



文体学答案集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)文体学课后题 1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliteration The Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliterationBill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration 3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = soundelision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of thefollowing examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hardit is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main characterin Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in thefollowing extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonancetiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on thegraphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ impl ies her sudden stop. Theitalicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very muchlike a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humourall through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classificationclassification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation typesBy according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action typesThe participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of theaction), external force (causer ofthe action), intrumental role (toolto do the action with), recipientrole (receiver of the action) andobjective role (the affected or theresult of the action).4 What is a simple sentence What is amultiple sentenceDirectly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of morethan one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S OC .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c fas m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between aminor sentence and an incomplete sentenceNeither type conforms to the basicclause structure. But a minor sentenceis supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. Anincomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) H elp!(3) Going to the lecture (4) Whyare you late Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phraseWhat is the use of pre-modificationWhat is the function of post-modificationA complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s interest aswell because pre-modification isusually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagernessto find out. Pre-modification tends tobe informal and appears in less formal style.Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modificationcan give enough room for details andfor further information. Therefore, itis frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly,guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written textsFor effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common ininformal speech Which type ofbranching is preferred in writtenstylesRight-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation ofideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simplesentences to represent a narrativestyle of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is better adapted to writing because it is structurally more compact and logical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel in suspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards the end of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase orderWhatare the stylistic effects offronting and postponementThe basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the ordercan make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usualposition to the front, andpostponement refers the movement ofa linguistic unit from its normalplace towards the end of thesentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example, (1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism andits functionSyntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand name Power.4单元2 What is the difference in the effectbetween the use of Latinate and that of native words WhyGenerally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in mostcases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity andintellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constituteEnglish-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words areemotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words isquite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between ageneral word and a specific word Is it true that use of specific words should always be recommendedA word is general when it refers to agroup of objects or a class of objects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that group or class. The(superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often too vague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there is no need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vague for some (tactical) reason. 5 What is repetition What is reiteration Why should people employ repetition and reiteration in speech or writing When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example, We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 and afternoon classes begin at 2:00 again. When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. For example, We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again. In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetition of an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps to direct the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance. Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoid the monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression. 6 What is collocation What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocation of an item in a piece of language Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text. 7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general word whose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words. 1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk) 2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull) 3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk) 4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container) 5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle) 8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similar conceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associate meanings. 9 Compare the A B extracts in terms 1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words; 2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more. In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand. 10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement. (Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元 1 What is dialect A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed. 2 What is the difference between dialect and accent Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent. 3 What is Standard English Is there a standard accent with which peoplespeak Standard EnglishStandard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is relatedto BBC broadcaster, the royal familyand educated speech, it is consideredto be the standard accent in Britain.6单元1 1)What does ‘channel limitation’mean How does channel limitationaffect language useChannel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing,on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, whichis understandable if the two speakersare together in the same context. Butin written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicitlike The teacher standing under thetree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from preparedwritten formIn spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er - withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship Give some examples.By role relationship we mean therelationship between the rolesadopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classifylanguage features typical of various attitudesLanguage features indicating theattitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formalityThe degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politenessLanguage varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of socialdistance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of theuse of address formsThe basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith, Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibilityWe can measure the degrees ofaccessibility by the followingformula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length ina passageH = the percentage of hard(inaccessible) words in the passageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) =13.32Since an easily accessible text issupposed to have a fog index ofabout 10, the mentioned text is justa little difficult. 8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.A There was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious. I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It was n’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accident. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before. I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together. Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling Stone B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.) My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation…. “Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Extract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. The sentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible. Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal. 9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, which indicate the degree of impersonality. The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in the Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory 10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality. A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words, as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. This is an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline. B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.) My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation…. “Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process. 8 单元 1 What functions does language serve in social activities Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic. 2 What functions does a newspaper serve A newspaper has two main functions: togive information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of aheadline/body copy in a press advertisementThe headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It hasbeen estimated that five times asmany people read the headline. Itshould be so designed as to capturea prospective buyer’s attention, tostimulate interest or desire, tomake him/her remember theadvertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisementA complete press advertisement consists of the following components:HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial Verdict Rewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperationin agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。



英语文体学教程第二版课后答案chapter11、Mary _______ Math. [单选题] *A. is good at(正确答案)B. do well inC. is good forD. is good with2、We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month. [单选题] *A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another(正确答案)3、The old woman doesn’t feel _______ though she lives _______. [单选题] *A. alone; lonelyB. alone; aloneC. lonely; lonelyD. lonely; alone(正确答案)4、What about _______ there by bike? [单选题] *A. goesB. wentC. goD. going(正确答案)5、The flowers _______ sweet. [单选题] *A. tasteB. smell(正确答案)C. soundD. feel6、Tony is a quiet student, _______ he is active in class. [单选题] *A. soB. andC. but(正确答案)D. or7、—______? —Half a kilo.()[单选题] *A. How much are theyB. How much is itC. How much would you like(正确答案)D. How many would you like8、16.We asked ______ engineer we met before to help repair the radio yesterday. [单选题] * A.aB.anC.the(正确答案)D./9、Turn down the music. It hurts my _______. [单选题] *A. noseB. eyesC. mouthD. ears(正确答案)10、--Jenny, what’s your favorite _______?? ? ? --like peaches best. [单选题] *A. fruit(正确答案)B. vegetablesC. drinkD. plants11、Kate has a cat _______ Mimi. [单选题] *A. called(正确答案)B. callC. to callD. calling12、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need13、Can you give her some ______ ? [单选题] *A. advice(正确答案)B. suggestionC. advicesD. suggest14、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon(正确答案)D. How far15、--It is Sunday tomorrow, I have no idea what to do.--What about _______? [单选题] *A. play computer gamesB. go fishingC. climbing the mountain(正确答案)D. see a film16、The yellow bag _______ me. [单选题] *A. belong toB. belongs to(正确答案)C. belongD. belongs17、_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. [单选题]*A. TravelB. Traveling(正确答案)C. Having traveledD. Traveled18、Leave your key with a neighbor ___ you lock yourself out one day [单选题] *A. ever sinceB. even ifC. soon afterD. in case(正确答案)19、41.My father is a headmaster and he is _____ charge _____ a primary school. [单选题] * A./, ofB./, withC.in, of (正确答案)D.in, with20、These oranges look nice, but _______ very sour. [单选题] *A. feelB. taste(正确答案)C. soundD. look21、Marie is a _______ girl.She always smiles and says hello to others. [单选题] *A. shyB. friendly(正确答案)C. healthyD. crazy22、Mike and his friend are going to the _______ to see the new action movie tonight. [单选题] *A. book shopB. restaurantC. concertD. cinema(正确答案)23、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a24、_______! Jack,the floor is wet. [单选题] *A. Be careful(正确答案)B. Be careful toC. Be careful forD. Be careful with25、I’m sorry there are ______ apples in the fridge. You must go and buy some right now.()[单选题] *A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few(正确答案)26、_______ is on September the tenth. [单选题] *A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’Day(正确答案)C. Women’s DayD. Mother’s Day27、I _______ the job because I couldn’t stand(忍受) the rules. [单选题] *A. gave inB. gave outC. gave backD. gave up(正确答案)28、78.According to a report on Daily Mail, it’s on Wednesday()people start feeling really unhappy. [单选题] *A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that(正确答案)29、Lily is a very_____person and never wastes anything. [单选题] *A.generousB.economical(正确答案)C.economicD.efficient30、I always get ______ grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.()[单选题] *A. bestB. better(正确答案)C. goodD. well。



