外贸英语函电 尹小莹 教案 Unit 9 Complaint and Claim
Terms for Lesson One
• • • • • • natural calamities the coverage of insurance take the delivery of the goods be obliged to sb. for sth. a list of content at one’s disposal • • • • • • 自然灾害 保险范围 收取/接收货物 因…感激某人 货物清单 由某人支配/处置
•the goods have traces of damages under a clean B/L.
Background Knowledge
Claims related to imports:
Claims against the insurance company:
• where he is responsible for circumstances such as: goods in transit incur losses or damages that are caused by natural calamities, accidents and other events that are within the coverage of insurance, then the insurance company shall be responsible for the losses and damages.
Background Knowledge
What is a claim?
• The
injured party lodges/files a claim for compensation against the other party who has breached the signed contract. It usually happens when the injured party suffered great losses.
《国际商务函电双语教程》chapter 5
Letter about Rejecting
Letter of rejecting including: Thanks for the orders; Reject the order and explain the reasons; Offer the substitute; Expectation to the reply.
But, in international business, as usual practice, after the agreement is made, it is necessary to sign the contract so as to clarify both parties’ rights and obligations in written form. The business contract has two main functions: firstly, it proves rights and obligations, especially for some deal made in oral. Secondly, it acts as regulations of transaction during the implement of transit.
with you in the near future. Our usual terms of payment are D/P 60 days and we hope they
Letter about Order
Origin and material; Weight, dimensions, color and pattern; Packing and marking; Terms of payment; Delivery requirements, including place, date, mode of
竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除外贸英文书信第五版篇一:外贸英语书信练习答案5-14外贸英语书信练习答案(5-14课)Lesson51.wearetheleadingimporterofelectricgoodsinLagos2.wehandletheimportbusinesofelectricgoods3.electricgoodsfallwithinthescopeofourbusinessactiv ities4.wewishtoestablishbusinessrelationwithyourcorporat ion5.weareinterestedinyourcottonpiecegoodswehaveintentionofbuying---------wewouldliketobuy-----6.wearegreatlyinterestedin---7.weenclose(sendyouherewith)anenquirynote兹8.pleasequoteusyourlowestpricecIFLogosfor1000pieces of24〞fansassoonaspossible.orpleaseletushaveyourlowestquo tationofcIFLagosfor---9.wehavevariouskindsofcottonpiecegoodsavailablefore xport10.weexpectthatyouwillletushaveyourspecificenquirya sap11.welookforwardtoyourfavorablereply12.samplesandquotationsatfavorablepricewillbeimmedi atelysentyouuponreceiptofyourspecificenquiry 13weencloseaprice-listandabrochure14.wemayaddherethatweimportlargequantitesofchina-ma decottonpiecegoodseveryyearLesson61.Ifyoufallinwithourproposal,pleaseinformusofyourbe stpaymenttermsandbankreference2.wesuggestyouplaceanorderatoncebyfax.otherwise,wec an’twarrantpromptshipment.3.Alltheitemslistedinourcatalogueenclosedarenowkept inourstockandreadyforimmediatelyshipment4.Tocoverourshipment,werequestyoutoestablishacommer cialletterofcreditinourfavorforthecontractedamountt hroughanAmericanbank.5.weadviseyoutopurchaseimmediatelytheseblanketsnowi nstock,becausefreshsuppliesfromourfactorywillrequir eaconsiderabletime.6.sinceweareinsoadvantageousasituationastomeetyourr equirementatcompetitivepricesandwithpunctualshipmen t,wesolicityourimmediateshipment.7.Recentlythepricesofrawcottonhassoaredconsiderably,butweareinapositiontoexecuteyourorderattheformerpr ice,becausewehavealreadybroughtthecottoninalargequa ntitybeforetheadvanceinpriceofthematerial.8.YouarerequestedtofurnishuswithyourownsamplesofRay onhandkerchiefsnearestindesignandqualitytothoseween closedhere.9.Ifyoufeelmuchinterestedinourbusinessproposal,plea sesendusthesamplestogetherwithyourbesttermsandcondi tions10.Ifthesamplesyousentusarefoundsuitableforourtrade ,wehaveconfidencetoplacealargeorderwithyou,towhichy ouarerequestedtogiveasubstantialdiscount.Lesson71.Theuniquequalityofthegoodsenjoyfastsale2.Inordertopromotetheseproducts,alltheitemslistedab ovearegiven10%specialallowanceinpricewithintwomonths3.Ifyouplaceanorder,weareabletosupplyyouwithgoodsin stockandwithyourcourtesyoftheotherproductswesell.4.wearesurethatyouwillbesatisfiedwithusfromtheexcel lentqualityrawmaterialsprovided.5.Allthestockswillfurtherreduce2%-3%inpriceonaverag elowestpricewequoteasusualfrombeginningofAugust2nd6.Thesweatwesuppliedwillbesurelyfitandfine.Lesson11p63II1wehaveseenyouradvertisementin “theoverseasjournal”andshouldbegladtohavepricelistanddetailsofyourterms.2pleaseletusknowthepriceofthebambootoysasadvertised inyesterday’s“newYorkTimes”andtheearliestpossibledateofdelivery.3pleasequotaonyoursuperstonebuttonasadvertisedinthe Augustissueof“Ambassador”andpleaseletushavetheearliestpossibledateofdelivery.4wesellallkindsoffurnitureinphilippines.5weareinterestedinitem466andbelievetheywillenjoygre atsaleinourcountry.6weareinterestedintheJackknifeillustratedintheno.4c atalogue.pleasequotethelowestprice,thebestdiscounta ndtheearliestdateofdelivery.7pleaseletusknow(inform)whatdiscountsyougiveforlarg