第二章 国际结算概述

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也是按照东道国的法律注册的完全独立的金 融机构。其法律地位、经营特点与子银行 类似。其区别在于母银行所占股权在50%以 下。其余股权为东道国所有,或由几家外 国投资者共同拥有。
6.银团银行(consortium bank)
是指由两个以上跨国银行共同投资注册建立 的具有公司性质的合营银行。任何投资者 所持股权不超过50%。投资银团银行的母银 行通常是信用卓著的跨国大银行,其注册 地点多为离岸金融中心,所经营的业务往 往涉及巨额资金的交易,超过单个银行交 易能力,而且成本高,风险和难度大。
2.2.2 from direct payment made between international traders to payment effected through a financial intermediary Initially international trade payment were made by the buyers directly to the sellers by means of precious metal shipment. With the development of new means of payment( bill of exchange), the bank acted as intermediaries effecting international payments.
2.3 characteristics of modern international payment
1. Transfer of foreign exchange funds and convey of messages are much facilitated. This is due to the formation of an international banking network in the world connected with electronic telecommunications. 2. Vehicle currencies (交易货币) are more diversified than before. 3. Great importance is attached to high efficiency on the part of foreign exchange banks. It is
2.2.3 From payments under simple price terms to payments under more complex price terms Simple price terms: cash on delivery, cash on shipment, cash with order, cash before shipment.
At the beginning of the fifth century B.C., the medium of exchange was created in the form of coins ,ending the barter transaction. These coins were measured and exchanged by weight and fineness among trading countries for settling international payment. This direct transfer of precious metals is called a cash settlement.
From the 13 century A.D., bill of exchange were created ,gradually taking the place of coins in international payments and the bill of exchange market began to develop. With the establishment of foreign exchange banks at the end of the 18century, international payments could be settled by way of transferring funds through the accounts opened in these banks. From then on, the non-cash settlement era began.
2.4 major points concerning internationalwk.baidu.compayment
1.International payment and settlement method. 2.The financial instruments that facilitate international payment and settlement. 3.Documents used in international payments and settlements. 4.Rules and regulations on international payment and settlement.
所在国金融法律、法规的约束,还受东道国 关于外资银行的法律、法规的限制。 支行是分行设立的营业机构,受分行管辖, 规模比较小。总行与分、支行之间,分行 与支行之间以及其相互之间均称联行 (Sister bank) 2、代表处(Representative office) 代表处是商业银行在海外设立的非营业性机 构。它不具体经营业务,仅为总行
2.2 evolution of international settlement
2.2.1 From cash settlement to non-cash settlement 1.Cash settlement Before the sixth century B.C., goods were exchanged between traders in different countries on a barter basis. It is very inconvenient.
An urgent need for the bank to do best any international banking business on behalf of its client. 4.International lending is often combined with international payment. In so doing ,large transactions ,such as the export business of capital goods and engineering projects can be promoted.
(一)商业银行分支机构 可以有以下几种形式: 1、分行(Branch)与支行(sub-branch) 分行是总行在海外设立的营业性机构,是总 行的有机组成部分。分行不是独立的法律 实体,其所有的资产负债、收益、费用以 及利润等都纳入总行的财务报表中。总行 对其业务活动负完全责任。分行的业务范 围以及经营活动不仅受总行
Chapter 2 introduction to International settlement
Out line .the concept and evolution of international settlement. . Correspondent banking relationship . Inter-bank accounts
或其国内分行提供提供当地的信息,为在当 地设立分行建立基础。代表处经过一段时 间运营后上升为分行。 3、经理处(agency) 是商业银行在海外设立的能办理汇款以及贷 款业务的机构,但是限制经营当地存款业 务。经理处是总行的一个组成部分,不具 有法人资格,是介于代表处和分行之间的 机构,具体经营工商贷款、贸易融资、
2.1 definition of International settlement International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts ,debts, claims, etc, emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contracts among them.
2.non-cash settlement the shipment of gold or silver across national boundaries was both expensive and risky. Freight costs were high, the risk of being lost, stolen or robbed was omnipresent(无所不在的) and the speed of transferring funds depended on the speed of transportation facilities, which often slowed the turnover of funds.
2.5 correspondent banking relationship
2.5.1 definition: Correspondent bank(代理行) is “a bank having direct connection or friendly service relations with another bank”. 2.5.2 background knowledge
With the worldwide banking network and modern banking technicality(技术),banks can not only provide easy and quick transfer of funds needed for conducting international trade but also furnish their customers with valuable economic and credit information. Bank become the centre of modern international settlement.
信用证开证、承兑、票据贴现等业务。其资金来源 于总行或者从东道国银行同业市场拆入。 4、子银行(subsidiary) 子银行是在东道国注册的独立的金融机构.是完全独 立的经营实体,其负债仅以注册资本为限负有限责 任.子银行股权的全部或者大部分属于海外银行,其 余资本属于当地或者其他外国银行,母银行对其经 营有控制权.子银行属于当地注册的法人,因此其经 营范围不受限制,可以从事东道国国内银行所能经 营的全部银行业务.
全球已经形成以银行为中介的国际结算体系, 银行作为重要的金融中介服务机构,在国 际结算中发挥着日益关键的作用。为了提 供优质的金融服务,支持全球结算业务的 发展,银行必须在海外开拓分支机构,并 与国外银行建立代理行关系,实现全球性 银行网络的构架,以适应国际结算业务的 发展。