Chapter11, what is style in your opinion according to what we have studied in this chapter?Anwser1 , from the perspective of the content, the events and activities described ,style is saying different things in different ways ;from the perspective of the ways of expression used ,styled is same thing in different ways; from the perspective of the users of language ,style is different speakers using language in different ways; and from the perspective of the text ,style is the functions of texts for different purposes.Anwser2, the definition of style is the concept of style as choice .this definition can have at least too interpretations .one is that first we have a pre-existing thought ,and then we choice the appropriate type of expression to express it in language. The chosen expression is the style .another is that the choice refers to the choice of meaning. The choice of language is at the same time a choice of meaning and a choice of style .2,what is the significance of studying the style of language in learning and teaching English?Anwser, the answer is that if we want to use language appropriately in different situations , we need to study style .as foreign language learners, if we disregard the rules of using what variety of language in what occasion , or fail to obey them through ignorance , language can become instead a barrier to successful communication . Therefore its necessary to have a clear awareness of how language should be used in different types of situations especially in unfamiliar situations.3, what factors can result in differences in style ?Answer , 1, the different types of vocabulary create different images of the events in the re ader’s mind, so they can result in different styles.2,people living in different periods of time in history will also speak differently ,and that will result in a different style.Chapter21, explain the following terms1),foregrounding: the stylistically significant features have to be prominent and motivated ,that is ,foregrounded.2),incongruity: the linguistic features depart from the normal use of language ,breaking the rules grammar ,spelling ,pronunciation.3)deflection : the linguistic features don’t depart from the established grammatical, lexical and logical rules and principles ,but have an unexpected high frequency of occurrence.4),field; its concerned with what is happening ,including the subject matter,the events happenings,going-ons, the content ,etc5)tenor: its concerned with who is taking part in the exchange of meaning ----the relationship between the speaker and the listener ,their relative status,their attitude,and their role relations .6)mode: its concerned with how the interaction is conducted ,that is whether it is written or spoken ,or whether it is expressed by phonic substance or graphic substance.2,question for discussion2)in rhetorical series,the number of items can influence the stylistic effect.try to analyze the causes on the basis of social culture.Answer :different numbers of words can produce different stylistic effects in the appropriate contexts. Two items express assertion ,that is ,it is just this ,not that .In appropriate situations three items can produce ethic ,persuasive, and representative effect. Four or more items in a seriesstress a large number of the concrete things ,and these can produce an imagery in the mind of the reader that the large amount of things constitutes a significant situation in which certain aspect are highlighted. Another function of the rhetorical series is to use concrete items to highlight abstract concepts so that the abstract concept can be expressed in concrete ,lively and vivid way to enhance the aesthetic value of language.3)what factors affect the writer’s selection of words and styleAnswer : five criteria for the selection of words :whether they are familiar or not familiar, whether they are concrete or abstract, whether they are single or more ,whether they are short and simple. Or long. Whether they are Anglo –saxon words or latin words .field ,tenor ,mode affect the writer’s selection of style.4)what is the criterion used to classify wordsAnswer :we can use more systematic way to classify word according to register and dialect .register:field ,tenor , mode .dialect: regional dialect,such as London dialect;social dialect such as dialect of age, race,etc.temporal dialect such as od English .5)through what channels can words be used to achieve transferred meaning?Answer :simile :x is like Y, eg as busy as bee. Metaphor: X is Y ,eg he is a pig. Synecdoche eg many hands represent the people who work with their hands . Metonymy eg purse represent money.Chapter31,explain the following terms1),chiasmus:chiasmus is formed by inverting the word order of the second part of a parallel structure,so it forms a kind of antithetical structure. Eg:let us never negotiate out of fear,but let us never fear to negotiate.2)antistrophe: it is the repetition of the same items but in inverted order ,eg:what’s polly to me,or me to polly?3)epizeuxis:it is a continuous repetition for high lighting a particular feature.4)ploce: the repetition is not continuous , but intermittent or dispersed in the text.5)loose sentence: put the major idea first and than the illustration .such a sentence is easy to grasp .6)periodic sentence:a periodic sentence can be used to create suspense,or expectation, thus drawing the listener’s attention to the end of the sentence.it can be used to produce humorous and emphatic effect .2,question for discussion1),there are many types of syntactic deflection ,but they have one thing in common :recurrence of structures. How is syntactic deflection classified?Answer :there are two type of syntactic deflection :the unexpected high frequency of occurrence of a certain type of sentence; and the overregular occurrence of a particular pattern .2)the high frequency of occurrence of long and short sentence can create stylistic effect .apart from the difference in expressive meanings ,what are other characteristics of the two types of sentences?Answer : long sentences are good to provide the detailed descriptions ,and are good to reveal the mental activities of the speaker .so they are used to produce a vivid, rich, exuberant, luxuriousstyle. Short sentence:can produce direct ,terse ,concise ,clear effect or continuous ,compact ,swift effect ,so that it creates certain atmosphere , and leave a deep impression on the listeners.3) why do writers often violate the rule of grammar? What do we cal this violation?Answer: we call this violation syntactic incongruity .the violation of the grammatical rules can be used to produce certain stylistic effects. The so-called ungrammatical sentences are used to represent the different varieties of language according to register and dialect. In literary works, dialectical and personal features of speech are often used to depict the personality of the characters. In poetry, the poet often uses deviant grammatical structures to achieve special effects, makes lines terse and concise, to make it rich in meaning.4)what is the function of rhetorical questions?Answer: A rhetorical question is to use the form of a question in order to express a strong emotion or to emphasize a particular aspect. The function of inverted sentence is to make a declarative sentence more powerful, to attract the listener’s attention, or to induce others’ sympathy. Arranged in parallelism, rhetorical questions can express strong emotions and increase the persuasive power.A rhetorical question can also introduce the topic of the text.5) In what ways can we use inverted sentences to achieve emphatic effect?Answer: to change the normal word order can be used to produce some emphatic effect. What is put to the initial part of the sentence is usually the focus of information of the clause and also the theme of he clause. So it is highlighted.Chapter41 explain the following terms1)Synaesthesia: it refers to the fact that sounds s are attributed with certain values or estheticfeatures. It is very casual, and supported by situational features and meaning.2)Alliteration: refers to the repetition of the initial sound usually a consonant, or a vowel at firstposition, in two or more words that occur close together.3)Assonance: refers to the use of the same or related vowel sounds in successive words. It cancreate harmonious effect.4)Consonance: refers to the repetition of the last consonants of the stresses words at the end ofthe lines.2 questions for discussion1)What are the characteristic of spoken language and written language respectively?Answer: spoken language: 1 it can directly be accompanied by other non-linguistic means as the aid; 2 it is generally speaking not as formal as written language; 3 it permits errors in the process of production; 4 it uses a particular grammar, a grammar characteristics of spoken language. 5 homophones can be used for special stylistic effects, such as pun; 6 some implications are best represented by special sound features; 7 sound feature can represent the feature of regional dialect or social dialect.Written language:1 as written language communication is usually not a direct one, but is delayed in time and at different places, the writer generally has time to get well prepared and revise the text before he sends it out to the reader;2 as space is limited, it has special grammatical features so as to put more meaning in it .there are many nominalizations to make sentences into groups;3 written language is often used in a more formal situation; 4 as time is enough, it is usually writtenin a more detailed and logical way;5 as written language is more purposeful, and for a single specific goal, it is usually more constant and developed around a single subject.2)How many sound patterns do we have? What special stylistic effects can be achieved by them? Answer: these sound patterns include alliteration which can create harmony, connection and achieve special stylistic effects, assonance which can create harmonious effect, and consonance 3)What factors can influence graphological prominence? .Answer: there are three distinctive factors that can produce graphological prominence: marking, spacing and sequence. Marking refers to the use of written symbols to convey information; space is spacing arrangement departing from this normal way of spacing can be used to achieve stylistic effects.4 In modern English, punctuation marks are patterned and standardized. How can we use punctuation marks for special stylistic purpose?Answer: period typically occurs at the end of a declarative sentence. If period occurs in unexpected high frequency of occurrence, it often means that the text mainly functions to provide information; comma is used to mark the unit larger than a word, however, in Charles Dickens’ Dombey and Son, comma is used to indicate syllables; exclamation marks can be used to carry emotional coloring, a mark of expressing special feelings; parentheses are used for further explanation; the ellipsis of punctuation marks produces an illogical and non-sequential image. Chapter71 explain the following terms1)Guide: guide is the further explanation of the headline, it consists of six elements; location, character, event, mode, time, and cause.2)Nominalization: refers to a grammatical phenomenon in which the meaning which is normally expressed by a clause is here expressed by a phrase, so clause nominalization is normal. It is contracted.3)The highlighting method: from the productive point of view, the columnist can publish the whole story, or he can cut off some parts from the end. He can even cut off the main body.4)Meaning contraction: using the smallest form to get the most meaning.5)Journalese words: as new report requires the speaker to use the least form to get the most meaning, and it has to be fresh and attractive, so the words in news report is short and new.2 questions for discussion1) What are semantic features of news report?Answer:1 In terms of ideational meaning, apart from the semantic field of news report, it covers virtually all areas of meaning systems ;2 in terms of interpersonal meaning, it stresses objectivity;3 in terms of textual meaning, it has the feature of meaning contraction.3) Most of the headlines are elliptical sentences. Tell in what way ellipsis is best achieve in news report.Answer: most of the headlines are elliptical sentences. What is omitted is: (a) subject-predicate (b) predicate (c) link verb or auxiliary verb4) How is meaning contraction of news report embodied in grammar?Answer: one feature of news report is meaning contraction, that is using the smallest form to get the most meaning .its grammatical feature are as follows:(1) the nominalization of the processes (2)big noun phrases and complex modifications (3)as some of the pre-modifiers come from a separate clause, it is highly contracted .5)The concreteness contraction of news report is in contradiction to meaning contraction. Tell how this contradiction is revolved in news report.Answer: besides its authenticity and objectivity, news report should also emphasize concreteness and detailedness. Therefore, the writer often gives background information and details by using parenthesis. By doing so, the writer can provide concrete and detailed information and save space as well.6)What graphological means are used in news report? Analyze what effects are achieved by graphological means.Answer: grphological means are made in the typesetting, for example, headlines can be arranged in such ways: 1 flush-left(it is made into a square) 2dropped-line(the length of the line is the same, but dropped in a bit each time) 3 short line followed by a long tome 4 along line followed by a short line 5 concave form 6 convex form . They can increase esthetic value and become more attractive.7)What are lexical features of news report? Why are many nonce words used in news report? Answer: lexical feature: 1 short and new-fashioned such a “crisis” in “the UN faces crisis of credibility”. 2 short journalese phrase such as “key issue” in “jobless will be the key issue in 1993”. 3nonce words, often blends such as Euromarket=European market.8)Why is there so much use of direct speech in news report?Answer: the use of direct speech can enhance the credibility of news report. The directly quoted speech can be regarded as basis of facts.9)What prominent devices are used in headlines in news report?Answer: alliteration allusion suspense etc.Chapter61Explain the following terms1)time non-fluency :pauses in inappropriate positions within a phrase or groups position ,the use of um or er to delay the time ,the repetition of some expressions ,such as be said be said be said.,2)Quality non-fluency: often the speaker cannot find the appropriate words to express himself, and he is striving for words, so he uses many inexact expressions and even wrong expressions or wrong pronunciations to express himself.3) Adjacency pair: most of the sentences are declarative and interrogative sentences as they are mostly made up of questions and answers.4) Slot filling words: slot filling words are used to fill in the pauses when the speaker strives for meaning as words, or when he or she strives to be politeness or lessen the degree of imprudence.2 question for discussion1)What are the characteristics of conversation from the perspective of semantics, grammar, vocabulary and phonology?Answer :semantic features:(1)the inexplicitness of meaning (2)the randomness of subject matter, and a general lack of planning (3)the lack of fluency Grammatical features :(1)sentence complexity (2)verbal phrases(3)nominal phrases(4)the types of sentences (5)quoted elements. Lexical feature:(1)most of the words are short and simple Anglo-Saxon ones, (2)the choice of words is limited in scope or range (3)slang and colloquial words, taboo words ,exclamatory words are frequently used (4)some slot filling words ,such as you know ,I mean,etc.(5)use exaggerated words and expressions. Phonological features :(1)use more contractions for the unimportant information (2)the often try to express themselves in spite of the fact that the other is speaking (3)there are many emphatic ways of speech ,such as stress .2)How do you account for the inexplicitness of language in daily conversation?Answer: the inexplicitness of meanings manifested in the following aspects: (1)lots of exophoric expression such as “this “is the tendency (2)there ar e missing links between the utterances(3) a lot of background information missing.(4)many inexact expressions using general words for particular concepts(5)many incomplete expressions.3)What are the features spontaneous commentary from the perspective of semantics, grammar, vocabulary and phonology?Answer: from the perspective of semantic features, if the listeners could also see the event while the commentary is delivered, there will be a lot of meaning implied or simply presupposed; but in a commentary without visual support on the part of the listeners, the commentator has to provide all the necessary information. In terms of syntactic structure, the sentences and the clauses are usually short as the commentator has no time to give detailed description of the event, and the sentences contain fewer words than usual. From the perspective of lexical features, the words are mostly simple in structure, they are short and simple; they are mostly composed of verbs, and proper names; there might be specialized terms depending on the subject matter of the commentary. From the perspective of phonological features, it is very fast and fluent, but he has to pronounce every word clearly and loudly.4)What are the features of text structure of public speech?Answer: It consist of the following element :(1)a short introduction to the main issue or issues concerned (2)the declaration of one’s attitude and position in the matter (3)the listin g, reasoning, and explaining (4)conclusion5)How is it that in public speech there is much use of noun phrases with post modification? Answer: there are few pre-modifiers, but more post-modifiers such as “of phrase” and “which clauses” to give detailed and accurate description.Chapter81 explain the following termsLearned words: learned words are words that borrowed from Latin, Greek and French.Clichés: are words or expressions which have lost their originality or effectiveness because they have been used too often.Semantic features: correctness and completeness; conciseness and clearness; consideration and courtesy.Grammatical features: sentences structure; uses of voices; uses of affirmative sentences; inverted sentencesLexical features: concrete and natural words; technical terms and abbreviations; brief and common word s; avoid clichés (except business contracts)3 questions for discussion1)Why should business English be correct and complete?Answer: the content of business English should be correct and completely. First, the conveyed information should be correct; sometimes a small mistake would cause a great loss in a deal and even affect business relations between two parties. Second, the conveyed information should be complete. For example, if we order some commodities, we should state names of commodities, delivery dates, consignees, methods of payment, etc.2)In business English sometimes active voice is used, and sometimes passive voice is preferred. Point out what stylistic features can be achieved through using voices.Answer: In business English, both active voice and passive voice can be used, but there is a tendency towards preference of active voice in today’s business communication. Active voice is shorter in form and economic in words compared with passive voice. Thus active voice is more effective in stylistic effect than passive voice; besides, active voice can make style more familiar and less formal. But in some cases, passive voice is necessary. When we discuss something negative, we should avoid blaming the other party directly, in addition, passive voice can make business English style more formal, and the conveyed information more objective.3)Why should business letters be written in a way of consideration and courtesy?Answer: In business communication, in order to make it more efficient, we should be considerate of others and polite to others. “You- Atti tude”is very important principle in business communication, that is, we should think ourselves back into the shoes of others so as to cooperate sincerely. 4)The use of technical terms and abbreviations is one stylistic feature of business English. State the reason of this phenomenon.Answer: using technical terms and abbreviations can avoid long and tedious explanation, which is one lexical feature of business English. Such as L/C----letter of credit5)Why should we avoid clichés in business English?Answer: clichés are words or expressions which have lost their originality or effectiveness because they have been used too often. In old-fashioned business English there are a large number of clichés, which should be avoid in present-day business communication.Chapter91, explain the following terms2) Redundancy: in order to avoid opaqueness and ambiguity, it has express clearly what everyone knows and takes for granted. This makes the legal language redundant clumsy and hard to understand.3) Common words: many of the legal words come from ordinary language with the common core features especially those high-frequency words, such as prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc.4) specialized words: specialized words are necessary for two important aspects of legal language. The first is that for the field of law itself, and the second is that for many non-legal field concerned with legal affairs. There are two sources of specialized legal words: common words endowed with legal meanings and archaic words.2, question for discussion1)Why is legal English syntactically complex?Answer: syntactic Complexity: as its main function is to ensure preciseness and accuracy and block any leakage, the draftsmen of legal documents have to be very carful and scrupulous, and the legal texts have to be able to stand the text of time .therefore legal language is rich in modifications, circumlocutions, and complex logic relations.2)Legal English is very conservative in form. Explain it from a historical perspective.Answer: conservativeness: as the legal language is produced by careful phrasing and tested over a long time, nobody dares to alter the structure of legal English, so that its structures become old-fashioned and archaic. The representative legal language in such a way is English legal language.3) What is the reason that there are many legal words of French source?Answer: because after the Norman Conquest, French because the official language used for all state affairs including law in Great Britain. That is why many French loan words were found in law afterwards.4) What are the lexical features of legal English?Answer: legal vocabulary mainly comes from French. (2) Legal words can be divided into following three types: 1, common words2, specialized words3, Multi-register words.。