equantities.8wewillallowyou5%discountwhen100dozenpiecesormorear eordered.Lesson12p681furnishyouwithalltheinformationyoumayrequireconcer ningourcreditstandingaswellasourmannerofdoingbusine ss.2youwouldgiveusyouropiniononthefinancialstatusandre liabilityoftheabovecompany.3enjoyingagoodreputationinbusinessfortheyalwaysmeettheirobligationspunctual ity.4ofgoodreputationanhavelargefinancialreseries.5notexpressanopinionofthisfirm.6betreatedasconfidential7andencloseapostalreplycoupon.Lesson13p711wearepleasedtoknowthatyouareinterestedinourleather shoes.wehavealargeamountofgoodsinstock.2Astoitemno.312,pleaserefertoourletterdatedJune5no. 218.3wealsoenclosedtheinstructionandotherinformationfor allourleatherproducts.4wesendyouonerevisedcatalogueandonepricelistbysepar atemail.wehopeyouwillbeinterestedinourchinaware.5Theenclosedspecificationdescribesthemanysuperiorfe aturesofeachmodel.6wearepleasedtosendyouageneralcataloguewhichlistsou rcompletelineofchinaware;wehopeyouwillfindprice,qua lityanddesignsatisfactory.7wehavealotofgoodsinstockandarepleasedtosendyoupatt ernsinvariouscolorsasrequest.Lesson14p71I1weacknowledgewiththanksreceiptofyourinquiryofJune1 1.Yourletterrequestacatalogue.2pleaseadviseusbyfaxofthepossibilityofsellingourpro ductsonyourmarket.3wewishtoinformyouthatwearewellconnectedwithelectri caplliancebusinessinbeijing.4wewilldefinitelyplacea largeorderwithyou,providedthatyourproductsareofgood qualityandreasonableprice.5Itwillbeappreciatedifyoufaxusyourbestfirmoffer.Ⅱ1.ThereisapossibilityofincreasingdemandfortheRayonT extiles2.Ifyourpricesarereasonable,wewillgiveyoualargeorde r.3.wesuggestthatyouquoteuscompetitivepricesbecauseou rorderwillbelarge4.Youwillpleasenotethatthesequotationsareopenforawe ekonlybecausetherearefrequentfluctuationsinthemarke tprice.5.pleaserushusyoursamplebookandquotationlist.6.Ifyourproductagreeswiththetasteofourmarket,wewill placealargeorderwithyou7.Kindlygivethismatteryourpromptattention8.wearehappytohaveyourfriendship,andwewilldoallinou rpowertodeserveyourconfidence.IIIgentlemen:wewouldtohaveyourbestfirmofferforFancybuttonsforspr ingcoatno.12andno.81pleasesubmitspecification,prefe rablywithillustrations.pleasequoteFobchinaportpricesandspecifyyourminimume xportquantities.besides,pleaseletusknowaboutthepacking,weights,deli veriesandotheressentialdetails.wearelookingforwardt oyourreplyYoursverytruly.篇二:外贸英语书信大全外贸英语书信大全01.请求建立商业关系wehaveobtainedyournameandaddressfromAristoshoes,mil an,andwearewritingtoenquirewhetheryouwouldbewilling toestablishbusinessrelationswithus.wehavebeenimport ersofshoesformanyyears.Atpresent,weareinterestedine xtendingour,rangeandwouldappreciateyourcataloguesan dquotations.Ifyourpricesarecompetitivewewouldexpecttotransactasignificantvolumeofbusiness.welookforwar dtoyourearlyreply.Verytrulyyours.从米兰Aristo鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。
外贸英语函电Unit Five
is obviously out of line with the prevailing market, as other buyers in your neighboring countries are buying freely at our quoted price. Moreover, the market has an upward tendency after a financial crisis, and therefore is very little possibility of the goods remaining unsold if you do not accept the offer as soon as possible.
还盘(Counter Offer)又称还价,在法律上 称为反要约,是指受盘人收到发盘后,经过比价, 对发盘的内容不同意或不完全同意而提出的修改、 限制或添加的建议。还盘可以还价格,也可以对 交易的其他条件提出不同意见。一笔交易,有时 不经过还盘即可达成,有时却要经过还盘,甚至 往返多次的还盘才能达成。
We do not deny that the quality of your products is slightly better than that of others, but the difference in price should not be so big. To step up the trade, we counter offer as follows, subject to your reply reaching here by 5p.m our time, Sep 15:
learn that you consider our price for the plate sheets too high.
商务英语写作电子教案PPT 外贸英语函电第一章:引言1.1 课程目标了解外贸英语函电的重要性掌握外贸英语函电的基本格式和常用词汇1.2 课程内容外贸英语函电的定义和作用外贸英语函电的分类和特点外贸英语函电的基本格式和写作技巧1.3 教学方法讲授与实践相结合案例分析和讨论互动练习和小组讨论第二章:商业信函的基本格式2.1 商业信函的结构信头和日期称呼和问候语部分结束语和签名2.2 商业信函的格式要求信纸的选择和排版字体和字号段落和行间距2.3 实例分析商业邀请函商业感谢信商业投诉信第三章:商业信函的写作技巧3.1 明确目的和对象了解收信人的需求和兴趣突出重点和简洁明了3.2 使用恰当的语气和语言正式和礼貌的语言3.3 逻辑结构和连贯性清晰的段落和主题句适当的过渡词和连接词第四章:商业电子邮件的写作技巧4.1 电子邮件的格式和结构电子邮件的和称呼部分和附件4.2 电子邮件的写作技巧简洁明了的表达适当的语气和语言注意电子邮件的语气和风格4.3 实例分析商业询问电子邮件商业报价电子邮件商业确认电子邮件第五章:外贸英语函电的常用词汇和表达5.1 外贸术语和缩写EXW、FOB、CIF等Incoterms 20245.2 常用表达和短语询问和答复报价和议价付款和交货5.3 行业特定词汇和表达进出口货物运输保险和风险教学时间安排:每章内容的教学时间为2课时,共10课时。
教学资源:PPT课件和教学资料案例分析和实例参考书籍和在线资源第六章:建立业务关系6.1 背景和目的分析建立业务关系的重要性理解建立业务关系的目的和过程6.2 建立业务关系的步骤查找潜在客户和市场调研初步接触和发送介绍信后续跟进和建立互信关系6.3 实例分析建立业务关系的介绍信跟进邮件和电话沟通达成合作的商务协议第七章:商业询盘与答复7.1 商业询盘的类型和内容了解商业询盘的种类和目的掌握商业询盘的主要内容和要素7.2 商业答复的写作技巧明确答复的格式和结构突出产品特点和优势注意事项和常见错误7.3 实例分析商业询盘的样本商业答复的样本询盘与答复的互动练习第八章:商业报价与议价8.1 报价单的组成和格式理解报价单的构成和要素掌握报价单的制作和排版8.2 报价策略和技巧分析市场需求和竞争状况制定合理的价格策略议价技巧和应对策略8.3 实例分析报价单的样本报价议价的邮件和电话沟通达成价格协议的商务谈判第九章:商业付款与交货9.1 付款方式的种类和选择了解国际贸易中的付款方式掌握信用证、TT、D/P等付款方式的优缺点9.2 交货方式和时间分析不同的交货方式和优缺点确定交货时间和地点9.3 实例分析付款方式的确认邮件交货方式和时间的协议货物运输和跟踪第十章:商业投诉与解决10.1 商业投诉的原因和类型分析商业投诉的常见原因和类型理解投诉的重要性和影响10.2 投诉处理的步骤和技巧掌握投诉处理的流程和关键环节运用有效的沟通技巧和解决方案10.3 实例分析商业投诉的信件和邮件投诉处理的回复和解决方案预防和改进措施的制定教学时间安排:每章内容的教学时间为2课时,共10课时。
