE HEATER2 Operator’s ManualPageSafety (4)Controls (9)Preparation (10)Installation (12)Operation (12)Troubleshooting (14)Service (16)Storage (17)Specifications (18)Wire Diagram (19)Warranty (20)Notes (21)All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at anytime without notice.Operator’s Manual 34 Operator’s ManualOperator’s Manual56Operator’s ManualOperator’s Manual78Operator’s ManualINSPECT SPACE HEATERBe sure all covers, guards and shields are tight and in place.Locate all operating controls and safety labels.Inspect power cord for damage before using. There is a hazard of electrical shock from crushing, cutting or heat damage.Remove all packing items applied to space heater for shipment. Remove all items from carton. Check items for any shipping damage. If space heater is damaged, promptly inform dealer where you bought space heater.SERVICE SPACE HEATER SAFELYBefore servicing the space heater, disconnect all equipment and battery (if equipped) and allow unit to cool down.Service space heater in a clean dry flat area.Operator’s Manual 9A -- Hot Air Outlet (Front)B -- Upper ShellC -- HandleD -- Fan GuardE -- Power CordF -- Thermostat KnobG -- Hose / Regulator Assembly H -- Inlet Connector I -- On / Off Switch J -- Lower Shell10 Operator’s ManualOperationOPERATION5. Plug extension cord into a 120 volt/60 hertz, 3-hole, grounded outlet.6. Open propane supply valve on Propane / L.P. tank(s) slowly.Note:If not opened slowly, excess-flow check valve on Propane / L.P. tank will stop gas flow. You may hear a click from the excess-flow check valve closing. If this happens, reset the excess-flow check valve by closing propane supply valve and open again slowly.7. Turn thermostat control knob fully counterclockwise to the "cooler" position. Turn ON/OFF switch to the ON position. Turn thermostat control knob slowly clockwise until electric motor and fan begin to run. Heater will start in approximately 3 seconds. Adjust thermostat control knob to warmer or cooler setting as needed.Note: If heater does not start after 3 seconds, the ignition control will automatically attempt to start heater one time. If heater fails to start on this attempt, the safety control will "lock out" and no further automatic restarts will be attempted. This could occur if air remains in fuel line. If heater fails to start on this attempt, turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position. Wait ten seconds for safety control to reset, then turn ON/OFF switch back to ON position and try to start heater again.8. Thermostat Operation Only: During normal thermostat operation, heater will cycle off when air temperature rises to thermostat setting. When air temperature drops sufficiently below thermostat setting, the electric motor and fan will begin to run. After 15 