• •
• Implication: (Assumptions) • A.Linguistics should be most helpful in analyzing and interpreting literary texts. • B) literature is a type of communicative discourse.
• The Purposes for study of stylistics • To appreciate the English literature works • To master some general knowledge about variations of English • To improve English level • To construct a critical view towards matter • To build a new way of thinking
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 1 Definition of Stylistics • Stylistics=style+ linguistics • STYLE: Chapter Two • Linguistics: the study of language in which theories on languages have been fully investigated • Take some language theories as example • Cooperative principles • Politeness principles • Ambiguity of languages
• Implication: stylistic features do not occur randomly in it but form patterns. And stylisticians can account for literary texts not just intrasententially but also intersententially, not only in terms of linguistic facts and theory but also in terms of sociolinguistic facts and theory.



人文英语1unit2参考答案人文英语1 Unit 2 参考答案一、词汇理解1. 根据上下文,下列单词的正确含义是:- A. 创新:在文中指的是新思想、新方法或新产品的产生。

- B. 传统:指的是长期形成并沿袭下来的思想、行为方式或风俗习惯。

- C. 融合:在文中描述的是不同文化或元素的结合。

- D. 影响:指的是某人或某事对另一人或事物产生的作用或改变。

2. 选择正确的单词填空:- 这个项目的成功在于它能够将传统与创新 _ 融合_。

- 他的作品受到了多种文化 _影响_。

- 她提出了一个 _创新_ 的解决方案来解决这个问题。

- 这个节日是 _传统_ 与现代的完美结合。

3. 词义辨析:- 创新与传统:创新强调新颖性,传统强调历史性和稳定性。

- 融合与混合:融合强调不同元素的和谐结合,混合可能只是简单的物理或概念上的结合。

二、阅读理解1. 文章主旨:本文探讨了在全球化背景下,不同文化之间的交流与融合,以及这种融合对个人和社会的积极影响。

2. 文章结构:文章分为三部分,第一部分讨论了全球化对文化多样性的影响;第二部分分析了文化交流的重要性;第三部分则探讨了文化融合对社会发展的积极作用。

3. 细节理解:- 文化多样性:全球化促进了不同文化之间的交流,但同时也带来了同质化的风险。

- 文化交流:通过语言学习、艺术欣赏和节日庆祝等方式,人们可以更深入地了解和体验其他文化。

- 文化融合:不同文化的融合可以促进创新,丰富社会生活,增强社会的包容性和多元性。

三、完形填空1. 根据上下文,选择正确的选项填入空白处:- 尽管全球化带来了许多挑战,但它也为我们提供了一个 _了解_ 不同文化的机会。

- 通过 _学习_ 外语,我们可以更深入地理解其他文化。

- 文化交流可以 _促进_ 相互理解和尊重。

- 融合不同文化元素的 _艺术作品_ 常常具有独特的魅力。

2. 正确选项的解释:- 了解:强调对不同文化的深入认识。

- 学习:强调通过学习语言来增进对文化的了解。



英语文体学教程课后题答案○91○92○93○94单选1 [单选题] *A、herB、his(正确答案)C、myD、your单选2 [单选题] *A、OfB、InC、OnD、At(正确答案)单选3 [单选题] *A、WhenB、WhereC、WhyD、How(正确答案)单选4 [单选题] *A、can't(正确答案)B、shouldn'tC、mustn'tD、needn't单选5 [单选题] *A、because(正确答案)B、soC、butD、or单选6 [单选题] *A、beautifulB、more beautiful(正确答案)C、most beautifulD、the most beautiful单选7 [单选题] *A、learnB、am learningC、learned(正确答案)D、will learn单选8 [单选题] *A、buys(正确答案)B、will buyC、is buyingD、has bought单选9 [单选题] *A、is teachingB、will teachC、teachesD、has taught(正确答案)单选10 [单选题] *A、sleepsB、is sleeping(正确答案)C、sleptD、has slept单选11 [单选题] *A、choosesB、choseC、is chosenD、was chosen(正确答案)单选12 [单选题] *A、where is the supermarketB、where was the supermarketC、where the supermarket is(正确答案)D、where the supermarket was完形13 [单选题] *A、suitableB、believableC、comfortableD、impossible(正确答案)完形14 [单选题] *A、 offeredB、canceled(正确答案)C、recordedD、improved完形15 [单选题] *A、argumentB、statementC、agreementD、encourage(正确答案)完形16 [单选题] *A、upsetB、curiousC、glad(正确答案)D、confused完形17 [单选题] *A、studyingB、exercising(正确答案)C、touchingD、driving完形18 [单选题] *A、closer(正确答案)B、betterC、colderD、stronger完形19 [单选题] *A、acceptB、enjoyC、stop(正确答案)D、keep完形20 [单选题] *A、chance(正确答案)B、courseC、dreamD、goalA篇21 [单选题] *A、BambooB、PaperC、ClothD、Wood(正确答案)A篇22 [单选题] *A、In 2000B、In 2001C、In 2006(正确答案)D、In 2016A篇23 [单选题] *A、To tell a storyB、To make a soundC、To watch a play and a gameD、To symbolize hope and luck(正确答案) B篇24 [单选题] *A、travel aroundB、experience lifeC、find the treasure(正确答案)D、help other peopleB篇25 [单选题] *A、excitedB、sorry(正确答案)C、satisfiedD、disappointedB篇26 [单选题] *A、live life to the fullest(正确答案)B、find many interestsC、develop skills to live in the wildD、never give up searching for treasureC篇27 [单选题] *A. It shows your good judgement.B. It harms your brain and your body.C. It helps you correct your faults and mistakes.D. It tells you that you are not excellent enough.(正确答案)C篇28 [单选题] *A. To prove that positive self-talk brings improvements.(正确答案)B. To show that negative self-talk has some bad influence.C. To stress the necessity of asking questions before exams.D. To introduce some good ways to help students and friends.C篇29 [单选题] *A. Negative Self-talk Can Hurt You(正确答案)B. Negative Self-talk Makes You FailC. Positive Self-talk Betters Your GradesD. Positive Self-talk Can Change Your GoalD篇30 [单选题] *A. helpful suggestions and ideasB. excellent products and services(正确答案)C. responsible children and parentsD. confident performances and voiceD篇31 [单选题] *A. Supportive.B. Various.C. Confusing.D. Harmful.(正确答案)D篇32 [单选题] *A. The economy can grow rapidly in competition.B. Kids should not just learn the skills of competition.(正确答案)C. UN was set up to call on people to create competition.D. Sportsmen should not be cooperative to win the game.D篇33 [单选题] *A. people should value competition more than cooperationB. people can perform better in competition than cooperationC. people can benefit more from cooperation than competition(正确答案)D. people should depend more on competition than cooperation。