外贸英语函电实训五(总6页) -本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-外贸英语函电实训五1. Warming up practice:Ⅰ. Read the following material and make a speech of at least two minutes to express your opinion on the information and questions that follows:Market for the Used Goods to Fill Local DemandsEstablishing more markets for second-hand goods this year will promote commodity distribution and help serve consumer needs.In 1996, the State approved eight second-hand goods business in six cities. The purpose of these markets is not only to sell second-hand goods and make use of their value, but to help open market for new products, which is also important. The potential is great when you take into account the consumption differences between high and low-income earners in cities, and the consumption differences between big and small cities and townships.Many companies have gained much experience in purchasing and marketing used furniture, home electric appliances, equipment and office merchandise confiscated by judicial departments.Questions:1) What’s your opinion about the second-hand market?2) Does it help the economy?3 ) How do you think about the goods sold or bought at the markets?4) Do you think it necessary to establish a market of second-hand goods in China2. Systematic practice:Ⅰ. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English: L/C reached us yesterday, but _ the review found that less than the amount of the contract value, please amend the l/c immediately, increase the amount of your l/c __(经审阅后发现信用证金额少于合同金额,请立即修改信用证,增加信用证金额) so that we can effect the shipment in time. there is no direct sailing from Guangzhou to your port next month, __ please complete the l/c shipment terms to “allow transshipment” ___(请你方将信用证装运条款改为“允许转船”).instruct the opening bank to allow partial shipment in the L/C,____(以便我方立即发运现有货物).there are no direct steamers available to your port, __ so that we immediately existing goods shipment __(我方只好将货物通过香港转运至纽约).shall book shipping space on that vessel __ upon receipt of your l/c amendment book ___(一俟收到你方的信用证修改书).II. Fill in the blanks with the proper words:(A)1) All the canned fruits and meat are to be packed __in__ cartons.2) Our Trip Scissors are packed __in____ boxes __of__ 1 dozen each, 100 boxes__to__ a carton lined _with____ waterproof paper.3) A thorough examination showed that the broken kegs were due _to____improper packing, __for____ which the suppliers should be definitelyresponsible.4) Please see to it that the packing is suitable __for___ a long sea voyage.5) The tea _on____ the captioned contract should be packed __in__ internationalstandard tea boxes, 24 boxes __in__ a ballet, 10 ballets __with___ an FCLcontainer.(B)1. We avail ourselves __of__ this opportunity to assure you __of__ our prompt andcareful attention _in___handling your further orders.2. The buyers are complaining _with___ the wrong goods _by___the sellers.3. As the damage occurred during transit , please direct your claim __on__ theinsurance company.4. Our clients have claimed ___to__us __about___ delayed delivery of the goods.5. We regret to say that we have to _in____ our claim to the Arbitration Committee .6. Please cable your confirmation on receipt of our remittance for US$5,000 insettlement __in__ the claim.Ⅲ. Translation:A) Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim with the insurance company.应引起的任何损坏,您可在60天内货到后, 保险公司索赔的文件。
商务英语外贸英语函电写作 - 教案
《外贸英语函电》单元教学设计任课教师: $$$$单元教学设计基本框架第一部分:组织教学(时间:10分钟)因为本单元是该门课程的第一次课,因此本单元两节课中,第一节课我们安排是课程的概述。
第二部分:学习新内容2、写信的原则【步骤一】提出问题(时间:20分钟)向学生展示两份信函:信函1:Dear John,Very many thanks to you, my dear friend, of the splendid present that you have sent me, and I feel deeply moved by this token of your affection. It is a great consolation for me, in my confinement to hospital by illness.I am glad to tell you, I am making rapid progress toward health every day.Looking forward to joining you at school as soon as possible.Yours affectionately,信函2:Dear Mr. Hunter,We hope that everything at your end is fine. We haven’t heard from you for a long time since the war broke out. We hope we could renew the business cooperation as quickly as possible.We confirm with thanks receipt of your first enquiry and look forward to your first order.Best regards,Yours faithfully,Henry让学生通过比较,发现外贸英语信函与一般信函不同点。
Dear Professor Thompson, To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of our company, we request the honor of your presence at a reception which is to be held at Dayu Hotel, Changchun on September 30 from 7 p.m. to 9 in the evening. We would be glad if you could come.
外贸精英网 /chukou-liucheng/
1,《 国际商务英语函电》,王碂,西安交通 大学出版社。
2,《外贸英语函电》,易露霞,陈原,清华 大学出版社。
Chapter 1 Introduction
由于外贸信函有其独特的语言特征和词汇特征, 因此在学习外贸函电时,可以归纳、总结所学过 的常用词汇、短语和句型进行分门别类,然后花 些时间背诵、记忆所归纳和总结的内容。
We handle electric goods. We deal (trade) in electric goods. We are in the business (trade,line)of electric goods. 意义大同小异的句型还有: We specialize in electric goods. We exclusively deal in electric goods. Electric goods fall (lie) within the scope of our business activities.
