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一、法规、文件引用(1) 实施指南《无菌药品》分册14.3.1 a) 限度确立方法:

i. 可以根据历史数据,结合不同洁净区域的标准制订。如采用数理统计(正

态分布法)的方法,一般可以将平均值加上 2 倍的标准差作为警戒限度,加上 3 倍的标





测,根据监测数据来评价事先确立的警戒限度是否合适,并做出相应调整。ii. 纠偏限度不得高于相应洁净级别下的参照性限度标准(GMP、国标等规定的环境控制标

准)。b) 限度设定后,应定期回顾评价,如每个季度或年度。如果历史性数据表

明环境有所改善,则限度也应作出相应调整以反映出实际的环境状况。(2) 实施指南

《质量控制实验室与物料管理》分册18.7 a) 在环境监测的计划中应明确规定行动

值和警告值b) 行动值的规定应符合本国GMP 的规定。各企业也可根据自身供应

市场所在地相关GMP 的要求,制定更为严格的规定。关于警告值的选择没有固定的做法,



100cfu/ml,对于新系统警告值应为:50cfu/ml c) 当根据历史数据(至少一年的数

据)设定警告值时,这里推荐一个已经被成功应用于制药企业的常用的方法:阀值法。d) 警告值应按以下的定义计算:i. 所有历史数据的95%位于警告值以下,而

5%大于或等于警告值;ii. 计算的结果如果不是整数,取整至下一个整数;

iii. 所有数据应按照数值从小到大排序;iv. 警告值必须最低




险,需要进行调查纠正。)(3) PDA TR13 《Fundamentals of an Environment Monitoring program》page 8~9 a) Cut-off Value Approach i. All the test data for a particular site arearranged in a histogram and the alert and action levels are set al values whosemonitoring results are respectively 1% and 5% higher than the level selected. Other percentilesmay be used in establishing levels.A variation is to take the last 100monitoring results

and use the 95th and 9th percentile values asthe alert and action levels.b) Normal Distribution Approach i. This approach is best used for high counts only(aPoisson distribution is used for low counts).The mean and standard deviation ofthe data are calculated and

the alert and action levels are set at the meanplus two and three times the standard deviation, respectively. c) Non-parametric Tolerance limits Approach i. In this approach , alert and action limits areset using non-parametric(distribution free)methods. This is valuable forenvironmental monitoring data that typically is not normally distributed, i. e,exhibit

high levels of skewness towards zero counts. For the alert limit, thetolerance limit was set at a

level of γ=0.95and P=0.95. The action limit resulted from a tolerance limit set at γ=0.95and

P=0.99. These limits allow us to assertwith confidence at least 95% that 100(P) or 99% of a population for therespective data. d) Other models based on negative binomial, Poisson,Weibull, or exponential distributions are possible. It may be appropriate todetermine the model that best fits the data and use that model to set thelevels. Typically, contamination in strictly controlled environments does notfall within a normal distribution. Environmental monitoring data may beevaluated to determine the suitability of the approaches to level setting. 二、