English StylisticsAnswers to Questions and TasksI. Introduction1. What is stylistics? Why is it considered to be a sub-branch of linguistics?Stylistics is a science dealing with styles. It is relegated to linguistics because it studies styles using the theories and methods of modern linguistics. It is concerned with the characteristic use of language by an individual or a group.2. What is style?Style refers to the habitual use of language typical of an individual or a group, including the effectiveness of language use in a particular context.3. Can we call the compositions written by a class of middle school students different styles?Explain.It is not appropriate to call the compositions of students of a class ‘different styles’ because students are still learning the language and they have not formed a linguistic habit yet. As they progress in language learning with time, they will improve their ability of using the language. As a result, the language they produce will be different. Only when they have a relatively fixed ways of using the language can we refer to their writings different styles.4. Name a few types of language habitually used by a group.The language that a group of people habitually use is usually known as a variety—the characteristic use of language in a particular context for a specific purpose, such as news report, business letter, advertisement, poetry, play, short story and so on.5. In what way can stylistics help us in our comprehension of the text?A very important part of comprehension is to get the meaning of a text. A grammarknowledge can only help us to understand the text in terms of its surface meaning. The study of style, however, can deepen our understanding and lead us to go beyond the surface and dig out the hidden meaning or the writer’s intended meaning such as class background, social status, region, occupation, education, political attitude, etc.6. How can stylistics help us in our study of a foreign language?Language is the most important means of communication. We learn a foreign language because we need it in communication. The most difficult problem in language learning is the appropriate use. Making correct sentences does not guarantee our effective use. Without a sense of style, it is impossible to achieve effective communication. As a foreign language learner, we can not acquire this sense of style as a native speaker does. We have to learn it formally and consciously. Once we internalize this conscious knowledge, we can improve our sense of style, which in turn leads to a better use of language.7. Explain how stylistics can help improve our study of literature.Each piece of literature is a piece of art. The understanding and appreciation of a literary work should be based on the study of the work itself. Since stylistics focuses on the study of literary language and explain how language contributes to the literary achievement of the text, it is scientific and convincing. Stylistics will introduce us to the theories and techniques of such intrinsic study, and this will no doubt raise our literary awareness and develop our ability of literary study and appreciation.8. What is the coverage of this course of stylistics?In simple terms, stylistics studies the language in use. It studies both spoken and written varieties, both literary and non-literary varieties, and both long and short texts. It covers a variety of genres. Because of the restraint of the time, we shall choose a few very practical varieties and make a detailed analysis.II. Procedures of Analysis1. What is text?A text is a passage, long or short, spoken or written, which is logically arranged and naturallyconnected.2. What makes a text a text?A text should be coherent. That is the whole text should center around one main idea.Meanwhile, a text should be cohesive. That is all the language units should be naturally connected.3. Comment on the following dialogue. Can we call it a text? What is missing?A. You come back for dinner, Darling?B. It’s Monday, Mum.C. OK.On the surface, the utterances seem not to come together as a text because they are not naturally connected. What is missing is cohesive devices. But put in the context that B is on night shift every Monday, and this knowledge is shared by Mother, the text can be said to be coherent and make sense. The coherence of the text is achieved by pragmatic implications. 4. What is wrong with the following passage consisting of three sentences in terms of text? (Thethree sentences are numbered (1),(2),(3)for the sake of discussion.)(1) I bought a new car yesterday. (2) His father got hurt in a car accident the daybefore. (3) Accidents are frequent nowadays.Although the three sentences are linguistically related, for example, in (1) a new car is mentioned, in (2) the same word car appears and in (3) accident used seems to refer back to car accident. But in terms of idea, the three sentences do not form a whole as a text because the three sentences are semantically unrelated.5. What is linguistic context?Linguistic context refers to the language environment in which a linguistic item is used and its meaning is defined. Such a language environment can consist of a phrase, a clause, a sentence, a paragraph, a passage, and even the whole book.6. What is non-linguistic context?Non-linguistic context refers to the physical situation, in which an utterance or a piece of discourse is produced. The meaning of the utterance or discourse is defined by the contextual factors.7. What are the components of the context of situation?The context of situation is non-linguistic context. It is composed of such factors relating to the user as: age, sex, family background, ethnic group, social status, education, economic status, etc. and factors relating to the use such as: setting, role-relationship, medium, etc.8. Comment on the following linguistic choices and classify them according to contextualfactors.1) What’s the time now?2) How is the enemy?3) Excuse me, but could you tell me the time me?4) Time?5) Would you mind telling me the time?6) My watch has stopped.7)Who’s got time?9. Find an example from any source to illustrate the mutual influence of linguistic choices andcontext.Professor: Good morning, good morning…You are…er…I suppose you really are … the new pupil?Pupil: Yes, Sir. Good morning, sir. You see I came at the right time. I didn’t want to be late.Professor: Good. Yes, that’s very good. Thank you. But you shouldn’t have hurried too much, you know. I don’t know quite how to apologise to you for having kept youwaiting…I was just finishing…you understand, I was just…er…I do beg your pardon…I hope you will forgiveme…Pupil: Oh, but you mustn’t, Sir. It’s perfectly all right, Sir.Professor: My apologies(Eugene Lonesco, The Lesson, pp.183-4)The role-relationship between the professor and the pupil requires more polite language on the part of the pupil. But through the conversation we can see the professor is polite and nervous and too polite for his status. It indicates the unusualness of the pupil. Although the language used by the pupil is polite, it implies dignity and sort of superiority of the pupil.10. In what way do we usually describe a text?A text can be described by its phonological level and graphological level. A text has itsphonological features such pronunciation, intonation, stress, rhethm and so on. The intonation and stress can often change the meaning of the utterance. Graphological forms of the utterance consist in spelling, capitalization, punctuation and so on. The former is to be heard and the latter is to be read. In terms of lexis and grammar, an utterance is the result of connecting a number of words by grammatical rules to convey meaning. The re-arrangement of words may lead to the change of meaning.11. What is the use of frequency in stylistic analysis?The style of a text is usually related to the high frequency of certain features. When the writer or speaker makes linguistic choices, s/he normally has the meaning in mind. The high frequency indicates their preference or intention. For example, if the writer wants to be friendly and intimate, s/he frequently uses informal features. If s/he wants to be cold and distant, s/he makes frequent choices of formal features.12. What is the effective way of making out the sense of a text?The effective way of making the sense of a text is to place the text in a context. Only when the contextual factors are determined, can we interpret the text validly.13. What is norm? How is norm formulated?Norm is the normal practice in speech or writing. That is language use according to conventional rules. These rules are usually based on the language practice by comparison. If in the same context, most people use language in a certain way, that usage can be said to be the norm. Unusual or peculiar ways of using the language is considered abnormal—against the norm. This norm results from comparison of large quantities of linguistic data.14. Look at the following passage. In what way is the high frequency of passive voice related tothe style of the text and its effect?We are now looking at another process. The heated plastics material is extrudedthrough a die in the form of threads. The threads are now drawn through a bath, tocool them. Then they are chopped into granules.This is a piece of scientific and technological English. Of the four sentences, three are in the passive voice. The high frequency of passive voice makes the writing impersonal, objective and formal. The one sentence in the active is concerned with people. In all the rest, focus is put on the material.15. Put the following text in three different contexts and give an interpretation for each.It will be raining tomorrow.In general cases, this is a statement, informing people there will be rain tomorrow. Suppose a class of students have planned to have a picnic in the open-air, this means “We must change our plan and postpone or cancel it.” If one is going to travel, i t asks the traveler to take an umbrella or rain coat along. If a place suffers from draught, this statement may mean get ready for the crop, and so on.III. Style Markers in Phonology1. What is usually dealt with in phonology?In phonology, we usually discuss speech sounds, stress, pitch, tempo, loudness, intonation patterns and so on.2. Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1) Words and phrasesshilly-shally super-duper high and mightyfair and square k ith and kin toil and moilpart and parcel b y hook or by crookshilly-shally = pararhymesuper-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonancefair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhymetoil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhymeby hook or by crook = rhyme2) Titles and headlinesPride and PrejudiceThe Love’s labour LostOf Mice and ManBill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon ManFather in a FixWitch WatchThe Wonder of WaterfallPride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliterationOf Mice and Man = alliterationBill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliterationWitch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3) Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day--Extra Pintas Warma Winta--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Ex-periment, but still economise.Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank.--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order)alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration3. The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples is (are) understood as patterned insound on a word (or words) not present in the sentence. Can you explain the function of the implicit sound patterning?1) A chimp (chimpanzee) is named as Nim Chimpsky.2) A man called his tommy cat Romeow.3)Moby Disc—A Whale of a Record shop. (Advert)1) Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a languagelearning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language howeverbadly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such adevice. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal)can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciationwith the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it remindsone of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.4. Point out phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges and a booming thud at the back of the church indicates the arrival of alatecomer. As the priest turns back to the altar to read the offertory prayer, and the rest flutter the pages of their missals to find the English translation in its proper places, all hear the hurried tiptap of high-heeled shoes on the tiled surface of the central aisle.