《外贸英语函电》单元教学设计任课教师: $$$$单元教学设计基本框架第一部分:组织教学(时间:10分钟)因为本单元是该门课程的第一次课,因此本单元两节课中,第一节课我们安排是课程的概述。
第二部分:学习新内容2、写信的原则【步骤一】提出问题(时间:20分钟)向学生展示两份信函:信函1:Dear John,Very many thanks to you, my dear friend, of the splendid present that you have sent me, and I feel deeply moved by this token of your affection. It is a great consolation for me, in my confinement to hospital by illness.I am glad to tell you, I am making rapid progress toward health every day.Looking forward to joining you at school as soon as possible.Yours affectionately,信函2:Dear Mr. Hunter,We hope that everything at your end is fine. We haven’t heard from you for a long time since the war broke out. We hope we could renew the business cooperation as quickly as possible.We confirm with thanks receipt of your first enquiry and look forward to your first order.Best regards,Yours faithfully,Henry让学生通过比较,发现外贸英语信函与一般信函不同点。
外贸英语函电 尹小莹 教案 Unit 7 PAYMENT'
• Background about Letter of Credit
• Specimens of Letter of Credit • Buyer notifies seller
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• Urging establishment
• Amending Letter of Credit •Fun House
Trade Documents
• The International Chamber of Commerce (I.C.C) classifies four major categories of trade documents: 1. The commercial documents, principally the invoice, are the seller’s description of the goods shipped (packing list, quality/weight note, inspection certificate) 2. The transport documents are “documents indicating loading on board or dispatch or taking in charge” (B/L)
6. An insurance company or insurance broker to insure goods in transit. 7. An export credit insurance company ( such as Hermes in Germany). 8. A lawyer if a special contract has to be drawn up.
还盘信函的种类 一、买方要求降价的还盘信函
要求降价就是对价格条件的还盘,这样的 还盘信要注意表明降价的理由,例如: 报价高于当地市价;可以用较低的价格 获得类似质量的商品;可以从别的供应 商处以较低的价格购进该商品;该商品 的市场疲软等。并提出降价的幅度。
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter of August 2 quoting for black tea at $1000 per case of cartons, but we regret that at this price we cannot place an order. We are working to a number of long term contracts under which it is impossible for us to revise our prices //and had your own
Dear Sirs,
We are in receipt of your letter dated on July 12, offering us 100 cases of liquor at US $400 per case on the usual terms. In reply, we regret to inform you that we find your price too high.
We regret to ..that …
We regret to say that we no longer manufacture the article you enquired about We regret to inform you that due to problems with our supplier, Item No. 10-14-71, ABC company, is not yet available.
Unit 2商务参赞处commercial counselor’s office商业部门commerce department美国驻北京大使馆the American Embassy in Beijing The American embassy in Beijing零售商retail dealer retail dealer处理经营deal with =be in the line批发商wholesale dealer wholesale dealer轻工业产品light industrial product竞争价格competitive price竞争能力competitive capacity /power竞争优势competitive edge激烈竞争keen competitionStanding 资信情况,长期的长期成本standing cost长期订单standing order常务董事standing director信誉情况credit standing财务情况financial standing最新目录latest catalogue附有插图的目录illustrated catalogue标准零件化目录catalogue for the standardize parts缺货not available not available供出口的商品commodities available for export专门从事,经营specialize in享有盛誉enjoy great popularity使某人了解acquaint sb with sth acquaint sb with sth主要进口商leading of export想要购买be in the market for提到,谈到refer to商会the chamber of commerce中国制品Chinese makes依照,符合comply with售后服务serve after selling严格保密strict confidence选择1.we are sending you the samples as requested2.We trust that you will find our goods attractive.3.The brochure covers a wide range of products we deal in.4.We would appreciate it very much if you send us some samplesimmediately.5.If any of the items is interesting to you, please let us know.6.Our products enjoy great popularity in world market.7.We are enclosing copy of our catalog for your reference.8.we are anxious to expand the market for our Antimony Trioxide,which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.9.We are sure that both of our companies will befit from the jointventure.10.We would like to take this opportunity to establish businessrelations with you.汉译英1.We are one of the leading of export dealing in electronic productsin our area, and take this opportunity to contact you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
Aambassador 大使available可利用的可得到的可供应的commodities available for export 供出口的商品not available 缺货acquaint 使认识,使了解as per按照依据as per list price 按照表上价格as per enclosed documents 根据所附单据attach 附加approach 与…接洽assume假设假定assume the direction of a business 负责主持一项业务assume the reins of government 开始执政assume no responsibility 不承担责任appeal to the most selective buyer 吸引最挑剔的买主a draft at sight= a sight draft 即期汇票assure 向…保证automobile 汽车attachment 附件accommodation 居住设施招待设备acknowledge 承认告知收到alteration 改变改动as a rule = usually 通常acknowledgement 认收apply for L/C 申请开立信用证A-I Grade 甲级appreciable 可估计的an appreciable increase in demand 需求的明显增加at economic prices 经济的价格较低的价格attest 证实证明aside from 除了…以外accountee (信用证)申请开证人authorize 授权aggregate 总计合计为amendment 修改,修正a special rate 特惠保率accordingly 照着,相应地arbitration 仲裁assume responsibility 承担责任All Ricks 一切险aid with no conditions attached 无附加条件的援助be amicably settled 友好的解决the amount due to sb 应付给(或欠)某人的款项Bbrochure 小册子bona fide holder 合法持有人bid 报价投标bid price 递价投标价格bank