to 60 seconds, heater burner should automatically ignite and provide heat to maintain temperature setting.STOP SPACE HEATER:1. Tightly close propane supply valve on Propane / L.P. tank(s).2. Wait a few seconds. Heater will burn gas left in supply hoses.3. Turn ON/OFF switch to the OFF position.4. Unplug heater.StorageITEM SPECIFICATIONModel Size AC-155LPOutput Rating (BTU / Hr) 150,000Fuel Propane Vapor OnlyFuel Consumption:(Gal. Per Hr / Liters Per Hr) 1.6 / 6.1(Pounds Per Hr / Kilograms Per Hr) 7.0 / 3.2Supply Pressure to Regulator:Minimum (for input adjustment) 10 PSI / 65.98 kPaMaximum Tank PressureRegulator Outlet Pressure ******************"WC/31.8cm Manifold Pressure 9.8" WC / 24.9 cmHot Air Output (Approx.) 550 CFM / 15.6 cubic meter / minute Motor RPM 3450Motor HP 1/8Electric Input 120V / 60HzAmperage (Normal Run) 2.2Ignition Electronic Direct Spark, D.S.I. Ignitor Gap 0.13 in / 0.15 in (3.3 mm / 3.8 mm) Shipping Weight(Approximate Pounds /Kilograms) 35 / 15.9Space Heater Weight(Approximate Pounds /Kilograms) 27 / 12.2RECORD SERIAL NUMBERWrite you model number, machine serial number anddate of purchase in the spaces provided below. Yourdealer needs this information when ordering parts.Model No. ______________________________________________Machine Serial No. _______________________________________Date of Purchase ________________________________________(To be filled in by purchaser)STATEMENT OF WARRANTYJohn Deere warrants all parts, (except those referred to below), of your new space heater to be free from defects in materials and workmanship during the following periods: For One (1) Year from the date of original purchase.Defective parts not subject to normal wear and tear will be repaired or replaced at our option during the warranty period. In any event, reimbursement is limited to the purchase price paid.EXCLUSIONS1. This warranty does not cover parts damaged due to normal wear, misapplication,misuse, operation at other than recommended. Failure to follow recommended operating and maintenance procedures also voids warranty.2. The use of other than genuine manufacturer repair parts will void warranty.3. Warranty will be void if used in any application other than consumer / homeowner.Parts returned, prepaid to our factory or to an Authorized John Deere Service Center will be inspected and replaced free of charge if found to be defective and subject to warranty. There are no warranties which extend beyond the description of the face hereof. Under no circumstances shall the manufacturer bear any responsibility for loss of use of the unit, loss of time or rental, inconvenience, commercial loss or consequential damages.For Service or Warranty Consideration, contactMi-T-M® Corporation, 8650 Enterprise Drive, Peosta, IA 520681-877-JD-KLEEN / (1-877-535-5336) Fax 563-556-1235Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST。