(David Lodge, How Far Can You Go)In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.IV. Style Markers in Graphology1. What is graphology concerned with?Graphology deals with types of letters, spelling, capitalization, italicization, punctuation, hyphenation, paragraphing and all other forms.2. Explain the functions of punctuation.The written language is considered to be the graphological form of the spoken language.Punctuations take the place of pause, intonation, stress, tempo, loudness and so on in spoken form. A good writer can always manipulate punctuations to express different kinds of mood, tone, emotions such as anger, happiness, excitement, urgency, warning, surprise and so on. 3. How would you account for the role of paragraphing?As we know, each genre such as poem, pose, letter, and advertisement has its conventional graphological forms and requires different ways of paragraphing. The proper way of arranging paragraphs can contribute to the meaning of the text as well as attract attention and arouse the reader’s interest. For example, journalists favour short paragraphs, re gulations and rules are usually arranged in blocks numbered, business letter and a letter to a friend certainly require different paragraphing, and so on. In a novel, the conversations between characters and the language of the narrator are clear because of the paragraphing. Often just by paragraphing, reader can understand the intention of the writer.4. Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer and comment on thegraphological forms.“TOM!”No answer.“Tom!”No answer.“What’s gone with that boy, I wonder? You, TOM!”No answer.The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked overthem about the room, then she put them up and looked out under them. She seldom or never looked through them for so small a thing as a boy; they were her state pair, the pride of her heart, and were built for “style”, not service—she could have seen through a pair of stove lids just as well. She looked perplexed for a moment, and then said, not fiercely, but still loud enough for the furniture to hear:“Well, I lay if I get hold of you I’ll—”She did not finish, for by this time she was bending downand punching under the ed with the broom, and so she needed breath to punctuate the punches with. She resurrected nothing but the cat.“I never did see the beat of that boy!”She went to the open door and stood in it and looked outamong the tomato vines and “jimpson” weeds that constituted the garden. No Tom. So she lifted up her voice at an angle calculated for distance, and shouted:“Y-o-u-u, Tom!”There was a slight noise behind her and she turned just intime to seize a small boy by the slack of his roundabout and arrest his flight.“There! I might ‘a’ thought of that closet. What you beendoing in there?”“Nothing.”“Nothing! Look at your hands. And look at your mouth.What is that truck?”“I don’t know, aunt.”--Mark TwainThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.V. Style Markers in Syntax1. What are the major elements of basic clause structure?The major elements of basic clause structure is SV(O)(C)(A).S stands for subject which can be a noun phrase, a pronoun and a noun clause. V is the short form for verb, which can be a single verb or a verb phrase. (O) (C) (A) mean the elements are optional; (O) stand s for ‘object’, (C) for ‘complement’ and (A) for ‘adverbial’. For example,SentenceS V O C AJohn found his dog dead in the yard.2. What are the criteria for clause classification?There are usually three ways of classifying clauses, i.e. classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.3. Differentiate a finite clause from a non-finite clause.A finite clause is one in which the verb is affected by the subject in number or person and bythe context in terms of time. For example,The earth moves around the sun.Zhang set out for the train station at 8:00 in the morning.A non-finite clause, however, is one in which the verb does not change. Such a cause can bean infinitive clause, participial clause or gerundial clause. For example,I heard Mary singing in the next room half an hour ago.He suggested going to the lecture.To be honest, I don’t like the movie.4. Explain the difference between an independent clause and a dependent clause.An independent clause is one which can stand alone such as:The Great Wall is really a wonder!She bought a notebook computer yesterday.Whereas a dependent clause can not stand alone but is always a subordinate element in a sentence. For example,I know that she bought a notebook computer yesterday.That the Great Wall is one of the seven wonders is known to many people across the world. *5. What is situation type?Clauses can be viewed as means of representing patterns of one’s objective and subjective experience in the world. Each of these clauses is called a situation type. All the clauses can be categorized into a number of situation types*6. How do we distinguish situation types?Situation types can be distinguished according to verb meaning, i.e. whether the meaning is dynamic or stative. Dynamic meaning refers to a happening or occurrence, which has a beginning and an end. It may be momentary or durative, e.g.He left for Beijing two hours ago.The students have been play basket ball for more than an hour.Stative meaning refers to a situation thought of as existing, continuous and unchanging, e.g.Who owns the house?I understand what you mean.*7. Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).*8. What are the participant roles in stative types?Stative types involve such participant roles as (1) relational: identifier and the identified, and carrier and the attribute, e.g.a. Cathy is diligent.b. Tom is our class president.In a Cathy is the carrier and diligent the attribute, and in b Tom is the identified and our class president is the identifier.(2) mental: sensor and the phenomenon, e.g.The dog smelled the handbag and started barking.In this example, the dog is the sensor and the handbag is the phenomenon.*9. Why do we need to analyse situation types of clauses in a text?In language agency, animacy, dynamic action, mental states and so on seem to be the basic categories to show how hunman beings present the world and their experiences through language. Consistent choice and avoidance of certain types suggests the mind-style of a writer or speaker. For instance, the emphasis of objective or instrumental role manifests the writer’s intention to disclaim the agent’s responsibility as in “Penalty is enforced when books are taken out of the library” rather than “We shall penalize those who take books out of the library.”10. What is sentence?A sentence is the largest language unit, which expresses a complete thought and is able tostand alone; it begins with a capital letter and ends with full stop, question mark or exclamation mark when it is written on paper. But it ends with a long pause or in rising tone or falling tone.11. What is a simple sentence?A simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).12. What is a multiple sentence?A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either a compound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence. A compound sentence contains two or morecoordinating clauses. A Complex sentence is composed two or more clauses, among which one must be the main clause and the rest is or are subordinate clauses. A mixed clause comprises both compound and complex sentence, and sometimes called compound-complex sentence.13. What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please.(2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture?(4) Why are you late?Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.14. Analyse the text below, considering such aspects as:(Day Survey written by Phyllis Walden, a housewife, married to a farm labourer.)9 o/c I get up, wash, make tea, cook breakfast and feed everyday. He says he’ll help withthe housework, as Jay has contracted a skin complaint and I have to dress her badplaces’. This takes half an hour. Clear away wash up. We both tidy dining room. Hehelps me upstairs too. Then at 10:30 I start to prepare dinner. This consists of roastbeef, potatoes, beans and marrow all from own garden. Apple pie and custard tofollow.2:15 Dinner on the table at last. I am surprised I’ve not had a ‘wigging’ from himself at it being so long after one o/c our usual time. But I just couldn’t hurry today. We allenjoy meal.3:30 Clear away we wash up together. Children out in garden. I make scones for tea.4:45 Sit down. Look at the wireless programme—Decide to tune in at 5 o/c.6 o/c Rouse to the tune of crockery being put on the table. Himself getting tea ready.Good gracious! I’ve been asleep an hour. Rush to wash and change.Looks verydull going to rain I think.7:30 Put children to bed. Himself sits nursing cat. I curl up in a low armchair. Listening to wireless. Going to get dark early tonight. Raining. We sit in the twilight….1) the average length of the sentences;The passage has 230 words and 32 sentences. The average sentence length is 7.2 words.This shows the style is colloquial, casual.2) the ratio of simple to multiple sentences;The ratio of simple to multiple sentences is 32: 4.3) the ratio of minor to major sentences.The ratio of minor to major sentences is 59(19 minor S):41(13 major S).15. What is noun phrase?A noun phrase is a phrase with a noun as the key word and functions as a noun in a sentence16. What are the major components of a noun phrase?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head andpost-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.17. What is the use of pre-modification?Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s interest as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out.Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style.18. What is the function of post-modification?Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in moreformal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.19. The following is a text from From Russia with Love written by Ian Fleming, follwed by a listof noun phrases. Please mark the constituents in number (1, 2, 3, 4).Breakfast was bond’s favourite meal of the day. When he was stationed in London it was always the same. It consisted of very strong coffee, from De Dry in New Oxford Street, brewed in an American Chemex, of which he drank two large cups, black and without sugar. The single egg, in the dark blue egg cup with a gold ring round the top, was boiled for three and a third minutes.It was a very fresh, speckled brown egg from French Marans hens owned by somefriend of May in the country. (Bond disliked white eggs and, faddish as he was inmany small things, it amused him to maintain that there was such a thing as theperfect boiled egg.) Then there were two thick slices of whole wheat toast, a large patof deep yellow Jersey butter and three squat glass jars containing Tiptree ‘LittleScarlet’ strawberry jam; Cooper’s Vintage Oxford marmalade and Norwegian HeatherHoney from Fortnum’s. The coffee pot and the silver on the tray were Queen Anne,and the china was Minton, of the same dark blue and gold and white as the egg cup.very strong coffee from De Bry…sugaran American Chemextwo large cups, black and without sugardark blue egg cup with a gold ring round the topa very fresh speckled brown egg from French…countryFrench Marcans hens owned by …countrytwo thick slices of wholewheat toastwholewheat toasta large pat of deep yellow jersey butlerdeep yellow jersey butlerthree squat glass jars containing…Fortnum’stiptree ‘Little Scarlet’ strawberry jamcooper’s Vintage Oxford marmaladeNorwegian Heather Honey from Fortnum’sVery (1) strong (2) coffee (3) from De Bry…sugar (4)An (1) American (2) Chemex (3)Two (1) large (2) cups (3), black and without sugar (4)dark blue egg (2) cup (3) with a gold ring round the top (4)a (1) very fresh speckled brown (2) egg (3) from French…country (4)Fre nch Marcans (2) hens (3) owned by …country (4)two (1) thick slices of wholewheat (2) toast (3)wholewheat (2) toast (3)a (1) large pat of deep yellow jersey (2) butler (3)deep yellow jersey (2) butler (3)。