note checker 验钞机brand 牌子our bankers are 我方银行是beneficiary 受益人Ccommercial商业的,商务的commercial c ounselor’s office商务参赞处commercial attaché商务专员commercial articles 商品,(报上)商业新闻commerce 商业connected with…与…有联系competitive 有竞争力的~ price 竞争价格~ capacity 竞争能力~ power 竞争能力~ edge 竞争优势catalog 目录chemicals 化工产品化学制品contact 与…联系commission委任委托~ house 委托商行证券经纪公司~ sale 委托销售~ agent 佣金商代理商~ broker 掮客经纪人~ of authority 授权书~ for acceptance 承兑佣金~ ticket 佣金票证a commission of…% 百分之几佣金your commission of你方百分之几佣金two or several items of commission 两笔或几笔佣金all commissions 一切佣金或各项佣金cotton fabrics 棉织品cosmetics 化妆品claim 索赔compensation trade 补偿贸易compel 强迫complaint 申诉commercial invoice 商业发票this being the case 事实既然如此consignment 发售寄售consignment merchandise 寄售品consignment shipment 寄售发货continuation sheet 续页consecutive 连续不断的for your consideration 供你方考虑Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书Certificate of Weight 重量证明书confirm 证实确定确认Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书Sales Confirmation 销售确认书confirmed credit保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行cash against documents on arrial of goods 货到后凭单付款(CAD)considerable quantity of…相当数量的…counter offer 还盘还价cargo 船上所载的货物coincide (意见等)一致(时间上)相同craftsmanship (工匠的)技术,技艺letter of Credit payable by sight draft 即期信用证letter of Credit 信用证CIF(cost insurance freight)到岸价comply with 依照符合in compliance with 依从…按照…confidence 信赖信任the chamber of commerce 商会inclusive of our 5% commission 包括我方5%佣金confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight 保兑的,不可撤销的,凭即期汇票支付的信用证countersign 副署,联署,会签consent 许可同意the captioned goods 标题项下的货物Ddealer 商人deal on credit 信用交易,赊账买卖retail dealer/retailer 零售商wholesale dealer/wholesaler 批发商deal with 经营,处理debit 借方discount 折扣be desirous of 渴望想要desire 期望渴望要求请求growing demand 增长的需求a large demand 大的需求a great demand 很大的需求latent demand 潜伏需求overfull demand 过多需求demand and supply 供与求供求delivery date 交货期be desirous of sth 想要某物drawer 出票人drawee 付款人drawing on us at 60 day’s sight 开出见票60天付款的汇票向我们收款description 规格deliver 交货do. ditto的缩写,意思是:同上,同前distributor 经销商批发商disposal 处理处置drilling equipment 钻井设备denomination (钱币等的)单位,面额due 预期的deadline 最后期限disposal 处理处置Eembassy 大使馆enclose 封入enclosure 附件enjor great popularity 享有盛誉ex-work 在工厂交货ex stock = from stock 现货~ factory(mill)工厂交货~ godown 卖房仓库交货~ buyer’s godown 买方仓库交货~ store 仓库交货~ ship 船上交货~ pier 码头交货effect 完成实现~ shipment 装船装运~ payment 付款支付~ insurance 投保equity joint venture 合资经营合作经营企业endorser 背书人endorsement in blank 无记名式背书endorsement in full 记名式背书equally authentic 同等效力elapse (时间)过去,消逝to the extent of…最高金额expedite shipment 加速装运execute an order 执行订单the extension of a contract 合同有效期的延长 ~ loan 贷款偿还期的延长explicitly 清楚地endeavour 努力enquiry note no. 1345 1345号询价单to that extent 到那种程度Ffinancial standing 财金情况finances 财源,资金情况forward 转交传递favourable 有利的赞成的有帮助的favourable price优惠价格favourable reply 合意的回答for one’s file 以便某方存档force majeure 人力不可抗力furnish 提供final and binding决定性的并具有效力的freight prepaid 运费预付freight货物运费~ charges 运费~ agency 运货代理商~ forwarder 运输公司~ rate 运费率~ service 货运~ tariff 运费表franchise 免赔率forwarding agents 运输代理~ order 托运单forwarder 运输商in favour of 以…为抬头fall due 到期finalize an order with them 接受他们的订单further to 继…Hhonour 履行承兑照付honour a bill 承兑一张票据Ilight industrial product 轻工业产品inquiry 询价询盘illustrated catalog 附有插图的目录issue 开立签发issue an L/C 开立信用证I/E corp 进出口公司incumbent 负有义务an integral part 不可分割部分in question 该所涉及的imperative 绝对必要的Insurance 保险~ agents 保险代理人~ amount 保险额~ certificate 保险凭证~ coverage 保险范围in view of the above 鉴于上述情况inferior 劣等的installation guide manual安装手册Jjoint effect 共同努力joint venture company 合资企业合营企业公司joint venture corporation 合伙公司合营公司joint capital 合资joint stock 合资合股Kkeen competition 激烈的竞争keen interest 强烈的兴趣keen price 薄利的价格低价Lleading importer 主要进口商leading market 主要市场leading stock 主要股份loading 装货loading and unloading 装卸lot 一批货look into 调查观察Mmanufacturer 制造商厂商manufacture 制造(品)制造业manufactured article 人工制品goods 制成品products 工业制品of Chinese(home、 foreign)manufacture 中国(本国、外国)制造的Chinese manufactures = Chinese makes 中国制品silk manufactures 丝制品the textile manufacture 纺织业manufactory制造厂工厂a hardware manufactory 五金工厂be in the market for 想要购买make out 缮制填写more often than not 经常多半modify the terms of a contract 修改合同条款Manufacturer’s Certificate 生产厂家证明maintenance operation manual 维修手册Nnotify 通知namely 即也就是neutral packing 中性包装null 无约束力的无效的Non-negotiable Bill of Landing 不可转让提单Ooblige 要求(某人做某事)old-established 老字号overleaf 在(书等的某一张的)另一面oversight 疏忽出错order with conditions attached 带有附加条件的订单order 订单on the high side (指价格)偏高outset 开端occasion 诱因理由Ppharmaceutical 药品药剂profitable 有益的有利的可获利的profitable fields of investment 有利的投资场所profits利润net profits 净利润total profits 总利润profit ratio(rate)利润率gross profits 总利润毛利sell sth at a profit 出售某物而获利purchase 购买place a large order with you 向你方大量订货parts and components 零部件pcs. pieces的复数a sharp rise in price 价格急剧上涨provided 假若倘使假如priority 优先top/first priority 最优先考虑的事give priority to 给…以优先权take (top or first)priority in 在…中占优先地位enjor priority in 在…方面享有优先权place with you an order 向你方订货pour in 涌进present 提交packing list 装箱单provisional rules 暂行条例暂行规则procedure 程序presentation 提交呈递punctual delivery 按时交货on perusal 在细阅之后partial shipment 分批装运pick up (车辆等)中途带(货)premium 保险费popularize 普及推广packing list 装箱单Qquotation 报价行情quotation table(list)价目表exchange rate quotation 外汇行情discount quotation 贴现行情market quotation 市场行情quote 开价quote a