配置项 电流 配置项说明 1A 5A 5A 100A 5A 100A 100V 380V 110VDC 220VDC 电源 110VAC 220VAC 直流输出 ★注: (1)通信方式标准配置为: 双 RS485 、电以太网; (2)默认为无 4~20mA 直流输出。 1 路 4~20mA 输出 ES110 ES220 OUTDC [ ] P1 P5 G5 G100 L5 L100 AC100 AC380 IV110 IV220 代码 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 开入量为有源接点, 需 外接直流 110V 电源 开入量为有源接点, 需 外接直流 220V 电源 开入量为无源接点, 不 需要外接电源 开入量为无源接点, 不 需要外接电源 备注
2.4抗电气干扰性能 2.4.1 电磁场辐射抗扰度 装置应能承受 GB/T 14598.9-2010 中规定的严酷等级为Ⅲ级的射频电 磁场辐射抗扰度试验,试验期间及试验后,装置性能应符合该标准中的规 定。 2.4.2 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度 装置应能承受 GB/T 14598.10-2007 中规定的严酷等级为 A 级的电快 速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验,试验期间及试验后,装置性能应符合该标准中 的规定。 2.4.3 静电放电抗扰度 装置应能承受 GB/T14598.14-2010 中 4.2 规定的严酷等级为Ⅳ级的静 电放电抗扰度试验, 试验期间及试验后, 装置性能应符合该标准中的规定。 2.4.4 浪涌抗扰度 装置应能承受 GB/T14598.18-2007 中规定的严酷等级为Ⅳ级线-地 ±4kV、线-线±2kV 的浪涌抗扰度试验,试验期间及试验后,装置性能应 符合该标准中的规定。 2.4.5 振荡波抗扰度 装置能承受 GB/T 14598.13-2008 中规定的严酷等级为Ⅲ级的振荡波 抗扰度试验,装置性能应符合该标准中的规定。 2.4.6 射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度 装置应能承受 GB/T14598.17-2005 中规定的严酷等级为Ⅲ级的射频场 感应的传导骚扰抗扰度试验,试验期间及试验后,装置性能应符合该标准 中的规定。 2.4.7 工频抗扰度 装置应能承受 GB/T14598.19-2007 中规定的严酷等级为 A 级的工频抗 扰度试验,试验期间及试验后,装置性能应符合该标准中的规定。 2.4.8 传导发射限值 装置在规定的频率范围内的传导发射值满足 GB/T 14598.16-2002 中 规定的标准要求。 2.4.9 辐射发射限值 装置在规定的频率范围内的辐射发射值满足 GB/T 14598.16-2002 中
—接着荧屏出现2行黑色方格,每行40格每格由5x 7点阵组成,2s—4so—接着显示测试仪内程序卡的版本,2s—3s。
如在此时按下3键,仪器就进入自我检测(3—seIf test)状态,屏幕显示:车上电控系统和诊断电缆中的K线要完成2个任务,一是查询各个控制单元,二是在测试仪与控制单元之间跟踪和交换信息,即2个方向的数据传递都要经过K线,只有K线才能适合更多的新型车辆系统。
均衡之道 雅马哈NMAX155
OUR TEST 本土测试-------------56NOVEMBER2020竿托车杂志W4可变气门系统缸径x冲程:58mm<58.7mm汽缸排量:155mL压缩比:11.6:1最大功率:11.3kW8000r/min;最大扭矩:13.7N m6500r/min)座高:765mm轴距:1340mm减靈规格:(前)26mm正立式前叉(后)双筒后减離器制动系统:(前)单活塞卡钳,搭配230mm制动盘(后)单活塞卡钳,搭配260mm韦恸盘燃油箱容积:7.1L整备质量:132kg 均衡之道雅马哈NMAX155小排量踏板车历来是车友们的"心头好",城市中灵活的精灵,实用的代名词,很多车友不管平时骑什么车,家中都会备一款小排量踏板车。
文丨张华图丨李文韬试车丨张多《摩托车》杂志2020NOVEMBER57^^.OURTEST未其名说起雅马哈\WI\155,相信很多车友并不陌生,作为雅马哈“、1\\”家族的成员,这款车也有着诸多雅马哈“\1\\”家族的特点,并且这款车在东南亚市场有着不错的销量和口碑,而这样的良好口碑也传入到了国内车友的耳朵,所以WIW I萬引进的呼声一直不绝于耳,直到今年雅马哈才正式将这款车引入国内市场。
经过了2(川)年改款后,虽然在外观上并没有太大变化,但WIW I药在配置上更加均衡,加入智能启停等功能之后,实用性增加了。
樱花 SCH-12E96(A) 燃气热水器使用说明书
禁止使用中途外出、就寝(火灾、缺氧事故的原因)在,严火温止止 当燃气无泄漏时,请立即拔除电源插头。
当燃气泄漏时,请立即关闭燃气阀门,关闭热水龙头拔除安全警示:国家规定:“燃具从销售当日起,人工煤气热水器的判废年限 应为6年,液化石油气和天然气热水器判废年限应为8年。
Philips CD155电话机用户手册说明书
Register your product and get support at /welcomeCD155Call from the phonebook1.Press d in idle mode.2.Scroll : to a phonebook entry.3.Press r .The call is initiated.Listen to messages recorded on the answering machine (for CD155 only)Presso on the base station to turn on the answering machine (the LED is turned on).Press o again to turn off the answering machine (the LED is turned off).Press p on the base station to play phone messages (the first recorded message will