《人文英语1》所有试题(答案)《人文英语1》国开参考资料1一、选择填空—Albert, this is Jim.—______________ Jim?选择一项:How do you do,—Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you!—Hi, Liu Hui, _____________________选择一项:nice to meet you too.People can't live without____________ sun.选择一项:theI enjoy__________ books in the library.选择一项:readingSocial workers should learn how to _________ people.选择一项:look after— Hi! How are you doing?— ________________选择一项:I'm doing well.They work in the same company and they are __________ with each other.选择一项:familiarShe is ____________ General Manager of___________ big company.选择一项:the, a—What is your major?—_______________选择一项:Education.I _____________ an Open University student.选择一项:amThey _____________ some social work at the weekends.选择一项:doI would _________ any weakness and any fear.选择一项:overcome—How about going to the class together?—_______________选择一项:That sounds great.Bai Mei don't know Liu Hui, so Zhuang Hua _________ her to Liu Hui.选择一项:introduce二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10分)Social WorkersSocial workers help people overcome problems and make their lives better. If people are homeless, sick, or having family problems, social workers will work with them. If students have trouble in school, social workers help them too.Social workers help these people in different ways. One way is to find resources for people. They find out what kinds of help people need. Then, they set up programs to meet the needs of the individual12. They may focus on child abuse, poverty, violence, and other problems. For someone with family difficulties, social workers may find a parenting class or a support group. For a homeless person, they may find a place for them to live and a career training program. For a student, they may find a mentor or a learning disability expert. Many social workers give counseling. They talk to people about their lives and help them understand and solve their problems and to make plans.Most social workers spend the day in an office. Some travel to the people they help. Sometimes, they meet with people in the evening or on weekends. Social workers can be very busy when they are helping many people at once.操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。



人文英语1试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is set in the state of _______.A. GeorgiaB. AlabamaC. MississippiD. Louisiana2. The term "Renaissance" is most closely associated with the period of _______.A. The Middle AgesB. The EnlightenmentC. The Industrial RevolutionD. The Modern Era3. Which of the following is NOT one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?A. The Great Pyramid of GizaB. The Hanging Gardens of BabylonC. The Eiffel TowerD. The Colossus of Rhodes4. The famous painting "The Starry Night" was created by_______.A. Vincent van GoghB. Claude MonetC. Pablo PicassoD. Rembrandt van Rijn5. The concept of "survival of the fittest" is most commonly associated with which thinker?A. Charles DarwinB. Thomas HobbesC. Friedrich NietzscheD. John Locke6. In literature, the term "epic" refers to a type of _______.A. DramaB. NovelC. PoemD. Short story7. The opera "The Magic Flute" is the work of which composer?A. Wolfgang Amadeus MozartB. Ludwig van BeethovenC. Johann Sebastian BachD. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky8. The philosophical movement known as "Existentialism" emerged mainly in the _______ century.A. 16thB. 17thC. 18thD. 19th9. The Great Wall of China was originally built to protect against invasions by which ancient group of people?A. The MongolsB. The HunsC. The XiongnuD. The Turks10. The term "Impressionism" in art history is most closely associated with which group of artists?A. The Pre-RaphaelitesB. The Abstract ExpressionistsC. The ImpressionistsD. The Surrealists二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The author of "1984" and "Animal Farm" is George _______.2. The Renaissance began in _______ and later spread to other parts of Europe.3. The ancient Greek philosopher who proposed the concept of "Platonic love" is named _______.4. The art movement that followed Impressionism is known as_______.5. The famous Chinese philosopher Confucius lived during the_______ dynasty.6. The opera "Carmen" is set to music by the French composer Georges _______.7. The novel "Moby-Dick" is about the pursuit of a giant_______.8. The British playwright who wrote "Romeo and Juliet" is_______.9. The term "Beat Generation" is often used to describe a group of American writers who became prominent in the _______.10. The ancient Egyptian queen known for her beauty and political power is called _______.三、阅读理解(每题4分,共40分)阅读以下短文,然后回答问题。



文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard fa r away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification?classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the sense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s intere st as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style. Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects offronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or more neighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast or antithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. And sand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand namePower.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate andthat of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in most cases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word?Is it true that use of specific words should always berecommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class ofobjects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that groupor class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often toovague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there isno need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vaguefor some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employrepetition and reiteration in speech or writing?When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 andafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. Forexample,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetitionof an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocationof an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similarconceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings.1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four ofwhich are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are fromLatin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories) To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has little time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Role relationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of variousattitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness?Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between theaddress and addressee; the degree of social distance separating theaddresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms?The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), Firstname + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith,Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) andTerms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to theaddresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personalpronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the followingformula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in thepassageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.AThere was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving around very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accid ent. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before.I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a littlenewspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having beenterminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerationalverification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS,both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aimwould be the immediate terminalisation of readershipfallout by content amendment through extremeconservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. Thesentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, whichindicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in t he Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/herremember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components: HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。



样题一一、选择填空题目1—Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you!—Hi, Liu Hui, _____________________选择一项:A. nice to meet you too.B. how do you do?C. I'm fine, thank you.反馈解析:本题考核“互相问候”情境下的交际用语。

第一说话人以nice to meet you(见到你很高兴)问候对方时,应用nice to meet you too来回应,所以选A。

正确答案是:nice to meet you too.题目2— Hi! How are you doing?— ________________选择一项:A. That's all rightB. How are you doing?C. I'm doing well.反馈解析:本题考核“相互问候”情境下的礼貌用语。

第一说话人用How are you doing询问对方怎么样,答语应该“还不错”而非其他,所以答案是C。

正确答案是:I'm doing well.题目3They work in the same company and they are __________ with each other.选择一项:A. goodB. familiarC. interested反馈译文:他们在同一家公司工作,彼此熟悉。

解析:be familiar with意为“对…熟悉”,符合题意;good意为“好”,interested意为“感兴趣的”,两个词均不与介词with搭配。

正确答案是:familiar题目4选择一项:A. aB. anC. the反馈译文:人们离开太阳无法生存。


太阳是独一无二的事物,因此要用定冠词the, 所以选择C。

正确答案是:the题目5When you feel _________, you should go to see a doctor.选择一项:A. sickB. safeC. Sad反馈译文:当你感到不舒服时,你应该去看医生。


()1、In modern linguistic studies, the written form of languageis given more emphasis than the spoken form for a number of reasons.
()2、Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning inboth
introduces the embedded clause.
A、coordinatorB、 particle C、 prepositionD、 subordinator主从连词
5、"Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike."
A、 is synonymouswithB、 is inconsistent with C、 entailsD、 presupposes
5、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under allcircumstances are called c synonyms.
III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and give the correct version. (4%×5=20%)



牡丹江师范学院2014/2015学年第二学期《英语文体学》试卷专业:英语层次:本科年级:2011 命题教师:徐兴岭Instruction:There are two options. The students work in the previously assigned groups to write aterm paper about 800-1000 words on one of the following two topics.Topic one:To analyze some advertisements from the aspect of stylistics.Topic two:To analyze a particular text (a speech, a written text or comparison of both of them) from the aspect of stylistics.Below are some of the basic points in stylistics:1.Markers in Phonology and Graphology2.Markers in Syntax3.Lexical Choice4.Regional and Social Varieties5.Mode of Discourse6.Tenor of Discourse7.Field of DiscourseFor this assignment, your information should come from research, personal knowledge, group discussions, interviews, or direct observation. Aim for an essay from 800 to 1,000 words long--from three to four typed pages, double-spaced.Finally, make sure that your readings have named authors; in other words, avoid unsigned articles or anonymous Web sites. Grading Criteria:1.Intellectual performance of knowledge in stylistics: 30%2.Content: 30%3.Coherence: 20%4.Unity: 10%5.Grammar: 10%2014/2015学年第二学期英语专业2012年级本科《英语文体学》试卷答案第1 页共1 页。



英语文体学课后习题答案Title: English Class Homework AnswersAs students, we often find ourselves faced with a multitude of homework assignments. One of the most common types of homework is the English class homework, which usually consists of reading comprehension exercises, grammar exercises, and writing assignments. In this article, we will provide answers to some common English class homework questions.1. Reading Comprehension ExercisesQuestion: What is the main idea of the passage?Answer: The main idea of the passage is that climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action.2. Grammar ExercisesQuestion: Identify the verb tense in the following sentence: "She will be singing at the concert tomorrow."Answer: The verb tense in the sentence is future continuous tense.3. Writing AssignmentsQuestion: Write a short paragraph describing your favorite hobby.Answer: My favorite hobby is painting. I find it to be a relaxing and creative outlet. I enjoy experimenting with different colors and techniques, and I often lose track of time when I'm engrossed in a painting.In conclusion, English class homework can be challenging, but with the right approach and practice, it can be a rewarding experience. By providing answersto common homework questions, students can gain a better understanding of the material and improve their English language skills.。