price 报价quote favourable terms 报优惠价query form 询价表Rregarding 关于a wide range of大范围的各类的refer to sb for sth 想某人打听(查询)某事refer to 提到谈判谈及涉及be represented by 由…代理representative 代理人a legal representative 法定代理人reasonable 合理的regular 定期的经常的固定的不变的a regular customer 老顾客(老客户)a regular meeting 例会registered 注册的登记的挂号的~ capital 注册资本~ trademark 注册商标~ certificate of stock = ~ stock 记名股票~ check 记名支票~ security 记名证券~ bonds 记名债券~ mail 挂号邮件~ post 挂号邮件挂号信registration 注册登记place (country, district)of registration 注册地点(国家,地区)registration fee 注册费registration procedures 注册(登记)手续register 注册remark 备注revert to the original state 回复原状recourse 追索权reimbursement 赔偿补偿reserve保留bank’s reserve 银行储备金foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备reserve fund 公积金reserve balance 储备余额reserve currency 储备货币reinforce 加固refund 归还偿还revolving letter of credit 循环信用证regular monthly shipments 按月付运Sstanding 资信情况信誉固定的永久的~ cost 长期成本,固定成本~ orders长期定单~ director 常务董事credit standing 信誉情况specialize in 专门(从事)专门(经营)scrupulous test 严格检验service after selling 售后服务strict confidence 严格保密from other sources从其他渠道(从其他供货商)synthetic fabrics 合成纤维织品shipping 装运船运运输~ documents装运单据One set of shipping documents 一套装运单据,(包括:Bill of Lading 提单,Commercial Invoice商业发票, Certificate of Quality 质量证明书, Certificate of Quantity 重量证明书,Insurance Policy 保险单, Weight Memo 重量单)~ advice 装船通知~ agents 装运代理人发货代理人~ company 船运公司~ container 船运集装箱~ order 装货单~ space 舱位,载位~ dock 装卸码头~ expense 装运费~ instruction 装运指示~ invoice 货物装运单~ notice 装船通知~ process 装运手续~ weight 启运重量submit 呈递呈交提交substitute 代替物sample cutting 剪样Supplementary Conditions 附加条款shipmailed along with the goods 与货物一起随船代交Standard export case 标准出口箱Shipping mark 装船标志a large stock of 大批存货have/keep in stock 有现货out of stock 脱销stipulate 订定规定sailing date 起航日期should be borne by sb 应由某人负担special instructions 特别条款subsequent 继…之后的sufficient 充足的stipulation 规定sell by lots 分批出售shortweight 短重short delivery 缺少短交short shipment 短装装载不足short-calculated 少算~ established 少开~ invoiced 发票少开~ landed 短卸~ shipped 短装~ paid 少付Survey Report 检验报告sustain 蒙受遭受standstill 停止中止susceptible 易受影响的standard export cardboard carton 标准出口纸箱spare part 备件subject to 以…为条件的to step up the trade 为促进贸易Tturnover 营业额terms of payment 支付条件taxing 难以负担的使人感到有压力的tie-up of funds 占用资金tight money 银根紧the General Terms And Conditions 一般条款transhipment 转运转船to order 空白抬头tariff 运费表关税~ compact 关税协定~ diminution 关税减让~ quota 关税限额~ rate 关税率take delivery 提货trial order 试订(货)take advantage of this opportunity 利用这一有利时机Uunprecedentedly 空前地unharsh terms 不苛刻的条件under advice to sb 并通知某人universally普遍地广泛地Va valid reason 正当的理由via 经由void 无用的,无效的validity 有效期Wwith reference to 兹谈及withstand 抵挡反抗warranty 保证(书)waive 放弃whole foreign venture 外国独资经营企业worn and torn 磨损畅销品ready sellor,quick sellor, quick-selling product in duplicate一式二份in triplicate 一式三份in quadruplicate 一式四份quintuplicate 一式五份的。
教案2008 ~2009 学年第一学期课程名称外贸英语函电系(院、部) 经济贸易与管理系教研室(实验室) 市场营销教研室授课班级2005级市场营销专业1、2班主讲教师胡雨职称硕士湖南科技学院教务处制二00八年九月教案(首页)1.授课时间:第一周第一次课2.授课类型:理论课3.授课题目:Chapter one: Basic knowledge of Business letters(I)4.教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次)掌握:英文书信的构成及写作要点熟悉:英文书信格式及信封的写法了解:商务沟通的基本原则与技巧5.教学重点及难点Focus:the structure and writing rules of business letterDifficulty :the same as focus6.教学基本内容纲要,采用的教学方法和教学手段,实施步骤教学内容纲要:Section one: Essential qualitiesPart one: Some rules of good letter writing(Focus & difficulty)1.Study your reader’s interests 研究读者的兴趣2.Adopt the right tone 使用正确的语气3.Write naturally and sincerely 写得自然、真诚4.Avoid wordiness 避免罗嗦5.Write clearly and to the point 简明扼要6.Be courteous and consideration 礼貌、周到7.Avoid commercial jargon避免使用商业行话(难懂的话)jargon: n. 行话,难懂的话8.Write effectively 有效9.Avoid monotony避免千篇一律10.Plan your letter 组织、安排得当(逻辑清楚)11.Pay attention to first and last impression 注意第一印象和结尾印象12.Check your letters 检查整封信Part two: Eleven writing tips (Focus & difficulty)1. To join two independent clauses, use a comma(逗号)followed by a conjunction (连词), a semicolon(分号)alone, or a semicolon followed by a sentence modifier(修饰词).2. Use commas to bracket(vt. 把…括在括号内n.括号)nonrestrictive phrases,which are not essential to the sentence’s meaning.3. Do not use commas to bracket phrases that are essential to a sentence’s mean ing.4. When beginning a sentence with an introductory(adj. 介绍的,导言的)phrase or an introductory (dependent) clause , include a comma.5. To indicate possession(名词所有格), end a singular(单数)noun with an apostrophe(表示所有格和复数的)撇号,省字号即― ’ ‖followed by an ―s‖. Otherwise , the noun’s form seems plural(复数).6. Use proper punctuation(标点符号)to integrate a quotation(引文)into a sentence. If the introductory material is an independent clause, add the quotation after a colon(冒号). If the introductory material ends in ―thinks,‖ ―saying,‖ or some other verbs indicating expression, use a comma.7. Make the subject and verb(主语和谓语)agree with each other, not with a word that comes between them.8. Be sure that a pronoun(代词), a participial phrase(分词短语), or an appositive (同位语)refers clearly to the proper subject.9. Use parallel construction(并列结构)to make a strong point and create a smooth flow.(语句通顺、流畅).10. Use the active voice(主动语态)unless you specifically need to use the passive (被动语态).11. Omit unnecessary words.For above items, the teacher should translate and explain the contents on the book in details. (Page 6-11)Section two:The structure and form of business letterPart one: The structure:.一般英语商业书信从结构上可分为:信头、日期、封内地址、称呼、事由、信的正文、结尾语、结尾礼词、签名、附件、其他(辨认代号、副本抄送、附启)(一)信头(Letter Head) :信头一般都是事先就印好的,它表示发信人公司行号名称及地址,使收信人一看就知道发自何方、何处、核实,也便于复信时参考。