be played first).Presss to skip the current message and play the next message.Press R to go back to the previous message (if pressed within 1 second of currentmessage playback).PressR to replay current message (if pressed after 1 second of current messageplayback). Press-+ to adjust speaker volume during message playback.Press f to delete the current message.Refer to your CD155 User Manual for details about the answering machine function.TroubleshootingFor more information, please refer to the User Manual that came with your phone.Welcome to Philips!Register your product and get support at /welcomeNeed help?User ManualRefer to the User Manual that came with your CD150/155.Online help/supportProblemSolution• There’s no dialling tone!• Check the connections • Charge the batteries• Use the line cable provided• Caller cannot hear me clearly!• Move closer to the base station• Move the base station at least one metre away from any electrical appliances • SEARCHING... isdisplayed on handset andicon is blinking!• Move closer to the base station• Reset your unit and restart the handset registration • Calller number is not displayed!• Check your subscription with your network operator©2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner.Document number: 3111 285 42441 (US-EN) Connect Install Enjoy123Quick start guideEnjoy3Make a callDial the number (maximum 24 digits) and press rkey.OR Press r or vkey to take the line and dial the number (maximum 24 digits).Answer a call When the phone rings, pressr key.End a callTo end a conversation, presse key.Adjust earpiece volumeDuring a call, press: to select from VOLUME 1, VOLUME 2 or VOLUME 3,Store a contact in the phonebook1.Pressm key in idle mode, scroll : to PHONEBOOK and press <OK , press<OK to enter NEW ENTRY .2.ENTER NAME is displayed on the screen.3.Enter the name of the contact (maximum 12 characters) and press <OK .4.Enter the number (maximum 24 digits) and press <OK .A validation tone is emitted.Access the phonebook1.Press d in idle mode and scroll : to browse the phonebook.2.To view the details, press <OK .Set the ring melody1.Pressm key in idle mode, scroll : to PERSONAL SET and press <OK ,scroll : to HANDSET TONES and press <OK , scroll : to RING TONES and press <OK .2.Scroll : to your desired melody to play the melody.3.Press <OK to set the ring melody.A validation tone is emitted and the screen returns to previous menu.What’s in the boxHandsetBase station withbracket for CD150ORPower supply 2 AAA rechargeable NiMH batteriesBattery doorGuarantee User manual *You may find in the box the line adaptor delivered separately from the line cable. In this case, you have to connect the line adaptor to the line cord first before plugging the line cord to the line socket.In multihandset packs, you will find one or more additional handsets, chargers with power supply units and additional rechargeable batteries.WARNING Always use the cables and batteries that came with your phone.Line cord*CD155Belt clip ConnectConnect the base stationInstallInsert rechargeable batteries and charge12。