英语文体学1答案英语文体学1答案一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、C 2、C 3、D 4、D 5、D二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1、knowl edge2、bilabial3、morphol ogy4、sentence5、compl ete三、判断改错题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、FActually mod ern linguistics lays more emphasis on the spoken form of language than the written form for a number of reasons.2、FVoicing distinguishes meaning in English but not in Chinese.3、FThe meaning of some compound words has nothing to d o with the sum total of the meanings of their components, such as the compound "red coat".4、FApart from S and C, they also refer to a word, or a phrase that performs a particular grammatical function.5、FDialectal synonyms can often be found not only in different regional dial ects such as British English and American English but also within the variety itself. For exampl e, within British English, "girl" is call ed "lassie" in Scottish dial ect, and "liquor" iscall ed "whishey" in Irish dial ect .四、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分)1、One of the major d efining features of human language. Human language consists of two l evels.At the l ower l evel, there are a limited number of sounds which are meaningl ess whil e at the higher l evel there are an unlimited number of combinations of these sounds. It is also known asd ouble articulation.2、Linguistics that studies language over a period of time, also known as historical linguistics,e.g.the study of the Chinese language since the end of the Qing dynasty up to the present.3、A way to transcribe speech sounds. The basic principl e is to use one l etter to indicate onesound. It is generally used in dictionaries and language teaching textbooks.4、The rul es that govern which affix can be add ed to what type of stem to form a new word,e.g.-ly can be ad d ed to a noun to form an adjective.5、a rewrite rul e that allows for the possibl e combinations of words to form phrases andsentences五、论述题(共20分)1、The inventory of sounds can change, and sound changes includ e changes in vowel sounds,sound l oss, sound ad dition, and sound movement.1) Vowel sound change: English has und ergone the systematic and regular change in the vowelsounds, known as the Great Vowel shift which occurred at the end of the Mid dl e English period and which involved seven l ong, or tense vowels. These changes l ed to one of the major discrepancies between the phonemic representations of words and morphemes, i.e. between pronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English, e.g.five→/fi:v/(Middl e Eng lish)→/faiv/(Mod ern English)2) Sound l oss: Sounds can change by the l oss of phonemes. In the history of English the velarfricative /x/ was l ost. This sound existed in Ol d English, so "night" was pronounced as /nixt/, but in Mod ern English, its pronunciation is /nait/.3) Sound addition: Sound addition includ es the gain or insertion of a sound. For exampl e, theword l eisure was borrowed from French, so the phoneme /3/ was add ed to the inventory of English sounds. A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the mid dl e of a word is known as epenthesis, e.g.spinl e--spindl e.4) Sound movement: Sound change as a result of sound movement known as metathesisinvolves a reversal in position of two adjoining sound segments. Metathesis is l ess common, but it d oes exist. In some dial ects of English, for example, the word ask is pronounced /? ks/. Also, brid d ("bird") is an Ol d English word. When metathesis occurred to this word, the movement of /r/ sound to the right of the vowel sound resulted in its Mod ern English counterpart "bird".。





第一部分:选择题(共40题,每题1分)1. What is the main theme of William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"?a) Love and friendshipb) Revenge and justicec) Power and ambitiond) Freedom and equality2. The Renaissance, a period of great cultural and intellectual change, originated in which country?a) Italyb) Francec) Englandd) Greece3. Which Greek philosopher is known for his work in logic and ethics?a) Socratesb) Platoc) Aristotled) Pythagoras4. Who wrote the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?a) Emily Brontëb) Charlotte Brontëc) Jane Austend) Virginia Woolf5. What is the main theme of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"?a) Redemption and forgivenessb) Social inequalityc) Existentialismd) Good and evil...第二部分:阅读理解(共4篇,每篇5题,每题2分)阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。