外贸英语函电——第五版(尹小莹)课后答案详解(翻译、课上例句、单词)Unit 2(1)我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.(2) 我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。
We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.(2)承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的姓名、地址。
We owe your nam e and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing.(4) 我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。
We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you can airmail the catalogue and the price list of your products available at present.(5) 有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。
外贸英语函电——第五版(尹小莹)课后答案详解(翻译、课上例句、单词)Unit 2(1)我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.(2) 我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。
We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.(2)承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的姓名、地址。
We owe your nam e and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing.(4) 我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。
We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you can airmail the catalogue and the price list of your products available at present.(5) 有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。
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Aambassador 大使available可利用的可得到的可供应的commodities available for export 供出口的商品not available 缺货acquaint 使认识,使了解as per按照依据as per list price 按照表上价格as per enclosed documents 根据所附单据attach 附加approach 与…接洽assume假设假定assume the direction of a business 负责主持一项业务assume the reins of government 开始执政assume no responsibility 不承担责任appeal to the most selective buyer 吸引最挑剔的买主a draft at sight= a sight draft 即期汇票assure 向…保证automobile 汽车attachment 附件accommodation 居住设施招待设备acknowledge 承认告知收到alteration 改变改动as a rule = usually 通常acknowledgement 认收apply for L/C 申请开立信用证A-I Grade 甲级appreciable 可估计的an appreciable increase in demand 需求的明显增加at economic prices 经济的价格较低的价格attest 证实证明aside from 除了…以外accountee (信用证)申请开证人authorize 授权aggregate 总计合计为amendment 修改,修正a special rate 特惠保率accordingly 照着,相应地arbitration 仲裁assume responsibility 承担责任All Ricks 一切险aid with no conditions attached 无附加条件的援助be amicably settled 友好的解决the amount due to sb 应付给(或欠)某人的款项Bbrochure 小册子bona fide holder 合法持有人bid 报价投标bid price 递价投标价格bank note checker 验钞机brand 牌子our bankers are 我方银行是beneficiary 受益人Ccommercial商业的,商务的commercial c ounselor’s office商务参赞处commercial attaché商务专员commercial articles 商品,(报上)商业新闻commerce 商业connected with…与…有联系competitive 有竞争力的~ price 竞争价格~ capacity 竞争能力~ power 竞争能力~ edge 竞争优势catalog 目录chemicals 化工产品化学制品contact 与…联系commission委任委托~ house 委托商行证券经纪公司~ sale 委托销售~ agent 佣金商代理商~ broker 掮客经纪人~ of authority 授权书~ for acceptance 承兑佣金~ ticket 佣金票证a commission of…% 百分之几佣金your commission of你方百分之几佣金two or several items of commission 两笔或几笔佣金all commissions 一切佣金或各项佣金cotton fabrics 棉织品cosmetics 化妆品claim 索赔compensation trade 补偿贸易compel 强迫complaint 申诉commercial invoice 商业发票this being the case 事实既然如此consignment 发售寄售consignment merchandise 寄售品consignment shipment 寄售发货continuation sheet 续页consecutive 连续不断的for your consideration 供你方考虑Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书Certificate of Weight 重量证明书confirm 证实确定确认Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书Sales Confirmation 销售确认书confirmed credit保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行cash against documents on arrial of goods 货到后凭单付款(CAD)considerable quantity of…相当数量的…counter offer 还盘还价cargo 船上所载的货物coincide (意见等)一致(时间上)相同craftsmanship (工匠的)技术,技艺letter of Credit payable by sight draft 即期信用证letter of Credit 信用证CIF(cost insurance freight)到岸价comply with 依照符合in compliance with 依从…按照…confidence 信赖信任the chamber of commerce 商会inclusive of our 5% commission 包括我方5%佣金confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight 保兑的,不可撤销的,凭即期汇票支付的信用证countersign 副署,联署,会签consent 许可同意the captioned goods 标题项下的货物Ddealer 商人deal on credit 信用交易,赊账买卖retail dealer/retailer 零售商wholesale dealer/wholesaler 批发商deal with 经营,处理debit 借方discount 折扣be desirous of 渴望想要desire 期望渴望要求请求growing demand 增长的需求a large demand 大的需求a great demand 很大的需求latent demand 潜伏需求overfull demand 过多需求demand and supply 供与求供求delivery date 交货期be desirous of sth 想要某物drawer 出票人drawee 付款人drawing on us at 60 day’s sight 开出见票60天付款的汇票向我们收款description 规格deliver 交货do. ditto的缩写,意思是:同上,同前distributor 经销商批发商disposal 处理处置drilling equipment 钻井设备denomination (钱币等的)单位,面额due 预期的deadline 最后期限disposal 处理处置Eembassy 大使馆enclose 封入enclosure 附件enjor great popularity 享有盛誉ex-work 在工厂交货ex stock = from stock 现货~ factory(mill)工厂交货~ godown 卖房仓库交货~ buyer’s godown 买方仓库交货~ store 仓库交货~ ship 船上交货~ pier 码头交货effect 完成实现~ shipment 装船装运~ payment 付款支付~ insurance 投保equity joint venture 合资经营合作经营企业endorser 背书人endorsement in blank 无记名式背书endorsement in full 记名式背书equally authentic 同等效力elapse (时间)过去,消逝to the extent of…最高金额expedite shipment 加速装运execute an order 执行订单the extension of a contract 合同有效期的延长 ~ loan 贷款偿还期的延长explicitly 清楚地endeavour 努力enquiry note no. 1345 1345号询价单to that extent 到那种程度Ffinancial standing 财金情况finances 财源,资金情况forward 转交传递favourable 有利的赞成的有帮助的favourable price优惠价格favourable reply 