Stodia VAS 5581A 诊断盒操作说明书
出版信息制造商Stodia GmbH蓄能器和诊断技术Im Freitagsmoor 45D-38518 Gifhorn电话:+49 (0) 5373 92197-0传真:+49 (0) 5373 92197-88**************www.stodia.de复印复印或重印,即使是部分复制,也始终需要制造商的书面许可。
Copyright 2022 Stodia GmbH。
目录出版信息2目录3导言5前言5符合性声明的有效性5制造商说明5安全6警告级别6重要的安全提示6安全功能7紧急停止按钮7合规使用9对目标群体的要求10运营方的义务10更多文档10产品说明11供货范围11结构12诊断盒 VAS 5581A/1612电源连接线 VAS 622 00713转接线 VAS 5581A/1114套件14符号和接口15显示和操作元件17显示元件17操作元件18接口分配18技术数据19操作20准备工作21准备诊断盒21接通诊断盒22连接电源件/为电池充电23目录LC 显示屏上的操作24按键24控制键24菜单结构26运行模式菜单26设置菜单27信息菜单28运行模式29Soft Bridge 模式29网关模式30Hard Bridge 模式31开始诊断32连接车辆组件32激活组件的供电系统33配置连接34闭合高压继电器34设置 CAN 终端电阻35连接 VC 接口35结束诊断36诊断退出36关闭诊断盒36松开插头连接37松开诊断电缆插头连接(32 针)37清洁38存放和运输38废弃处理38保养38更换锂离子电池组38帮助信息39保修39客户服务39前言请在使用产品前认真阅读此操作说明书。
MU15a 内置2分频单扬声器系统产品说明书
MU15a内置2分频单15寸全频有源扬声器MU系列专业扬声器系统产品说明书CN UM-MU15a-20100117-A感谢您购买 产品!请仔细阅读本手册,它将帮助你妥善设置并运行您的系统,使其发挥卓越的性能。
1. 请先阅读本说明。
2. 保留这些说明以供日后参照。
3. 注意所有警告信息。
4. 遵守各项操作指示。
5. 不要在雨水中或潮湿环境中使用本产品。
6. 不要将产品靠近热源安装,例如暖气管、加热器、火炉或其它能产生热量的装置(包括功放机 )。
7. 不要破坏极性或接地插头的安全性设置。
8. 保护好电源线和信号线,不要在上面踩踏或拧在一起(尤其是插头插座及穿出机体以外的部分 )。
9. 使用厂商规定及符合当地安全标准的附件。
12. 不要让物体或液体落入产品内——它们可能引起火灾或触电。
13. 请注意产品外罩上的相关安全标志。
. 仅与厂商指定或与电器一同售出的推车、架子、三脚架、支架或桌子一起使用。
Cascade F-Series Sideshifter 55F-SSS-A155 R0 技术说明书
Parts Manual cFor Technical Assistance call: 800-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-8207 To Order Parts call: 888-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-0234ORWrite: Cascade Corporation, P.O. Box 20187, Portland, OR 97220 Internet: F-Series Sideshifter55F-SSS-A155R0ModelSerial Number cascadeாcorporation•Inspect clearance between sideshifter lower hooks and truck lower carriage bar (Refer to Step 4, Installation).Tighten lower hook capscrews to 120 ft.-lbs (165 Nm).500-HourAfter each 500 hours of truck operation, in addition to the 100-hour maintenance, perform the following procedures:•Tighten backrest capscrews (Cascade) to 145 ft.-lbs. (195 Nm).•Apply general-purpose lithium-based chassis grease to Sideshifter upper and lower bearings.1000-HourAfter each 1000 hours of truck operation, in addition to the 100 and 500-hour maintenance, perform the following procedures:•Inspect upper and lower bearings for wear. If anybearing is worn to less than 3/32 in. (2.5 mm) thickness,replace the entire bearing set. See Service Manual for replacement procedure.