文体学课后题1、2单元1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples.1)Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme2)Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements--Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision--Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision--Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught.2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master.3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1)phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges...aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable.2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. ...--Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotio n, and the dash “—“ implies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3单元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification?classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action)and objective role (the affected or the result of the action).4What is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A).A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either acompound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function asmodified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But a minor sentence is supposed to be “complete” in the s ense that it is finished. An incomplete sentence never comes to its end because of sudden interruption or other reasons. For example,(1) Attention, please. (2) Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4) Why are you late? Because I—Of the four sentences, (1) (2) (3) are minor sentences whereas (4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phrase?What is the use of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?A complete noun phrase consists of four constituents: determiner, pre-modifier, head and post-modifier. The determiner can be an article, numerals, numeral pronouns; all the words between the determinative and the head are pre-modifier, whatever part of speech they belong to; the head can be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, a relative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines can economize space, and arouse the reader’s interest as well because pre-modification is usually short, thus cannot spell out details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks up their eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to be informal and appears in less formal style. Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Using post-modification can give enough room for details and for further information. Therefore, it is frequently used in more formal contexts, for instance, written language. Written legal English prefers post-modification in noun phrases, because the composer of a legal document must ensure that it conveys meaning exactly and explicitly, guarding against any possible misinterpretation.7 What are the three basic factors in the formation of written texts?For effective presentation of information and language processing on the part of the reader, we usually attach importance to sequence, segmentation and salience in the formation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type of branching is common in informal speech? Which typeof branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas.A writer may favor right-branching and use short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity. Left-branching, however, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally more compact andlogical, and it is usually more formal. Since subordinate ideas are presented first, postponing the main idea, readers often feel insuspense and try to read on to obtain the main idea towards theend of the sentence.9 What is the basic phrase order?What are the stylistic effects offronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause is more or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile in position. The change of the order can make a particular language unit more salient.Fronting refers the movement of a sentential element from its usual position to the front, and postponement refers the movement of a linguistic unit from its normal place towards the end of the sentence. In both cases the elements moved are highlighted. For example,(1) Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (fronting talent and capital for emphasis)(2) A car stopped and out stepped the President of the University. (Postponing President of the University again for emphasis)10 What is syntactic parallelism and its function?Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the same syntactic form (e.g. tense, aspect) and phrase/clause structure in two or moreneighboring clauses or sentences. It reinforces meaning by contrast orantithesis, or helps to build up an emotional climax. For example,See how they can saw. Power saw. And drill. Power drill. Andsand. Power sand.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will not forget the brand namePower.4单元2 What is the difference in the effect between the use of Latinate andthat of native words? Why?Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science, religion andofficial communication; and in most cases, they help to create theeffect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.Words ofAnglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people’s basicvocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in informal style.3 What is the difference between a general word and a specific word?Is it true that use of specific words should always berecommended?A word is general when it refers to a group of objects or a class ofobjects or action, and specific when it refers to a member of that groupor class. The relationship between a general (superordinate) and specific (subordinate) term is hyponymy. General terms are often toovague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader’s or hearer’s mind. However, general terms are preferred, when there isno need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vaguefor some (tactical) reason.5 What is repetition ?What is reiteration? Why should people employrepetition and reiteration in speech or writing?When a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result is repetition. For example,We begin our morning class at 8:00. Lunch begins at 11:30 andafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.When the same idea is repeated in a different form, it is reiteration. Forexample,We begin our morning classes at 8:00, and afternoon classes start at 2:00 again.In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical. The intensive repetitionof an expression can be a powerful thematic device. It helps todirect the reader’s attention to the interpretation of its significance.Whatever is repeated is emphasized. Reiteration is used to avoidthe monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.6 What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexical collocationof an item in a piece of language?Collocation refers to the concurrence of words or conventional use of certain words together in a text. In a given text, the collocates of an item constitute its lexical context which determines the meaning of the item. This device may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of collocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.7 The following are groups of specific words. Name a general wordwhose meaning is included in the meaning of the specific words.1) stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter (walk)2) drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow (pull)3) whisper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter (talk)4) bottle, vase, jug, cup, pot, barrel, bucket, box (container)5) car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicycle (vehicle)8 The words in each of the following groups have roughly a similarconceptual meaning. Discuss the difference in their associatemeanings. 9 Compare the A B extracts in terms1) the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;2) the percentage of Latinate words of three syllables and more.In A of the 48 words, only six come from other languages, four of which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 words are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since Latinate words make up a high percentage in B, it is much more difficult to understand.10 Comment on the adjective used in the following advertisement.(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories)To persuade the would-be customers to buy the product, the author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident, correct, successful, strong, savvy, fashionable, happy, robust, virile, and wise, plus famous to show what good things Manhattan Brand products would bring to the buyer. 5单元1 What is dialect?A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect). Dialects differ from one another in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.one regional dialect speaker may be able to speak more than one social dialect when needed.2 What is the difference between dialect and accent?Accent is the special phonological features shown by one who speaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can be spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. A person may shift from one dialect to another while speaking but s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example, a Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, but a person born and brought up in Manchester may speak British English with a Manchester accent.3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent with whichpeople speak Standard English?Standard English refers to the particular socially-favoured variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language. With a widely accepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarily used for public communication: used in books and newspapers, official documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taught to non-native learners of English.Yes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widely accepted such as RP (received pronunciation) in British English. Since this accent is related to BBC broadcaster, the royal family and educated speech, it is considered to be the standard accent in Britain.6单元11)What does ‘channel limitation’ mean? How does channel limitation affect language use?Channel limitation means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only—visual or auditory. Speech, in most cases, has no channel limitation. Talking face-to-face, both the speaker and hearer can see and hear each other. Apart from the language, gestures, facial expressions, shared knowledge, and situation all contribute to the communication. Therefore, the language is often inexplicit. Writing, on the other hand, has channel limitation. Then the language should be explicit. For example, The teacher standing there is her mother”, which is understandable if the two speakers are together in the same context. But in written language such should be forbidden. We should make it explicit like The teacher standing under the tree in front of the classroom building is Wang Qian’s mother.2)In what ways does spontaneously spoken language differ from prepared written form?In spontaneous speech one has litt le time for planning or revising one’s utterance. While speaking, one has to monitor what has been said and its response by the hearer, and simultaneously to plan the next utterance. If one’s planning falls behind the delivery, the speech is characteristically broken up by the following features of normal non-fluency: filled/ unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts. For example,He was - as it were - you know him do you - how shall I say er- withdrawn - er shut-in as though as though he had a kind of - mm goldfish bowl round his head - not very easy…7单元1What is role relationship? Give some examples.By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation. Rolerelationships range from temporary to permanent: casual acquaintances on a train, customer—salesman, colleagues in an office, management—employees, teacher—pupil, parent—child.2 By what scales do we classify language features typical of variousattitudes?Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility3.What factors affect the degrees of formality?The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, playground at playtime, church service, cocktail party, and so on.4 How does language vary in terms of politeness?Language varies according to the degree of intimacy between the address and addressee; the degree of social distance separating the addresser and addressee. Language becomes more and more polite when the addressee is more senior in status and les intimate in relation.5 What are the basic patterns of the use of address forms?The basic address patterns include: Title (Professor, Doctor, Reverend), Title + Last Name (Professor Zhang, Mr Smith, Miss Thatcher), First name + Last Name (Michael Hall, John Smith), Last Name (Smith, Thatcher), First Name (Michael, John), Shortened First Name (Mike=Michael, Elizabeth=Liza/Liz), Nickname (Piggy, Bully) and Terms of Endearment (Darling, Dear, Honey, Sweet).6 What is linguistic impersonality?Language becomes impersonal when it avoids direct reference to the addresser and addressee. That is the writing avoids the use of personal pronouns such as I, we, you, etc7 . How do we measure the degrees of accessibility?We can measure the degrees of accessibility by the following formula:FOG INDEX = 0.4 (L+H)L = the average sentence length in a passageH = the percentage of hard (inaccessible) words in thepassageSuppose a passage has:--a total number of words 120--the number of sentences 6--the number of “hard” words 16L: 120 ÷ 6 = 20H: (16 ÷ 120) × 100 = 13.3Fog index: 0.4 × (20 + 13.3) = 13.32Since an easily accessible text is supposed to have a fog index of about 10, the mentioned text is just a little difficult.8 Compare Extracts A and B in terms of the degree of accessibility.A There was real stress I had to face, about 1970, three years into publication of Rolling Stone (newspaper). The company was bankrupt in essence. I’d gotten top ambitious.I remember one day, just driving around and waiting for an accident to happen. It wasn’t suicide as such. It was just driving aroun d very sloppily, saying. Fuck it, maybe somebody’ll get me in an accident. I was facing failure, real failure. I’d never faced complete failure before.I was really depressed. In retrospect, to go bankrupt with a little newspaper at the age of 24 is not the most terrible thing. It was absurd. It didn’t last long. You reach a point where your confidence is really shattered. It takes other people to help build up your confidence. Come on now, face the bastards down. You start to build and put it back together.Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling StoneB(The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit myapplicationised notification for immediate considerationalverification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisationalexperience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS,both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomiclogistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aimwould be the immediate terminalisation of readershipfallout by content amendment through extremeconservation….“Weekend Competition”, New StatesmanExtract A uses short sentences and most of them are simple. The sentences are mostly in the active with a high frequency of personal pronouns. The words are common. Although the diction indicates the speaker is educated, the whole passage is highly accessible.Extract B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process, though it is personal.9 Identify the language markers in the following extract, whichindicate the degree of impersonality.The symbol * against a subscriber’s entry in the Dictionary denotes that the telephone number is withheld publication at the subscriber’s request and the Post Office is not authorized to supply it to enquirers. Then names and addresses of such subscribers are, however, shown in the Directory in cases where frequent enquires are received by the Post Office for the exchange number, with a view to saving members of the public the trouble of fruitless enquiry. London Telephone Directory10 Compare the following two passages and comment on the degree of formality.A I’m a college professor. As a communications specialist, I train students to become more sensitive and aware of interpersonal communication —symbolic behavior, use of words,as well as nonverbal behavior. I try to ignite symbols in your mind, so we can come to a point of agreement on language. Thisis an invisible industry. Since the Second World War we’ve strong teachers in this discipline.B (The passage is a parody of the speech style of an American politician, once a presidential adviser.)My on-going advisational capacity having been terminalised presidentially, I wish to submit my applicationised notification for immediate considerational verification. Qualificationally, my recent policalisational experience has suitabilized me for the Editorship of the NS, both in literary manipulativeness and socioeconomic logistics, thereby ensuring financial viability. My aim would be the immediate terminalisation of readership fallout by content amendment through extreme conservation….“Weekend Competition”, New Statesman Comparatively speaking, B is much more formal than A though both are formal in a sense. A is less formal because the speaker uses short sentences and a fair portion of common words. But there are professional jargons. It is well planned and logical. B is written in professional jargons relating to the speaker’s profession as a politician’s adviser. Most of the content words are Latinate and learned, which make the writing very formal and difficult to process.8 单元1 What functions does language serve in social activities?Language serves a number of functions in social activities. Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions. The widely accepted functions are: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic.2 What functions does a newspaper serve?A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, shape and guide public opinion.34 What are the functions of a headline/body copy in a press advertisement?The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. It has been estimated that five times as many people read theheadline. It should be so designed as to capture a prospectivebuyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/her remember the advertisement brand name.7 What are the main components of a press advertisement?A complete press advertisement consists of the following components: HeadlineIllustrationBody copySignature lineStanding detailsBut illustration is optional and signature line and standing details are sometimes missing.10 Rewrite the following headlines in ordinary English.Move to Axe Miners’ JobsWoman Pilot’s Bid for Solo Flight RecordBaby Boom Threat in BeijingCar Ads Target WomenChina Stepping up Agro-Cooperation with W. EuropeTwo Killed in Freak StormsEaster Holiday Bus Crash Trial VerdictRewritten versions (suggested):(1) A move was submitted to reduce miners’ jobs.(2) A woman pilot bid for breaking single-flight record.(3) A sharp increase in births poses a threat in Beijing.(4) Car advertisements aim at women buyers.(5) China is speeding up cooperation in agriculture with West Europe.(6) Two persons were killed in a freakish storm.(7) A verdict was reached at the trial for the bus crash for Easter Holidays.。



高一英语文学作品练习题30题答案解析版1. In "Pride and Prejudice", Elizabeth Bennet is known for her ______.A. vanityB. intelligenceC. meannessD. laziness答案:B。



2. In "Jane Eyre", what is the relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester at first?A. Husband and wifeB. Master and servantC. Brother and sisterD. Father and daughter答案:B。



3. "Pride and Prejudice" mainly reflects the theme of ______.A. love and marriageB. war and peaceC. wealth and povertyD. youth and old age答案:A。

解析: 傲慢与偏见》主要围绕着19世纪英国乡绅阶层的爱情与婚姻展开。



4. In "Jane Eyre", Jane refuses to become Mr. Rochester's mistress because of her ______.A. prideB. fearC. self - respectD. jealousy答案:C。

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一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、C 2、C 3、D 4、D 5、D
1、knowl edge
3、morphol ogy
5、compl ete
Actually mod ern linguistics lays more emphasis on the spoken form of language than the written form for a number of reasons.
Voicing distinguishes meaning in English but not in Chinese.
The meaning of some compound words has nothing to d o with the sum total of the meanings of their components, such as the compound "red coat".
Apart from S and C, they also refer to a word, or a phrase that performs a particular grammatical function.
Dialectal synonyms can often be found not only in different regional dial ects such as British English and American English but also within the variety itself. For exampl e, within British English, "girl" is call ed "lassie" in Scottish dial ect, and "liquor" is call ed "whishey" in Irish dial ect .四、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分)
1、One of the major d efining features of human language. Human language consists of two l evels.
At the l ower l evel, there are a limited number of sounds which are meaningl ess whil e at the higher l evel there are an unlimited number of combinations of these sounds. It is also known as
d oubl
e articulation.
2、Linguistics that studies language over a period of time, also known as historical linguistics,
e.g.the study of the Chinese language since the end of the Qing dynasty up to the present.
3、A way to transcribe speech sounds. The basic principl e is to use one l etter to indicate one
sound. It is generally used in dictionaries and language teaching textbooks.
4、The rul es that govern which affix can be add ed to what type of stem to form a new word,
e.g.-ly can be ad d ed to a noun to form an adjective.
5、a rewrite rul e that allows for the possibl e combinations of words to form phrases and
1、The inventory of sounds can change, and sound changes includ e changes in vowel sounds,
sound l oss, sound ad dition, and sound movement.
1) Vowel sound change: English has und ergone the systematic and regular change in the vowel
sounds, known as the Great Vowel shift which occurred at the end of the Mid dl e English period and which involved seven l ong, or tense vowels. These changes l ed to one of the major discrepancies between the phonemic representations of words and morphemes, i.e. between pronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English, e.g.five→/fi:v/(Middl e English)→/faiv/(Mod ern English)
2) Sound l oss: Sounds can change by the l oss of phonemes. In the history of English the velar
fricative /x/ was l ost. This sound existed in Ol d English, so "night" was pronounced as /nixt/, but in Mod ern English, its pronunciation is /nait/.
3) Sound addition: Sound addition includ es the gain or insertion of a sound. For exampl e, the
word l eisure was borrowed from French, so the phoneme /3/ was add ed to the inventory of English sounds. A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the mid dl e of a word is known as epenthesis, e.g.spinl e--spindl e.
4) Sound movement: Sound change as a result of sound movement known as metathesis
involves a reversal in position of two adjoining sound segments. Metathesis is l ess common, but it d oes exist. In some dial ects of English, for example, the word ask is pronounced /? ks/. Also, brid d ("bird") is an Ol d English word. When metathesis occurred to this word, the movement of /r/ sound to the right of the vowel sound resulted in its Mod ern English counterpart "bird".。