合意的回答for one’s file 以便某方存档force majeure 人力不可抗力furnish 提供final and binding决定性的并具有效力的freight prepaid 运费预付freight货物运费~ charges 运费~ agency 运货代理商~ forwarder 运输公司~ rate 运费率~ service 货运~ tariff 运费表franchise 免赔率forwarding agents 运输代理~ order 托运单forwarder 运输商in favour of 以…为抬头fall due 到期finalize an order with them 接受他们的订单further to 继…Hhonour 履行承兑照付honour a bill 承兑一张票据Ilight industrial product 轻工业产品inquiry 询价询盘illustrated catalog 附有插图的目录issue 开立签发issue an L/C 开立信用证I/E corp 进出口公司incumbent 负有义务an integral part 不可分割部分in question 该所涉及的imperative 绝对必要的Insurance 保险~ agents 保险代理人~ amount 保险额~ certificate 保险凭证~ coverage 保险范围in view of the above 鉴于上述情况inferior 劣等的installation guide manual安装手册Jjoint effect 共同努力joint venture company 合资企业合营企业公司joint venture corporation 合伙公司合营公司joint capital 合资joint stock 合资合股Kkeen competition 激烈的竞争keen interest 强烈的兴趣keen price 薄利的价格低价Lleading importer 主要进口商leading market 主要市场leading stock 主要股份loading 装货loading and unloading 装卸lot 一批货look into 调查观察Mmanufacturer 制造商厂商manufacture 制造(品)制造业manufactured article 人工制品goods 制成品products 工业制品of Chinese(home、 foreign)manufacture 中国(本国、外国)制造的Chinese manufactures = Chinese makes 中国制品silk manufactures 丝制品the textile manufacture 纺织业manufactory制造厂工厂a hardware manufactory 五金工厂be in the market for 想要购买make out 缮制填写more often than not 经常多半modify the terms of a contract 修改合同条款Manufacturer’s Certificate 生产厂家证明maintenance operation manual 维修手册Nnotify 通知namely 即也就是neutral packing 中性包装null 无约束力的无效的Non-negotiable Bill of Landing 不可转让提单Ooblige 要求(某人做某事)old-established 老字号overleaf 在(书等的某一张的)另一面oversight 疏忽出错order with conditions attached 带有附加条件的订单order 订单on the high side (指价格)偏高outset 开端occasion 诱因理由Ppharmaceutical 药品药剂profitable 有益的有利的可获利的profitable fields of investment 有利的投资场所profits利润net profits 净利润total profits 总利润profit ratio(rate)利润率gross profits 总利润毛利sell sth at a profit 出售某物而获利purchase 购买place a large order with you 向你方大量订货parts and components 零部件pcs. pieces的复数a sharp rise in price 价格急剧上涨provided 假若倘使假如priority 优先top/first priority 最优先考虑的事give priority to 给…以优先权take (top or first)priority in 在…中占优先地位enjor priority in 在…方面享有优先权place with you an order 向你方订货pour in 涌进present 提交packing list 装箱单provisional rules 暂行条例暂行规则procedure 程序presentation 提交呈递punctual delivery 按时交货on perusal 在细阅之后partial shipment 分批装运pick up (车辆等)中途带(货)premium 保险费popularize 普及推广packing list 装箱单Qquotation 报价行情quotation table(list)价目表exchange rate quotation 外汇行情discount quotation 贴现行情market quotation 市场行情quote 开价quote a price 报价quote favourable terms 报优惠价query form 询价表Rregarding 关于a wide range of大范围的各类的refer to sb for sth 想某人打听(查询)某事refer to 提到谈判谈及涉及be represented by 由…代理representative 代理人a legal representative 法定代理人reasonable 合理的regular 定期的经常的固定的不变的a regular customer 老顾客(老客户)a regular meeting 例会registered 注册的登记的挂号的~ capital 注册资本~ trademark 注册商标~ certificate of stock = ~ stock 记名股票~ check 记名支票~ security 记名证券~ bonds 记名债券~ mail 挂号邮件~ post 挂号邮件挂号信registration 注册登记place (country, district)of registration 注册地点(国家,地区)registration fee 注册费registration procedures 注册(登记)手续register 注册remark 备注revert to the original state 回复原状recourse 追索权reimbursement 赔偿补偿reserve保留bank’s reserve 银行储备金foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备reserve fund 公积金reserve balance 储备余额reserve currency 储备货币reinforce 加固refund 归还偿还revolving letter of credit 循环信用证regular monthly shipments 按月付运Sstanding 资信情况信誉固定的永久的~ cost 长期成本,固定成本~ orders长期定单~ director 常务董事credit standing 信誉情况specialize in 专门(从事)专门(经营)scrupulous test 严格检验service after selling 售后服务strict confidence 严格保密from other sources从其他渠道(从其他供货商)synthetic fabrics 合成纤维织品shipping 装运船运运输~ documents装运单据One set of shipping documents 一套装运单据,(包括:Bill of Lading 提单,Commercial Invoice商业发票, Certificate of Quality 质量证明书, Certificate of Quantity 重量证明书,Insurance Policy 保险单, Weight Memo 重量单)~ advice 装船通知~ agents 装运代理人发货代理人~ company 船运公司~ container 船运集装箱~ order 装货单~ space 舱位,载位~ dock 装卸码头~ expense 装运费~ instruction 装运指示~ invoice 货物装运单~ notice 装船通知~ process 装运手续~ weight 启运重量submit 呈递呈交提交substitute 代替物sample cutting 剪样Supplementary Conditions 附加条款shipmailed along with the goods 与货物一起随船代交Standard export case 标准出口箱Shipping mark 装船标志a large stock of 大批存货have/keep in stock 有现货out of stock 脱销stipulate 订定规定sailing date 起航日期should be borne by sb 应由某人负担special instructions 特别条款subsequent 继…之后的sufficient 充足的stipulation 规定sell by lots 分批出售shortweight 短重short delivery 缺少短交short shipment 短装装载不足short-calculated 少算~ established 少开~ invoiced 发票少开~ landed 短卸~ shipped 短装~ paid 少付Survey Report 检验报告sustain 蒙受遭受standstill 停止中止susceptible 易受影响的standard export cardboard carton 标准出口纸箱spare part 备件subject to 以…为条件的to step up the trade 为促进贸易Tturnover 营业额terms of payment 支付条件taxing 难以负担的使人感到有压力的tie-up of funds 占用资金tight money 银根紧the General Terms And Conditions 一般条款transhipment 转运转船to order 空白抬头tariff 运费表关税~ compact 关税协定~ diminution 关税减让~ quota 关税限额~ rate 关税率take delivery 提货trial order 试订(货)take advantage of this opportunity 利用这一有利时机Uunprecedentedly 空前地unharsh terms 不苛刻的条件under advice to sb 并通知某人universally普遍地广泛地Va valid reason 正当的理由via 经由void 无用的,无效的validity 有效期Wwith reference to 兹谈及withstand 抵挡反抗warranty 保证(书)waive 放弃whole foreign venture 外国独资经营企业worn and torn 磨损畅销品ready sellor,quick sellor, quick-selling product in duplicate一式二份in triplicate 一式三份in quadruplicate 一式四份quintuplicate 一式五份的。