•Inspect forks for wear (Use Cascade fork bar wear gauge 209560 and fork wear calipers 686093).Product Identification – This Section shows replacement parts for F-Series Sideshifters. The product model number and serial number are stamped on the back surface of the LH vertical bar (driver's view), and must be provided when ordering replacement parts. The cylinder/anchor bracket assembly part number is stamped on the front surface RH end of the anchor bracket (driver's view).SS0186.illStamped model number,serial number, specifications.Sticker showing patent numbers,phone numbers for service.REF QTY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 13 2 678832 Pin, Q.D.14 4 683182 Capscrew, M16 x 3515 2 675515 Guide 16 2 7891 Roll Pinx 17 1 220689 Pallet Guard x 18 2 769573 Capscrew, M16x 19 2 684586 Lockwasher2 601676 Fitting-90, JIC 6-62 207304 Fitting-90, JIC 6-6, Long 2 667222 Fitting-90, JIC 5-620 2 666984 Fitting-90, JIC 4-62 604511 Fitting-STR, JIC 6-62 211807 Fitting-90, Face Seal 4-62 220832 Fitting-STR, Face Seal A4-61 204182 Lower Hook Service KitREF QTY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 w 228782 Upper Bearing 1 w 228782 Upper Bearing s 3 w 6000719 Lower Bearing 5 4 4 553857 Nut, 5/8 NC, G R 55 4 4 781534 Nut, M165 5 2 204186 Lower Hook 5 6 4 667225 Washer, 5/85 7 4 639121 Capscrew, 5/8 NC x 1.5, G R 55 7 4 766154 Capscrew, M16 x 45, G R 8.88 1 10090-1 Frame G 9 2 221906 Safety Decal10 1 219400 Fork Stop Kit (Includes 2 stops)11 2 221733 Flow Restrictor, 1.5 mm 12 2 675514 Q.D. Lower Hook, C lass IIq If Frame needs replacing, order complete Sideshift Assembly.5Included in Lower Hook Group 204182.s See Cylinder page for parts breakdown.w Quantity as required.Reference: Fitting Group 204179, Common Parts 219614, Restrictor Washer Group 221732.55F2 1 6025684 Cylinder Assembly55FREF QTY PART NO. DESCRIPTION1 1 6025684x Cylinder Assemblyq2 2 562132 Rod Sealq3 2 415866 O-Ring, 70 Duroq4 2 562131 Rod Wiper Seal5 2 218324 Retainer6—s Rod/Piston Assembly7—s Cylinder Shell219868 Rod Seal Service Kitq Included in Service Kit 219868.s Not serviceable, order new Cylinder Assembly.x Refer to complete part number stamped on anchor bracket, or serial number stamped on frame. Reference: S-1003955F UNITS SERVICEDPART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1-5 6-19 20-50BASE UNIT AND MOUNTING228782 Upper Bearing 8 16 326000719 Lower Bearing 6 12 24204186 Lower Hook 0 2 4s Capscrew 0 4 8s Nut 0 4 8667225 Washer 0 4 8CYLINDER6025684s Cylinder Assembly 0 0 1219868 Cylinder Service Kit 1 2 4s See specific parts page for part number.55FPART NO. DESCRIPTION219941 User Manual (Operation, Installation, Parts)220526 Service Manual 679929 Tool Catalog673964 Literature Index Order FormRecommended Spare PartsDo you have questions you need answered right now? Call your nearest Cascade Parts Department.Cascade (UK) Ltd.15, Orgreave Crescent Dore House Industrial Estate HandsworthSheffield S13 9NQ EnglandTel: 742-697524FAX: 742-695121Cascade Scandinavia AB Box 124Hammarvägen 10567 23 Vaggeryd SwedenTel: 42-0-393-36950 FAX: 46-0-393-36959Cascade N.V. European Headquarters P.O. Box 30091300 El Almere Damsluisweg 561332 ED AlmereThe NetherlandsTel: 31-36-5492911 FAX: 31-36-5492964Cascade Norway Østerliveien 37A 1153 Oslo NorwayTel: 47-22-743160 FAX: 47-22-743157Cascade France S.A.R.L.1D Rue De CharaintruBP 18, 91360 Epinay-Sur-OrgeMorangis Cedex, FranceTel: 33-1- 64547500FAX: 33-1-64547501Cascade Hispania S.A.Carrer 5 Sector CZona Franca DuaneraPoligono de la Zon Franca08040 Barcelona, SpainOffice No. 256Tel: 93-264-07-30FAX: 93-264-07-31Cascade Canada Inc.5570 Timberlea Blvd.Mississauga, OntarioCanada L4W-4M6Tel: 905-629-7777FAX: 905-629-7785Cascade GmbHD-41199 MonchengladbachKlosterhofweg 52GermanyTel: 49-216-668230FAX: 49-216-6682323Cascade N.V.Benelux Sales and ServiceP.O. 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C300-16.67/0.981/538/538型300MW中间再热抽汽凝汽式汽轮机说明书概述及运行说明目录1 主要技术规范2 概述3汽轮机控制整定值4汽轮机冷却蒸汽系统的检查5 监测仪表5.1 汽缸膨胀5.2 转子位置5.3 差胀5.4 转子偏心5.5 振动5.6 相位角5.7 累加的阀门位置5.8 零转速5.9 转速6 测定蒸汽及金属温度的热电偶7 调节级叶片的运行建议7.1 引言7.2 运行建议7.3 汽轮机阀门控制方式的变换8 蒸汽参数的允许变化范围8.1 进出压力8.2 再热压力8.3 进口温度8.4 再热温度8.5 高——中压合缸9 汽轮机蒸汽品质10 运行限制及注意事项10.1 一般注意事项10.2 汽轮机偏周波运行10.3 汽封用蒸汽10.4 低压排汽及排汽缸喷水装置10.5 进水10.6 疏水阀10.7 监测仪表10.8 轴承及油系统10.9 备用电源10.10 其它11 汽轮机进水11.1 运行11.2 维护12 启动和负荷变化的建议12.1 目的12.2 汽轮机转子的热应力12.3 汽轮机启动程序12.4 负荷变化的建议12.5 转子疲劳寿命损耗的确定13 调节阀的管理(节流——喷嘴)13.1 冲转与最小负荷13.2 负荷变化13.3 停机13.4 调节方式的转换14 抽汽阀的管理15 初步检查运行15.1 检查步骤15.2 预防措施及规则16 进汽前的启动程序17 冷态启动——用蒸汽冲转17.1 供蒸汽前的状态17.2 用蒸汽冲转17.3 在暖机期间避开低压汽轮机叶片的共振转速17.4 冷态启动转子加热(中速暖机)过程17.5 从主汽阀控制切换到调节汽阀控制17.6 同步和初始负荷17.7 超速遮断试验18 热态启动——用蒸汽冲转18.1 供汽前的状态18.2 用蒸汽冲转18.3 在暖机期间避开低压汽轮机叶片的共振转速18.4 从主汽阀控制切换到调节汽阀控制18.5 同步和初始负荷19 负荷变化20 停机程序20.1 正常停机20.2 应急停机20.3 在停机期间的盘车运行21 给水加热器运行21.1 投用21.2 解列21.3 应急运行21.4 多级加热器22 定期的性能试验22.1 每周一次的试验22.2 每月一次的试验22.3 每半年一次的试验23 遥控自动运行模式23.1 自动同步器23.2 遥控23.3 汽轮机自动控制(ATC)24 汽轮机手动操作运行模式25 运行曲线及图表25.1 汽轮机暖机转速的建议25.2 冷态启动暖机规程25.3 热态启动和建议——冲转和带最低负荷25.4 启动蒸汽参数25.5 空负荷和低负荷运行导则25.6 负荷变化的建议(定压运行)25.7 负荷变化的建议(变压运行)25.8 不同增减负荷率的循环指数25.9 汽封蒸汽温度的建议25.10 典型高压汽轮机的冷却时间25.11 汽轮机偏周波运行26 限制值、预防措施和试验26.1 监测仪表报警和脱扣整定值26.2 轴承温度和压力26.3 蒸汽参数——温度、压力和湿度26.4 凝汽器真空(汽轮机背压)26.5 进水26.6 控制系统试验26.7 总体1 主要技术规范产品编号:A1552 概述本装置是单轴、双缸、双排汽、中间再热、抽汽凝汽式汽轮机、具有运行效率高和可靠性大的特点。
在每一端,外缸用一个H 形梁与邻近的轴承座连接。
3 汽轮机控制整定值3.1 油压值平中心线读得。
3.2 高压油数值(1)油泵出口压力 2.1~2.3MPa(2)油箱中油的工作温度范围37~60︒C3.3 变送器数值标高差是指当控制器比冷凝器颈部管子接口低时,凝汽器颈部的管子接口与喷水控制器之间的标高差。
3.4 调节汽阀阀门管理程序中所用的数据3.5 调节汽阀开启顺序及布置示意图(该页删除,加入h156运行说明书中10页图)调节汽阀──主蒸汽管──喷嘴组布置(从调速器端向发电机方向看)3.6 主汽门3.7 转子位置(轴向位移)遮断记录仪刻度-2——0——2mm3.8 监视仪表数值* 转子推力盘是位于推力轴承的调速器端及发电机端推力面中间。
偏心报警0.0762mm振动报警0.125mm遮断0.254mm汽缸膨胀0~50mm转速0~5000r/min继电整定SD-1释放≤600r/min(至顶轴及盘车回路)SD-2励磁≥2600r/min(至喷水回路)零转速整定≤1r/min(至盘车回路)超速动作整定3330r/min3.10 压力开关调整值**——绝对压力开关至0mm水银柱(绝对压力),一副常开接点打开(常闭接点闭点)。